Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 13, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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' Tn cooperation with the KOO.OOu 'ondui-ted l.y tlio orrcun State!
Scouts of the country the Scouts'0"""-" "f "eliclous viluention.)
t Crater Lako area conncil will Z "!'S!'W,;S f ,l,e '"H
........ ... . . it-TU Ministerial assoemtiun. Uu'ru
ote on election day. on the u;1!"f
leforo election and on eleetlnn ,l-.v
ho Scout "ivM can" L h L ol
mUnW d ro , I ,1 f I ;
?tte obiicatlon to Ju ; !
clUc obllsatlon to ,cB,ster their
OtP. i
On the morninc of election day
throughout the I'nitod States Hoy
Scouts will blow nsHembly on the
bugle from each of the voting
places, at tnclr opening
w.,k Z r..V ,r -i'"aMfej,Wi.t.,K.ei am( M rAtlim 01
v.... ... V1 u.uiii) t il i k
to complete details of the plan to
reach each polling place in Jose
phine and Jackson counties.
A recent issue of the Hed Cro:
Courier, publication of tho national
organisation, has the following to
.. ri. .. ....'
has been identified with KeU '
Cro work lure for manv years:!
"After serving as chairman of ,
Jackson roiintv Metl fori!. !
Ore., for five years, John C Mann
has resigned the office, although
he retains an active interest in
chapter nf fairs as a member of
the board of directors.
"Under Mr. Mann's chairman -fhlp
the chapter has been active
in five services. Mr. Mann was
instrumental in working out a
plan of co-operation between the
county court and tho chapter on
civilian relief, and the latter now
handles practically all of the
county work. Tho value of af
fording opportunity for instruc
tion in swimming and life-saving
has To tig been recognized by Mr.
Mann, and a swim week has been
n yearly feature of the chapter's
program for the lust four years.
"Jackson county chapter con
tributed more than three times
Its quota to the Mississippi flood
relief fund, and in the 11th roll
call not only exceeded its member
ship goal, but more than doubled
the 10th roll call."
Outdoor flowers are u thing of
the past as a result of two sueces
kIvc nights of hard frosts in Med
ford and this vicinity.
All that remains of unusually
beautiful gardens are drooping dah
ltap, wilted roses nnd zinnias, the
pride of many a gardener. Kven
the hardy asters were smitten.
And what is more of a. calamity
In many cases is tho fart that po
tatoes, tomatoes and the few re
maining melons were hit and not
Ono thing which front does that
pleases the public is to change
tree foliage from its conventional
t-bades of green to artistic com
binations of red, yellow and
Valuable Violins 4
For Sunday Show
Violin Idea." tho kIiikc attrac
tlon coming to Hunt's CraMrian
tomorrow !:e!.s a nw
for rroduetion costs.
Tho unusually largo expense "f
S10.O0O for properties Is entailed
In the violins played hy Jan llu
Mnl nnd the eight violin beauties.
Many of them arc lare old in
struments. ..One of the novoltlen in tho
"Violin Idea" is an ensemble ar
rangement of popular melodies,
ulaved by Jan Hublni and the
eight violin beauties.
The "Idea" also co-features
Bobby jgncn-. Ketone Hughes. Roy
riinoot. Bradley and Wayne, the
Aber Twins. Agnezc, and the Vio
lin Beauties.
Don't Miss
Fluhrer's Important
in Sunday's
Mail Tribune
A Great Product
Madfi Finer
!iU'.'m1"'- "n 'nterdenomination
K'",ll,l! "0xt evenin.,-
cont.nuina for five evening
s"",,iiy """ l "' '!
lllit ,.,.. ,
Fnnr Piiur,i l.n nffnn-.l nml '
- " " I
win ineiuuo a siutiy 01 me pupn.
a study of the old ToHtaiuont. (u-:
Uuir.ediate materials and methods
and the meswace and program vt
wie vnrihiiun reunion, r.uwin i.
Bii viiioi Hi w aiti-r i. an -uys 01 ;
Portland and C
Snlem will be in
Andrew of'ond violin;
harge ut the
The expense of the school is
borne by the treasuries of the
co-operating churches and the
only expense to the student is the
price of text books, including
four, which must be read.
