St'fttfl frtiHt-HW, S?0. 0RKOONT, FRTDAY. RTCPTTOmEl?. 14, 102. ' Georue l'elorn or Crescent City Is employed ut the Colnnhtl Jlak ory on the lmstry Hhift during the fair. Everything Roes now for hull : caller In Medfmd Thursduv in-lee at the I!Ib linnkrupt Furnl- Don't miss the bat-Rains on new lure Kale, West Main St, Hurry! ! fall hats at the Kmmy I.ou Hat Arthur D. Clements of Central j Khop In M .M. Store. 17r Tolnt left hero today for Chlco, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Dr'-Trlvott of fill., whore he will enroll In the j 't. .Shasta. C'al.. ufe expected to fall term ut the Junior college as i arrive in Moilford tomorrow to n sophomore. i spenil several days visiting friends. Danc e music lieyiind compare! Charming new sulci!, velvet and lliur Whit Knrton'n famous hand, metallic hats Just received for fall l-uirKlouiiils l-avillon tonight, j wear. See them tomorrow at Ad Mr. and Mrs Rockford, III., will leave for their i home tomorrow after spending the past week in Modford as the guestH In-law. Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Spntz. 17 C. 11. Harris of Portland is ti hllslness visitor In the city for sev eral days. .VJpnce, CloUt Hill Sat. nito. 17'.' tmo of the interesting exhibits in the Kducatlon building ut the fairgrounds Is the display of the Crater Lake forestry depurtment which includes several booths il liiBlraling the effects of a forest ; lure Sale, West Main St. Hurry! fire, Importance to putting out j Mrs. J. Elmer of Portland Is n campflres, products of the lumber house guest at the home of her nnd other Inrormtalim about the ! brother and slstei-ln-law, Mr. and forest. j Mrs. .1. 15. Spnlz at the Schulcr Whit rial-ton's famous danco ' ajiarlments. band! Fairgrounds Pavilion, to-I Iteguiar 'dance fiold Hill Sal. j -Monday, September 21, the K. Morton Kusler of Sand Point, ; C. Corn real eslnte office head-j Ida., for mnny years u resident of ; nuerters will be moved from thejMedford and vicinity, was in the present location on South Itlver-! city this week for ,t short visit with side to 2il6 Kast Kigluh street, In i friends nfter nn absence of over the new l.everette block. 25 years. Everything goes now for half A renl Saturday special. One lot 1 price at the Dig riankrupt Furnl- of all-silk hose Including our llrll- ture Sale, West Main St. Hurry! I Hunt hoso with the "pointed heel E. Franz of the Vnlted States of distinction." $!.!)& values, to- naxei) at Portland was a business ; morrow at $1.49 a pair. 3 pairs $4.25j Adrienne's, Medford Xntl. Hank HldK. 17f' Illinois valley boxing fans arc looking forward to a real bout Saturday night when Pat Padel ford of iMedford and Eddie Green, pride of Crescent City, mix In ;an eight-round event at Kerbyl Pa delford has a reputation as a Vlght er In southern Oregon while Cireen, who Is substituting for Frankie rlenne's. Medford Natl. Hank Illdg. Eggers. is known as one of the 17fi best athletes In Del Norte county. Charles Spatz of! Grants Pass Courier I AL BE SCATHED, Miss Kosiuu Kcuuey of Jackson ville, who has accepted a pOHitionj on the Myrtle Creek grade school! fuctulty, loft here today for that place. j Regular ;danco Gold Hill Sat. ! 175! Miss Cort Smith, a member of; jtheijeventh Day Advemist academy j faculty, came here today from ! j Omnia Pass. Miss Smith will have ! charge of sewing and some of the I grnde school work nt the Uogue Uiver institution. ' Evervthinir cnc now for half 1 price at the Big Bankrupt Furnl-i 'KOrtIA. III.. Sept. H. i ture Sale, West Main St. Hurry! Speaking as a representative of the I Mrs. D. D. Roberts and son re- Methodist bonrd of temperance, turned to their home here this I prohibition nnd public morals, the ! morning after spending sAno tlmeiRpv. j i0 skilllngton of Altoona. .; visiting relative and friends at j p., hist night made a plea that Cottage Grove. "the candidacy of Alfred E. Smith llnnce. Gold Hill Sat. nlte. 17f.'!,e denounced from every pulpit of I Mrs. Melvln English and daugh-'the Methodist church' In America." ter Ruth left this morning for n an address before the central Uneqiialed Service of Mr. Kpatz's brother and sister- Nsnvors at Sfi.flo. $4.98. 3.38, 2.38, Extra fcpoeinl! 