BTEDFORTi TOL TRIBTTNE, 'ftfEDFOR'D, -flftttflOV. TOEfTmrrsmEMMnjlr.i. REVELRY REIGNS AS YEGGS WORK - j PKXDI.nTON'. Ore., Sept. IS. While most nf Pendleton ilanceil Katnnlnv niqlit at the reception Mr Marv Duncan, movlo Rtur. o in i'iiii-pii t the round 1. thieves broke into seven homes but seemed Utile loot. flMsslflert nilverllslnt! pets ri-milts, Notieo of Slieiiri's Sliltf. My virtue of nn execution on lra rlusiin) duly issued out ot nnd un der l"e seJl ot the Circuit Court (.C the State ot OreKon. in nnd for the County of Jnekson, to ne di reete.l and dated on the 2.1b. dny of Inly lli'js. In a certnln nclion fherein. wherein J. D. l'Tench ns PI'ilntiff recovered j u d B m e n I nisnlnst I'le.-.snnt Creel: MlnlnK Cor ,,orttlln. a Nevada corporation the ll. leiHlant, for the sum of hlx Hun ,'clretl T w e n t y - o n o and . -1 00 (Sii21.77) Dollars, with Interest from May 3(1. 1928. at 0. will; coils and disbursements taxed nt Klohtcen nnd no-100 (SI8.0II) Dol lars, and $-1.80 costs of roeordlnB li.-ns und the further sum of , I o l.mdred and no-iuo ($21.(1 00) Dol lnrs ns. attorney's fees, which JudK n St was enro led und docketed n the Clerk's office ot said Court in said County on the 2Tth day of ''''.Soticc'Ts hereby given that pur suant to the terms ot the sa id ex ec lion. I will on the 211111 day of S-, 1(128. at 10:00 o'clock ii m.. at the front -door of the Courthouse in the City o Med ford in Jackson County. Orecon, offer for sale and will sell at pub lie, auction for ensh to the highest Idder. to satisfy said .Inclement, toKclher with llie'cosis ot this sale subject to redemption ns provided by law, nil of the Hunt, title and ntei-esi that the said defendant I'leasant Creek MinlliK.Corporalion, i. N. corporation, had on the :l0lh'.lay of May. l'J28. or now have In and lo the followinK tiesrrlb.-d properly, situated in the County of Viekon. Slate ot t.r.-Kon, to-wll: v 'I'h.ise certain mininK claims situ ate In .lacUsou County, On-Kon. and described as follows: Tin. (.ood Hope, Sonora, Liberty, Wo'loc, Al turus Kverelt, Detroit, I'lltsliurK, DoctoK Houlevard, Central, 1'on llno, Avalon. Clreenvllle,, anil Cass; n more parllcular de scription of each nt said minim: claims beins set forth and contain ed in Ihal c.-ilain deed from -lolin c ilaviKjs, Trustee, to I'leasant cieek Mining Corporation, of rec ord nt pai;es 428 to 438 Inclusive of Volume 1 lit, Deed Records of Jack son County, Oi'efton. Dated this 28th oay of August, VJ2!i' RALPH G. JENNINGS. Sheriff of Jnekson County, Oregon. Suiiiuions ror I'ubll.-ntloii. . . No. 31)65 Equity. In the-Circuit Court ot the State , 1 ' of llreKon for Jackson County. , M. dford irrigation District, n pub- lie corporation. Plaintiff." William Al'hert C'.nsllnK. Jnne Doe (ioslioB. husbnnd and wife; the unknown heirs of William Al bert (ioslins: Irvin Smith. Sarah A Smilh, husband and wife; the unknown heirs of Irvin ' Smith: Irvin It. lienner. Jane Dbe lienner, husband nnd wife; the unknown J.eirs ot Irvin It. Iteriner; i.a.ira Nichols, llyron Nichols, wife nnd husbnnd: J. M Keene, Mollle Koone, husband and will!; D. II. liarnohurm Car rlck Mnjor, Jane Doo Major, ' husband and wife: the unknown .heirs of Onrrick Major; II. ft. lOxby, Jane Doe Kxliy, husband anirwife: the unknown heirs ot 11.