Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 18, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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Dy, Kimiliiy, Week
muiLUM! ny mo
- N. Kir St. Phone 76
Editorial Correspondence
' nOHKUT W. RUIII., Editor
8. 8UMITKK HMITU, Manager
I 'An Independent Newsjaper
red as treond claim matter t Med-Tc-gon,
untk-r Act of March 8, 1S70.
.Mary flrciner arrived here tin. ay
iiml will lie hack before this sees
I he I ji4 tL of clay. Alary ha.s had n
fine trip, looks very fit, and sports
Bather mat. 'IThfi-i! wjih mi
aperture in the .screen, hi-hjuil
which vi- finally detected the
Personal Health Service
. . ."6
for Al in
1 In Ailt'iiiice:
, with tiunly. jtar
, with Sunday, month. . .
j, without Sunday, year . .
, without Humiay, month
dy Mail Tribune, one year.
'lay, one yew
-Carrier, In Advance In MHfonl, Anli !
Uold Hill and on Hinhwayii: j her vole und loin of other voles.
iy, with Uiindny, nionUi $ .7f Jiul she doesn't think he w ill lie
w'4"t Sunday, niontli..... ."ft HtM.,r,. This seems to he an oplu-
SiRiied lelOrfl portjthiliiR to personal health and hycirno. not to diKoane iliatfiionlfi or
treatment, will Ik; mtHwrrril liv Dr. liru-lv if a slimmed. M'lf-iiddr.-nstil oiulIoih. in Pi.r-1r.-r., I
eami'ia lens. We won; asked to j I;tlerii hhouhl ho brief and written in ink. Owing to the large number of IctttTH re-
, Smith rill),' on her left hand, change Our portion anil the s'.rnius ; ill(E t0 inHtIwAimm, Address lr. William Brady, in care of this newsnantr.
ngagcim-ni ring. Mary 'of music arose frojn sometthvn , .
This is
is engaged to
vemb.r. As will he ri-tii Il-1 Mary
;bent the worhl by getting an inter
i view with A; :n New York, and
tliiil interview wax i-noiigh for her.
Al, Mays .Mary, is luiiuan and
knows humans, and is goinK In gel
No- I rather a good time and wn were
Informed thai the young ni;cn had
taken "stills" for I'ura mount and
Worked on s(Hin' delai.'s i'oj
"Wings." I'rosto- another picture
hud been laken. Then there was
a suggestion that we should Oliver
Hit- head with n hat, very deli
cately advanced the ;Lare from
tway it
irms, cukIi iu advance.
SAO I Ion almost universally held.
-jiving Full I-eabcd Wire Hcrvife
' paper In city or county receiving
t trlpgraph.
Associated FreM In exclusively en
'to the use for publication of all
JiNpatHics credited to it or otherwise
d in thin paper, and alKO to the local
liblihheil herein.
'Mit for republication of special dli-y-tein
are alito reserved.
'daily average circulation for six
ding April 1, 102H,
j Smudge Pot
i lly Arthur Perry
tlir editorial high forebcvid
I rut ly was loo hH'uiik
! ord was ilaei-d on
Khially yielding to family per- Oi lliophoirJc and proved no h(. the
suasion the writer h;nl his i:ture j VhIkh hunt tvnits. Meforc: we could
tal.en today for Hie first time In pnitest. the brluht yuuiiK man said
UU years. We don't know whether Hie sitting" was over. INiinless
tlio art ami husiness of photora- 1 phulnKraiiliy .vt- null it. U'e have
phy has changed so much in lhe;u .suspicion the pain will conie
past two decades, or whether we ' with the hill,
ran Into an unusual "arteesl."
