firTClTFOTCT) MATT) TTtTRTTNR MEDFORT), OTCTCGON". RTTXDAY. 'ATnTRT 26. 1928. PTcTil STCVTiN' SOCIETY MURDER iiiry of we ; I.e. ANOKLKS. Aim. . "T'J Til.' Kelly murder tiin 1 was re- csed today Mini a Mipcrior court ' judge MiiniituiH'tl tn take the wit- j m-sx si a ml after a tentative woman : juror chosen to hear evidence ' against Leo "rat" Kelly, accused "butcher boy" Killer of Mr. Alyr lit .Melius, declared she discussed : I hi imm1 with ullnr lenlnUvc jur-j ois ami .Imli' Kiumetl Wilson. That Ki'hy may he tried hy a ' jury i.i insisting largely ul" women ! ur'':ili'HU l In same am- us the vie- j llni became, evident yesterday at ! ih'.' 4i pen Ink it I' l lie "ill-year nhl i meal miter's trial when hi- atlnr- i liey. S. S. ! lahn. frequently ; prompted hy Kelly. employed nu nierous challenges to wei'il men : nut of the jury box. When court i adjourned eight women ami (hree 1 men held tentative places on the I jury thai will try Kelly, with I mill j prosecution ami defense holding j sixteen remaining challenges for ' selection of the twelfth juror. i The demand of Kelly's attorney thaj- Frank Melius, husband of th slain woman, he held in contempt : of ourt for failure to ohev a suh- poena which instructed him ld hrluir "lorn- Imn-els nf u-hlsliec mul l'iiii hollies of heer," into court f threw a sensalioii into tlio opening j trial session. ' POSTER ISSUED Th;- fact that Uiehfiehl muduets I are now ..ibibb. t,. il ....rki alonjv all highways which enter .Mexico and Canada is emphasized in a coloifui poster just issued in t'alifui nia "Oregon iiii.1 Wash- nitfiun nivite you to ihe north- ' XV before. II is pointed out bv llielifiebl ni'f ichi l i b..i-,. 1 been .o mueh interest aioonir full- I fornia motorists in the pleturesiiiie scenic heautv of the ni,i'lb-,.l today. And the fact that all the i lii;.li,i- hifrhwnv ..I.h..,. ' i, 2i it tiw. .... i. ,.,.,. I hmhways. has adiled in the inter est. Pichfield. in eslahUshlng a e!osely-knit serii-s of distinctive j hlui- and gold independent filling j :-iiilion.s all tilt' way to the t.'ana- j ' ' 1 1 ' horder, anticipated tills heavy " . 1 wnl now the company is j .1 '. it broadcast Ihe aiipeal I ians to take.-.liie north- i : ip. " t " 1 , , , . ' utvertismg man Tearing Country in Monoplane Mr. Williamson, oft th adver tising di-p-irtmcnt of AiacFadden's publications of New York, who is now engau-ed in an air tour o' ' I u-.wTED Al.'-n pear pickers. In country, in ih,.. company m Lock- . uiiv . Jt j.indlv. S. O. S. Pack- 1 illfamsiui l.e;.d-Vega monoplane, calling on ; . , ., , - . . ... i turns, making a thorough business' Mirvey iif the country and getting personal data regariling news- j papers and magazines from an! advertising standpoint. ; MAX'ACKA. NU-aragua. Aug. 25. i frVt The marint- transport plane -piloted by Lieutenant ( '. Franlj Schilt arrivei! at .Managua shortly; after noon today from Tela, ITon-)1iii-ii. I . Road Oil Cleaning Car Washing Hardie System We use special chemicals for road oil. Will not in jure finest finish. Xo steam used. Best equip ment in city. Expert Polishing and Re finishing. Vacuum Clean ing. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, Inc. 101 8. Riverside Phone 18 .i. IJUST KIDS HERE COMES PAT.- MOMl Big Gains Here in Automatic Refrigeration "Autoiualh' refriKcration is intr adopted in this 'community with a speed that compares very la voraldy with its progress in oumr pans oi me suite, .-a. ;. , Ctinninjjrhain, who has returned inmi a district convention ai I'ort- ' hunt attended hy rVitddnire dea.l- ' ii nil sali'smen from all territory having Its lieaihiuarlci-s in that i - 'ity. "Ueporls temlered at Ihe meet- ifiiH; imlieated a steaily increase In i ihe installation of auiomalh- re- irifceration t.Muipnient. ami relied- . ;ed a general expectation of tre- ' mendous growth in volume in tin ' immediate future. Automflic 1 iriirerMiion is reeoiruizod ' as a modern necessity." Dealers and salesmen in the convention, he said, were enthnsi- iastic over the outlook for the re- ' mainder 4d" the year. Km- the first i seven ninnlhs of the vear l'"rii;i- ! 'dairn corporation's business wat- j ; repnrled as hehitf far in exi:ess ol ' that during ihe same period ol 1117. ii esc Save Coltim i-Jir-Mi. .miss says geese siiveil i;ume oy cai-- , hlillK. ahil William J Kerley ! Iai m,'r' Si,-VK llH'v saveU nis cl ..-'ton c: op by eating grass. Turn his f,'"'li "f iim - cotton field. f( il into a 0 Kerley -ultlva- ted his crop without single t i stroke of the hoe. Dredge Michle has opened Y quina bar lo low tiile depth of feet. CLASSIFIED ADVtnTISiNb RATES Ratoi per word tnr tint Insertion, 2o moh luoceedlna imertlon, lo; nilnhnurt 5o. Indx your ad wittt For Salt, Foi Rant, "d wordt, at wel' . wnirf. Ulanlflad a4a oairi In artvnnc and nol -iken over phjna, unlei artveftliar hai 0nthlv B,ount No owan", for ohon III! VA.M':;i; antiTiT- k i-iner or farmer's son or man to travel in coumr. SU-ady work. g4od profits. Me Connon it Company. Dept. C"'7. Winona. Minn. ' I a lng housi'. I-"'!' WAXTIOD Cook and helper who can cook and serve good food in a sinntl place. Address "Cook." Mail Tribune. ' If WAXTIOM Voting man fi' work in local store while taking husl ness course. Medfonl Jlusiness Collei-. (JWN. 1 57 WANTEIi .Vii'EI.:.ANEOVS WAXTIOD Fruit p; l.end-ni Packing ckers. nde Co.. Phoenix. K.llf WAXTKI.) Tn buv IhriMy weam-i Pigs. Phom- I 132-Y. I tin WAXTIOD P.artb'lt pears for can liin:;. II. Ii. Valley Cg. Co,. 13th and Fronl Sis. 1 n CHU.DLKX CAIllOD for by hour or day. I'll one -I''-22. J 5 WANTED 2nd hand goods junk. Pat's, 15U IJ Prune.. 