300 more new fall hats at the Emmy l.ou Hat Shop in M. M Store; real money Kviryihing tsoi'H now for half green stamps. SJ.BS nnrt'tl.OA each. K. & If. i price at the. Hip Bankrupt Eurni- night. 17 Fresno, Cnl., .after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Swnnee, 40 North Peach street. the and Illinois conference ohurch. The Rev. Mr. Skillington said floleil and fur felts and the more that "Smith's political practices for dressy velvet hats with feather the past twenty-five years cause trim in all the new shades and i us to oppose him." I7r, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Corn left here Thursday for San Francisco on a business and pleasure trip, and are expected to return the first nf next week. A famous attraction at pppular prices. Hear Whit liarlon's dance band! Fairgrounds Pavilion, to- ; styles at Shields'. 175 ! Miss Effie Kelly of Uollywond j C'al., left here this morning after j spending a week in Medford ns the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. ) Smith. Defore returning to her t home Miss Kelly expected to visit I friends at Santa Itarhara. "He is the product of the Tam many machine, and Tammany is a byword in the nation and a symbol of predatory politics," the speaker said. "Gov. Smith has praised Tatnmanj; highly and when in the legislature himself, was the friend j of the saloon. 17", j night. Admission inc. 17 jpmnnannnnannnnnaiinnnapgjg P a a a D o 0 O a a o a a B la a a 13 0 a n a v x w ii, Hi ,-, We are crowded for space. New pack goods are arriving in immense quantities. They must be kept moving to relieve our warehouse from congestion. The savings made in these large quantity purchases are passed on to you. You can afford to lay in a 60-day supply at these prices. Pancage Flour Sperrv's No. 10 sack 73c Raisins Seedless Thompsons New- Ship ment Mb. baa' 28c Corn- 1928 Pack Canned Goods - , j Peas I Peas 20th Century pel Maiz Fancy sweet golden corn: No. 2 cans. OA 2 for ....OJ7C 4 for 77c Sardines North, Ktar Genuine Norwegians In pure olive oil About 20 fish in a tin. 3 c 32c Sunny Iskti Real sweet tender peas You would never expect such quality at this low price. No. 2 cans; 3 for Beans Alldt's Pride Fancy cut refugee, excelling In tnstj and tenderness.. No. 2 cans, 2 for 49c 39c 65c San Wnn Kxtra Slftoil Very small sweet su ecu lent peas fairly melt In your mouth. No. 2 cans; 3 for ..... Salmon lobby's I''nncy Red Alas ka 1-pountt tall 9Q cans m J C Pineapple 771 4 for Hillsdale 1928 paek; 8 large mellonw slices, slightly broken iu 'each can, iiacked OQ in syrnp Large can; 2 for Fig Bars Virtually warm-from the oven eral fii? f'illinu- 2 lbs -Lib- 27c Crystal White Soap JL 39c Suggestions for Baking Baking Powder, Calumet Can fclC Lard, Pure FrcMhty UcniliMctt. In bulk, .1 piiunilK OOC Shortening tlcst Vt'Kclnlilc in Hulk, 3 pounds OOC Snowdrift '' A Highly Iteflncfl VcKClnlilc QCf ShorlcnlnK. 4 ..pnnncl enn ........... iut Malt, Blue Ribbon Improves liiikinB Ak our wilespooplc for a recipe linking nook, it you nac not, already received .one. 3-lb.- 75c Cocoa Blooker's KincHt Dutch Imported, ond- OQ -half pound "tan Fall flousecleaningSupplies s. o. s. C T'adH of Steel Wool Faturated with a CleansinK Soap. Large no I'ai'kagc mOC Sunbrite Cleanser Each Stewart's Bluing Large bottle Bon Ami cake Powdered package 12 20th Century Brooms fl-wew,- strong, yet of medium weight made from the very best matcrinls Worth more, but our price Is only Sc 17 c 10c 99c Syrup- Adirondack Maple Tune n ml acked in the foot- hiii nt ihr Adirondack. Full H-Oallon Qg Gum Drops jumbo Just arrived fruit flavors. tipond n poundn 4ft True 17c Apples Small, bright Jona thans for school child- zn- : 53c 11 J) Oysters American Tteauty It's now oyster weather; No. 1 cans. (S oz. net), fCp .1 for iwt Rolled Oats Cream Kpcrry; 3-lh. bag OOC Wesson Oil There's economy in making your own mayonnaise. ZT. 49c Macaroni Curve rut Fresh stock Macaroni nnd cheese in a . wholesome as well a nn economical meat O O substitute, 3 lbs fcOC Small White Beans California No. 1 quality: l!2ft crop; HQ 3 pounds fcitOC 20th Century Coffee 20th rentury Coffee Why try to paint a lily? You might Just ns - well try to get a belter coffee than 20th Century. Direct from our