The Churches of Medford, co
operating in the school art tho
Baptist. Christian, Fre Metho
dist. Methodist Kpiscopal, Met ho
diVt Kpiseopal South and the
In every ease, except Sunday
afternoon, tho school will be h Md
in the evening, and according- t"
the following schedule:
7:30-8:20 Cla.s sessions (.".11
classes meeting at tho same
S!20 - S:4r
Intermission with " j
kwuu hnv....m ...vv. -
motion, inspnation. toUohi
-"- sessions losin;
Jil i-1 f4nui 'J ruLU
lluddy Squirrel, who has opened
a unique nut abop in tho t'olvig
Drug sitnre was busy thruout this
morning handing out sample bags
of those delicious dainties to a
constant stream of visitors who
had come in to attend bis opening.
In his red shirt, blue trousers
and spectacles, lluddy made a de
cided impression on the curiosity
seekers and won a name for silent j
anU IllgllllO'O iiuspiiumj univiih
tho futuro patrons.
The newcomer hopes to get his
strongest patronage among school
boys and girls of all ages, and one
time during the day he threw dis
cretion to the winds nmr"f lined
outrageously with a group of
Junior high school misses who
strolled In to wish him well. After
this he retired bark behind the
counter In his nut shop, adjusted
his fancy specks on his saucy nose
and mustered as much dignity as
is possible for a squirrel In the nut
business to maintain at ono open
ing sale.
"When the steamship ' C. A. l-ir-
sen." supply ship of the Ilyrd Ant
arctic Expedition, pulled away from
its berth In Los Angeles harbor re
cently. It curried protection novr
before available to a polar expedi
tion against two of the most dread
od scours, that all such expedi-
lions previously have faced-scurv I. - '
and bcri-berl. caused by a lack ot."Tt7:30 n. m. Rev. J. A. Smith of
s C'raterian! fresh foods, particularly fresh veKt-
hlh .lBure;,al, wh, hve been too bulky
i and too porbdiable to carry.
l. Ih. rtrilta Rt Or OS
were 4.032 veBetlzd" wafers, mid
the eouivalent of IS00 pounds of;
uie i.nesi seiecieu -.
,n securely sea, u ,.,
'n, , 'nS "V',U''' flm"'
welKhlnB only 60 Pounds
These tins will keep their con-
tents indefinitely, with no dr .truc-.
I tlon of the vitamins nnd mineral;
salts which constitute their protec-j
live value. The small sire
weitlil of tnese tins oi nisiiiy con-;
cenlratd dehydrated" veKelables
i,... ii ,.ihi to i.lace them -n
...... . ........
a sled or carry them aboard a plane
-I without difficulty, and a daily ra
1 1 lion of less than three ounces per
' I mini w ill Rlvc the necessary vecu
(table content In the diet to protect
men ncainst scurvy and ber!-beri :
. . . , . . . .
! durlni; the expected two years stay
in the most remote roKlons to be
penetrated by the explorers.
The Veirotiihlc Producta Corpora-
I Hon. manufacturers of the voueta-
ble flour, nnd liishnp . fompany.
producers of the voKotlzo.l wafers.
NT from nicbard O. llrophy. bin-l
ness mannuer of the ltyrd Aiitnre
tic I::xpodltlon:
"Confirming our conversation of
today, pb,, ucecpt our thanks for ;
so promptly ninkinc delivery of ,
; shipment of vetetized wnf-rs to our!
! uimly ship ut I.o Anodes harbor.
'Not only are your ve-fUzr-d wa
fers dimply delielou". but we ore.
1 , . ( - ...TKm '
KoniK iw I"" "I a ' rn'f - ' " '
will not be able to obtain nn ade-
fjual" supply of green food?, the mornfna worship will b- two niim-Coinc to these services. The Inter
wafers are coinf? to fit in n a part ' hers hy the church orchestra. "Mel- ; mediate and junior folks will be
of our ncsiai y diet to rp'nee the oily of Peace" fhy Hoberts) and j triad to welcome those of their
(rrc-ns that we wilKbe lncklne "
The vetretizM products manufao- : Laton will speak on "My Obllga
tured at Los Antrelen xverfl Included jtlon."
In the stores of the Itvrd expedition, At Ihe evening worship hour the
upon the odvicc of Dr. Francis D. ' second number In the series cele
Colem;ni. nf Johns HopUlns, unl- bratlnj the ?,00th anniversary or
vursity iJohD Uutiyao be given. Thid
St, Mark's Episcopal
Corner Otiktlnle and Kifth.