The last time we had the hack We see Fiamis has aahi won
of our head placed against some I the tennis honors from this cotin
sort of a metal eliinip while the try. Too had Kill Tihlen was ruled
pholonrnpher rcdleil his maehine nut hut no dould he would have
In front somewhere and told us to , '"'en hcaten as he has been before,
hold Ihe chin a hit higher and look Never mind. There are a number
off at mi aiiKlc f -17 decrees, anil!"!' new Mill Tildens hein trained
! I'Vnni a rural village
j reailt;r sendii this lutlur: '
I Near Or. Hrculy:
This In not tor puhlle.ation, please. ,
: heenuse vvuryhotly rottds tin Mull
Trihunt!, even your articles in it.
I mid I 1, 1. .-t (1,. I,. 1 !
was an Inward goiter . . . after
several weeks' rest in hospital metl
icine. X-ray treatiuenls and finally
(he oxygen test was pronouiiced O.
still a very iiorvoiiH iiorson. t.Mra.
U E. W.)
Answer. Kxperloneo is nut n
'"'""-'ntu lulliiiK you about know I had K(,ml t t(;i'dlt-;i'- ' Vou lutvu
' i ii"U luentloncd the matter,
the. distant - , vt ..-iiiK-t.,,.,) u...
tpiest am publishing the letter with
eerlain minor cliaimcH to prevent
possible idenlitlcation because 1
believe it will do
sood. I reserve
the lixht to pub
lish anything any
reader writes to
;nn Antonio. Texas man
'Jul 15 $1000 bills, and
'-iree miles to return tln-m ',..., i,,.,...,.
Vncr, was rewarded ;it'ljI1K ,iUUltlK
ana a uriim oi k'". nv
nd the nienioiy of hl-s
Hvill cheer hint, enroute to
V)lise. hut If ft was us. the
jig attorney would hear
jiitlon of the Volstead act,
miner Kim had set.
then while we held our breath tie
shot and then he shot nnin.
This experleneo was very dif
ferent. We were gi'eeted hy a fresh
faced young man ntllrcd In a Hus
sinn smock with loose sleeves, who
Immediately started a breezy con
versation and asked us to he
seated on a comfortable coach.
Vonien gu. camping along
rlr husbands, who there
piiieticully no rest. (Uh
.g.) The ilownlro d d e n
) . -
isti-rn Oregon hunter mis
nian foi a deer, with the
j-agie ending, and hail no
.license. The victim is Just
is If he had been eareless
:. by a licensed hunter.
his conversation, say
other tilings he h;id
never visited Oregon but was very
anxious to do so (Hie girl with the
wind -blown bob had apparent! v
tipped off the you..g man as to
our habitat), a screen adorned
with yellow butterflies and purple
grapes was placed before us, und
tin the conversation continued we
were informed the picture had
been laken.
ushaud of Kutlt Kldcr, the
r of the Atlantic, who was,
has Joined Com. Jlyrd's
Ion to the South I'ole, ami
f bhuueH him much.
I gentlemen ai'e not treat
cry well by their families
use they have hardly
lied to their subject hc
- some Juvenile reminds
i that they have told thnl
f before, but they go
d with it, anyway. Having
ticlr youth broken the lee
y morning In order to
iti and walked four miles to
iml, they are not easily dln
iged. I mure local : ;clU.ejiH tire
' jjp fur .the duration of the
i! They report Al Hmllh
.'fine faJ days fall guys are
ig down the Main Kteui
: liauts of full cuuIh,
-j l'ord -Coupe of the local
i Itrlllsh set.Vho hits been
'.with a nd loot of the late
. v. tf:omoteil him to major
flvo sua)py stories
naturally uiarcelled
ntnlng was playing
eral were thunder-
'.an., Itegister)
liking the other day
i.-s and Kpoke of our
'and how we studies
ds comic wrlghtlng,
.eadwuy spoke up and
sure remember Wards
ing and it has follow -
irough lite and I see
f bad spelling. Som
ill right, (hen some
not but I would not
ne to use the comic
f. hen tile true spelling
I he liahblts are bard I
h you are going to
rtl Nye, ore mnno other
; vi'hell cuine down front
it'ini a few days With her
- fhoti K'elley is home can
;rui es. She says Lallarpe
uinks tu Mrs. Ilerbeit
j & Airs Paul & Airs. .1.
v a nice treat of grapes.
