Weather Year Ago Mititiiium .... ri Minimum t.! EDFOKD UNE Dt1y Twtntr-tDtni Rklr rifty-Mtenth Yttr MEDFORD, OK'Kd'OX, SATt'K'I'A V. Ot'TOIiKi, 27. l'US. No. 2 IK. The Weather Forecast.-Ootulf, with occasional Muximum yesterday fi Minimum um1m- 3. Today By Arthur Brisbane Hoover And The Serfs. Camoaicin Fairv Tales. f Dumping Dollars Aboard. Bitterness In Mexico. (Copyright. 1S28, by Star Co.) .lolm Sullivan, tlio New York State Federation of Labor, says Herbert. Hoover in Asia didn't (live labor the vijilil ehanee. "lie employe: coolies in China, serfs in Rus sia and slaves in Buniiah." Mr. , Sullivan's authority for the statement is .lames .1. O'lirieii. a eonlmetnr who lives in l-'lush- iiiir, X. Y. ; P.y .lames I V st. Associated Then? 1 11 nst he snmc mistake : press atutt vnt r. about Mr. Hoover 'mplovint: !,, "'f iTX' ,H- "r.'T Vserl's in Kussia." beeause tli" ,1)1:11 If iln- Ui-puiiiiian party perl's were freed in ISIil, and l" '".w"'- '"' .,l,l eail an extra sesHion of eonK'eff i JliHlViT WJIS liont ill 1S74. Ideal with farm relief if adequate he a,1sa.ion .ha. Hoover 'ZJtZ ."" na"l"1 "emii'myetl eoolies in China is j -1 1,,. i,iustion (gf a spei'lm sp like savinj; he emplovetyabor- "'" "f '-unur.-ss after Marti, 4 ' S ;m tin1 ev'iu of tin- return of Un TS 11) llH' I lini'iMilli'. All tile I interstate. .Ml , , . n t Utters in ll.ll.a HIV ':t miOS. 1 (HI Clin tshirO mill)- (lit I'ins t( work with nick mid I , (. Miinn, i L j tiOVpnior' JSUho, Ol .Missis sippi, in a publie address, helped to eimilate a eampaiiri: van) thai Mr. Hoover daneed i with n eolorerl ta,dv named A1r linoe offieiillv eonlleel- 1 ele.-ied not allow the mailer t. .Mis. l.oo.e, oitiu.iii. lonniei nijfl ,lnil wmll(1 (-f 1K.e(islty Ci,n I'd with the Kepilbliellll par'y'an extra session so as to secure ill the South , early eonslruetivo uetlon." .... t .. ,. ,, I ii I . iiHiMii, (in ii in i ij; ui, i prnffiibly does not dunce. Anyhow, the Mississippi yarn 4"i . bntlHMV Jin... ,.Ul Abraham Illlroln eanip lo .New I enndidnte for the presideney it was said lie had !,,. ,,. r ,llallo, proposed inled here today when nn under-: "That. I helleie." he said, "is one llinPied a colored Wol.llin II'- statement late ycstei-l rated -Harvard eleven, l-ealen a j Ineseapal.le fact. oimress ea.i innil((l a t mm ui noillllii. u , .,,,,., ,,,,, ,. nil week uuo l.y )he Army, rose to not pass a valid net whh h would replied that he did not find It liecessarv to make a hlai'k Worn- an his wife or his slave was elQ-tctl. o Call inonev went to 8 lie pei ctMil reeently. ilii-'h fiiiiinei that worries' about brokers loans, sums that American; l 1 ,1 - 1 1 IKUTIIW w lieu llic lull Cllilr . , Stocks. Oil time payments, niDtllt worrv nltnnt soiiit'tl.inpr moi-p j ! nnportanl. tr; . I Host saim Illirll TintniCUMH am m-omocyiK nnrtipciin hhimm.,,,. 1(.,.f,I1H(V, 1Jllvf, 11.(P(.,u A.. T.l 1 I snipping a inousana inmuin ior nirm prouucij; a more nm t ii e i ,..: irt'Uiiate marketing prournm and the dollars ot Aincrican money t o tn .,,, T-1I,'W every year ajul inci-.jwmiui be uiven federal i l ..,.11,. i.,l,;..' ., ,i.,,fo,..,l,l.i a'd In linndliilH" the cr "o-h - "rakcoff" on eaeb of the loaps for tbeniselves. o Kvcn thn most lllliocel! limone; them, illcllldillK childish 1 . . . ., . i (((so that l)l)ll)Illt Juisslllll bonds, must know thai millions' ,i l :., ....1,., ! now sent anroaa m eNcniiuue f(r 'print 0(1 pieces oC KlirnpenilV"nnress In December and it is Through pubernnlnrlal procla ... v.,1, known that uKrleultural leP1H i niationa and the cooperation of the paper, will never come ba.