Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 18, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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A.! :w laU'd Pros . Nxtl'(i W'ritel.
Willi their i-Inscst rivals bangUi
tui Ii;o Ki'fni death Itself, dreams
of diro dJsnsior haunt tho tnan
.'if'iial hod-flianihor-H of Mill Me
Jimio and Miller Huut-'itiH.
Hill has his Si. I.nuis Cardinals
at iho top or tho National league
sii'nri.njj and M iller, if ho keeps
his oyos on tho levol, or slanted
upward, can see nothing 1 rival
h is Now York Ya n k eos in t h o
Anirtioan league, but' their advan-.
(aire is so small as to make nn
(Hinhlcd sloop a thins inipossihln.
It lonks how as though no! t hot
is tn K''t any poaoo of mind until
Su'tonihor :10, when tho hi lenKiio
season closes.
Taking advantage f the idle
ness of thoir only rivals, tho Ath
letics and Cornelius MKiUlicuddy
yesterday the. Yankees pout. cod
nn four St. Louis pitchers for Ti
hits enough it would seem, to ac
count for thc( 1 2 to 2 score tho
champions piled tip- Thus tho
half ame margin tho" Yankees
onjoyod heforo the slaughter at
Si. f .on is hejjan. tsvpw to n full
Kamn Ity tho time it was over.
Two other American league on
ir;t (cements saw tho Washing mi
Senators trim Detroit, 4 to .1, and
iwtve into fourth place, when tiif
chicajro White Sox oould do noth
ing with .lack 'Russell and lost
(i to :i, to the Hoslon Hod Sox.
Hut the National leaRtie silua
iion remained unchanged when
1 lie Cardinals. New York .f Sin ills
and rhicuKo riihs turned in victo
ries. Jim Ilottomley's liitth home run.
with two on. in lite seventh frave
iho Cards a 5 to 2 triumph over
the l(,wly Phils.
The f Jinnts remained only two
names distant from St. Louis hv
laeiiiK thn PlttsburR Pirates. ) to
in tho second En me of the se
ries, limine and Homer nianken
ship were easy meat for the hat
1 'in-r c. tan is, who pounded out 14
hits, including' home runs hy
Welsh and Ott. The Pirates' two
run off Karl Hubhell were scored
in the sixth, when Pie Traynor hit
for t he. circuit with Paul Wan or
on base.
The Cubs trounced Ho.ston. 1 Ti
to !. to retain their third pliiee
nnsition. a name and a half he
hind the (Hants.
CLKV ISLAND. O., Sept. 1 S. tTP)
Ceorge liurns, veteran of Hi ma
jor league baseball seasons and in
1 HL'fi the American league's most
valuable player, has annitunecd his
refusal to report to the New York
Yankees, to whom he was sold at
the waiver price by the Cleveland
Mums regarded the deal as an
Injustice inasmueh'-'as he had asked
for his unconditional release hv
order to negotiate for a manager
ial job with a minor league club.
Waivers were asked nt his roijuost,
be said, but he wished them with
drawn when, the New York club
refused to waive him o"t of the
In addition, Hums said his
was seriously ill and he wanted to
remain with her in Cleveland.
1 After driving out (14 two-base
bits to establish a new world's
record and winning the American
league's most valuable player
award in t !(LM1, Burns' hitting
steadily fell off until this season
ho was used mostly as a pinch
(By the Associated Press)
The Sun Frnncisoo Seals ended
lln series of the season with Port
land by lukhiK the final tilt, 9 tn 5.
and five of the seven -lames. Nick
Williams bvousht ont Wallace Wal
ters, a newcomer from the Utah
Idaho lonsnc, for the closing jinme
and the lad virtually won his own
pame with n homer In the fourth
with two on bases. He was wild
nnd walked seven men and hit two
(jithers, hnt .Fnllerton of the Heav
ers nave as many free passeR. Port
land irahhed the lead In the first
hut the Seals scored six In the
fourth to cinch victory. It was the
inly game played yesterday in the
league, flatteries: Walters nnd
Sprinz; Fnllerton and Whltnev.
KOKKST HI1XS. X Y.. Snpt. 1S.