Moppeth his ears at the
. vs V I'uur, he all so shall
vlylf and shall not be
fshall miived to K C ore
j wher Charley has a
jnch. We wish her well
home, but she is honie-
al is taking roomer,
(way Madness
it State Theatre
i jkdwny Mildness" Is at the
jwmvr. This Is the picture
t' haN been - called the best
' V starring Marguerite, de In
'roadway dancer who con-'
r- villi an .attorney to collect
rritanco belonging to another
I 'ihe dancer goci to the other
ytome, liven there and umldsl
' .iren InfluuiiceM of the eouu-
,ie learns to Ilk the life of
, eople moro than ihe did the
, Mime hectic utinospherc In
.h she moved on I (roadway.
f losp iho Inheritance nhe came
- . cullect, hut gains far more it
'al and lasting love which she
h never hoped to attain or even
i hited In Iho mad excitement that
i her llf whn nhn whm known
icen of the od DlggeiH."
-V Illlhitrn. Margaret Cloud.
ty Cowl. I .o ills Payne, Hubert
orrul Humphi-cvH, Thoman
t here In ( lalifornia. Watch t his
! young chirp Keith f Meiihill, who
j won the MI ate Mingles title here
j yesterday, i tiler ho had won the
: Junior singles in the morning, S
jselH In one day, and every set a
smashing fight. As if Uiis were
not enough ho started on a double
'match after grabbing two titles,
but had to cajl il a day after Ins
ling two sets a.nd winning one. All
Clenhill needs is more KtremUh
and as he is still In Ifis teens, he I
will certainly get that. .As far as
ihe technique of the game is con
cerned, and l tie headword, he Is a
champion now, In ens, accuracy
and coolness he reminds one very
not learned, itrst, that "nervous
breakdown" is a nyjro evasion, and
.second, that it is dil'licnll enough '
tor the doctor to determine what
ails you ami what to do about it
when he examines you and studies !
your condition thoroughly. Many I
readers ask me about the treat
met oi goiter. 1 can give no in for- -mation
or advice about that. It is
provided al- ."- . ........ lu
unii l"'t .Ml oou eisu cull
ways there is no
Itolrayal of conti
luncc.t If the people
who object to hav
ing you .'dvo sex
ilistnietion to young' ooys or kIi'Ib
had been with mo a while ano- I
believe their views might change.
Maybe they confuse you witli
(here the correspondent names a
notorious nostrum for "female
I attended a relative's annivoi.
sary dinner to which a 21-year-old
niece hrois'ht her three children.
It was the first time, I helfeve, she
had over laken the two oldest any
where. Olio is nearly 5 years old,
and notices a few tilings, but can't
walk, sit or move her own head.
The second, a hoy, 2, is just a
lump of clay that breathes and
much of the OolienyH of Kngland j . . , " 1 "ul ' '""'"""
....... ,, ,., 1 h.e liaby girl 11 months old. Is up-
1 1'Jii.millv mi,., I
I ' n. .,' ....'-.. fir more afler such n mil lent inn. IJer
I yjn mo I'ourth ol July, six years . ..: ,'. ' , ,
ago, Ibis girl ami her "boy friend." ,f , V010 fective remedy Is
tinii,n,. ...iti. i,, 1 liltlell s ointment which con-
i wlnt held Iho tennis
siii ps LMi years ago.
