Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 06, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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ullhii in i.rmui .inmiuiuiu umm HliK1!!
Liyuvn wiiiuiuu. i iiuiii mill I II IUW
,V federal jury last night re
turned a verdict of not nuilty in
the trial of William Mclltirdy, :.
pioneer of K 1 a m a t h county,
charged with tho Kale and pos
session of Intoxicating lhjuor, In
the slmpo of popular and allegedly
potent "wine tonics." It was al
iened that Mcllardy, owner of a
pool hall nt Spniguo Itiver, on
the Klamath reservation, hud sold
tho "wine tonics" l.y the glass
and the bottle, and special agents
testified it was "into xi a ting' and
"had a kick."
District Attorney ( 'corm- Nitc
nor, in his closing arguments, de
clared that "a verdict of guilty
will serve notice upon grocery
stores, sof i drink stands and
others that they cannot sell, a
medicine for a beverage.' and
called upon (lie district distribu
tors of wine tonics "to take note."
The wine tonics, according to
government chemists contained 19
per cent alcohol, as printed upon
the labels, and also carried a
government permit.
The defense counsel contended
that there was no way for a
dealer in wine tonics to deter
mine, whether the purchaser was
to use it as a stimulant, or a
medicine. They further contended
only a technical violation was in
volved, if any.
Tho wine tonics involved in tho
trial, have a wide vogue over
southern Oregon.
There was no session of the fed
eral court today, h recess being
taken until Monday morning, when
the trial of Mike Murphy of
t'hiloqiiin, changed with liquor vio
lation, will commence.
It is expected that the federal
court term will be concluded by
There are an even dozen resi
dents of the kogiie Itiver valley
taking- flying lessons at the San
ders Aeronaut teal school, a nd one
Is aviating under the condition
that his name be kept from tho
public eye.
The list is as follows: Henry
'luhrer, Moose Mulrhead. Henry
Frost -of Ashhtnd," ljeo Hed of
Ashland, Bumps Kranklyn of Ash
land. Delbet Clifford of Medford,
Alelvin I.aisen, Medford, (luy Cor
ing, Medford, Kred Mcl'herson.
Medford, Aubrey Sanders. Medford
and William Heed, ,1'hoenix.
According to Prof. Harold San
ders they are all likely students,
in various stages of instruction.
Moose Mulrhead has flown alone
a couple of times, and according
to his instructor and airport at
taches, has an "unusual amount
of bird -sense." Mulrhead has 1 5
hours of flying to his credit.
Twenty hours is considered suf
ficient time for tho granting of
a pilot's licence.
The Ivan McKivor monoplane,
which was forced down near
Myrtle l'olnt tho first of the week
has returned to the local airport.
U sustained a broken ptopcllor
in landing.
Irving K. Vining will speak on
tho subject, "Important l'erio Is
In Life's Development" next Wed
n esday even lug, Oct ober 10, in
the Junior high auditorium. The
public In cordially Invited. Tie
occasion Is a reception to the
junior high faculty, given by the
1. T. .. of the school. Teaeheis
and friends of the other schools
u re a If o asked t o n t tend.
Mr. Vining is most lrippy on o
subject of this kind, because of
his great interest in the problems
tf youth and his sympathetic un
derstanding of tho difficult. of
parents and teachers. He believe
in tho p. T. A. and everyone will
profit by his talk.
The heads of departments in
the school will speak for a few
minutes on tho work bring don-j
In thrlr department in an of fori
to link school and home more
closely. Some fine musical num
bers will also be given.
After tho program refreshments
will be served in tho upper hall
mid adjoining rooms, cafeteria
stylo. This will give pn rents and
friends a,n opportunity to get ac
quainted with the teacher, many
of whom a. re not well known as
yet. .No charge will be made.
II. C. A. Ituy- IiiU'tist.
NEW YORK. Oct. 6 tPj -The
R;uHo Corporation of Anvrba has
purchased on interest in Keiih-Al-bee
Orpheum. Inc.
David Sarnoff. vir o-preidenl and
general mannser of the Radio cor
poration, declined to make any
It was reported in banking cir
cle that final neuottut ion had not
yet betn completed hut that pres
ent plans catted for the formation
of n holding comtnny. stock of
V hlch will he exchanged for the
p- curill'-s of the Radio corporation.
