'Ml ','! X v&m two MEDFORD M"ATG TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1928. Jocal and Personal Qnite a difference wns Tnnu"tlinni cornier of ('emhil Point, in Hie nlnri; on the nnrt:i side of- Jtcpluca those otrt brushes with Vst M:iin street between" Molly i n,.w om'S from the local Fuller Olid Ivy streets, when three ldti j Unish Man. For immediate serv wnliuit trees and one onk tree wen- j ice I'hone 12!M-J. 181 cut down this fnrutinon and re-j Teiniiornry aulo licenses were s mnvec from the front ynrd of the j sln.,i n( nherlff's office mdny Hay Toft home between the lni-! to the IMoree-AUen Motor com versily club and .the llntnl Med- 1 puny. .Alpha Arthur and Waller ford. The reason assinned for i Ki h-k of Mfdford and William their removal Is that the ireejf were! MiniKUtf of Phoenix, ilyliif.'. ' Mr. and Mrs. W.iHni Morrison Kxira special bargains. Several ! of chieo. .'at., arrived In Med ford hundred more mw fall hats Just today to visit friends anil relatives in-rived and art offei t-d at those ; while en route to S;iItu. where money saving bargains of j they pinn to attend ih county fair. X.I.'IX. 2.UX. SI. JtS and I.U0. S. & Just received I he new Dndire II. stamps jriven. tun. with our nar - wains. The Kmmy l.ou lint Shopi'" in M. M. Store. IKS .Miss .Kthel P.oiissiim. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Chas. lioiissuni. has been heriou.dy ill at her home at 'JI Kdwards street, for the past week. Miss lioussum is a (jradnate of the Medford hfcrh sehool arnl a very successful young music teaclier. . , . Don't ndss the bargains at' the Emmv l.ou Hat Shop In M. M. St or lKTi Cuests from a distance register. ed at Medford hotels include 1'. T. Knlirhi oT Vnncouver. It. C. und O. M. 1,. Ileldern of Winnipeg, (.'auadii. . ' Thomas Ttealty Co., Rm. 12 Palm 7ilk cor. Main and Front, upslairH. Furniture, chattel' loans, contracts discounted. 'f Mr. and Mrs. I.eon In-own are among the local motorists who made n week end trip to Marsh field and other coast points. Not much change In tempera ture and fair, weather Is forecast for tonight and tomorrow. Yes terday's maximum was !'2 and this morning's minimum was 4!. New arrivals from Cage in new nmart felts priced very modest at 0.50. A flae hat Jells the style. The Itatld Hox. 223 Knst fitll St., Invites you. - lH-r For the regular meetlnf; of the city council tonlKht much routine nnd other business will be up for consideration. Terry Talent left Ashlanil yesler- i day for Pendleton, where he will aticnd the round-up. Kn route h will stop at Portland to testify In federal court. Shingling, reshingllng, roof re pairing. 1. N. AlcCoIlum, K3tt X central. Phone 13U3-W. 1 SlipH of climbing Dr. ! Inly and climbing Virginia ( ox roses are available al the Chamber of Corn Mrs. H. D. AlcCnskcy, who brought lb a supply lo the chamber this morning for tree distribution. She plans to bring : in other slips as they tire cut by gardeners at her orchard ho(ne on ; the. Old .Stage roa d . , j , , . . . , Dr. A. Iturlflund. e.)lropraelor, room .114, Liberty Itjdg. Kvenlngs by appointment. . IX1 Air, nnd Mrs, John A. Fltihrer left today for a motor trip of y month through 'Canada and the state nC WaKhlngton, where they will visit frletlds and relatives. Mr. nnd Airs. D, W. Iteynolds of the Hotel Holland left Ihls after noon for Pendleton to attend Ihe annual round-up which Is to begin there tomorrow. Complete lino Par Iter pen sets to chooHe frum.. Sno them at Office Stationery & Supply Co. tf , Callfornlans registered at Aled for hotels Include Mr. and Mi'h, t'. It. llnmrlck and son nnd F. A. Hor tier of (Ih'ndale. C. G. Cohkran of Sacramento, 10. C. Knight of Santa Itarbarn, I Talmndgiwind F. T im k hi of Dunsmulr, ). A, ltoydston, Mr. and Mrs. William Dufree and Franlt Yung of Cottonwood, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Miles nnd George Anderson of T.os Angeles and Air. and Airs. F. A. Hammengratn. Dora Hell, T. A. llopkhiH, I.. A, William son 1 and William Man tell of Sun Francisco. Just received the. new Dodge Senior Six sport Medan. On display Tuesday, Wednesday und Thursday of this week at the salesroom of lOakln Motor Co.. Dodga Dealer Call, look It over and make ap pointment for demonstration. 