Wm. 11. Hamilton, roctur.
lluly communion. 8 n. in.
Sunday m-honl, in ll. in.
.Morni!!.1; service, U:15 u'eluck
Zion English Lutheran Church
Kuurth at Oiikdale nvemie.
Sunday, October 14. Ifl'S.
Sunday school, 10 a. ni.
Church services. 11 a. m.
Rpv. J. H: I'ailK'iistein of Che-
halls. Wash , will aKain conduct the,
A cordial welcome Is evtended to ,
the members and friends of our ,
church to attend these services. ,
Rantint Church
it ' .
i no i.apusi enure n nrrtn'Kira w 111 ,
plny'nl tht church service Sunday j
morning. October 14. I
"Melody of 1'euce Roberts
uniermezzo ivy ,
i.ea jonnson. mrecior. tea jonn-:
son, iirst vmiin; u. r. tanow, see -
Walter Cormanv. cor-:
'net: - Troutfeather. clarinet; j
Asner .eti, suae iromooue; .nrs. !
li. F. Ncff, cello; Mrs. K. A. Hotts, '
P--1110- !
.church on the corner. i
Full Gospet Temple Mid week services on Wednesday ;
Newtown near Mam. Pastor, Jno.:ovpninK llt T.;l nu,ir rehearsal'
L. Zacher. ! follows the prayer service and the I
Sunday school, 9:4u a. m. ! study clitss. We are Htudying j
.Mornin;; worsnip. u o ciock.
oung peoples, meeting, at o:4o ;
P- m- !
Evening evangelistic meeting at j
'", ,,Y , m , - .. I
de Rttu v. Tuesday. 7:30 n. in. I
::io p. in.
Woman's prayer meeting, Wed
nesday at li:.'0 p. m.
Hvan.';elistic meeting, Thursday
nt i ::tu p. m.
Iave you been horn again? Je-j
sus told Nicodemus. "Ye must be
born again." Clod has a definite
experience for everyone, bee John
chapter 3. Our church has never
(Changed. Hub. 13:8.
You are welcome. Come as you j
I are. Jesus died for you. ;
1 . . . t
! First Church of Chrnt, Scientist
Amnorizeu orancn 01 mo .aioiiut
Lnurcn, mo r irsi murcu 01 lunsi,
Scientist. Hoston, Mass.
. Services are hold every Sunday
at 11 o'clock, church edifice, Ill
North Oakdale. Subject for Sun
day. October 11: "Are Sin, Dis
ease and Death Ileal?"
Sunday school at 0: -15. Appli
ants under the age of 'M may be
Wednesday evening meetings,
which Include testlni.Miies of Chris
tian Science healings, at 8 o'clock.
The reading room which is in
the Medford Huildin, Is open dally
from 1" to 4. except Sundays and
holidays. Tho Bible and all au
thorised f'hiistiaii Solemv litera
ture, may he read, borrowed or pur
chased. The public Is cordially invited to
attend the services and visit the
roa()jn.. r0om.
Presbyterian Church of
Kljmer MeVlckcr, pastor.
Sunday will be a special day In
Hie various Horvlces.
Tho Sunday school is increasing
in attendance. Session Sunday at
10 u. m.; Hoy Martin, superintend
ent. The session will meet tit the
manse for the reception of mem
bers and the examination of candi-'
dates for baptism.
M il a. m. opening service. Hap -
mnl Knrvli-n ntwl r..cpntlon of i
tismal service and reception of
members followed by a mediation
and communion services.
Christian Kndeavor at 6:45 p. m.;
Lois Smythe, leader.
There will be a series of sermons
delivered in the evening hy the
pastor on "The Creadon of the
World." the first sermon delivered
at 7:30 p. tn.
All are Invited to these services.
Presbyterian Church
Eagle Point. Oscar T. .Morgan,
Pb. V., minister,
TIiib cnurch una recently neon
taking cm new life and the Interest
is crowing. 1 he Sunday school, un-
ni-i-"' J"
Weidemann. is reHehins a larger
mimhor- of children and should com-,
maml Ihe interest of more adults.
Suudny school al 10 a. m
;-",, ' no ' "T" a(
, Portland will preach. This will be
in ...e series of
which Jir Minn win prencn next
i. n-1 .itl l... ..........
oveninK except Monday evening.
