Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 02, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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gf , - J
What Price Judgeship?
The attempt to discredit Judge Thom
as is expensive.
Who Pays?
Jackson County Republican Central
Paid Advertisement
mini a ki a MniM Tnn tat rrnS(nTmn
muiana imuw i uu ru run
Bourbon V i c e-Presidential
Candidate Satisfied With
Speaking Tour in Indiana
Believe State In the
Doubtful Column.
Tho finiml Jury.
To Iho Kdltor:
Mr. Neff In ltln defense of our
pollllcnl Judge's failure lo answer
lhi Brand Jury's questions erron
eously stated. "It In ndmlttcd on
all sides that Judge Tluinmfl did
nut refuse to iiiihwct, but on tho
contrary told tho grand Jury Hint
If five of their number voted to
Li Inif In tho presentment he would
nnkwer their questions." .ludge
Thomus In hlii letter published
In" the Medford papers, explains
that lie refused to answer these
questions heeaUMe lo do bo would
Bhnw that he was not Impartial.
This excuse was Just piffle, Mr.
Neff purely, piffle.
.Mr. JohnBon. tho special prose
cutor, in his letter published In
tho Medford papers on the .Hut
Inst. states that It 1b the Iflw that
tho presentment Ik not to bo filed
or preHerved beyond tho slttint;
of the Rrand Jury. Judge ThomoH.
In hlB letter, Htatca that ho ex
plained lo tho Jury that if they
voted to return the preentment
ho would file it nnd it would be
come a public document. Judge
Thomna, at this time, also stated
to the Jurors that If the preBent-
nient wnH filed they would be sub
Jeet to si!s for damages. Why,
Mr. Neff, did .ludne ThomnH Bo
inls-Htato the law mid threaten the
Why did .indite Thomas tell the
Jury that in order to concur they
had to vole? Mr. Johnson slnliw
the law, which says that tho five
of the grand Jurors must concur
to bring In a prosenlindilt. When
did concur begin to mean vote?
My dictionary defines it as "to
lly Itaynuiiiil ,. llcnln
Associated Press Staff Writer
13 N liOL'TB WlTlf SKNATOll
Terhune Thinks Frauleins
Nice, But Too Big Hopes
to Leave Soon for Horn?
Plans Unsettled.
) It KIDl'.l ".' 1 1 K 1 1 A K K N, f ! crniany
Nov. l-r(V) fierman girls are a bit
too plump lo HlilL I'larenoe Ter
hune, the l!i-year old mTtcan
youlh who captured tlie fincy of
many of the fniulclns by stowing
away on the firaf Zeppelin.
"flermnn girls' are nice enough
and gouillnokliig," lie wuid, "hut
I hey are luo big for me."
Terliune Icfl loday for Stuttgart
where he hopes to obtain n tem-
he entered Ohio " " ' " "l ' " ' wn.cii
.Ima, and Dayton. I"'1 (,"ul'10 l "'"ceed to l'arls ni'ouf.iMitKni d fiitfli the bout for Amer-
2. IMJ Comiiloti'ly untitled wit I
thn i'chuUh' of n flve-npeerh tour
of Indiana, Senator Jon 'J'. Kobln
Hon today i-hcVked off tho last
mat a hut 0110 of bin to count
cftmjutiKn when
for Mioech(H In
Tho Jomoc-riitit:
nominee cloned Wk cam pa Ik n i
Indiana liiKt nlKhl in Fort Wayne.
'VJ10. hi' nut 01 Hhareil tho view
of u number of Democratic lead
Funeral Notices
tea. lie naltl bin plana in America
WIT!) HtlU UnHfttlfd. JI Kit Id he
did not know uutil u few hourn
before thi air?;lilpH departure that
era who traveled with him diuins tl ulil K 011 ll-
.ii h. t. mni jmiuuih 01 .tanners
vlltc, Va., the only woman to make
HARRIHON Kuneral Hm-vlcca
for Mrs. 1 It. IlarrUoti will be
held nt tho KplHcopal church Sat
urday, Novemher 3, 1928 at 10
o'clock u. m.t Kev. Father Hamil
ton officiating. Fnterment In the
Medford .Memorial Mausoleum.
for Quinten Anderson will he held
at the l'erl Funeral Home Novem
her tf, lUl'S ul 1:30 p. in. Jtev.