-k. ln th(, twrf houfi08 wi urgP en-;Navy ,n5lie of thoi-mt states, At least, when mcll borrow . ,,,to,' w 1. 1 1 stiniit in iiiiv . iii.'ii, . ,.i ...... stocks. wiQlv or llDWisclv. the ' ' t money andOthc stocks STAY 11KRK.. The bittcrnoss of rditiious ; quarrels is shown in Associated J'ress news from Mexico. Car los Castro HaHa pleaded (.'iiilty to iilaciiiff bombs in the chain- ier Of deputies to frighten illld fkitn.uli thnwe llnil hnd niuiress- 1 ed the Cntliolio clinreh. Senorlta Manzano confused that . Th(t ralf((rnji;n)t hwI,1" a ,li(E ,U1,K she n anneH. nnd attempted to,... , , k ii,. " ' him at n dance witli a poisoned needle. , llalda, confessliiK placing" the , bonilis. said they were purposely . made weak, to frlshten without d"-! In-;; much daninse. YoilPK Mr. Chun Jl-Hlao. fhi-1 ne-e liw' n'tudent mnrrled' Wet JuiiK Sill. datiKhter of a rich mer - chint took her to Enelnnd and .i,'n,Mr,l,.Ve,i ,hr murdeVed her. ... f....i hi. ml.mWe Ah. l, ., lo Knelnnd. They fill hnne him In few day. n spite of hl myterlou Mi.ry about 1 , r, .. ...uin. ..h.elimo nn..".. v In Knelnnd when ynu kill any - " tConUnu.4 on I'W Four. SOLON CALL HOOVER FINDS NEED (B)f ! Ul COnflreSS i With FariTl; Extra Session To Deal Problem Unless Congress Acts In Regular Session Most Urgent Problem uanaiaate savs iviauer Not To Drift. H.-publiraii i:iity has Immii under 1 Lii. - noui..!. f.n- Ui.m., Kmn " in 1. 1 1 f((nna stat)Wnl smM thJ neiiuhUran nresid.-ntinl eundidiite. . ,n,',' nim,1'r V1 1 . lions, purlieu larly aKru-nitnrai i'fliff. whl. h urgently require soi-, nt.t.n and should not he delayed j lur a whole year, u i our niuMi(ltf( i urtfent pcoiinmlc prohlem. . j "I should hope It ran bo dealt ( 7 with at the regular session wins lull anil i nun a special session nvcuieil. ll nowever, inal can-i not be nr.-nin Q-ud i would, it he'" p'-x-i in.- niKMri -... , new congress to he elected on j .mmi'ihiiit 0 um ie siiriiuiiMivu . in w..ul,l.,t l Ant'tll i.,vi,n ,i,0 llnl,P ,ht an nnrl.-ul- jtru. tnoasure, yinW n s p. y turai measure emlioilylnu his nro-j Hi-am "for Carin.. relief eould lie , .,, ',,. ,IH oi. ation ! Q , i 'In Hie hiindlinK or the 111 ..:.. i u:r.. u..n O.. i,f,.i r ..eih.n l.v.'su'pieme Jielchts and won u H' 1'ie present eonsress. the session eontinue onlv three monlhs under I law and usuallv little general leK. hlaton has hoen enaeted at these short sessions hecau-Q uf the pres 'sure of enuetini; tin- annual sup i ply bills. O ' . I If a special sess on ot me new: 1 congress were not caiOO. .i.iei 'a failure of the piesent n-j m-ess to act it -Would be two act it - would . " . , 1 , years before a farm relief meas-. !llr ,ul,l be l.mUBht Into aclual operation. I loover s (i oulllned in his soeeeh of UC-' : 'ccptnnce and reiterated In !.!,, West iirancn. jowa, ami Mizic, llflllllMI, 11(111., Hiiin.n,-., r, ....... financial crop sur- ,,. I in bis fonheoniinB speech' ni iHt. . t.ouuk on November . the ' HepublicM iireside'ntlnl candidate lis exliected to uoftliore into the incu,,! details of his farm aid proposal. oulllnlnK each more In detail, hotll jis to structure and, th0 ,pthods of operation. I l'resldent Coolldiio Is expected , " u'nl w"h npricultural relief 1 , hK f)na, , me.,s,lKe to' n.