Kejth. A Iboo anil film honkimr of
' I ices. 0
' .Ministers from Jackson county
, and other points in southwestern
' Oregon, from .Merrill. Malin and
I Klamath Falls to Oakland and
I Kutherlin, and numerous const
1 points from (Juki 1 leach north to
Ueedsport. returned T Ii u r s d a y
from the fall meeting of the Pros'?
: byteries of southern Oregon and
; Coos Hay, which was held jointly
on Tuesday and Wednesday in the
i commodious and attractive I 'res
: byterian church of North Hend.
! Those attending from the Uogue
i Hiver valley jmd southern Oregon
; include lie vs. K. 1. Lawrence and
! i:. Iverson of Medford. II. T.
j Milehelmore of Ashland. K. K. Me
I Vicker of Jacksonville, O. T. Mor
; gall of Yiaglr Point, W. McAfee
, Wilson of Iti.gue River, I J. V.
Haight of Klamath Kails. H. .
j Moore of Merrill, Joseph Miksov-
sky of Malin, Joseph v Angell
of Cilendate, J. A. Smith of Onk
j land. J. 11 . 1-ainb of Sutherlin and
t Klder (. E. Talbot of Sutherlin.
j On Tuesday evening itev. E. P.
i Lawrence made the opening ad
! dress on "Evangelism." Music was
j furnished by it vested chorus of
t about .10 young people, who sing
i ri'uularly in the N o r t h Hend
j church on Sundays. Uev. J. E. Sny
j der being the reuular pastor and
I also serving as the secretary of
j the North Mend chamber of com
i me roe.
Wednesday noon the members
of hot he Presbyteries were the
i guests of the North I'Send ehnm
1 ber of commerce for luncheon at
j the North Hend hotel, the address
j being given by Ir. C. Franklin
! Ward of Kan Francisco, who spoke
on Men and Iteliglon in a most
interesting way. Or. Ward is Pa
cific coast secretary for the gen
eral council of the Presbyterian
Other speakers from a distance
were Dr. W. O. Holt of Portland.
Pacific coast secretary for the
Presbyterian board of pensions:
Dr. V. A. Thompson of Portland,
state executive of the Presbyterian
church for Oregon: Mrs. John Mc
cormick of Portland, one of the
state officers in the Women's Mis
sionary society of Oregon, and Dr.
1j. VanNuys of Portland, state, rep
resentative for the board of Chris
tion education and young people's
)n Wednesday evening, younu
people gathered from North Hend
and vicinity for a supper and
"round table" conference with the
Presbyteries on important phases
of young people's work and a plat
form meeting in the evening at
which Mrs. MoC'ormick. Hev. H. T.
M it eh el more a nd Dr. W. 1 Va n
Nuys spoke.
Next spring the joint meeting
of the two Presbyteries will bo
held at Itoseburg and in the sum
mer or fail the two Presbyteries
(Southern Oregon and Coos Hay)
will be unite dand reorganized in
to one Presbytery to bo known as
"Southwestern Oregon." and em
bracing all the territory of Coos.
Curry. Douutas, Josephine, Jack
son, Klamath and Lake counties.
The committee on reorganization
chosen from both Presbyteries at
the Joint meeting this week con
sists of the present stated clerks,
Uevs. J. E. Snyder of North Hend
and Joseph W. Angell of (Herniate,
and Hev. II. T. Mitchelmoro of
Ashland, who. before coming to
Oregon, was the stated clerk for
the Presbytery of Spokane. Uev.
W. McAfee Wilson of Ftogue Hiver
is the present moderator of the
Presbytery of southern Oregon,
mid liov. Thos. C. Duncan of Han
don is moderator of Coos Kay Pres
bytery Special attention Is being given
this year, here and all through the
Preshyti-rlan c h ti r e h e n In the
1 'tilted States to young people's
work. Next s u m m e r another
young people' summer conference
will be held at some attractive
point In southern Oregon, simitar
to the one held so successfully last
July at rtogne Itiver.
Hev. It. W. Nelson, who for four
years has been the successful and
much liked pastor at Phoenix, was
released from the work there and
was dismissed to the Presbytery
of Willamette to become the pas
tor of the McMinnville Presby
terian church, to which point he
Is moving this week.
