Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 16, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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    rsxrra worm
wispyoTnw watt; totbwtc, mtcdfort?, oreoo. sfnday. September an, -192a.
Medford m ail tribune
Dillj, Sunday, Weekly
1'ublishtJ by the
ti7-29 X. rlr St. Phom 76
Au JiidelienJeut
Entered as cond elaM matter it Med
ford, Oregon, under Act of March 8, 1879.
By Moll In Advance:
Unity, wim &uiiuy. rear f.uv j
Itully, v-ilh Surnljty, uioittti 7& ,
Daily, without Sunday, year 6..'0 j
Dally, without Sunduy, niontb . . . .O.r I
weekly nun iribuuc, one year.... ;
Bmiduv, tine yt-ar 2.00 i
My Currier, in Advance In Medlord, Ab- j
land, Jacksonville, Central J'uiiit, I'tioenil,
latent, Uold lltl) and on Higbwitys: ;
Daily, witti Sunday, mouth 9 -75 j
Daily, without Sunday, mouth
Dally, without .Sunday, one year,.. 7.00 j
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AU terms, cash in advance. J
Receiving Full Leutfed Wire Service
Only paper in city or county receiving
newa by telegraph.
The Associated Press ii exclusively en
titled to the use for publication of all
liewB dinpaMiPfl credited to it or otherwise
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All rightR lor republication of apecfal duv
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Sworn daily average circulation for ill
month! ending April 1, 1020, 4632.
Official paper of the Clly of Mwlfnrd.
Official paper of JacltHoti County.
Advertising Representative!
Offices In New York, Chicago, Detroit,
Sun FinticlBco, Loa Angeles, Seattle, Port
Und. Dick Antle who got back from
Kurope recently was seen at tlm
co, fair Frl. Mr. Antle spoke high
ly of both Kurope and the fair.
Disgust was widespread the 1st
of the week, when it became aired
about that Chnu Kgan, our out
standing golfist was conquered at
Del Monte, but Man must take
the bitter when lio can't get the
The Dock Kmmons hoy who
looks like ho might turn out to
he a good right guard 1h active.
socially these dayH. (
It turned of chilly Toes, making
a straw' hat look Incongruous.
II. Flewhcr, who Is learning to
fly is making rapid progress, and
now has a stance like a mall
plane pilot.
ii. Harrison Plymale Is down to
Frisco to d rl ve h Ik hoy home.
The flora and fauna of the val
ley nro gay, owing to the autumn
I. Coleman who has heen on the
Hlielf with a bum wing, Is coming
along auspiciously, and will soon
he his old self.
C AVlg Ashpole made an Im
posing picture at the fair, astride
his noble steed. Good work, Wil
bur! Mr. Moose M airhead is skim
ming over the landscape in a
spanking now 4d, Friends are
congratulating Moose on at last
getting an automobile.
Sam . Houston, 'the fecDial', f ac
complished, able, alert, . up-and-coming,
two-fisted, deep -chested,
accommodating, efficient, dressy,
af fable, 'amiable, vivacious, hos
pitable, conscientious, and veteran
postal clerk, is back on his va
cation after two weekfl work,
Horse Bromley has again stuck
Ills face back of a mustache.
Brisbane's Today
(Continued from Page One.)
Happy the stock exchange broker
whose' untutored mind sees every
thing KoiiiK up, Including the value
of liia membership. Out) seat sold
for $415,000. At that price, the
1,100 exchange seals would bu
worth $456,600,000. You can't per
Bimdo Wall Street that prosperity
isn't real.
Tho inevitable happens In Paris
whero ladies will no longer bo ex
hibited with nothing on.
Theatrical managem and the
younger sot may not know It," but
tho human race got tired of naked
ness more than 100,000 years ago.
ParlH revues pre presenting the
young ladies dressed, or nt least,
covered all over, with silk. Un
dressed ladles bore theater goers.
Nothing could be more hideous
than promiscuous nudity. Every
Turkish bath proves It.
Two million five hundred thou
sand dollars In gold came from
Ijontlon, making business men hope
for cboapor money.