It. W. H.
possibly give you sound advice. I
; am glad to send to any reader who t
asks for it, instructions and advice'
about the use of iodin to U'cvcnl :
( goiter, provided the reuuest is ac
companied with n stamped address
ied envelope. Hut the treatment of
j goiter Is not a question that I can 1
Uleal with. j
I think it was in your column I :
isaw recommended a saturated solu
tion of salicylic acid in alcohol for!
whatever it is that makes trouble i
lietwoen , the toes itching, crack-:
ing, sweating and foul odor. I have
found this to be the most effective '
! control measure, though not a cure. :
ill''. C.N.) i
I Answer. Yes, the solution of all
: the salicylic acid the alcohol will j
(dissolve is one good application, if)
J you can gel it. Once or twice daily, i
j applied between the toes only. Do I
not cover the feet for a half hour ;
I'eace is 1 1n prriiid .wlicn prominent. Anici'icuti.s remain
Kliropc inilil il's over over here.
IVrlVct liliss is iniiiltiiinalili', lull smin'1 liiu'u' like il comes In
(lie si I Iiiisi'Iiiiiii who (ri'ls four liils nihilist tile leiim lliul
I'olotistMi llilll.
.Mussolini seenis'ii groal, niun Id
lliul kind (if mini is ureal.
kiinl nl' people wliu Ihink
Thank iioilncss! AikiI lirr seasiin enilini
trying- In introduce niaslin' ear srrvt'd with
v i 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 aiiyliiuly
t-(ll! is'tlnil
tiling we like iiliiinl. Iiai'd-lmileil seienl il'fl; kninvl
ynii never see il hound in llinp leather.
A woman is u person win') lliinks it's iigiiinsl Hit! law to take
.your lime nlicinl nnswerinu; Hie leleplioiie.'
Il's cay In tin the rijrhl lliin' hy doinu; wind Ihe rifihl people
do. Tim hard part is In ilccidc which are the rijilit, pcnplc.
anil his ".;;lr ti iend.' went away l
from home on a picnic by them
selves. In the early winter both
couples were married. In the fol
lowing spring each coupo had a
child. The other couple's child
seems nornjal.
I think tills girl probably took
some kind of dope, besides lacing ;
herself as tightly as she could, try- i
ing to avoid thu inevitable. I Im-!
:,.,, -!, ,,. i ,l I. I
t lio second child, but not with the i '"'
Mtl'11,.1 n ,,u !... n ..1.1,. "Hie
advocated result in such' disaster 1
as that? Only '.'I now. married to I
(a man for whom she has neither!
respect nor afleelion and
sihle for two helpless imbeciles
Iter fallier and grandfather were
heavy drinkers, but all her other
near relatives are normal. I know
nothing about her husband's family.
A very fine toucher in one. of
our local school undertook to lu
soiuo whoiosoinu sex instruction in
Iho physiology or hygiene course
lor girls and there was an Inimutll
ule snarl of protest front' parents,
some of whom saw red and uttered
the most scurrilous eonimeuts.
Itemember, no publication and no
recognizable comments. ' -Sincerely,
(By Walt Mason.)
"IM surely like in roast the;
boss." said William Wiggler
West; "1 think he is u total loss,
his methods I detest. Jlc still
adheres to outworn wnys, to
plans his fathers knew, while,
people in these, modern days,
should modern ways pursue."
"Uefore you roast the -boss,", I
said, "It's proper to resign: then
you may strive to knock him.
dead with language high and
fine. While yet you draw your
wanes down, the boss you' should
exalt, and swear he is the best
in town, without a flaw or fault.
Then people hearing you will
say. 'His loyalty is fine!- I low
good and noble Is the jay,' who
takes that honest line!' Your
boss will hear about your praise,
and it wilt make a lilt : and he
wilt think il time to raise your
salary a bit. Hut if you roast
the careworn boss, he'll hear it
and he'tl fret: and surely he
won't como across with higher
pay, you bet. He'll say, 'That
Aleck Is too smart, he thinks
he knows It nil: he has no kind
ness in his heart, and he is long
on gall. .And now that trade is
getting slack, and I can spare
some men, I'll fire him, and he
won't come back, while I am
boss, again.' Disloyal men are
always first to feci the cleaver's
edge, and with remorse thev
nearly burst, when It's too late
to" hedge. If you can't stand
your boss, young man, go to him,
face to face," and tell him he's
an also ran, a lias-been, a dis
grace. But do nol knock him
day and night, and say he's out
of line with every tiling that's
fair and bright unless you first
sists of six parts salyciiic acid, 1J 1
pat ts benzoic acid, in enough pc-
troteum to make 100 parts of oint- j
ment. Apply this once or twice
daily, and do not cover within an;
hour. Often it is wise to dilute j
either the alcoholic solution or the i
ointment half and half, hy mixing
with an equal quantity of alcohol !