-tment of some of the pendim; measures which arc deslcned tolf,. .,.. ln .,, llnn. itonse. . . ... .. n ,.,, or to ttnme nf Ilie nil-. tions basic Industry. i Ini VMDIP PI MR IQ UL I 111! IU ULUU 10 ! j FAVOREDOVER U C i Koottm (.i(.Vens representing thejfll; iVillrKe of Idaho, 0, I'niversltv of (California and the, 'Olvmi.l,. i.lnl. brehani tnrlflV fnfi the 3Kth ebtHh between irrid satiads I of the two Institutions since 1X!H!.!Unl. 0. hrrahbed 33 of the mimes. The 'tubmen, however, with a erent team this year, composed of for-1 mer college Btors, were favored to! win today. i I l:f(ii:.i;. Ore.. Oct. 2,. lP - ',"f" 'rsity football lean, will "lay n same with the Monmouth I At Cleveland: t)uvl Klkln ( I States weather : s" "'h,,nl h-r- ""Vn i. : John Carroll. 1. j Knr wcs.ern "crnon. "each Newman nn- At Ann Arbor: Wlwonsln. 7;,lfor normnl : llolineeil ycstei.luy Cei ll c.abrlel. j, . 0. i considerable eli .......... n, ,r, y . e. u ..... . - . founer I' h it n ' "'"ool star. had been ilroppe.l ' trm Hie fooibull n the re - j "' "'J "f Interest In hi. cho- . lastle work. The loss of fliibiiel will cut tireKon' h.'ickflelrt ri- i serves dow n !o llueo or four men. 1 the most dependable of which are I Hob llnblnson nnd Ira Woodle. 1 Guinan Is Piqued at Prevost Claim House Rent Unpaid "HICAl'.O. Oct. r .Miss Texas Oulnnn, i ! over on rout i to New ! 4 where she has an enpi . i Monday with federal pruhlbi tion anciitM, today made indln ; nant reply to dinpatche last i ; iiipht. miotlnir Marie Pivvosi . of films as saying Missulnan UHl Hollywood Miidilenly wifa- . out paying SSrtO for a month's rent of Mss Prcvost's hunKa- fr low. 4 , ' Must I rail her up every ; time I leave the house l rent- v ; J j;;-- Zti - r ;n't veiuher rent Ih due, II." I ll pay ELI BOWS 10 SCORE 18 10 6 Associated Alan J. l.OUUl I'res. SimrU Kdltor. YA1.K IIOWI.. XKW H A VKN. c-unn.. cJ ji. im ; iiic-.i m. " J ted t'aule. hroiiKht X,wn yi( 0,.,v le ulinot single liantltMl A -erowd of Tli.OOo saw score touchdowns on dailies nf r.. vnrds and a yards us 111" r.1((,lH ' ,K,U l)u, lis IS to i:. in a Ihrillluir liatth-. Vale's only rm.0 ,.t.s,ied from a fumble. iiooi" Hills, sol. Vain hack almost Kaverthe Klis a last ' , ,,., toiKhiTTIwn when ho look )Ulll on . ,., ra,vA 23 , ym-rtM to Army's lTi yard mark ;nn, then broke llirouiih to the i, ,L-; - "':4 '!"'... lm'''. S. .1 ' ioilU ami IjIIik ui'iiea rfni " ; yilr,jK however, and ten final ( whistle somuieu nerore anmner 1 irt ni,in - i.i i.A ' . , , - )larvai'(l-l)iirlliioiitli , ;- . .... . . w. ; . HAItVAlin HTATi: t .My l A.u- IMM IKIK. .Mass.. Oct 27. (Pi Dorlmouth's liiinei) for another nfittima foothall III p Were oasn- ,l i V"'',I"7- resulted ironi me iiiiia!un line .. "f Clipuif.l Arthur Krenelr i-i1iiim.ii leader, and Dave '- , nacclii. ine oilier iiaiioa' i, w v.lVitiivvlvniilii l-UANKl.l.V rii:l.H. IM1I1.A ... f.KhllilK , u-Mni,.,! the HOW o . f . j,eI1Bylvanla team. r. .. . .. . ...,, ...... .loo.iy oeiore iri.-o "" ' ,.....,.,, .,. , ureate-t up- ' nll. 'leoUelai f-iot-eei sets of the Inter-collKlat fool-e i ARMY ELEVEN ,, .isels of the ilitcr-oolleRlatp lool pruKiam for relief. .. .,. v..v B(.01ed on a .... .II-)!IIU ois. iiuiiooii in ..n.i ,he H,.con IH.rlo(1, nnd held ff i-f-nns inrlous challciiKe by n . M HHVPI1 Vlll'fl 1II1U III iROOSEVELT BIRTH WASH INOTON, Oct. 27. (!') ThB Is Navy day. observed j y throuithoiit the Americnn naval 0tnlillshmentH on the birlhilay of i Theodore Itoosevelt. i npproprlate exercises were planned t ' - " - irnry ' t ord." hii ruv unMnnci NMYI UrtI nUI1US0 DflDT m m P L I.:-. ........ .....'IV . SB .lerooia joiih ,ri, i.o.n. j annual observance because, Ihe i Navy league says, of hp, "rteeii un- fderstandinB and vlBorous advocacy oi a sound nnval policy for the I nited States.' At Alliance Oberlln, Ml. l'nltn. 1 2. At Columbus: Marietta. IS; Cap- At Iowa fity: Iowa. 7; Mlnnr ! r At Itlchmond, V.: V. M. I.. , Maryland. 