Id',! Medford Mail tribune 1 1 Ffliforial CorresDonc?e"nce l' . ! TOTETrt'ORT) WXTTJ TRIBTJNTC, lDFQRD,"6T?E:!Oy. "tTTFRSTPAY,"" SEPTEfBER 1H, 1023, IIJy, Sunday, Wwklj fubliBtied by tlie MF.DPOHli 1'UIMJNCi CO. 1 6-1 7-2 1 N. Kir St. Miont 76 ROllKKT W. RUIIb, Editor B. BUMJTKIt SMITH, Manager An lriJi'itcnJviit Ncwupster Entered as iocom! claiw-.niatter t Mod ford. Oicgoo, under Act of March 8, 1B7. Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BEADY, M. D. SAN FltANClKCO. C'al., Kept. I times It would lio comforting to 12. Wo have boon naked hy u lilamo them, on mjiiil'uiiu else, )ut suuHuriher why wo don't bluo-iicli-1 really Ibo hiuilcsL triiil fur thul Klipied letten prrtairiiiut to pcntonul health mid liyffiiiit not to disease diufiiosii or nil Air. IJrlshuuu's ' Toduy." HlK i odllorlul "We" IliiM never boon tho "oaimiMl1.' w 1 " aKvereu uy nr. firmly it u fcUn.pml, hHl-tttlireuil n.vciope ih viiriomu, opposition tu llio Ix'mkuo uf Xa- indltiiiaiu h u i s c r 1 h a r, but th RUHSCKIITION RATES By Mall lu Advance: Daily, with fcSunduy, year 7.fi0 Daily, witli Suuilny, month 75 Daily, without Sunday, year fl.f'O Ilallv. without Hundav. month ... .G" Weekly Mail Tribune, one year.... 2.0(1 Hutidiir. one vt-ar Hy Carrier, in Advance In Mcdfonl, Ash- lt.0hinin Mti J, JatkHDiiviiic, i.emrai I'lum, i uwvm , i nuns and tho World Court, ms pleased oiao, who Ijuh so often complex ri'cartlliiu airplanes, und j siiitl to Die Writer something like bin usury talk, ure all condemned ; this: un inischievoua ami mendacious "Hay, that vhh a good editorial hooey." In the .Mail Tribune lust nJt?ht! We don't nwree entirely with j who wrote It." Ih'lshann, on any of these issues. ; Letters idiould lt brief und written in Ink. Oivinir to tlie liirirv number of letters re ceived, only a few can Iw atiNwered here. No rt-ply can be ni.ulo to (ueriea not conform lug to Instructions. Addreu Dr. William itrady, In care of Una newbij per. wiikx Yor iiavi-; yoi it rutsr tmigi:stio.v 2.00 but we do not Intend to edit hint as .Maine koos, brelhern, so j,'oe (column. To edit Jliisbane would : the nation: Maine lias none Hon-; that, ilon t 1. 1, i.r, ifiul,.i,. . vop sm nKiihnlicjilK Di-.f f tlituwhtv. iV-iiV . w ii. sun, rjv. mwiiii ...;.. .70 111 our opinion, should bo allowed ,:uIiik? is correct A 1 Smith might; Daily, without Sunday, moiitli I to bo I Sri Daily, without Hiuiduy, 0110 year... 7.00 , . All teniifl, cash in 'advance. Just as no ohuraeier can do unuor- uiaun. ,s h niauer oi met. istood. It only Its lesi sine is m.-mi, ..n.i. .-1 , nimii u imi-mu Frankly, now, I believe there Ih 1 your nerv no Hueh thliiK i' "indlKostjon," ho ! uiiui it. : if you think 1 urn wrons about j nurporlinw read any further to- 1 1.. i p.i-iulmnr. i hr. 1) it it show ( wen Hiivo li JK train fare a nil 'J he taken with Hie sweet. Kor j mrnyx. and lot the eumpalKii MKMRKK (IF THE ASSOCIATED I'llKSS lleceivintf Full l-eased Wire Service Only pajicr in city or county receivine Hewn by telpgraph. The Attainted Tress. ! rxclusively en tilled to the uso for publication of oil Iicivh dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in thin piiper, and aUo to tbfl local Hewn published herein. All right for republication of ipccltl dtt patches 'lerein are also reserved. you should funtlnue Years ao n nostril in to contain the medic inal virtues of eelery was widely exitlolted. Probably customers do rivod some effeot from the aloo holle content of the Muff. Any way your celery seed tea is till ' rit-'hl. Sworn dady averaKe circulation for six months eiidiiu; April 1, 1U2H, 4&:i2. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackhon County. Advertifilnff llepreHentntivi-H M. C. HtHiKNSKN & COMI'.VNV Offices in New York. Chicaeo, Detroit, Ban KraiivUco, Lot Angeles, Seattle, Port land. . Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry writer can be understood, :npcaK .up. tours chnnKe one-half-of-( if only his best or what one con-j one-percent of tho votes, whether mUIoi-s hia best opinions are pub-j made by Smith or Hoover. Xover llshed. Itheless, the restplt In Maine should Itrislmnc in Mi lsbano, a man j not be taken -very seriously this of prejudices and weaknesses like! year. Tho entire political sitna ihe res! of ns but all In all, tho i lion Is too n;,ixed up, for any most effective and readable edi-1 maxims of th post,-brlluni period takes some such allitudo. as I take torlal writer in the country today, j to apply. it, siiovs how Maine . iim jHI,iiy ,o-lar Lai him be soon as 11 Jii ib nui , wm o inn '..ku s aooui an. , SUrn trouble as as a humireri-ociii newspaper eou-j T ors. blue-pen.-lllnK his stuff, would! Ak tl,,!;aiKn pr-wresses, mnk'i him appear. , however, the foollnK eonstantly .4 increasoiH that Smith is beaten And speakiiiK of editorials, thislthut while Ire may make a Kreat same subsoribor declares it had j showing, he cint by any reason been hinted that an editorial ap-1 able possibility, win. We have there Is no 'acute Indigestion," I no matter how many well known people die of It in the newspapers. My first Indigestion eame. I'm bound to confess, at a happy mo ment. 1 mean it couldn't have ar rived at a more welcome time .n pcarhiK In the Mail Tribune over two weeks uko. advocating the niriinber o newspaper j n,v Ilf'- You see. It seized mo list two weeks, one , just about AH hours before- visited offices til lection of Circuit Judge Of M. of them the Sacramento (eo. beint'1 niter 1 received my eommis- Thomas, was composed by the; bitterly opposed to Hoover, and sio11 Ils medical officer and or .ludsp himself. This is tho hard-1 the .smtimcm in all of them has j to report to some unholy camp ..... " ..t "I Mm lev" tln.t KlnL'ul'ii'K- tin. unm.. Mitiltll i for " t I'a 1 II j 1) If. " Oh. lillV th-il -u .' ... .li,.,. thi'iu i. t' . mi.. ..r hi. ('a wonderful .llvl.r.i a,i I had your address 1 would send campaign. .ludue Thomas ina.V have been At that, quite a few of us pass through this vale of f e a r s with nary a twinge of! A tinnier lilies. When a fellow ! There Is nothing like biting the goes for years hand thai feeds you. My first pur wlthout he either i lte i to thank you for your corn begins, to feellph'te advice about styes, but, oh, in u r li I d and Doclor, what about your rosiat ashamed of him- since? I had nearly concluded Hint self or else he Immunity Is the thing and resist ance doesn't happen. Miss II. II. W. Answer. And Miss W. clinches it by underscoring a passage where I had written that, in obstinate cases of recurring styes a course of bacterial vaccine administered by the physician may bring resist ance up sufficiently to restore im munity against the pus producing bacteria, as Is commonly done in cases of recurring bolls. That was not only an awkward but an am biguous way to express it. Your bite has teeth in it. Miss W. If I of course "Hoover will win. i humdinger while it lasted. iUt a ou someining 10 enow on. in ioki-h if this sentiment in ( "alifornbi ' Krand and glorious bellyache, lor, OI m appreciation. w umv un Approiinately ,.10. (WO voters of this slate have been unable to let go of their fishing poles, guns, and golf sticks long enough to register lor the fall election. guilty of a number of reprehen-1 and in the Smith section of jslble acts, but no one can chargt ! oililontfa Is chaiacteristic of the I him with responsibility for the j country at large. It is in Itself ! Mall Tribune editorials. No. that going to be a decided factor In J responsibility Is ours, and has , Hoover's favor. lor whether wo j been for a number of years, ex-iijito it or not, there are thousands ; cent for a few months, when ill-1 of voters, who either don't want i it admitted mo to the hnniti.i nn.i entitled me to immediate opera-1 wiu u'n y,ou" lM lion, which was delightful enough I Your The straw hat is vanishing from tho hurf.un. as did tho noble red man and the buffalo. They will bo sequestered where they cannot ho found next spring. (Jen. Noblle, who escaped from the Italia disaster with his hide intact, "Is in seclusion." Mo are many bravo men. who went with him, and ufter him. Tho papers tell about a liulti moro girl who lost her frock at a