MEDFOTJD MAIL' TRTBUXT!, 'MEDFORD, OTFf!0T. FftTDTW. XOVFrRFR fl.""1fl2S.' MEDFORD m ailtribune Wily, Sund7, Wklj ' Publish by th. HEDFUBU J-UTUiJ 00. IMT-tB N. fir 8u Pbn t BOBKRT W. Rl'HL, Editor SUM1TEH fcWITH. Uuilt Aa Independent Nevpeper Eatered u Mcond cIim mttter at Mad' told, Orefon. under Act of Hire , 17. Br Mall In Adfkiice: Daily, with bumJay, year...... Iailyt with buiiday, month... Ilty, williout Kunday, r?ar .. Daily, without HtiniUy, month Weekrr Mall Tribune, one year. finru4v an r ........... .17.60 , . .74 ,;JJ tt nrrlir. In Advanre In lledford. Aab- land, Jackaonville, Central Point, Phoenix, i.unt s:n,i tl.M .ml an Hivhwairst Pally, with SoHay, month .76 Itailv. riUvt-it Kundav. month 84 Daily, without one year... 7.00 Daily, with Hunday, one year. sr. . . w.ww i All terms, euo to advance. j MKMBER OF THK AS8OCIATK0 PHRSft ) Kcotfiins; Full Leaked Wire Service 1 Only paper in city or oouuty receiving I oewa by telegraph. i Tlit Aaaociated Press fa exclusively en-! titled to the use for publication of all ' sews dispatches credited to ft or otherwise ; credited in this ptpr, aod also to the local , news published herein. All rights for republication of special dis patches herein are also reserved. t Offlri) pip.r of the Citr of Urdford. Offlciai titr of JirkMD Comity. Hwom dail. aTraa. rirrulltlnn for alt oiium .pdin, April l. man, 4S3I. Adritiiiln, Ttrirra.ntntlr.a If. V. MOOKNSIvS H I IJMI'ANT Office, in N.w York, Cliioiiio, Uctrolt, San rrauclaco, to. An,cla, brattla. Port, land. Ye Smudge Pot B Arthur I'erry The wind and the blowing tltis mornluK. victors are I j The eheei'M you hear are for the dandr.irr In ihe ymiiK iiiuu'h hI.i : burns j The 4i had n cut kI.i.hh fb.wcr vase, but tin: engine fniii to func tion. .Mrs. Sallle Havetlienation is busy Willi the October edition of un washed dishes. It inUHt he nice to be a C'opco -fticicncy expert, nnd tak(- three hours for lunch. I tut foon just grinned, every report had n few more. i!e nevcr left the lejid, and at every report he jumped ahcarl. lie only made one mistake, he forgot to pass the riKars. -(( rants 1'ass It it 1 lot In . Mr. t'oon is apparently o fux. Kilt SALK One twin lied, isprini? and mattresH, )avls Transfer. ( Wantad This J'ttper.) Tile nlghtH are getting cooler. The only tuterest now Is In what fool move the leglslalure will make, and which one of the Ore gon seedsenders will join the pes terei'H of President Hoover. The Mayor of 1'ortland has been elected again, without klpslnij; any body. A drive has been launched for a rdogan for the IJofO football team. Ah ftoon as they find a slogan they ought to look around for a center, a brickfield, and a line. SIIKKirp HI 'STAINS KXCOITR. AOINti UKKKAT ( lldllne t'hlco. (nl., Knterprise.) H might have been a rapturous walloping. . I.O i: lltll MI'llS AMAV (.lew ell John .Miller, Hon of Andrew Miller, wiia held up near Kor inoso last Friday. The two liandits stopped him, with a gun. pulled lilm out of Hie car and took what money he had, about $r. They o!m kicked and slapped him without any eause Tliey looktMl Ids ear over and derided It was not as couil as the one they were driving. John had a very good wrist watch, 'but In cleaning up before going to nee his nirl t lint evening he had idiovcd the watch up on his arm and had forgotten to pu;di It down. The I hi eves searched his pockets for a watch and felt of his wrist, hut Ihe fact that It was on his arm fooled tin in. "He eala his breakfast In bed," sneered a barber this morning, while sitting down to rut a head of hair. Miss (lltf.o SaUui ku made In uuiry lale yesterday as to when H.mia Clauslta would get here. Vokohuma Vonrifthlto has wore nut another mop, and Is going hack to. Toklo. The seat of the trousers that were an Indictment of Republican prosperity, havo been vulcanized. srii'iiii: Thu black bliuht Htrtiek his etops, and then the halt With silver lances laid his orch ards low. Ami midnluhi lightning with our vivid blow Made a long season's foil of no avail. It wan enough tit inako his cour- . . ago full. And so, those weeks, ho brooded, treading slow DoNpulr's dark path. No friend ly word could show That luck i outrun to him who docs not quail. 