- 1-:. Exby: Jackson County. Oregon, a public, corporation; the unknown stockholders ot Fruit Growers Trust nnd Title Company, n dissolved corpora tion; Hie unknown stockholders of 'J'ho Siskiyou Heights Com pany, a .dissolved corporation; nnd also; all other persons or parlies unknown claiming any right tille, estate, lien or In terest in the reel estate described In the complaint herein, Defend ' ants. - ( To William Albert Gosling. Jane Doe Gosling, husband and wife; the unknown heirs of William Al bert Gosling; Irvin Smith. Sarah A. Smith, husband nnd wife; the unknown heirs ot Irvin Smith: Ir vin R. lienner. Jane Doo l'.enner, husband and wife; the unknown heirs of Irvin R. Denner; i.nura Nichols, Byron Nichols, wife nnd husbnnd: Corrlck Major, Jane Doc Major, husband and wife: the un known heirs of Cnrrick Major: II. K. Exby, Jane Doe Exl.y. husband and wife; the unknown heirs of H. K. Kxby; the unknown stockholders of l-'rult Growers Trust and Title ' Company, n dissolved corporation: Ibe unknown stockholders of The Siskiyou Heights company, a dis solved corporation; and also a 11 persons or parties unknown ilnlmlnit any light, title, estate. lien or interest in the real estate i described in the complaint Herein, Defendants: In the name ot the State of Ore gon: You and each ot yon ore hereby summoned nnd required to appear In (he above named Court nnd cause nnd answer tl.o plain tiff's complaint on filo therein against you within four week! after the .28th day of August, 1U28, the date of the first publication ol this summons. You nre further notified that If vou fail so to ap pear and answer said complaint ; will. In the time aforesaid, the, Pliiinilff will apply to said Conn fur (ho relief demnnded in sai.) ! complaint, a stieelnct statement ol which Is: ' That a decree he entered nil iudlcntlng nny nnd all right, title estate, lien or claim which you or any of you have or flalm tc have in, to, or upon renl property : si. tinted in Jnekson county. Oregon, i described ns follows, to-wlt: i Commencing 30 feet north of: the southeast corner of Lot num- i bered Fourteen (14) of the Crest brook Orchard Tracts, nccordlng to the official plat thereof, now ol record; and from said beginning I point running thence north along the County road 272.93 feet; thence West 798 feet to the west line of: Lot Fourteen (14): thence south I 272.93 feet along the west line of 0-ot Fourteen (14) to a point 30 feel north of the southwest corner of said Lot 14: thence east .798' feet, along the line 30 feet north' of Hie south line of snbl Lot 14. to the. point of beginning,. contain ing five (ii) acres, more or less.; subject to nn ensement for a ditch right-of-way of the Medforrl Irrl- j gntion District, as described Ir, Volume 130. page 101, Deed Itoc- ords of Jackson County. Oregon. 1 And also Lot numbered Ten (10) . of the Crest brook Orchard Tracts. In Jackson County. Oregon, as num bered, designated and desertl.ed on the official plat thereof, now ol : .record. ' j tff And also: The South one-halt1 BRINGING UP FATHER . t- . ? t ! - . ( -i . - . X r I HH 77 &Y OLLY." ' KM fi I KNO VJHKr I'L.UOO- ) I II i VERT &tLOQN -1 II ( Vfti.oTLu,,- I II V ir?ifl I. flf '- Se TOOK m I'ULaTWEBOTLER, PUKVPOKE tSpiX iW) MM bto , EVEti-Y CENT I IMMKEREM' L J OFTrw witu r-r ' 1 HWE- W fa A1T SOME COIN : 754 5 j OUR LOCK j V.Wl . ' ' O lbrlm-i Pom. SinH In. Bdufa ritkw 8 ' " 1 ;THE NEBBS Ask Dad, He Knows ' By SOL HESS ) A domtcai2e; caw