1711 A. II. Soukup will spend $75 foi repairs to a dwelling on Lewis ave nue, according to a building per mil issued by the city today. The names of Uev. T. II, Tem ple of .Medford and Itev. C. C. Rarick of Grants Puss are men tioned as possible candidates for superintendent of dm Salem dis trict of the First Alethodlst Kpis copnl church, which office will In filled at the annual conference being held ttt Hood Rover this week.1"-' ' - - School kiddies enjoy a lunch of vitamin rich MILK BREAD as labeled b y FLUHRER. Give them plenty of this healthy food. It will pay large dividends in robust, healthy youngster. AnimiK t h" nut of town visitor from nf(ii"li.v points who wove in Mod ford today were Mrs. William firey of Milt, .Mrs. Ornre Ut-Wv of lt'.i-. Mi-, and Mrw. Kd Ilonslon nf Trail, Oonrfto Curler of. Tuleui, (i. C. Moore of Phoenix nnd . Wll- , M-nlor hx sport sedan. On display Tuesday, Vedni.sday and Thursday of this week at tin salesninrn f Knit In Motor Co.. Dode Dealer. ( atl, look il fiver and make ap pointment for demonstration. 17!i Many Vrekens attended the Jackson comity fair at Medford this wee);. The fair Is reported to have been u bin success, with nu merous special features. Therf were excellent automobile exhibits, purebred eallle and sheep, and : first-class fruit. The rnclmr card was declared to have been satis fying, as were Ihe mil exhibitions. Siskiyou Dally News, Just received the new Dodc Senior Six sport sedan. On display Tuesday, Wednesday und Thursday of this week at the salesroom of Mil kin Moinr Co., DoiIkc Dealer. Call, look It over nnd make ap pointment for demonstration. I7!i Included amontr the Di-eonlans reentered at Medford hotels are Wieo. W. Knlj-ht of Hubbard. D. O. Ilerrobl or Salem. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cat hey of Albany. I,. K, Itean !ind (i. K. Iteall of KiiKene, Dr. I). W. Leslie of Marshfield nnd S. (',. Sellck tif Hoseblim. Our blK shipment of Parker pen sets has arrived. Hen them at orfice Stationery A Supply Co. tf When he appeared In Judfre Tay lor's court yesterday, the rase of John Doe Walkins, charged with disorderly conduct, was continued for further investigation. Walkins was arrested Saturday nlu'ht at til fnlm-nunds pavilion, following i NKht and scuffle with several others, and according to author i Itles. two brothers, relatives of his, pounced on Watklns, who was also set Upon by two local residents, one of whom kicked Watkins in the ribs afier he was down on the floor. The fight H nitrlhuled to an obi (piariel. Jllst received the new Dodge Senior Six sport sedan. On display Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of .this week at the salesroom of Kit kin Motor Co., Dodge Dealer. Cult, look It over and make ap pointment for demonstration. J7!i Air-view photos of the Jackson county fair, the Tomlln Hox com pany and the Owen-Oregon mill are ultra cling considerable atten tion from pasHersby In, the display case of ,1, Verne Shangie In front of (hn AlndTord building, In which he is Hie proprietor of a portrait studio. The. plciureH were taken last week, I am a pupil of John M. Wil liams und an experienced piano icacher. , For lessons phono 1042 W. , Alt'H, Ida Wood. J S3 After spending two weeks In this city as the guest of her daughter tad son-in-law, Air. and Mrn. lOarl Itrown, Airs. M. 10. Sample of Chico, Cal., returned to