Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 14, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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Irene DeLoih, 325 South Holly St. Phone 390-L or 71
, .
4, Delphian group meetings 4
4 Thursday inuiiilng.'Oi't. nth, 4
4 ihisl Hldo cln-lii Methodist 4
4 I'liuroh, home of Mid, O. W. 4
'4 Ciinkllll, Slid Hunt Jackson 4
-. HI., Tuesday, .Oulnbcr tilth. 4
4 Oregon HlolB College oluli. 4
4 Hume of Mr, anil Mix. C, 1). 4
4 Thompson. 10 J Wcsl I till 4
4 HI,, Munduy evening, October 4
4 I5tb. lit a o'clock. 4
4 Lutheran church dinner, 4
4 church purlin, Thin oiluy , ou 4
4 luier Hlh, 6:30 In 7:30. 4
4 Oruuler Mcdfoid club i'ii nl 4
4 party, homo of Mm. Luko 4
4 Ryun, ill 6 Kiini J ink huh 4
4 street, liiiiiorrow urim niiiiii, 4
4 October 1 6lli nl o'clock, 4
, 4 Daddy's NIkIU lit Wiu.Ii- 4
4 Ingtuii school, Tuesday even- 4
4 lux. October I Kill lit 7:11), 4
4 Chrysanthemum O trcte4
4 TlilinUIti club. Ilumo of Aim. 4
4 Michael Hi'l'k, fiU South 4
4 Drupe irot, Tliuradny even. 4
4 Iiim, October I Hill nl II o'clock. 4
4 Medford Women's 1'horiiR. 4
4 Hluillu of Miss Alma Law- 4
4rence, over llio Medford 1'hnr- 4
4 niucy, Momliiy, October It, ut 4
4 7: SO sharp. , 4
4 Moihodlnl church reception 4
fur Dr. una Mm. Raymond 4
' 4 lloef lit Ihn church Thursday 4
4 or Frlduy of Ibis week. Onto 4
4 to tie announced Inter. 4
4 1, A, It. bux luncheon, 4
4 Culled Hlaie hotel m Jnck- 4
4 sbnvllln Haturduy ut la o'clock 4
4 Oclobor 20. , 4
4 HI. Mark's Oulld enrit pnrty, 4
4 Frldny, October 10, nl 2 i, m., 4
4 (lull)! hall, 4
4 Special meeting Junior High 4
4 I. T. A. Tueilny, October 10, 4
4 nl 3:45. 4
4 Prlscllln Circle of the flisl 4
4 M. K. church will ineol with 4
4 Mm Dora lies. 'J I H West 4
4 Jaekson. on Wednesdny uftcr-
4 noon. All . members mill 4
4 friends nre urged to lid pres. 4
4 eni. 4
4 Masonla dance Thursday, 4
4 October in. ul lliu Musonlc 4
4 hull. 4
4 'v'hi.ti w.i.m ,yerd dish 4
4 uiier .. Weilnciicliiy. October 4
4 17, ut 0:30. I'ylhlnn hull. 4
'flilimlly exiieclml Unit Ihn women
or MiMirnril will Hhtitv their henrly
iipiu iHlntliin ICby iiiioiiillng thimu
Clint panics nun doing iiinir nirt
for tb In Hiili'iulld cause, if :
Anyonii IntercJiii'il who Iiuh hut
ynl Hunt In u rcsi'i'Vallun for this
uffiilr, klnilly liiephoiiii II mem
ber of Ihn committee, Mm. It. 0.
Mulliollnnd, Mrs. I,. II, Tut lie, or
Mm, George Codding before 1(1
u. iii, Monday,
, -44 ' -
Ruddles' Mailt nl
Washington HrliiMil.
Ihn Washington I'.-T. A will
nhseivn Huddles', night on . Tun"
day. Ui-t. Itllli. Tim following
liroKiiun will be. Klven;
(Irotiii of noniiM liy MIm !ro
initr'H pupltH.
HeudliiK, '.'Hick Womlrhuck,"
Tnlk hy Itov. (!. H. Moll.
l'lnnu nolo, IJorolliy IttirK"".
Illxiory iiluy by Minn Hinlth'i
'I'ulk hy It. It, I'lnrh, nrlniiliml.
A coiiiinlili'o of -RHtthrri will
norvo refriMilinii'nti. Vo liopii
I here will lio u In rite nllnniliineo
of UuditliM, nnil inotbvr nru nliio
welcome!, coma unil iiiont your
chltdrun'ii nuihi'in. Tlio iinieilnn
will ho culleil promptly ut 7:30
Mm. Alice llnllowny. who anenl
nrvernl day In I'orliund thin piml
wook, In the IntcroBlit of "Tin?
Town und Country Hhop," returned
home Tlitirndyn.
.Mm f.lrny! "Mow You Clin Help
(lid Out inn Volii," Mm. (Iroen.
ThlH ' dntti Iielnif Uio Cuiollii"
, Hi.'clt lliurlKon dny a brief IiIok
jniphji at vMin, lliirrlwin will lm
I Klven hy Mm, Tom VIII. Tim
1 mimic will ho n kioiip ot Mm.
Much mi'iutier' Ih reiiuuHled to
brlnx it ullver offeilim for llio
(.'ni'ollno Hcotl lliirrlHon invmorlul.
Mm. I'' I'otllnncr KlitiTtullw
j IHl' club
Klfnl nioullnu for Ihn yenr of the
:i)lle vltili met ut Mm, K. 1'iHtln-
llfiir'H on Juckmin iitreot October
wllh 12 meniliem it nil two vMtom.
