Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 19, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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The Weather
Weather Year Ago
Miiimmn H
Milliliiliitt 5.1
l'orerast Fiiir, mul iiilhIciiku leiu-
Maximum yesterday 7fl
MU lii i ui in today 411
Pallj Twenty-third Itm
Wefklr Fifty-Mnth Yew
Xo. 180.
By Arthur Brisbane
East Goes West and V. V.
Annoying Holdup. .
Tornado Exaggeration.
No Pineapples, Please.
(Copyright, 1928. by Star Co.)
Monday, Mr. Hoover from
California was telling the east
why it .should vote to retain
and increase Jtcpuhlican pros
perity. Governor Smith, from New
York was on his way west to
tell fa riders why they should
put out Kepublieans and put
Democrats in.
Many speeches about prohi
bition, nullification, as Kepub-
lieans call, it, modification, as
J Democrats call it.
.Much whispering ami loud
talking about religion.
But the real issue is I'KOS-
Once workmen talked about
the full dinner pail. Now they
talk about the full pocketbook.
V The job of Democrats is to
convince the public that the
I national pocketbook will ex-
pand, and national savings in-
CICil.M' IIO'IC lilOWI UllllCl ivi-lll-
ocratic than under Wcpulilican
rule. Nothing else really counts.
A lady bandit adds annoy
ing features to the holdup in
dustry. Twelve gentlemen were play
ing poker in Brooklyn, a po
liceman among them. Violent
sobbing at the door, a woman
in distress. The poker players
o(pen, and hear "Stick 'em up"
$ "'wo 111011 pointing automatics
it stand behind the sobbing young5
lady. She points one automat
ic steadily while her friends col
lect pocket'oooks and jewelry,
$501)1) in cash.
Then to facilitate the "get
nway" the young lady of the
dibs and automatic told the 1
ga mblers, "Drop your trousers
to your knees." They obeyed
hastily, leaving them hobbled.
Any man can appreciate their
predicament. Lady and hold
up partners left in their auto
mobile. That is now.
If vou have made any winter
plrnis nbmit Florida, don't lot
any news reports, accurate or
:xagirtTat('dt int'hience you.
.P-cro arc no tornadoes in Flor
ida in winter.
K-For information about "tor-
Tiblc tornado in Florida" comes
in this dispatch from Peter 0.
Knight, one of the ablest law
ycrs in Florida.
"Tampa, Flu., Sept. 17.
"News dispatches sent out
from Florida concerning so
called hurricane positively ma
licious and criminal. The ve
locity of wind in Tampa has
not exceeded U0 miles per hour.
No damage here whatever and
damage to entire state nnirlii--ile.
Please jrive this publicity.
Peter O. Knight.
A typhoon in China has killed
many, and many houses de
stroyed. AVe nav little attni-
j tionj it is too far away. Tn the
virgin Island thousands are"
homeless. That is nearer home
but leaves us cold. A majority
of us don't know where the Vir
gin Islands are.
The stmar crop of Povto Rico Is
safe. THAT Interests us. Sugar
might ko up. Coffee growers suffer
heavy losses. That Interests s.
it may mean dearer coffee.
-4 1
Judfre Jnreckl. of Chicago, says
that city will enlist men to ward
the polls in November. He doesn't
want any more "alnapple politics."
"Pineapple." you know, is Chi
cago's playful euphemism for an
explosive bomb.
If pineapples only were used in
the Chicago campaign It wouldn't
be so bad. Hut automMics. machine
B unhand brass knuckles added to
(Continued on rape Four.)
Porto Rico Storm Refugees
Loot Stores for Food
People Deep in Despair
Relief Work Under Way,
As Suicide Increase
Fag End of Hurricane
Hits Gotham.
KAN .JIWX, I'urtu Uico. Kept. III.
(VP) With reports uf fmd riulinj,' !
tu rrt'iit, iiinn companies uf the I
I'nrtn Uienn Notional Guard today
were policing UU towns of the isl
nnd. The guardsmen wen? called
nut by Governor lluraco M. Town-i
or after reports became prevalent
that in several towns devastated
by the tropical hurricane starving
people had stormed mul looted
Instructions were also issued to
!!f volunteer reserve officers: to
proceed throughout the island, de
livering emergency supplies, in
forming the inhabitants of relief
plans and surveying the needs.