0 (He). At Delaware, ().: Ohio Wesley, on. 11: lienlson, 0. At Yellow Kprtims, O.: AVItmln- ton, r.T: Antloch, 0. I At Cincinnati: WltlenbuiB. : Cincinnati. 0 K., I ai nincksbllrir. A'lrBlnhi ,,,.. in,t,ic. fit: King CnlleBe. 0 i ai iwrence. Kan..: Iowa stnl ft. K-nwlw 0 lr, i I I'lit I'crlisl Om'boii I'riliiuen '. 1: Oicboii Kinie I'lr-hiiien n. FOOTBALL SCORES I li.i Half: ). A. C, 32. I! of V., 0. 1 S AL SMITH FOR; mmmu posei unf.wor nOOVei State Socialism'.! , -r Assertion As Applied To New York' Governor Isj Defined Smith Chal-I lenged To Clarify Posi-j. tion. i l'.l KKAl.O, N. V., Oil. 27. W) i ( harl.'s i:ans HuKhen ehltled (lov- ! tun or Smith last nlnht for jumping j "for the martyrs erown. j In ihU third political speech of : the catrQaimt. Mr. Himhes defined i the term "state socialism," aw used j , by Herbert Hoover in descrlblnK j i Governor Smith's program. "What Mr. Hoover meant hji i slate soeiallsm is plain." said Mr. ' 1 lushes. "He used the term In Us j proper sense as applied to Iho .ls- : , marckian philoHOihy r.f the con- ; ! trallzalion of Kvernment (kunin- ! : athiK all the activities of tbVpoo-J i pie. Mr. Hoover is a liberal and , ! onnosed to slate socialism.. i i -'if the Kovernor's proposal for ) ! modification of prohibition is noil the methoit of state socialism, as uininrf w M 11 Oliver. 1 do not , , ...u.., it ! ! ir inn L'ovn o r is inr nu - !- . lyjiiinn fee for farm relief. Mr. j i iuciu.s sat,i it wiiulil lie the "niost - utuantle pnmram of Biivernniciil In j ooninercial business ever propos .. ir Hmlth is not for kovc .,,,,, oneration of power p. mil. un u .i,i, ii,,mi'r who in . ., ,.., ,,, ,..,.i i,v the sists upon complete control by the irnvernmenl. the sneaker added. He ' rhnlloiiL-o.1 the coventor to clarify ... . his position on hoiii or inese is - sues. Moillflcalioii I'utlte. If you put the state In control j T10 apoidcn occuneil III Tor he manufaoluie and sale of In- nlcyj .. Hhori (Uptnnoo from here. Inf Ihe manufacture and sale of In- toxieailnt: Illinoi s," he nililert.. "you will have either no res'rlrtions at . . ,,.i,iu,,.iiiHl 1 1 " ", "i" 1 be "'- 1 ,rl I corruption." He said would I f..iti i.lL ..f i.u.illf li-i. . li.n he (h(t 6ny(f uvV neve: " .'.0 i bold that it has the rluM lo In - ' vnllilale the eluhleenth anieiiilmynl orme Hllwmi n.i. , dive to the stale authority to mini p ufiicttire and sell lutoxlcatlni; liquors contrary to the constlui- . Turning to the speeeh delKered i In New ) ork by the llepuhli.-ni ! pi efuienuai eaniuuiiLe ui uimu m,- governor look exeepllon III Ills lasl ! address at lloston. Mr. IhlKhes said that "If anvoiie has called men- Ki , ... i, , .i pnuil-ni.Nr.i..,i.u. ! fare, such as Oovernor Smith d. : , ., .. ,, , . V, .. socialistic measures. It Is not .Mr. Hoover . VH anyone has opposed (lovernor Smith as heintr socialistic hi rela tion to such humanitarian legisla tion. It is IK'O11'- Hoover. Is any- i , , i " ' V" " " " ' e. ! ernor Smith with respi et to such welfare legislation? Quite the con- The Uepubllcau parly N stnt low lis own progressive rec-' !L POUTLAND, Ore.. Oct. J7 Winners In the Oregon auditorium of the Atwaler siaie. foundation nnnoiinccd last nichl I ......... UU l..p,..,.n l.lnn 1.' ...',. n ,. U . , , .... i, I'crtlnnd rontralm, and Don Hal - I -I.. f a , . 1 1 i . , ., , ' early ed.llen of n , land 1 11 -.