Iltnll cull Willi curronl ovenm fol-
loivml hy n dlncuHKlon on urt und
u iioclul hour iltirlnif which refriwh
nielli" were.' nerved hy Mm. 1'ot-llnKi-r,
the lmnten, iiHslHlcd by Mrn.
C, J. Kry.
Mr. und Mm. II. It. Htewart
mid Mr. und , Mm. K. (I. Clilnn
hnvn returned from a two woek'
pleiiaurn trip throUKh .Cullfornlu
mid HOtith to the Mexlcun border.
I'nnt Mnlmtui' Ciub
llnvo hrhltfp fiiinrlieoii.
The I'nnt Mnlronn' club met on
Mondny. Oct Sth for n 1 o'clock
luncheon nt the Mononlu temple.
Luncheon wnn nerved In the itmnll
tllnliiK room which wiim decora
I led with floweni und autumn
j IcuveH.
Ilrliluu wild Ilia dlvemlon of the
afternoon. Mm. II. V, I,uimden
lii-ld liluh m-nro und Mm. II. K.
I Muiwh low.
I. Member preiient were; Mok
ilmneH Medowmi, Perry. linKHK.
Itlddell, Mnmll, lln.lKklim, Mnth-
l. White, l.umielen. Merrick,
Phlppii, Merrill. I'urcel,.: YounK.
,t Inkier, the homeiuweii Tliomimun.
Woodn und Fowler and Minuet
llnnley and Woeke.
The club plan" to reiime their
recubir meetlnu- on the firm
'Mondny of ench monlh.
NelKhlMim of WotMk'i-uft,
lluvo Mi--tJii(
NelKhbom of Woodcraft met
Mondny evening', October 1 C.
Afler lliu neeeiutury buelnoHH wan
triuiHiicted UlNlrlct OiK'
INelKhbor (lard ftuva a very Inter
!ont!!iK tulk on whut oilier ordem
'urn ilolim. ' The lodue derided on
IhnvInK a thimble club which will
I meet twice a month. The flint
jmeetliiK will be ul Mm. Mlclinel
llecb'H .614 Kouth Grape ntrect, on
Thurmluy. October 18. All mem
ibem of Woodcraft aro Invited to
'nliend. ,.,'
I .Mm. C. .MiDoniilVllmtnui
j Mitlfonl (iuiplrr I. K . "
The Meilfurd chuplel- It II. O.
inet on Wrdnendny afternoon ut
i the home of Mm. C. W, MalJonuld
jon Kant Main iitri'et.
) Two very Interentliiir in pern were
read, one on "Julian," ! Mm.
Picket!: the i,tr "Hook Illiidlng
anil Illuniliialhii;." by Mm. Day.
OuentN of the chapter were .Mm.
(iuy KodKcrit of I'orOlund and Mm.
Itiilpn Hienrnn.
IteffenhtnenlM wero nerved dur-
jliiK the Hoclal hour, Mm. Tinny
iiihI .Mrn. I'lckelt umilnllnK the
llllHlVDM, .
the runt of "Coico I'luyern" are
numbered iniiny well-known local
ruillo nrllmn, IncluilliiK ICurln Duvln,
I'Melrher Kind, Meibll Wllllumn.
Mury (Irelner, Icel Kdward, Harold
t'orllnn, Mm. W. K. Qulnenberry,
Mm. Jo Murray Itonlcll and other.
Iint Tuendny Hie premier pro
Heiilullon of Minn Helen NorrbT lut
ein play wan ulven durlnK Copco
hour, meetUiR with u flno rcupoinio
friim ull who llnlenrd In. The play
which wan eniltled "A llaker'n Uon-.
en," told un effective talc of furm'
life, und carried a fine moral for
Ihe many young people .who are
ciinUinlly mnkliiK Ihe tiilnluke of
leavliiK the furm for life In the bill
city. On Tuendny, October 23, the
Copco I'luye'm will brondcaat un
other clever druina by MIhu Norrln
eniltled "Anne .Muiiukch." Thin In
an udvenlurotm ntory with an up-to-dale
plot nnd In nald to bo one
of the bent yet.
That Ihe effort of the California-Oregon
I'owcr company to pre
neut hlKli-clann proKramn of thin
typo are really. uppreclutcd In evi
denced by Ihe many lettern and
verbal exprennlonK of apprcclutlon
which are eonntantly belnit re
ceived nl the Copco Home Office In
thin city. -
MiMlford Women Attend
Dbilrlcl Delphian Meeting
Hevcral mcmbom of the local
chapter of Ihe Delphlnn ntudy club
attended the dlnlrlct meetlnic of
Delphlaun held nt Klamath Folia.
Haturduy, October . The opcnlns
nennlon nlnrl d nl 11 o'clock, fol
lowed by a 1 o'clock luncheon. A
number of luformnl talks on nrl
were given during the luncheon
hour, followed by an Interentlnu
program which Included a nolo by
Mm. Oldn und a dlnplay and tnlk
on Indian benkeln liv Mm. Holojnnn
The ludlen returned lomc In the
inn rldo In an uir plane, and e
corlid ntroll through 'un en
chanted garden, fortuno telling,
ghont ntorlen, wltchc-n parude,
KUinen thut wero a ncreani,. un
Interonting bunlnenn rneotlng und
dellcloun Tefrenhmenln. Heuutl
ful duhlian In tha Hallowe'en col
ors decorated the living room. '
Monday evenlUK at 0:30 there
will be an uliiinlnuin dernonntra
tlon dinner nerved In the ban
quet hall of I, O. O. F. building ou.Tu,n .
