Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 25, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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    Medford Mail Tribune
i Second Section
Six Paget
Second Section
Six Paget
ill T
rAy I
Filty-ieventb Vm
No. 180.
Beautiful New Drug Store Opens in Medford Thursday
Owl Drug Company's Pro
ducts Featured Elabo
rate Fixtures and Soda
Fountain Installed Local
Building Firms Are Given
Preference Favors for
Visitors Opening Day.
Thursday morning I ho new Jar
ni in and- Woods drug more, cor
ner Main Hired and Central ave
nue, will be opened to the public
with hui prise sifts for all vis
Jtoi4. and the entire establish men,
ready for Inspection of nil who
cure to look over thu modern fix
tures rind arrangement of the departments.
M. II, Jarmln and Charles L.
Wood a entered business in Med
ford January 10. 19LT, establish
ing n druff store In the Golden
ltulc building. Tho building was
later sold to the ,1. O. I'enney
compiiuy and, their lease expiring,
the partners moved into a tenipo
lary loentlou with the Medford
Hook store, where they have car
rio don. pending the completion of
the new a;ore.
The present locution wus obtain
ed from K. V. Medynski on a
long term lease and includes space
fornieily occupied by three places
of business. The sto.e has a 2"
foot frontag on Main street and
tit) feet on Central, with a cor
ner entrance. A mezzanine floor
in the rear provides office room
lid space for the (lacking and
checking departments, and a bal
cony running along both sides and
the front gives uinple slut age
space for the large stock of goods
w niie i no j arm in mm w oou
l)rug store Interior arrangement
ft nd decoration is a duplicate of
Owl drug stores In tho south, all
new fixtures and materlnt, with
the exception of the soda fountain,
were purchased from Medford con
cerns. The store is privately
owned by Jarmln and Woods and
has the exclusive 08ency for Owl
Drug company products.
The prescription counter of
latest design and efficient ar
rangement Is ono of the largest
ever Installed hi Medford and will
be presided over by a registered
pharmacist at all times during
business hours.
New oak fixtures are installed
in the strel level display space.
Including large perfume and toilet
ries sections, with middle island
:diuw rases ftr perfume sets, ar
ticles in Ivory anil other goods.
A beautiful Ked Cross soda
fountain with electrical refrigera
tion and the most modern dispens
ing appliances occupies spice in
tho west front portion of the
room. Tho fountain, which was
purchased from I ho Cray-McLean
and l'ercy company of Portland,
will feature light lunches, sand
wiches a nd sa la ds In addition t n
.the regular list of fountain deli
cacies. This department of the
store Is In charge of Kred l'owell.
with Mrs. Walgamot as assistant.
. i n well has had many years
experience in some of the largest
c lies in the country and will han
dle the fountain department much
the same as a metropolitan estab
lishment. Jarnilh and Woods will conduct
their new store along the saim1
l.uv'ness lines that have chanr'-
t prized,, their previous enterprise
I here, and will co-operate with
other drug stores of- Medford, in
; regard to hours of business and
Sunday closing. The fountain de
partment, will remain open Sun
days and week-days until 11 p. m.
In addition to the proprietors,
.Henrietta Kcksteln and Henry
Kp!lver. both registered pharma
cists, will continue with tho new
store, giving tho fine service, that
: has made J arm in and Woods'
i popular with Medford people.
' In line with the policy of keep
ing Medford money at home, all
,i)f the material and labor entering
I Into the new establishment wa ,,
.so far as possible, obtained from
local concerns.
Cabinet work in the store is the
product of tho Trowbridge Cabinet
Works, which has manufactured
the fixtures for many of the city's
finest business houses, ns well as
private homes. Plumbing and
j metal work were done by tho Vro
nmn plumbing shop and Modern
i Plumbing -and Sheet Metal com
! pnny. respectively,
i Electrical installation, . including
nn electric elevator, was handled
. by the Medford Electric coni
' pany. Fixtures are of the most
approved type and provide a pleas
ing balance of illumiration for
all parts of the store. Tho ele
' valor, which was designed. m;ilt
.and installed entirely by the locnl
electric comyany. has automatic
istop devices and provides rapid
'communication between the street
level and storage department of
' the store.
