Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 28, 1928, Page 12, Image 12

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t : Tho cut
hud broken down, nnd
1!ie )nir nf Ipi;h protruding from
MindprnPuth nocmed to indicate that
l-onalrK were in urogresa.
"Had a breukdon-it?" inquired
- ilia taiwrliy.
-. "Oh. no; only plHytns hide-and-
j seek with the works," came a mi(
' lied voice from underneath the ci
i Jlut the iiucBtloiier was not easily
t daunted.
i , "What power car Is It?"
"Forty horse."
',' "What's wrong wl'h it?"
i ... "Well, as far a I know," camo
Iho answer, "thirty-nine homes
f liave bolted and the remaining one
)a too uiwet to anxwer tfnemlonB."
Hied every few weeks. Tho main Klamath Fa lb Southern Pa- ' Lyons KUn-tric power line hu
prop of hia legal structure, how- cific Hall road cotnjuuiy planu to been extended to thin place.
ever, wan an appeal from the con- onntruct loading shed, platform J -
viriion fr murder. nnrl winvhouse. f Claaaifled advertising geta rjflts.
!' People who won't atop at any
thing should never drive autos,
' Seen on llio HlBhway
It waa a little Ford car. and It
Tvaa full of children, and It bore a
algn on the stern, "Packed In tin
and alwaya freh."
Oonil Job
Scene: A gasoline station in a
fiiBmall town on tho Overland trail.
, Drnmatln Peraonac: Bmall boy
' jn back seat of aedan and roaldont
I inlniater of the gOMpel.
l:j Minister And to whom do you
if (belong, my Utile man. '
j: Youns American (proudly)
Paddy Is a lawyer and a Hotarlan,
L and mother Of president ojt the
itfLm Enforcement leacue.
Minister And what do you do?
ji Youns American Oh, I look out
'.jof this back window for the motor
J cop. ,
M' Ct a Happy One
i "I'm buying- tills bag for my
"-wife's birthday pQsent."
w "Quito a surprise, ch?"
'f j "Quito. Kho expected a new mo
torcar." O
"The only difference between the
,,old days and tho new around Med
ford is that poople used to travel 20
:i miles tn church on Sunday and
Inoythey drlvo 50 milca to geOr
away irom 11.
ALL RECORDS for instant popularity of a
l motor fuel on the Pacific Coast have been
broken Violet Ray gasoline, the new anti
knock product of the General Petroleum Cor
poration. According to company officials, every
facility of their organization 'is being strained to
the utmost to keep distribution of fihis new,
violet-coiwed gasoline on an even footing w,ith
the unpreretwhtcd demand from every (territory.
Though the shipment pictured here will provide
more than a million miles of carefree motoring,
it is just a portion of one day" output from the
Vernon refinery, at Los Angeles. Other distrib
iWng centers also are working overtime to main'
tain adequate supplies of Violet Ray gasoline in
more than 5,000 independent pumps scattered
throughout Washington, Oregon, California
Arizoift, Nevada and British Columbia. .
Imprisoned Klan hief Files o
Legal Appeals jforFreedom
Inflicted by HtopQ-nsoii, contribut
ed to nor death. ,j
For a few nioQhB after his con
viction little wan heard of Btephcn
on. . Then, suddenly, tho front
pageH of newHpapent throughout
the action of (ho Indiana nuprciwe
court, wlifch Iiuh a n no cod It noon
Will JflVO It UOUI.VIUIl III iJ.js. OlO-
nhcrWbn'H an pea I from oQnurdeti
verdict, reflLs tho fato ofOno fr
mrAKu Klux Jviiui leader and nu-
torrCua flnure in Iho Indiana po
have accompanied Htrjynnon and
tho girl! to Hammond, and Karl
Kllnck, mho wari alleged to have
removed her from tho garage,
Qwere arrtcated und charged with
inunicr. rney wcro acquitted.
HtSli)erton wa Indicted by tho
.... , . - ,. i . . Jiarion wuuiy Krunu jury ana
lltlcal upheavnOof tho last three . . ...,..,, "lenccd
jto Hervo a life Bentcncc in tho atato
prlHon. . O
The proHccutlon baaed its
nn Ihn rintonllnn fbtit nn
Qi ffrtnittona on v
jthe country carried atorlen of let
written KJy Step
j A man got stalled with his auto
'Y 'mobile in a mud hole near Ioch
H-Raven lAt week. AVlitln maklnir
p:a vain atfcftPt to got out, a amall
i . boy upproiuflicd with a team of
'": horMS.
,:; ; "Want mo to haul you out, mis
if ter?"
Q "How much do you want?"
"Three dollars."
After the work hud been done
'nnd tho 'money paid the tourist
j t asked:
':' "Do you pull out many cars
i - here?"
" 0 bout twelvo a da', on tho av-
, eruifo'' replied tho hoy.
-J; "Do you work nlghtK, too?" in
. quired the tourlHt.
"ye; I haul water for tlumud-
l ' i ' Hong Kirne!