; for Ollvo Itebekuli lodge. Entertained Informally
Mr. und Mrn. Charles M. Greene
entertained In their home Friday
Following electlonn Mrn. Wllnhlro Hcrnp book nelectlonn by Mrn.
gave two readings, Mr. and Mm. Arnsplger and Mrn. Koppen.
T. H, Kolkenburg entertained tlio iiefrenhmentn of cuke ind coffee
Indies with two splendid numbern j nerved nt the close of tho program
on violin and piano. Refresh- by tho several hontesaoa.
nients wore nerved nnd nil enjoyed
a soclul hour. Medford Union will
meet again October 25, when the
yearly report will bn given and
reports from the' convention dele
gates received.
Ouk rov JVT. A.
miI, enmtillmontlnir Mr nnd
The October meeting : of the Ouk , Nq, w",cker of ,em Aut.
Orove I-.-T A. wun held Friday , d dccrated
uflernoon. October 12th. neport
of the committee on wnys and I , ...i t i,
nieunn wnn roud, und a pie social
und . ntunt progrnm decided up
on, to be held Tuesday evening,
October 30lh, fhe proceeds to go
toward the building of a playnhed
on tho school grounds.
Oak drove boys' baseball team
met the boys' team from Griffin
Creek In tho first match of Ihe
season. Oak Orove came off vic
tor with a score of 23 to 10-
Conco Forum
Will Btmc Party.
The omployos club of the Cali
fornia Oregon Power company
will give Its annual Forum party
of bridge were enjoyed, Mra. J3.
F. Shores and Mr. T. J. Honan
winning high score
At a late hour the hostess nerv
ed refreshments to the following
News of
Medford Schools
The first six weeks ot school
ended Friday with an enrollment
of 106.
P. T. A. meeting was held on
Friday at. 2:30 wllh a large at
tendance. The business session
was in charge ot Mrs. Swing, pres.
ldent. Plans were made for a
rally - and father's night are to be
held Friday October 26th. All ar
rangement for the program have
guesta. Mr. and Mrn. Wicker, Mr. not been completed, bur an enter-
ana turn, i: j. lionan, jur ana, tain n evening Is soured.
Mrn H F Shores, Richard Jlann
and Charles Greene Jr
Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Hoffman ,
Entertained Tuesday Evening
. A very pleasant evening wan en
joyed at the home of Dr. and Mm.
B. W. Hoffman on Tuesday when
several wives of Lion Club mem
bers were Invited to spend the eve-
ntnf? nlnvlnir Ttrfrlj?A ThnflA nrnK.
nt Jackson Hoi npnngs, oaiur- ent were. Mr MulnonaDd Mre.
A mot lean Itrlon Auilllnry
JJnvo Nut'lat Melius.
Tim noclnl meeting of the,
monlh Vhlcl) took place Innt
, Monday hdnnlnR, wua urenltjcil
uvrr hy Mrn. Qeorge Codding tid
ing president.
The club roonin wero .benllll
fully decornteil with autumn flow
ers, nrriinneil by Mrs. Codding.'
Mm. I.loyd WllHainnun, ai-com-panled
by Mm. II. H. l.'euel at
the plnno, sang ft group of songs:
"Hy tho Wniem of tho Mlune
tonka." "I Know n Lovely Onrd
rn. and "Ho tho Host of What
You Are,'1
These worn beautifully render
ed by both Indies and very much
enloyed.. '
Tho evening wns spent playing
bridge and 600 by those no In
clined nnd others out out garments
for Child Welfare work and sew
ed nnd chatted. Mm. ltoliind
Hmllh deserves much credit for
her activity along then linen.
Mrn. Henry I'uco nnd Mm. Ted
llulier tf-rwd i4ienlimeiA'si 'of
pie wllh whipped cream ana coi
foo nt tho clone of the party.
Mrs. Codding Is responsible for
one of the most enjoyable eve
nlngs that tho Auxiliary mcmbom
have spont In a long tlmo. ;
' 44
Mr. and Mrs, Ocorge Luiinnpnch
havo an house . cumin, Mr. nnd
Mm. Howell lllnen of Portland.
Inforntnl Hwltnl , "
Ulviti This Week.
Mrn. 15. K. Core will present
two young ptiplln aged ten and
eleven Minn Dorolhy llurgens und
Minn Uorothy Ooro, In Informal
rocllal, lit her home, 110 Uenova
avunuu Thursduy evening. Oct. Is.
at Tho program is chosen
to test tho. ability to niemorlaa
music nnd also to test the ublllt
to glvn an ndoqunto Interpreta
tion to clusnio music nulled to
the growth nnd dovulupmont of.
young planlntn who enn glvo but
a llmltod amount of tlmo to
muslo ntudlos.
The program! '' i '
Piano Uuot "Unnoo of the
Toys" .: rl-olta
(a) -.I,led ' , ,
(b) Minuet . ' , ' .
(c) -Muuolto - Hach
The Ilalny Day . :.'..10i nest Worn
Hllhouetto Itolnhold
rru,...,. vlfln Tlnneos 1 , ' ' '.'
Clrlog, Hontley, Jennon .
lliinlltig Hong I........... MciiilolsHohn
Handings by .pupils of Mrs.
Percy Hrny'H Children's Drama
Clan. . '
Wull In B flat
At. Matin a,0"",'
At the Crndlo Memlolssolni
Pluno Duet V. ,..