80 one grim noon ho fixed n handy rope About his neck, and tossed one end around A. dusky beam up In the barn loft dim; A hordo of wasps, disturbed, swept down the slope And rhnsert him. rope n-dnnnllng to the ground, And "slung," nafd Matt, "nil hanglv' oulta" him! (New Vork World.) , NO I ITU TlKNO, Ore., Nov. R. Up) Drowning of Mr. ( nnd Mm. William Webb of 1 lose burg when their ear went off the North Item! wharf last spring has residte'it in Ming of two damage suits totalling $Ifl, 00ft, hy the estate of tho de ceased against the. city of .North JJend. POLITICS A 'WO works before the recent re'iuestetl the Hi tor of tlie mate of tlio vote for President in .Jackson County. We esliiniiled SHOO for Hoover mid .'.(Mill for Smith, nfficiiil count shows S."):iO for Hoover and ?)ti'A for Smith. estimated the 'Hoover streiifrtli l on the New York Oovernor's sujiport. -Lrter the pvj'jit'wp think j orrcr. W'o Joined on loo ninny . -As a Mutter of tact. the vote ; went to Hoover ! Willi l" Speaking- of political predictions, wo liavo bad our attention , f.J(.( to j)p f0ovillir )V (ioitrxo I'tllnaill. tllC editor of tin Salem Capital-Journal, made the day before the election: The past month i ho drift has been Htrong towards Smith. He will carry the Solid Kouth without question aixl most of the hordir HlatcH. Ho will carry Sow Yorl;, .MaKsui:hus-tts an'i OTHKR Krat. IndiiKtrial states, several of the farm belt Htates. No camJidate ever made u more iKnomlnlons campuifin than Her bert Hoover. 9 ... We fi-jii' (ieore bad fl rude fiuulf cuiiw Wedncmlnv ninriiiiH'. when the lean ; rl..etoral vote in (lie nation's llislorv The Sulem .lilnr in lhei'lrlllv "" mx-kelliook. Knb Is ! ... -ii- 1., i . " ... ,, , , I same editorial dismissed the liiteiary Incest poll as alisurd. W(, thought it was "niiicli too mueli" also !., ... (!,.., ,.t f,.( .,.ltn.l,,l..ll I IH,,I,. I i ' hi. i, i Island, the Digest hit the nail I .i i i . t. i- c .i Hie ureaKlll oi me noun ,-ouni ioieii 10 a giiiii s eyi'iasn, anil its electoral total eame nearer the actual results than anv other ...... . ' naiiou-wiiie pun in ine e'Muiiiy. III fact, the Digest has now achieved such prestige ns an election proynosl iciitor that there may lie a demand for alian. dnninj; piesiilenl inl elections entirely, and leavinr. the decision to this paper. Think of the money and energy and oratory ..ii sin ei . Probably the iiiidio liroadenslin Conipany would block Knell a move, however. They must have made riioiiuli money ; ,jM in iit itin to t-'i't, nearly inivthiiH' thev want.' And they ' would be soiuel liini; less lluin biiiniin if they didn't want louder mid longer eauipjtiiiK, inslead orary ones.. WHAT WAS , Insulin Is a kind of ferment Coi ns doctors say. a hormone) pro XI) now tllllt tlie liilelary Digest lliis been SO successful in Mured by groups of rolls ((-tilled A this political department, other and lell us just what tlie Hoover landslide means. We hear from one. direction it means thf country is over whelmingly dry (politically. AVo liear from another it means nothing of the sort, but merely the country is overwhelmingly I'ridestitnt (jiIso polilieally). Still nnotber says it means noth-J iii(f hut that the ( trv as a . I. ' people rciusea to vote tor uovernor ,-Mnim tor icar oi tiisiuroiu this beneficent epidemic of affluence. . Well, we have an idea none of them contains the whole story, but all of them a part of it. However, one important fin-tor has not been mentioned, and it limy have been the must effective of Iheni all. That is the fact that Mr. Hoover revived the recently submerged idealism of the American people. He represented what are called the "better thin-rs" in life homey things, modest, unassiiiiiiii-; U1II1KS, mini WOr.C, paiience, and menf . He also presented deeds as rather than rhetorical proficiency, ami as the people as a whole were disposed to disret.'ai'd all the eonvenl ional appeals of the old political school, a vote for Hoover rami: to be. n protest against them. However, whatever the causes, the election is over, and we can now 1:0 from, political post-mortems to constructive action coiieerninir tin problems of the immediate future. THE TRAFFIC AMONtl the latter we feel there is one local problem which is very important to the people of Mcdl'ord. That; is a belter Nvsteni of down-town automobile parkin!;. The eoncested condition (if our down-town streets seems to be iictlin-r worse rather than better. Wo believe snmethinn drastic imuit soon lie done, if serious Occidents art; to be avoided, mid our avenues of trade are ever to be opened, and .shoppiii"; is to be made somethini; less than a daiiK'crnus sport. , And yel the man who preaches lilie other people when the speed A windshield that won't sluiller is an improvement ; now uivc us telephone poles that will. The j-reatrst enemies of risrlilrnusncss always are the tdupid people whose intentions arc fjood. There's always soinethinv;. comes a nuisance; if she never Wl-Olltf With you. MUTT AND JEFF Can You Do Better Than jeFF, do vou ReAtae that A COW NORC FOOt To VAM, THAN ANV 0THt5 ANlrVNAl ? SH giugs os stgav:s a f)i Coasts; BUT MOST iMpoRTAMT . kill i A I r AND FOR I r'. S I mm viir " )'" is pi( 4-4 iW;i 1 1 . NO PROPHECY election tlx- Vnrtliiml rei;fiiiian Miiil-Triljime to make tin esti Th'j Wo fairly Vt'i r.,.. ......... wo nan o the reason for our wot Kepublicfins 'niutr to AJ. indicates more drv moerats Ie Hoover tile ". ealesl imrxilar' illld .iNTOiiii.ra iuiiiiii annul: alisolutelv on the head. It had i i ii i o' sliorter and more strictly lit THE REASON? wo wish they would an whole is prosperous, and tin i 1 i' ft- i- (met lur Oltlsiaiullllir achieve- opposed to word efficiency , PROBLEM "duty" to bis employes bowls cops (jet him. Jf your wife is jealous, she be is jealous, you wonder what'',-; ' I 0FAIJW LGATMCR SHOES - i r v ill wrmx.m y . t f . w r r . ', iw t a . v i ..i -:r..,w1 ki mizr.-, Mr-i- Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BEADY, M. D. fiifiwd letters prUtnicf to personal health and bffiene, not to Umm dfafnoata w trratinrat, will bt MirH by Dr. Brady if iunid, trlf addrrvMd nip fj tncloMd. i Letters houM b brif n4 written in ink. Owing to the Urge lumber of letters fa cetted, only s few can be answered here. No rep.y can bt made to queries not conform- 1 tna; to lbsiructioos. Address lr. William Brady, in cars of tLis oswapaper. OH, Mlt, A ganff of kids In our town made it an nnnu;il practice to po the rounds of real estate and Innur- n tit til-Oil it. .IIIOHl (f a-:itunH.. t- about thin time of year One dav they encountered in Mich an office a man who had formerly been a ' h hool principal, 1 A I r. Wiseell rec ognized one of the boyH as they were Hbou to make ttieir Ket aw .ay, and called out, "Oh. wait a . tleman r-:i( h Into hi nock,., ..,, diffei. nt now, hut was prompt to1 Hec uu duty then, -aw, .Mr. wine-: well," he hastened to avow, "t j ,; I , Koine