eve momeN. ( kxo soMe prbttV t AtKT- got mo Afcootoo allmismt jta U5 ffl wweM ME:.a gcttim' som&tuimg va;MO (5 ELECTeo VOU ME:Vc-K OWO MGAVV ELPetOSES WcteA BOTVOO VOUM6 FOLViS TMROAJiM6 OUT " MOTMIMG BUT! DOMT VAyAMTi ' 1 -CAM "MAKE. FAMIl-W TO SUPPORT hM MV OAV-V WAS CAM PRSS. TvAO VDUTV DIGS AKJO QOASREUW6 V TO IKJTEUFQE AJITK VOO -VOOMCb (' MOMEV UMDEfi ( - OU vweA1 CEVEClSj5lCX OSJCS-WAO TO I LOADS 1KJ TVIAT APOUTlCS AMO MOW, 5EE WMAT- j ) pouKS Me&15e. HE'S TOO (5USV AMV PRESDEMT rBLE COLLA(a5 AMO HAVE. TME DOCTOR. p,Pe AMD 5r-lAK:e Noo iNjSULTreO PRIEMO i EOLL,IMS A KOOP OS PUAVlMG,' Twpr.irr A1NJv ivouue satimo u Times akjd MCCMAeo ONJe BAC: IM J ovea a mouthful of food ML)MBl pE(3 TO eeT maiibo n NJO UT ALl-TT,ifoo FOR MI3MT VISITS POOeV AWO A PlPCFOL. OF TOBACCO i , MGAMTIMG 1!M itime: i DiOMT yi ,M MAS A good was am ovwu-couloiot Cr "A A MAS Wr4M H. C Tr' U. S Pnt. Olir' ; (SK-) of Lot numbered Seven (7) ; of iho Crest hrnuk orehnrd 'Tracts i in .laeksitn County, O rcuo n, as numbered, de.slKnated nnd describ- ; ed on the official pint thereof, now j of record. And also: Lot numbered Nine-j teen ( 1 ii ) of the Crestbronk Or- 1 chard Tracts in Jackson County,. Oregon, as numbered, designated and described on the official plat thereof, now of record. And also: Lot numbered Seven teen (17) of the Crestbronk Or chard Tracts, in Jackson County, Oregon, according to iho duly re. corded plat, thereof. Rxceptins therefrom a strip of land 3U feet in width off the entlre'sonlh side thereof; also excepting therefrom the following: JJetfhinlnK at the southwest corner of said lot Sev enteen (17), and running thence north u4.".! feet; thence, east 3IHI feet: thence south fi4ii.!i feet; tln-nce west 3:t!t feet to the place of beghininK. and declaring an and all such claims to he null and void, 'and decreeing that said plain tiff is the (Vwner In fee simple of Iho whole of said premises, free atid clear of any and all right, title, estnto, lien or interest of said de fendants, and that pach and all of the defendants in tjtls .ase and each and alt of rnetr servants, nirenls-nnd employees, and each and all persons claiming or to claim, by, through ,or under them or any "f them, and all other persons or parties unkn o w n e (a i m i n g a n v rignt. title, estate, lien or interest I in n:iiii reai estate he rorever en joined, restrained, and barred from asserting, attempting to establish, or claiming any lien or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof, and that plaintiff's thte to said premises bo forever quieted and set at rest. The date of the order herein, for service nf this summons bv publication, is August 27, HI2S, anil said order fixed four successive weeks as the time ror said pub lication. ItAWLKS MOORK. 1 . attorney for Plaintiff. Address: Coolcy Theatro Building Mcdford, Oregon . CLASSIFIED ADVEfmSlNCfr RATES Rttei per word for flnt Inurtlon, 2oi oh lucceedlno Iniertlon. loj minimum 5o. Indox your adi with For Salt, For Rnt, to., and nount thate wordt, ai wall ia aach Initial taiophona numbar. ito., ai word. Claitlflcd adi oaih In advanoa and not taken vr phana, unlati advertiser hai monthly aooount. No allowanoai for phona irrort, . 11EM' WANTKD MALK WAXTKD Kxperleneed man to take charge of dairy herd. W. H. Xorcross, Central Point. 