(Governor Towner In a radio
message to the war department
last night staled there was "no
disorders anywhere" and there was
"absolutely no necessity for mar
tial law.") v
Henry M. I biker, national direc
tor of disaster relief for the Amer
ica i. I ted Cross, staled that food j
Hots were Increasing. .Mayors ofj
a dozen towns. In appealing for
aid, informed him thta the pcoplcl
of their towns would mob them if,
!hev returned emoty-handed. They
bogged for something, cither money j
or food, to take back with them, i
The mayors said their people were
in a desperate plight and were
plunged Indespalr because of lack
of relief.
Mr. linker arrived with five As
sistants" on. the Knitcd States do
st royer Cillmer and they at once
plunged into the work of organiz
ing relief measures.
With about one-third of the Isl
and heard from, the list of known
dead stood at 311. llelief parties
found, however, thai reports which
came through from various sec
tions tended to confirm first esti
mates of a death toll of 1.000 and
a properly h.s of S 1
In many instances it seemed
probable noe reports of deaths
would come to the authorities.
Pedro X. Moritz. health commis
sioner, said that in the country
many of the dead were buried
where their bodies were found and
no attempt was made to Inform
the authorities. . j
San .Tuan police found evidence
of the prevalence of the grief and
despair In a sudden wave of siti-
rides. Within 2-1 hours four per-1
sous killed themselves and four
others attempted to take their own
ATLANTIC CITV. N. ,!.. Iept. IU.
(A) Portion) of the; inlet section
were flooded, trees were uprooted.
sii;ns and wires torn f'om their)
fasienfmrs and windows smashed
by the tail-end of the AV est Indian
hurrlrnno which lias been lashinp; i
this city durinic the past IS hours, j
The wind, which nttnined a max
imum velocity of 71! miles an hour'
this morning, had dropped to tiuj
.miles an hour at noon.
In the inlet section many streets!
were covered with water ranp;Ini,'j
from six to 1 S inches in depth.
Some Iiousch have been flooded.
XEW YOUK, Sept. IP. Pi A
tide three feet above normal was
recorded today at noon at the llat-
tery. southern tip of Manhattan !
island. A stiff northeast wind was
blowins and rain was falling.
19. (41 Relief workers estimated i
today that -I no or more peron-f
lost their lives In the tropical hur-;
ricane that swept over the lake
Okeechobee district Stmdnv. !
Deal lis In the east coast com-'
munities were not exiected to ex-'
cerd 10, they said.
Surveys -howed that the lake
town of Pahikee paid heaviest toil.)
relief workers placing the dead
there at 2'io and at Pelle fllade, :
1 1 miles south. SO were known i
dead, but all the bodies had not j
been recovered. !
Relief workers reported 30
bodies found in or near Moore- i
haven and that 15 bodies had been,
taken to a morwue nt Okeechobee
Rescue and rref parties were '
orijunfzed Inst niifht. Food, cloth-j
inc. medicine and drinking water
were badly needed and shelter was
scant. i
Captain Sam V. Tiaker of Koitj
Lauderdale, asist $ by members
of the American Leion. had taken
chartie at Pahoke where emerg
ency hospital have lnrn estab
lished and four physicians an.1
three nurse from hpre were on
.More than o whiten and 1 SO
nexroe were the Injured under
the tr mre. Hundred nf nirrifi.
.nitr-" Ull. wandeied in there -
(Continued on pae eight)
A shovel squad recruited from Los Angeles and Riverside county police authorities engaged in
digging up the Cyrus G. Northcott chicken ranch for traces of the four boys murdered there.
i onni mnrQ nrr ' Mn n a mptd cod ami twit up n
uuuliuulu ui i MU UnMULIA I Uf njLU IIIILI !ILLU
iiinnrnTirm rmn
Washington; sept. un
Accomlianled bp Mrs. CoolidKe and I
Attorney Cleneral Samcnt, l'resi- ;
dent Coolidge will leave WaslliliK-
ton tonlKht for a two day trip to
his native stale of Vermont dur- :
inff which he will inspect the
slate's recovery from Its flood of '
last year.