her home this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Drown have been employed at the .Merrick, auto camp during the summer. j . DrcHsmnkliiK a n d remodeling. Fashion Shop, 4LM Medford Ithlg. tf The body of William Dnrr, who passed away at Oakland, Cal., this week, was brought here this morn ing in preparation for v burial at Jacksonville. Air. Itarr formerly resided in Medford until five years ago.' Mrs. I la it and her daugh ter. M rs. A da Al . Ca Id well, a lso came here today. Airs. G. 11. DozeM arrived here this morning from San Frnneisen, being called by the death of hen husband, who passed away at the home of a sister. Airs. Hd Flene ;)f Sardine creek, Sunday, Septem ber 1 7, bis r.tiili birthday anni versary. The deceased had spent lie pasl seven weeks convalescing it the home of his sister. Another dsler, Mrs, Clara Johnson of Port laud, also was visiting at the Flene home, 'I'b Is Is the first lime the three have been together In Hi years, Funeral services will be held in Portland, the family ca nceling lo reach there early to morrow. The W, C, T. r. will meet at the V. W. C. Thursday a Iter noon at o'clock. Mrs. Louise Peru! of Ashland !s president nf the Iteheknh ns tembly of Oregon and Is visiting he different lodges of the state In 'ounectlon with the lodge work. Al embers of the Oregon State Agricultural College club In this vicinity attended a picnic dinner il Kvershudy park last evening. Following Ihe lunch, dancing was 'ii joyed In the open-air pavilion. There were several new members ni-csent. Alomni and active members of tig ma Nti fraterilty held n lian tiet ut the Hotel .Medford last night vlth a number of rush guests in tttendance. Following the dinner, Don Newbury presided over the ntertainmeni. Deputy Sheriff Paul Jennings I vm not on duty today. Yesterday morning he started for, Pendleton, 'xpectimr to attend the iniimDup Hid spend the remainder of his vacation at various other cities, The Ml. ones Mary Uehh and "rownintr Purdin arrived here the flint of the week after spending n two wceka' vacation In San Fran clnco nnd Los Aitfreles. where they vlidted relatives and friends, William Lee Groenleaf, popular local dramatist who hat recently presented nevernt entertainments over KAtF.D, left hero today on n six weeks' tour of the coast, lie 'Xpects to visit .Marshfield nnd con tinue down the coast, stopping at Intervals to give monologue pro grams before various Ki-ottps en mite, , i.iV nT .' - I Among the Mod ford represen-; MarrfaKe licenses were Issued at tallves of the Oregon Tlibereu losis I ihe county clerk's office yester I society meetim; held at lionelim-jr lu iwj?o Well, and llladys i ., , ... iJ-amb, Hi, of WlldervlUe; Joseph : this week will be Mrs. It. .1. A il- J.J V !(m, A-ry UM( ,0 j liams. Mi's. John Crews, Mrs. 1-. both of Sams Valley; Korrest Tay J I'.undy, Mrs, A. J. Mamby and .Miss v, leal, and Freda Alexander, ll.cnore Itvun. The first four worn-! huih of San Francisco; i en are a committee from thi ifircfiter Med ford club. ! William Itutz of Idaho Falls, i Ida,, (firmerly connected with the liyan Fruit company here, is a , KUesl In the city for a few days. ; M r. I (ut Is accompanied by hi ; bride of a week. Mrs. W. M. Shields of Wallow Is vIsIUiik friends In Medford and vicinity for several days this week. ! Mr. Shields was formerly minister of the local Presbyterian church, f Student body tickets which will cover all athletic events as well ; as subscription to the Hi-Times. ; hih school publication, will be is- sued this year for the first time. j according lo dfudsioii- reached at the first council meetinK of I he fall term held September 13. The tickets Will lie $l.'