-. n-u J...1.J JiidMin. of .Marshfield winner in j the youiuf men'K division, hut I this was ( orrecied In a Inter edi tion ami Harris was named win i ner. The winners nrn oliKihle t compte In the western audition which will be broadcast over KPO San l-'ranclsco, Noveinbtr 12. WEATHER FOR WEEK SAN fltANCISCO. Oct. 27. lUt The weather oullook for the week lieKinniiiB October 2i, was un - pounced here today by the 1 nlleil tiureau a follows: slate The oullook temperature a'ut 1 consinernoie eioudlnes wun pron- 1 ably ruin nlonK Hie const rionl, Kurekii northnurd to I'uKet Sound. . - Oncmi Weil tier j OreBon: Cloudy oust and unset - lied with occasion ruin ovei '.he west portion lonlBht nnd Hunday. UIILttlHJ nn moderate temperature, fre.h souf cnt nnd outh wind on the cot t. MRS. HOOVER MEETS WOMEN VOTERS ! t'rr Herbert Hoover, wifa ofthe republican nominee, with group Of prominent women at Phliatieipma wnere sne aitenaca a reception. Left to rieht: Mra. Henry Tatnal Brown Jr., dauflhter of Governor Fi:her: Mrs. Cha. F. Stauffer, vice chairman republican state committee; Mm. Washington Scranton. national committeewoman; Mis. Hoover: and Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Pennsylvania chairmen of vomer's n.itonal Hoover committee. I finnr DADTV PAD LUUULFHnlll;HlA SIX PEOPLE DEAD RICHMOND. Clil., Ort. 2T. (fl' I'llllliretl nvnr 11 Tfi-fniit rlil'f In :t , ,. , ! ' , , , . ' , , ' ' ' W here today, w .Hu rela- arrival ul. a loi!-;u party wore In inoiHiiliiK, O The fluii ri- li'du'iivif It Miwutv I (Jrtff " 4. 'hev ,.,........ m..i.. : v. ; tr Miss lila Nowinim: l'eai-1 K. : Chirk. All of the vletlnm lived III j oi lieley. mm hti i i-i mini, iu, DHU iKtliso- . Hl nij. wi,u,, t liu party was ) d,-) vlii-s from llerlieloy to a niw't- . i i .t it . iiik in nit; uiium' in uiu. rusiui ii Inn )! the Oritur ol tliu. I'.asleni star; In Vallejo. Oflicinls Bald Hufo, who was. tUI viiit. evidently wiislmled by llie'llKhls a a ilia - 1 rhino driven hy Howard. Sweet of Crorkell, and the two nillomoliile: brushed eaidi other, tluniav,ihi; the . fendern. They said llussey was on the wroii.-; side of tliQ-oiul wlpui Ihe iniiehines toiielied. Hussey's machine HWerved across : the mad and went over the cliff. 1 oee,,iu ... il,... ilei, i'h ton i. ml nil of thorn suffered ukoll t'nietiires. The machine, smashed into kliKllfiiK and twisted iron, rolled over onee and lay still. Kwn"1 ,lllu h m '," ,,1,,U "V"'' lNt 'eloihone and culled aid. ( on. I tin I osln plllcials haslelied In the .... ., ,, ... ,. ! " ., . i when found. 1 he hodii 1 j , , , ere (lehd, l,es were i nrouKni nere, null laaea in tue nio; ;i,e TEXANS PROTEST I W.XSIIIXC.TClN,; Oct. 117. e 'Th White noun-. Was flooded to I ilay with upwards of , 20 00 lee' I grams from llldulfio ctjunty, Tex. tialllnfr upon lreshhnt Cwollflue t In,-,'. f TiwIlwiI Innnul ItW.I I. .11 ..f IbullotlnK conditions In county, The teleci ains' received were Identleul in text and read: "Please i aid us In BcuiiiK- federal Inv.silsa - ;,i,, iii,i, ,.,,(,. ,.,il,iM," .. " . ' ..iioeious inner messimes. innsi in iiieiu siKlieo oy Kioups oi cm or cllI - zens. some of Hieni by mayor of ,,- ,.,i,,. ,-n, . ,ni. , . lO.VIIH in Ih iWllllll' l II HUn .Mill i i... , conditions were- "inore sliameHil I I HID I in i 'Cnti inl hmnn t i-n nno. ' ' ' ", ,' "- Ions and others , cb,,red .foul ..... n i no iiuo iiouse reieri eu i lie teleKri,nis to the department of justice fr InvestlKatlon and Htill - able iicrion. ELECTS OFFICERS lflTF PflMniTIRMQ VUIL UUIiUl I lUitU j AND ASjCjMOOIIiy., .p,.,,,.0. f I'OHTI.ANIl, Ore., Oct. 27. IVj The I'aeiflc roast l.oBBinif eenaress Pi session here lasl lilBlll. elected 11. W. VlnneilKC, North llend, jWimh., president; J.. H. Melster. 