n ttivc you any money," .Mr. i wihow-ii nNxtirer him. "I jut want ' yo" l" "lk" " liul,? n'"e i j:runnr." The giinK enjoyed the : s' "ne iid him never forgotten It. A eorri'spondent writes: What its diabetes? What does Insuiin do? What is Uright's disease? I do not want symp toms. Kor the best definition of dia betes I can give you we are in debted to Dr. Ion It. Duffle's "A Hook for I'se of Diabetiry." pub lished by K. Allien, South Laneas ter,, In this, valuable little guldei)f)ok for patient, and phys ician Dr. Duffle sayw: y "A diabetic Ms one- who starves for migar while his blood is full of it . . . It mluht be saiil that his blood sugar rides 'round ami 'round on tlie delivery wagon instead of being delivered." Insulin delivers the sugar. islands of i.angerhans) In the pan-creaJ- abdoinlal sweetbread ) nnd constantly poured Into Hie blood stream. It is Indispensable for the oxidation, combustion, utilization or metabolism of the blood sugar. When t here is some deficiency in t lin ikwI nofl, f 1. It.. .11.. I. .... ,-e.miitM. Kive r six years ago u ""'"n" ef obtalninu-' insulin from animal (.'lands wim dcvi-lnped and now it Is possible to administer j daily two or three dosoH of insulin ; hypodormIej(My. about the time for meals, so that the diabetic patient may utilize tlie sugar, get the bene fit of it, and gain in strength nnd health. Indeed. In seme cases of marked underweight without any , . . . ' ' t ' " in weight by means of this same remedy. j 1 hip hl's disease is the common I name ior any money disease, nior ; particularly for long enduring 1ih 1 ease of the kidney This has no ' particular reiaiion wirh diabetes. tor uiahcteH is not a kidney con ! dlt Ion at all. uUhouuh some per sons have both d I a b e t e s and Hright'H disease. Nephritis Is the usual medical term for I bight's disease, and It means kidney in flammation. I (owe ver. in chronic nephritis there Is no such state as the layman conceives as inflamma tion, and practically never pain or noreness, either In the back or loins or elsewhere. I mention this, not to complicate the discussion, but merely to warn the unsophis ticated layman nuain an old quack trick whereby the natural or spon taneous passing of a lameness or pain about the back Is nscibod to some worthless kidney nostrum or treatment. In view of the con fusion in tlie lay mind about these tilings It seems deplorable that the law permits exploitation of popu lar credulity by the industrious folk who make the customer be lieve that backache spells kidney trouble. ()lTsTins .i svi-;n4 Thau a t'ent u .Moveincnl. Our expression learber told us your exercises are the best she knows. Must of us wrote nnd ask ed for a copy of Ihe llrady Syni- I phony, but you said you wero "just j out" of It and asked us to write j aicain t little later. I). !- ' j Answer. The Third Ilrndy Sym j pboy is now ready. Alas, we hnvc I In cxaet la cents a copy for this j one. Thai's less than a cent a I movement. If your expression I teacher will write me about n. I'll provide her wlib n complimentary eopy for each member of the class. net In order to meet the cost of Jeff? Itai: urn 1 rr rtTi i.itrALir rr - 1 ! -ri atii -n-l r - cz i.-c fz. rr ' II - I I CAN TOU TLL rWG. FWE SURcl MmlEcA. NOVU WAM I I CG C ReAAA, I W' 1 r ' THINGS TUAT CoNTAtryBilTTCR, L,0 mors THINGS S BoTTeR, ("riXAS ' 02t i , A Uailw-v . cneese that comtaim J cHesse. lUVVOrJ VX . NUT. IM I publication, and distribution we nrp '"Pl!ed to ask reader who want this M-t of keep fit exercises to inclose with the ret u est a dime and mmihrii re i urn en- CIKJIC. Tremli Moiuli. Will you kindly mention the remerty you recommended noine time ubo for "trench mouthy K. f. A. .iiwwor. "Trench mouth" 1h : Vinc; nt H Hu'm- nce ally apply tr ujcffM and fi'ims a pump miuie i hy tuefKtenini; Hodfum pei-hornte ; """ """ ' ' "' r.