, yone , ur(!e , , atl ,lU.j
i nis is a rare opportunity or B"
; rou lo near a mail o. ision mil; , o( BocU.,y, 0f Hllch wns
if'cr' yu do. "' 1 V?K"V Hirlslopher ColiimbiiH, whom I'ro-
, Ktic moetinBs, Klve Mr. Smith t Uestsnts as well as llomun Calho-
least one opportunity to present to .. honor In celebration of
you bis messiiKe.
-or .x ,n vour.o
.Ninth and uaK I an i.arni.111 I..
- - -----
" " the ehurch; phone KM ..
ffi 12: afternoons by
ip i miiiiMif.r iini(o nnii liasior s
,... i. ii.i,i..., in-
"'"'"' .'l1' '","",,'
Test our welcome.
Mornini: worship and comniun-
' Ion, I:.".5. Hormnn, "A Now l.ifo."
Appropriato music. Homo connni;
tmt mnKlllTa. Inn rial- lu llnlni .ill.
st:. . r.i, in i-uHi hioi v lu ill': eu..Nc.
1 ' .,,.' .. ... - ni i..i ri,..
.,w j
I'opular oveninK service at 7:30
i o'clock, flood slnclns by every-1
boily: special music, a happy fol
ship and a short sermon on
The (ilory of ChrlHtlBtilly." You
I at these Sunday nlcht services.
I lllhln school assembly, fl. 4". a. in.
A well Kradod school with depart-
j nll,n!) ,, vm for ,, ,wg
ChriMiiin Kndeavor proups ill
. .
;..wlf ''vice WedneMlav
First Baptiit Church
W. H. Katon. pastor.
Anion? the musical fentnreH of th
"intermezo" (by ievn. I'astor
number will take up the story of , EvuiiroI." Tho chtyr will brine
ltunyan'a greatest book. "rilnrim's I appropriate messages in both Her
ProKress." UlustratiiiK the story by : vices. :uui Miss inula Kiebardsun
means of pictures on the screen. an. I Mrs. ll stiuemeier will ltiy
The sliiKln.,' will be from the screen j a duet.
and some Illustrated son(s)wlll be I The men's liospel team unci to
, used. i Wiuoiier creek school house fur
I Our church is "a house of liappi-! afternoon sen Ices.
iiess. ' ion will enjoy our wel
come. Come and ee.
Ir. V. II. Katon, pastor of
1- li st llatitist church of this
tvcetveil ii It'leeriim Pri.loi- from
his sister In Martlnirtou, Texas. In-'
forming him of the death of their !
Main Street Methodist Church
. South
.lames K. fonder, nastor.
.r(imo,Km p,,,- observed
r.l tills cliurcil last Mllliiay. nans-i
(.u.,ry work hnd b,,en .com.llKh. !
,,u by ., number of scholars. One.
uew t.Il)8H waH forme(i u, ex-
cellent teacher put In chaw of
...... i. ...A... ,.. . ,
IIIIH .' I HUM 111 IU III I IUC1 l-unv
jn nltendaiH'O was ovidont.
Sunday school meets promptly ut
'J: 45 a. m
Pn.m.hin' nt u n ni Ktibiect. m, m,its
junlnr nnU senior leagues meet ut
ti-:tO n m
i......,.ui.. . -.-in ,. c.hwi
.. ivrsislent Woman."
n4.tht,r VOu are a stranger or
au ol,i timer, you will find a most
cordial welcome at the friendly
-Christ at the Hound Table." by K.
Stanley ones. A masterful Iwok to
those who wish to become better
lu.(luailU(Mj wilh the Kast Indian
ami other religions,
. Presbyterian Church
Kighlh and Holly. Kdwin Perey
i Lawrence, 513 South Newton, min
ister. Kva liazelrig Marsh, or-
un.i oi.,t a m v.varv
ohiU. Khould have n kiiowiedKo of
I (h(t mA(t ue invUo anv who nre
inm att(Miding elsewhere to attend
ntlr tt.ii rr.-iil.wl school with les-
MtnH )Ua,,ted to every ago. Ir. Ii.
u kuoU, acting superintendent.
.Mornini; worship
fi,..Ph in v-ilim "
Ornau prelude. "Prelude In D
Flat." Chopin
Anthem, "I Heard the Voice of
Jesus Say" Hathbun
.Mixed Quartet
Offertory. "Ave Mario" Schubert
Tenor solo, "Crossing the Har"..