1X2 WAXTKD Expert drummer wants work in orchestra, phone 144 1 L. 22 Apple St. jx2 FOR EXCHANGE TO TRADK 1 Iodtjo tourins enr In first class shape, for good milk cows, fresh or coming fresh. J. H. Williams, at Seesmilkr & W!llifim rmu'h nnn Aiinni. school, or nddress Central Point, Rt. 2. tf Road Oil Cleaning Car Washing Hardie System Wo- nse special chemicals for road oil. Will not in jure finest finish. No steam used. Best equip ment in city. Expert Polishing and Re finishing. Vacuum Clean ing. ' ARMSTRONG MOTORS, Inc. 101 S. Riversidt Phont ll - WANTED SITUATIONS WAXTHD Housework fin Satur day morning. Call 1!1-Y after 4:30 p. ni. IM ' WAXTKD ' Position by cxperi- j euced lady clerk. Phone 4 3, . Jacksonville. 1 N WAXTKD Ci cuera I hotiseworker call :t:iri-L. isu WAXTKD Painting and paper hanging. Rates reasonable. W. C. Frisbie, 2 1 !i X. drape. 1S:( KALSOMTXIXO per room; also palnttnix and paperlianglng. Phonu J 444-L. 22!l Apple. 1 H 0 WANTED Dressmaking. Ph. 1274. 1Sltf HELI WANTED FEMALE WAXTKD Experienced stenog rapher. Phone 4r., 'or call 40:! S. Fir St. lfil WAXTKD .Middle aged women for housework. 52"i X. River side. 1S2 WAXTKD Womnn living close to Roosevelt school to assist with housework mornings: no cook ing. Phone 1325. .Mrs. David Rosenberg. 17Stf WAXTKD Competent girl for general housework. Plume 1 !i-F-4. 7 7Stf WANTEIV HfttJEIiANEOUS WAXTKD Ford, cheap for cash. r:i2-V. iso WAXTKD Registered Scotch col lie pup. L. A. Salade, Jr., Cen tral Point. Ore. lxo WAXTKD Reliable party to take sheep on shares. L. A. Salade. Jr., t.Vntral Point, Ore. JMl WAXTKD l!y a 'ymng business man, board, room and gsirnge, with home privileges. W .est Main district preferred. Address Box KMX ..Mcdford. 17!i WAXTKD A horse, not over 12 vears old, 12HO or l ion lbs. Write C. O. Welchel, Talent. ' Ore., Rt. 1, Box inf.. 1X0 WAXTKD Light trucks with trail ers for lumber haul. It, S. Bor land, Lnkeview, Ore. 1X2 WAXTKD 2nd Hand goods and junk. Pat's 150li Prune. Tel. 547-L. H0 WANTED-Lawn mowers to sharp en; phonographs repaired; rub ber tires put on tricycles nnd baby buggies; general repairing find locksmlthlng. Call and de liver. Medford Cycle A Repair Shop( successor to Liberty Re Tialr Shon. Chas. Fisher. Pron. 19 N. Fir St. Phone m. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALK Only confectionery and billiard room In Butte Falls. Recent developments in that log ging district make this one of the best small business oppor tunities In southern Oregon. Have exceptional bnrg.-tin to of fer up to Oct. 1st. If not a would be bona fide purchaser please do not take up ynnr lime and mine. Claude Allies at Fitch Motor Co. I SO REST HOMES CONVALESCENT AND It E R T HOMK, faciiiff Lithfa Park. Ann land. Ore. Delightful climate nnd ftirroundings for Invalids and old people, 135tf LOST LOST 3 auto keys on ring, wire nnnrned. Phone I 03 1 -L. 1 TO WANTED We Buy for Cash All Used Furniture and Stoves Call 505 J W. A. KINNEY Furniture House 315 East Main . U B W FOIt KENT rUKNISHKD , J U)(). A1S FOli It KMT Kurnls-ied room for gentleman; furnace heat, hot and cold water- also garage. 20!) S. Orange. 12 FOll IlKXT (iood rooms and good i beds. 11.1 .Mlslletoe. ,1X1 FOR RKXT Sleeping room; bath ! privileges. 325 isouth Riverside. ' If FOR KENT notJSKKJjJKl-LNG ROOMS i F'li: RiOXT Furnished liouse keoping rooms. 325 !). Jackson .St. Ph on 74!t-W. 1S2 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RKXT Ap.'irtment; 2 roonfr, liot and cold WJiier and gar.ige. 520 S. Fir Si. I'lioiie 1320. 