or petroleum. As a rule these rem-
edies will give the hest effect if'
used tor a week, then laid aside!18 stlU thc cry of the be,ir
land and widely known horseman,
Idled tuday after a long illness.
Although he had been i"u:ing for
j fifty years hu failed , to win a
1 classic until last year when his
Ij-Jeani won the Oakcs.
! An unusual feature in counec
ilionT'lih the carl's death is Unit
j his twin brother, the lion, l-'rede-rlck
Lambton, succeeds to the
peerage at the age of nearly -"-I.
The earl himself succeeded to the
liilu 50 years ago. The Knglish
; peerage, rarely if ever has fur-.
' n I shed such an unusual situation.
Safest Way to
Stop Pain
It Is pot necessary to take heart
depressing drugs or dope of any
kind tu relieve nerve torture caus
ed by neuritis, neuralgia, sciatica
or rheumatism, .lust apply Tys
mul over the part thai hurts and
see how quickly you will be free
from discomfort,
Tysmol is a soothing, healing ab
sorbent that goes iu lit rough thu
liorcs and drives ouL inflammation
which has settled in the nerves,
The minute you rub iL on you can
feel it beginning to relieve. I'iiIiih
and aches soon slop, congestion is
removed, and soreness and inflam-
i mation gradually disappear,
j Although Tysmol is put up es
I pecially for nerve pain and in flit in -j
mation. sufferers have found it
'equally Kood fur taking tin? misery
i out of sliff, swollen or aching
commending ihe abolition j j'dnts. Also fine for lame back and
muMeuiai M"i eiiert. I'leusiiiu, 11111 m-
less and easy to use. Don't fail
to try It if you want genuine, last
ing relief. You gel a liberal sun
ply for 51 at any drug store. Al
ways in stuck at 'Strang's Drug
I CKNKVA. Sept. I H. A1 A reso
I of licensed houses jn all countries!
! was .adopted by the League of Na-j
j lions assembly today al a session
I which took up report on vice con
ditions, f
Lord Cushendun, Uritish dele-
gate, after presentation by two j
women delegates of a report on
traffic in women and children de
Notice is
N ot let.
hereby given
that on
consider whether their
sufficiently stringent
laws liri' f ,i i(f1'it Ii-riiratinn Uls-
prevent I ,,-let. nctinir as a Board of Kciliall-
the nefarious yoi k of commercial- Zfltion. will meet in the office of
izlng and encouraging vice. the District, 323 South Fir Street,
Senator Haoul Dandurand. t'a- I Medford, Oregon1, for the purpose
, iinn,,tn .,.!....,) .. i of r c v l e w i n g ann correeiins
presented a re
port on questions calculated to
promote child welfare. The report
was unanimously approved.
Mrs. Woudrow W 1 1 s o u was
i among the auditors at today's ses
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 1S.
C'uttlo and calves Steady,
Brisbane's Today
I logs .Steady, no receipts.
Sheep and lambs Receipts
i h e district assessment a n a
apportionment of taxes for the
lax year l!l-R - 1S2!). Such as
sessment list as approved and
adopted by the Board of Directors,
is now on file In the office of the
District where It Is open for in
spection by atl persons interested.
lly order of the Hoard of Direc
tors, Medford Irrigation District.