Tho Camel Trnln lwn"
O. M. V. CVri Purly
ICvent of .Monday. '
Tho first of tt series of lletie
flt Card parties which the arntit
cr Medford dub uro planliliUJ f"1'
tho nonnon wllUocour next Mon
day afternoon,' Oot, IM'' J
p, ni. nl the homo' of Mn , Luuo
Ilynn, 218 . Jackson stroo '., cor
ner of Uartlott. Ui'ldgo will ho
tho dlvorslon of tho uflernoon nnd
refreshments will ho nerved.
( Hlnce tho club Is lo rncolvo
inioh excellent cd-oporntlon fvom
tlio high nohool officials and olh
or puhllo-npliitod olllitens In Ih"1
erection of tho now Community
Club liouno this yoar, U In von-.
I Dinner Pnrty
Hiiiiiiiing (iurnls.
j Among the attractive nodal uf
fnlrn planned for Ihn pleasure of
.Mr. and .Jrs. Unwell nines during
I heir visit iioro from Portland,
was a dinner party Wednesday
for which Mr. and Mm. A. Hchoo
pen were bonis ul tlulr home on
Mouth drape slrwt. Covers were
placed for' ten.
The guests spent the evenlnn
Informally following tho dinner
hour. - - f j
(). N. C. Club Meeting
On Mondny Kve.
The Oregon Klulo College club
will bn entertained at the home
of Mr. and Mrn. C. D- Thompson,
1003 West Klevemh street Mon
dny evening, October lath nl 8
o'clock, All O .H. C. alumni and
former students uro Invited to at
tend these meetings.
Afler a brief business meeting
bridge will be played. Hostesses
will- Include Mr. nnd Mm. Htono.
I'hyllls Hubert nnd Mr. und Mrs.
.Mrs. A. D. Curry of llulta FalU
has her daughter Heity-Lou at
the-Communlly hospital. Hha un-
Iderwont observalion fro mastoid
trouble. ' - - .
Mr. and Mrs. II. CI. Wortmnn
and Mrs. Mabel lloberts of Asb
land, Mr. W. It, (loylord, und Mr.
E. B. Ooro attended the grand ses
sions of Iho Pythian order held nt
Halcni this past week.
Cokxi Olrls
llnvo l,uiM'li(Miii
Tho ghin of the Copco Forum
hnvo resumed Ihelr monlhly luncli
eon mnetlngn for the winter seanon,
their first mooting .helms held last
Frlduy noon. Miss Voila Brewer
and Miss Oorlrtido Carlton of Ihe
purchasing department acted as
hostesses for the October luncheon,
which was held ut the Medford
hotel. Tho lablo was decorated
wllh u huge pumpkin Jack 0'1-nn-tern
as a centerpiece, surrounded
by blight autumn leaves and black
and orange miullcs. Kach ptnee
was marked with liny lantern nut
cups which carried out tlio general
rolor ncliemo. Hevoiul new lueiii.
hern were Introduced during the
mooting nnd music wns furnished
by tho I'nnnlropc. . Twenty-two
gltin' of tho Copco orguulrutlou
onjoyod Iho nffnlr. .
, 44
HI. Murk's riullil
Mix-In on I'rldny
The Indies, of HI. Mark's guild
met: Friday, October 1 2, with a
good iittcndanco.
H was dovldcd to hold the rum
mugn stilo November 2 nnd 3, place
to bo announced later.
On Frlduy, October ID, ut 2 p, m.
theywlll glvo one of their popular
card purlles. Tho committee. In
charge for tho afternoon Will be
Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Helmcr, Mrs,
Fitch iiutl Mrs Crews. '
. It wnn also deckled by tho luilles
to buy 13 curd tables.
At the close of the meeting
refreshments, were served by Mrs.
Howard nnd' Mra, novati,
1), A. It.'s Will lluvo ; , '
Hot liUtii'lu'on Kaluiilay
Tho October 20 meeting of the
Crater Ltiko chapter, Daughtors of
tho Amorlcun Hevolutlon, promlsos
to be of unusual Interest, Tho
sucloly will meet nl Iho United
Htnlcs hotel, Jacksonville, at 1:00
p, in, for n box lunchoon,. Through
the courtesy of Mrs, Hnnnii tho
llritl niusoiim will bo visited. Tho
progrnm for Ilia afternoon will bo
us follows:, "Kurly Churches nnd
Jllsolonailos of Kouthoin Oregon,"
Pythian sinters Will Hnvo
OovertHl Dish Nlipilor
All Pythian Winters und their
families lire asked to Inke part In
the covereirdlnh supper which will
be given In Hie Knights of I'ylhlnn
hall Wednesday evening, October
17, nt 0:30 P.M., after which the
regulnr meeting of Tnllsmun tem
ple will convene. A report by
(Irillld Hcprencutllllvo' Clara Flchl
ner, election of un officer, and
plans for the Immediate future are
of special Intercut. A full attend
ance should bo nssured.
Illrtb AiinnunoenifliiL
Kccolvcd hy I'rlciuln.
Horn at Kmmenucl hospital,
Portland, Ore,, lo Mr. and Mm.
C. II. Hpaekimin, Oct. in, n daugh
ter Ul,ll,.u lrl M,u
man was formerly Miss Nana
Hcely, daughter of Dr. and Mm.
IS. It. Heely, who were nt one
lime, residents of Medford, und
now Ivo In I'ortliipit. Mr. und
Mrs. Hpnckman - havo another
daughter, nancy jnn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mco and
daughter of Applegalo wero Moil-
fonl visitors Friday.
I Fnlcrlaln (iumiH
Over Week Knit
Mrs. 11. K, ltobblns had as
guents over the week end Dr. and
Mrs. N. H. Hulllvai: and Karl Crick
of Huntn Cru. Calif. Mr. Crick
nnd Mrs. Robblns are cousins, and
this Is lliclr flint visit togotber fur
four yeurs. , ...
