Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 17, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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PlflE l?OUTJ
Dally, flundir, Wekly
PublihMl by th,
MP.nrokU i'ULTlMU 00.
Ii-l?-e N. Kir 8t. Phono T
An independent New,ppr
Kntrrtd Mcond elaaa matter at Med
ford, Oregon, uuJ.r Act o! Marco 8, 187.
Bj Mall In Atlviittr:
Daily, with Sunday, year tT.ftO
Iily, with Sunday, month lb
Daily, without buiulay, year 0-60
Dail. without Similar, month . .
Wrrkly 1111 Tribune, oca jear.... J. 00
hurwiay, one r-ar 1.00 j
by Carrier, in Advance In Ifedford, Aah
Uivl, Jailwuivtlb", Central Point. Itioanli
Talent, Gold Hill and on HI ah way a:
Dally, Willi Nuiflay. month $ .78
Dally, wititout Sunday, month 06 ;
Dally, wititout Sunday, one year... T.OO
Dally, with Sunday, one year 8.80
All lerma, caab in advance. j
Iteceivinif Full Leaaed Wire Bervict
Only paper in city or county receiving
Dews by irlrfrapti. j
The Associated Prew la eiclualeely en- t
titled to the uac for publication of all '
bewa dirinatchea credited to it or otherwlae !
credited in Una paper, and alio to tha local 1
oewa pulthahrd herin. j
All I
I right lor rrpuuiicaiion oi epeciu aw j
Batches 'if rein are alao reaeired.
Offlrtal pa wr or trie City of kfnford.
Official pajer of Jdrknon County.
Sworn dally average circulation for all j
month uk audi l, lvzt), 4oaz.
Advert Ifdnir Represent atiwa
Office in New York, Chicago, Detroit,
San FrancUco, Loa Angel ea, Beattle, Port
laud. Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry
Science has made ra pld strides,
hut a capitalistic slave can't leave
home nt 8:03, and be at work nt
7:65, the condition tith street In In.
"Time and tide, it is Haiti, wait
for no man." (I'iiijc 39, Nov. True
Detective Man.) Ho it litis been
rt kht w i s i;c n a c k or TH K
WKKK There are alvayn ut leant
slight compensations, and in
days of the cigarette, the cocktail
and the boyish limine not nearly ho
many of tun Klrts Bct sick on
fudge as used to. (Ohio Slate
WHAT'S (;oi; ox iii-:ici-:?
(Host-burs Xcms Itcvlcu)
IF THI-; LAUV who lust her
slipper in the vicinity of
K tulle's plumbing shop will
call the snmo will ho returned.
No qurfiUunH axked.
Rejoicing Iihh hcen noted in dry
clrcIcH, that "the air 1h no longer
heavy with odor of whiskey." Jiut,
even at (hat. It Mm-llod belter than
buiiu'-inado bear ami wino tonic.
A nhoe clerk at AlbiKiucrque, N.
M., wmh Hhot by a female customer.
Probably becauHo ho accidentally
Hold her a pair of uhuca that did
not hurl.
"Audition" 1m all the rago among
tho local ui'tlHtlc. It is "audition"
thin, and "uudtljnn" that. An a
rule the "atnlltlim" in all right, but
tho rrl of tho bunk. CoiiHiileriible
favorable coiumeiH has boon bo
rrowed upon tho soprano aquoul
that in a Hint it; under tho Hktn, to
u uotiibbouiid freight whittling for
a country crotwing.
A r.lV M'HAKK I'l"
(Kiiiisim illy Slur)
VILIj not be rcHpont-iblo ftir
debiH contracted by anyone
other than myself, C II.
Urazle. 812 V. L'fllh.
CMKKOItl) KAltl.i; HHA
O VN 1) K UTS. M A H 1 A N.
A poll t ten I campaign in thin
vlclnlly never waituK up until the
cotnbninniH Ktnrt in hurl Itlbllcal
(juotntionH. l.ntln pIiiuhch, and $7
words at -ach other.