K. M. WILSON, Secretary.
Dated: Aledford, Oregun, Sep-'
tember 4th, 11)28.
Summons for Piilillcatlon.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale
of Oregon for Jackson County.
City of Medford, a municipal cot
poratton. Plaintiff,
(Continued from Page One.)
11 1 lr.onvrr may have omc ficioil points as a politician, but
yon can't iiiia;inc Al calling- llicui "mere phnlngTaphrrs."
a week or two. '
What I Mean
What do you mean when you say
are no pores ill tile skin?
How do you account for hlackheadt
and other impurities that lodge iu
Ihe skin? If there is no such thin-'j
us mires 1 ou ciin von irnl i-iil ,t
,. ' these impurities'.'. IMiss K. K.I
course, tile exchange must
Hut why
bears to steady things,
llli one of them'.'
United States treasury business 1
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. I .X. 01)
Wholesale prices.
Butter, eggs, milk, poultry, po
tatoes, onions, wool, nuts, hay.
easeara ba'rk and hops Steady, j
Portland Wheat
PORTLAND, Ore.,' Sept. IS. -UP)
Wheat 1-iig Bend bluestem, bard
white $1.37; soft while St. 15: wes-
on Saturday amounted to two bib i $K0S t. . . nul.t'ho',.n ' H1.lnB 5,.u!tli;
lions of dollars, double the amount : western red Sl.oxu.
of our national debts before tho I oats No. 2-3.X lb. white S33.
Answer. Pore moans an oneninu ! 'r. Today's ear
through which something is absorb-1 1,10 country has paid off two of I 112. barley 2,
ed. There Is nothing like that id j the four Liberty loans. The amount hay 2.
the skin. .Mention that you have ' auoui eigni iniiions. tnc
blackheads and Inclose a stamped i "mount still due on "Liberties" is
envelope bearing, your address. i 8S.22H, 195.750. War is an expen-
I sive luxury, especially when you
J get into somebody else's war.
flour S, corn
Rose Conliff; Edgar Conllff. hus
'band of Hose Conliff: Betty May
Polklnghorn; Henry Polking
horn; Mary Louise Oudehus, an
Administratrix of the Estate ot
H. E. Oudelius, deceased: also
all other persons or parties un
known, claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest In tho real
estate described in the Complaint
herein, Defendants.
To ROsc Conliff; Edgar Conliff,
husband of Rose Conliff; Betty May
Polklnghorn; Henry Polklnghorn;
also all other persons or parlies
unknown claiming any riglit, title,
estate, lion or Interest in tile real
estate described in tho Complaint
herein. Defendants:
In the'namc of thc State of Ore
gon: You and ench of you aro
i,n,.f.K.. vruli.rl In nonear anil nn-
Wheat I sw01. 1ie complaint filed against
I Copyright John K Dille Co.)
"Hiving- is a process nl" snlil racl ion. " For example
pil 1 1 in I g-ives a politician thunder seems much smaller.
Americanism : (live mc lilicrly
sccin In lie cndaner'nii; my soul."
-lint cramp my slyli: il' I
Unssin wasn't invited lo sijin the
ipiil, yon will rcinciulicr, loner licl'orc
pledge lo ipiil
Ihe allies tlid.
nil remains lo lie decided is
slrcnglli of Siuilli Kcpnlilicans and I loovcr Dmocrals.
Keep Cliurcli
li'"llg-ll lordlier
M iddlc ag-c is
and Slate apart. Two g-nod lilllc hoys, lichig
licconic two rotten lilllc liovs.
lie period when a lover is loo old I
poclry and loo young- lo write si II v Idlers.
Nlrang-r how radio ciiiiinrcrs can time Ihe inl rodiicl ion
improved models lo fit your last installment on Ihe old one.
The only possible cause .of the
feeble miudednesH of the child or
children that I can sec ill the isir
respondelll's recital is tile alcohol-
till! pill- Inn of the father and .jrandfatlier.