1X0 FOR RENT Modern furnished 3-room apartment, v. tuns in. Tel. 75. 173tf FOR RKXT Beautiful unfurnish ed 3-rm. apl; lidw. f bun's, si cam heat, hot wale, tile sink, Frigid airc and garage. 503 S. I lolly St. H17tf FOR RKXT Furn. 2 and 3-rm. apts.; garage. CU4 W. 10th. Jftf FOR RKXT Furn. 2-rm. apts,; prlvtao bath, electric tango, hot ami cold water. Phone 12. 21tf TOR -RENT HOUSES FOR RKXT 7 -room house, good location. Phone 13X1. ixo FOR RKXT 1-rooni house, fur nished: light, water, 10. N12 Summit Ave, 170 FOR RKXT Furnished 3-room house; adults; close in. 125 X. Holly. Phono X33-W. 1X0 FOR RKXT 5-room house, 122 Portland. $25. Call lilX-X be tween 5 anil 7 p. m. x 1X2 FOR RKXT fi-room house, $27.50 per month, B. J. Palmer, Phono 5SN-R. 1 X0 FOP RKXT Partly furnished 4 room house. Phone 5XI-L, lxo FOR RKXT Vlome, Everelto Court, W 1 1 tli. Phono 23X. tf FOR RENT Homes. Furnished or unfurnished. Brown & White. 47tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RKXT- 133 acres suitable for dairy ranch, seven miles south of Ashland op Pacific highway. A. R. Brown. 1 :f ROUS AND PETS FOR SALK- Fine female Oerman police flog, cheap. Phone 373-.1-2. .Mrs. K. T. Xewbrv. Tal-ut. ISO FOR SALK Puppies, rross collie anil shepherd, s;( each. Call ai X-io K, lth St. 1X0 FOR SALK Oerman pollen pups. Phono X4 during day. II. K. Bolll. Ross Law. 1X1 I 1UNI Ffll'Xn (in street Monday, part of music stand. Owner can get by calling at this office, proving properly and paying for nolfce. xo EST R A YEW STRA VED Jersev cow. Xotifv James Dole, R. 3, Medford. TV). L. it: Oregon Winter Blue Grass (Poa Bulbosa) 99 Pure Elinor Hanley ush 826 E. Main Phona 802 MEDFORD TAKEN UP TAKK.N VV Ill-own J.-rsey: swallow-fork in each ear. Identify llll.lf 'I l)t'.-ll(i-.l IVIlt MISCEIiTANITOUS DR. AI.KRKD RIIRKLCXD Clu-ropr.-ietor. Special atienlion given to correcting deformities of chil dren. Hours in in 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m.; evenings by appoint ment. 3 I I Lil.crjy llidg. SttW IS Till? TLMK t consult A. R. Knyeart about Unit well drill ing. -IS j X. Ontug". I'lHinc Hini-Y. iku IIAVK SI.0O0 to invest in paying proposition, or will buy nci-cagi if close in. l!o Tribuiic. 1 Xll W A XT 10 i C enera I houso pa 1 nl log and dcenrnting. paper bung ing. H. Coghill, 4()L So. New town. Tel 121-J. 187 FOR RALE POUlrRY FOIL SAI.K Pigeons; breeding stock from Boston Plymouth Rock Homers and Carnoaux. I.. A. Salade, Jr., Central Point. Ore. ISO FOR SALK 350 lo 400 laving , hens; good layers. I ), vid Brown, Central pojnl, 1 mile from dold l!m on J'ville road. I7!i FOIt HAXjVj rJVESTOCK FOR SA LK Angara gout bucks. Registen-d sloi-k; good ones, ('has. Drake. 1X1 FOR SALK Registered Shrop shire rams and rain lambs. L. A. Salade, Jr., Centra point. Ore. 1 SO FOIt SALK Two fine young Hol stein cows, just fresh. W. K. dlbson, i'.rownsboro. 1X2 FOR SALK Wen nor pigs; Winter Banana apples, 50c lug. 1 iriiig bos. Berkeley Orchards, Phone 5J3-R-3. I7! FOR SALK Team, wagon and ' harness. Inquire ;)t Faber's Gro cery, 'enlral Point. 1 VII FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES IF Vol' are looking for something cheap in n used car, inquire at Colonial fiarage. Is ! FOR SALK 1022 light six touring Studebak"r eheap; 5 good (ires, excellent meehanica condition; lots of extras; good paint. Ad dress Box R. S., .Mail Tribune. ! 