. Tlio parly will visit Crater I.uko
and from there will go to Van
couver, 11. C, before relurnlng to
Ihelr home In soutborn California.
Women's .(liorus
Will Mii't
Tho Medford Women's Chorus
will hnvo tho first meeting of Ihe
wlntor seaBon Monday evening.
October IS, at the studio of Miss
Almu Lawrence, over llio Medford
phurmuoy, at 7:30 sharp. All who
aro Interested are invited to join
this chorus.
Mr. und Mrs. llemard Itoherlit
left ' yeslertlny for southern Call
fiirnln on .a two weeks' vacation
trip. ... , : '-. ;
CoiHi) tludlti Drainus -Plenso
Among tho most popular radio
programs presented over Htation
1 M I'll) of Medford are the clover
radio dramas which hnvo been put
on riming' llio past yvar by Iho
fJiillfornln-Oregnn Power company.
Miss Helen Morris, local-, niny
wrlght, whos ilrnmnllo efforts hnvo
been mado famous through sta
tions KCIO and KM11D, has writ
ten a nunibnv of clever radio plays
which havn been presented locally
through tho cotirtosy of tho Copco
Tho "Madame Q" series by Miss
Mary arolner nlso proved very
popular with thoso who heard
thorn and ninny nro looking for
ward lo it new series by this ver
sutllo young author nt nn onrly
date. ,
Much orodlt for tho success ot
llloro tmhiue radio programs Is due
tho efforts of, the "Copco Flayers,"
who hnvn presented tlio drnmns in
true prorosslonl stylo, , Among
Mm. Eve IWmiwiii Kelurnn
fYolll Trip to Cnllfonilu.
.Mrs. Kve llennon rclurncl
Thuredny from a trip to Hun
Francisco wllh n llnl of new dan
ces und mnterlal for tho Eve Hen
sun dunclng ucudemy of this city.
While In the cjty she whs a gtient
of tlio Socrctary ot Dancing 'I eacn
cm' urgumzntion anu . visuea
number of prominent dancing, in
structors. Mrs. . Kve Ilenson will enter
tntn her pupils nnd Invited friends
with a dancing party at her
academy In tlio Medford build
ing. This Is the first of a series
of dances which will bo given- this
winter. r- . - ; j
Mnnonlc Dnuco '
Tills Week.
The Mnsonlc dancing club will
hnvo their second rinnco ot the
season on Thursday evening Oct.
1 Htti at the newly decoratod hall
'n the Masonic temple. The
Uroadway orchestra will furnish
Hie music. All Masons. Eastern
Htars. De Malays and Ihelr friends
nro invited.
ltoosevclt P.-T. A. Mining
F.vaiu of tlio Week.
An Interesting meeting of tho
Koosovelt Parout-Teafher asso
Ication wun hold Frlduy October
12, with 70 mothers present. Mrs.
Carter's rooni won tho fern for
having tho most mothers in at
tendance and Miss Webb's room
won. tho' sot of book shelves for
having iho largest number of par
ents members ot the association.
A decision was mado to change
tho meeting day from tho sec
ond to the first Friday in each
month. Al this time the posture
cup was presented to HooseveH
ie.iiool. To receive, llio cup It was
necessary to threo times maintain
Iho highest percentage of correct
ponturu of nuy school In Medford.
It Is consldorcit u grout honor to
win this.
The feature .of the meeting,
which nlso contained, three songs
by Mrs, Carter's room, was nn
Instructive tnlk o"Nutrltlon" by
Mrs. 11. H. Conklo, -county home
demonstrator. It whs announced
that Mrs. Dolph Philips, president
of the circle would nttond tho
regional at HoBcburg October 23,
24. nnd 25.
The hostessts for the social
hour wero: Mrs. Ulrlch, Mrs. Ty
roe,'. Mra. Stanley. Mrs. Bwonson
and Mrs, Vllm,
Havo Card Party.
The Catholic Ladles ontortnlned
nt cards Frlduy nftornoon in thj
Parish ball. Bridge nnd GOO wero
played. Mrn. Dully nnd Mrn. Mo
Xnniara holding high score. 1
Itefreshnienls wero served by
Mrs. Haymond Mlkarhe and her
committee A series Of parties
will be given dining the season
lo ralao funds for tho new build
ing and afford an opportunity
for tho women of tho church to
get ncqiinlncd nnd visitors nro
always wcleomo to ntond.
Hostess ut llrldgo
On Thursday.
Mrs, 11. L. Hunter entertained
four tables of brblgo Thursday
uflernoon. tit her home on King
stront.- Itefreshments wero Berved
at the close of tlio game. Mr3.
,1. 11. Marshall .assisting tho hos
tess. : .''"'''--,.' ' :
Past Noble. Grands
lluvo llnllowc'cn Party.
On Thursduy- ovonlng Mrs. Lot
tie Howard- onteiintncd at ono of
tho men-lent - Hallowe'en parties,
given this season. Hor guests
wore tho mombers of Iho Past No
ble O in nil 's club. After being re
ceived by the hostess, a he'autv
doctor appeared nnd made nil
most bountiful to morn fittingly
ontor Into the spirit of Hallowe'en,
Tho uAwnt oiios missed, a luill-
iday evening, Oct. 27. The nffalr
will be unique In form, plans call
ing for a dinner dance with old
clothes being worn Instead of
"dress-up" apparel. The ' com
mlttoc in charge Is working on
a number of novel features to
entertain tho large atendance of
Forum members and their fami
lies which Is expected.
lUTlurn Homo '
From KimU-m Trip
Mr. and Mm. 8. W. Hutchinson
of Trail have returned from a sev
eral months' trip In the Bust. They
Sleeter, Mrn. Tyree, Mrs. .Tarmin,
Mrs. Pennington, Mrs. H. T. Hub
bard and Mra Nichols
It was decided that a meeting.
is to be held at 7:30 Monday eve
nine, at the home of Mrs. Stocks
to complete plana for an enter
tainment to be given by the P. T.