.0 e:ich. Miss Helen Holers, a senior, was elected secretary of the student body of the IiIkIi school at a re- j j,,.ssion f nu.,th(t was fined ? f,00 1 morrow niKht lo attend the wed cent meetiiiK. to fill the vacancy ! yesterday in Jude Taylor's cout tl-'inn of Uev. Ilelnap's brolher. caused by Ihe resignation from f-:un his nle:i of L-uiltv on the lot-I They will be p-one about a week. fiee or Mins Ml low Mae Wilson, i Members of the council include of-j fliers of the student body, presl-1 dents of all urn on I organizations j and the editor of the Crater and! Hi-Times. I A parly o 1' friends called at idustries during the week ending the Home of ,lr. and Mrs, fienrge ( September i:t. according to re Senicr last night to help celebrate j ports filed with the state Indus her birthday anniversary. The! trial accident commission. A total evening was spent in playing cards. !of UOI Industrial accidentH, all sub- Mr, and Airs. Frank Semon oftject to the provisions of the wm-k-IClamalh Falls are guests al the linen's compensation act, were filed home of Air. and Airs. !. A. Kd- with the commission during the wards on South Newtown street week. jthis week. I The mining industry in south- All, and Airs. A. W. Alason left fern Oregon will be considerably here Sunday morning on a two 'more active this year than usual, weeks' vacation trip. They expect- ecording to George Mnxwell. local ed to motor along the coast, visit j mining authority. lie reported Ing Crescent City, Ihiudon and i .Ma rshnehl. .Miss Alarporie Caves returned t Medford today after spending sev eral days visiting friends at Port laud. Glen Put man went lo Jlamath Falls Sunday morning where he will be employed by a lumber com pany during the fall and winter months. This aflernou a parly of women, Including Airs. V. H. .MeGov;i,n and Airs. Charles Gilbert, were i terinlucd at the summer home of Airs. JOIwood on Koguc river. Word was received here thi: morning that Airs. .1. J. if itchier who has been recuperating from an Illness at the home of a sister, Airs, ivce Swinson at San Francisco, for several weeks, is much Improv ed In health. A bounty warrant was issued at Die county clerk's office, yesterday to Al. A. Knoble of Medford for the killing of a coyote. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ''Oil SALIO One good as new bas sinette, less than half price; one good heating slnve. cheap. Call - at 11 Hi lOing St; - DM) A PA 11TAI KNT-Unl'urn'shed; steam . heat, frlgidaire, Janitor service; plenty hot water, abundance of bullt-lns, Cnrglll Court Apart ments. i"!Hf WA NTIOD 2 college men would like exclusive board and room this wilder. Phone Nil?. 1 no MO It HA MO Piano. Phone 11. .v. l.ofland, 470-H , 1S1 FOlt SAMO lOlectric washer, good condition, 2ii. 240 s. Gro IKIt W A NTIOD Reliable woman lo sell California Perfume Co. Gold .Medal products. Itesl season just opening. Call !H'-.,, l s i FOK SAI.IO ri-rnom house, excel lent cnmlli Ion; sleeping porch, bullt-lns, closets; double garage, large lot, shade trees. owner leaving town, will sacrifice for :tnini; $;tmi cash. Phone 1421. 1S1 FOlt HALF. A neat r-room mod ern home, completely furnished, good sized living-room, dining room. 2 large bedrooms and a commodious kitchen with plenty of bulltin features: large lot. beautiful lawn with shrubbery, some fruit and berries. This home Is close in on one of Ihe best residential streets In the city, and we are offering this at the ridiculously low price of SLMlau; $-1 (Mt cash, balamu ensy monthly p lyments. See Charles A. Wing Ai, .Miry. Die. Tel. 72S. 1 S 1 GOOD PAYING HI'SINKSS. net; over tilliM) per month; good loca tion, reasonable rent; $ I on d canh lakes stock, lease and fixtures; Siomi cash will handle. see Charles A. Wing Agency. Tel. 7 L'K. 1 S i FOlt SALIO 1 tlrt-acre stock or dairy farm, .40 acres In cultiva tion, welt adapted for raising al falfa, balance in limber mid pas ture fund; small family orchard ,1 -room house and barn: good living spring; Pacific highway runs through: only 11 miles from town; unlimited amount of out side range. This Is a wonderful opportunity for someone. Price S2."ii'i; excellent terms. Will ac ccpt Kinall home In Medford as nart payment. See Charles . Wing Agency. Inc. Pllone 7 2s. 1SI FOlt SALIO-fiD-lt. Petite prune." Phone 1 Sfi 1IOMI0STI0AD location. A few good one. For parliciibirs address Dox Sal. Meilf.nd. Ore. lxl Foil KF.NT ri-rnntn newlv tinted house, phone M!