On his way to Vermont the chief ;
executive will make an hour's stop :
at Northampton, Mass.. tomorrow;
mornlnir for a visit to .Mrs. Le-
mira Goodhue, Mrs. Coolidne's
mother, at the hospital where she ;
has been ill since last winter.
Stops of only a few minutes will ,
bo made by the president at Brat-
lleboro. Bellows Falls, Vindsor, ' -uimuiiuin ,, 1 stoiipcd him. I Democratic organization nf'loxas;
While River .lunclion. Uethel. and i Coolll!''t' lo a settlement: Thl, 1)ri(,sl lt,.l)Vl, ,H ,,, oijc.0 j O. II. I'lllouiit or Dallas, former
.Montpcller .lunetion before nrriv- I of W"K differences between them, j stlUlun ,v,h ,u, ,., ,.,imi the governor, mill D. .. Sandifer of
Inc at HurllllKton where he and, Tho federal board of mediation, , u,(.; f u. , hom ho said I Abilene, president of Simmons Ulll
Mrs. foolldKc will detrain attain which has been attemptlni- to ree-: was sU,,,iK fi, u,e poor. 'o-1 versity.
anil plain to place flowers on the onclle opposing demands of the1(.p Kcnrcbed Moser and found a 111 tho parly also wore three Ho
tomb of Captain Andrew I. flood-: unions im railway officials for j list, they said, of all t'alhollc and j publicans It. IJ. CreiiKor of
hue, Mrs. CoolldBo's father. iAti'be past week, announced 5stcr- I up'scopal i-hurclies In the city. llrownsvlllc, nnllollnl commit too
Montpeller Junction Clover n o r 1 'ay that no adjustment of wiikcs''10 names of St. Aloyslus undinian for Texas; Henry Sweifcl of
Weeks of Vermont will board the ! and the workiiiB rule had bcenjn,,,. ,y r ,i,unlcs cathedral ha. 1 j Port Worth, a member of tho R"'te
train and accompany the chief 1 reached. . ... J bcenfr. becked off. . executive ciiinmltloe. anil It. 1 1.
executive for the rest, of the trip
in his stute.
POUTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 1 a. (P)
Johnson I.tnwn, 23. started for
Yuma. Ariz.. Sept. 7, after reociv-
imr an uiirent uiessairc lHirnortinir
to come from his brother. Hay,
and has not been heard from since. j
Police were asked today to search I
for him.
"Come lo Yuma, Art.,, at once. '
He there Saturday nij,'hl or all is -lost,"
read a telepram which John-
son Hrown received at Pullman, j
Wash. He anil llasil Oilhtm sped I
to I'ortland by auto, and Johnson
took a train fur Yuma. I
Hay llrown said he was in Hunt
inston, Ore., the day tho message
was sent, and that he had not been
in Yuma since 1!M7. Johnson
Hrown had SHau in cash when he
left here, and wus to have tele
graphed Of lam on his arrival at
PARIS. Sept. io. (Pi Major
OeoiKes Scaptni. a blind war voter-
an and a member of the French
chamber of deputies, today started
for Ihe I'tilterl St.itcM to ntti-rw! the
American jeion convention nt
San Antonio whem he will be a
Kuest of honor.
rne major, wno t a leader in
the movenient for rehabilitation of
soldiers blinded in the war. was
invited to attend by the American
Legion ns a special representative
of the French people.
