MEDFOftD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OT?EfiOy. FTNDAY. OCTOBER 2fi. Safe For Babies PLANT SHUT AT BUTTE FALLS PAGE TWO j Minnesota Safe 1 1 HAD GOOD SEASON hi-.:: Ik i Carnation Milk "From Contented Cows9 1921. CMP. Co. ACTING MAKES BAKING EASIER moo uvuai RnllR BE? LSSJ CLASSIFIED ADVKIITISINU GETS KtaULTo . . rmuiv nlso. I iff J' ' Jf offtake Qood Soups Taste Better During the crisp days of fall and winter, nothing quite hits the spot like a good bowl of soup .... AND Tru-Bakc Crackers. These crackers have a richly dis tinctive cracker flavor that makes good soups taste bet ter. Crisp, flaky in texture. Slenderized to fit the bite. Try Tru-Bakes .... they will win you. Baked and Cunranteed First Quality by the TRU-BLU BISCUIT CO., Spokane, Portland, Seattle Originators of Tru-Baliei -1.. In the feeding of infants, Carnation Milk is a safe choice. It is whole milk of high quality ' pure, sterilized, uniform and available anywhere. Be cause it is "homogenized," it is particularly ea3y of diges tion. Ask your doctor. Write for Cook Booh CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS CO. 474-A GlUmn St., FortUnd Produced fn Oregon inc 1902 , j Calumet must have real merit must be better than commonplace baking powder or it couldn't be the favorite of mil' lions of the most particular cooks. LESS THAN ;' I SA ill V"! h 1 ' PER BAKING nd Tru-Blu Honey-Sweetened 73 ifr7iror! ei fm ki R-a-ws lil'TTK FALLS. Ore., Oct. 26. (Special.) Thcm-hool orehestnt I. hccomin more and more popular cv'iy wfek. New heKlnners last vc-ek nnd thin are Jean I'ukc, flute: David Cleveland, violin: Wnynn Smith, cornet; Kdward Abbott, vlo- I Jin; Wilma fiurmnn, cello, and I.'y- ' roii Kioddard, trombone. Mi'm. It lien Hoover In nriraniitinK ! ji harmonica hand for theme who! : do nor piny In the orchestra. Thi j bund will meet on Tuesday he-.j j twei-n 3 ninl 4 o'clock. . Mm. John t'adzon and children i of Ashland spent Hcveral rtvH hint j week vtsltiiiK here. They returned J home Hun day evening. ' .Mr. lid Mrs. Harry lleryford : of the Alt. Pill district were kuchih I Sunday of Mr. and Aire. Kverette Moore. j Freda lleryford, who attendH i hinh school In Ashland, spent the 'vacation allowed for teachers' In- ; stitutc and Saturday and Sunday! (with her parents here. i ilt'M. . I ourtriKiii m moiner. ami jnrutner amveei nere irom redeem i City Saturday. The brother re j turned Sunday hut Aim. JohnHon ! wilt;stay here for several weeks. ; .Mr. and Airs. David Cleveland have moved Into the hank build -InK which they recently houuht. Miss Helen S'liiervllle. who Is a student at tc Southern Orepon j Normal sebjol, spent the week end here with her parents f Air. and Mrs. Mill Roberts and family, with Airs. Klmer Hoefs and j I e-nmrcn as men- kucxih. speni mm t days at the UobcrtH homestend last !veek 'j Dlrfircr guests of Mr. and Airs, j it ay Parker Saturday evening were j MiSM Naomi VanOrooH and Mih. '! Frank Hoover anil son Hob. I Miss Klanor Curry, a teacher i in the Medford schools, spent the I week end here at the home of her brother, Allan Curry. ' Alts. Itulh Allebcll spent the ; week end In the valley, j .Mr. and Mrsj tl.iss were visiting ; in lint valley last week. Mrs. Harriet Taylor spent ev joral days in Aledford last we'd:. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nee -1 chool directors meet- i lug held in Medford Saturday. j Mrs. David W'olcoti, who has ! visited here at the home of her granddaughter, M rs. I toy I 'ark or, for the past few weeks, returned to her- home in Portland Saturday. Marl Hoover was a business vis itor iu Aledford Saturday afternoon. J. J. Slmervllle returned from K la ma In. Kails Krlilay evening ami spent Saturday and Sunday with ; nis iamu neic. . 1 t A-junior lOndeavor was orgahiz-1 1 eti Sunday afternoon for pupils r' om the Hlxth grade down. This oi'ganlKation liolds lis inecllng at '3 p. m. ? . ' i I! i v. Smith of Portland will hdd services at tho church Sunday, Oc tober 2Sth. Those who heard atitl enjoyed Air. Smith will not want In miss the opportunity to hear him again. Air. and Airs. Al lllldrcth spent, one diy last week visiting in the viilley. v ' ' - ' The Ladles' Aid gave n cafeteria luncheon at the church Wednesday iioon. . They have promised to pay so much each year toward Itev. Morgan's salary ami are using this means to help raise the money, The ladies Intend having the church wired for electric lights In the near future also. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jackson find Grahnnu I Ml", nllfl Mrs. Carl .l:iclt!nn ninl Following a conference ",, President Coolidgu, TV.mas 0, Sehtll, Indepeoaent,- RcpublloK tenator from Minne3at, declared J that Hoover will. .carry, his. state j gainst ai smith. ' The tenator, who Is totally blind, declared that the Dcmocratt liave nothing to of fer in farm relief. ' ' " family spent HnlurUay nhoppint? In untovA The fliHt of a tor ten of health i clinics will be held Thursday at the church, Dr. Inn keep will amine the children and will be as-1 si-ted by Miss CI lover, one of the) county nurses. ! Airs. AI nine and children: spent Saturday in Med ford. ', There was quite n little excite ment Monday morning when the house belonKinp to Mr. and .Mrs. llarrindeen caught fire hetween the cni,1(r ,in(i ,.oof. Tho flr waH nut m( infro much damage was done. .Mr. and Mrs. mil Kept jind chil dren visited In the valley Satur-j day. . j Leslie Casey left Saturday for Salem where x-rays-will he taken of the taut he .injured last sum mer' while working ntv the rock i crusher. ' Mm. Oliver Hllkey spent Satur day In Alerlford., ;' Camp will soon be moved to within three miles of town. This will bring I S new pupils to tVrV Uutte' Kails schools. 1 Mif--s Kllzabeth llurr visited the rural sclmolM in this community jJlHt week Hub Coffman, who had ills hand ! injured sometime ago, has recently returned to his 'work at camp. Mr, and .Mrs. Clyde Smith have a new Ksse.x. ' I A caravan from Aledford visited 1 the Owen-Oregon camps in this) vicinity last- week." Dinner was! served to the guests at Camp 1 and all report 'a, pleasant anil profit aoie (up.f0 (. - . .Mr. Allen 'of Med fond was a bust ,n(lU. visitor In thi eonimiinfiv iut Weck ' Joe Nee wan elected secretary- j u.Casur"er of t jrh - ers club he day. me county school of- held In Aledford Satur- - I. I). Cnnfii'ld of the Southern Ori'Kun.Ktpotrlo wiik .solit-itlnu linilo In llutin KuIIk ..Monday; ' Ah soon' iw Plnclrlrlly rcrurht'tt llutto Knllx. Mr. eit'vplnml I'nu-nds ) tlnvlni; olrrtrli'at rrrlut'i'iitlin In .itallcil In his tnix. ihhI will o$'n a innat market -there. Thin will make It piiMslhle for him tn curry a variety of tirst-QjiivR meats. Mr. Cild'on "ntent Sunday -md Mon. lay with his, family In Ash land. ' . Cialldn Mlloi' of Medfnt-il Hpont Sunday In llutto Palls. Mr. and ir. Smith and dauKh ter Carol of i'rostieet s,ieiit Satur day and Sunday hero at the home of Mr. Smith's mother, Mrs. Kiln Smith. q Mi'h. lloHH Wymore. Mi-h; Mar vin l.ewallen. Mrs. H. Weliher. Mr. and JIr. t?leve)and unit Mih. Mur ray were Medfnrit visit era Tues day, v Itallih I.eVce, silent Sunday In Ontnil Point; ' ; Mrn, riiroltno Thomllson return ed home Sunday- from Odell lake, where she hits heen emnloved dur- inc the summer.