A., November 21. The proceeds
to be useoV to furnish the rest room
and Invitation to attend la ex
tended to all mothers in the dis
trict who are Interested, helping
with this entertainment.
The program and social hours
of the P. T. A. was In charge of
Mra. Salter and the pupils of Ihe
third and fourth grades, who gave
a creditable and entertaining pro
gram. The pupils were represeni
Mr. and Mra. Theo 8hell
Mr and Mra. Theo Shell of Wal-'ed ny .vra. aiier, rrancis neosu..,
Iowa, Ore., are spending a few days ; NelHe Moon, Bernlco Moon, Max
in Medford looking over the Rogue ' Ine Frye as hoatesaos, who aerved
River valley with a view to locat- i refreshments,
in? here and incidentally visiting1 Leveling and improving the
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Coveratone and ; school grounds, a much needed Im
Dr. an Mrs. W Hoffman provement. la progressing nicely.
Mr 8hell has been engaged in j There will be lio school Thurs
the mercantile business for many , day and Friday, due to teachors
years but. desiring a more pleas-1 insiiiuio.
I stopped Hi Yellowstone park. Nt-1 ant climate wishes to make -a
ngnra falls. Royal gorge, and a change of location i
number of scenic plnces around i ,, ;
Colorado. Hprlngs. and visited rel
atives In Ohio, Knnsns. Pcnnsyl-1
vanla und Now York state. Mr. I
Hutchinson's brother and wife ofj
Heatllo accompanied them.
While they had a delightful time.
the entire five months, they arc
Kind to get home lo the Rogue
Rlvec, valley, nnd feel It Is the best
place. of all. They are planning on
spending the winter at their home
nil Hunset on the Hoguo, wncre
ihry wil do some extensive Im
glad to sco their old friends there.
Itoosovrlt Co-oerale
W III .lunlor High
Kt last the Junior High P.-T. A.
hi ho have u day of Itn own when
teachers cull meet ulso. This is
Hit baby association of tho city,
anil so fur ns tho meeting duy Is
concerned hasnlways been the
fifth wheel In tho organization nnd
too often left shivering out In the
Now, by tho kindly co-operation
of . a big sister association, the
ltopseytlt P.-T. A., the Junior High
has been given the second f riany
ot each month ns its regular day,
while the first Frlduy will bo taken
by the Roosevelt school.
The Junior High feels 'deeply
grateful for this change, for It has
buen difficult to find a duy that
did not conflict cither with some
other association or - with tho
school routine.
Tho school will bo dismissed
early on that dny so. that teachers
may attend, providing enough
nibthem aro InteiV'Rted and will
conio out In largo enough niinibera
to. make It proper to closo tho
school and dismiss some 40 pupils,
Tho faculty, from principal on
through tho system, nro- for tho
P.-T. A., but In justice to tho chll-"1 F1'51 Baptist church met In busl-
dron, parents and the district nt
Inrge, school cannot be dismissed
for a small hnndfull ot parents.
Many times the touchers outnum
her tho parents.
Now It Is certainly up to nil
who care for tho work and -think
It worth while to get behind it and
do a little pushing. As a matter
of fact, any group of children at
thin particular ago needs tho co
operation along social lines ni
never, boforo. Why drop them?
NKXinl Meeting
Junior High P.-T. A.v-
'A called business meeting of tho
Junior High P.-T. A. will bo held
next Tuesday nt 3:45. There nro
several matters of business which
must recelvo linmedlato attention.
Routine business will bo finished
by 4 o'clock,, su thut the faculty of
tile schol may hnvo an opportunity
to voto on these special matters
and not bo held by n long session.
W. O. T. V. County Meeting
Kvcnt of Uiv Week
The V. C, T. . held their county
meeting Thursday afternoon with
a good attendance from both Med
ford nnd Ashlhnd Unions. The new
president. Mrn. J. B. McDonald,
presided, opening-, with tho AV. C.
T. V, hymn, Mrs. Jllson offering
prayer. : Mrs. Mlnnlo Holnio rend
the Scripture losson, witltho help
ful Illustration nnd comments. In
tho absence of the, county presi
dent, Mrs Uryant, tho elections
wore conducted by Vlco President
Mrs. Howard, resulting as fotlown:
County President, (Mrn. R. H.
Rrynnt, Medford; Vlco President,
Mrs. Lulu Howard, Ashlnnd: Scc
rotury, Mrs. K. O. Rosoborough.
MedfortU Treasurer, Mrs. Fruley,
Ashland, , Mrs. J. E. McDonald
was appointed county delegate to
tho W, C. T. If. convention nt 15u-
gono, Mrs. Oodlovo wan chosen as
(lologniQ (rom MoiUoi'di
Social Events of
Church Societies
Radio Program
HaU Tribune-Virgin Station
The ladles of the Lutheran; 4
church nre giving a Jlggs dinner , Sunday. Oi-l. 14 . 4
In ihe church parlor. Fourth and . Morning service broadcast 4
Oakdale. ThuiMday. Oct. 18th, j from the First Methodist 4
5:30 to 7. p. m. ' churvh hy the Perl Funeral 4
pibvement work! getting .ready f4i The Methodist Church. South. Is e-n,n, rvlcc broadcast 4
nekt scason'B business, and will be h"'"B new roof put on the, KMED studios by 4
" ' , ", " " , - , ,h0 vnlley Radio enurcn. -r
and the building otherwise hour. -
PrV-Ve?- , . . . , , !i Manila;, Ort. 15 4
Lndor the leadership of Rcv.i . u m.Aln(,r,.UI, 4
James K. Condor, all departments! . . . 4,
v...r..v. ..,!.. j ,kl l-uunary- . .
