Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 18, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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PArm are
twitto irxm Trtmuyp!, pfotid; 0T?EficvNT, Tuesday. September is, ms.
Mm AT HM m
ITILUinilU 1 Ul
After a Hurricane Passes
l i
Neither Roads Nor Workers!
ABle to Agree, and Nextj
Move Up to Government;
No Strike Near Labor;
to Issue Statement Soon. !
ClIK'Ano, Sept. 1R. The
Jmlerui hounl of infflialloii thin
(irtfrnomi minou w-(l it litis tor
ttiln:it'(I its efforts lowunl briiiK
JtiK uliout (ill aKrcfMiUMit hctwi-cn
Ihn western railronds and tin1
trainmen and ronductm'H union.
.Siitniml K. Win.slow, chairman f
-Ihn ffdiM-nl liounl, IhhuciI l he fol
lowing Hlaloment:
"In hfhnlf of tho board, the
nirdiatinn prociMMlhitfH have heen
tt'i'tninali'd for the rcamm Dial tlx
carrloi'H and employes' orra hIy.a
tloiiH veie unable to reach an
K. I. Curlfs, proHidc-nt of the j
.Order of Unllwiiy ConrU'iitorH and
A. I Whitney, head of the lirolh
erhood of Hallway Trainmen, said
no action on the Hlrllco vote could
he taken, and indicated the next
move should, come from the kov
erntnent. They promised an of
ficial Htatemciit shortly of labor"
position in tho wane controversy.
.1. W. IIIkIus, chnlrnian of the
board of nilhvny iminajiei-H, hud no
Htntnment in nialo eonrornlriK the
carriers' attitude.
Mam street of Miragoane, Hai ti, after the passing of tne hurricane last summer v hich devastated a
large area, killing animals and destroying crops and food supplies. Relief workers estimate that 100,-'
000 are facing famine In the stricken area. !
ir Uohin.Kon, iJcniocriitle vice- :
. i
nnm.P i nnn roo iimiTrno
A K NV M- .unrl r HE IIM rh 1
Jones Sz. Company, who operate
pint-cry stores and meat markets
In other cities of Oregon, havo
purchased Louie's Cash liroem-y.
owned by Louis I'lrieh. on South
Central avenue, have taken a long
lime lense on the huildinif, and
take charge on October 1st.
The building wlil he remodeled,
ticw rixtures adileil and tho siore
will bo mud one of the most up-to-date
of Its kind In Medford and
southern Oregon,
The members of Jones .i Co.
have had long experiencn in the
operation of grocery stores and
markets, and operate their own
wholesale houses.' It is the inten
tion of the company to open a
Wholesale house here next spiinw.
This new ntnro means added iit
Iractlons to .Medfoid as a trailing
JACK'SONVII.I.i:. Sept. IS The I
Parent Teacher association will !
give a reception lor the lencheiM
of the .Jacksonville school l-'rlday
evcnillK. Sejiteinbei- 't at S p. tn.'
A splendid program will be given j
and refresh infills will be sei-ved. !
All are cordially invited and It is
hoped there will he a largo at-'
Ir. and Mrs. I). A. Korhes enter
tain'el .Siindny. September 1 li. with
a hirthdiiy dinner for Mrs. l-'oibes'
I'alher. I). T. Liiwluii of .Medford.
The following were present : Air.
and .Mrs. U. T. l.:twton. y. and
Mrs. .lean IX Lawtou, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence I'ankey and chil
dren, Oennie and Shirley and Dr.
and M rs. 1). A. Forbes and sons,
Itobert and Stuart.
Mr. find Mrs. A. C ClariiiKlon
and datiKhlei-, Maud, .lime lirndley,
Iai mini anil (.on i-'rost of .Mo-
doe point, spent Sunday at the
X. C. sinythe home.
M Inn llylda Lyon of Tiiconin is
staying with her aunt. Mrs. Wil
bur f'nineron nnd nllendlrig busi
ness college hi Medford.
The Seventh Day Adventis) acad
emy school, east of Jacksonville
I PORTLAND, tire., Sept. IS. ifP)
, Wail until you see the buck's
horns plenty of time to t-hoot
then." This warning was given by
, Harold Clifford, stale game war
Ideu. who b;is been aroused by
leer hunters in (irc-
SNOQlwU-MIK Wash.. Sept. 18.!