That nil depends on tho Fed oral
Reserve und big banks that lmv'o
joined In cstabllshlnK usury as 'ho
basis of bustuess in New York's
financial circles. It 1b not pleas
ant for a usurer having tasted
blood to resume obediens to law
nnd decency. - , . .
The owner of "Lucky," a female
police dog, wanted to prove that
tho dog could ft wim from Albany
to New York down tho IDulson.
The "Cruelty Society" miya she
mustn't do it.
There should be some society to
protect yottnq women from chan
nel swimming and similar efforts,
turning them to raising children,
nlso something to protect young
men from stupid races across the
continent or marathon races, ut
terly useless, now that the tele
graph and telephone and automo
bile are Invented.
HAVANA &) Culm will send n
delegate to the annual convention
of prison wardens to be held at
Kansas City October4 & to 11, where
prison methods will he studied.
Formal Invitation to participate
was recently received by the Cuban
Interior department,
. .
PAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Kept, 16
(JP) With tons of thousands of
persons estimated to be homeless,
effort were under way today to
nvert famine nnd disease which it
wait feared would follow In the
wake of the tropical hurricane
that struck on Thursday.
. ,
Smudge Smoke"'
Editorial Correspondence
.SAN FRANCISCO, Sfpt. 1 4 )r.
Nicholas Murray liutter, another
3-hoitIe num. announces he will
work and votn for Herbert IIoovct,
because lie declares Hoover's flec
tion will be "bent (or tliB country."
Dr. 'Butler Is quite right. But
how does h reason that u dry
president is bst fur tlo country,
when he regard h prohibition hk
moniliy and legally wruntf?
Thu answer, no doubt. Is that
th learned doctor has reasoned it
all out it-aliHticully, and has come
to thu Inevitable, conclusion that
voting for Al Smith as a protest
against Prohibition, is not only a
futile but a dangerous gesture.
He knows, as every thinking
person knows, that when Al Smith
promises . the Wets, Prohibition
modification or a lgal drink, he Is
promising something he can't
fulfill. Hj also knows that even
if Smith should be elected, his
election could not be taken as a
demonstration that public opinion
Is opposed to the Dry law or its
Why? Because the issue lias
been mixed hopelessly with po ti
tles. H undieds of thousands of
Dry Democrats are goin to vote
fur Smith, and hundreds of thou
sands of Wet Republicans are go
ing to vote for Hoover, so that the
result in November, Is not, and
can not, represent, either the wet
or dry strength In this country.
Take tho solid south for exam
ple. -No sane person doubts that
Smith will secure the electoral
votes of the Solid South; In fact
ho can't get to first base without
And yet everyone of these states
is uncompromisingly dry, and
would In any attempt to repeal the
Prohibition Law, render Buch a
repeal practically impossible. In
other words a majority of the
Southern Democrats are doing pre
cisely what Dr, Butler Is doing,
they are placing party above prin
ciple, and are refusing to accept
Prohibition, as either a paramount
or a genuine issue,
This situation Is so plain, that
It is really surprising that any
considerable number of Republi
cans could be ho credulous as to
fall Into the cleverly designed
Smith-Raskol) trap, and vote for
Smith under tho impression that
by so voting, they are starting the
ball rolling against prohibition.
They are doing nothing of the
sort. They are merely starting the
ball rolling for four years of
Democratic rule.
Is there then, no way in which
Simile for today: As hopcles
he dignified,
(8o many leading citizens are leading the installment collect
ors hy only three jmnjis.
It's to discover how much the average Amoriean earns.
Just discover how much he spends and divide hy two.
If the Kepuhlioans carry the South, it will ho n great relief.
Good Democratic merchants have heen carrying it long enough.
A movie star who disguised herself couldn't get h job, which
proves nothing except that nobody would recognize a diamond
in a 10-cent store.
A determination to get the other follow to Heaven, no mat
ter how much it hurts hint.
It is estimntedJhat a kitchen
tho things a woman would like
Ford will govern a rubber plantation in Brazil larger than
North Carolina. This is the first time he has applied quantity
production methods tOtrouble,
The man who thinlin woman's place is in the homo is the
very ono who won't deed it to her and let her boss it.
Suggested topic for a Smith-Straton debate: ."Whis is of
greater importance, religion or publicity? " .