: Towles
(Joorge MaiWlox
Postltide. "Allegro .MaeslOHO"..V"cst
Kvetling snrvice, 7::10. Sermon.
"The Crip That Holds" Pastor.
Organ Voluntary, "Cnntilenu"
Offertory. "Honiance" Ilenolst
Hoys' Harmonica Quartet from
Junior High
I Girls' chorus under leadership of
I .Miss Melha Williams.
Postltide. "Arioso" rYry
! Christian Kndeavor at 6:.10 p. m.
I with social hour at p. in. Miss
i Minlfrod Andrews will lend tho so
I doty tn-1he study of the mission
jbooii, "Prlends of Africa," covering
the next six Sunday evenings. Come
land learn of the wonderful devcl-
lopmonl of Africa. Intermediate
Knmiavor wm iR0 m,.Pt at 6:M
p. m., including children or tne
seventh anil eighth grades and
freshmen of the hi'tli school age.
Miss Ksther .McC'ullom Is superin
tendent. Mid-week service Tuesday nlnlit.
Stury, the Prophet Amos.
Keligious training school for
Christian workers begins ednes
da.. aiM al tll0 nptist church al
... . .
:30. All workers aro Invited from
the churches of tho city.
First Methodist Episcopal
Laurel nnd Main. Raymond S.
Hoes, minister; 27 North Orange.
Phone 33-.
Sunday servieos:
Sunday school. 9:io n. m.
Mornln.'r worship. 11 o'clock.
Young people's hour, 0:30 i. in.
Happy Sunday eveulng hour al
How do you fuel about the
; Thm ,, .,,, . ,ii f
, ,ak ahoM gig u,e
. unma nf u i,ail uM nrotiv
iioHHimlstie, and would imply that
;., r,h , riirlu, hafl in(i n
mt,HH of th,nj?8 llllrt hjl(1 b()ttor t.nHe
Us doors ami null? How do oii
! "oul " ... J.8 V"
ot tne cnurcii awasen inus.c m ,o...
le"L B.I,.?.c",r..cJ,.!:?" . ?. .." .?
. '". i" m '" . ! ' "lvinK
?o nJm.
, , , v,hlil!1t folks
'"."I... i,,n,bu8 ay "ornioii
074cd'H,ory ,,rI.
, ,,,, , ,m,ii,n( ,v auv
hlH nlsc0Vcrcl..H anniversary
tho sermon Monday nleht nt the
Methodist church will be on
, rvr.i "
.... .....w
Officials to meet Monday
The new pastor la meetinc the
ouicinry ot too rirst .Moinnuis.
church on Monday cvcnlnc nt 8
o'clock. All trustees, stewards and
presidents of societies, lowthcr
with members of committees, are
expected to be present to present
a comprehensive, survey of work
the now yuar.
(Witnil Ioint Kcdernlod Churches
J. M. Johnson, pastor.
livery Itible subject Important
but the subject of Ihe gifts of th
i .. , ,,,.,,,, n ' 'i... .
I .',',, ' , I ...... ... .... ., ,.
study about these Klfts ft! d the
scripture Is found In 1st t.'or. I'-'lii
and 13th chapters. Our mem ryjof Hie school board, presided nnd
i verse Is 1st Cor. 1 3 : 3. The cIbimis
I " -rt,wl" "d n '"N
j for more new members. Hchoolwcm to tell of their work with
(tV"n" at !,:45 lho c,,,,,dn;n- An -normal Keneral
The subject for Mudy In th- i dlsrusslon followed. And everyone
younu' peoples services at 6:0 in
Ihe evening N ''The l.hrlstin s
Duty as a Voter." Matt. 22 : 1
The younu- folks arc Invited
i grudes,
The sermon subject for the
morninK church services witl he:
"What Win We Do With Tomor
row?" In the t'vcnintr service,
which will hq evanRellstlc, tho sub-
Ject will bow,"Thv rurposcu ot thoi
A'e '""
tl.tcu wl
... .