dance, hut don't telj how she no ticed the difference. Alva, Okla., Jteview-t'ourier.) A breath of cool air may have hit her. The news that a "communistic l'arty" exists in Oregon Is startling, but it is not as siartling as the information that nobody in Jack son county belongs. Thero are several who will Join any fool notion once. in itself, but moreover the tem porary Incapacity made me un available for the drill sergeant. Kvon if they had declined to news stepped in. and tliu editorials , to throw their votes away, or, operate on me pronto, my first were signed by tho substitute i ehild-llko, want to be on tho win-! indigestion would have been a writer. ning side. happy experience, T think. The A great many things can n , . . . wow was exquisite while It lasted. can he. said, no doubt, about tho M. J. editorials some tilings IIAVK; boon but no one can truthfully say they have ever been "canned,' copied without credit, or the pro duet of any "ghost writer." Some- Druggists appear to! good time. Well, Tho Uctail be having a we uon i Know oi uiij moup t jUt eti liusmoss men i uai miuu iu oo v tor equipped to have it. ' It. W. It. Miss Tola Negri of the films, fell off a horse when tho critter snort ed and shied at a paper sack pro pelled down the i'arls avenue by a gentle breeze. The tumble was epochal, as nothing like It has ha pponed since King George of Kngtnud went to France to review tho troops, and his mount rared up when the band started to play, and deposited 1 Is Highness upon the royal hip-pockots, in the mud of Flanders, practically ruining the Imperial pants. When l'la fell I here was anguish. If she was lucky sho might pull through. Her condition was precarious, h e r princely husband was fretted be yond wordf, and the screen world nobbed. Xow it develops that ail Hie fusK was unnecessary. l'nla only had the wind knocked out of her, temporarily. The attention of (he Sulvnt Ion - Army, the Hod Crnvs, and the Near Kast Uolicf committee is culled to the barelegged girls running loose thesu nippy evenings. QUILL POINTS Tin; religion Hint .seems out ui plan! in pilitics is t lie oIIut fellows. The iviison the nlory ends tpiccrly is Imtiiuxu tlir rilitor clioppt'tl ofl! four p.iit'ii graphs lo makfit i'il around Hit; att'cr-lisiii"'. Tho st'tiatnr who falls litpuir a lniriiin; issiu not discovered wlial injfer alt- will tlo for il. OM'KltMNW itnirr.its Now listen, Mr. Voter, if you're now a party floater And Inclined to bolt your ticket for convictions of your own, It will probably atna.e you. thul as followmcn appratso you Diametrically opposite opinions will bo shown. There nre those who will denounce you and indignantly pro nottneo you An ingralo of tho deepest, dark est hue that they can name; They will hall you with derision, point with scorn at your de cision And attempt to heap upon you gross indignity and shame. Ther'ro the gents you leave behind you, hut as soon as others find you i 1 lave bo I ted t o t u cand Idat es and party they espouse. You will find that you're u hero and your feelings onco ul Jtero Will rise as you discover whut a welcome you can rousts And so, dear Mr. Voter. If you're now a party floater lio prepared for contradictions in the terms to you applied; You're an Ingrute and a hero all at once If one can ho so Fur opinions, friend, will differ on the one and t'other side. ( llultimoro Sun.) it's fair cnouuli. They arc usintr srr;ipprd iiulomoliiles 1o mulct1 farm niitrliiiirry. and Hit' product of tlfe fiirin imichinrry irotts hack into autoinohilcs. ff only wt! hody rise pnv league. (mi u It I farm out oilier llicir salaries until ll inployes ;i tic I ev are ready is 1 tried valiantly to inform the! universe for six or eight hours.' the ungruteful old an-i pendlx sl-ughed off the bellyache i ceased and I was happy enough to j turn up my toes for good and allj , right then, if the occasion required i ' It. Acute appendicitis promptly i : subjected lo surgery is my notion j of a pleasant vacation: the same j malady without intervention would make n comfortable method of exit, I wot. ! Xok Coshcnhlittzcr (let's call : hiin or her) graphically describes his or her first indigestion: "Seven years ago I suffered in digestion for the the first time in my life, after eating a steak. The following morning my hand swell ed badly. T hednelor called it vidrtltly lia.S i four years I spent over $ri,0tlfi go I lug to various specialists, and they all called it the same. My cheeks, chin, lips, eyes, tongue, hands and' foot will swell from tlino to time. All dotors say emphatically there is no known cure. Three years ago I gave up physicians und quit eating red meats and became gen erally careful about my diet, ;but the swellings appear just the same I dy, which, as any' old fogy doctor j bad for the teeth, j Own Kids. am told tho the progeny of a nervous, slightly built, first born J woman and an athletic, healthy. six-foot man, both near the samei age, are hound to be victims of I tuberculosis. Is this statement j well founded or not? Please cite some instances in which this is not ; the case. M. D. M. I Answer. A child will be tuber-I cu luus only In case either parent J or other intimate associate has tu- horcukisi.s when or soon after the j child is born. ; (Copyright. John F. Dille Co.) uuikc some fur the t)i'r The greatest aid to democracy and casual conversation is the universal need of a match. The KiieJish visitor who says we hiive no liberal party should he around some, time when the precinct boys are being paid off. 'Kuril jriivr Rockefeller a flivver for bis birthday which means that Henry's presents at his next natal eelehrat ion will include a bright, new dime. They may'eure criminals hy operating on their heads; hut if the operation is performed in time, a flat piece of wood serves as well as a knife. at frequent intervals. As a rule as I have noticed, tin- swellings appear after Indigestion. The swell ings rarely start in the daytime; I wake in the morning swollen . ." ill less frightful language the correspondent Is subject to giant hives. In any attack of hives (ur ticaria) there Is likely to bo dis tress referred to the digestive tract; sometimes, at least, this; Is attributable to hives In the gullet, stomach or intestine. There Is one some sufferers from angioneurotic j edema or giant hives, ami that Is j , hypodermic or Intramuscular in- jeetniiiH of adrenlu given by the; I physician, ami a prolonged course) I of adrenal gland medication by mouth, of course under control of 1 1 wjy jw. i 511 4 III T Rippling Rhymes (By Walt Uaion.) KASV MOXKY HOYS. It's sad to see a young man tired of everything his eyes behold, with nothing fit to be admired, while all his bless ings leave him cold. It is the fate of many lads who have grown up In gilded ease, who touch their fat hers for the icads, who seem to think coin grows on trees. They motor Lill around tho town or purJi their airplanes to and fro; they never had to buckle down to gain the luxuries they know. They never had a ply u hoe throughout the long hut sum mer day, or tako a Ihree-tlned fork and throw upon a wagon loads of hay. They never had to strive and strain behind a sawbuck and a saw, or carry brick or harvest grain or feed u thresher'8 hungry maw. They, never had to do without tho traps for which they, yearned and pined, "for father is n good old scout," so they avoid the heastly grind. They never had tu earn a plunk by digging holes or driving brads; and so tho luxuries seem Junk for which they blow the unearned scads. And so before they're fairly grown they're sad and faded as can be; they're sick of everything they own, and tired of everything they see. The man who in his younger years gets down to tacks while Croe sus plays, who labors like a brace of steers, finds zest in life throughout his days. And 2vory luxury he buys recalls the time when he was broke, and couldn't purchase costly pipes, or buy himself a five-cent smoke. Ho buys himself a stovepipe hat and thinks about the bygone hour when such a gorgeous lldas that seemed far beyond his earning power. And so. contrasting bygone times with present pomp and circum stance, he gets much comfort from his dimes, and life's a merry song and dance. Imualcu Inind tout tho Jmiinr IH'"'" corp will perioiin tu. and uro oxpcoie.d hi 1'iove ihtiMn ! ,! lB 1 ...ho omuitUalions have bee,, pniclh'i.m dlllgenlly ror mmto time. steady, Hogs roroiplK 1 Ofi, tall direct) steady. Sheep und steady. lambs XU receipt,,' 13.