Fire squad assignments at the
local high school this year, an ap
pointed by Principal H. H. Conkle,
are as follows:
Fire extinguishers: I! e r n a r d
Hughe, lower west door exit: Jack
Hue hex. lower east door exit : Al
Stoehr, west exit of gym: Hill Fred
en burg, north exit of gym; Oliver
Huihe. upstairs in gym.
Guards on lower floor: Rob
Herriott. Eric Picrsun, cinlre Con-aw.-iv.
doom and stairways.
Ounrds, on upper floor: James
Hayes, p.nb Emmenf, Earl Carkln,
doors ayd stairways.
Lockers and shower boys';
Neville Rfdtn.
Hosemen: Aubry Satid'-r and
Harold Anderson, wel lower floor:
Charles Elmore and Harry Oil!
east ' lower floor: Harold A re her
and Osfdf N"Wland. upper wont
hall: Edward Ream and Jack
Walker, north exit of itym; Hr-n-nrd
Andrn and WilhHtn bob.
byn. tni: Rotj Mason and Charles
Thomas, upper eait hall.
Turn-off and cut-off men. hyd
rants: Cliff Carnett. pin Hyrum.
Jewell Wadde!! M-rland Tolbfn.
P.ur'nn Lnwry. Raynor finv,
Volunteer: Uill Morgan.
St. Mnrks l-'plopul.
i.'orncr Oak (lull ami Jfifth.
i n. in., Holy cojninunion.
! 0 a. in., Pundit y fehuul.
ll;Jj a. in., II"ly communion.
Win. li. lliiiiiiUoii, 1
ctor. !
Catholic Church.
So. oakdale avenue and
I Masses at S and 10:0 a. m.
; Hev. F. W. Illack.- Pastor
NawHviic Church.
Corner Central aiyl Jackson St.
Sunday school, 11:45 a. m.
Oreal Hallelujah march and pro
gram. 1 1 a. m. Dr. J. E. Hates,
district superintendent, will preach.
N. Y. P. S.. t:30 p. m. Evan
gelistic service, 7 :3U p. m.
Itevs. O. O. and liertha Crow,
.ion KuglUli Lutheran Churvh.
Fourth at Oakdale.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Church services at 1 1 a. m.
Rev. J. H. Karpenstein of Cbe
halis. Wash., will deliver the- ser
mon. A cordial Invitation to members
and friends of this congregation to
attend this service.
Oolel Tea hi News,
The Ouspcl team invites every
one tit attend Sunday afternoon
their services in Ashland al the
Presbyterian church. J. 11. Starkey
Is the speaker for the day; also
there will be special music for the
occasion. The team is depending
upon the people to help us carry
out our Master's work.
. , ' Full Gospel Temple.
Newtown near Main. k
John .L. Zecher, pastor.
Sunday school, 0:45 a. m.
Morning worship, 11 a. m.
Young people's meeting, U:30 p.
Evening evangelistic meeting,
7:30 p. in.
Bible study, Tuesday 7:30 p, m.
Woman's pra er meeting, Wed
nesday L':30 p. nt.
Weekly meeting, Thursday 7:30
p. m.
Jesus Christ, the son of (Jod, is
coming back to this earth again.
Seo Matt. 24:a7-51, also Acts 1:10
11. Everybody welcome. Come as
you are: Christ loves you, and died
for you.
riist Christian Church.
Mnth and Onkdale streets.
Carman E. Moll, minister. Office
and pastor's study in tho church;
Phono 107. Hours 9 to i'2; after
noons by appointment. .Residence
phone 1337.
"Test Our Welcome."
Morning worship and communion
at 1 U: ."5. Sermon subject, "I ead
Though Living." Appropriate mu
sic. Itlble school assembly, 5:45. Sun
day is promotion day. It will be
observed in all departments. Classes
for all ages arc anxious to welcome
Christian Endeavor groups meet
at 0:30 p. m.
Popular evening service at 7:30.
Attention is called to the change In
time. There will be good singing,
special music, a happy fellowship
and a sermon on "The Perilous
Way." These evening services are
always largely attended.
Midweek service Wednesday
evening 7:30. ..