, ... - io:30 to 11 a. m. Pantorium t
congregation is growing.
East Kldo Circle
Will Moot
The Kust Side circle of the First
M. K. church will meet Tuesday j
afternoon, with Mra. C. IV. Conklln ;
S05 Knnt Jnckson street. Kvery
member is urged to attend. Mrn.
J. A. Dnron will assist Mrs. Conklln
with tho entertaining.
44 .
Girls Chorus
Dye Works.
M to 11:80 a. m. Medfora
Welding Rudlator and Fen- 4
der Works.
11:30 to 12 The Bootery. 4
exclusive shoes for-women. 4
12 to 12:30 a. ni. Adrlenne's 4
Distinctive and Individual 4
Apparel Shop.
12:30 to 1:30 p. m. Lewis 4
Huner Service Station. 4
Presbyterian .Chnrcli. :
The Olrls' Chorus under "the
leadership of Miss Mclba Williams
1 (1 ,1 n i enn. f 11 vni-n l.ln Imrnvmlnn
.. . 1. T. ..... 1.. ., 1. . . 1-' ' 1 '
i uiv ricau.iminii v.tu.ii iob.
Sabbath evening. They .il-, br.
there again this .Sunday evening
in larger numbers. The-"-4 Boys
Harmonica Quartet will alao.. be
present and furnish a special
number on tho evening prograrit
"Things That Grip nnd Hold Cs,"
will be tho minister's theme.
M "
Baptist Church Auxiliary Meet ,
During the Week
The woman s Auixiliary of the
ro. News and mar-
nesa session on Tuesday October
9 at tho church. The president,
Mrs. Young, being 111 the vice pres
ident Mrs. Elmer Wilson, presided.
The meeting opened with somj and
was followed by-Scripture read
ing and prayer by Mrs. Penoyar.
The topic was the need ot Christ
ian to "render unto Censar the
Kings of Coasar." Therefore In
terest should he takon In chic and
Kovornment matters nnd In voting
und the upholding ot tho law.
Committee reports and general
business followed. Letters were
read concerning the reading con-
test by Mrs. AV. L. Daly. It Was Tickets for tho Moroni Olscn
decided lo send a box to the Porto I '. "Kxnresslng Willie," which Is
4 6:15 p
4 kcts. "
4 8 to 9 p. m. Porter Lumber 4
4 Co. and Sixth St. Service 4
4 Station.
4 9 to : JO p. m. Political talk 4
4 by Judge Pipes.
4 9:30 to 1030 p. m. Mono 4
4 Motor OH Co.
The local radio public will be
glad lo learn Hint another one of
Iho popular Helen Norris radio
dramas will bo presented by the
Copco Players on Tuesday eve
nliig, October 23. "A linkers Do
len" which was put on last Tues
day throuah the courtesy of the
California Oregon Power company,
brhought forth many expressions
of appreciation from tr e who
listened in during Copco hour.
olsen players
Rico sufferers.
I booked for the Craterlan theater
An appropriate poem waa rend ! tor November 13, will bo on sale
by Mrs. Hennctt entitled "When
tho Mothers Vote." A short social
hour followed adjournment.
beginning Wednesday. October 17.
at the Jurmln and Woods drug
storo. They may also bo obtained
n-om nnv member of the local
W. 1L M. S. Class -Lions club which is sponsoring tho
lluvo Oucsl. Day !1lliy )n th)!, c,y.
W. H. M. S. of tho Flint M. K. Byron Kay Foulger who, wllh
church held a guest day meeting ; Moroni Olson and Juliet Young,
In tho church parlors Tuesday
afternoon with Mra. J. t. Thomas.
Mrs. Conklln. Mra. AVhlllock and
Miss May Phlpps as hostesses,
was ono of the founders of tho
playing group. Is directing tho
presentation of "Kxprrnslng Willie"
clever comedy success. The
Opening exercises of devotions :.r.,niunv was founded in 1923 nnd
wero led by Mrs. Lawton. followed 1 aince thnt time has grown pho-
with songs, "Tako Time to lie
Holy" end "Dear to tho Hcnrt of
tho Shephord." A good yearly re
port was given by Treasurer Sirs.
13. C. Koppon. '
Many signified their Intention to
attend tho district convention at
Ashlnnd, Oct. 80th and 31st.
The following - program wan
given under leadership ot Mrs.
1 , 1 1 , , .
"vumiii nueerifl:
Two solo numbers by Mra. Jack
Butler: "Let Me Llvo by the Side
of tho Road," "I Lovo 11 Lltto
Cottage," s
Chapter from study book, Mrs.
Thinking forward. Mrs. Dnron.
The Answered Call. Mrs. Hells.
lor. 1
nomenully until It Is ono of tho
t-.iost popular stock shows now on
the road.
