5 1 mDWTD matt, TrcmrxK Mr.Droftn. orkhox "wki.nt.sday. octohkk n? m2s. or UTTE FALLS MEN A. F. SUIT BUSINESS UN FEDERAL COURT SEDAJiSKIDS Oil ATTORNEY FEES .l l i t'.niiiiy i Ifili. I tie (gk'ir w "Hut. n l" th mutter of attm-O luM U' ii in onl.'r lo u't their case nry' - yuu'Jl junl have to (liMiiiVf.l. ihi-y umil.t U.tw tu ii! til that nii'Q.K yourseli said .i Hioiiun in tin- (ink's uflice, Dflilia which won hi lie pre.sentetl to I In- i ln uil jmlKf. w Mo ni turn cmiM Sul'limity Modern new eun sikii ami oithr lite rt'.mcsteil (lis- en-ie store buihliui; occupied by '"i'il IhiN-r omi' iny. ODSTING BAKER 1 RETURNS FROM ! FLAK ACTIVITIES ! I PACIFIC HIGHWAY, ! SALIENT POINT EASTERN IP; AT DINNER PARTY; BOOTLEG CASES THREE ARE HURT: SUIT ARMISTIC lll'TTIC FALLS, Oft. It- (Special) . deWtfutlon of citizens from th..- lluttf Kails district called litis inornhiR. durinp the regular first df the month .sessiun yf the county vourt, and filed a request that ltmleilck Kaker be appointed road .supervisor fur that district. There wpi'P five men ami four women in the delegation. The spokesman explained to the court that Mr. linker was especi ally well qualified for the position, and highly recommended hy fur iner employers. They desired that he he appointed at unce, bin the county court ruled that no ap pointment could be made until the regular time, January 1, and that tht matter would be aired at the regular road meeting to be held in .November. "You know how we pull up there," said one of the visitors to Cum mission or Victor Burse 11. The commissioner replied that he did, and complimented I he district upon their harmony the past five years. 1 Uaker is urged to fill the vacan cy caused by the death of William Hankin, in an auto accident six weeks ago. A lively contest is looming for the position. A delegation of Ashland citizens also called, and asked for a distri bution of the county library fund, claiming that they were called upon to furnish books, etc., to seven districts adjacent to Ashland for which the Medford library re ceived funds, but had failed to mtpply. A special levy is made by the city of Ashland for the library, and it is exempt from theVounty levy. The court decided it would take the matter under advisement and learn the Medford library's side of the question. A protest was filed against the further payment by the county of a $-5 per 'month pension to a widow living in the Wimer district The proteslant claimed that the widow, beside the $'J5 dole, re ceived $3i per month for the death of a son, had hold a considerable amount of timber from her home stead this .summer, and had re fused to rent portions of her land. Therefore the pension from the county was viewed as "useless spending of the t a x p a y e r s' money." The county court took the protest under advisement for investigation, and thanked the protectant for his information. 'Th rest of the session was de voted to routine mat (ers and the approval of the regular batch of iills. t "Yes, 1 am said to gut home." Plans fy,r winter activities were! said A. F. Stenuett, Mail-Tribune JIwumwU i-'vening at a well-, j foreman and secretary of .Medford T'ih", ulT! j lyixiBi'iipliiral Inicin, on his return , iuul rrofesskmiil Women's elm, at 'to work today, utter u five weeks' !ttie Hotel Medtord. which officially! tour of the country, during whU-U l"md the season, i he visited L'T stales, two provinces- I'.limHses of seven different Ku !of Canada, anil attended the inter- j ropenn countries were Riven by i I national typographical convention i Mlss Elizabeth Jlurr. assistant j in Charleston, South Carolina, as aicounty school superintendent, who I delegate from southern OrcBon. was a member of the Temple tour "I wouldn't live in New Yorkiparty this summer. City on a bet." said the veteran "One tropical day In AmstM-- make-up man emphatically. "When dam my companions and 1 sought i i I Bet up at tl o'clock in the morninc ' a P"'-k and shade. 