Ii'clyirlii Church.
At the Presbyterian church on
Sunday night, a large chorus choir
of girls, numbering 30. under the
leadership of Miss Mejbft Williams,
music teeaher of the Junior high
school, wilt make their Initial ap
pearance. The J unior High O lee
club will be in the number. In
addition to this fine chorus, stere
optlcon pictures showing some of
the remarkable development which
has taken place in that great con
tinent of Africa during the past
lot) years will br shnwih It is no
longer tho dark continent but Is a
wonderful country with vast re
sources In people, products of gold
and diamonds and Ivory and agri
culture. Missionaries have been a
big factor in its development, from
David Livingstone and Henry M.
Stanley down to the faithful men
and women who are preaching the
gospel in every portion of that land
Remember the hour. 7:30 p. m..
and place, the Presbyterian church.
A 1 1 eve n I n g services In the
ohiiroliet will be held nt 7:30 p. m.
from this date on through the win
ter. Valley IUhIIo Chuivli.
Undeiiomi national, fundamental.
The largest congregation In ill'1
Kok'uc River valley.
Hill Ray, pHstor. P. O. Hox !UH.
On the sir Sunday night at K
o'clock. Virgin broadcasting studio.
KM ED. ,M'dford, Ore.
Opening song "Come to the
Church O'er the Radio.''
Prayer, special music and sing
ing, scripture lesson, solo by the
past of.
Sermon, "Why Jesus Came." I.
Timothy I -I 5.
Medford business men and val
ley orchardlsts. as advert (sent and
"go-getters' ch tin nut be beat. Our
city and the Rogue River valley in
letter known than most sections
of the country. let us make the
Valley Radio church known as a
pioneer fi'fe gospel broad cast lng
station. Many substantial men
have said to me this we-k: "Rill.
I want to be a member of your
church and have a part In sending
out K.itvatfon1 story." Won't you
Join tis In sending the glnd tiding
"even unto the uttermost part of
the world"?
Main St. MctliodNt f htirt-lL, South.
Corner faln street and North
Oakdale avenue.
James E. Conder, Pastor.
Th" superintendent of the Sun
day f'hool. Or. Frank Roberts, lr
makimr plans for "Pronation day"LjjatB
next Minuay ann ' uaiiy day later
on. He woo d like io have all
M-hnlarw present, especially thne
who have been out for the ti&r
being. Clnses will he re-organized
i and some new teachers will be add
l ed to the starf. Coin Vid help
i us rw.
Sunday school meets every fun-
day morning at H:4.'.
Preaching at 1 1 a. in. Subject,
"Huino-llulltltiiK." Special music
J unior am) Senior leagues will
I meet in their respective rooms at
i ; a 0 for devotional services. A
incnthcrship campaign is on and
! it U hoped that the Ichkuo will
; have n healthy increase in attend-
at 7:30 p. m., by the
I pastor. Subject. "Your opportun-lllh-lry."
C.ood congregational sing-
j lng nt all services,
i. Mid-week services every Wcd-
j nesday evening at 7:30. A cordial
i welcome awaits you at this friend-!
ly church on the corner.
The Church of God
Corner North tirapo mid Iluvcn.
C. A. Cooper, pastor.
Sunday BChool, 10 a. m.
Morning service, 11 o'clock
Young people's mooting at 6:3U
p. m.
Evening services at 7 : 110 o'clock.
Midweek prayer meeting Wednes
day at 7:30 p. m.
Everyone cordially invited.
First Church of Christ. Scientist
Authorized branch of tho Mother
Church, the First Church of Christ,
Scientist. Eloston. Mass.
Services aro held every Sunday
at 11 o'clock, church edifice, U12
North Oakdale. Subject for Sun
day. October 7, "Unreality."
Sunday school at 9:45. Applicants
under the age of 20 may be ad
mitted. Wednesday evening meetings,
which include -testimonies of Chris
tian Science healings. 8 o'clock.
The reading room, which Is In
the Medford building, is open dally
from 12 to 4, except Sundays and
holidays. The Bible and all author
ized Christian Science literature
may be read, borrowed or pur
cmhased. The public la cordially invited to
attend the services and visit tho
reading room.