- 1'i I'io low,.; I.lti-slnrk I'OUTI.AN'K. l'tll,' nml i'.iIv .pi. 111. I'Vi ,.i-H.t !&. I'l'urilicc I'OltTI.ANI). t .. Kepi. Whok'Huln prices: I lulK'i Cube 1'liHts 1 oilier tiradea tjteudy. KlJKS. MtltlKlUI-i 1-ll.lS ll- IliRli,.,."" .Milk, poultry, potatoes, eniu, wool, iiniH. nay.. enHctim liiirk Ilna pops rn- inly. Why suffer with jiheumatismr You know it cannot : be rubbed tnvay A' RE you om of those unfov tunnlcs who sutler with ! pains in your muscles ami joints, ! commonly called rheumatism, making you misornble, ess el ; ficicnt, interferiiiK with youi working hours, ruining your I sleep? I You may have tried many things without relief. W hy not ! tryS.S.S.? I For more than 100 years S.S.S. has been giving relief m i thousands of eases, as testified to in unsolicited lettors of grut- I itude. i "I suffered with rheumatism for a good many years. At times I my joints would swell so, I couldn't walk. I tried almost everything. Went to Hot Springs ! .... then finally decided to try S.S.S. I took a course. In a ' short time the rheumatic pains . entirely left me. I am now in ! perfect health, and want to add J' that I. have tried all kinds of medicines but I think S.S.S. is the best." Earl C. Campbell, 115 West Main Street, Johnson City, Tens. S.S.'S. is extracted from the fresh roots of medicinal plants and herbs and gives to Nature what she needs in building you up so that your system throws off the cause. All drug stores sell S.S.S. in two sizes. Get tho larger size. It is more economical. S.S.S. Builds Sturdy Health cient us Japan's Samurai were to I the "higher ups" that they pro- tecied. j And organized capital is begin- ! ning to realize that. What differ- j ience does It make how much you; pay your workers or how few hours i they work, if the public pays the i bill with a profit left over? ! i Movietone Four Sons ! at Hunt's Craterian li' age limit for piislinastcr- ships has Ikh'ii nlscil three years, mi' 'now a congressman kin prom ise 11 teller a pustofficle till lie's S, Who rtMiif.Mii hers- wlirii a girl had t' floe from a huinln' hotel or join a burlesque show t' e- hcr charms? Brisbane's Today Still, spunking wouldn't ludp mueli in this soft-handed aire. Atnericatlisin : Malvinc; a dtiwu payineiit on ; while stalling the eolleetnr on the sewing; nUaehine. new radio Don't fear a second-hand ear. There's nothing wr it except the fact that the neighbors got a new one. with So the women spend 81) per cent of the money men earn 'I That means "JO cents in each dollar never bear the word; "(limine.'' 1 1 'Tour Hons," of .Miss J.- A. K. W'y lie's story, "Grandma Hernle Learns Her Lettors," holds tho screen at Hunt's Craterian. It tells of a mother's abiding faith in her four sons and In the world. Their homo, happy at first is clouded with the coming of tho war. The old mother is torn be tween her sons in the Herman army and her one son in the American army.' "With the ecep tlon of one scene on the battlefield in which brother fights brother, the war itself is not projected into the story, except as an off-screen background. Included in the cast are Mar garet Mann, playing the mother; .lames I bill, Charles Morton, Heorgo Meeker and Francis X. l.ushman, Jr., son of tho celebrat ed screen star, playing tho sons; ISarlc Foxe anil Juno Collyei, All give remarkable performances. In addition there are two .splen did acts of "Talkies" on the program. trn JLrENN A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION- ' EYU). WELCOME To the management and personnel of Montgomery Ward Company We extend our heartiest congratulations upon the completion of your splendid new. store in Medford. In selecting Medford as a location for one of your stores you have chosen well for this truly is "A. Great Country." your physician. Once more 1 