Hardware and fittings were fur
nished by tho Medford Furniture
innd Hardware company and a
portion of the paint and other In
terior finish material came from
the Al Piche Hardware store.
The building was remodeled ac
cording to designs outlined by Mr.
Woods and Mr. Jarmln. the con
tract being executed by Cieorge
Oliver, who has successfully han
dled several. Important business
and residence structure contracts
In Medford.
An exceptionally fine job of
Interior painting and decorating
has been completed in the Jarmln
and Woods store by l' J. Huntz,
who has gained considerable repu
tation here in this class of work.
Tile work in the lobby and other
: portions of the building was in
stalled by C.illltund and Lowe of
jiialem. who have found their ser
i vices in this lino so much in de
''mand that they are contomplut
!lng opening a branch here,
i Plate glass in the largo show
windows was pluced by the Mcd
'ford Plate Class and Mirror
Lumber and other building ma-
Iterial used in the remodeling work
was furnished by the Big Pines
Lumber company.
Complete insurance coverage of
i building and contents was written
by the n. A. Holmes Insurance
j "
! Pondlclou Selected
i LA GKANtJIO, Ore., Sept. 2:,,'
jfTPl Eastern Oregon peace officers
association. In quarterly conven
tion here last night selected Pon-
j dleton as the place for meeting
Nov. 1f.
Jarmin and Woods Drug Store Just Completed
- x -
that two boys who the youth had
sulci were Xorthcolfs victims were
.Nelson and Louis Winslow.
j Tho Winslow hoys were kidnaped
from their home in Pomona several
weeks aso. The officer said tho
description given by Clark fitted in
detail that of the missing boys.
Itoseburg PruucH Sold
KOHKnCItO. Ore., Sept. 25. (V)
The Douglas County Cooperative
Prune association has sol da pool
of slightly more than 700,000
pounds of three varieties of prunes
.to the II. S. (Silo company of Hose
burg and Salem.
New Jarmln At Woods Owl il
Tho from of the sloi-c Is finished
In Medford.
store which will ohmi at (cut nil and Miihi stivcls Thursday.
in orange and black and will be one "I the most atliiictivv corners
Oil Demonstration
at LeM oss Station
LOS AN'CIELICS, Sept. M. (()
i Indications contained in a scrap of
I paper that the remains of suspected
hoy victims of l -year-old Cordon
Stewart Norlhcoil may have been
used ns part of a formula for
chicken feed today had sent au
thorities on a new investigation of
Iho Wineville chicken ranch.
If tho Investigation reveals the
evidence to be genuine, authorities
believe they will have accomplished
a major task in solving tho mys
: tcry of tho alleged slaylngs. Tho
paper which officers, found in a
search of I he ranch disclosed :i
; chicken feed mixture and ended
with a note specifying tho use of
the bodies.
A mass of other evidence that
; has been gathered by officers since
Northcott's nephew, 15-yoav-old Sun
rord Clark, first told his story of
the slaying of boys on the isolated
ranch, was left in laboratories hero
fur analysis,
I'pon the deciilon of chemists,
handwriting experts and other aids
i to scientific, crime detection will
depend on whether many of the
'. items would bo used ns evidence
against the youil; and his mother.
The report of an oil company that
the wooden plug had been removed
from Hie la-Inch casing of a test
well in the vicinity of young North
cott's cabin in .Mint canyon today
caused a reopening of the invest!-
(Member Northern Hardware Chain Stores, Inc.)