Tlelknap cfflciatlng. Interment in
the I'hoenlx cemetery.
(the Indiana tour that the mate
Khould he placed In the doubtful
colu mn . The pa rt y work cih told
him that Frank C. Dalley was
mukltiK a hU'oiik men as IJetno
cratlc nominee fur governor on a
platform calling for a hoiiHc
cleuninp of state politU-H, nnd that
liiH KtrenKth mlhrlu have Hoiiut ef
fect on the Democratic national
LauKhler nmt tho nenntor'n ref
erence to Herbert Hoovcr'K pro
posal for un extra hchnIoii of cin
Kross and cheers were Kiven when
lie termed the . propoHal of Sena
tor CnrtlH for an Intni-Htate mar
keting orga nidation as "another
one of the promises that Republi
can leaders, seized with panic, are
ranking to hold the fanners' vnte."
"No day can pass," the nominee
declared, "hut what Senator Cur
Ppltzcnherff npplcit, &0-$1.00 box.
Woodlawn Orchurd, 1 mllo east of
Central Point.
The tailoring inside is
responsible for thmoor's
perfection of silhouette
Rothmoors hold their shape
, there is always a trimness of
line to the lapels to the fronts ;
wonderful fitting shoulders
a wonderful drape to the
whole coat. The unseen de
tails of Rothmoor's mantai-
loring are responsible and the
specially selected imported
woolens and luxurious furs
add the touches of beauty that
make them the out-standing
coats for all occasions.
and $49.50 to $125.00
Adrienne Steward's
Exclusive Agents in Southern Oregon
Medford National Bank Bldg.
the trip eastwai'il left unobtrusive
ly today for l.lnduu on Iikti Con
stance after declining tn be Inter
vleweii. The three I'nili-d Stales naval
officers who made the flight, (.'om
nia ruler M. If. Pierce, lieutenant
Thomas (1, V. Settle, and lieuten
ant t'hailes Kdv,ard Hauch, stated
that they had pledgeil themselven
In writing not to say 'anything
about the trip.
Captain Hans f. Flemmlnjr, sec
ond officer of the (iraf Zeppelin,
yald that he too was under orders
not to rpcak about tho trip.
When nsked about Lakehurst,
X. .)., Captain Flt-iuming said It
was beautifully located but that
the hangar was badly placed in
that it was continually exposed to
; George Nichols, who hua been
seriously ill with pneumonia at the
J Community hospital, although utill
i under the cure of two nurses, is
! improving favorably.
Wood all kinds oak, Inure),
fir and dry slabs. Medford Fuel
( o. Tel. C31. tf
Guests from Washington at Med
(ford hotels include Mrs. C. Jf. Gar-
rl-son of Wupato, Jester How land
j of Aberdeen, Air. uml Mrs. F. I.
! Thompson, F. J:, ilnnly. It, .1. Hun
j don and VV. it. Silley of Seattle,
ban c.e. itlvt-rslde Community
Club, Hat. Ue. Same orchestra.
Malcolm KIghy, Junior nbservr
of the I. S. weather bureau at the
Seattle airport, passed through
here by airplane today, stopping
off for an hour or no's conference
at the local weather bureau, and
continuing on south to vlsi the
Oakland and San Francisco wealh
I er bureau offices,
niinre FnirU I'nln Rnt nllo f))-
Mrs. O. C. Hoggs and Mrs. How
ell of Medford spent Wednesday
meeting friends at Grants I 'ass.