Q. Washington Maddox. tho ox
MethmllM and cnilnt-nt ahlmdoglNt,
Jr the pluud tllher of M new HeL tl
Store teeth.
4 more days to get
doer, legally.
dnH fur a
Kle.iH are reptnted aitivr in tho
hotter rfrclc4, and arc ery imiiiov
lng. In n.ty the lem-t, the victim
report. Iidy l-'ord-t'otipe tf the
loci I Imitation I'llii.-h si i. an
Doiincert u silver lining to an
otherwise unhc uruHc Hit ua lion,
Uuu lt the fact that her jso dog Ih
nut aiTilctctl.
J. V. Shirley, a bank hand, who
lu Mucking pundultckM lor the
Vawter lioy, exhlblled ignor
ance yesterday, by adntltliug hln
fullurv lo fathom an Item appear
Jug in this hangar of truth, which
tho Wi'ti(.r 1m unable to fathom
"Uoyn will be boys." said John J.
JtuHkoh. campaign navigator for
Al Smith ychteulay. It 1h fast and
clever thinking such uh ibis, that
keep? the Uepublb-an party on the
'Henry Welch, whoso wire left
a month ago for IMinevltle, wus in
this sect dm TucHttay, looking for a
fct ray bnrse."- ( uiKVille. Ure..
iNt'Wh. ) A -h-h !
TUNCKS Htlline fblco. Calif., i
KlitrpL'Ise.l To wit: This Is a cat: ,
this is a rat; See the cat chase the
Bum Leo (iriflitb turned over
two or three times Sunday night.
(bU-wail Items.) Dcd or auto.
Sam bo wnn u coloietl boy
Who. lived with Mrs. Itunlons;
Mb Kent 111 til nut lo find the 1
iliat swiped her Fiarucn onions.
lo scurched Intently far and Maw
To gratiry the luy,
Io n on h day he did appear
JIIh face was wry and shady.
'or In bis arms he held u skunk
and called to .Mrs. Ituuions;
"l)vtt smell bis href f an jo" ken
tell '
Iat bn done nied yy' onions."
(KouiUiilnJim Tribune.)
CluBBlflcd advertising gctQ resultp,
JOHN H. YE0N", who died in I'ortliinl Hominy nij-'lit, wns 11
very remarkable mini. C'oiniag; t Oifsi'M in 188."., with
$2.!W in 1) is poeki'l, he rctiMrl, 1:1 years ii(ro a niilliuiiiiii-c. j
L'nlikc inmiy self-made men, Mr. Yf'JiiV ehiel' interest was,
never efineerned with linking money. Svlikfied with his ii
eome, he withdrew from active Inisiix- and (levoled himself to j
the develoument mid better'junt of liix .stale, part ienlarly in til'.'!
way of better roads. j
Without his disinterested k?votion, timless assistanee, ami
splendid leadership, the present remarkable highway system in ;
this state would never have been .possible. j
Honest, unselfish and public Spirited, .Mr. Y eon's place in;
the progressive ami constructive
indeed be hard to fill.
ASKK!) it' In- lh(iiif;lit lu; served imy useful purpuso in liviiijr,
Williiim Jlieloii'iii answered:
"Yes, hs nil exainple to be avoided."
Well, there is ronsidei able truth t' that. The tragedy nf
William Hickman is the Irnedy tif thosr lirilit oii tir men who
decide ihey can "heat the liauic"
There are undoubtedly potential Hickman's in this country
today, just as there are potential Leopolds, Jjucbs and D'Autre
monts. They are smarter than the averse. They think they
can tfel money without working, and inUv things, ineludiiig
human life, without paying. Their matevialislie and unmoral
philosophy is based upon an overwhelming uonecit, and a dia
bolical seirishness.
Jf this dying message of young Hiekmaii run reach some of
these precocious infants, who-have matured intellectuiilly, but
never morally; he has a right to elaim that, in. .spite of his atro
cious crime, he has not lived entirely in vain.