1 llend, Ore.. rlce-,relil"iit, nnd 1 Arcblbelrt Vt'hlsiiant. rorllnnd. sec-, j lelury. Seattle was chosen for the. , i:i.'!l convention. AinouK the mem-' bers of the execlillve eommltlee re- . I elected ' were Mliner Stoddard. i- ! Crunde, fire., and Kae, Abr.ims. r.iiBene, ore, . ,. - vnoot Aaron I AKRON", Ohio, Oct. 27. fP) I'residoiiV Paul W". Litchfield or j (iood ear Zeppelin rornoriitlon, nn - noiiiiced today that Akron l:d been rlionnn a tho Hlta for the hiilliliiiK J'.f tho two .-.Imil dlrlsilile for Ihe United State navy, , - ' - rsr r w m -i '.Linotype Operator Bequeathed Riches ' Shock Upsets Him ' ! WAVCHOSS. (la.. Oct. 2T.-0 4 (Tl Hob Kelly, linoiypeQpe- rat or, fainted when he learn- ed that he had ieen he.iueath- ed $2 oO.OOU. i Kelly was Informed of the ' U'Kacy yesterday hy his broth- . er, Cieorpe Kelly of Vonkers, ! . ; V. Tin- money was willed j him by Louts K. l,Ues of Avon- , ; dab Art..- t ; Kelly soon recovered eon- J ' ! sciousne-ss and bewail plan- lo 41 ; 4 establish his identity and to i receive the legacy . o 4 4 jt v s J. . fy AL ynn , Jl i jillllv ' U I Jjjjl I ,' ill' 1V3UU FiVE STARS, HURT Kco' 1,1... fi,.i lfli. II Hpauldi'nK's football niaehlnu I from Hie I ' o i ve.sli v of ( 'n uforniit nt i l.os Amreles was eicoeeleil to mnn. Kle the Idaho VnrOals In their dash here today. The Idaho Hue ni the heavier, , '"" flv" v,'l0'-"n Vandals were nut , aceounl of Injuries, while It was : believed Unit the powerful southern ' sound was un to its full stretiirth. 1 , ... . ....... .. Kimshiiie fi.i,.ni t.. ,,..i,. . ,u ti, (,. WHS rhiy. I C.,,,ll Ine I.'l.m Il.l , , " , " : for,,,, all-Ainerlcan berth lasl ycttr, ,' ' - o K ee oo?el X I V."! V I Mio, hi 'I"." lerback. and llert .elt cherle hi. I back . were feared ! who i;xiecls to throw a nib oack : field Into tho fray. , IN LOS ANGELES ' ,.os aNHIOI.ICH Oct "7 p .-1.. "''. " C ..' i .. . ' 1 demnatlon ol the l , . con - 1 . ... , .. , ,ul"e. inssion in.- uieir puns in ine ; ,.xera t Ion of Captain J. J. JoneB, irKe.l with the Incnrcerntloo of IU ULUUKIIJILMULU I.,b. chrlsdne Collins In the city';., ,.','.,,'' L'S i i.hvet.o.ifit ? i war,! wi.u enef..... 1 t I - ... . lnlded to the city council hy . .. i . . , . . ... ' uh puonc weiiare eommiuee eany ,ornlK. . i f 1 1 comnniiec s report eii- ma.ved a hearimr in u-hleh it lni . vosMKMt'Ml charges that Captain! fionrK. head of the nolico lovo- nile bureau, had "rnl Iroadcd' tho. mother to a mental ward because, f rhe refused in accept youthful Arthur Hiitchens of Mnrlon. JowaJ J as hr-r son. The hoy had posed Iho tntssiriK uaiter ontnH. iinmed in Itiverslde (.'al inurder Indictment us n victim of (lor don Hlewart Norttieott. i.u fniti.w ri t,nR infl Mis. (olll is , , 'ihiimiBe suit at-'alnst Hie ' city. 'I'bls was withdrawn later. XiCW YOHK.. Oct. 27. Mn-eTh-j New York Hun tn a copyrighted story today says Hoger Hornnliy, niuiiaKi'r t:f the HoHlon llraves. 1ms been iHitiL'lit by tho Culm for SSOO.VOu plu the ployem. Wehh, I Men, h. nnd .MuKtilre. Tho torv 1 ttiiya Hnrnshj rnnelved a Ihiiiu'r of e-Ti.nim for slunlnu a contract to piny Hecond base for tho (hit, for for the next three Hcnpns at ft sal ary of $ IO.OuO. a year. Bronco Steak 1 ap; 'l at Rose City Ep. to Eat Horse ! v v i ' POIlTi.AXH. (ip. Of ! iVi Wild liorso meat was placed oa sale nt the public ! hero today at a market in ihe downtown district opened hy i Milton li. Wolf. l!enr meat and reludeer moat also will fr t be sold at the shop. I'rlces ; ! for bronco incut run a little j less than half the price of her f. i'or some yoars a packhiK pinn wild, horse meat to Km- ; one, where a ready innrkt-t 0 j has been found for this pro- 4 i ,t- duct. Wild horses which roam i the wide open spaces of east- 1 ern O r e k o n. Washington, ; Q! and parts of Idaho and Mou- I v tana, have been brought to Portland O carloads and 1 i- slaiiKhtt-red hero, ' , : IS EXHIBITED ! i : H,.,. . 