Hem- George A. Codding, Demo
cratic candidate for district attor
ney ,over radio station KMK1), at
7:45 o'clock Friday evening. 22l
Mrs. W. W. Thomas of the Hotel
Milt was a visitor in Medford yes
terday from Hilt, Cal. 1
K"t at the Orange Lantern on
Holly St., opposite postofflce. Un- ,
der, new management; everything
new and clean, Plate lunch for i
25c every noon. Hot tamales, chile,
clnm chowder, soup, snlnds and
sandwiches. Soft drinks nnd ton-feetlnns-
Ojien from fl:30 a. m.
to 12 p. in. every day, Sundays ln-;
eluded. 225 '
Hot. clean coal. Tel. C3I. Med-:
ford Fuel Co. tf j
A. Schmldll of Medford was a,
business visitor In Grants Ias to-i
day. I
1 " ' 1 1 1
Piggly .Wiggly
Brisbane's Today
lis or Mr. Hoover has some new'"" winds, lie also considered it
suggestion to hold the farmer and I wiih lying too high for an ideal
not one has been practicable. Hut
before many days have gone, they
will know what the farmer think
of promises they have broken dur
ing tho last eight years.
Describing Governor Smith as n
man unexcelled In the science of
government, Senator Koblnmm de
clared his chief on the ticket wns
a man of the plain People, who
had risen at a critical period to
champion their cause.
"Unloaded" Gun
Once More Is
Fool's Alibi
Radio Program
Mall Trlhuuo-Vlrglu Station
4 JYIday, Nov. 2
0:05. to ;lli p. in. AddrexH.
0:16 to 6:30 p. ill. .Mall Ti i-
hune neVH und' mnrUetK.
l 0:30 to 7 p. m. Coast Dia-
pluy vdv. Co.
v K:4fi lo S p. in, AddreyH.
8 to !l p. in. Medford ltenlty
4 Iloanl, t'lias. liny. 4t
0 to 10 p. in. AddrenH. 4
Sat unlay, Nov. :l
9:30 to 10 a. in. White KIliB
MOap t'o.
10 lo 11 a. m. People's Kleo.
11 to 12 n.'m. Ileebe Kin
12 to 12:30 a. lu. Klharl':
Hook H Music Store. (f
12:30 lo 1:30 p. m. With
4t ani'H Kuper Rorvleo Stntion
0:15 p. in. Mull Tribune
, newa and markets. 4
8 to 9 p. m. Address. .
ClIICAflO, Nov. 2. (P) -
Kim that "wasn't, loaded" "i
hud anollirr notch today.
t Morton Kskhhow had taken
1 t it plstoi to tlio home of h:s
swi'i'Ou'iui, Miss ..Mario (iray,
2 1, In )e used to protect her
from l.-til-Miars.
"Hut I'm ufraid of it," Miss
Clrny said.
"It cannot harm you." Kaz
i anow assured her. "See," and
; he cmpiied tho liullets onto
j tho (able. 'HUH she was un-
I eoiivlneed. "
"Do not be afraid. It can-
not hurt you now," said Knz-
anow; ami to show her he 4
placed the mu'zie against her
forehead and pulled the triK-
Iter. A bullet that had re-
malned in Iho gun killed her
1'oliee are InvestiKatini? his
(Continued Krom I'aiye One)
and a small pension for tho few
years lie has left, nut 51 years
rallroailing, with 40 years of loco
motive driving, seems a long time
to wait for retirement on small
a Special C'oiiiututilrniiou,
Medrord LoclRe No. 103, A.
V V K. A. M., Krlday, Nov.
' r 2, 7:f0 p. ill. Work In the
1?. X. and K. t deftrees. lly ordtu
of the W. ,t. f. M. lUU'STON,
224 Seer.Mury.
N'olhv lo ruhllc.
The City Treasurer havint; yes
terday received county warrant for
the cily's share cif iho counly road
tax amountlni; to almost $7000, tlie
street committee will hold a special
meeting wtih interested taxpayers
who have f;radinu-. street rtqaiirs.
drainage, sidewalks cross-walks
ti ii il other street work held up for
lin k of funds, at the city Hall at
Its .Monday evenlnir. Nov. 6. to
urrunne for hudKftiliR this money
lo tin various projeels upon which
work Is most needed so that work
can be finished before the winter
rains set In.