WH envy Mr- Norman Thomas, the Socialist candidate for
President. I'nlike .Messrs. Hoover and Smith, he does
not expect to win. Also unlike nt least one of them, lie will not
be disappointed three weeks from today.
Mr. Thomas is reported to be enjoying excellent, health. He
is traveling about the country, with all of his expenses paid,
and jiving speeches before small but enthusiast ie audiences.
No (jliost writers for him. No water on one shoulder and
hard Ihpior on the other. No subtle? adjustment of his vocabu
lary to suit one district and not lose votes in another.
He can say what he likes, 'do what he likes, and act as he
likes. He knows what Socialism is, and he isn't afraid to tall;
about it. He is a free man, ardently opposed to the capitalistic
system under which he lives, but enjoying every day the privi
leges and advantages it provides.
If Messrs. Smith and Hoover ever have time to think of him,
how sincerely Ihey must envy him. He certainly comes as near
iiH any human being can come to both having his cake and eat
ing it. i
On this bright and beautiful morning we pause to wonder
what new thing Al Smith is opposed to.
They say the inventor of the gin fizz is dead. His master
piece preceded him.
limit men seldom are misiUiled in print, but it's charitabli
to think they are.
No wonder Tolstoy was an
Nine times in ten, the woman
A mm. must fool himself in order to MiectTil. Unci lie n li
mits Iuk eomplHi' unimpoi1net lu won't linvt tho milt to trv.
Still, it taken pill to stcI tho prt'iichcr's pot imrMm and j
then call them 4,puli1iel parsons'' because they keep tm hat I
in" it. !
Jiitlifiiit; by the claims they make, campaign milliliters nroj
elioscn lieennse of their belief that the people are idiots. I
A South Carolina woman suffered "nervous prostration"
while watching n hriek mason at work on her house., We've
seen hriek masons Ijke that, too.
Among the best intelligence
No mat tt-r liow tin- I'lcctitiM n(ics,.vuu will work just ns liuril i
for it dolliir mill piiv .just us imu'li rout. I
j Lli
"II dU ft '
"fFrTOOnft TfcfATE yRTftUKE. M"ED"F0"Rrj,
juj,H!J tww'iii ,:iui' j
development, of this state will
idealist- His home was named
too easily insulted flatters lier-
tests yet devised are eampai;n
Jeff Totes a Banner. And How!
f ruic cimi r, . 1 1 t-
Ml . J r I J VOH 1
AL OR r Von'T
KNOVaJ the
CrMrAI&r0- jLi
x xmrr mL Mjh mm
Personal Health Service
flip.ed lettera pertaining; to araj health and hygiene, not to dlaeaaa tsuioeli tr
treatment, frill be anawered by Dr. Mraoy If a lumped, aelf-addreaaad envelope ia encloaed.
Wttera ahould be brief and wrtttra hi ktk. Owing to the large number of lettera re
ceived, only a few oan be anewered heee. No reply can be made to queiiea oot conatv
la to lMtraotioa. Addraaa Ur. William Brady, in cart of thia aeweaapr.
tiik twim: SITI ATION"
ItecHiitly 1 got off my chsl homrtj,,n of mir power nf balance, and
nb.scrvu.tlon about raise economy, i nt' d'M id-d to ask you about it. I
in the of which 1 -paid my -said I thought it was in yur brain
dy stuff, or the dual rrom i;. may j goud swimmers, n scribed to
account fur the undue prevalence j "cramps." are really due to sudden
of respiratory diseases among post 'vertigo anil helplessness due to the
office employes. I tiilnk the head . impact of water on these semielr
of the budget or whoever the cular canals. Kspecially when the
W ashington man may be that puts individual has perforated ear drum,
on the annual radio talk about the Su'-h Individuals should place some
wonderful economies effected by lamb's won or oily or greasy cotton
such innovations, ought to figure In fin the eats before going In swim
On high cost of preventable slck-iming.