1 , n ' Wisconsin ELoctors Demon INSANITY CURE MADE BY GAS onstrate Possibilities oUZCTlZ New Treatment-Twelve' !;!;::;;:!;l!;la.,rt;:, v ' Ihe thirteenth formal uddress oi a Years Research Results imhhmikh which ims' taken h!m , more tlinn I0,ai)0 miles by r:f!l and In Temporary Effective- .,iu,f,iiic,,'llM- The speech, ihe subject of which ' ness Drug Also Tried. MADISON. Wis.. Del. 27. Ml- v Ireatiiieut for Insanity. Imperfect yet temporarily effective, has been j ..... . . ! (lemiiiiKlrated hy two doctors of) .the Hnlvpi'Hliy of WlheoiiKln. turn to New Vork nftor attrndlui,: : I. Two persons, eoiislditi ed hope- j church 'In Philadelphia tomonnw j lessly liiHune, were wakened trom: nr visit the home of John .1. i their Htupors for .Bevoral mlnutiw , knh, ehrin'iuan 'of ihe IVhinarailt)- yesteiday hy Hr. W. r. ).nrenvi anil i national coniinlttee, nenr ceniir. : Dr. A. H. J.nevenhnn. After Inhal- ; vllle, .I1 icninlned undecided m I im Ki" " preserlheil. the patients day. if he rods to sir., llankob s :wore able to talk r.tilonally, nn- homo he will remain there until wcr questions InielllKini and j.wondny mnrnlnit nnd then start move mid net normally. 'directly for llultlmnro whore ho One hundred dnelora of the Con- ) vb-III open Ihe final' wtek of thu u-Hi .euiopsyeiuairic associ.uioii I witnessed til., experiment, which, revealed results or 12 years of re- I1":1"' ''' ll,u university physl- I P ,": ; , , . . . ukIiik n drllK devcloiied by Dr. I veiihart, also has been tested ,,, , ' (,froctlvp . ' iocs aim louiiii eiiuany JomiK youilK woman, who hud been In n eiitHtonle stale for IT months, can inajorlteH In every iiiiadre'u wns roused from stupor for nearly ' nlal election except in the pony If, liiluineM nflee wlm liilinleit ,ia .i.i . r .'. ..: - . "".- I "ne snt up on a eoi, tout or sun- onr.clnus experlcnccH nnd reeoK- I '"'evlously ha, t,.ated her. As it victim, of dementln praecox. Mr. I.nnmn ex- ' 3 nunni npatny and disconnected , callc nominee s.Hd he did not thlnkini;. O I know "nnyihliiit ubout It," that The Kill's answers to Cuestlotis fennsylvunlu was a "pretty his Indicated she hud been aware .of mm,.," nnd ho failed to boo "how huiipcnlims about her since she anyone can form nn opinion about hnd been in n stuporous state. these things." A Hi yenr old negro boy. Ihe The BovernorA; did have somo other subject of the doctors' dem- l ldens about southern New Hnclnii.l onstrntlnn, was a victim of mnnlnc. ! however, and he was frank In stat deprnsslve Insnnlty, u roiure iilml j InK them. Questioned as to I, in disease from which they snld n reaction to the lies, on domonsire. person suffers emotional excite- l.tlon nnd the manner In which thn ment nnd depression. While tinder ; audience received fits speech thcri, effects of the bus, Hie boy became ! he snld: riitlonal for several minutes. Ills "I certainly think lifter Mnndnv responses were umilar 10 ine bu i h. 1 "n"r ,rrlm', t "V fj" "' ,rul'' cnul'' considered a eoin- ' I""1" rul'" l"snillly, the iloetnrs 1 m,""'Hll!,,, ' rh,('' "Pressed hopes, however, Hint developments iiiIbIu I, n,i , ...... i persons for lonxei' periods, and "Z .," . "ZTl " TL " . ' ' ' "w FOR BAKER HOTEL It A K Kit, Ore., Ort, JT. (A ('(lilt i fii't fin I (in orittxl tl. ..t ,.,.., Mly (.,)mmun ; for which money wn raised In ' .1 II lv I. 1,(1 A 111, ,1. 