-li. is,-. FOlt 11 10 XT Desirable furnished apartment. Hotel Gram). I S I KOI l H.M.K Wcnncr nliss. Youiik. Phone ttl-K-S. . II. 1 K I W.WTIMl lluslnos or school kIH for room, hoard and some wiikcs: In family. Hox Y. M.. Trihuno. m WANTIIIV (llrl for general house work. Cull 3!i:,-l.. IM FOlt SAI.i: Cheap, old stylo May tan washer. .Mrs. .lack Slowart. 70S v. mth. t s I I KOIl It KNT l'lea.ant room with board at 71l i:. Main. ITlMf VA.Ti;i) Partner wllh $.'.nnn to Join iih In purelwti ntul ior:t- ! lion of Hinall Nawmtll and planer, ; AddreHM Conifer Lumber Co. Ulendulu, Oio, llu I Charles Shields, T.',, and (Jertrude Dunham, 19. both of Willows. Cab: Karl I.eitwiK. of Ml. Shasta, and .Madeline Sullivan, IS, of Weed. ( Following a short visit in Med-i ford with friends. .Mrs. V'erda Mil- ler left yesterday for her home in 'Idaho Fails, Ida., where she is. "'l ' " 'lariin.-ni huiih ,at .lf (ll'oi'il hotels include Mr. and ' Mrs. .Veil Stewart, Mis. F. M. i lilanvelt. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Jiavis. C. K. ,elson. V. K. Shields, C C. Arveson. p. C. Shepherd. W. j fl. West. K. II. Wiles, I. N. i Noble. K. K. McClure, C. J. Newell, U. i. Searlei. c. M. peter ison, Leland S- Caster, Lena Hush. 'Anna Asher. F. A. Mead. K. C.. Swink, A. A. .McClellan. Karl A. Fisher. J. T. Jones, C. II. Tubb. Peck -Adaiii-son, arrested 10 days ..., ..h,.,... ,.r ,i ler charge. Sentence was post-j poned on the first charge, on' which he also entered u plea of suilty. ' Two workmen lost their lives as; a result of accidents in Oregon in-! today that mines in the Applegate Hon are beinc nut in condition 1 for the winter's run and that ! ntel fo' te benefit of those who there will prohablv be a larger,' 'e employed during the day. number of individual miners nti T,e staff of instructors consists work. Air. .Maxwell holds rniniim' 0'' AI'- Newberry, in charge of typ r,.oporty ner.r Jacksonville and also! iul- shorthand and bookkeeping ; Has it In readiness for the arrival ) MIhh i'o Webb, teacher of anxil of rain. iary subjects and shorthand, and "Daidy" Worthington, who for- (1. Q. D'Alhini, in charge of ad- meriy lived here and left in 1 ! 1 s, going to California, was in Med ford today en route to Seattle by aulo. Air. Worthington owned a sheet metal works while in Med ford, and may decide to . return hen- and' re-engage in business. Among the stale or Washington guests registered at local hotels are Airs. J.. J. and Joint Kyle of Spo kane. Airs. ' Itrlden of Scdro-Wool-ley. Air. and Airs. William Wilfin or Tacoma. Air. ami Mrs. George Van Ilemptcr, Air. and Mrs. .1. P. Kngllsh, 10. Jenkins, A. L. Dean. Air. and Airs. William Doerny and Frederick Whllson of Seattle, U (' K II 1 n I' I'onvor.-llinn Yalpl' I.nlto ('hiiptm No. .12, R. A. M Tucsdiiy, Kept. IS, 7:;ln p. m. isy oi'dcr nl' H. V. : '. 10. i'IC.II.(MM.c. -" ' - ' STATE THEATRE South Central Near Eighth Any Seat 15c Anytime Children under 12, 10c Continuous Show Daily Matinee 1 to 5 P. M. Evening 6:30 to 11 P. M, Saturday and Sunday, contin uous 1 to 11 P. M. Pictures change daily except Thurs day. Tonight "Broadway Madness" ALSO COMEDY AND SCENIC Tomorrow The Cavalier9' ALSO NEWS WEEKLY AND COLOR CLASSICS Dun 'I park nway your fiarmcuts of last season, with out hnvi.ij tlu-ni tll'.v rleailt'tl Tor sal'ctv. Mr. ami Mrs. John W. Cox of Oakland. Cal., former residents Medford until lit years uk, i visiting friends In southern Ore gon .until October 1. li(th Mr. and 1 Mrs. Cox come here each year to renew acquaintances. 