Paint and Varnish
The New Jarmin & Woods Drug Store
The Moil ford high school's en
counter with the Chemawa Indians
football team next Saturday at the
Molly street athletic field, the first
important game of the season for
the locals. Is attracting state-wide,
interest, particularly In Thu Dalles
and Portland. The result will give
a comparative view of the strength
of the leading contenders for the
state championship this year, as
Washington High defeated the In
dians by a 19 to 0 score, and The
Dulles has a game scheduled with
the redmcn.
Coach Calllson had liis'eharges
out last night, doing the first real
hard work on the season. Jack
Hughes, guard, who has been out
of practice with tolisllltls, reported
yesterday, and will be In the game
Saturday, which will strengthen
the line.
Calllson also put Ued McDonald
through a course of sprouts in
kicking. .McDonald can kick with
power In practice, but was unable
to do much against the Alumni
team. Ilernle Hughes, the center,
may also he drafted for punting.
A I Molvhi, the regular quart er,
is probably out of the game for
the rest of the season, owing to
being forced to quit school, and
Carnett. substitute uunrter hist sea-
wlll take his pln-e.
After a quiet hot weather spell
Talisman lodge -o. 31. Knights of
Pythias hel dan exceptionally in
teresting meeting last night In
their hall on West .Main street.
A letter was received and read ;
from Supreme Chancellor Alva W.
Lumpkin announcing a reduction i
in Initiation fees and rc-lustate- '
merit fees.
The following delegates and ,
alternates were given their crcden-
tints tojgrand lodge which will be
held in Salem, October X. 9, 10.
Delegates: K. K. Core, W. It. Cay
lord, Curl rich t nor, U. C. Iloehne;
alternates: Ceo. J. Kun.mun. L. L.
Damon, James Stewart, II. ll.'Wil
liams. District DepuLy Grand Chancel
lor H. C. Ilochuc was present ami
gave a very interesting report on
the district cotivem jii recently
held in Koschurg.
l-'red (J. Scaton of Portland,
assistant superintendent of the In
surance department, was present
and gave a very Interesting talk on
his department.
On Friday uik'ht a delegation of
local knights will go to Ashland
to assist In starting up the meet
ings hi the Llthia city alter the
hot weather lay-off.
A machine designed by the en
; glneorlng department of the Texa
j co OH company Is being displayed
this week al the LeM oss Service
stat luu, corner Jackson street and
Itivt'fside avenue, giving motorists
a visible demonstration of the
clearness ami texture of the oil
film developed by Texaco golden gallon at that site. Previously offl
motor oil. eers had made a search there "Willi
The contrivance, which cost ap- .only a few pair of boys' shoes as
proximately $3,000, is one of three their reward.
being shown in Pacific cjnst : Tthe oil company officials said it
: slates, according to M. M. Mitchell, quantity of quick lime was found
j manager of tho local Texaco ills- j about the mouth of Ihu test well.
: trihutlng plant, and Is attracting After u two-hour questioning of
1 considerable attention from Le- Clark, a Pomona. Cal., constable
Mns elation patrons. yesterday declared he was posltlvn
Medford 1s the county seat and
metropolis of the Ttogun Iliver
valley and gateway to (.'rater Lake.
All New Fixtures for
Jarmin & Woods Drug Store
Made by
The Old Reliable
Trowbridge Cabinet Works
Established 1908.
The Medford Furniture &
Hardware Co.
furnished and laid the
In the best workmanlike manner and also ,
'"' ""furnished all"' "
Building Hardware
for the new
Jarmin & Woods
Drug Store
: ))
Plate Glass
Jarmin & Woods
Drug Store
Furnished and Installed
Medford Plate Glass
' & Mirror Works
We Also Handle
We repair your broken win
dows and re-silver your old
mirrors, beveling and polish
ing edges.
118 South Bartlett
Phone 446
Congratulations to Jarmin & Woods
On the Completion of Their New Model Drug Store
Wiring and Electrical Installations
As Well as Designed and Installed an Electric Elevator
As Our Part in the Building of Medford's New Pharmacy