1 I..I I.. ,.. n terihiy by ihe directors and till I Id ItiK committee of, the company. .lohn Almeter of I'onland, with s bid r i:s,;fi(i wu nwanled tho Keneral eontriiel. Work on the Bcnerul contract will Mart lininedlately. The uon- Biructlon nnd eiiulpplim of the new ....n,..,, ii,,..,,.- me i-xpenill. ut more than 25i,0(iil. -- The Noted Dead ObKVKI.Aj.ND, Ohio, Oct. 27.- ') lliiuailler General John It. McQiiIkh, rommiinder of the I l;ih enKlneer. HTtli i.lvlslon, durlim tho world war, and nallonal comman der of the American lvdon in Hies, died at hi homo here lulu hist nlKht. He wan 62 years old nnd had been 111 a rear. KEYSTONE STATE TRIP . ! Satisfied With New England Work Canddate Goes To Philadelphia For Speech Tonight Talk Subject Remains Secret Nat ional Hookup Used Baltimore Next Platform Date. By l. Harold Oliver Associated I'ress Staff Writer m:w voiiK. Oct. tA) s-ti- isfled- In his own mind thai his I'iK'ht lor the presidency has iiiado forward strides as a result of hN New Knprland Incursion, C.overnor Smith today carries his campaign Inio I'fnnsylvanln. un e n e in y strooKhohl which has not felt the stin of Democratic defeat In mint than 70 years. For an hour lute today, the Democratic presidential nomine reinalneia secret today, will start tat n p. S?i., fKstcrn time, and tvlll be hioadcast ovw the usual nation wblo hookup. (S'tvernor Smith worked all day yesterday on the address, but did '" ""inplete u rounh droit unlit lute last nlKht. .,.,..,,.,.. .... i : cnmpalRii hefore election with un- other forinel address. H,, nulll(v ifolmftn Pennsylvania for a j Bn,eeh. (Inv. Smith Is following ii'i" auvice oi ins (,'timjmiffn miin- ; iihimh. They Hture he Rtnnils it , flKhtliiK ehanee tn carry Ihe Key , Mione suite which, since the elec tion of James Duchunnn In IX&K. ' I h ,H returned comfortable iteoiit.ll- r.-..., o, ..... oei. OOSOVCII i won out. . Asked., it i, press 'conference. I whctliet hurt n'y recent reporlH from !'en,ylvanla which would warrant n be'; .f that he mlxht ih'iiiioo ic,.ry mere, ine uer.10- nlBhi there has been a decided chniiBc. I I Ii Ink the Republican eandldiite hurt his cause with His) .-.Indlnon Soll.tre Harden speech. , as for the cheers lie received In .Massachusetts. Connecticut nnd u..,.. ., .... .. .. I could not he "that these people ."m ln1 n'n""' i .." ' . . . vote the other wny." "Ii lonlm llkA there U somcthlnn In the air," he added. FRESNO STATE TO KTANKOHI) I'.NIVRHHITV. ful , Oct. 27. Ul A hand of llBht, In- .......1 ..-I. ..... a,, ,i, Hiiiiners represent ini; ! Fresno Suite cinie north to the Stanford stadium today to furnish i what opposition they could to the ' powerful machine of the r.'nrdlnnls. Coach "fop" Warner had hi first eleven on the field, hut observer ! declared that they were only there ' t get what nruetlec they could h- fore th nioorliinl i.n.h Miutween Stanford i California. . , and Soutliern Hold Wheat WA8HIXOTO.N. Oct. 27. Secretory Jardine today reiterated hi onlnlon that rnrtnera should hold their whent in nntleliutHon n.' n rlslnjj market, notlnu that hehitd i previously snld that the "larito nnionnt of eat throtvn on thn market wan unduly depresnlnt; the prleo." and that "thl yenr'n In- ereaed snpnly of wheat would I offset by Increased demand nnd other fnctort." 1