Sontiht as the slayer of .Mr, a'iit
.Mrs. Joseph Kirk, at Dayton near
Sheldon. Wash., yesterday, Arthur ;
Scliafer, sou of a prominent (Irays
.Harbor family was arrested here'
today when he walked into a -ien-ertil
store owned by n cousin' Otto ;
, ilt'inig. ;
Young for was arrested aft- ;
er he hud walked into the store i
.and asked for some clothes and a j
bag of candy. Ituinig, who is post- j
; muster here, recognized Schai'er j
and immediately summoned Mar-1
; shal Tom liena-;on. The marshal 1
; said that a few minutes after be-j
j ing (aken into custody, Schafer at-1
i tempted to end his life by slashing I
J 1: if throat with a razor. i
j . A few minutes later, while being
(taken to a hospital, he again tried!
j to cut his throat. Hospital attend-;
jants said he was in it serious eon- j
ditlon but would recover. j
j Schnfer was accused by Mrs. '
jJeauettu Kirk, in a statement made!
just before she died yesterday
morning, ot slaying her husband,
Joseph Kirk, young rancher, and !
siflentbil nominee, who has just j then attacking her. She said that!
onie through the storm section. during a struggle. Schal'er's pistol'.!
storm area uppeors to extend " was fired three times, the shots j 1
from Lauderdale to Titusvllle. ap- wounding her. Her death resulted
proximately M5 miles in width." i from a bullet wound in the head.!
me senator h messtige wud. "Dam-. Three small children survive the
age is believed to exceed that j couple.
which occurred in storm of l:iii. ; AI is. Kirk said the shooting oc
Casuiiliies not fully known nndicurred shortly after midnight on
cannot be ascertained accurately ! Monday morn'iug after (heir return
for some time. j from a party. Her liushand was
Something like tn have re- ! killed by a shot fired through a
oelved treatment in hospitals window and Mrs. Kirk was al
which have been greatly damaged. tacked in the donrw.iv - whnn it.
death of four
"Unless Ibis wholesale
away is balled (h- gam iniois-
slon will start proceedings against
cart-less hunters and press them to
the limit.
"Wear your red jackets and red
hals and be careful. You do not
want to be shot, nor do you want
lo have the blood of another on
your head."
Local organizations are without
, "I am convinced that immediate
blazing 1 action by your body is n'ces.sary
if adeiiuale relief js to be effected.
A part of the territory Is totally
without organization and at least
-l nddiioiial nurses to those which
can lie provided here are reouired
and approximately e.iunl number
of social workers.
"Medical assistance believed to
be iideininle. Helm billla t bui work
tempting to take her husband to
their car outside, not realizing he
was dead,
Schafer was a former pa I lent al
the Weslern Washington Hospital
for Insane.
hi i;ki am; hits dimk
(Continued from Pngo One.)
impossible to forecast t he direc
tion of the storm other than gen
erally northeastward.
The bureau said .nut the storm
apparently had diminished greatly
XI-: W VOItK. Sept. IK. (I')
j (irigadier (ieneral Hugh A. Drum.
commander of the First division,
j was ordered to Porto liico today to
I take charge of the hurricane re
! lief work for the army. He will
on large scale will lie necessary sail on the I'. S. S. Hridcre.
and lunds .
diate use."
ciutred for iinnie
(Continued trom Page One.)
, was the same ,
started Monday of Hits week. ,Seve-;in intensity throughout lust night.
rat .Jack ho mil 1c children urn at
tending school there.
F. W. Parker and wife of North
Hend, Ore., spent Thursday after
noon visiting at the 'I
U . C. l-alrklng from southern I racing the progress of the dis
California, arrived Thursday to turhance. which originated in t In
visit at the home of his nii'ce, Mis. ; Caribbean last Thursday us ;
Fred Kutcher ami is now ork ing i "very dangerous hurricane." tlx
lor the Owen-Oregon Lumii
Its reports, far front complete,
tended to shew tbo storm was
headed toward Matteras with the
possibility of a change in course.
Nori is (according to the high pressure ob
stacles- It might meet.
Wire Report on
the Pear Market
CHICAOD, Sept. 18(rSDA)
I ears: in cars Oregon, if Mich
igan. 7 Washington, 4 Idaho, 4
California arrived. lOight Canior
1i la ca rs u n Ion ded, 1 It ot tiers n n -loaded;
10 California ears on track:
f0 others on track; 15 cars sold.
California. Hartletts, STI'.ii boxes.