Henri Coehet of Franro.
w.m tho I T ii i ted Statp national ten
nis championship this nflprnonn
when he (lefpaleil Francis T. Hun
tPT of New Hnrhello. N. V., after o
'f-markahle battle by 4-6, 0-4, 3(1,
7-C, 6-3.
to? '
Hera arc the leaders of the
Miner t-iufjQina uefi;, manaaer of
Mack, manager of the Athletics, at
turned back Philadelphia before
first place.
j LOH AMIEI.EH, Sept. IS. (71-1
! The close of the national air races
Sunday today left Mines field ready
; to stage another air attractloh
the ;os Angeles-Ciiieiniiali air
I races beginning Thursday. Today
111 pianos had entered the class A
race, six wore preparing to line
j up in tin1 class li event starting
Eriduy, and three more planes
were entered in the non-stop derby
( leaving the field the same day.
j The, class A racers will hop off
! Among the entrants today in the
; non-stop flight was Art Joebel,
I famed Pacific and transcontinental
j aviator, (ioehol will be at thn
j stick of his Lockheed-Vega "Van
I It ee Doodle," the same, ship in
which he set a transcontinenta I
j non-stop record several weeks ago
and led the finishers In the na
tional air races non-stop event
from Now York to Los A ngcles
last week.
Winners In tho three events will
receive S 2 0, (H ( in cash prizes and
Sii.ona more in trophies.
Baseball Standings
I Pacific Coast League
I ' ' w. u
! Sacramento E2 30
j Hollywood BO :!2
i Sun Francisco 4S 3-1
j Mission I I :;s
' Oakland 43 (19
, Portland 33 -I!)
I.os Ansclos -12 '10
i Sonltlo 2G Til!
American Leaaue
! v. I,.
i New York M Jil
1 Philadelphia H2 HI)
; St. I.ouls 7S ife
ChlcaKO (18 7fi
'M'ftKhiiislon 117 7i
! Detroit 113 SO
S Cleveland Til) S3
! lloston 1 92 1
j National League
I ' W. I..
ISt. I.oiiIb S7 55
New York S5 57
iCIllcnso St 59
': PlttshuvBh 79 03
i Clnoinnntl 74 00
! UrooUlyn "1 72
' Hoslon 45 90
I Philadelphia 42 100.
.03 1
.402 !
.4 09 I
.357 I
.013 J
.599 i
.550 I
.528 !
Fights Last Night
(By the Associated Press)
CIIAHLOTTU, X. t'. Joe Dundee
of New York outpointed Johnny
Robert of Huntington, W. Va. (101.
CHK'AOO Jack McCarthy nf Chi
cago mil pointed Sandy Garrison of
l.os Angeles (0). Hobby 1-aSalle
i of Los Angeles stopped Johnny
fierardin of Minneapolis 131. Lilly
I Showers of Minneapolis outpointed
!A1 Wolcast of Cadllltts, Mich. 101.
I Joe Carrado of Chicago outpointed
I "Gentleman" Joe Thomas of Ole
Iweln, la. ((!(....
! NKW YORK Haby Joe (inns nf
i Los Angeles stopped Cuddy de(
'Marco of Pittsburgh 14).
I KANSAS CITY. Hearcat Wright
of Omaha and Cowboy Hill Owens
I of Guthrie. Okln., drew (101.
j OA LVESTO.V, Tex-Knyo Tlrnwn
o' t1'! Paso outpointed Sunny Jim
i Williams of New York (12). Hilly
Pondraza nf Houston stopped John
ny Hernander er veYlco City 141.
, OKLAHOMA m ..-Habp IPmt
'of Oklahoma City knoekeil out
'Chnrlen (RanRrl Pond of San Jose,
(MNCIN'.VATI. O.-Vintint Ham-!
hiiwht of Citirlnnatt won on foul
from Ansie Pisano of Hrooklyn
Crater Ioke in only a three anl
a. hnlf hour.1 Irlvo from Med fan!
over a wonderful highway.
msmws mmm pi ay union apples to
r h i i 1 1 Mis a tnnu t u r --"..-
I UltllkU I ll kVUMI lllf II 1 ULI I 1 UU ,
American league pennant cnasc.
me. ranKces, is .snown wnn Connie
Yankee stadium where New York
baseball's biggest crowd to regain
I.OB A NT. ELKS, Cal., Sept. 1S.