A great part of the "silent vote" is silent hecauso it is listen
ing to discover which one is the band wagon.
"No man has yet conceived a way to rid himself of safety
razor blades," says a humorist. "What about the sword swal
lowcr? j
So live that you can criticise the police system without mak
ing people wonder what you were pulled flor.
LKNINORAD(P Cnder offi
cial auspices a committee has been
formed to aid tho forthcoming
flight around the world of the
German Zeppelin LC-127.
The date of the flight has not
been fixed but n considerable sec
tion of the route, according to
present plans, lies through Soviet
territory. The committee will in
clude members of the Russian
academy of sciences, the Aero
aivtio Hoeiety and representatives
of ueverul governmental scientific
OWN CAR 4,000 .M1LFS
KABUL, ArghnnlstunP) King
Amunulluh has completed a 4000
mile automobile journey from tho
Caspian sea to his capital which
places hint In tho very front rank
of world travelers. He drovo his
own car the entire instance.
The Journey was most haxurdous
and Involved the passago not only
of vnt mountuin ranges, but also
of wldo stretches of wateriest
desert. Previously, it had only
heen accomplished by u French
man in caravun time.
j oponents of Prohibition, may
! make their opposition effective?
'Of course there is a way.
j The representativeb of the peo-
pie in Congress, not the President,
have control over this fjuesiion.The
I thing for the Wets to do in Ore
;gon or In any other state. Is to or
'ganlze and work for the election
iof wet senators and congressmen,
i This is not only an effective
course to pursue but a perfectly
' legitimate one. And if as most
; of our wet friends maintain a
'' majority of the American people
1 are opposed to Prohibition, such
a program would bring immediate
: results. Not immediate repeat of
the Dry Daw for there more than
a majority is needed, but for mod
i iftcation of the Volstead Act,
which can be brought about,
whenever, and not until a ma
jority in the Congress, so decide.
If Smith ami Hoover were run
ning for- Congress, there Is no
doubt that Dr. Butler would work
and vote for Smith, for tho elec
tion of Smith would then mean
something. But he refuses to vote
for Smith for President, because
he reullzes, his election, as fur as
Prohibition is concerned 'would
mean nothing, und on the other
hand he believes the defeat of
Hoover and the Republican parly,
would mean a great deal, as far
hh business disorganization, and a
halt In our economic development
is concerned.
To sum tip:
Dr. Butler, as befits a "think
ing man" and uncompromising
; wet, has figured It all out. He has
j placed on ono side his emotional
satisfaction at casting ax vote for a
(President who believes as he does
jon I'rohibition, but who could do
'nothing without a wet congress.
And on the other side he placed
- what he regards as the results of
j Secrotaiy Hoover's election from
I his standpoint of what Is " -at for
the country."
j And he has decided the beue
j fits front Hoover's election, far ov
erbalance any possible benefits
i from Smith's election.
We don't share Dr. Butler's
j premises, but we believe he is ab
solutely right in his conclusions.
The other day we wrote a letter
without any politics at all, which
was really iulte an achievement.
So today 'to balance the ledger
wo have written one which, as we
read it over-, appears to be "noth
ing else hut." TOO HAD, TOO
BAD! R. W. R.
sas a little fat man's effort to
CO hy 80 feet, would hold all of
to buy at a 10-ceut store.
VJLLARS, Switzerland OV)
Smart Swiss atplne hotels nro not
neglecting the spiritual side of
man in their efforts Mi make
things plmsaut for foreign guests.
The u"uat jnxc hand with au
Italian tenor and cabarets are all
there to provide amusement but
thero nro nui, as" a rule, little
Kngllsh. Frvnch or R o m a n
churches nearby.
Tho hotel tiRunlly request the
nearest illoeetio to provide someone
to tnko cbarvo temporarily of the
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 15.
CP) Juhn K. Henrieh, S4, suffered
severe biuck injuries today when
tho truck, be was driving crashed
Into a Stmt hern Pacifio train at
an east side crossing. Ho was
taken to a hospital,
. 4
KKODING, Cal., Sept. IS. (VP)
V. H. Fischer, grand master of tho
California Grand Iodge of Masons,
was cut niiout tho fnco by flying
glass when the windshield of his
automobtto was broken by n shot
while be was driving to Willows.