Honster to you It's always fresh. lb. 38c, 3 lbs. $1.48 VH 226 W. JMain and Medford Bldg mm Phones 380 and 507 ! a a a 9 P a dnan va gpnaoDnanapnnqpJ verythinir troes now for half! In an address earlier In the enn- nriee at the Hip Ilankrupt Furnl- j frenco before tho eonfrrence, I ture Sale, West Main St. Hurry! I t'nop J-:uvin. Jloit IHikIh's bad I Flwood Strader is employed as I defended the church's activity j truck salesman for the Colonial MWiinst the Smith candidacy, suy- litikery to relnlace Fred Uonirlnnd MB tH "thn MctliV'list church who. will re-enter ,the University I wa on record in favor nf temper of OreKon this fall. a nee CO years before Governor i A lot of ntl-sllk hose lncludinir Kmlth was lorn.'- our Sl.!r. Ilrilliant hose with the Senator William K. Ilorah of pointed heel of distinction." spec- 1(laho iffMswl to nuiko an uddressj 1st I Saturday $1.49 a pair, 3 pairs 84.25; all new fall shades. Adri enne's, Medford Natl. Hank lUdp. Guests from Portland nt Med ford hotels include Mr. nnd Mrs. ' ArleiKh Houh, Mr. and Mrs. Ij. W., Fi-uminitz, Mr. and Mrs. T. JI Thompson, Mr.' and Mrs. H. Gelsey, J. K. Sehauhurst, G. G. I'ttster, lOmil Sander, Mr. and Myh. H- Wininper. The first two days nf colder weather hroiiKht an increased de mand nt the Red Cross Thrift Shop, over the Rex Cafe, for warm elothintf especially underwear and coatw. according to Mrs. It.. A. Murray, who is In charge of the department. As a result of no-, tices in this paper asking resi dents of Medford and the vicinity to tlonatc articles of clothing for the shop more things have .been turned in during the past two wo-ks than had been received for over a month. Children's shoes and clot lies in general are the most called for and there Ih . a shortage of supply. i L Among the railroad officials who are In the city for a fw ; days are the following: A. W. j Baker, of Eugene, traveling agent j for the Union Pacific; G. C. I Thomas, traveling agent for the Milwaukee railroad, with head quarters at Portland; OcorgH Webster, general agent of the Milwaukee railroad, Seattle, and J. T. Wallace, 'of the Chicago Northwestern railroad, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Cornell of Grunts Pass, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G. If. Harvey of Portland, spent Grants Pass day at tho fair. Mr. Harvey is representative of the freight department of the Southern Pecifio railway. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kimball and son, who have been residing in Michigan for the past three years, returned to Medford a few days ago, where they will make their future home. The Kimhalls for merly lived near Phoenix for about five years. They are delighted to get back to the Rogue River val ley. Marvelous in color and quality are the roses from the well-known H. p. McCaskey garden which are on display at the Woman's build ing on the fulrgrounds. Specimens of the McCaskey flowers have been on exhibition ut the Chamber of Commerce from time to timeeta Commerce from time to time throughout the summer ond have attracted considerable attention, particularly from tourists. Among the state nf Washington residents registered at Medford ho tels are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright of Tacoma, Mr. and Mm. William Watson of Spokane, Anne' nnd Ilulh Platte. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gnrgns, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. U Schneider, All-, and Mrs. 1). C. FiHh, Mr. nnd Mrs. I, . E. HayeH, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Young nnd Mrs. W. D. Fen ton of Seattle. scheduled because of what termed the political aspect" the church meeting. NEW YORK, Sept. H, (P) W. C. Fl-lds, the comedian, was out on ball today on u charge of cruel ly to animals in connection with his use of canaries in a current liroadway show. Tie was; arrested last night. The arest was made on com pluint of two agents for the human society of New York. Fields in his act removes a canary from the false beard of another comedian. The ngents assert that the birds when released bump their heads against scenery and that this has caused four of them to die. Ull I IHJ Tfejal.ll4.J.II l to H Max-I-Mum Coffee The growth of