First Baptist Church
W. II. Katon, hP. I)., minister.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m
Morning worship, 11 o'clock
Young people's meeting (four
groups), G:;i0 p. m.
Evening worship, 7:30 o'clock.
At the morning worship the
church orchestra will make Its first
appearance since vacation time.
This popular organization has been
enlarged and strengthened by the
addition of several new members,
and you will he glad to hear them
again. At this service the pastor
will speak on "Preparation for Re
vival." The Sunday evening aervlco will
mark tho beginning of a series of
five Sunday evening addresses on
John Bunynn and his great book,
"Pilgrim's Progress." October
marks the r.OOth anniversary of the
author of the book which has prob
ably been the most popular book
in the world except the Rible for
these 300 years. Pictures will bo
used to Illustrate the story. Try
our welcome.
First Methodist Kpbiuviml 1'lmrcli,
Laurel and Main.
Raymond S. Rees. minister. 27
' North Orange. Phone 332.
New Minister to Vmwh.
There is usually more or less In
terest attaching to the first ap
pearance of a new minister before
his congregation. The folks won
der If they aro going to like his
luuks, his manner, the way he does
this and that, and all the other
things that go to make up a min
ister. The minister has some in
teresting moments also as ho looks
over his congregation on his first
Sunday In tho new church. In
spite of all the diversions that en
ter into the service Sunday morn
ing at the First Methodist church,
the pastor hopes to make his first
message one that will Interest and
profit all who hear It. He will
speak at the 11 o'clock hour on the
theme "For Their Sakcs."
World Ncrk'M Thrme.
Mr. Rees, iho new pator of the
First Methodist Episcopal church.
has an Idea that the Sunday even
inK MTvicP should be u tonic for, ,t Kr, ,, t
Imp u-cclc iibr nd und NOtrucHlM t nut .m . ' 1
the week ahead and suggests that
it be known at the First church
as "The Happy Sunday Evening
Hour." He will speak this Sunday
evening nt 7:30 (note change of
hour) on "Play Hall!' Every
American who is awake these days
knows that a world series is on.
Come on, fellow fans, let's think
together about the great game for
a Utile while Sunday evening.
Ii-ehicrln Church.
South Holly and Eighth.
Edwin Percy Lawrence, Minister.
513 Kouth Newtown.
The Rible school meets at 9:45
a. in. All classes In every depart
ment will begin the new lessons
for the quarter. Promoted classes
will take their new places. New
scholars should start now and not
t miss any lessons. Verl (, Walker,
su perlntendenl.
1 1 a. m.. Morning worship.
Organ prelude, "Andante Cunta-
blle" Tschalkowsky
Offertory. "To a Wild Rose"
Contralto solo, "Eye Hath Not
Hcen" Gaul
Nina Cole Mulhollnnd.
Anthem, "Rock of Ages"
Dudley Ruck
Children's sermon. "Apples.'
Hcrmon. "Musturd Seed Faith
Minister. ,
Reception of new members.
Hacrament of the Lord's Hopper.
Postlude, "Maestoso" McDowell j
:ju p. m.r Lvenlng worship.
Prelude, "Offertolre" In A-flat
Offertory. "TrdUmerHf" Hhuman
Missionary message on "Krlcnda of
Africa," II lustra ted by stereop-
tlcon slides.
A girls elforus of 30 voices, in
cluding the Junior Hl'i Opt club
jinder the direction of Miss Melt.4
Williams, will lead the singing and
tng two special number. "America
the I'eautlfut" and "Onward, Chris
tian Holdlers."
6:30 p. m.. Christian Endeavor
meo ting, botIenlors and interme-
7:30wp. m.. Wcdnoaday night,
prayer meeting and study of the
Prophet Amoi.
Central Pwtm Kcdmipd Clinrctw.
Tomorrow we are to atudy obout
tho planting of tho t'hristlanlinpr (fi)s npplrtsOtn the Nwto-
oiiirhly lu-Htlien cities of the wofjil,
t.pheMis. It was the went of the,
worship of "Diana of the Kphe
siitns." the goddess that was sup
posed to have fallen from Jupiter.
The simple story of the gospel of
the Son of Cod won its way be
cause thy Holy Spirit had His way
in consecrated human lives. The
story is in the l!Mh of Acts. Join
a blbl class. School opens at
ti. m.