n ess, and then his savings for the
government will not seem so impor
tant. At best, all post office em
ployes who serve or deal directly
with the public Hre necessarily ex
posed when on duty to whatever
respiratory infections the public
has. The microscopic Injuries of ! of the sensational writer. I doubt
the deilvate lining of the respira-1 that any reputable or reliable sur
tory tract by particles of dust orjgeon would commit such monkey
fiber from this miserable twine business. Cheer up, brace up, wake
must greatly increase the suseepti-jup and make up if necessary, but
bility of the employe to respiratory anyhow it is your ow n attitude that
infections, for these microscopic will uplift your face if it 'is fallen,
wounds of the mucous membrane j I-nily Like Suit
permit invasion by germs that 1 there harm in eating a large
would otherwise be entangled in amount of salt? I crave it so much
the mucous and destroyed by the that I take three tablesponnfuls.
germicidal secretions. sometimes more, dally, besides
When I had published that item I whiit Is in my fond. Mother fears
I felt pretty good about it. I am jit may be harmful and she asked
not a Hoy Scout. I regret to say. but 1 " to write to you. I,. II.
I thought I had done a good turn j Answer. Yes, taking an excess
i hiit day lo the postoffice workers. J "f salt lends to make one flabby.
Hut no. It was nothing like that. pale, dull, sallow, easily fatigued
Four postofflce workers passed jand peevish or depressed. Kor an
Judgment on it, and maybe there is average normal adult anything
room to tetl what they said, to-wlt: i more than a teaspoonful of salt
Cheyenne postal clerk writes: j daily, in food or as a condiment,
"J)id you ever stnp to think it i may be considered excess,
might be a twine that was found' Itliliilils
must practical, not most econom-I (1.) What is rhinitis? CM What
leal? All thr clerks 1 know prefer lis Its cause? (3.) Symptoms? (4.)
this twine. It Is easy to handle and I it a medical or surgical case?
one knot is sufficient in tying hi. Mrs. t. n.
package, other twine reiulre two Answer. Ithinitis is Just a med -
knols, nils lu .. soft twine stays
nut. The ono disadvantage you
mentioned the fuzz that comes off
it Is ncgliglblo as compared with
a I these advantages it has over
hard, smooth twine.
A few days later the same clerk
wroie from Ogdeu, I'lah, saying
(hat in his baste perhaps he hail
too strongly defended tho present
twine. Me merely did not want to.
see the wartime kind provided
again. Up lo a few years ngtf, he
K oo s on, the government provide
a Jute twine similar to Ihe present
shoddy stuff, but of better quality.
with all the ml van (ages he hud t
mentioned, yet it did not throw off
any fuz. and create Ihe dusty con
dil'.on that Ihe present wine does.
The dust is probably Just as bad as
I painted II, for in most postofficcs
and mail terminals they still prac
tice dry sweeping, and thus the fu.ia
from I ho twine floats lu the air. .
I hat s two of em. (
The third Is a note from a nurse U
who declares I spoke the trut h
about the dirty postofflce and
cnunierfeii economy.
The lasr is from a postmaster,
whosi Identity I had better keep
secret. He writes:
The postofffce force here wishes
to express thanks and appreciation
for your aHrlcle on "t 'onnterfelt
j Kcnnomy." Kvcr since this so
called economy has been In force
our office has been dusty, sweeping
has raised clouds of dust that make
us all cough and sneeze. The fnrce
all suffered excessively from colds
and throat Irotlble last winter and
we look forward Willi dread to Ihe
coming winter. The worst feature
nf this shoddy siring Is that the
siring that cnnics around bundles
of letters must be tied into balls
and used again to tie outgoing bun
dles. This handling seems In raise
most of the dust. We are consider
ing the idea of buying our own
string Ibis winter and save on doc
tor bills . . .