7!" I'lOR SALK -Dodge '25 sport road ster, A-l condition. See owner, 130 S. Molly. J7ii FOR SAI.i: HEAI ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADK f no norcs 10 miles north of Orants Pass; fine for chickens, tuikevs. rab bits, etc.; liHiO couN of wood. Take ear as part pavim-m, A. 1 1. Allen, Pox 50H. .Medford. 1 Ml FOR SALE 82 acres excellent ! land, 4-rootn house rind barn. 12 acres in Hi-year old bearing, pears in excellent condition, i about 20 acres In grain and al falfa. A bargain jit t'l.HOO.oa ' cash Wi!l handle. See' Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc.! Phone iv:i WHEN YOU think of real estate, 1 see Brown While. lf FOR SALK House, l.Trgo lot. 011 North Oranye. priee u rjeht. Sec thin properly before you buy. Phone X.'Il'-W, or Inquire a' X'otth Orange 1 DJtf WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your SECON-HAND FURNITURE Scott Woolf FOR SALt) TlOSnCS 'OR SALE OR RKXT l-room bouse, modern, close in. close to school; fine garden and chicken bit; Wood range connected with lank. Tel. iuxx-aV. J so I'HK Rl'XVARD HO.MK at 70ii Da kota is for sale with large beauti ful double lot; a variety of beau tiful trees furnish shade, there are flowers, shrubs and l:iwn: h-'iTies. grapes, garden and fruit; garage, shop, woodshed and shel ter porch all combined. Vou will Hid- (his hoint' and it can be bought for S i 500; 1 0 down. J ' a month. Brown s Idle. 7 X l f " FOR SALK Very atiractlve. 5-rooni modern home, largi ing room wilh fireplace. 1 wood floors, dining room, ! en with latesl bnilt-ins. 2 bedrooms, light a nd a iry, ein buill-iu bath; good g'a cement driveway: lot 5' feet, beautiful lawn, on incut, all assessments paid, lal price $-1200.00 only XI! down, balance on terms to respun.-dble buyer. See- Cli A. Wing Agency, Inc. I1 FOR SALE B - room modern! home; SI 000 cash or trade, bal- 1 unco Ukro rent. Woods Lumber! Co. tf j FOR SALK My homo at 804 East' Main St., at a bargain. Win. F.I Campbell. 152tf j FOR SALE OR TRADE Ono of; Medi'ord's most beautiful homes; ! 7 rooms witli liii t li and large! screen porch, largo lawn with j roses and shrubbery, 14 differ- . cut varieties of trees, including two largo oaks; 10 minutes walk from llote Medford. Any rea sonable terms or will accept j smaller house as part payment. See this at 1 !) 1 0 W. Main and if interested hco mo or any Med- j ford realtor. C. A. DoVoe, ph. t r.2;t-.i-2. ir2if j FOR SALE MISCEL1 AXEOUH j I'1' ) I ! SA LE Household furnish ings: li-plere bedl'oom set, I'lilll pleie li-lube radio, spinel desk and stool, gateleg table, Windsor chitir, Singer electric sewing ma chine, Wilt it it run, sewing cabi net, IiIkIi chair, vacuum cleaner. good bwls, miscellaneous ntfji- I slls. R. W. Doe, 1!) Xo. Courl. Phone JMi2-L. I7: ; FOR SALE Child's iron bed ami' new silk floss matiiess, $ t on j quick sale. 02:i E .Main. 17!) yOl SALE Heater, bed. dresser.: Plume !tIU-X or i:t(5-X. l7Sif! FOR HALE Crapes of all kinds,) winter cabbage plains. Phone j CI7-M. ix:( FOR SALE liesitcr, A-l tb.n. 