517-L. nnd Tel. MM i AXTIOD--Iiicyele repairing, lawn : mowers, knives a n d shears ?11uu;,lenr,tl: JOnivlna of all Kinds. Work gunranteeil, star gw, 41tf , WANTED - Lawn mowers to sharp- phonouranhs rerialred: rub- ' her tires put on tricvcle nnd 1 baby bimgies: general repnirinff i ( and locksmlthhik'. Call and de- Uver. .Mod ford Cvcle & Uennlr Shopf successor to Liberty Re-; pair Shop. Chas. Fisher, Prop. 1! N. Fir Sr. Phone 2;;. 5tf FOR RENT FCKN1SHED ROOMS KOU UKXT Furnished rooms; good beds and good rooms: also Ilirht housekeeping apartment; close in, I I .". Mistletoe St. 170 FOU UIOXT ing porch. rooms am 21 W. loth. sleop- MISCEl.T.ANKOVh LIST your h;ive calb Uealtv C rentals with us. A' for all kinds. So. Ore. i -. Nat Mldg. ifil I LKT AIK do your exterior painting or inierior decorating. D. L. .Myers. 1'iDi 10. Jackson. Phone M ! ",y Oregon Winter Blue Grass (Poa Bulbosa) 99 Pure Elinor Hanley Bush 826 E. Main Phone M2 MEDFORD THERE HE "b - MRS.STEBBINS -SOUND AS f NEW PENNY UJE HAD A LITTLE TROUBLE GETTING HIM, BUT UIE ALSO iSJ: - r- i i r i m c imnc crto Tur x WEIO JAIL WANTKD SITUATIONS I VtH'Mi MAX Willi sales traliiim-' ami cxpei'iencc In grocery ami i dry kin ills, wants position in . Ale. U'ord. Is eompletin;; a course , in M-d. ISusiness college. "Write ;ox r. care Trihunc. 1 . WANTKU Uressniakinj,-. IMi. U'T 1. 1S1 . ri:HSi)NS ilesirimr hoy or yirls to iviii'l.' initldi- nt' Ni-hnikl iiiliillill- .......... ...i,i. .i,.. it.,.i,.Mi'd,... I'lione Ml IT.T ? -jyyUEUJ JAIL AND WE i-? Iin,l i-iyer: filling siaiiun. store, (,'H N.UK ION Klil'T iiic a day hy Airs, humlerman, 1 1 No. Mr; Street. 1 r. : - VA N'TIO !) 1 1 ousowork ; dry. Phone Ulfi-X. fino liuin ir.7 IIKIjP WANTED FEMALE WAXTi:U A Klrl or middle aj;eil wmau for housework. r25 No. Miverside. Km , WANTKIJ Women to help with! - " , V WAXTKU Kxperieneeu wu... at once. Phone KU-.I. J ii " . . "1 i I'd J Sf'coml mail). Call 11 . j FOK RENTAPAHTIMENTS foil 11 10 NT '-'-room furnished apart meat, lieatly SI. ?15. Jmiulr'j l.'n - e'UJi iu-.. i .ewiy lapereil and painted 1-room modi-rn furnish ed apt., $211. 121 Lincoln. 15."' WK HAVK a very good furnished . apartment for rent. Motel Hoi- l hind. tf! . FOU II I0NT Several desirable I i apartments. Hotel Cram). 1 FOU RKXT Mcautifnl new 3 and 4 -room apts.. harlwood floors, steam heat.' hot water. Frigfd aircs, tile sinks, garages; finest apis, in iMedl'ord. Inquire T"3 S. Holly St. l-17tf KOlt RrfNT Furnished 2-room apts; privuto bat h, electric range, hut and cold water. Phone 12. 2Uf FOIt I C 10X1 IIOI.'KES KOI! KIOXT .Modern home, age. Phone M7-II. KOU KIOXT West Alain. i- sm; Mil KOlt KIOXT Pcautiful tLroom modern home, completely fur nished : st ea in heat . close in, lovely yard; x'iM per month. See Charles A. Wing Agency, 1 nr. 157 FOU KIOXT A new furnished cot tage for teacher or business ladv. cm w; ith. i f. iu KOlt UK-NT Very desirable 5 rooni bungalow, 5 Mi S. Crape St. Phone I! Mi. Also few pieces of furniture for sale, library table, wardrobe, healing stove, small bookcase. ' i r,i; KOU No HUNT 7 -room iiouki-. .Ml". Hivrrside. Phone !i77-W. I.'