J. .1. 1HTHTKK.
.1. W. JACOltS. '
First Annual
Fall Festival
Jackson Springs
Membership Drive
Sure you want to join
us Be there
Sat., Nov. 3
Grand Nite
9:30 to 2
. Medford and Corvallis Football Teams
Will Be Quests
Supper Served by the Talent Ladies
What this country' wastes would i
feed any nation lu Europe, except !
perhaps -Russia. Waste in money '
and food, Is HAD MAN.UiK.MRNT.
(Ilrls in Pennsylvania's State
College, pracliciiiK thrift and f;ood
management, com'pluln that they 1
gain weight, although their food ;
cost them .for "three ood meals I
45 cents a day." One day's meals
were: lirenkfast irapes, hot ce
real, top milk, cinnamon toast, col'-'
fee; luncheon vegetable soup, ap
ple, date and cabbage salad, biead,
butter, milk; dinner veal cutlets,
creamed cuhhnge, mince pfo.
There Is plenty of production in
this country, hut distribution Is too
tiood wages tiro paid, but are
snout unwisely, without thrift.
Miss .Elfroida Knauk was found
dreadfully, probably fatally burned
In tho busemcnt of the Lake Illuff,
III., . police station, early on Tues
day. No screuni8 had been heard
while her legs and iirms were held
Inside the furnace. hurn'iiK.
Ill her delirium, dying, she cried,
"I did It myself for faith, for pur
ity, for love." She was in love
will) a handsome policeman.
The doctors refflsed to amputate
tHe legs, and the woman's death
seemed Inevitable, and the authori
ties are "inclined to tlie belief that
that It would havo been Impossible
for her to endure such agony In
flicted by herself. Others must
have tortured the unhappy wom
an." They little know the power of
remorse and religious fanaticism.
C'ranmer, before he was burned
alive, bitterly regretting that he
had si'tned a recantation of his
faith, heU his right hand In the
fire nnd burned It first, saying:
"This hand hath . nflemled, this
guilty hand." '
A nihilist. Imprisoned tn Russia,
fearing that tortA'e would make
him betray his fellows, dragged
himself up by the Iron bars nt his
cell window to a position in which
the flame from a small oil lamp
burned against the side of his body.
There he remained until he had
binned himself to death. The mind
Is usunlly filed by matter nnd by
suffering. Hut when the mind
takes charge thero are no limit to
Its powor.
. . -
In Ills EnMlmnro speech Governor
Smith paid to Woodrow Wilson a
Snider's Catsup
14-ounce bode
"White Wonder Soap
Goody-Goody Peas 1 Or
l-I'.oumt tall van ,.
I'ull Toll 111,
IMT carton
3 for
Solid Pack Tomatoes QCip
No. 24-s, cans J u
MaP.cet Day Raisins
J. pound imikaae
l.Vouiicc package
D1 Monte Spinach
2 large cans
Corn Flakes
s riu'Vigos
Shredded Wheat
lp" '"ackiigo
Schilling's Coffee-
Per ixiuml nn
Golden West Coffee-
Per pound ran
Piggly Wiggly Coffee
Hulk, :i pounds .'
Bacon Ends
J'Jne fur cooking, per II.