1.. A. ( JardiiiHi- of Pueblo, Coin.-. I accompanied by Mrs. (iardiner and their daughter, stopped here yes terday en route to Crater Lake, i Air. (Iardiner Is a representative of the California, Fuel mu Iron 'nmpany and makes fre(iient calls in Medford. Miss Jane Howlini; of San Fran- , cisco arrived here this morning, ' expect itiK to spend the winter : months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reddy in this vicinity. .Mr. and Mrs. MarvfiT Fisher and ! small daughter of Turlm'k, Cal.. i slopped in Medford for a few hour. , yesterday to call on friend-'. Mr. f Fisher was formerly employed In the printing department of the .Mail Tribune. Itev. L. F. lielnap and wife will stari for the annual conference nt.n.s follows: I lood River Wednesday morning. Thev will ston off at Kuiiene to OPENS FALL Ws The Medford Business College, was officially opened lor the fall and winter term yesterday morning with an enrollment exceeding; that of any former year during (i. W. Newberry's nine years at the head of the institution, he reported to day. ms ;jg As usual classes will he conduct- during the day and at vanceo won; m accounting. Although classes were given dur ing the summer mouths the school was not nmnini; or the regular fnU schedule which will be in effeci this term. Alpha Delta Party The Alpha Delta class of the First Christian church will hold n party in the recreational hall of the church Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Kleclion of officers and important business to he transacted with social hour lollowin. Aledford is the county scot and metropolis of the Kogue River valley and gateway to Crater Lake. HALL PAINT CO. 407 E. MaiH St. To Match a Gay Kitchen Not only the walls and woodwork but all the small details in bright colors will make your kitchen pleasanter to work in. Untainted Kitchen Stools may he hicquimMl hi match your color nchtine. Kitchen Garbage Cans with inside containers can he made to look attractive. ' r SATIN EGGSHELL FINISH 12 new colors. Easy to put on, easy to wash 1 pt. 70; 1 qt. $1.25; 1 gal. $4.75 1 , . B-H Color Harmony Selector m-ikts color selection easy Put color in the kitchen with Satin Eggshell Finish A little more joyful a little more worthwhile a little more invit ing is life in the home which has been touched with the magic of modern colors. And you can bring these colors into your home, yourstlf, with the B H Color Harmony Selector. It shows, automatically, harmonious color schemes; walls and wood work BASS-HUETER Color Harmony 4 Interior Finishes "Th. av to b.auciful homes STATE LAI FILLING VACANCY P; m sions of thi 'act shall die, with draw, or for any reason be ineliK The death of' County , Jude i Ible, or If there shall occur a llartzell makes it necessary tor the vacancy by deaih, resignation or Republicans to nominate a candl- : date to be placed on the ballot to succeed the judtf The law also provides that tin Republican County Central Com mittee, or its executive committee, is empowered to fill such vacancy. The uovernor is also empowered in iimmini Mnminni tn fill the v;ie;.ncv. until ... successor is elect- ' ed. which would bo until January I, The law ovej-iiiK this subject Is ! Section t;. Article V of ihe Con stitution of Oregon, as amended in I Wlti, says: "When during a recess of the legislative assembly a vacancy shall happen in any of fice, tin- appointment to which is vested in the legislative assembly, or when at any time a vacancy shall have occurred in any other state office, or in the office of judge of any court, the governor ill fill such vacancy by