Safeway Stores is unprecedented in the chain food store indus try. -Unprecedented growth can mean but one thine; "unequaled service, quality and values" of which the public is fully appreciative. Unequalled Savings in.RItIC.VMO XKAR l.'IAMHD.Y (Continued from Pago One.) Men Do Not Prefer Girls In Vivid Make-Up cent of the families are. without shelter. Famine and cIIbchhu now -tlnfeaten litem. .The water supply of San Juan and the surronmlinK towns lias been Interrupted. Hulldimt material Blocks in the island are Insufficient to replace 5 par cent of the roors that hav.) been dostrnyed. Medical supplies, food and shel ter are needed at once. ' Within the area observed by mo aH" coconallt, coffee anil banana Plantations and groves of minor fruits have been destroyed. Tho losses will reach many millions in dollara. Many lives have been Inst nnd further doalhs are In prospect from disease and famine, unless relief becomes available at once. Imme diate action is vitally important. The measured wind velocities on the ground reached HTi mlies an hour at 11 a. m. This was three hours before the storm developed Its Kreulest Intensity. Heavy rains completed the damage that wus started by the wind. The quality of Max-I-Mum Coffee begins in the raw bean. From the high plan tations of South America, through our modern plant where it is blended and roasted by experts, to the steaming cup on the table every detail is closely checked. For expert roast ing is the basis of coffee success. That is why every one likes Max-I-Mum Cof fee. Try a vac-mim nacked tin today. lb. 53c mm mi j i. i 1 (Si Extracts Maximum extracts are pure and contain, a higher percentage of alcohol than most. Flavor holds in each variety. Save money and yet have the best. . - 1 oz., 15c 2 oz., 28c 4 oz., 53c They Are Guaranteed -" Try Them! Heinz Pickling Vinegar Quarts fllHEIMZ PICKLING VINEGAR We have U in three varieties Cider, Malt, or White. Insure heat results by using this guaranteed vinegar. Pints Pancrust Shortening Panmist is Ihr most popular sliortcniiiti we Ihivp. Purely vojjcliililc. 2 Lbs... 43c 4 Lbs... 83c 8 l $1.59 Seasonable Savings , lueMncjJorlluitniJikuHtltilnzPkiuesowl Plato Cooking Oil The new t'ookini; oil thai leaves no odor. Try il it 's morn economical. Pints ;-26c Quarts 45 c Half Gallon .' 89 c Gallon $1.73 Lemons Fancy Fresh Stock 2doz 49c Sweet Potatoes Nice Size, New Stock t1 Pounds.. 25c Peaches Nice canning peaches Per Crate 95c Onn nf the most common mis- tnkes nf Aimrlrun Kills is the he lief that men llko tlwin hest when they are made up. with vivid llp stirk, unnutii rally red checks and pencilled eyebrows, iisserls Manna a. international li e a u t y. npera winder nnd wife nf Harold AlrCnrniiek, the milllonnlre manu facturer, ller views nre these: '-Men don't like It. They hate It. It embarrasses thern In public nnd iinrmyK them In private. The American Kill, Renernlly Hpeakln. has individuality, but she won't show It. There Is nothfnir more terrible than meetinjc nnd seeinK all the little fares looking alike." COST OF I'ltKM H WINKH CONTINl'KS TO IM'ltRVSK PA RIH (fp) The price of ordi nary Kreneh tiible wine has renc-h- I a point 2,000 per cent higher than before the wnr. Despltp the fnct that the grape crop.! excellent the wine uierchnntM are driving the price still higher. The netunl Increase Ih not ns much as the figure Indicate owing to the drop In value of the franc. 1 Nwtal 4'omninnlmllon. A Medford Lodge No. 103, A. X3f K A- M F'May. "! r 14. 7:30 p. m. Work in V. T. dLgree. 1 Sy order of W. M. I7 C. M. HOUSTON, Hccy. WASIUNGTO.V, Sept. 14. (P) The weather bureau today Issued the following storm warning: "AdvJtmiy in; 30 a. m. Hurricane central about 19 north t!8 or till west moviriK northwestward. Us center will likely pnss nmir Turks Island durhiK loninht. Son Juan reimrts eHthunted wind velocity al Kit) miles an hour Thursday after noon. Greatest caul Ion advised ves sels near hurricane pulh." DAKOTA, ,ei)T("HnpL 11. A survey or th tornado swepl areas of northeastern Nebraska and southeastern South Dakota reveal ed a death toll, or eleven, scores Injured, some of "whom are expected to die, and property damage esti mated at more than 81,000,000. One tornado started