.S KOU 1 1 10NT N e w 5 -room bu nga - low; hardw i floors, fireplace, I'leclrii; range. Inquire 5 1 3 W. 2nd. K.ltf KOU KIOXT-Kast shb; home, 302 Crater Lake Ave.. 7 rooms. s:(t. Call owner. Phone jl-pj or 1322. MiJIf FOU 1 : 10 X T Mm s Court St . , 0 -room house, newly painted and refinishfd. $2.'.. Call owner. Phone 1110 or J322. J4'ilf FOR RENT TToraos, Furnished or unfurnished. Brown & White. 4 7tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS Foil UIOXT Laehelor apartment. 41.", s. From. MATIIIMOMATj TrrrT" " " " ' ''"N 1 '-'-MAX of 4 . . of good soeia I sianding who has the nitain- ments aiquireil by exiensiv travel, etc, v. Ishes to make th acquaintance of Lady. Object, matrimony; io make a place call ed home, p.ox 31. care At ail I'ril'iine. Mi3 f.l-.X I LK.MAX of integrity, and' sincere purposes wishes to meet : widow. Object marriage. Ad I dress P.ox 74, .Mail Tribune, j LOST Morn-rimmed glasses In j leather ,-a-e. French A- Atwood. 1.1 North Fir. Uewanl. I.'.T REST lfrMES I I COXVALKSCI0XT A N I) R K S T i H f M 10, facing Lithla Park. I Ash land. Ore. D-lightful rli- 1 ' mate and surroundings for In ' v::Iidg and old pcoidc '. :i.".f WANTED We liny for Ciisli All Used Furniture and Stoves Call 505 W. A. KINNEY Furniture House 31.1 Kast. Main AND WE EXPECT THEYL DOGS AM) 1ETS sAl.i) -hrood sows. -A'eaner pius and llcrlicley ttrcha- . KOIt SAI.K Sorvico stfition and store, 1 aero tillahle froumi; i miles from lirantH I'asfi on Hod- wood highway. D. J. Layton. n. K. D. 2. - l-r'J i.-Til? SAI.K OU TMAD10 Auto camp, 10 acres on lUKinvuy, it. iv. ealiins. Inquiru Iti So.- Iliv side FOK KXCJI.iNtJK TO i:X('MAXi for li:-;lit ear. equity in T.-acre tract in alfalfa. Inquire at I'aslinie Pool Hall. .1(11 i TO TRA1K l-U Hode touring car in first class shape, for ood i milk cows, fresh or comini: fresh. Willi.ii.w :il Seeiilililler v u' ranch. 'Hear Antioeh school, or address uenirai i-uim. . tf POIt SAI.Il MVESTOCK i.- i wl.K Two ouim milch . i(ivvs. ,vi,.p ,-.,. A N some good grade Durham cows. Chas. K. (iray. (told Mill. ids KOI I SAI.K Fresh Jersey cow, very gem le. Phoni1 -!M -'- III Ci. Ill IMC. ' I -'OK SALE Hampshire ami Ram' huuMlet ram lambs. Four mile in Crater Lake o.-.i..... 301-J-l. Dolph I'hipps. 157 KOU SAI.K 3 head ewes. 1!. 10. 1 liU Tucker, lirownsbor I'OIl SALfe HOMES I OKA I. SIIU'PP.AX I1OA110 ; ."i-i-ooin bungalow, very desirably located, facing east on Pacific highway: art 1st lea My finished: complete In every detail: large garage, beautiful lawn, 'j acre bind. Deal direct with owner. , IVi-ms. call 3-11 -.1-1, or Mox 1 1 2. Phoenix, Ore. .157 KOU SA 1.10 New home, 5 rooms and wash room: pretty jazz plas tering, cove ceilings, hardW4ioi floors, lots of bllMt-lns, garage and lawn. Price $')25u. Phone I2H-4 for aMpoininient. 