And so for a stroll with Tony the
1'. P. If you On a nood turn or say
a good word for Tony be doesn't
begrudge wagging Ills lull.
I would like to know, though
whether the postal clerk uses the !
tii'iliiuiry granny kiuit or
kimiu'm knot.
Aiuithi'i- Ctrl In uur clii tuul tin
iirKunu'iit Willi me nhotlt the liicn-
(. i.lfvJOTr - jl tNCV rA JOWLS ' . I 1 fov 1 HC CWft OP TO - r-, I v.r-, Sf
- aF'f a JT I JF " U4' aT I . --, . 'a, j atf "ta. lW - - I
.. .
respects to the and my friend says it is a little lube
pestoffleo author- ' in ur earH. 11. 11.
iilt-H and calletl : Answer. In the Inner ear chse
their attention to to tho brain 'ire three little emi
the evident dusii-' circular canals containing lymph
ii'-ss of postof- ! and sensitive lining cells. In these
fices k n c i the ' canals is the nerve mechanism that
eh pan grade of , controls equilibrium. Injury or tlis
twine was adopt- turbance of these delicate canals
ed m an "icon- j produces vertigo or dizziness or
oiny" measure. I ! other upsets of equilibrium. JM'ob
believe this shod- 'ably not a few cases of drowning of
Lift Your Own Countenance
Please give in your column the
address of a lift surgeon or plastic
surgeon who does the facial lift.
M. V.
Answer. I belfceve the "facia I
lift" is done only in the imagination
icat term no-aning iiuiauunaiioii in
i the nose, ("oryza is sometimes
alb-d acute rhinitis, rhronlc rhin
itis is sometmes called "catarrh."
So your questions are vague, and
anyway we do not provide symp
toms In this health column.'
Copyright. John K. Dllle Co.)
,i, w l-'. and the man went down the
Kvon it you do hate nun you kin
.si III vote fer Smith on account of j
his filter Kwer levs. Il vt hoi
thinks twice Is too late.
(Copyright, John V. Dllle Co.)
Ye Letter Box
Editorial Appreciated
Kdltor Mail-Tribune:
Your considerate editorial last
evening on "conspirators' Is up-j
IM Cciutotl but unnopossary ho far
hs I nni eom-eriHMl. You are too
fa ir-lll iltilocl ail opponent (If you
aro nnpl to bivmnil-rh vnllr ItnlirlR
knowingly with that kind of mini.
I also liollovo that no aniiiiTlnhl. -
numlior of the roster of cmluout
3ffl flkiSfc Hi m
il ( 1
OCTOBER 17. 1928.
...I,..,. . 'I, I,,
(By Wah Maamn.)
The country's full 'of can
didates, who make the wt-lkiu
ring; and some are mental
heavyweights, and some are
t'other thing. AM up and
down ,the land they go. in
tent upon our weal, for uf
lice high and office low they
run with tirek-MS zeal. Upon
ten thousand platforms tall
they argue by the nay; if
they're elected in the fall
they'll shoo our woes awav.
They have forsaken useful
chores, like hoeing corn and
beans, to tell the whole wide
out-of-doors what their elec
tion means. The candidal-,
a brilliant band, who rustle
now for voters, might till a
mighty stretch of land and
riise big crops of oats; they
might ship wheat across the
seas. if they would follow
plows, or furnish tons of
wholesome cheese if thev
would milk some cows. The
welkin is a futile thing that
cuts no ice or grass;- what
boots it, then, to make it ring
like unto sounding brass? Who
is the better for a speech dis
t ussini.' chestnuts hoar? Hut
be who grows a pear or peat h
is blest forcvermore. It's bet
ter far to raise a plum, a
nutmeg or a prune, than 'tis
to make tho welkin hum with
some old tawdiy tune. The
country's full of candidates,
they're chasing up and down:
and none of them are ship
ping crates of Hquashes , into
town. And none of them arc
sawing wood of spading up
the ground, or doing anything
that's good to make the wheels
go round. I long have watch
ed them as they chased, and
.listened as they chinned, and
sadly murmured "What a
waste of energy and wind!"