; "Who would over tOnk of naming
'y,n. Ohlnesn city after the sound that
" ' comes put of an jd Ford horn?
Hlnee tho auto camo more than
one mW recalls the years he want
od In learning
to hitch
. front of
g(. . nuuso, ,
.-. ., She That was a fin rldo wo
:M:fld. " 0
nepn Myj Tfwcnly dollkrs
( and costsl . .
f.l o
ji. Children uro driving motor cars
Itijiftt so tender an ago they can cut
'J' teeth on tho steering wheel,
:; Ilniw I-ulflllpd
Another tnlng an old-fashioned
'j-j man never expected to live to aeo
I' ! but did. at leant In the enteemcd
'dry goods advertisements. Is a che-'-
mist) with legtf on K.
What's your
Autoltft Mabel
i f Tho man with an old car Is lucky
If ho runs Into nothing but dobt.
but then
pj new car.
tho tHtnio Is true of
;J , It takes' 1500 nuts to hold an
' ' automobile together, but Just one
! ' enn scatter It all -over
Vi scape. ; .
..: 8ome drive while Intoxicated and
' some drive that way becnuso they
, ! wore born that way. , .
Copyright, Mow Feature Syndicate
Livestock Show
Portland - Nov. 340
The former grand dragon of tho
klan in Indiana Is nerving a lifo
sentence for the murder of MIhh
Madgo O
Virtually unkaown In l:J3. Ste
phenson became InteroMted liiQhe
.klan and within two years ho iind
isen to tho top of tho organisa
tion In tudiann, had a manned a
fortuno uV9I.OUO.000 und -was an
admitted political power in the
state. IIo was reputed to have the
power to make or breulc those
aspiring to political officio and ho
was said to havtw played , tho role
oLjrilctator ovor Nfio I mil an a lcgis
hMire Then cumo his sud
den fall. O
Hhortly ufter a dlHo&rccmcnt
with Hiram W. ' Kvans, imperial
wizard o" the klan. mid attempts
to form a separate ornnnizatlon to
further Stephenson's potlltlcal pow
er, - the lndlanan. wa sweated.
In4 'obnneiitioH wWi rTieA
Af Inn OherliMzor" ft .
1)1 a dying Htatciucivt, tho gh-I
declured Htephenson had induced
her to go to hU niausinii at Irving
ton, a suburb, und la tor forced hor
to accompany him on train to
Hammond, Hho aHHoi tetf -alio was
attacked while on tho trai?
The following day (March 17,
l9"fi) MIhh 0erholtor oUtufuCd
poison and swallowed It. ; Accord
ing to her statement, she was
taKcnfjhuck to Indianapolis in an
autotfyhlle nnd secreted In Hte
phonKnn'H garage for two d y and
fTiAdfratli-' of
OhorholtKer, alleged
n inftQi
dy of M
to hnvn
nhonHon and
smuggled front tho Qrlson, in
which ho said ho could ox p oho a
"rnasa of corruption" in Indiana
politics. O
Finally the Marion county grand
jury took cognizance of the
charges and in time indictment
we its returned against John L. Du
val), mayor of Indianapolis, and
other officials.
During all this time, Htephenson,
through his attorneys, was making
use of every legal devlccQo obtain
freedom. Writs and petitions were
- - - -u
The Briquets You've
Eton Waiting For
o o v
Ho?, Clean the Ideal Fuel
Telephone 76
rerl (Ipntry. who waH allHrotl to
1 ' The Pacific International Llve-
stock cxpomitton. to be held Xovem
f , her 3 to 10 at Portland, give a prom-
Iho this year of being ono of tho
, . most outstanding sliows In our on
F tire history, whluh Is saying a groat
i ' deal;' Kn tries -will cover a larger
j urea, of the I'nlted Htales and Can
ndtt this year thftn oA'er before.
coming from as far cant as New
York state, from the provinces of
Canada, north of tho Great lakes,
jvf from Missouri, Tennessee. Michl
1 gun, Indiana. Illinois. WIscoiihIu,
; i Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Houth
I i Dakota, Montana. Hrltlsh Colum-
'; . hla. ' Arlxonn, Colorado, Nevada, i
l-i California. Wyoming. luaho. Wash(
: lngton und Oregon. The class of
exhibits will bo superior to any
! previous year, and apparently the
f I number will he at a maximum. The
.', probabilities nro now that every!
' stall will bo filled.
HA K Kit, Or Oct. 27. W)
rontructs for the nonntructloti of
Maker's ton story Community hotel
for which money was raised In
July and August, woro let late yes
if.iinr bv tht dlreototn and build
f j ing committee of Ihe company,
John Almeter of Portland, with
' S a bid of S13M was awarded tht
. gnral ?ntrvU
1 928?
v O
Wc print below an editorial from tho Grants Phsh Daily Courier of October TO,
Wo think t bat in all fairness to you, this editorial hIioiiUI have been given to you
by the .laekwm county prow. Apparently the only Way in whieh you can get the infor
mation to which you aro cntrtled is by citiKoiijuiiakint; payment to the newspapers to print
it ut. iu veriisnm wies. we are niereiw finns yuu mu ton
Courier, ot October 10: -
owing editorial from' the
q ' TaReu from Grunts Toss Daily Copier, October 10, 1928
"Of all hum mentioned during thPpnst 10 yeurs for tho judgeship of the first
judicial district of Oregon, comprising JoscphiiJJ and Jackson counties, IT. 1). (Ji'ti'Q
HtuudfOnit, beyond quost ion of doutk, as best fitted for tho place. lUs qualifications uro
personal, not political.'.