His Injuries were dressed nt Red
I Bluff nnd Kisser continued his
1 Journey. He later returned hero.
Press Comment
j The democratic New York Times
i allays the fears of those wets who
ifear that an anti-prohibition presi
dent would make no headway
against the dry laws and tho eigh-
teenth amendment. Tho success
iof Governor Smith, that paper be
jlieves, would greatly change the
i complexion of congress and the
'vole would be regarded to some
'extent as a referendum on prohibi
tion. The Times continues:
t The victory would sweep in
many wet congressmen. Even
in states which the republi
cans would carry, such as
Pennsylvania, the wet issue
would lose them seats in con
gress. Dry congressmen elect- "
ed after hard fights would
take note of the changing
popular sentiment. ... A
large percentage of congress
men would hesitate to go
against the recommendation ,t''
of a popular ly chosen presi- X
Concluding Its editorial the
Times says:
If the wet candidate Is
elected, the whole profession
al prohibition structure begins
to crumble, tho Ant 1 -Saloon
league is destroyed as a na
tional force and politicians in
congress and out will look to
the new leader of the people
as their guide and their hope
of retaining office.
This may be some consolation,
as the Times desires it should be,
to those voters who place their af
firmative position on the wet issue
ahead of everything else. However
It will not ease -the difficult posi
tion of dry Democrats, such tt-s 1
Oswald West and Walter M. Pierce
to cite conspicuous examples in!
Oregon, who ar e supporting Smith !
in spite of his hostility to prohibl-;
tion. There is a growing convic
tion throughout the country that ;
election of Governor Smith would !
mean a permanent breakdown of j
the dry cause. That Is hoped for!
by the Democratic nominee and it j
is proclaimed by such newspaper
partisans as the New York Times. !
Portland Oregonian. !
(Continued from Page One.)
travel will leave New York City
tomorrow evening. After it stop
of a little more than an hour here,
it will head westward at midnight.
Tho governor has set a limit of
six speeches in as many states on
the trip, exclusive of the one he
is expected to deliver on his re
turn to the state convention at,
Rochester October 1. His ached
ule calls for addresses in Oinnhn!
1 Tuesday night, then in Oklahoma
City, Denver, Helena, St. Paul and
The Democrat standard bearer
has placed a ban on open air
speeches nnd talks from the rear
of his train. He advised the re-,
porters who will accompany him
that for days at a time, whiletravi
eling, they might find news scarce,
as he wouldn't be doli? much.
"Your train Is scheduled to make
fourteen stops in Kar sas alone,"
he was reminded.
"Yes, but there won't be much for
you to write about,' the governor
came buck. "You can say 'The
Democratic enndidato was hailed
I with great cheering at ull stops,'
' O .1 .1 tl.nt mill tl.rt rUm. r .. .11
fourteen of them."
ASCOLI P1CKNO, Italy (vP) Bo
ca u ho he was found to be a persis
tently reckless driver of a public
autobus, continually risking the
lives of his passengers hy indulg
ing in matt races with touring cars,
the chauffeur Celso Cattani has
been sent to barren Mediterranean
island for two years. Ho In the
first to bo disciplined following
Mussolini's orders for vigorous re
pression of tho "bestial criminal
ity" of speeders on tho public,
LONG VIEW, Wash., Sept. 15.
(TP) A, II. Baxter, poung amateur
high climber employed by the
Crown-Wlllamotte company near
Cuthlumot, is dead after a desper
ate attempt to save himself from
being crushed to death by risking
n fall of S5 feet.
First Insurance
A. L. Hll-L, Manager
Phone 105 30 N. Central
Medford, Oregon
Gets Rheumatio and Neuritis
Sufferers Out of Bedj
Thoso who ItaVe tried everything ,
without benefit will find Ciisoy's j
Klu'umnttc Kcmody t lie most ntnrt-
Hub discovery of recent times for.
pains or rheumatism, neuritis, neu-!
rnlKiu, sciatica, lumba.go. asthma, ;
hay fever, dropsy and Rout. He- J
duces imln and. swelling IliroiiKh
direct action on stomach, liver and
Kidneys. Sold on money-back Ruar
antee (1.50 a liotllo nt Jarmin &
Woods' Drup; Store.