-nmm live " l'jiiia, jonn r . tJUle ISO.) Srcrrtary Chase is t have bis porn-ul l on rli new $10,000 bill, an' th' newspapers ought 1' print his picture so somehuddy besides auto manufacturers kin see what he looks like. "I ought I know yea. hut I'm gitttu' so I can't re member riggers worth a rent." ."aid Tell Itinkley today when hl.s niece bounced into his office. Quill Points A campaign Isn't over until the dirt nettles. All are weak, and the man who hates hypocrite-; will tell ( Willie t look up the word himself and he'll re member it better. t Simile for today: As hard to get rid of as the last house fly. One taw for the rich, one for the noor. and two million for the rest of ns. No matter how it goes, the few who vemained loyal to the old party will have a bettor chance at the i,ost offices. (.lure: Brilliant Usl'l; also the Ii ok a woman ics you if you pull out too slowly when she toots 10 pass. . ,V formal church prayer for In dependence Day can't do any harm, but It might do more good on election day. There should be an annual prixe for tlie author who doesn't say of his world-weary heroine: "She was tired of it all." Hut why punish a drunk driver and do nothing to tlie one who drit-s the same way because he hasn't any sense? Americanism; Hiring a man be cause he can clo something you haven't brains enough to do; feel ing superior to hi 111 because you pay him for his work. When a man Is at pence with himself, he's' at peace with his find. This is especially true of Mussolini. Kvon a good party man may at : times regret that his party's lies aren't as convincing, as the other side's. Well, the campaign managers who don't Ret appointments vnn get nice jobs willing resort litera ture. A hypocrite Is n ho'el guest who uses tin lui 1 Ii towels to 1 liT his hands to fool the rhamber nmld. i ii. The only reasonable objection to ; ! 1 .-fim- ---Mfcr Rippling Rhymes (Br Wftlt Mason.) TH.WK-ivixf; roMivfi Thunksfgiving Day is roming, it shortly will be he and I am busy thumbing the records of the year, to find statist Irs fateful of blessings by the crate ful, and I am duly grateful, I smile from ear to ear. Al though the streets are crowded with autos, east and wet, 1 haven't yet been shrouded or known a crowner' quest; some how , I've . dodged ..the ..motors that ' ty many voters, that send so many bloaters to their eternal rest. 1 have an ache or ailment nt times, in neck or knee, hiit suffer no derailment of my ecstatic glee; for every pain dim.e.Hsing that keeps tho sawbones guessing, I run across a blessing that's multiplied by three. Ill fortune sometimes batters for entrance at my gate; it comes in grisly tatters and Kays its name is fate; it fintls it b;n't wanted, by it I won't be haunted, I face It all undaunted and keep my smile on straight. My friends are always near me as 1 fjo down life's hill; they comfort me and cheer me, they giv my heart a thrill: if foes are in existence they always keep their distance and they will need assistance if they would do me ill. I've saved at times a shilling, again I've saved a franc; and now such coins are filling my small tin savings hank; and now ns I sit dream ing before my kettle steaming, I do not hear tho screaming of want's wolves, lean and lank. The more 1 think and ponder on blessings which are mine, Which reach from here to yon der, which form an endless line, the more 1 think it yicious to count Ihe griefs that dish us, for life' Is most delicious and opulent and fine. our present prosperity Is its devo tion to 'tho huddle, system. Uuddtng is now the usual way of