appoint- t, which shall expire 'when a essor shall have been elected These Drug Stores Are Open Nights This Week , Medford Pharmacy Heath's Drug Store Strang's Drug Store Franks Comedians IN THE BIG TENT EVERY Fri., Sat., Sun. COMING 'Peg o' My Heart' TENT WELL HEATED Phone 937-R Unfinished Magazine Racks Hook cases, Breakfast sots ami oilier unfinished fnrnl luro can ho made to harmon ize with tho interior decora tions of the home. of Satin Eggshell, with furniture and small objects finished in BH Brush Lacquer. It's such fascination being your own decorator, and so easy. Why not start now with the kitchen? Call at our store and let us show you from the selector the correct colors to use in the work you are planning. jand qualified; if nny vacancy oc- I cur in the office of United Stnles senator or in any elective office of the state or of any district, county or precinct thereol. the same sliau be filled at the next Keneral elec tion, provided such vacancy occur more than twenty days prior to 'such general election." ' Section VMh. as amended in li2f,, reads: "Death or withdrawal Vacancies. In case any candi date nominated under the provi- "mei -w ise. in me onice oi L-nueu Stales senator or representative in , ! congress, or In a ny elective state. ; district, county or precinct office, on or after the day set by law for . Inddinx primary nomiiintiu clec- tlons, or if such vacancy occur be- fore such nominatiiiK election but ' within such a time that a candi- ,li,t(l for Mich vac ncy could not be ) nominated at such election, cilher Ihe stale, congressional i-r county exeiuiivc committee YOU'RE GOING TO SEE AND HEAR -ailSMfc -. . HUNT'S CRATERIAN irw n I i-wl? 1 HUNrs U r k CRTEj:1vl V r 4 1 gfMATINEE AND NIGHT ' ' jByif WYATT'SLADDS&LAS ! ' .A NIGHT IN SCOTLAND ' Jf i"" ll'y WHITEY ROBERTS f.awra II AMERICA'S FOREMOST ROPE V : -S ' II SKIPPING DANCER XfcwMMltfllB H: DOYLE & WR'ISTEN . iVtorbi I in IeyEI I "WHY WALK" , IRatasi DAULT & LA MARR ,.. LAUGHS & THRILLS J jgj SWIFT & DALEY one for nothing r "jts ATRI,PICT S Last Times-TONIGHT-Last Times ' V., . , "THE PERFECT CRIME" AuU! JUlwswra See and Hear this Finest of Talk- B ing Pictures mttktd'irtmJtt L 1 i ADMISSION H I, Matinee 2 p. m. Evenings 7 4 9 I Children 10 Children 25 I ,., - Adults .......35 Adults .i.............. :....60..,. I ' ' ..Mi. n.T.i.1 m J I "Better Open Your Account at the First National!" That's Hip n(lvii;o lliat ninny a fathor fiivoB liis son. many a wise morchaui or "farmer -lives his frieml, many a satisfied customer passes on In an acquain tance. All nl' them know First National service nt first hand know its completeness, its helfulnesi. and its safety. And know that hehind the First National Is the wreatest financial institution in the world the Federal Reserve Sysio.ni' Yps, it's mighty pood advice lnttir open your Ac count at Ihe First Nt'omil oo! FIRST NATIONAL BANK Medford, Ore. thereof may. nominate a; candidate for such vacancy upon the call nf the chairman of such .slate, Von Rrressional or county committee. and ihe name of the person so nominated for such vacancy shall be certified to the proper officer by the chairman of such commit tee. NliW'i YORK, Sept. IS. f.p) Hope Hamilton's dream has tunic true. She is to sins in Brand, opera. "Motion pictures never really thrilled me," she explains. She will make her debut .November 2!t as .Mini! for the Philadelphia xruml ' , . NEW YORK. Sept. IS. fP) A lady has received n new bracelet etui ot'"jrwie hn heniilffied wav up in the air. The bronze statue, ivic Pride, atop the U-stoiy m-.-nicipal builtlins, has been dolled up. One arm was strengthened he cause it was crack in f?. , Mail Tribune ads are rend by 90 (ilia ppople -vory day. tf CAUL LAEMMLI Lif'inlq The Unietial MjsierpiecoT THUR., PRI., SAT. Sept. 20, 21, 22 ' CAB1 '- i -