While In the Cnited States he
will lecture at several universities,
WICM1TA. Kim., Sept. 19. (IP)
A niPmoilftl lo Currle Nutluii.
runiotl.s Irmpni'iino rrilHUilf-r. f.'ii'.'s
ihe uppakerH ntund lieinff pre-
par.'d nivcrnor riiiiin 11 1 e' , ( 'hiniKii-N'MV
repllun Rt the t'nion rtutjnn here'ponpil: riiln
r"""- :
Ad.nlrnn nf the lute Kninai x ..,)., nml mi Amnr
prnhllilllonlsl orifcK c! Ihn m'-n.n- ; , tin K iiiph m hi'iliiN il fur loday.
rial, n fountain from which water i
liulililen unpalniily. tn the np'ti
vheie ;s -? XVi -hif on-I
llco arretted h?r when she began
her militant riimpa.Kii a
InUnMiU UI :
Rnth CfJes m Wan DlSDUte
NflW Lnnk tfl PrPSldpnt tO
nuw uuur tu rtcoiucill iu
Expedite Settlement, By
. . c . j ,,
Naming raCt r mO I n g
('MIl'AdO, Kept. III. MP) Itep
resentatlves of
western rail
roads and 70, ouu trainmen and
I No definite official action can be1
I taken for two months, officials ex-
! plained, althouirh the trainmen ami
! eonduetoi-H have voted in favor ofMilen said, and further confessed i him a full rnpcii'L on llto situation "tuff supreim court toduy to ar
ia strike. If President CooUd I that lie procured the list fur tho Jin their statu. There was no mi-iun Hie Dunne motor vehicle 11-
I should intervene and appoint a j pur pose of making the rounds of I iinuncement. as to whether the Ko
j fact-finding conuiiission, under the the pour boxes. Moser was hookerf i publican h tan third bearer woultl ko
I railway labor act, the special board
would have 30 days to Investigate
: and reiairt. If such a report were j
j made, the unions would be com-1
! pelled to wait another 30 days be-'
) fore acting. If the president should I
j ileeide to refrain from taking a I
i hand, the unions intent act at once. I
! 4 j
I 1 1 I hi I II I II II I fl Mil III
HOXOLtlLl1, T. H., Sept, 19.
(A) Honolulu police loday were
set upon the trail of Ihe kidnapers
of Oill .lainleson. 10-year-old son of
Frederick Jiimieson, vice-president
of the Hawaiian
Irttst company,
after the lal her had reported giv
ing the abductors $10011 In an un
successful attempt to ransom tho
Youikj .lamleson was taken from j
bin school yestirday when a man i
reported to the teacher that the!
youth's mother had been injured in j
an accident and desired him to re
turn home at once. That the youth '
had been abducted was revealed '
i later In the day when the father:
received a note demanding S10.000
' and threatening death to the hoy;
J " 'he ransom were not paid.
The banker obeyed the abductor
i u refusing to take police into his
Confidence and last IllLTllt went
i i cuoeivous reipicsien
j tho kidnaper. Shortly before mid-
( night he telephone Mrs. .lamieson
e oho mei a man ai u iu!Sik -
1 nated place downtown and that he
had given the abductor Stoofi on
the promise that the boy would be
j restored to him at once,
j Jamieson said the man took the
11000, dinappeared In a crowd
listening to a band concert, and
j failed to return with the hoy.
Baseball Scores
j IIOSTON, Sept. a,ltp) Clnnlii
iniiti al HoHtnn. ("ii khiii',i iiohI
I llnnr'll, I'lllll. lirtlllill' hfillll-r tn-
I morriiw.
IMirl.AllKI.IMItA. Unpl. 19. IPi
IMtll,llli!-l'hlliiil.-lphlii l)iilpi,n.-.l:
nun. wniiiup ncuiicr niiiui-iuiy.
SKW YORK. 5il. )'.. m'
York Kiimr posl-
M'lNTHKAI., 1 S. t&i
The 1929 ronvciitlon of llle Inde-
pei-deni fiider of fidd Kejlown will
' held In lloiiitoll. Text!-, it a
,li l.leil lo.i.i),
nimnnM nnnn nnw
SI'tlKAXH. Sl.'iit. IVI'I Al
plan to loot all the ltoman L'atho -
lie alio Kplsi opul ciuircncs in
Spokane was thwarted unlay when
il sU"'lly ''"- l"11 ''"'"
, the ,.!,!,(.,. , ,,, ll(.ti chased him
; "",,,.
and hrouKht him- to the police
n. officers reported.
The ifv. Kalher J,.lin tron.ii. oei, revoii ai nniiiii. e j , ,0,.Vo we have broken
St. Am.-iisllnes church. sui;iiriscdStHl are De-nocrats, but are for!,,,,, mn.iPl.s ,, definitely estab-
( A. .Moser. Ii". of I'ortland. Ore.