(P) The Examiner says today that
Mickey Walker, the middleweight
champion, has oeen matched for a
title bout with Tommy Lough ran,
light heavyweight champion, at
Madison Square Clarden some time
in November. . ,
The announcement came through
Jack Kearns, Walker's manager, as
the fighter and his manager hoard
ed a train for Chicago. Kearns is
reported to have said that, while
his tlittic.ulties with Itickard were
not over, the New York promoter
nevertheless will handle the bout.
Loughran, Kearns said, will prob
ably get STri.Oon as his share of the
match. Ast for Walker, Kearns
said he was. not nearly as much
interested in the money as a "shot
at the title." A definite date for
the l)ou t will probably he deter
mined upon Kearns' arrival in Now
CLEVELA.VD, Sept. 1S. (P)r
One of baseball's most lieturesflie
figures, Tyrus Raymond L'nhli. the
"(!eor.;ia Peach," niinouneotl today
he will sever his relations with liie
Kanie at tlie close til the present
playlnii season. ,
In a statement today Ty said
he wits Just "baseball tired." and
wants to quit. Cnbtt snid he
realized that his best days are be
hind him and did not think there
were many days In the offing for
him as u player. He said he want
ed tn spend some time with his
family before his "kids" crnw lip
nnd "away from him." lie said
he and .Mrs. Cobh plan a trip tnj
ICurnpe at the close of the present '
Major League Leaders
(Including games if Sept. 17.)
(Hy the Associated Press.)
Batting P. Wnner. Pirates. .383.
Ituns I. '.-iner. 1'lrntes. 133.
Huns batted in Hottoinley, Cards,
Hits P. Wnner, Pirates, 217.
Doubles P. Waner. Pirates, 51.
Triples 1". Waner. Pirates. 19.
Homers Wilson. Cubs, 32.
Stolen bases Cuyler, Cubs, 32.
I'ilchiug Denton, (Hants, won 24,
. lost 7.
Hatting (ioslin. Senators
Huns Kulh. Yanks, 149
Ituns batted In Gehrig. Yanks,
Hits Manush. Drowns, 219.
Doubles .Manush. Drowns. 4 5.
Triples Combs. Yanks. 21.
Homers llulh. Yanks. 50.
Stolen bases Myer. Ded Sox, 25.
Pitching Crowder, Hrowns, won
17. lost 5.
Sport Briefs
SALKM. Ore., Sent. IS (TP) To
ro into professional baseball or not
is the finestion that has been wor
ryn;; Ckm Keiter, 17. flashy little
inffelder for the Salem .Senator,
who has none throiiKh his flral
semf pro season with a uoort hlt
tini; and fi"Mfim record. Keher has
derided ntainst it. Instead he will
study for the priesthood. He will
enter Mount AnRel college In hi
home town and may not appear
with the Senators next Sunday
when they play the final game of
the state title series with H'-nd.
The game will be played nt KugenQ,
I . PUXDLETOX, Ore.. Sept. 1X.
(JP) Pemlleton's nineteenth annual
roundup opens tomorrow, with in
dications that it will he the great
est exhibition in the history of this
western show.
I tot ween UuO and :i;V) rodeo per
I'onnera from the best cattle sec
tions of the' country have assem
bled here", registered for Hie arena
and truck events, lim-kins horses,
i put through two to three weeks
; trials, were prepared to slve tho
Ichiimpion buekaroos interesting mo
'ii.fiits before this year's titles are
j awarded.
This city was prepared to greet
rodeo Cans who will lie here for the
'opening -'Atin Wednesday afternoon,
j This year the I'niatilla, Cay use
, and Walla Walla Indians are ready
!with their tepees at the grounds.
Texas steers, wily and lough, were
on hand to keep ropers and bull
i doggers busy during the four-day
! session. Hoping, perhaps the most
spectacular of all rodeo events, is
i litis year hrin-iing together the
; greatest ropers in the game, in
'eluding Tommy (irimes, three limes
j winner here. Ifoh Crosby, twice
; the world champion cowboy, and
j Mabel Strickland, woman roper,
also are here. ,
Med ford baseball fans will be
. given two more opportunities of
:seeing the Mod ford Merchants in
jnction, us two games -have been
i arranged for Sunday, September
! 30, with the strong liend aggrega
tion, which has been anxious to
Iplay the locals for .sometime. Cliff
i Davis, adept at controlling the ball
will probably be In the box for
Med ford and the remaining line
up will be the same as usual.