$lf.3Ei to S4.K): average $3.00; 1 Ml
boxes of Clairgeiins, $l!,4l to $2. BO;
average $1MH; 4!)fi boxes 1'tah
tartletts, $a.2ri to S3.SU; average
S!!. fift; LMKS boxes Washington ex
tra fancy. $l.3ri to $2. Til; average
S2.30; 73!) boxes fancy, $ l .3ft to
fl.7ri; average Sl.Bfp.
iMireau said it held lo a fairly
straight course through the West
Indies, and as usual began losing
force ll lid meeting high pressure
on enliiring the mainland south of
Wi'st I 'n I ni lte;tch. Fin.
On reaching Smith Central Flor
ida, where 21 were known to have
been killed near Lake Okeechobee
NEW YOltK, Sept. 18. (CSDA)
Pears: Sit cars California, 1 New
York, 12 Oregon, d Washington
arrived; 40 California run unload
ed; 26 others unloaded; 77 Cali
fornia ears on track; 6 others on
Oregon IbirtlettR, 3!2u boxes, $3
,to 3.Stl; averagp S3.42; fancy S2.Hl)
to 3. 70, few S3. Ml; average S3.2H;
426 boxes Hose extra. S3. 10 to
3.46: average $3.30; fancy, J2.76
to $.1.10; average 13.
When Slumber VI hs
Tnstead of turning ami tossing
when you can't sleep nt night, try
n hot hath. It will let you down
Kently into sound, restful slumber'.'
Start with water of 00 or 100 de
grees Fahrenheit, slight ty above
body temperature. A bath ther
mometer costs little nnr, enables
you to seenre tho right tempera
luro quickly, (jot in. then turn
on the hot water tap until you feel
Varm and glowing. After coaling
yotirseir with a generous hither of
soap. He back quietly until you Teel
relaxed. Hub dry thornty and get
into bed with Muffletetit covering.
Avoid cold water and cold air.
at camp I above liuitc Falls.
S. I-:. Dunnington who luo; been
finite ill for several days, is im
proving. I
Joe It. Hall, who Is working for
the forest service at the Fish Luke
road camp, was our city Satur
day evening. be
Air. mill Mrs. It, C. Plerson and Hie disturbance was turned back,
daughter, Dorothy, mul son, Cliae. : walled In by high pressure areas
and grandchild. Unite, from Mo--of air until it pushed lis way out
doc Point anil llonafay Itlair of northeastward toward Savannah.
Klamath Fulls were visitors Sun- The high pressure areas weakened
day at the . C. Sinylhe home. Its momentum, and the greatest of
Mrs. Ftta Trunin, from Camp these pushed the storm back to
1. Itutte Falls. Is spending this , ward the Atlantic as It progressed
week with her sister, Mrs. Fred northward.
Ibitcher. j Tiie northwesterly wind which
M i ; . I'li'W lightly in a clouded sky over
SA LKM Ore., Sept. I S. (TJ't To Atlanta today was indicative of
consider the easlbill.y of erecting this conclusi the bureau pointed
a forestry building at the state filir . out.
grounds within (he next, year a '
eonimlttee of the stale hoard oft WASH 1 N( iTo.N. Sept. I S, iV,
forestry will meet here September ' I'at twenty nurses and monev
; down by lit
, young Norlbcott's.
i While this bit of corroboiatiou
was given young Clark's story, City
jClieinist Hex Welsh emerged from
bis laboratory to announce that
I blood found on an axe at the so-
called "murder farm" probably
j was that of an animal.- Hut at the
j same time. 1 lie chemist said tlptt
t Hire,, strands of hah- adhering' to
the axe blade were from the head
of a human being.
And detectives making another :
examination of t b e Notiheott i
home lofhi.l ti bloodslafned board 1
and a haicliet. the blade of which j
w is ground to ra'.r-like edge, j
They were not certain what part'
U may have played in the farm j
tragedy If Clark's story of his '
uncle m degenerate slayings was
: correct,
l''roin u laboratory where mlcro
. setijie and scientific instrument are
' to cany on reliabilitatioii
. urgently tu-eiled in the
by 1 burrlca ne, said a message
If Oty (he ltd Cross today from Sena
NURSES know, and doctors have
declared there's nothing quite like
Bayer Aspirin for all sorts of aches
and pains, hut he sure it is genuine
Bayer; that name must he on the
package, and on every tahlet. Bayer
is genuine, and the word genuine in
used in trailing crime. J. Clark ) re(l 'S on every box. l ou cant go
Selle.-s, criminologist employed by ' wrong if you will just look at the box:
itiverslde county authorities, an- i
nounced be hail "vital bits of evi- j
deuce corroborating young Clark's j
, ."lot y.