:as he was roblihiK the poor boxl
i of the church, the father said. I
.Moser fled when the father and j
,Toni t'osKravc, chinch eoKlneer. ;
; chased him afoot, but father I'ro-'
nln Kot into his automobile ciuiith'
..-ill, I, ,,llim,l ,.,.l,l,n,. ,1
.Moser admitted entering these
eluirehes and rohlilnj? the poor
Hoxen. t'hlet of DetoetiveH (i. fl.
on a churls of statu vagrancy.
MA LTIMOltK. Md.. Sent. Ii).
(Pi Tear was bomlts were used to
liuell about 200 'strlkinu" j.rison -
in Marylan.l peiiiientiiuy who
loday broke out In revolt. They
barricaded themselves in their cells
with chains stripped from their! is different from that In the middle l!n'voi'nK lo restrain ivoer irom iarm nivestiKauon. deieettves rc
cots and hurled bottles and chair ! wesl and nromlsos which will sat-! Pl"lK It on the ballot. turned today to a shark in Mint
j Ickh at Warden Patrick Prady and
1 Kiiards.
, lHin,.i .....
I ,11.i1,11,i , .-i-, ,n..rU n.w, ...,a ,,r!
j W(,st wnfS nf I)rlMln wllrll
r ,,. ....r,,.,. (i.t,. i...-
j ricades Tiie L-uards subdued the'tl't hlKli percenla'le of American
i ...,(,.,. iM Ih,., K(,f.ii(, 1(IIiekie ..n.iiboni cilM.nns ill the staio causes
tlie same treatment was to be Kiven
the others If thev refused to brealt
their barricades.
Votim mio'blne
If!. (fl'l
not be
lion it.
at the
November eb
. Multnomah e.niniy. The emmtv
:, 0mini-sfMii.-rH I o d a v instructed
n ounty Clerk Rever idKe in jeiiim
'Io ,m, i,.,!,,, ,,M.ri,nd In all
oreetnets. Lenrlh of the ballot
was the reason kIvch. (
Tlie county purchased a number
of vnllme nun bines which were
used In the hirncr precincts at th.j
primary In May.
PANAMA, Si'pt. 111. !; Ilav-
, ,,.V,.., i,Kn(. t r ,,u li,,it-
, y nflcr huIIHik fur Uun i, X. iv
Zcuhtnil i-ii lout- In the
Ihf rily of New Vnrk. nipply hi
of I'omlnander IMeliaril K. llyrd'K. ' . V '
south li'ilar expedition, wan return-! t'HIt'ACO, III.. Sept. l!l.--(Vl
Inn to port today. Kiilny weallier III Canada iinfimir
The veniiel, ,yhl, li leared fl om 1,,, f,. , . ,.rp niovellienl tended
linlhoa yet..,liiy moriilni.-. Mite-;,,, i-t wheat viiIiimh today 111 the
lewd hint lllirht that rniclll'- early dealings I ealilen I.Ueioool
I Iroulili. had deyclopnd In the iifluh-,
l,rhood of Hon,. .M.J. ;:, ml'-i-
frr.m l'.:ill,on. The hlp win he ex-
, .imlneil r, n,l repaired the i-
i,a Hoi k
Invite Him to Make Speech
Lone Star State Declared
in Revolt Against Smith,
and in Doubtful Column
Antl-Smitll L e a d e r Si
HOPefllL ' '
1 J
j Associated Press Staff Writer
i WASHINGTON, Sept. 19.(P)-
! Aa upiKMil tu llurbiM't Hoover to,
j carry Ills cninimlKii to Textm wns j
Imnlln t.uliir l,v 'l'l,nn,u U 1 nv
i l'onnor Uoinocrutio mitloiml com-!
mlttceninii for that state, and a
(lolcRlllion of Toxas Democrats
who called on the Republican pres.
j idential candkiaiu at Ills licadquar
tors. I
"Wo assured him that Texas Is;
. doubtful stato and that he could
. ' 1 i n ik umu n.i, ,inn:u
j there, said l.ovo for tho visitors,
i No,11" ,"' BVC1;. '!"s v"l10'1 f".r
presidential candidate other train a
I Democratic one before.