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 18. (fP)
Herbert C. Wilson, r0, an em
ploye of tho Porlland Electric
Power company, was killed when
he short circuited in some unex
plained manner Sunday a huge re
pealer s wit clt, receiving a shock
of 4500 volts.
Iet me write your fire insurance,
Carl Y. Tengwaid, Hotel Jfollnnd.
Phono fi!)3, tf
A New Victory 5ix
By Dodge Brothers
Smarter, Roomier, More Comfortable
With Famed Victory Performance Made Still More Brilliant
Striking improvements in beauty,
comfort and roominess, set
Dodge Brothers new Victory
Six apart as a distinctive and im
pressively attractive motor car.
Seat dimensions are more gener
ous; cushions deeper and more
luxurious; doors higher and
wider; and passenger vision ma
terially increased.
New Victory lines
sweep gracefully for.
ward ttf a radiator
that expresses new
ruggedneis and
power; and improved
fenders further accen
tuate the vigorous and
arresting charm of
Victory Six design.
Moreover, new Vic
tory Six construction
insures many unique
and vital advantages.
The wide Victory
chassis frame, flush
with the body lines,
nKTHOIT. .Mich., Sent. 1 S. (JP)
; A story of a tragedy of life, (he
separation of a lather and his son
five years ago through the alleged
"mixing" of Infants In a hospital
here, was before a circuit court
1 jury today in the trial of the S20d.
tint) damage suit of William C.
: (ireatrex. Detroit, against the Evan
gelical Deaconess hospital.
The child never was found, nl
I hough a nation-wide search was
made, and since then the lather has
I devoted almost all of his time at
i tempting to, locate the boy.
i Testimony presented by (Ireatrex ;
I was that, his son, then two weeks i
i old. was given by a hospital nurse
I to Eva Velmminclc, unwed mother, ,
I through mistaken identities. The
i i mother of the (ireatrex baby died
soon after the child's birth and the ,
alleged interchange look place
while tlreatrex was returning the
: body to the I'mnilv homo at Tor
. onto. Out., for burial.
: Alphonse Vlemminek, father of
'Eva, told authorities he had irien
I the haby to some passing motorists j
j bound for a Pennsylvania city
' long hut futile search was then he- I
i The father ehnreos the hospital ;
with wanton neglect.
The defense insists the ha hie:-:
were never mixed but that the j
wrong baby was mistakenly given j
out. Hospital authorities deny the I
wanton neglect charge and content ;
thai the hospital is a charitable in-
st it ut inn and there:ore is not sub- '
ject to liability.
LA (I It AN DE, Ore.. Sept. 1 K.
(I'lI'Yult growers of Union county ,
jai'e preparing to harvest two bum
I per crops this fall prunes and .
; apples. They expect to ship 75!
i carloads of high t mi I it y prunes,',
! nil hough prices are not expected j
,to high. Picking and packing j
will begin shortly at Cove and
rniou, !
The apple outlook Is better, i
About TiOO carloads are expected,
iteeenl rains have increased sl.o j
i and improved coloring of fruit ,
, around 1 n.bler and Elgin. The
Imbler districts expects a crop of i
! JJfiO carloads. !
Tho Weaihcrspooii orchards are ,
I expected to ship tin garloads, twen- !
jty carloads of the choicest fruit to .
I be sent to Kuropo and the remain- ;
! dei" to in Id western u ml eastern !
I markets. J
! ChiFiiifled advertising gets results. I
provides a foundation for the
body which is directly mounted
without sills. This remarkable
construction lowers the all-important
center of gravity, in
creases the head room, and
eliminates the customary body
And as a consequence, the new
Victory grips the road at the
Grctter beauty, com
fort ind cunvenicnie
with sperd, seotwir.
muotliniM, and de
pendability more re
markable thin ever.
Four faihionalile budr
eirlei fully equipped.
Coupe . . f87f
4-loor Sedan 895
Cabriolet , J4i
DeUixe 970
. . A. Oilnit
16-18 South Fir Street Telephone 304
I.i: lldlllCHT. Krance. Sept.