; Police doubts of Clark's story
; began to srow however, when he
lold i hem that at least fifty boys
had been taken to or visited the
;.orlhcott ranch within the last
I two years ami that Xorthcott
.owned a cabin In Mint canyon
uortn ot Snug us where some nf the
.oik is noys might have been taken. l)e
Florida trellves. however, said they would
(i talic ('lark Willi (hem toil.-iv it. ....
'"empt to find the cabin." '
! Mull 'ri-lhiiup ncls nn roml
I in.oiill iii.qi.I.. ,.Vi.pv il.iv
you alway
IK " pv ..
, mi ASaA f&JU
the trntlp marV of b&Sir
Asnlrln Is
thf trittle murk of
Hirer .Munufactnre
nt MnnnncftldiciOpstcr at SaliCjllcacId
's serve such good
"Thanks, but it's no
"Oh, but it is. You don't
know how hard I've tried."
"Well, of course, we
always use M J B. We've
served it, for almost thirty
years." .
Many twople find that with M J B, the
strong blend, they use slightly less coffee
than with other blends. But whether you
make it strong or weak, MJB has a tia.
vor that oni? the strong blend can give.
Now it comes to you vaaium-sealed in
the new, tall key-can. Both the vacuum
process and the improved key-can belong
exclusively to the MJB Company and
are available only to M-J-B users.
MANN'S Tho Best Goods for the Price No Matter What the Price MANN'S
at Mann's Department Store
Every Item a Money Saver
Two Big Specials In Pillows
$1.19 Pillows 95c
. 17x'2-l-in. Eminei'iok pillow.'!.
pounds weight, filled with new
leathers covered with a good
grade of blue and white feather
ticking; regular price 1.19; on
sale Wednesday, QC
S1.59 Pillows S1.39
39x2(5-in. Emiiierick pillows, 2-'):
pounds weight, filled with new
feathers, covered with a good
grade of fancy ticking; regular
price 139; on sale $1,39
ednesdav at, ea
, See Window Display
$10.00 Sale of Silk Dresses
Women's fine silk and velvet dresses made in this season's lat
est styles and colors; every one dil'ferenl; a great varicly to
choose from, as a hig Wednesday Special, $10 00
$7.55 Values $1.45
These cretonnes are worthy of
mention; suitable for bedroom or
living rooms; extra fine imported
quality; gorgeous coloring in very
choice designs; priced unusually
low; . 1.95 value; 1 JG
Wednesday, vd M 1
Rayon Gowns
$2.95 Values $1.95
Women's and misses' gowns,
made of. a heavy quality rayon;
tailored styles; colors peach, nile,
coral, and flesh'; all sizes; rcgu
lar price 2.95;
ednesdav special, ea
$25.00 Sale of Winter Coats
f)0 wonderful new coats, made of splendid all-wool materials in
sport and dressy styles; have big fur collars and (COC 'ff
cuffs; all sizes; Wednesday special, each PD..UU
Luncheon Sets
$1.95 Values $1.69
-15-inch luncheon sets, stamped
on line quality '.Indian head with
four napkins to match; hem
stitched and ready to embroider;
regular price $1.95; J1 ?Q
on sale Wed., 'set 1 7
Waist Union Suits
$1.19 Values 95c
These suits are made of fine cot
ton and have short sleeves, knee
ruff; all sizes; regular price 1.19;
Wednesday special, Qr
suit 75C
Women's Wash Dresses
of fine
o choose
"Happy Home" and Wirthmor" wash dresses made
grade of percale; fast colors; new styles; hundreds
from, all sizes, 52; these dresses are cheap at d 1 ff
$1.50; Wednesday special, each P 1 .UU
Children's Bloomers
75c Values 59c
Children's crepe bloomers; fine
quality in flesh on,Iy; regular
75c values; . Qr
Wednesday special, pr.
Triangular Scarfs
$2.25 Values $1.39
Fine quality georgette and crepe
de chine triangular scarfs in all
shades; 2.25 values;
ednesdav special
$16.50 Sale of Dresses
100 wonderful new silk and wool dresses made of the best ma
terials in uie very latost styles and colors; all sizes. These dress
es are worth a great deal more;
011 sale Wednesday, e.'ich
Women's rough neck sweaters in
Ian, navy, black and white.
Hair Nets
"Carmen" hair nets in bob and,
cap sizes; all shades: regular
W ednesdav at
price 15(
2 for ...
Mail Orders Promptly Filled, Postage Prcpaid-Agents for Bntterick Patten