about seven miles southeast of Pender, Neb, and left six dead and deHtnict Ion for 60 miles northward to Dakota City. The South Dakota twister, which also killed five persons, swept through Wmlshton township 15 miles northeast of Yankton, nnd continued northeasl, nearly wiping out tho town of Davis, H. !., where two were killed and i0 Injured. Uu ins were hcln& searched to day by volunteer workers, who also hurled dead livestock and arranged 'to care for the destitute. I file Inst n Iirh I the fliirlf netnn railroad dispatched a special train ' to Walthtil, Neb., with doctors and j nurses .1 hoard. Wulthlll, a little Indian town and ono of the hardest hit by the tor-1 n ado, today was taxed to the ut most In caring for Its Injured, i which Included many school chll -dren. The hospital was filled to overflowing and the Puller hotel ; and two nearby residences were t pressed Into service as emergency hospitals. t Twenty-six children were In the Lamere ftchool, five miles from Walt hill, when the twister struck and crushed ft like so much match wood. None of them escaped with out Injuries and Mary irma Belt, 9, was rrusb"d to death. Several oth er may dlo. Hud It not been for the heroic effort of the teacher. Miss Phyllis Stewart, and fu'ienfi Okeyser, ;u, a furmcr, whose sons attend th.j school, Hie number of dead, it Is believed, would havo been larger. Together they organized the '-!' children lulu a compact fciuui). MUa All Orders for $5 or more delivered in cit y FREE. Smaller orders 10 cents charge Store No. 471, 210 W. Main iunprnrmjrfc Stor6 No 433' 212 E' Main Phone 1010 MEDFORD Phone 1176 . . . Stewart. Instructed the children to join hands and drop to tho floor. This (bey did and she snt down to the piano and played a tune. As Hhe Htruck the Hist notes the tor nado hit the building. The walls collapsed and Ihe roof fell in. Some of the children were pinned In the wreckage. Others were hurled as far nn UltO feet. Not a board of the school remained standing. Miss Stewart berseir was so badly injured that her recovery is doubtfeul. ('nii-flil undr-r Hie piano, she suffered a broken tinkle and internal Injuries. ' Despite the fuel, that bo, too, re ceived Injuries, Okeyser remained to direct the rescue work. Alter the last child was taken to the Walthill hospital he himself became n-pittient there, delirious and In a Hemi-cotiHciouH condition. of near cloudburst proportions. The accompanying wind rolled enough , liuhtiiig poles to plunge wide sec lions on both sides of Narragausel Hay Into darkness. A Substitute llodkhi A smooth safety pin for thin r kiry m:ileri;il milker ;m excellent bodkin. The pin holds ihe inaiei i:tl securely. IIOHTON, Mass., Sept. 11. (!) ; A series of torrlfle wind and light ning storms which swept four New Knland states late yesterday cost at least ono HTe and left in their wake a heavy toll of properly dam age. ' Prom Ithodo Mand and New Hampshire came news of unroofed b( uses, uprooted trees, felled chlm uert and temporary paralysis of communications. Kindge. N. II., 22 miles east of Keene, was probably the hardest hit of any place. Wind of tornado velocity swept an area four miles In length and half a mite wide causing general havoc and mi roof ing, many houses. Property dam age was estimated at J' I .owe I and other places In north nottheastern Massachusetts experi enced a sharp electrical storm which was accompanied by heavy rnlnfall with washouts frerpient. At Hartford, (!onn., Jas. Drown, I3. a golf architect, was killed when st i ut k by lightning In Ooodwln l ark, and William Watson of Hart ford, o brother-in-law, who had taken refuse with him under a tree, wni Iniured. They were playing golf when the storm broke. Tho storm In Khudu Islahd was The Kind of Meat You're Glad to Meet! You are due for a pleasant surprise when you get acquainted with the sort of qual-: ity meats sold at the Model Meat Mar ket. Tender and juicy with a flavor that is delicious! On your way to tho Montgomery Ward store tomorrow, stop nnd look over our exceptionally fine line of meats. Steaks, Pork, Veal, Beef Hamburger, Sausage In fact, everything that a good shop, should have. TRY US FOR YOUR NEXT MEAT ORDER Model Meat Market 14 South Central Phone 32!3 t-