say there is no such thing as acute indigestion, but when you get your first at tack l advise you to lose no timet In summoning th edoctor to try and find out what alls you. (Continued from Pago One.) NEW MARK 1-OH 1-UlU And many gentlemen await an ! opportunity to kill "Scarl'aoe." ' Nevertheless, Capone "paid his respects" lo Loniburdo in his rof- jl'in ami sent a large heart of rod I immortelles to the funeral. (Continued from Pago One.) (JCKKTIOXS AMI ANNWKItS I ted I hi mis. I am continually embarrassed by red hands ami red face. Is this a sign of high blood pressure K. J. Answer. Xo. IVIcry SfH'tl Tea. I am a woman of (o and hnv music in the grandstand during tho races and. will later give a num ber, of contorts in other places on the grounds. Tfoo Junior HlHh School Har- Accompanying Capone, ns he vis i ited the corpse of his friend, wore thalf a dozen men, each with his . vll'llt llOll.l In lilu mml .wwibnl nn.l Miss,1(rt everybody know, a gun in the ;ri-;ht hand. That takes you back ! "LJV,":." . "lvmna " ent anything I want now: V-.. . 7, ' i""'-""- i Including mince pie. Thanks tot William J. Ilowen. president of,Adlerika. stomach gas is gone and. the bricklayers' International II n- I sleep fine." Charles Carter . i Just ONK spoonful Adlerika re-i muiism. announcing that his union I hVvos gas and that bloated feeling- EATS MINCE PIE AND SLEEPS FINE-NO GAS won v..r norvi-us u mi i i-.initno l rWk ,uyers- international Un relax Dr. .ln t ilo me any koo.1-n , ()f America, dencuiues Com rriiMiil auvinen nie in umiK eeiery himm! li'a lu'fore iiuiiiu to IhmI I nnl!llls mnk $;l Sll'i 0l0 and lias paid Hn that you ,,an Pllt utul 'eep well, very fmul of eoli ry and like tho Uui.5O0.0UU 111 'benefits In tile last n.V.v-iTn.l'.m 'vV ''''!'!' ""'! Our linliiijiiy pirttiiv I'm- Imlay: 1'iniliiil anil tlcliiiliti'd while jtrerlini; I'mlinik ('outer. A ijri'iit Ntntcsiiiiiii l,k in-r a H i ii ton leu Is It maid for ine I slei-p well without It ralinot -M l. bowel and I'l'tnuvm old waste inut , .... i-., t,.,,..,,. ,it i ielejration fromM .O. n. j OrganUcd capital. lutcllteeiUly j y,mr Momach and bowels. Adh-r- .nswer. i no ceiery seen ica is iiiaoaso, vinnu uutu 111 orgauii'.eu j tKa will surprise you. Heath's i harmless and it it seems to snot tie Munor n uroiecunK torce as em-: I'rug Ntor ten yenra. j OrganUcd REICHSTEIN AND DEUEL WOOD Summer ALL KINDS OF DRY WOOD OAK-LAUREL-FIR roAi Prices GREEN PINE SLABS MEDFORD FUEL GO. 1118 North Central Tel. 631 MUTT AND JEFF Self Preservation Is the First Law of Nature Medford Girl Now in Tent Comedies V'runk'M CoiurillrtiiM return to tho big tent tunlKht. nml present fur the last. time, the riot eoinedy, "Don't Tell My Wife." tho play that delighted It iiudlenee on Tuesday nlKbt. Starting Friday lid eontinutnit Salurrtny ami Hun day, Klank'K t'onU'dlunii will pro " in-lit unother of their featurt, eont . edten, "Xot TonlKbt Dearie." In the, rant will be neon a mighty clever .Medford mis., who will surprise anil delight her many li lends. The tent In now well heated with Raa heat, and-thc ele ' m.ntM ha been taken care of, .itccoi-dins to Mr. Frank. Let me write your firo Insurance. I'M IN Suf AT LAV. X'N VKKiriNO LULUWN UNUCK IMS PEM NAM6. OF SArA SA5W AND IT'S A CINCH. AIL. I DO IS cmp-the best stuff of ring LARDNtR,, iRVCOBBj GEORGE.- S ADE AND MORTIMER AU6C 1 AHb MAKE. UP (VV COUUMN. N0BOOY KNOWS WHO SAW lTHAT COLUnANIST SAv SASH I HAS M0R NERVe THAN f CAKE b0N OF fAN STUFF ArJB USES IT AS- HIS OWN. X'M GONNA CURE. THAT ,.l-7 Boao. X'VC BEEN TRIMC TD FlNO OUT Fc(S A VJK VAKQ TH'S 6UV SANVSASH IS BUT rvjoBoov seervvs To know. THeRe'S JFF. tVVANBC H KWOWS TMC SAP- J h-kinuj? THlf AP. iS " f-i3 -.- r:T I 1 J X'AA UOOKIU& FORS"Arv I , 6.R-rAMJ SflSHi ( THAT'S fWV BST -at ur r tvtKf OA"Y ANO t'M TIRED OF IT. Do V0U HAPPEN TD KNOW Hlrv? r WANT TO BAT HlA UP', By BUD FISHER 4 STANDING THAT I TRee,' mi BON'TWANTTQ HCARA woko OUT OF y0J I'AA liumwtli (vvutjQ Tn- HUMORIST and vou'iee POISON TO (ve. THASS Ati.; I '..V,f !!. Tarl V. Tenirwald, Hotel lliillalld. J'liono Ii'JJ. jt i.-ii I ' 'I i rrmn mrrrv