and fair-minded gentlemen who
compose tho Republican county
committee would wilfully slander
a private citizen, much less the
highly reputable wife of a brother
member of the committee. As a
matter of fact, the communication
sounded so much like the noise of
',. 0(,ftj Mussolini, who for some
unknown reason has lately been
wearing a muzzle, until his ready
pen, like some valiant warrior
"Trenchant blade Toledo trusty,
Kor want of fighting has grown
And eats into itself for lack
Of somebody to hew and hack."
I could have laughed at the eii
tleninnft' violence, had I not been
reminded of the better example
of the distinguished admiral at
Santiago, who said: "Don't cheer,
boys; the poor devils are dying."
Tim "Martial Iteport" ,
To the Kdltor:
To enable the voters tu bet
ter understand about the so-called
"partial report" made to Judge
Thomas during tho Chancy in
vestigation, I wish to say;
That at the time the report
was submitted, the two special
prosecutors had abandoned us
and we were without advice. I
bad found a section of the statute
which Allowed us to ask Judge'
Thomas whether certain acts were
unlawful, and if so, the names j
of the crimen. This statute wan'
rend and carefully considered by !
t he gra ml jurors In t he preseivo
of Mr. Neilson, deputy dstrict
attorney. It is true that we took!
no vote on the partial repqrt
because we thought it unneces- j
i sary. We all concurred in it j
md p resen ted it to Judge Thomas
in open court. I le received It
without objection, nor was any
objection made by any grand
Juror. Judge Thomas said he did
not consider the document a pre-
! sentment.
ne (ltd not nnswc:
question, tbougli h"
; any of thr
, .'coined
considerably displeased.
He asked us when we would; This line remedy removes tlm causo
meet again. We advised bin.! 0f the trouble and promotes normal,
that we w ould meet one week heallliy digestion. 'Tape's Diapep
from that day. and we left with j ejn" is gold by all druggists at 60
this understanding. He retained; cents a package, and is the remedy
Ihe so-called partial report. The! which is recommended by millions be j
grand Jurors dispersed, fully bo- cause it gives immedinte relief in all '
lievlng that
at the next session
they would be advised and that!
1 1 h ,!mo
questions wouhi ot ans -
Cp to this time it had'
! not orcm-ml to mp that any
!nnsvr to rhpsp iincstlons which
I asked .IiiUkp Thomas would
Icmbanas!. Judtf,- Tlionias. 1, -
lause he mild to bo to the hot -
I intend to vote for.
for President at the November
. . ,
I an registered as a
Signed (Name)
Add(Fm o7t"and"m7i"l to straw
,. of tho rnnttnr anil
chilis fiill whrrc they would.
Ocloher 1". l'-'-
Quill Points
Kxainplo of peine humane: lte
fusinB to take a criminals life:
sendniK him to the lien, to Wl
a tuard or two.
Tribune, Medford, Oregon)- '
lrl tllC
All ohl.m.-lilono.l man Is j ''''"
one who sees a ulrl sinoklna j () t.,kj,1K tnn frankly, about 1'ly
nn.l believes he could pet , ,m(1 the mstakes of his "bet
her but doesn't, 'o ters
TiouhtlesH it is true that cod The air fleet will be a separate
ll Ton "ill .rove, snow blind- unit eventually, and no well-mean.
Ls. V never saw a blind cod-1 u, dodo. no ( altlo-
! to prevent it.
The brown derby and fedora j t The Zeppelin's arrival should
have their good points, but noth- j make this government realize that
lng equals the old black slouch j nyins is too great to be A
for talking through. I HRANCH of army, navy, or any-
r j thing else.