Last year the Moroni Olson play
ers nppeared hefore record crowds
at Ashland but did not play in
The story concerned in "Express
ing Wllllo" is of a young business
man who having gotten past the
immediate stress of the fight for
wealth and material goods, floun
ders out beyond his depth In tho
following ot the cult of "self
expression" and wosn Yankeo
headed mother takes the matter
In.hand and gets him pulled ashore
ngaln an nho has been doing nil
her life, when Willie got beyond
his depth In strange waters,
The flrt county teachers' Insti
tute In two years will begin next
Thursday ut the Junior high schno!
In Ashland, beginning -with regis
tration at 8:30 In tha morning.
A program has been prepared by
the county school auiierlntendent'a
office and wag completed yester
day, outlining tho events of Ihe
two days. '-
The program la as follows:
Thursday Morning
8:30 Registration at secretary'!
desk, gymnasium entrance.
9:00 America, singing led by
Miss Arnold. Greeting, Supt, Oeo.
A. Briscoe. : -
9:10 Brief business session of
County Division O. 8. T. A. A.
J. Hanby, president; Mrs. Edith
Fish, secretary. -:'-.- v : ,
9:30 Departments, high school
teachers in varloUB session: Room
1, English, Mary Gllbeii, chairman;
room 6, Commercial, Mrs. Jerome,
chairman; room 11, Languages, E.
A. Whitman, chairman; room 5,
Mathematics, C. G. Smith, chair
man; room 8, Science, B. C.
Forsythe, chairman; room 7, Music,
Esther Church, chairman; room 9,
Shop and Manual Training, C. G.
Thompson, chairman; room 10,
Physical Education, Maud Barrl
gar. chairman; sewing room, Home
Economics, Hazel Smith, chair
man; Miss Frances Wright, in
structor: gymnasium. History and
Civics, E. H. Hediick; advanced
grades, (gym), U. S. History, E.
! H. Hedrick; Intermediate, (Li
brary),: Arithmetic, Mlsa Trotter;
primary (room 2), First Grado
; Phonics and Round Table, Miss
, White. -
10: 15 Departments: high schol,
! sections ot previous period contin
ued, or meet in aasemply; Ad
vanced and Intermediate (assem
bly), address. State Supt. C. A.
Howard; Primary (room 2) Pri
mary Rote Songs, with , records.
Miss Marsters.
11:00 Normal school audjtor,
lum: Music, Lincoln school, har
monic band. Singing, grades ono
and two, grades five and sIx-.uAd-dress
b Superintendent Howard.
Thursday Afternoon
1:15 Orchestra. Ashland high.
1:30 Address, Miss Helen Hot
fernan, Sacramento. : ' ,',' .,
;2:15 Music. :"'"' ';'";'--' " '. ' '
2:0 Departments: High School
(assembly), address, Supt.-.C. A.
Howard. Advanced- and Intermed
iate, choice from three following
feet Ions. Rural (gym) ; Teaching
Geoghraphy by Projects, MIbs Hef
fernan. Music Appreciation thin
year, Miss Marsters. Arithmetic,
our texts grades 3 to E. C. Bad
ley. Primary. Phonics, second and
third grades. Mlsa White.
Friday Morning
9:00 Music. Medford high school
9:10 Departments: High School
(gym) "History and tho Modern
History Teacher," Alfred Powers.
Advanced nnd Intermediate, Club
Work. J. W. Crltes. Intermediate,
Language. Mlsa Trotter. Primary,
Seat Work. Miss White. School
Masters' Club, Geo. A. Briscoe,
9:50 Address: "Educational His
tory of Oregon," Dean Sheldon.
10:30 Departments: hltfh school
(assembly' "The Adolescent Mind
and the Teaching of Literature."
Dean Sheldon. Advanced and In
termediate, Arithmetic, Thos. H.
Gentle. Primary, second year lan
guage. Miss White. Rural, The
application of individual Instruc
tion to problems of the rural
school," Miss Heffernan. Health
Section, E. H. Hedrick, chairman.
Opening ' Temarks by chairman.
Newer Trends In Health Work.
Miss .lean Henley. Health Honor
Roll. Mrs. Lyda King.
11:16 Departments: high school
(assembly) "Extra-curricular Obli
gations or tho Teacher," Alfred
Powers. Advanced and intermed
iate, Lunguage. Miss Trotter, Pri
mary, A Correlating Project. Miss
White. Rural. Tho Use of Educa
tional Dramatics, Miss Heffe-fnsn,
Henlth section, E. H. Hedrick,
chairman. Demonstration of phys
ical examination of pupils, Dr. Ins
keep nnd Miss Glover. Health Pro
jects In the Schools, Mrs. J. Jones.
Friday Afternoon . , -
1:15 Music, harmonica quartet,
Junior high, Medford. Miss Molbu
Williams, director. ' '
1:30 Address: "Modern Scien
tific Methods In Education," Dean
Sheldon, j .. ' . -
2: 15 Business session, county
O. 8. T. A., A. J Hanby. presid
ing. Reports of committees, Eleo
of officers.
2:50 Song, Miss Mclba. Wil
liams. - ' .:-.!"
8:00 Address, "Tho Teacher
and Hor Leisure," Thus. K. Oentlo.
SALEM. Ore., Oct. 11. W
Certificates of nomination for can
didates nominated by tho Demo
cratic stato central committee nt
a meeting In Portland Thursday
were filed todoy with tho secro-
tnrv nt state. Thov are: ror
judge of the circuit court tor tho
ninth judicial district, J. 8. Cook
of Burnes; for circuit Judge for
department No. 1 of district
Alfred P. Dohson of rornanai
for circuit Jndao of department
no. fourth district, Frank flcho
gal; for representative In the legl
Islaturo from Multnomah county.
Manny Wood Honeymau- i