In our yount people's services,
which begin at 6:3a p. m.. the sub
.Vet, "laborers Together With
Ood," will engage tho attention.
; Oood
leaders, good singing. A
for y mi . a n'd work to do.
The new year's work Is just be
ginning; find your place and your
work soon.
You are Invited to the church
services with us. You will find a
hearty welcome, and an opportun
ity to serve. The pastor will preach
In both services of the day. In the
morning on the subject, "Ron-ow
ing Rread for Others," and In the
evniug an evangelistic sermon on
the subject, "Reaping As Von Sow."
Roth quartets will sing in the serv
ices of the day, and the choir will
sing in both services.
At the Central Point Christian
church Sunday mornl.ig at 11
o'clock. Mr. shelly wil" occupy the
pulpit In place of the Rev. I. J.
Millard, and preach the sermon.
A good attendance Is urged.
TALENT, Oct. 6. -(Special) The
f n 1ritt hiirli ' uiitiniii iinlt I liii a1.
Itlon of student body officers Tues
day afternoon. The following offi
cers wero elected: Presid o n t,
Frank Don ham; vice-president,
Velma Mason; secretary -treasurer.
Katherlne Est as; sergeant-nt-nrms
Clarence Ryrd.
Mr. Latfrunder of Bray, Calif,,
is spending this week In Talent.
Mr. Latfrunder is here with the
intentions of starting a sawmill as
soon as a site can bo secured suit
able for that purpose.
Mr. and Mrs. John Roblson, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Childers and son
John, Mrs. Edith Cochrane, Elvis
Cochrane, Miss Anna Hello Learn
ing and Ray Estes spent Sunday
picnicking at the forks on Wagner
creek. Mi. Childers and Mr. Estes
spent most of tho dny hunting, but
they report they hnd no luck.
Mrs. J. W. McCoy und Mrs. C.
K, Pralt of Ashland and Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Gore of Medford at
tended the teachers reception at
tho community hall lust Friday
Tho reception was n success and
all present enjoyed tho entertain
ment. . .. Thero wero several num
bers on the program and these
wero well received. Miss Juanita
Miller entertained those present
with several piano selections. Earl
Nowbry, Prof. Leslie J. Miller,
Jay Terr III. Mrs. Willis Ryrd, Mrs.
George Carter, J. S. Crawford and
Roy Levander each guvo a short
talk, some being of an Impromptu
nature. Mrs. C W. Iong gavo a
reading. Refreshments were served
at tho close of the program.
Mrs. Hazel Ferns accompanied
eight of her Ashland friends to
Grants Pass Monday evening. They
attended the meeting of the Lady
Muscovites, a branch of tho Odd
Fellows lodge.
Tho town council held tholr reg
ular meeting Tuesday evening.
Mr. Latfrundur of It my, Calif., was
present und ho discussed with the
council his plans for starting n
sawmill here.
A big urprlse birthday party
was given in honor of Mrs. A. It.
Ferns at her homo in Fern Valley
ny ner daughters and daughters-
many ucauiiiui gifts were
presented to tho honor cuest and
the afternoon was spent in a social
good time. A birthday cake with
candles was also '(resented to
Mrs, Kerns. Julio, ico cream and
calio wero served at tho close of
the afternoon. Those who uttend
e dtho party wero; Mrs. E. C
Gardner, Mrs. Tom Hell, Mrs. I.
J. Hleppy, Mrs. Ella J. Patterson.
Mrs. Will Ferns, Mrs. J. W. Dodge
and Mrs. Jlnymnn of Talent; Mrs.
A. L. Reames. Mis. C. P.. Ward,
Miss Llllle Coleman and Miss Nel
lie Ileum of Phoenlr; Mrs. E. A.
Gardner of Ashland and Mrs. Job,
Mrs. Bowman. Mrs. llensler, Mrs.
J. D, Stewart. Mrs. A. I. Ferna,
Mrs. Ray Ward, Mrs. Hprool. Miss
H m 1 1 h , Mrs. Cu rd en and M Isses
Gladys, Marlon. Twlla, Carol and
Msrjorie Ferns. Mary llcnsler and
Ora Mae Hprool and Masters Fred-
dio Robley, Harold and Howard
Ferns, Tommy Ifemdcr, Iconard
and Lloyd Ferns, Ordlt Sprool of
Fern Valley nnd Mrs. William
Mason' of Central Point.