Mr. Mellon denies a rumor tliatj
he once controlled the liquor j r0 man'R ingenuity there is no
business. He doesn't do it venjend, and the Hritish seem to bo
; now.
i Americanism: Keeping an earj
open for slander about the other j
candidate; wondering how any -;
body ran be fool enough to be-!
lieve the tales about you.
How thoughtless we are! The'
passenger pigeon and the bui-
falo are extinct, and yet dry!
agents blaze away at motorists.
The present campaign has'
more whispering than usual. Justj
as the present tooth-ache is the j
worst you ever had.
Those who wouldn't work in
stricken Florida couldn't eat.
.Making the rule universal would
cripple the manufacturers of re
ducing machines.
"The cafeteria Is more hi
ular with men that women.
You tn n't change your mind
lu a cai'derla.
Smith gets his literary Digest
votes from thoso who were Ite
publfeans in l!i2-l but where else
could he get them?
A man's great thrills are the
first t hue be kisses a girl and
the first time he hears his of
fice girl say ho is in confer
ence. Quickest Way to
. Sweeten Stomach
K RITA PR Ihnt four
condition of your
atomarh in due to
an ovpr-ptitDfilnticn
of pa trie. arid. A
nour utomnoh isn't
very plrnsnnt, and
isn't very easy to
rxcupo when there
to remedy k. To
neutralize the harmful acid and put I
your Monmrh in pood order take a .
little "I'ape' Dinpepsin"; after meals, '
or whenever the need is felt. I
cases ot dithcult and painful dicrestion
He sure, therefore, to provide your- j
j sen wim i nyv j-iiapepsm today, t
so that stomach pain and digmtive 1
troubles nwl never worry you aain. :
t'r ,OHr stomach callnc you (Jiwom .
: 'rt. This form of relief ban helped
1 who thoiiffht their disorders
1 ""'d nul M "eiyea.
(Name party)
1 "-
- BaUot - Coritert - Editor, Mail-
Uciniinhor llic lumpy school
.Invs when you i-iin'l"'! a slati? :
lljw ihey come tk to you m
vou watch the nuin unload your
winter coal!
They Ky
hotel rates
must be
hiKh to eay for mo niwi-is kucmis
Meiil. Hut !"" can a Kuest get
away will! :il". towels?
Correct this sentence: "I like
the fellow," wild the reserved
metropolitan: "ho patted me on
ihe ba.-k the first time 1 met
Brisbane's Today
, i .i.., nm Pdm DnflA
surpassing us as inventors.
One introduces a new talking
machine record, in Ihe form of a
thread. A coil weighing- a few
jounces holds as much as 10 ordi-
narv disc records. The new de
vice can be applied completely to
any present talking machine.
Mr. Stephenson, ot the Wach
ovia Hank & Trust Company, says
i wills are in existence written four
thousand years o-;o. When the
giant trees of California were little
trees, not more than oO feet high.
men were already arranging to ruin
their children by making it unnec
essary for them to work.
1-ady lieam beats the woman's
record by climhin.-? UU.OOO feet into
the air in a light airplane. A fine
achievement, although, in propor
tion to li'e diameter of the earth,
it is as though a microbe on an
apple rose into the air the ono
thousandth part of an inch. When,
will living men escape this earth,
to visit the moon, or nearby Mars,
and return to tell about it? That
would be flying.
Political Announcements
I am tho regular rtcpublican
nominee for sheriff of Jackson
:ounty. If elected, will co-operate
with all officials in Ihe en
forcement of all laws.
Paid Adv. Route 4. Medford.
Alfred E. Smith
Joe T. Robinson
H. D. Norton
Circuit Judge
J. Frank Wortman
Lloyd A. Williamson
George A. Codding
District Attorney
Ralph G. Jennings
R. L. Cornwell
School Superintendent
C. W. Ashpole
County Commissioner
Chas. T. Sweeney
M. D. Coroner
Cenir r-..em0C . 16 i!
r",J n.Jl .. 0 . 0 .?
Published by Democratic County
Phone 87S m.h,Lh
Id Adv.
5 : ' I