'Jl:f S011U1 Ivv. FOLLOWING ADVERT18R8 ARE Members Medford Realty Board GARDEN TRUCK, CHICKENS AND COWS UNDER THE IRRIGATION CITY for iloniHlin ii!'c; noiun rtl Till Ta, Komn li'TrlfK, iilinul. an nri-f! of Till'! Knipi'H, n Tpw CninHy1 fruit. In-nn, nonrly riOOn wlnti-r :.'iiilini,'iH nmv niwiiu:; nli-n hiiiutnlnw, fnlr hum, iiriullry hniisps, etc, . nnil cooil I'-ain anil Inl of fimt lii'HH liii-liuli"! nt prlcf, nnil you will niiroi' wild m Hull Ihm In n flOINO CONCKItX. It won't hint IfiiiR at (ho pricn. By George McManaa FOR BALE MlSOEIiliANEOUS FOR SAI.K Lille peaches, not ir- rivaled. Cainev orchard, llliick ' well Hill, beiween Central Pnlpl I and (iol.l Hill. ihitranci' from highway, tiring boxes. IXli - I - FOR SALK drapes. 3 cents lb. J. A. .Maiike, two miles east of Jacksonville, adjidntng Clancy orchard. tf FOR SALK Strawberries, 5c cup. " Pick 'eni yourseif.Jc. J. McCoy, 2 miles north nf Jacksonville on old slsige road. Phone 334-.I-1. 17!) I , FOR SALK -A-l healing stove. 1). ! I). SHial'lVr, So. (Mid of Poach, j I 7 1 - ! FOR SALK Second crop alfalfa - I hav in the stack, $7 per ton. I-!. j L. WaU. 17!' FOR SALK Household furniture; good eondilion; reasonable i prices. Dr. W. R. Adams. Tel. ; X!iN-IM. Res. Old Stage load. ISO ! VKR Y CM KA P .'(torago in good j cement warehouse. 211 X. Oak ' dale Ave B. ,1, Palmer, Phone i 5 X X - R . 2o:t FOR SALE Watermelons- 1 c a lb.; canleloiipes 25c a doz.: to matoes le a Hi.; Petite prunes 2e lb.; Italian prunes :c h. Pick them yourself. F, S. Carpenter Paneh. Jacksonville Mwy. 17Xlf FOR SA LE Remit I hit new silk dresses, advance lull slyh'S. di rect from Xev York I 'ity, Ilx o -Iti, inclusive; half price. Mis. Howard L. Barto, Ulll-L. for atipointnieiii. tf FOR SALK For nand and gravnl, sediment and general teaming, phono 912-J, Sam'l Bateman. tf FOR HALE Used 'snwlnff ma clilnes; all makes, $fi up; teruiR if desired. All rnakoa ranted and repaired. "White Sewing Machine Co., 24 No, Bartlelt. f 1 tf II ITSI ESH D I It I0CTOKY Expert Accountant WILSON AI'DITIXO CO. K. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention glvon to anylhltig in ar'counllng and lueopie Tax Requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford, Phone U.7-R. Loans on Home- Lonq Time Renl Estate Mortgaue Loans Phone 1322 Commercial Finance Corp. 'Mpdford. Ore. ?07' 6 Mran nfrliifiirn In llii! Hiiiall linii';i'li(W"r clnsn i'i llin.rliy. If Iir iililizpn his rfiioiiri'i'H ns lin itlioiiltf. Pur ImhIiiiiii'; Only I". nrn nn llm IiIkIi Kriiiinil nai'h o! .M i-'irmrl. n lii'iiullfnl 1,'iimI hIm', wilh n lino "III "nil In fi'inl of llm l'PHlll!lH-i DITCH AND SUPPLIED WITH WATER HOMES PHONE 329 P0. BOX 934 Hotel Nih Corntr BUSINTSS DTllKCTOIlY Abstractors MUKliAY ABSTRACT CO. Ab structs o Title, Title Insurance. Kooiiir 3 And 5, No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON" CO. AltSTUACT CO. Ahsti'uctH of Title nnd Title Insur ance. The ouly coin pie to Till System hi Jnek son County. A. K. KKTIjOGfr Abstractor ol Titlctf, Kt. 2, Box lO'b, Mertford, OrcRon. Reliable Jackson Coun ty Abstractor. Twenty-eiRht yeara cxiJiiiienco and near forty years In tliu county. Speclul work only. Attorneys A. K. RKAMIOS Lawyer. Office Liberty JShltf.. MotUord. Ore. Blue 1-rtntrrn Tl-IW H1A710 IMtl'NT SHOP Com plete Iiluo Jrint Service. High class work. San Francisco prices. Downtown office Medford Boole Snn-e, 34 No. Central. Phona !)'Jl- Cliildivn's Specialist. DR. ALFRED BLIRKLUXD Spec ial attention Riven to correcting deformities of children. Hours 10 lo 12 n. m., 2 to 4 p. m.; even ings by appointment. 