the luerrv
eiviui; free '
J il.UlU I It fit I
tickets for Keaiou's
: huv .Monday itignt, in yonran:il-
sin v( the "Com plications of the i
I 'unit riuuaii
cte.l report to
Mail Tribune office as soon,
as possible tor each day lu tickets
goo( ir admission to "Tho (am-
eraman .Mon.iay nigm are oeu.;;
i.waru.u uie rueiN no u;ic mm-
proved Paster's musings so that ;
they arc intelligible. Todays i-
peri pas several cri oi . r m
-romptn-atioit of tho Cumcniinaii'
Itusier says: ' Imagine my eiu ,
h:irr.i-smcnt when 1 found t rr ,
charming Aileen Stingb- risking I
me if 1 knew how to operate the'
camera I was carrying. Lew ;
Sti'gi-y was standing near am),
said, "No, but he ll develop after j
awhile," Just then Uee Kiieol
Matinee, who played opiioslte .John
(iuilded In 'The Itig Tiriub-," In
vited me to In r set. where she
is starring with Jtamon N'ervarro
t...... 1 -rnu
111 IU1UUIUCI1 ...lin.l.r..
should make an excellent picture.
if the opinions ot Anita It.ige ami j
Dorothy Sagastion are to lie taken
Ins a criterion. 1 then left tl"';
studio during the luncheon lioo- i
after Conrad Daglo extended tile
anticipated invitation." j
llusler Is becoming more in
volve,! each day. Enlighten him
by correcting his hodge-podge re
pun auu n
n his latest launh fest.
Keduecd round trip rates on
Southern I'ncifie from all impor
tant cities of the east to I'uclfte
eoast points will aain he placed
In effect diirhiK the If-!- Hummer
neason. This is the announcement
received hy A. S. Itoenhaum. Ken
era 1 uReiil for Southern Orison,
The round trip fare lo the Ta
cific coast cltleM will be sightly
nunc than the regular ono way
fare. The round trip fare from
the const In points in tho east will
be tho name tin tho west bound
fares. Hale dates for east hound
reduced fare tieltt:: w:l; he May 'It
to Sept. 3a, while westbound
tickets will he on sale May K to
Sept. 30, lit"9. return limits on all
tickets will he Oct. 31.
"Next year ihe Shrlners nnd
Klks will hold their national con
ventions on the Pacific coast and
we are makiiiK this early an
nouncement on the ISL'it rates so
that tho many eastern members of
these organizations and thai r
friends may make their plans ne
eordiiiKly," waid Itosciibauin. "The
low rates are also in line with our
policy to Itiduee tourists to coino
went durhiK the summer."
NALI-M, fr.. Oct. 13.(Ti The
supreme 4-oiirt todny. In a uiianlm
mis nrii 1 oduioti. held Hint the
word "proKressive" shall not ap
pear in the ballot after the names
of the Oemocialic presfdenliiil
ticket. Tho opinion nffirms .IihIk'
Cleoi-ffe 11, ItuKiey itf tho loer
eourt who held thai the proKreH
sIvch are not a uuallf ied polit brat
party In Oregon and hud no rlnht
as a jHi ri y m enuui mi inu ijeinu-
crutli: canoioiites.
One assembly period yesterday
WHHwb votifl to eelebiatinn ('uluin
bus ilay. All Rinups took pari with
son km, stories and verse.
A Tier sehool the parents and
leacherfl met for the first time this
neasnti, Mrs. Don Clark, president
, ..lied on Mrs. Mosher, .Mrs.
:B"iercd around the open rite to
; Joy t-a served hy Mrs. lid Jan
, n(lr''- commilleo.
( ha in ImtI tn In olofoic.
COIK1NK. Oermany. Oct. 13.
fi CJ larenrc D. Chfimberlin,
Arnerlnin trans-Atlantic filer, who
is visit inff Kuropenn aviation nta
tlons, landed at Cologne at 2:11
p. m., pfi routo to lierlln from
Mall Tribunfi nds nro rend hylihem n-v iii.m u-i.f m.u, i.v li.r.
20,000 people everjr cluy, tf
i J.VCKSON'll.t4. Ore.. IXt. i:
iSi.iviul) Mr. and Mrs. KniiiK
. .. ... .
steams of l'nllutiin. a-h , guei-
i.f his broifur, Howard Stearns
of Ct-ntrai l'oinl, dtiih-tl to visit
tile t iom-er town of .laeksutn ill"
one day this e-U. The eoupti-
are both tivi r To ye ns of age
and tiuy niad the trip to Jack-
sonville and relviriu'd to Central
l'oint on foot.