1 T .-(il! SAI.K Ol! TUADIO Aparl-I meiu hoilf-4'. 0 apartments, fur- nisbeil: income m;jii per nionlM. j Owner has purchased large ranch I in Washington and will sacrifice if sold by Sept. I. l'.t2S. Take good car or small acreage as ' payment. 10. I '. Corn, i Kveiiing phone 137 I." FOU SAI.K OU TUADIO Almost new t-rooin modern hunu' ln partly furnislied ; paved street, lots of shade. Owner h aving j and will jt sold bv Tues- i day. 10. C. Corn. I I S. J liver- ' side. Kvening phone KJ77. I.'i'i 1 KOU SALIO New doiihle con st rm-ted bungalow, li rufims, ball) and brea kfusl nook : oa K floors. I'iri'jdace. built-in buffi' t. linen ! closets and wardrobe. Priced sell. Owner. S. Molly. 1 FOR SALIO My homo at Jjn-1 East Alain St.. at a bargain. Wm. K. Campbell. K2tf FOU SALIO Will se Sxoii equily in 3-room plasteied house with bath, for .:.IMi. Will lake piano, radio ,,r other furniture as part payment. Plume I 3 1 7-L. 1 5ii KOU SALIO OU TUADIO Kqulty hi duplex for sum II u n improved acreage. Inquire !Ml7 North Ulv erside. i f KOU SALK OU TUADK One of Alrdford's most beautiful homes; 7 rooms with bath and large reen porch, large Imvn with roses and shrubbery. 14 differ eiu varieij..H of trees, including two large oaks; 10 minules walk from Mote) .Medfonl. Anv rea sonable terms or will accept smaller lions,, as part pavon-nt. See this at 1310 W. Main and if intei.yle, Se. mc or anv Med fonl realtor. C. A. DrVoe Ph S23-J-1-. ,V,..,r, FOR SALE Summer home at1 Shady Cove: new. modern, com-' . ! FOU SALIO ('.-room house on east ' ' b"-'"lfol lawn, large tot - good soil, garage; everything , ...o.Tli. i-rucil 10 sell, Junii wrange or Phono 83 W. Junk Wanted! Brass Copper Aluminum Storage Batteries We also Buy Rags, Tubes and Bottles All Kinds of Second Hand Furniture and Tools Medford Bargain House XOU DEAR-DEAR-BOY- I TELL YOU HOUJ HftPPY I AM have: you back- and ujon't LET YOU OUT OF MY SIGHT UNTIL YOUR FATHER COME" FOR YOU 1 fK-SUN i 3 PERSON IS f6 It.'H. by Kgnr X roil SAi-n iiomks ,yi SAl.K- house ami I lols by owiier.- Molly. 1 KOll SAI.K OU liilAT A brand new r.-room house, corner Palm and Kose. Small pa mcnl down, halanee litke rent. !all owmr. Phone 111!' or 1.1:2. 1 L'l FOIt SAI.K House, larue lot. on North Orange. House under con struction. Now is Hie time to buv and have il finished t rult. Price is Hunt. See this property before you buy. Phone Sli-W, or iiiuuiro ut it- North Oran- lllltf FOR SAI.K 5 - room modern home; SlOfiO cash or trade, bal ance like rent. Woods Lumber Co. tf t'OU SAKE House and 3 lids on highwnv in r.erry.lale district, near mill. Oood for residence oi business location. Phone ttil-AV or call 3'2 X. Ornnye. 131tf I.aree 6 -room mod run n.