1-ator we de-1 j l don't want somebody poking me 'ided to net some refreshments ill the hack and steppinj on m-:and went to a place where they i heels. I found Broadway as crowd-1 serve patrons around tables on the; led at Ii a. in. as at noon and as at street. on all sides of us weiv 3 p. in. .lust a crazy nob. jostling People drinklnc beer and stronger i jench other, and not speaking, for , ihintjs. A waiter came up to us. j -no one knows anyone else down! He looked ns over carefully, then j there. At 2 a. m. the traffic cops looked at the others and said to; at Broadway and Koriy-second 1 " 'What will you nave, tea. , street were as busy as at f p. ni.iw-aler or lemonade'." Wu tookj New Yorkers may sleep, hut they : lemonade," Miss Hun- said. don't sleep at the same time. i Describing the customs of Knit was Rllld to-set out of the crazy j land she told about the traffic jam. ' regulations including driving on- "The only place I miBht prefer ithe left hand side of the road, thoj to Medtord was Washington City, Uikhs which read "to be sold," in-! that's ootl lookiiiB. quiet and sane, intend of ' lor sale," and the popu-J The south showed little siKns ofjlarity of bicycles. The party vis chanse few improvements, except ! ited the Shakespeare country ami! in North Carolina .which is niore:saw "The TamiUK'of the Shrew ! like an up-anil-coniinB northern jut Strntfoid. "If you expect state and mipht he carried hy the;f;o to Italy, plan your trip Klamath Falls Construction started on new 165,000 fire-resistant business block at Eighth and Main tsi-eets. flSTATE THEATRE for Kcpuhlicans this year. I the spring. We were there In the "Politics? Well. I tried to get , late summer and at Home It was the convention to take a straw vote jilU in the shade." Miss llurr re on the presidential candidates, but ' marked. nothing doin.;;. The Typographical t Another interesting feature of Tnion is strictly non-partisan, the program was a group of aonss When I mentioned polities to south- by Merland TolUvson. who cum'; enters most of them looked pained - here with his parents recently and said nothing.. They don't like ; from Portland. He was aeeom Smith and they hate Republicans ; panied on the piano by Miss worse than poison. Talked with .Myrtle Tohoy, instructor in Kng one Texas Democrat. K. K. Kelly. iish at the high school. and ho not only had the initials; in the absence of the president and name of our local Democratic ; Gf the club. Mrs. Hoy Klllott. war horse, but was almost as big. j who is ill. Miss Mabel Knight He said he couldn't see Al Smith presided last evening. It is the and Tammany. Cnsfdered Hoover : plan of the members to have a a flat-head, but was olng to vote ; number of special meetings will for him. Another Texas Democrat un the near future, one of them said Hoover hud no more chance of ; being a reception for Miss Emily carrying Texas than the Washing- Kneubuhl. national executive see on monument. So there you are. I ',-eiary - of New York who is ex think there will he a lot of mm- ,)t.cted to arrive here this month, voting In the south this year, and. f while Hoover may carry one or two i of the southern states, the south as a whole will go Democratic but j with decreased majorities II I South Central Near Elyhth V I In Vii-Rinia, I sot an apimintmenl with Carter Olass but auto trouble made me late, and 1 failed to see him. "Prohibition? Yes, there's about as much of it in New York City as in Canada." Mr. Stennett, an enthusiastic Democrat, is still strong for Al Smith, but does not appear san guine of his election. He said ho round the Snilth-lloover sentiment In New York state about evenly di vided, with the final result a toss up. .41.11. COLYEAR TO HOLD Automobile dealers, garage men and employes of southern Oregon will be given an opportunity to hear a group of experts discuss problems of general interest to their business tomorrow and Friday at Ii o'clock in tuo afternoon and both evenings at 8, when the Col year Motor Sales company at 411 Kast Main street holds open house. W. E. Oarnett, sales manager