Don Tryor returned Wednesday
afternoon by stugo from Kan Lcan-
dro. Cal., after spending a year
in Tucson, Arizona and tho bay
cities In California. Don, who
was employed ns a marine ma
chinist for the Matson Navigation
company In Han Franc! wo. spent
several months at the homo of his
brother. Charles O. Tryor and
family In Han Lcandro.
Mr. Frlnk left the middle
of tho week for Washington on a
buslnesH und pleusuro trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Oorthuys
and son. Hendrick and daughter,
Catherine and their guests, Dr.
and Mrs;. J. O. Reker of Arnhem,
Holland, returned on Wednesday
evening from the coast, where
they had spent a two weeks vaca
The hall and rain storm of last
Haturdny did very little damage
near Talent. The apples were
hall necked, but there was no
great loss by any of the growers.
A number of Talent people at
tended the Rend-Ruseball game
in Medford Hunday afternoon.
Tho school board tuld their reg
ulnr meeting Monday evening.
Jamw prllett of Klamath Juno
Ron waa a busine visitor In Tal
ent Monday. Mr. CtlkU la buul
i- ......... , ..v .
be packed.
jjisa Rh;i.h I HuKLfTA snenl
Sunday afU'rnu"ii visiting ;it the
home of her friends, Mr. and Mrs.
John Ragsdale in i;.e Point.
Clarence J. and Dorothy Mathcs
accompanied their gramlmotlK-r.
Mrs. Oeorge Matties of Ashland
to the Applegate country Sund,i .
They visited friends while on the
Mrs. John Roblson was a busi
ness visitor in Ashland Monday
Klmer Murphy arrived last Fri
day from California and spent
the week-end at the home of Mr.
and M ts. ilemy Rurnctte and
family. M r. Murphy is u tailor
by trade and is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Murphy, who re-
slued on Wagner creek a numoer
of years ago. Mr. Murphy left i , ..Tl. si , MblM Ul.vvr n.
Monday morning accompanied byj)rarH nl,,(usitl, Tom Mi.nrc. with
Frank Works for Hood River. Mr.u HtruIl(j ,.(lMl including Norman
Murphy and Mr. Works expect U'jTrevor. Jed Proutv and Otlo Hoff
pick apples. (man.
Mr. ami Mrs. J. R. Kdwardsj x
and dauKhtcr moved into the .
Charles 1 Itildridgo place in town
last week.
The budget committee will meet
Friday i:enlng at the school for
the purpose of making out tht ;
school budget for the year. j
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore
and Delos Churchill of Medford
were Sunday dinner guests at tin!
Frank Hold ridge home. i
The j Jidles' Aid nnd Woman's
Home Missionary society of 'tue j
Methodist church held a Joint
meeting nt the home of Mrs. Ii. ,
Lester Newbry on the Anderson
road Thursday afternoon. I
Karl N.ithrow was n business j
visitor in Medford Friday.
Austin Rosander of Ashland j
spent Saturday afternoon at. the
home of his sister. Mrs. Walter;
Russell and family.
Henry Weishaar, representative ,
of the Oeorge Ln w re nee I -ea t he r I
company of Portland eailM on
Marion Tryer nt the general ro-1
pair shop, Friday morning.
Mr an d M rs. M e 1 v I n M cO rew I
and daughter of Ullt, Cal.. spent j
Hunday visiting nt the home of i
his father, Kirk Met! rew and other;
relatives and friends. I
Mrs. Karl Duncan was a caller
at the home of Mrs. Wesley Vogoll
Monday afternoon.
John Itobison is having his ap
ples picked this week. Mr. Robl
son has a very good lot of fruit
this year.
All those who have not regis
tered, should register before Octo
ber 6th, so they will be eligible
to vote nt the general election on
November 6.
Mrs. Olen Sattmarsh spent
Thursday and Friday at her home
on Little Applegate. Mrs. Halt
marsh is staying at the home of
her pa re n t s, M r. a n d M rs. ( I uy
Hamilton, while she Is working
in the packing house at M cdfoni.