propagating fruit trees, but grafting still serves to establish family trees. The election will at least deter- ( mine whether people like their liquor served by n bartender or a I bootlegger. How Irritating to hear youth complain that tho day of oppor tunity is past, when there may he a vacancy on rhltailelphlu's police force any day. Correct this sentence: "I don't care If it is patched, mother," said the flapper; "the patch won't show." tVA NEW YORKER LARGE AT Hy G. 1). Seymour. XKW YO UK. The front steps the old brownstono houses which stretch endlessly alone, .nr. slife streets of ml.ttnvvii Vnitr Vnrb ? .,?. , .,? !;' .. " ' "1 1 !"V , .v. ...., w om., "luu.nun uiiii .K-,,iu luoaues au s oops anu j .il lou rooms anu speaaeastes, most of them kent llirtvim? bv unooiu 1 1 clienteles. entries. in the middle of slch a brown-! stone row on a street ofC Columbus Circle, a column of stairs leads to a Japanese restaurant which ls"in onymous save for the name of Us proprietor on tho light globe over Che curtained door- one of less than half a dozen such restaurants in New York. Neither this eating place nor any of its counterparts sprinkled sparsely over the city makes any gesture for the patronage of others than Jauanese unlike the Chinese reslanrahts, which are maintained principally to Brntify n KrowiiiK;to .meriean nppetitie ior enow meln.j fPy nder the Hudson river, so; nnd In which nary n Chinese islmany persons flocked to see ii to ne loumi inning. The Nipponese eating places are I for the some 2.000 Japanese who j live In the city. Visitors are wel j come enough, but they need not expect to find broiled T-bone ntea'ks Jon the menu If they do not fancy l steamed . ire with broiled eels, nor Ol.l J I OV lll'IIIIIIK) llll lUfllllll CUl- lory If they are unversed In the . . f Now Showing at Hunt's Craterian 'I.AZAR.U6, COME FOR.TH.'" Stvne friini "Kiiif; of KIiiks? manipulation of chopsticks. The flraf Zepjielifi's landini;. rtny only concessions mado to them are. around rlty halt park made mimi the siihstitiitlon of standard tables ' spendtnfi money too. They have for the low ones at which the Jap- i turned to profit the simple fur anese kneel to dine, and the serv-1 vantage places In front of Clly Inu of individual chopsticks wrap-1 Hall whenever dlstinuuished vls ped in w ax paper nnd discarded ilor are welcomed there hy the after one usinK. ; mayor, nnd hours hefore the crew of the Zeppelin was scheduled to Table Kitchenette. tdraw up ln'foi-o the portals to re- At tho Japanese dlnins- room off ieelve the city's KreetinB. boys from Columbus Circle, the interior' of 1 10 to 18 had appropriated every a once stuffed and fashionable res-1 ntljn. nt elevation whii-li afford idi'iice has been 'transformed byi"! a clear view of the proceed screens and vases and Orienlal int.'s- 'w wallpaper into a fair! authentic i The sites were disposed of latei finKment of Japan. The hp;,,i ,to adult arrivals for whatever the waiter is an Oxford man. but his address is. Kyoto and nil his crew i is Japanese. The mist popular dish, with both Japanese and American 'patrons, ,K suki-yaki. The ingredients for it nm lirnltflit t.i (Via In n I.E.. I lacquer bowl, and are prepared by the guest himself in a frying-pan,' over a gas ptate placed before him.; The principal factor in suki-yaki , is lean beef slivced thin. Into the pan with it go sliced onions and mushrooms, bamboo sprouts, a ?oy bean curd which is somewhat like cottage cheese, and a generous handful of green onion tops. The dish is seasoned with shoyu sauce t trailed the statesmen to the scene, nnd salt and sugar, and Is eaten j of the event. Following them in on rice. , he was halted at the portals, a 'he had anticipated, by