Mrs. Thateher of Seattle visited
Miss lssie MeCtllly Tuesday. Mrs
will bo remembered as
rneresa uryant, lorm v resioeni
. ilu,kso,,vlli,. she l-ft here
.... V(.Jirs iiilt, ...... thi.; :s iu.r
f jrsl hvyt, nrv lf. ,,.lt
Uov Khnor M,.Vicker .Ut-nded
mM.tjK ()- liu. vhurh al tjrants
y,, MulaVi
Mrs Ka;, UofIniun (s m
ht.r )lonie hl,rr ,n Jack.ohv:ll.
orge Maxwell was a Med-
. I ford visitor Tues . ly.
X. t. Fruit of the Appii'g'JK-.
was in our city Friday.
Mr. ami Mrs. John Sheley of
Central Point, visited their dan-
ghter. Miss "Wilma Shele.;, who
is teaching school here Tuesday
(evening. '
I Jack Crump spent Tuesday i-t j
the home of bis mother. Mrs. t
Cora Crump, from his work alt
)Camp 1 above Itutte Falls.
I Mrs. K. M. Wohlford of Med-j
ford Was a caller in Jacksonville
,..., I.,,...- ..f M, l...,,!,,,! ...Ill I
Kred Itut.-her and Mrs. 1
Ktht-l Olson were shoppi"K 1,1
Mt'dfurd Thursday.
! Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin Taylor of;
; Appk'Katn were in town Tuesdav,
:cn route to Mt'Uioru. jailer ihe laluon ol :.ljihislinients
The .hu ksonvillo (liank'e held , f t,N Kind in tin- cast, will he
(its regular meeting at the l. -j provided with a new and specially
Hull Friday evening. Anions the; hunt operating table.
n f Af,,.l!iIui ... Vicior
llursell. At the close of the ineut
ini; refreshnieiits were served.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mtovenson and
little son from near (limits l'ass
visited bis sister, Mrs. Chester
t'ooli, Tliursdiiy.
Mr. Hoot's and daughter. Miss
Alice, were Mi-dl'ord slioppers on
Wedliesdav liiurnliiK.
Lewis I'lrl.h of Medford was
vlsltlntr bis inotlier. .Mrs. Alice
Ulrlch. here Tliurs.biy.
Mrs. tl. I. Woods relurlied la: I r
Siiturday. after siendiiiK the pit
three lilullths VisitlllB Iclatives III
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Henry of
Medford were visitors in our city
Thursday eveniiu;.
Mrs. F. 1.. t'ranfill and Mrs
Archie Sutherland of Meilloi.l
were callliu; on friends 111 our
city Wednesday.
.Mrs. Amy Dow aecoinpanie 1
bv her mother, Mrs. S. A. Con
trail were in Medford. Frl.l-iy.
Mrs. Cantrnll culled at l'r. Swee
ney's offii'e for medical . aid 'is
she is BiifferliiK from a severe
Howard lA-wis or Jacksonville
and Wlllard Cave of Medford
motored to Kluinatll Kails and
IJorrls Tuesday.
William Cross of Salem. Ore.,
is a nuest of Mr. Kay Kerry.
Mrs. K. K. Kubll of Kurtland
and Harry Miller and Mr. Mur
phy of llurllimnme, Cal., aro guests
nt the home of John !". .Miner.
Krnnk Matney of AppleKilte bin
returned home after spending tho
summer ut the '.Volf Creek runner
Mr. and Mrs. dray and family
from I'rovnlt have moved Hit'
the huuse In South .liicksonvllle.
formerly owned by Will Katon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. 11. Jackson
were cnllinK on frlendH hero one
day the past week.
Mrs. Al Klibo and Mrs. Arthur
Lewis silent Thursday with .Mis
Charles Hamilton, near Hueb,
Kay Toft of Medford is llavlni:
a new roof put on his apartment
houso on Km si California street.
Mrs. Archie Sutherland of Med
ford spent the. ovcnlnif Krlday ut
tho home of Mrs. Klllel Olson.
.1. Mnriin. dial riot supervlsur
for the Mornini; OrcKoiiinli. was
In Jacksonville on business Wed
nesday. 4
Al. the Rial to.
Karl I June and tlenrK K. Ar-
omped throuKh their wob,
nnd t ribu lat Ions in their
t -b Is
latest. "Detectives," at the Klalto
j It Is hy far tho most, slicnimus
i of their adventures since they
j became a comedy team of t ho
'sereen. and one of th-: funniest
films they have ever offered,
j iinsKine the eolnuatcd Diiin; us
la "hhk" house detective In a
j hotel, ihe dlminiilivH Arthur s
n bellboy who wants to dated
plaeo them In tho midst of a
(trim mysle. y plot tind let them
pursue tho villain or master crook.