of the Portland branch of Colyear, ar rived here today in preparation for the event, during which he will give several talks. Ten other fac tory representatives are expected to be present for the two-day meet ing, t Anion? thq officials, who is ex pected to be here tomorrow is W. II. (irehe, manager of the Portland branch. Factory men who will as sist Mr. tJarnett include N. A. An dreas of Ssn Kranciaco, of the Al-' Two bills. lost In the local postoffice Saturday by B lien Konop and advertised in the Mon day afternoon Mail Tribune, were returned to her the following day i leu KJnetrical Kqutpment compan by Earl James, U 1 1 -Mnn tic, painter, who found the purse a few moments after it was lost. Mr. James, who Is a newcomer in Medford, said that he had been watching the lost and found ads In the paper for two days, and upon seeing no notice of the money he had Vund, was on the verge of putting an ad In the paper himself, when he discovered the notice in Monday's paper. and Charles Merkwcth of the Port land Oxygen and Hydrogen com pany. Mr. Dockwcth is a welding expert. 4 Appraisers Named in Conroy Estate by Judge Sparrow La Grande T. K. Graham nold a purebred Hereford bull calf four I j months hl foi' $ -HQ. I Kohn ?oiLrr cm Romance of a Bel& Dancing Doll V Wh6 Had It and That and Thcse-rand Those RICARDO CORTES. BARBARA LEO KARp. LEE MORAN, CIW FITZ CCRALD and POl'GLAS LilRRARD o . Iircvtcd by GEORGE ARCHAINBAL'D A TiffaHv-Sffllil Piodticttor Any Seat 15c Anytime Children under 12, 10c Continuous Show Daily Matinee 1 to 5 P. M, Evening 6:30 to 11 P. M. Saturday and Sunday, contin uous 1 to 11 P. M, Pictures change daily except Thurs day. Have You Constant Backache 7 A Persistent Backache Often Warns of Sluggish Kidneys. EVERY dy find you drtd and achy? Suffer nangmg, backache, drowty headache) and diziy ipellj? Are kidney aecrerionl too frequent, scanty of burning? Thti often indicates iluggiih kid ney! 'and shouldn't be neglected. Use Doen'i Piih. Ooan't, a stimulant diuretic, incteaie the activity of the kidneys and thus aid them in catrying off waste impurities. Endorsed by usets everywhere. 50,000 Users Endorse Doan's: Mr.. L. D. Anda. 224 Darwin A., Lo.An.tl... C.I. ,!: "Mr lidr iiin I jet nlht and mr b.ck i) .Wullr n wtik. 1 frit tit!, hd dnir M"1 snd iul!(r.d K..(tlr from p.in ia rnr tsfc chit krpt me Irom doina much ifOund ih hui. One b ot DW Pill. id m i th trouble ud I lo't bn boiM'Ki since." D0AN"S PKS A STIMULANT DIURETIC KIDNEYS Fottf r-Miltmrn Co Mf Che Buff1 NY. Mrs. Helen Mar Conroy wuh ap pointed ndminlHtrutrlx and John Wilkinson. John Orth and Leon H.tMkftiM, nj)pralHerH of the estute left by the lute Dr. Conroy as one of tlie find offlciul acts perform ed by A lex aSparruw, new county Jude. The estate has a probable net value of $ ."i 0 U U , an nu tit rental value of ?rii and equities and intereMH In real property and other per h u ii a I properly amounting tt) around ?-Mi00, aceordinjr to a peti tion filed in the county court bonne by the widow, Mrn. I leb.-n ' .Mar Conroy. A bond of 94000 oil the. Fidelity and DepoKit company of .Maryland was taken out by the administratrix through the' Daub-In Inwuranco company, local amenta. The defence In the U lal of the government at,;iinst C'al Cnllender and f.us IlirsehlierKer, in the fed- j eral cnurt opened this afternoon. Mrs. Klsie Oallender, wife of t)ne of the defendants, was the first I witness. She testified that she was : the owner of the taxi service in Chiloquiii, and was excused with ' out cross-examinntion by the aov- ernment. ' Unitetl States District Attorney! i.corne Neuner arrived this morn- j ine and took part in the prosecu- J tiou at the afternoon session. I?otb (iefeudants will be called ! to the stand in their own behalf. . K. C (Cul) Cullender ami Cus IlirschberiiOi, residents of Chilo-j quin, lnetropolis of the Klamath J Indian' reservation, went on trial j in the federal court this mornini;, 1 chained with sale and possession of liquor. Jt was the opening case of the