I The lexas Democrats arc In
' Hoover.
Those Willi I.ove included Onto;
Sells of Kurt Worth, another lor-:
nier Democratic national commit-:
lecinnn; Marshall Hicks of San
Antonio, former Democratic stale.
! cliairinan; Alvln S. Moody of Hons-;
i Inn. f-linirnutli of the mil t-Rnihh
! Itcntfro of llrownsvlllc.
The Tex tins wore with Hoover
for nearly half an hour and kuvo
j to 'I exas.
Love, was one of those to otKiiti-
i ize tho movement against Smith in
i I ho Lone Star Htnto and has been
J actively campalnninK In that state
'a.'alnsl the Democratic nominee
, since tho Houston convention.
A report of recent development
the I ennesseo political arena
:is Kiven to Hoover by Will Tay-
lor national committeeman for
'that slate ami a uroup of llepub -
illcan leaders. Taylor said that dis-, ""ns u ,
' liirliiiiieos in the nartv ranks werel'1'' ballot.
j beiim replaced by a harmony which
" he predicted would kIvo the stale's
I electoral vrdo to Hoover In Ncivcm-
her by a majority of 50,000 votes.
, "Tho farm problem In the south
; isfy the western farmer will not!
i be adeipiato for llm soulhern pro -
dncer " he said
"l'l-fdilbltlon and Imniinratioti
j are vital Issues In Ihe canipain in
I Tennessee. The stato is tlrv and
Ihem to look with disfavor upon
; ""y niovi- would open loo
wlilely Ihe Immigration gates
Mrs. Ruth I In mm Mef'ormick
nominee for congress woman at'
large rrom IIIIiioIk, who called J
, upon Hoover at his. headipiarters,
urged the Republican nominee to
j speak 111 Chicago on his return trip
to California lo vote. .Mrs. McCor- !
mlek. who recently completed :i
campaign tour In the southern part I
, ot her slate, declared that mnn:
' women are tnriitn-'i out for the Re
I publican political meetings in fill
: nois than in any previous year dur
r.r.i.r fr. je c.f
the a I tendance at almost every
' such gathering.
Wire Report on
the Pear Market
CIIK'AliO, Hc;pl.
I). A.I- l'lv corn
lllluolh. 7 Call
rornlu, '1 New Yiirli. II WiinhliiKton,
7 Oregon, I Idiilio recflvetl; al earn
dlveeied: 'J.'i California eal-H on the
truck. :i" others on Iraek: 1:1 cars,
Bold; illnil liiixea Cnllfnrnln Unrt-
letls -'.:i5 In SI.2",, nvenine $:i.7ll;
HUH hnxriK Ciililornln liiirtly. $3.20 -
$'' (III. nyel line S'J.711; I flT. hoxen
Winter Nellls. .-, to S2.K5: (),,..
linn llnrtleits. 7,:i lioxes t'um v, to t:',.:in, nyoin'-'e fl.'J'i; at,
' boxes riiiwy. $.'J:fiH to :. 1 0. averaue
j J:l.:ir WHHhlnKtiiti IlarlletlH. "'!
1 . ' .., . .' .."".
aieiiiMe .,,; iio.eK laiiry.
h'al (imitation vith fll ninr. and
lo I t Se no Chlci , .;, s, 'oreil
iidv-:inci"i all Corn flown,
hot Kiihsi'qiielillv nlinn liw n iienenil
ladvame I'rni'lilnni
i ii ill ill i n i
Buuntb iiKflriipr pnQIMP
j Five Detectives Indicted for J-jQ jfiy f
Five Detectives Indicted for
Taking Bribe, and High
Official Disappears
Mora Arrests Due " in
Underworld Cleanup.
IM1ILADKMMIIA, Sept. 19. &) j
With five city detectives, a police- 1
man and a member of a "Saloon-
keepers' I'rotcctive association" !
under heavy bail on charges of j
conspiracy, extortion and bribery.;
j District Attorney Monnghan said ;
i today that tho "first-line defenses
of t ln imlii-p-huoth'K Kraft ultinnec
arc lidtlnnlnB tu crumble."