- SI in. lUdnnd MatheWM of Kacle 'olnt spout Tuesday here with her dallKhter, Mrs; Krnest, AlhertK. ' Mr. tuid Mrs. ICveivtte Ahlmtl mid faintly spent the Institute va unt. an and SatuidnM (ind Sunday at theti homestead. ' ' John I'ohley vns a Hulle Knlls Visltoi-' TllesdHy. ; Miss Haael Taylor nnd .Mrs. Har riet Taylor hail n Kliests Sunday Mr. nnd 'Mrs. (.eni-Rc Davts and son nnd-.Mr. DhvIn' mother, all of Central Point. . An InlcreHttiiK anil Instructive! talk on nutrition was ulven at the hlh school Monday afiernonn hy Miss Iteasley of rortland. Stic was ftccompnnlcd hy .Miss .(Hover, an-, oilier 'nurse add it hoy from the Medford Junior hlsh prhnol. who illustrated to the pupils of the! Krammar school whet ran he done! with it harmonica. , Mr. n ml . M rs. ,(luy flood of the X I. i:ieetrtc shop In' Ashland, and Ml Cnrtnow of AshliiuiOvere Itiitte Falls isltois- Monday. : Mr. and Mrs. Karl llaiiudeon on tcrtalned sevomlr of their friends from enmn Mth a dinner Sunday. E SCHOOL HELD IN A lltUe Knnxv whnnl of thin city Is the .Inpanesr school which Is held every Saturday afternoon. und-r the direction of Mrs. Maru nml Mr. Xtlu Twelve Japanese hoys and Kills attend, and for fif teen Minute given InMrucllon in thc AmcrlcHii. and Japanese code nf etliiuetle. and the Japn nesv nlphahot and xlnpnncm slnt hK. A drill in VoMtrnji in held, nd they learn the Ten I'omniand ments, aim 'The Star Spr.nRled Liniuier' tn KnRllnh nnrt Japancrns I t . Ity Mjiry . Carey KDKS I'RHCINCT. Ore., Oct. 20 -(Special.) Dr. Malmuren of I'hoctiK has hecn havlnK Noah Chandler reshliiBle and paint nnd otherwise repair u couple of his houses Ashland, which tho doc tor has for rent. The 1'hoenlx paekiiiK house own id nml operated hy Nvwhry and sons, has closed down for this sea son. They have had one of tho hi'sl runs of packlnii houses in this locality. The pears especially welv a heavy crop and many cars wore shipped from Thoonlx. The apple crop was not uhove the averaKO. .1. Frank Wortmnn was In our precinct Wednesday nnnnunclnit his candidacy for roproBontultve on the jjemocraiic iicroi. .o. Wortman expects to cot a booh perconluKG of tho votes 111 I'hoenix anil vicinity. Those who spent last Saturday In Medford doliiK trndlnK were Ur. Malmsrcn. Mrs. Relmer, John Mast. A. II. Kishor. ('. Carey and Mrs. Irene Wells. Mr. and .Mrs. Dopp of Medford were UP to thell- little ranch near I'hoenix last Sunday morninit. James Allen and Frank ICvans were Medford huslnoss visitors last Friday. Mrs. tluard, oiBaul'.er for the NelKhliors of Woodcraft, who Is in ModlCwrt on official huslnoss. was out to make a call on your corre spondent last Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Shearer hrouitht the lady nut in lliolr cur. lOiui Bradley of WaKilor creek was down In North Talent one day last week trylnjj to sell a radio. Clint Hartley and family, accom panied hy Mrs. Hartley's hrolher. Mr. I'oloy. spent- the week-end at Crescent City. They report tho weather most dellKhtful. Talent people were Interested ill a political address (jlven hy one of the Jtepulillcan cuiupnlKll speakers one nluht last week. S. S. Stevens is the possessor of a line new Colster radio which is the source of much pleasure to htm. Mr. and Mrs. K. (. Keaso or Sacramento are vlsiliim at the home or Mrs. House's parents. .Mr. and Mrs. C. Carey and with Mr. House's parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Keaso of Ashland. Mr. ltenso. Sr.. is in had health. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Chandler and Irene were down to John Mast's to hear tho Helen Norrls radio play. "Ann ManaKcs." It came ill very clear, and was said to no her host production thus rar. Tho I'hoenix ladles' aid will Rive their regular harvest home chicken supper this Fridag)ovonin(.-, Oeto hor It promises lo he as fine a slipper as tho rnoollix lames nave thu reputation of haviiiK In the nasi and that is saylni; much. Mrs. J. AV.' Flsh and dnuirhteu. I.oona, returned the last of this week from n couple or weeks visit at Modesto with Mrs. Fish's moth er and other relatives. Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Butler of southern California have rented the plnce helonKinu to Mr. I'ettus. There was a largo attendance at church in I'hoenix last Sunday lo hoar Hov. Johnson, who was hero as a candidate for the pastorate, itev. Johnson delivered a very aide sermon. In his compliments "Aith regard to our valley anil of the people ho has met he said he was Impressed with the hospitality of the people. - I0d Hamlin and I.oule Culver spent the past week out at I-ost I'ralrlc in tho Head Indian coun try. Md is KalllciiliK his cattle preparatory to driving- In. Mrs, 10, A. l-'.vans was up from Suleni for u few days last week visiting her mother, Mrs. Will High. Police Dog Star Loves Green Olives Cndouhtedly the .most untnue unlary-ih pictures 1h Ihnt paid A DAY IS ONLY HAIF BEGUN UNICSS STARTED Orr WITH AClPOr RfALLY IXCtllENT COFFEE Golderfc?West 0 k ou want vitaliz tog II II II I Will iu A W 1 1" iMonuikc. tne ihuicc nojr Htar ittayH icaitire at the Slate tho- luire. K'lonillke love his art for art's A Iliiptiinoss I nines lire '.not living in a homo of your .;. o your fiimily, snves monthly rout mid incrcasps in valnittion. Our convenient . ; ; : HomeJodns V:.-' eiiahle you to have a linine of your own and pay for it ou convenient monthly install ments. Do not let the problem of finatieiiis: stand ilk the way of tlieu'palwation of your dreams. Come in and let lis tell yon inure iiliont. our fiVimp loan plan.- Investment in our stock cninliines the three reipiisites uT SAKKTY, PKOKIT and AVAII.AIUI.Vl'Y and earn 7 per cent, and S per O enul ', f..,. ...... l...t l..l Jackson County Building & Loan ' is Ff ,nakc. aiul a iso ter too sake oi : tontle and appreciative waan ic.t screen in havlour is reward- hu n'nini c ho hax to he coiur ,ed. Patn on the Head and words t ; of apprrchition 9 j't'iilt'd Jiomci r i lioi'e's ncnnino plonsurp iiitd siit isfhr own. It's n safo invcstincnt, too, t hut brings joy to y "HOW SHAM, 1 ?XYKST- MY MON'UY?" jr DArxu. 1 The first function of good" food is to replace used up energyto revitalize the system. Dietitian are agreed that there is no better 'vitality food" than ham, and when you add the unusually deli cious flavor that goes with (he name "FRYE'S DELICIOUS" you have the complete story of good food. The great Frye plant is here in your Northwest that's why we say ni' ii''. ui fiiiu in tin i u wiiii MicciiiL'in Kiirt-u 'ii' i arejjrreftted withi with tliV pit removed. V Jllill 'f tin mid A Place to Invest Your Savings Over 19 Years in Medford Not One of Our Stockholders Has Lost a Penny