1 s. iJ'i The first autogyro flight
between l.midon and Paris, in
cluding a hop across the English
channel, was completed bore to
day by .1. do la Cierva. inventor
and pilot of I he machine. lie
landed bore- at 4 :2:l p. in., after
making three slops en route.
The machine, which gives a
ypoetntor the impression that
Dul eli windmill is flying through
t he air, Jumped first from Croy
don field, near London, to l.ytn
pno nn the Kent coast. Thence
it hopped the channel io the fa
mous war aviation field of St.
1 ngelvert, near Cape tiris-Nez.
The third Jump was to have
taken the machine to this airport
on tlie outskirts of Paris, but
motor trouble forced Senor do la
Cterva to laud at Ebbeville, when,
he remained several hours, wh lb'
the mechanism was being over
hauled. The final jump' was made
without mishap.
LONDON.'. SclK. S. m) A nii's
s:im 10 IUmiiIum-'h tt'li'pliuniMt 1'rnm
Minliiil .shortly nfltM' - uVlm-u this
MiHTnonn ,-ilMU'rt IhiU I'n'Mili'r
Primo ! Civfi-M hud uni yi't ri'-
tllttlcil Id Murlrhl fl'nm :i visit r.
West Side
"The Rex.U Store"
First Insurance
A, L, MILL, Manager
Phone 105 30 N. Central
Medford, Oregon
curves, travels rough
pavement with in
credible smoothness,
obeys the four-wheel
brakes instantly yet
with no discomfort to
passengers. And pro
vides a quality of pick
up, flexibility and fast
flushing action that we
urge you most earnest-j
ly to investigate. -
Dtl.lixe Sedan, Si 170; De
Luxe 4-Pait. Coupe, SI 170;
Sport Hoadtttr 31241
Sport Sedan, )12J; f. t. b.
Pnreolona and that the nl- wasl,ho various rumors were due to
full of rumors concerning disturb-1 hostile m a c himitinns. However.
I,lu',,s- . I hey were stated to be unusually
one rumor was that the premier slll(llK lt,id in anv case were given
had been Hiol and wounded but not 1 -,.lim .ladrbl with every reserve.
killed, and another was that there) . 4-
was a rising in llarcebnin. j Having heen tossed into the top
There were no signs of trouble 'of a 11 automobile recently, we have
in Madrid although the rtoops ' come 10 the conclusion that having
were confined to their barracks 'a hone head is not such a llajillity
and it could only be surmised that us is commonly supposed.
Made by the same
maker for thirty years,
the same cigar in blend ,
materials, price,
George W. Childs keeps
its quality. Sumatra
wrapped, long-filled
five full inches, banded
for your protection,
generously good.
Bummer (CjAlL PrIces
1113 North Central
Tel. 631
Southem Oregon
The Pioneer Line of Southern Oregon
operating local service from Medford
to Klamath Falls
Tli is ooiii pniiy bus served ynn fnillifiilly in thn pnst yen
nnd will eontiiuM! uiviitu you excellent nervine.
Riisses leave from Hotel
a. jr.
Lv. McdforfT 8:20
I.v. Ashlnnil 8 :.")() VI P.M II :f( 8:'w
Southern Oregon Stages
Holl Jackson Phone 309
At the Center
'i ;
3 (
53 S '.') i
Ly,H''.i -?n p.3 iv
I.. S.Ik. I MdJiton Slictl
"i.Yi'tM'nVe: Men Is'
H.Mkla.t . . . . (O. 1
I .uru lu'on . . .
Dinner . . . $1.00 M.SH
Sun'lay Diitnor . . . 1-50
liHM-'ST . St I.VliSM
f, 1 f I
I'tt intent
& CO., Distributor
'Oregon '.,
Noon r. jr.
1 2:00 I? :'Jt)
of "Everything
OFFERING central location
Five famous restaurants
with fixed-price meals and service
n la Carte Caragc (oryourcar An
entire floor reserved lor women
guests Choice of over one thou
sand modern guest roomsat reason
able prices tliebiggcstl lotel value
in Cliicaco. On your next trip en
joy La Salle service the utmost
in Hotel accommodations.
Room Rules
I'ricr Pel Day
$2.50 s-i.ou
00 4.50
J.50 5.00
I () 6(K)
5."0 750
('.00 8.ot)
600 OOP
ri i I1AHI. I-. I MUKiN IV'M