Other ili'vclupnu'iitH Krowinpr out
of lho "ix'clul uraml jury'H lnvostl-
Duuin-KKHIK. KiiiiK mur
dors and underworld activities
irenerallv. Imduded the susoenslon
i of two police captains, John J.!11'13 afternoon by an ambulance
j Kerns and Wllllap Krnntz. by Su-
perliitemlent of Police .Mills, who;,
asserted that they had failed to
fully comply Willi Mavor .Mackev's
cleanup order. A third district
conimandcr, Thomas It. HarbridKC
rt.sKn(,, ' WIlB nlleced to have:wno" ho "otlced a man carryliiK
.llKiinneni-oil whll e belnir aincht mi
j ..,,..., ,.... HUi,i,oi.iin
! "Ah a result of these develop -
j ..,.,, .. .,,,, .... siull1.i.lin ......
evoect to make more nrroMs
inm inuri ihnn n monih or'''l,! woman asked for information
llshcil tho svsteni used bv the,'"1" ""ul lo Konn Vancouver.
polii'e in the collection of bribes
from boolh'KKers and saloonmeu."
HA MOM, Ore.,
When uttnrneyH
Sept. 1 !). (P)
met liel'oro th'!
ense bill case, the court allowed
Y, S. iriteii. Portland attorney.
to appear as lutervenor in he,- j
half of certain Krauze ami labor j
union organizations that favor the!
The Dunne bill would reduce by
iiKiit ;.o per cent the n ense. fees
j "n automobiles. Although the!
j "'"sme was repuniaicti oy na -
MM i"ih nimispii, wno uaiim'u
II- repmnatioii rid not come
1 "mil a sui Jinem nu inner or per-
! so,,M ha' H!B'"'d the initiative pe -
daen the measure on
Secretary of
; ''i-
holds that be has no at-
n-niaine. ami must certify ineiicited perverteil mind.
m,"M1" ' "n ' " nuu - -
highway depart menl holds
d Is
Hie bill Is unconstftiitinniii and
D'-vers. attorney ror tlie
J. M. Devers.
1 ........ u...... :k-....s which iuuk ten mem esieruny.
lavainst the bill. On ihe othertOordon Northcott once had rent-
! hiuhway
nrtf Asslslant Attorney c.ene-
i a I I losford, representing,
and 1 Wen, representing the in-
t ervenors.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. tfl. oT(
dlowlmr a raid by federal agents
' Fi
i directed by Terry Talent. Mi s. A.
.1. Koscbiulek. L'.'l. wus in jail today
chat ed wit h uperatiiiK
len. (iffi
leport.-d find imr
ffoni te
persons driiikiiiK. The
ylsiiors vere nllowid lo no. 1-' ; nf the desert to their piek-iilHl-
liillldred iiuarts of heer. pret.els, ' slioyel pursuit nf pvlrlenee against
y-iinlwleli meat and other essen- ' the net-used toi'llirer and slayer of
Hals of a hi-er Harden were report- j Im.VH-
ed found on the place. j The search ror N'ortlicott anil his
'niotlicr, .Mrs. Louisa Northcott, was
XVASIIIXiiTiiN. Kepi. I!i IIP) speeded yesterday ns lllyerslde.
Col. Harry MnrKess. engineer of Cnl.. nut horlt les, armed w it ll wlllll
iiiaiiileniiuce on Hie F'liiiiiiiia Canal j they declared wim concltlsiye prooi
zone, was appointed Koyernor of ; ; of slnylliKS on I Ile suspected Nort li
the I'nnaina Canal Zoni- today I, y colt "murder farm." Issued mlllllcr
l'es,,.r, I'oollllKf. lie Slleeeeil s : Clllll lllll ill Is II Ull IllSl Illi'COIIIlle .
! Hen. .
I.. Walker, who has re-
l' i ll'I'l.A N 1 1, in
Sept. 19. ol'i
'. ""' " ' in., ,,i . 7. was killed hy
.Mlai-lxHlppI at reel ear lot,. y,., ,.