( nitei'ian Kunifay.
Tn order to further iiecommo
flute the la rue crowds that f 1 1 -lend
the Fanehnn and Mareo
shows on Holiday at Hunt's t'rft
t fir Inn. Manager (Jeore Hunt Iris
rirranBed to .run a continuoiM
show each Hundny, starting to
morrowr1. (flvln four convpl-te
shows of Knaehon and M area's
stufin presentations, at 2:V), 4;5;i,
7:0, and 5:35 p. m.
Aluajs Tired nt MkIM Try lids
Hamf-thiiiK Ih wrong when n per
son feels constantly "too tired":
when kidneys aehe nnd irritate.
Miss Daisy fteJl, It. K. I). 3. Havci
nah, fin., soys: "I suffered H year.
with pain In my back, I always fell
too tired, and Klept poorly; hut
Koley Fill diuretic made tne well
and sound aKutn." Men and women
jmla & M'oodtt JLrutf Bturu,
Consttriu'tii-n in Mr
new Sin. mm I
aIltt ;'1 ,l"!,,t-
t'Utlt t'V lr. 1. W. S:one. 'ii .North
. ... ,
IlInts is ' i.n.givssmi ntpi-lly. and!
will be 'inl,i-l wiilnn m wckf i
aeriu diiiL,- lo tbe lu. al v t. rmarian. ;
Tiie hospital whu Ii is to be a
neat structure of gray rnnei ete
will euiit.uu tlie latest ei'iiveiilenees
tn lighting ami ventilation as well;
as a system of sanitary drains that
will preeltnle any pussibility of mi
sanitary aceii in uhtt ion or the usual
unpleasant odor typieal of I In
ni.ier veierinartes.
The lecei.tlmi room, tioelur's of-
fil.v ,...., , h 1L, .-,., U:11,iM
Uitchens are completed as
i outside conMruction and 1 he
I layout of the hospital has
I teen ins pei-led by iillt-rested local
residents nnd dn and cat owncis;
'thruout tiie i-ity the past we.-k. I
There in to be a special ;m set ,
aside for dogs with contagious dis- i
eases. Jind another for canine pa- j
:tients in the recuperating stages, i
The latter is equipped with six J
.small doors leading out into run- j
ways L'd feet long and five feet !
wide, to provlle sufficient exercise
for the dogs. Whether the run- i
ways will have floors of stone or
grass has not yet been decided.
The building will he approached
Ity it crescent shaped driveway oil
either side of which will be a lawn,
flowers and shrubs, while the
1 nclnsMd hy a hU:h wall to prutect
tho invalids from t lie i-xeitement
of I he world ouisUle.
The opeiallntf room, which is
rinisinMt in an al-.uninuin jjray, 1
;at the hospital who will stay there
night and day ami for whom a
special room has been provided in
the builillns'. The utteiuliilit will
prepare the meals for the patients
III tile neat 111 lie hospital kitchen
next to tho operatiiur rmuu.
Paul Amort of the Itetin Spray
Kump company uf I'ortland Is In
the city today oonferrtiu; with local
business men ami orrhardists.
Don't Miss the
1 A laugh
Karl Dane
Geo. K. Arthur
Follow the laugh trail with thou
gorgeous fun-makers.
' "Tarzan the Mighty"
Continuous 12:30 to 11
"The Painted
'(l P in every I
rSK-s-tA- foot!
Willi iv kt i ii
11 II
A Great Product
Made Finer
See Fluhrer's
in Sunday's
Mail Tribune
ffmxi inif-iiiiiminifriiflHiii (
Dine Today
Hotel Medford
Dinner $1.00
"The Food Is Better"
At the Medford
For Women $1.95
West Side
"The Rexall Btora"
First Insurance
A. L. HILL, Manager
Phone 103 30 N. Central
Medford, Oregon
I San Francisco I
I Powell at ajamll St.
; I Mretn.
; LAIX BlAUrtFUL 108B"
i 0wvg ?oom in coMfcrwt
s 350 ROOMS
75 Detached Bath at I
S 100 Detached Bath at2i
100 with Bath t 8t25S
75 with 6ath at32l
am if .11 I
yS MfOfORD. OH tjjjljl