Tile corrosVondonl implies Unit
the expectant mother's tight lacing,
iete., had something to do with the
j feeble inindedness of the first two
I children. While it is heller for the
I expectant mm her to avoid any and
lull forms of dress restileiion or
any and all forms or arlll'ical sup
jporl. I do not believe that anything
Mills young woman may have done
or atlenipled in (lie course of her
! expectancy had any erfeet on Ihe
'menial development of her unborn
numerical children.
i Lest tlie present reader fail to
I draw a moral from ibis slory I ven
ture tu poiul out one ol the morals
Itiat may he drawn from it: The
correspondent is ipiile human and
harbors vague fancies about the
uiuses of congenial defects. Xenriv
every layman harbors similar in
accurate notions. People acquire
these odd notions because their
arhooliiKj has Included no Instruc
tion of u proper kind about this
vital subject. Innocent victims of
bud heredity or other misfortunes
iiflen suffer from undeserved stl:
lit I I I n Mi lLAJI JA JJJH M'
lu III' new ttitktn' plclm-cs docs
Hi' licni Jest say l Ills sweetie, "I
Ime you." uu' let It go at lliul, or
do they still glue l.lteir mouths
t'gether fee til' fadeout? It takes
sonic coiieciilrtillit' t' cross a street
uu' remember what fee.
(Copyright, John Dille Co.)
j livery day in New York City 12,
1 000 people pay the telephone coin
I pany 0 cents for answering "What
i time is it?"
Nineteen thousand asked on the
opening day of public schools.
tneie niii.ii ue uiaijy uiiienaoie
Ji-ra? clocks and watches, although mod-
InuitAiMHAlV 1 oni "laiiufaetiiring produces
.-'"'r-V .... iil watches and clocks absolulelv n..
liable. An opportunity there for
more energetic advertising.
And advertising is needed also,
In the cotton toxtlle industry.
Silk and rayon have been allow,
cd to drivo out cottn, with no ap
parent effort by cotton men to hold
their own. Merely cutting' down
wages, closing mills, discharging
men. etc., Is a poor substitute for
energetic business tidvortisins
Edward C. Stokos, once governor
of New Jersey, says that Governor
Smith, If elected. COULD chnnge
the prohibition law, no matter what
anybody says.
He could "appoint supreme court
j justices whose opinion run witli
i his mind." And those justices
could make the Volstead law anil
the ISth amendment ineffective.
That opinion will stir up militant
Wall Street Report
NJ-;W YOKK, Sept. IS. A
wave of selling, presumahly in
spired hy tiie calling of ?:T.t)UU,qin
in hank loans, turned the course of
prices irregular today after an
early outhurst of strength had car
ried nearly two score issues, into
new high ground. Thc ticker, was
again swamped with the volume of ,y, h uuc4 or 1
...., ii...r f.,in i ' follows, to-wit:
more behind the market.
Thc closing was Irregular. There
was more general selling In Un
popular stocks, especially Warner
liros. Tictures common, which
dropped to Ktl'ii in the closing
hour following tho expected boost
in call money to 7Mi. Yellow
Truck, however, climbed to 41, Hit
year's highest, and u block of
liO.auO shares of Sinclair Oil was
laken on its way up to li!l while
Kelvlnator Corporation rose 3
points. In the higher priced class,
A. ,M. By era made a rapid advance
of more than S pointB and Colum
bia -Gas touched a new high at 130.