Chlropractlu Naturopathy j
Dr. H. P. Coleman j
8th Successful YeRr in Medford
Treatments by Appointment '
Medford Center Btdg. Phone 965 ;
Klnctrnthoranv Food Science
Om and Bullion
wMbr Suit M C. 4lifar4
OfbvTt:74J Mufc.ttSt.,Sn l;nnnco
PI mm: Sowth San Fr.nd,co
' f
PEKING OS? Camels have come
into theirsown again this summer
as freight curavaus. "
When the ntfrthern troops with
drew into Manchuria they took
with them thousand,, of freight
and passenger cars aKl hundreds
of locomotives. Since then camel
dealers have been swamped with
camel orders which they have' been
unable to supply. v..
Camel drivers are rolling in
wealth' with earnings often touch
ing 75 cents daily. The return of
Roy Chapman Andrews' expedition
from central Asia lured a crowd of
camel buyers who wanted to bid
for the 112 camels used on the
Spell Smartness in
Fashion makes novel use of brims this season folding,
creasing, pleating and cutting away in most intriguing
manners. The most recently arrived models sponsor this
new theme, shoving it to advantage in silken soleil ve
lours in the shades of fall prominence.
Millinery Department
Buy Levi Strauss Overalls at
Medford's Leading Men's
Levi Strauss "Two-Horse" brand Overalls
For Sale by Mann's Dept. Store
Summer PrIces
1118 North Central
Tel. 631
CATANZARO, Italy-(P) A hale ,
old lady celebrated her 100th birth
day here by riding In an automo-
bile for tho first time in her long ,
life and she liked it.
Her name is Signora Franceses ,
Bucca, and ,she took part in the j
general stone-throwing that ac-
Icompanied the revolution of MS
! After her ride she attended mass
! and gave thanks for having been
i spared to see the marvels of the
j twentieth century. ,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. (JP)
(The distinguished service medal!
! was awarded today to Newton D. ;
i Baker of Cleveland, war time, secre- j
tary of war.
of Imported Soleil
, to
Sold by
Clothing Co.
Main St., Near Front
Before Packing Away
Those Summer Things
Dry cleaning will give you this assurance. Have
us call, tomorrow. We'll have everything back
City Cleaning & Dyeing Co.
624 North Eiverside Ave. Phone 474
Prevents Misunderstanding in
Property Deals When You
Put Them in
Here are a few things which our ESCROW department
does when a property deal is put in escrow: It. adjnstH
interests, pays taxes, attends to fire insurance, records
necessary documents, secures releases, pays claims,, pro
rates fire insurance, obtains title insurance policy and
of everybody concerned. Many a u'ood deal has fallen
.through because of lnisunderstaiulins:.
In short, ESCROW means a square deal for all quick,
satisfactory time saved money saved, and errors-eliminated.
for any
amount to
(7500 value
Jackson County Abstract Co.
121 E. Sixth St. Phone 41
Ride With-
Southern Oregon
The Pioneer Line of Southern Oregon
operating local service frbni Medford
to Klamath Falls
This company has served you faithfully in the past years
and will continue giving you excellent service.
Busses leave from Hotel Jackson.
A.M. 'Noon P.M.
Lv. Medford 8:'J0 12:00 3:20
Lv. Ashland' 8:,r0 12 :30PM 3:50
Southern Oregon Stages
Hotl Jackson Phone 309
: ; '
i ""
' I Much CZ ;-?i NEW YORK CITY
I Raveling withou!omen uqAT09'awT4S y
(srj Rooms $) sn v-iT
; Imhmmbmmm. 1 i ""i
T,c sure Hint they ave clean
J'i'ce from soot, grease and dust.
Most of all, be sure you're not
packing away tiny, almost in
visible moth eA's, which will
hatch little grubs.' '
50 cents
per $1000 for
amounts from
(26,000 up
per $1000 for
Escrows from
VD00 to $25,000
P. M.
General Insurance
Real Estate, Notary Public
J. B. Webster Agency 1
Phoenix Phone G-F-Z