314 Lib erty Btdn. ( hiropracllc Physieinns DR. K. AV. HOFFMAN Chlro praetic Xervo Specialist, Office hours 0 to 12; 2 to 5. 203-204 Libertv BUIr. Office phone 680; Res. phono 790-H. Contractors 11, I. KTUART SONSQeneral Contractors, I n c 1 u i 1 n k lane nients, ditches, alt kinds ot eenient and concrete work. R. I. Kt uarl, 217' Apple, phone R48; Gilbert Stuart, 17 Hone Court, phone IHHi-.M. MIIe SI Hart, 008 K. X'vtou-n, phono 850. Dressinalilu . JIKH. VIOLFT 10 A TON DreHH nuilrer a n d designer. Phone loan-R. Res. 1022 West i)th. li.:M'lnl Wi: LION D MONFY to worthy peojde to p:iy their honest debta. P:ieiffo Coast Credit Association. 423 Medford Bldg., Medford, Ore. tf Fre Isl 1 1 Trn nspnrt a tlon BONO DLSTANCF HAULING MeiBord - Klamath truck line, Daily ; . rvico. Bonded carriers. Special rales on land lots. Auto Freight terminal, 3(1 S. Fir. Tel 1033. C A L L Bortland-Medford Truck Bine for tbroimh or intermediate point service, Kixteen-hour Hr vieo to and from Portland. Phor ntifl, Medford. Auto freight ten. mliml at 3li S. Fir, Medford. Insurance ' KARL S. TUMY All forms of In' suramin. Fire, Aulo, Life, AccU dent. Bonds. Phono 402. 801 Liberty Bldn. Life Insurance. TMIO NORTNWBKTF.RN MUTUAI, Life Insurance Co. office phonfl fl t. 2U7 First National Bunk Bids. T.oan nn Tlfuncs i.O A N'S on li o m ca n o w built ol under construction. F.ljjht per. cent and no stork to carry. Ileal service. Monthly pay men tH. Banister A ko n ey , Inc., 105 W, Main. Tel. 1230. Money to Ttin MOXF.Y TO LKN'O To worthj people to pay their honest debta. Securities ot all kinds accepted Jennings Loud Office, 5 H. Front MtNRY TO LKXD JO to $260 lo loan on furniture or pood se curity of most any kind. Con tntets discounted. Thomas RealtJ Co., Room "12, Palm Block, corj Miiln and Front, upstairs, MonntnciitH TMK ORFC.OX GRAXITK CO. Monuments. K. A. Hicks, Oon etal Manager; 1. M. Kershaw, Sales Milliliter, 302 N. Froni St., Medford T 1 1 1 R V A L If. FOLK JiXBKRO T e a c h e r of violin; orchestra prm-tiee for students; also y. de iniitment for ad.lustli-f atul ro pairliiK violins, if v,m desire a p'llitl.le violin outnt, call at the Htudbf. room 4. College BUIk., 3L X. f'.rape St. Phone 269-J. I'd hit lilt; find raporlinnRliifc II. MARX, Oeneral Paintinir Con I rjietor, t hit ini;. pnperhanf,'!flHT. eiti'ipenterlnn, repn I ri n. Rhone I7H-.I. Res. C7 SuminR. Piano Instruction FRKIi ALTON HAIOHT Tencher of Piano and Harmony. HalKht Music Siudlo, 3 1 H Liberty Bid. Phone 72. U.!tf Printers anil PubllsherH mi;dfoi:o prixtixo co.- Hat lhe Ix-st I'miippeil prltlllni; office In Stmt hern nroKon. Bookblnd Iih:. loose leaf ledgers, bllllllK svl'-ms, etc. Portland prices. 27 X. Fir St. Radio lEopolrlnff RADIO RKPA IRI(5 The Mtlsle Pox. -lit I'.nst Main St., Phone 4;i:i, lniH an expert radio tech trleinn from the factory. We ni.'ike a spi-rlalty of extiert repair work- nnd jruurantcc It. Hpuclal consideration to dealers. Transfer BADS TRAN'SFBR & STORAOW Co. office 111 N. Fir Ht. Phone 3ir. 1'ricea rlsht. ' Ser vice guaranteed. DAVIS TRANSFBR A STORAOF1 i Service iTtiiiiiinteetl. 2! S. Orape Si., Phone fit, or residence 1060, PIL'ltcK TIMrciClXt) CO. Lonit ilist.'inen hfinlfrnr. Trips weekly to S;in Francisco. Furniture movltiK aj specialty. Phono 437-R-2. Window Cleaning I.KT (J BO ROB DO IT Hnune cleimliiff, floor waxlnff, janitor Hfivlce. tlnii. A. Seoly. Tbont 603-J or 1172,