annual session of the fede ral court for the southern Ore Kon district, with Federal Jude Robert S. Ilean of Portland pre siding. The defendants are specifically charged with the sale of u bottle of moonshine to special prohibi tion agents of the government last ,1 une. the amount inlvcd be inn and it is alleged that the transaction took place on the road near Chiloquin, the bottled bever- j ago beintf procured from beneath j :u los. after the preliminaries ha'J : been nrran(,'Cd at the Cullender residence. Karl Kohler, special enforce- mem officer of the prohibition hu- i reau of the treasury department, i and liulph Kelly, now a deputy : sheriff of Washington county. Ore-! son, residint; at Htllsboro, were the chief witnesses for the Kov ernment. Kelly, under cross-ex amination, admitted conviction for; a crime. Thev corroborated eaeli '. others testimony, the gist of which was as follows: That Kelly, who was acquainted with the Chiloquin liquor dealers in company with Kohler, and C.od frey, another special agent, jour neyed to Chiloquin and met llirs chberger, operator of a .taxi. He drove the ugenu to the Callendar residence, where Kohler testified, he made representations that he was in the Klamath and Chilo quin districts "to get a lino on the liquor dealers." Callender, testified Kohler. In formed him, "that I am only In t ho bottle business now," where upon the speciul agent asked him what he though of lien Mitchell (alleged to he one of the Klam ath bootleg kings, and scheduled for trial, on a liquor conspiracy charge) as a wholesale moonshine dealer. Defendant Callender, It wus tes tified, replied, "that an Didian by the name of Huff handled more liquor than Mitchell," and also was alleged to havo expressed him self as being somewhut dubious; about doing business with Mit chell. After this exchange, it was tes tified. Kelly said to Kohler: "Don't he so tight. Doosen up and buy a bottle," whereupon tt was asserted Callender said, "I guess we can fix you up." All then entered the taxi, and drove to the log cache. The special agents testified that lllrscherf.'er procured the bottle of moonshine, and Callender received the monoy for It. The payment wuh made by Kohler, who held flvo silver dollars in his bund, while Callen der removed three of them. The defense attorney. Cenrge M. HobertM nC this city, subjected the two government agents to a rigid cross-o x a m I n n t I o n, and brought out from Kelly that he had a wide acquaintance among the "liquor dealers" on the Klam ath reservation,. The court ' ad monished Witness Kelly to "speak louder." The defense also at tempted t.o show 'discrepancies he twee n the testimony given by the speeial agents this morning, and that given hy them at the hear ing before the United Slates com missioners. A Jury to hear the trial waa drawn this morning. The ease is expected to be finished Into this afternoon. The case of Mike Murphy, orig inally set for this morning, was postponed fir a couple of days. Mis T. T. Ahbtrom and Mrs, Sum Kelby of Uunsmuir. C'al., and Mrs. Sidney Carter of Ashland wero injured yesterday afternoon on the Pacific highway over the Siskiyous when the Ituiek. sedan they were driviiwi skidded on the wet pave ment overturned about three miles south of Klamath Junction. Mrs. Ahlstrom sustained severe lacerations and is iu a serious con dition t'roiu internal injuries. Mrs. Sidney Carter sustained severe bruises and is suffering from shock ami Mrs. Sam Kelby, driver of the auto, sustained lacerations and shock. The trio were en route to Ash land from ti visit with friends and relatives at Dunsmuir, Cal. The exact cause of the accident has not been determined, but is believed to have been caused by a slippery puvemeut. Mrd. Ahlstrom. the most serious ly injured, was cuught beneath tho overturned auto. Passing autoists rendered first aid and called medical assistance from Ashland. t Load Rogue Pears at Portland Dock PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 3. i7Ti Included in the cargo