Total sales approximated 4,300,000
vou in tho above entitled suit on or
'before the last day of four wc-ksi
from tho date of tho first puhlica
' tion of this summons, said period
' of four weeks beginning thc time
1 prescribed for publication hereof,
and if you fall so to appear and
answer said Complaint, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply fo
thc Court for Mio relief demanded
in its Complaint, to-wit: That il
decree be entered adjudicating any
and all right, title, estate, lien or
claim which you or any of you
have or claim to have in, to. or
upon the real property situated in
the City of Medford, Jackson Coun
ty, State of Oregon, described as
The Noted Dead
it's a nice, friendly spiril that enables ca ni.'ii lend.
crs on linlli sides to point out the others.' political liliimlcrs.
inn put upon Iheni by well meaning .Ml Smyrna. Iho uuf n tunate city of I STOCKTON, Cttl., Sept. 18. P)
bill erratic observations, fancies or I Asia .Minor, was visited by two! Albert C Parker " 59 for 33 con-
vieted criminal."
el this science: "My personal I'ccliiigs," said
never influence me in I'ixinir the ntiiiishitienl ol' n.
acuaintance, eanhquaki
felt at
suspicions of their
neighbors or friends. This is
monstrous Ihing and a disgrace to
our public education system.
In 1P2I I had a severe nervous
breakdown . . . doctor said it
today. The first was
. in. and thc second at
llolh were severe nnd
caused some
details have
Bad Legs
Do Your IVet Swell and luriaine
ami Jet So Sure Vou Can
Hardly Walk?
To stop the misery, pain or sore
I ness, help reduce dangerous 'swol
: len veins and strengthen the legs,
j use iMoono's Kmeral Oil. This clean
powerful penetrating yet safe anti
septic healing oil is simply wonder
secutive years Justice of the peace
of Stockton township, and who dnr-j fU for t'Tcers Old Sores and Bru
in p that time had married 0000 1 ken Veins. Heath's and all first-
pioperty Damage, but , couples, died here early this morn-' fhiss drug stores.
not been received. ing after an illness of a week. I
MUTT AND JEFF The Talking Films May Mean a Fortune for Jeff
Medford Is the county seat ano i LONDON, Sept. 1 s, oPi The I
metropolis ot the Rogue Itivei j Karl, of Durham, one of the lead
valley and gateway to Crater Lako. ing landowners of northern Enir-
Commencing at a point 130 feet
west of the northeast corner of Jot
One (1 In Jilock Three CI) uC
Ban's Addition to tho City of Med
ford, Oregun; thence south 1 49
feet: thence west 100 feet; thence
north 14!) feet; thence cast 100
feet to the place of beginning, and
declaring any and all such claims
to be null and void, and decreeing
that said plaintiff is tho owner iu
feo simple of said promises and of
tho whole thereof, free and clear
of tiny and all right, title, estate,
lien or interest of said defendants,
or any of them, and that each anil
all of tho defendants herein, und
each and all persons claiming nr
to claim by, through or under
them, or any of them, bo forever
enjoined, restrained, and barred
j from asserting, attempting to es
(tahlish. or claiming any riuht. title,
; estate, lien or Interest in or to sr.iu
j property, or any portion thereof,
and that plaintiff's title to said
I premises be forever (iiiielcd and.
sot ot rest.
Tills Kummons Is published by
'order of the Honorable W. J. Hart-
zell, County Judge uf Jacksun
j County, Oregon, made and entcrfld
in said Court and !causo on .. tho
L'7th day of August, 11HI8, pt'escrib
j lug that tliis summons be served
j by publication thereof unco each
, week fur four consecutive-weeks
i in the Medford Mall Tribune, a
'daily newspaper published In Jack
;son County, Oregun. August 2Sth,
li2X, is the. date of the first uub-
Hcation of thrs summon?.
Attorneys for' IMaintiff.
l'ost Office Address:
Medford. Oregon.
Mail Tribune ads arc
SO.ot'O people every day.
I T - ran 1 : : ttttl r 1 1 .
thS? J 8Pb' THeRe vajht's MoiOSCMse: motion tmctlmr actors AcTResses in Tfte Moot& aiM't got wo J
cv ISftiftff ssiifes xiy zf p
oiii iU r inner anil Jack
in the east.
1 ' - . '- !
- " - - - - - r" M . , . mmm.