'"ay " hen xhe alien, pieil to
jaeriwa llle street on Ibt t, lloilH' I
fi oni seliool. j
I ' ' "' '"" "
I intend to voto for
for I'rcsitlt.'nt nt the November election.
I am registered as a '. (Name party)
Siyned (N'nme) r . . .
Address .
(Pill out and mail to Straw-Ballot-Contcst-Editor, Mail
Trilinnc, Metlfnrd, Ori son).
Northcutt- Wanted for Farm
Murders, Thought Using
Disguise Search Well
and Cabin for More Evi
dence Boy's Tale of
Horror Proven.
VANCOUVKIt, 11. C, Sept. 1!).
IPJ A nmn uiul woman believed
! to be tlordon Stuart Northcott nn,l
Ills niolher, .Mrs. Louisa North
cott. wantcil In connection with
I 'arm uisciosures in ijia
"'W'-'s. wero reporual seen norc
I driver.
Th" ""Po'-' to police was made
by tho drive
who said he had
JUBL emergen lroni the second
I harrows tiridKe on llle Vancouver
i "'llt' 1,1 ,l,c SL lni1 ho city
" "uucasu nun nianillB ills way
toward the waterfront.
! '-'"sely behind was a woman,
which the driver said answered
lho descrliitlon of .Mrs. Northcott.
i" IO wn"'c a lowl.oal could be
i ""'allied to take them across Htir-
When shown a photograph of
the two persons, the driver was
positive of the Identification. Po
lice started a search of the dis
trict. LOS ANOIiLlOS. Sept. 19. fP)
Finding of indlspuialle .evidence
that two boys who disappeared
from Pomona, Cul., lust sprins ha4
been on the Northcott chicken
ranch at itiverside, where four
youths arc bolieved to have been
tortured and slain was reported
by deputy sheriffs today.
.Meanwhile three army airplanes,
enlisted in tho search for sup
posed victims. , of thut "murder
farm," circled over the marsh
beds of tho Simla Ana river in
search of an automobile, believed
to have been abandoned by Gor
don Stuart Northcott, 20, owntr
of tlie ranch. Yountf Northcott
and bis mother, w h m i n Sa n f o rd
Clark. 15. accused of shamefully
mistreating and killing four youiuv
boys, are beln hunted throuuh
the northwest on murder din rue.
Thi' new evidence was a li
brary book, which officers said
they found in a hencoop on thu
1 ritni'ii. rrom u a pae nad ueen
nu n snmmr 10 one on which one
of the Pomona Iio.vh wroto a i'-t-
iter lo His mother shortly after
jhis disapiii aiance. Nelson. 12. ami
i Louis. 10. were the Wlnslow bovr
Clark named them as two of the
victims of Yimou Northcutt's al-
; uun almost every
hour's ile-
velopment sending officers into
new territory in the "murder
Canyon. northweHt of here, to
ed the cabin. a pair cf boy
, shoes, partly burned, w;is found
near the shack.
I Cyrus t't. Northcott, father of
I I he accused you Ui. after an all
; ii Ik Ii t grilling, told officers tint
j he );new of no murders on Ihe
Riverside farm, but that If there
; had been his son "mit;bt ha v
j burled them In the Santa Ana
! river bed." A Mipiad of officers
! from the pi. k and shovel division.
I which has been (IttfKlnn up the
chicken riineh, foot by foot, were
detailed to search alonir the Iso
lated stretches of the It lie. strelam.
UJS ANCKLKS. Cal.. Kept. I!t
(!( Wlille Canadian authorities to
day hunted ai-year-olil tiordon
I Northcott. believed possibly fleehiL!
' m gh'1 attire, southern California
1 milcel's nililetl n caliln nn the eilne
Altlmtiuli the murder coiiijilaluri
i wore Iniseil on tlio slnylli.': of one
Miiililellllfied youth. Ihe Itiyersiile
, ,-,i,.eis said they were confident
Hint tho niiinher of hoys iiinilc Ihe
victims of III trt'Htmetit and slay-
' inir .... tlie furiii would exceed the
K'nntlnued on paite eiKlit)