-n. ern dwelling on West Tenth St.. with shade trees and garage; properly has heen oci-upied as a private school and dwelling, is easily convertible into 6 or 7 room house. Priced way below actual value for quick hale. To tal price only $27r0. Small cash payment will handle See Carl Teniiwaid at Holland Hotel Pklg. or Kurl S. 'fumy at 310 Liberty BMg. ?. H FOIt SALF ni'.Ali ESTA TK KOU SAI.IO Wonderful opportun- j;y hi one of southern Oregon's best poultry larins. -. ' canacitv: excellenl modern liome fiiciug main highway. I Iccauve . of lllnesH will sell at less than' cost. See Charles A. Wing Agency ( Inc. 1 '.7 j . - -- - - - - - . KOI! SA l.l . acres, im-ai no , . - poultry and r--w cows: close j K4 SA 1 .10 - 1 tride Iannis, nun- mill, 'j mile from city school: ' pi.-te with pleated shades. s.7. snnill 2-rooin house and garag-1. ! ;U11 :t.LT.. oricnlal Art and Va- pric for quick sale: sl.'i'M rieiy store. 1 .'-7 ca-.h. babiio e per month. I Sec Charles A. Wing Agemy, ! KO 1 ; SAI.K Piano. Kurekn vacn i1H. irh7 li n cleaner, mellophnne. maga- lACUKAOK i'Olt HA 1. 10'- Just i i j few more small tracts left. Lo-! j cation and soil ihe best in lib- I l valley, price right, at your own I terms. See .Mr. Olson, iieall Lane corner on Pacific highway north.! Phone 4!i;-ll. 15(1 I SIX A l 'UIOS Cloe in on C:m"-s Lake highway: good Innise. biy barn, garage and milk house; lin view and shatle; fi nil Irees and berries; good hnr-ic. cuv and hog: nil implements and hon.-e p;iill furnished. A real place. S.I. mm until Sept. 5ih. D. 10. .Mlll-ird Co., 4MI Kast Alain. !".': UI0AI, oppoUTKNIT i M' with -Tt mile frontage on Uogn river and Crater Lal.e higiiw.i'. 2 small himses and big birr perpeiiuil frei' water rk-hi: iib.o ".ii ai-res bolloiii soil under .lili l ba lance good soil in l imi i wonderful camp ground locatio on highway and river: rip" l'i summer home bit-- Mibdivb-bo lOlltire Iracl .i!.::ii'i, on ea-' lerins. D. 10. Millard Co.. I I JO. M iin. Phone ;l'l'. d; J-'OI SAI.K-37-aeje eh: I house, modern. Oalsdale. KOU SALK op TUADIO a. re:. ' in Jarksom ill.-; 7 -room b.oi r : fine shade, it- iMOib-rn , -1 1 j , -i . house, barn and L! uell; s.OIlO. or will trad" for m.i.iII hi in ' D. 10. .Millard Co , IK. Ka-q Alain. Phone !:.'. r,i; ; FOR SALIO--1 1 -acre home ai y.,,-- I'ifire, elosi' in: berries, e'lirtien,: i ami other stork. For information Phone 43 7-L. I l.i; Klamath county; 30 Irrigated; good alfalfa or potato land: bril anee (joud grain land. A. JO. Ale Coy, Men in, ore. i WHION YOU think T re il estate Drown A White When You Pack Your Trunk t-Klltnaln Hip lnvi'inm ils rnllli'lltH ri'im-si'iil. Tin. Cnf l. t lnsnniiir' will sr.i'in I'i.lli uliniHly snnill In ciiiiiiiiiiisnii. Our lj!il!.;im.' IIIHIII'IIIII ! ! nr.! Im.iriislvf. Tli.'V will jiroloi:! yon Iriun b,x on lummmc In unnsli. ioIi m or l.'s!royi;i ,y fill' or ollo i- m-fi'l.