a gendarme.. Silks and jFiiumcc. He took from his pocket a weli- New York's Japanese population ! punched commutation ticket o( Is not comparable with that of! the I-ong Island railroad and several Pacific coast cities, nor is thrust it gravely at the officer, it extensively represent ert iq the ; who examined it on both sides, humbler occupations, although thejthen stepped back to attention and rlty has its quota of valets and ! tot nim Pss- Once inside, he house hoys. Many Japanese here look pictures until his films were are students, and a considerable Sn0' number are engaged in shop-keep- lug. Hut the biggest contingent is in banks and financial houses which have Japanese connections, and the next largest group is in silk houses. These classes are reasonably well to do, and one of the select clubs of the city is the Nippon club, for 20 years a rendezvous for Japa nese nien of wealth and rank. NEW YORK Tho Graf Zeppe lin's arrival at Lakchurst was a boon to proprietors of New York "is-htseoln,.- buses. While dents of the dtv Wel'e SCUIllling M' war flm-ed up in Chinatown. nndl'e bw,t interests of or govern- . 'uiiiu Mm-, i n an ciiioiiriro ui ex- v, , ' J " ""; " iu me tnsLrici. Time:, most profitable 'route, quickly turn-1 m,u"'"- Ul'l " p oi ineir hawkfnir nf rnmwt trin I SfcSTui? t threS S "P IMs.rfiss continued brisk even after the Zeppelin had been placed ! in its Hangar, and at least one bus line plans to conduct trips to r.iikeburst thi-mio-imut iho onm.i mer hereufter, Zeppelin or no ! Zeppelin, because of the interest aroused In the dirigibles perma-: nently quartered at I.akehurst na val air stntitMi. Snrli urnfitnti ermine nrr. fi-P. quently iliscoyffed quite by acei- dent. Almost a year ago, 'when I J the Holland tunnel was opened j nnk xt.w- York and New Jer- that several buses neunn -tulvertf-i- ing expeditions through it for fin cents. It was thought that, the interest would wane In a few weeks, but the tunnel trip is now r. sianoaru tour, anu only tne ex-j pvtiuiiiii 111101111 1, nin;iiown oraws mora patrons. The sightseeing buses were not ' Ihe only benefieiariex from the- ;ood locations' were available for l couple of nickels, hut at four. with bamls hlorinu up lower H-oa'lway and crowds on tip-toes, the rnrbstone brokers; were hold- ling out for quarters and get- " Commuting Cameraman. a young man who commutes to work in New York from Forest Hills, Jj. 1.. is back from a sum mer vacation in Franco with some gooll snapshots of the .signing of the Kellogg anti-war treaty at Paris. On the day of the aign- ; ing he pocketed his camera and Communications Wortman Statement To the Kditor: I wish to thank the public: for their interest and support in my candidacy, my Republican -and Democratic supporters, and my col league, Jjloyd Williamson, for bis cooperation in our campaign; and i desire to extend my sincere con- P'alulat.ons to our victorious op- 1menr are lirtunotod bv our Amev - " ran two-party system. The nres- ience of onnosltion tends tn mako the frlce h?Uer feel more fully ." " ne responsibility of his position ""d public trust, and to be a belter aml more , efficient public serva!lt- 1 . . , .... ... uaiM'j o. im, ?idacy ' ?f --iyHe.U' flud W coX' league, Air. u iiuumsou. has tend- 0(1 in aI1-v Wa' t so Promote the bpst "terestB, of our state gov- L maui. FHA'NIC VOimfAX. InBtPntl of danm:-oiiB heart de(irei Bfints tQkesafe, mild a.iri iurtly vvifvidij'j NATURL'S REMtDY and get rift of t!.j bowel poiaor-3 that C3UJo tlio truijbl--. Nothing !ito i& for htlijasneys. sick tjeai nrhes un.i--oiatnAl:.,h. - Acta plc-isoat:.-. Hvvl-c cripca. Only 25c Make the test tonight Recommended and Soid hv All 1-Mclit Slcdfonl Druggists By BUD FISHER r