Professor and Mrs. Oeorgo Rrls
coo were callers at tho Wosley
Vogell homo Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Walter Russell and her
three daughters, Christina, Fran
ces nnd Pearl, spent Saturday
night and Hunday at tho home of
her father, otto Rosunder, in Ash
land. .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rrandt and
two daughters, Catherine, and Rar
bara June of Medford, spent Sun
day evening at the homo of Mar
ion Tryer and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Nyswarner
recently moved to Chilottuln. Mr.
Nyswarner has purchased a busi
ness establishment there nnd he
will havo charge of It.
Mr. and Mis. Oeorgo Roblson
and Mrs. Minnie Martin of Ash
land spent Sunday evening at the
homo of Mr. und Mrs. John Itobi
son. Preaching services at the Tal
ent Methodist, church are ns fol
lows: Sunday school at tt:-1fi a.
in., Lester Newbry superintendent;
preaching at 11 a. m. and X p. m.
Rev. L. O. Krown. pastor.. Kp
worth league at 7 p. m., Edna
Newbry, leader. Young people's
prayer meeting Wednesday evening-
nt 7:30 p. in.
Among the Talent people shop
ping and transacting business In
Medford Haturday wero Mr. and
Mrs. Jay Terrlll and Rarbara, Mm.
Riley Nyswarner, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank lloldrldgo and Kstlicr, Mr.
and Mrs. William Petri and Kl
ton and Margaret, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Long nnd Lovolla. and Iris.
Tom lidmuiiHon and Rlchar-1
Ray returned from Hood River
Hunday after spending u week at
that place.
Preaching services at tho Rap
tlst church, as usual. Sunday
school nt 10 n. m. Prcachlng at
I la. m. and 7:ao p. m. O. W.
IfVjrnetto pastor.
CJarcnco Homes spent tho week
end at tho home of his wifo and
daughter and other relatives. Mr
and Mrs. Homes und srnull daugh
ter were Hunday dinner guests at
the home of his mother, Mrs.
Homes, in Ashland. They also vl-
I I ed h Is bro t h or nnd wife. M r.
and Mrs. Henry Homes, who re
cently returned from their honey
moon In California.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Penland and
daughter, Jennet to, returned last
Wednesday from Pendleton, Re
sides attending the round-up in
Pendleton they attended tho state
fair on their return homo. They
wcrot gone about 10 days.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holdridgo
were business visitors in Medford
Tuesday aflornoon.
Hon Tryor, who recently re
turned from Han Ijeandro, Calif.,
spent Thursday ufternoon at tho
homo of his sister, Mrs. Kred
Rrandt und family in Medford.
Mrs. Tom Roll entertained a
number of her friends nt her
homo east of Talent at a dinner
party Thursday, Thoso who at
tended the affair wero: Mrs. K.
A. Gardner of Ashland, Mrs. L.
.1. Kleppy, Mrs. F. J. Ilurko nnd
children, 'Mrs. K. C. Gardner and
Mrs. Floyd Pell.
Hev. I,. J. Rrown and family
arrived by motor from Btnyton.
Oregon. Wednesday afternoon and
are living at tho parsonage. Itev,
Rrown will fill the pulpit of the
Methodist church for tho coming
yeur. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wlthrow left
the middle of the week for Port
land on a business nnd pleasure
trip to Portland.
Joe Hpttxer was a visitor In
Medford Wednesday evening.
ti C
iren at
O the State Th$at
I ti othy Rev ii-i's ambition to
play dramatic leads is conMStenlly
bciiiK realized. Her latest will
be the feature at the Stale, the
atre, starting tonight.
M is.s Rcvicr was born in San
Francisco, where she was edu
cated. Her tiiwt experience in
theatricals was ii school plays in
In lUirt' she cast aside her bal
let slippers and commenced a
screen i ari-ei-. Frequently she
appears in charity ballets in Hol
lywood. Among her screen suc
cesses are, "The Wild Party. '
"Rose of Paris." "The Drop Kick,"
Loves of Carmen." and ' Stepping
out "
Classified advertising gota results.
Dont Miss the Fun
It', the Big Laugh Hit of the
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ice, our first considera
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The Biff Tc
6th and Holly
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