-lit. liiimn ui.llf Aai ni'v. Inc. I. :. ( iillln-. .Mr. IoIIiiiiiI Hold lllilu. I'Iioih- lilo. V WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your SECON-HAND FURNITURE Scott Woolf CWT TO THIS HUMBLE lOH-TllAVS PERSON REtRETb) A,WRteHT- THAT YOUR fPAT esteemeoaim't THIS LOWLY MOTHER. SpCNVJLY HAPV'-J SHOULD CKXI CRIES l-X) It SAIil-l'OlTll'llX 1 1 SAI,K- 'losing i rus, last irk v, ii 11 ul all (Mir year's pul .u record ii a each if One mih' K. Walker. 1 :.n w niii' Lenin b is, from l ,y S.'ii.. 1st. t Talent. A. Koli SAI.K 1 i. .s. W. .1. V..le l.yihoi li Warui-r. TOR SAI.K Al'TOMOUM.KS i-oi: sai.k loaiiiiM fi and laake - - p.n' 1 Willys-Kniulit r: new lires, battery lining: license: M'Mit. .1, A. A. Krentzell. rill (ilen Oak fourt. l.'i ire i W SAI.K Chevrolet sedan. BECAU I nc: tr :;ood condition lhrimt;hotii: miisl ! voll SAI.K Knrdson tractor, pat sell; Hacrifiee for M . :" -'; j eat hilch and pulley, John Deere Crape. -u j.jn. orchard plow, all in good SA 1. 1. - t'hcvrolei sli i.. will ir: M lo chanically O. K T'"' " Valley I'm-I Co. KOU SAI.K Dodge. 1 ! Ti. 7-coat dmo. perfect shape. Will take in small car. Flume uttJ-Y.. KOU SAM: Mi-t Chevrolet truck Willi large bed. Price cheap if taken at once. A rmslrong .Mo tots. Inc. Vhono IN. if M Ut SAl.F-MlSCKljriANICODS Kill! SAI.K si-d, snv i ge ''low Usl Of pC -Wrexham delphinluin , only from double. I rim:- plains; also lure j eiinial plants for fall : , planum;. Phone l r. L' - : Mil : I spi - j,,,,,. SALK lc lb. 1 .".7 his-.i-:i. ,-( 1 1 LK I- i n p.-aches. J. II. Hal i.tocrtas. I ' ring ,,,n,.r Aioi.i e. u ,,- Ashland Xorimil si.iilheasl honl. II in - 1 con.lilion ; Wl- 10. Jacks. Pliouc l!- W. J 10 W( m D enamel smool h -i op ra nge. I m j nera or on side. y. I FOU SAI.IO- Klbci pea. lies. brin-. I C:;iv. Cold Mill. I armim Chas. K. HI! SAI.IO Watermelons 1 ' cantaloupe.- l'.'.c ih.'.. r. pcnlcr railed. Jacksonvi'.e bir;ii I i: I OH SALI0 Klberias. Si. Clmrb Peachi-s. e Kast :,d s 10. Uoso. tra tancy f Spring If. a ; OH SALIO - I sed Maying'. m-w. Priced righl lol eas tag Shop, IH Xorlh UalH. M.iv- FOU SAI.IO - lligl 12. .'ill. Phone oven gas i ; - j . Ki'l! SALIO Day. third culling. Inquire Nick Kime, Stewart Ave. KOI! SA LK ('.il ls bi. yeie, J Ml. Chilfom-tle, l-iipallilcd. Two Used f '.eeti ie jroMs.- I 7 So. New ton. FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS ARE Members Med ford Realty Board There Is No Law Against Being a D Fool Why Let Your Chances Pass You By? An orchard or a cow ranch loday Ih Hip sndiKl ihvesijneiK p tlm W lory of Oregon. When, (lie two are f-mihitifd In dip1. It m'.'tnH the ulti ma t". Our FcrviceM am at your ilihP'i-al 1 procure the bent and lo p,et. ft al lite lowest price. Thai U why our lout: experience in t he valley makes you (he beneficjuty. Why not tm pennibl-? By Ad Cartel WHY ua,s THERE VjELN - MOM. MO WORD FROM PAT'S FATHER. ? NEVER. IF ANYTHIMG HAS. HAPPEMEO TO H I M WHAT WILL. become: OF LITTLE fT IP 88 rim sau'J Mis'i-;uAXKors Hi: SAI.K Kxtra line KH.erlA caiiuim; peaches, ami Pumpkin ( Talent. KtH: SAI.K--Pcaih.