Chocolate Bon Bons-
I'er iMiiiml
Liberty Eell Chewing
lVr plus
23 c
53 c
Spuds Klamath
iJeISd,G!?Z .$1.00
Piggly Wiggly Flour $1 QC
1'ci- -Ill-pound sack
Rye Krisp "
l:er i--a knge
Candied Animal
Per iioi:-iul
Caddie Soda Crackers
3 pounds
Rolled Oats
n-Pounil Sack
Jello I Bulk Cocoanut
a lockages 1 Per Pomul
25c '29c
Saturday Specials
Choice Chickens and Rabbits
Fresh Side Pork, per pound 20c
Beef Pot Roast, per pound 22c
Hams, half or whole, per pound , 30c
Swift's Hackless picnic hams, per lb. 25c
",' Phone 1236
We Deliver
tribute that Wilson's friends will , eppelin
appreciate, hailing him as, ene of ship to this newspaper, says: "Our
the greatest of Presidents and a trip to America, particularly the
leader of men. ( return flight, has demonstrated
' ! that dirigibles will have to he
A Republican reader of this col- sneedier "
The fli-tht has demonstrated
that tho dirigible is not the type
for long distance flying or speed.
nmn suggests that Governor
Smith's tribute to Wilson was also
a tribute to Hoover, for, says this
"When Woodrow Wilson Mcint
nut into the ler.;th and breadth
of the land to choose men for his
council tnble, he did not choose
Alfred K. Smith as one of his coun
cillors, but he did choose Herbert
in .1 wireless from his Ibor. Governor Rmtit, ,....
ployment for tlie idle on United
Stutos jobs, in dull times.
Mr. Hoover, at .the he.'tinning of
the campaign, mapping out public
works fliat the nation needs also
emphasized their value in giving
' IU Hill-, .
The Hoover program would run
each year to not less' than S30i.
000,000, about the cost of the Pan
ama ("anal. Governor Smith's pro
tram might be bigger.
although It may be available for
weight carrying and useful In war.'
To drag u glR-.intlc balloon I
through the air Lhe same .is push - I
ing a blunt nosed canal boat ! Hut even with both cnndidntA
through the water. The problem ! n,.A,i; .,. . ..
Hoover. ; is to-overcome resistance. Future I ' "'a "lie, mere
"If Herbert Hoover was Rood 1 airships, crossing the ocean, in ! " ulwn's remain SOME idle un-
enough for oodjow ilson, he : less than six days, will not be bai- '"rtunaten, Incapable pt 'work
surely Is good enough for Wood-: loon shaped. I worth while, and' a bigger crowd
row Wilson's staunch nrtml-ors.'1 , I , that does not WANT to work.
. I In his speech in Newark on You cannot ii n wnf.i. -i,i,,,t
Krhener, commnnder of the Wednesday, devoled largely to In; 1 n malnsprln?.
i An Moal dairy ranrh, '0 cOv.: In
i cn pit ovt-r $30o por mo.: 13000
i-ash; tmtt on balance. Will ac
cept some city property.
, Kino 4-room lmase; $.100 cash, bal
I unt,'e easy terms: rlime In,
4 acres, c-Qok bottom lanil; paid
up wntrr lijiht: a number of
lurire wulnut trees on the place
to cover taxet. Price $1000;
' ternm.
' We havo bulneti ehanceji. Also
L ranches to traile for city prop
1 erty.
: We have Bouthern California 1anl
to trade for Onon laml or In
! rome properly, ijuielt notion,
: Furnished and unfurnished houses
j for rent, ,
j Natatorium ridff., 118 N. KlveuduV
WANTKI) Will pay cah tn $1700
fouNtiiall modoru home.
FOR SAl.K My equity In duplex,
cheap for . U07 N. lilver
nlde. 2sa
FOR KKNT Kurnlshe,! upstaim 3
room apartment ; electric raiiBe
and ua.;tKo; tl & per mo. Phone
' 10T:. 22
LOST Mrmvn. nhorlhandlrd um
lrell At (Yalerlnn theater I
ThurvdAy nlRht. Kinder please:
ruturn to Tribune oUlcc. 2 id
ms S in O S
THE Montag system ' of circulation
means less fuel consumption, because
it rnalgss use of pre-warmed air in'circu
lation. The firepot further economizes in
fuel because it's especially for Western
fuels! . Makes for more perfect combus
tion 'more heat frorr.ahe same fuel.
For coal or wood specify the
Warm Air
without obligation, of course, at
Sheet Metal Works
719 North Central, Medford