of the steamer Loch Coll, loading at a dock here, will be 40UU boxes of lioirue river pears. An attorney fee or I v o may settle the UiftVrem'u between plaintiff and defendant, but it takes a one-siiled argument and plenty of strong words in settle the dif feienee hetwveii a client and bis own attorney when the plaintiff and ilci'endant Ket together and decide to settle their suit out of court, affording to (I. M. SUeute and 11. Ii. Lewis, who made the rounds of the court bouse depart ments today trying to get their case dismissed from the docket, Mr. SUeate. a local contra, tor had entered suit thru his attorney, auuinsl Mr. Lewis lor $2fU, which the latter is said to have owed him on some carpenter supplies. The eom plaint had I teen filed, and the bond for tho arrest of the defen dant set. when the two principals deelded to talk things over and settle their differences witlumt the aid of their attorneys. Put there loomed the matter of attorney fees, and that, according to Mr. Skeate, called for moral eourauc and an unlimited vocabulary, both of which the plaintiff admits he possesses. rpon eonsulling Delili.l Stevens CONSTIPATION ' RELIEVED L . . . QUICKLY I CART Ills I MSIS TONIGHT THAT BIG ANNIVERSARY Joy Special CHARLIE MURRAY IN Carter's Ultlc liver Pills Purely Vrfflablf Lata live move the bow tin tree from pain and tinplei4n( after effect i. Thcv rrlirvr tho vi tern of constipation poiieni which wine that dull and achinu feeling. Heniembi r tUty tret doctor' prctcriplion nnd run be (aLcn hv the rntire family l ake them tnniidit. All PrunR-itf 2 5c and 71c Hcd r.-trkiisc. CARTER'S 1521 PILLS Good Cold Cream Modettly Prked Made originulI for the theat rical profession, OWL THEAT RICAL COLD CREAM has b. come a favorite with mny thousands of well-groomed peo ple. No cold cream can bo purer. No cold cream is a better cleans er and skin protector. And the modest price (a full pound 75c) permits you to use it gen erously which is the way cold cream should be used. 1 A full pound 75c Half pound 50c JARMIN & WOODS THE OWL DRUG STORE Phone CG Medford, Ore. nHPnnniwiBPvaanRa nil iiiia nt n am lwi i t i m 11 1 rn fr i rn it 1 1 iiim iwiMnniMi i ii ii n hl.mmi h i mt Ifci mm inn A FLO OD OF "THE HEAD MAN" Also CHARLIE CHASE In a Great Rib-. Cracking .Comedy ROTKERMEL'S MUSIC Usual Admission STARTS TOMORROW! REGINALD DENNY IN Good Morning Judge A roll of bt'fblinw tucked in: rows the front tf her Chevrolet coupe, was all ihttt saved 1 h-r car belo j.i.--Inn to Mr. K. H. J'a-e of Twin Uridyl, MuH,. from bein: corn idftoly df-'mullnht'tl, itccordinc to i witiU'Wt'ft who saw the accident be tWf-en tho Chevrolet und a Hdido baktf nedari driven by M. Tucker ui Mndfnid in front of the tlcebc A Kindall service station at Central Point thi mornlntc. Mrs. face acordinjr to a report Kivcn to .Sheriff Haljh Jcnnln, HH.t d.-ivint? couth and In making the turn on the highway com Irk 'toward Mfdford, collided with the ritudebakcr. Iloth car were con- jdder.ihly damaged, hut nelth'T or 'cupants wtnt Injured seriously. American Legion Drum Corps DANCE HILARITY HALL SATURDAY NIGHT And Each Saturday Night Thereafter Admission $1.00 Per Couple Will Be Turned Loose TOMORROW at 9:15 A. N. WHEN WE OPEN THE GREATEST Sales Event IN OUR ENTIRE BUSINESS CAREER SHIELDS QUITS THE ENTIRE STORY IS TOLD IN THE BIG CIRCULAR BEING DELIVERED TO HOMES Join the Crowds at the Big Sale in the Morning and SHARE SUCH VALUES AS THESE Regular $1 TOPKIS UNIONS 59c Hold only with pur cliuwo of .$2 or tnoi'o of other goodn. T'vn I't ciiHionicr D Standard Package KOTEX 29c Hold only with pur chaKo of $- or nioro of oilier KoodH. 1 tl(? . (O '"Htoni'T 75c Rubber APRONS 29c Hdld only with pur chase of $2 or moro of other rooUh. One to ciiMtomcr. 0 $1.65 Rollins SILK HOSE 98c Sold only with iiur clinsu of $2 or moro of other goods. 1 pair to ciislomor. DONT FORGET THE TIME AND PLACE ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD QUICK SHIELDS Central at Eighth St. Opposite Hotel Jackson MEDFORD 3C 1