"H. D. Norton is an uble attorney, with a eompletc grasp of legal procedure. lie
is competent to judge tho questions which come before him in an impartial and analytical
way, basing decisions on law and not on political expediency. Furthermore, H. D. Norton
js capable of grasping ull angles of a ease, making his own decisions without necessity
of culling upon advisors.
" Whispers huv6 eonio to us that this is u wet and dry issuo. Nothing could bo more
' overdrawn or silly than this assertion mado by the opponents of Mr. Norton. We know
that Mr. Norton drew up the city ordhgnco at the tiiu local option was introduced in
Grouts' Pax's nnd that this odinanco was one of the most drastic ever drawn for a Munici
pality. ' Whole' portions of this ordinance were incorporated in tho Oregon prohibition
. luw, which F. -A. llacltine,' federal prohibition investigator, declared here publicly th's
week wus tho best prohibit ton law in existence, not even barring tho national Volstead
uei und other laws which were passed to make prohibition effective. This eau he verified
by any person and should set at rest all reports that Mr. Norton will render Oregon
prohibition luws ineffective. ' .. '
"Mr. Norton has a full lorasp of court procedure. With Mr. Norton on iho bench,
there vould be no repetition ot the roeeut experience hero when, duo oither to nn 'gnor
auoo of procedure or n disinclination on the part of the present judge, tho September
term of court was allowed to die. This made it impossible for any jury euso to bu. heard
this fall and these ciihcs must nuw go over until (ho 'Jnnuary, term of court. ' The state
luw provides for the proper procedure for opening court but this was neglected and no
eases could bo heard. Of course this affected many $tigmits who wished their eases to
be tried at nn early date. '"'
" of this stuto want to see n non-partisan judiciary in Oregon. Until this
can be bnughPabout it is essential that non-politicians be put on the bench, llecuuse n
politician is moro able to control tho vote, this is indeed a difficult mutter and cuu only
be accomplished through n disregurd of party affiliations in nn endeavor to put upon the
bench the man best qualified as u jurist. In tho present campaign, 1L I). Norton is by fur
tho best qua lifted."
liliTTiiiv (lOVKIlNMKNT LhiAGlli."
Paid advertisement.
No one has
matched it!
You're there with a Crowley f..
1 izsmm&$&'
power -
C electric power
speaker operating rfe
Wit limit Tubivs
Completely balanced and neutralized Agamma-Q
tor forreak and distant stations; illuminated
dial; copper-shielded coils; loud for dancing
through orolume control, o
O o
0Hear the college, football games; receive the
election returnsO O
See the New Symphonic
Sewes Amrad Cabinet Madej c
o 0 o
402 East Main
Whenever you ee. these horse on
a pair of overalls you know they
represent overall Mat U fact ion
Whether they axe
Levi Strauss
Two-Hforse Brand
aist Overalls
For Men and Youths, or
Two'Horse Brand
ftb Overalls
For Men an-Boys
they represent the utmost in overall
making. They es the result of over
55 years of knowing how. We could
tell you all about their good points
and how they are well made but
when we ask you to buy a pair at
our risk, giving you r
A NeJair FREE if They RipU
you arAprQcted in everyway,
Made by Co. &m Fraor-p
Rellnble Mercbairaife Since 1853
Phone 33
Buy Levi Strauss Overalls at
Bedford's Leading fftente
Stnra ' . . O
Sold by
Clothingp jCo-i3
Main St., Near Faint
O 10 '
Lyi Strauss "TwoSlorsa'
gand Overalls
For Sale by ,
Dept. Store
Qm and Bullion
Purchased br State cl C4lIforaI
fttaNishtit 1W
Offices: 742 Market Sc.San Frncico
riant: oooth an rranasco
The Superiority .
of Snider 's tilk is recognized everywhere. Bc
fiiusc we have a reputation to maintain, we are
constantly watchful of the quality of ofl- milk
und creamery products. The "cream" of the
milk from southern Oregon dairies is selected
Unit assures a tasiy, nutritious product. To
insure its safety, Binder's Milk is
rendering it free from any possible contamina
tion and fit for babies and children as well as
growiQiips t
Protected by Seal
n iii i
ZZZZIZiijO Ma" Tr"0,e ad3 are read by
Caps i
As an extra assurance of safety for our patrons, we pro
tect our bottles with SEAL-KAPS. Possible' vontant
ination from ilies,.dogs or cats is eliminated and the un-sanitaryold-style
cap is replaced by a new type cover
which used many times over with" absolute
If it's Snidersit's the Best to Buy