-. not irriwal-m I'arnev Orchard, lilacuweu . hill, entrance H oui highway he- tw i 'enlral Point and ( ,old lltll. I'.rliiK boxes. 101 j" mit, si7.e I'pstairs. Klein the Tailor, 1 KOll S. ! "till boxes of Jona than apples ready lo pick about lasl ul' month. Joe Kanlor, - 'a miles east of Phoenix. 1 "7 shape. John A. Anderson, l en ' tral Point. 1 ."-ti .'!''!)!: SA l.K--Cheap. Wcslinghouse aiiiomalie range, walnut chiffo- kiicheu cabim't, din I m; !'-ving machine, ill after ii p. in. I -Mi lable. Singer porch swinu. in.. X. OaLila Foil SAI.K Knur dining eMail's, dining table ami buffet, all oak and in v;ood condition. 32 a So. Iliveiside Ave. it "oi: SALK-one used tapcsiry. new mohair and iteil davenpoiis. cheap. Phone 2H2 Jai'ltsonville. h'oll SAI.IO Whiter Pauaiia and era bap pies. IJerkeley Orchards. l.'.ti Ftil! SAI.IO Kam-y Klberta and Mnlr jieai'lies. (icorgu A I ford, Phone Hi-F-3. Mil st canning SAI.IO Swi-ei corn, tomatoes, and l.ariv j.- s , .., rpoM, ra,u., Jju-kson-oiir boxes. , ilt.. I. :.. , -: - Foil SAI.IO About 2IMI th-rs of - ! wood, close to Jacksonville. In - ; quire at Jacksonville i nu fee lorn- j I ;,; FOU SAI.K Lest 4-ow, rabbit or horse hay; baled or loose. Price right. Will deliver any number of bales or lull loads of loose. X. 11. Neweoinb, Ross Lain'. Tel. 53 1-1,. - list r FOU SA LK For sand and gravel, sediment and general teaming, phono li la-J. Sam'l Lat email. : tf FOU SALIO Ksed sewing ma chines; all makes, up; terms if desired. All makes renfcil and repjiireil. -While Sewing . Maehinu Co., 24 No. Rnrllelt. i Mf IM SIXFSS IH IIIX'I'ORY Alloiiicy.H 10. UKAMI0S Lawyer. In Libnriy Paii). ling. Fit AN K P. FAUUKLL, Lawvnr Craterian Theater Mldg., Med f"Ml, Ore. Rlno I'rlutern TJIH IlI.DIO Fit I NT SHOP Com- pleto I U no Print Service. Hlgb cUxfh work. San Francisco prices. Downtown office. Meilford Look Hlorp 84 Ko. Cenlral. Phom ovi.w SALE or TRADE Excellent Viilucs PHONE 1000-Ji--, op ,':iliilorhini I'.iiilillui; 118 North Riverside RD Fkure nut the reason your self. Aunt her of those oi ( banks wo have, advised ymt lo pur chase, h.iu moved lo a local man who works Tor his liviu". and if is rumored he is backed in his lufcM nienlK by a ne:i caiiialist. The pun has er lian his hiead lut1 '!-(. I for life. It infill Juf-'t as well have been yoti. we? HOMES PHONE 329 RO. BOX 934 Hotel Nath Corner I IICSISR.SS 11IKKCTOUV -l Abstractors . MUliKAY AHSTKAI'T CD. Ah. stiiu-u nf Tillf. Titlo lnsuinn-. : Ho.uiia 3 mill S, So. 32 NurtH ! Centrnl Avu., upsluirs. ill!! lACKSON CO. AltSTItAlT lO, A Israels uf Tillo ft ml 'J'illii In-.ur-Hiico 'llii! onlf v ii m p I e I c I hlO SysU'iu hi Jack son Coiiuly. A. K. KKLLOfiO Ahstraetor of Titles. 111. 2. ltox ID'-;., Medfonl, Oregon. Ileliahli! Jackson IJuuii ly Ahstracliir. Twenty-einht years . experience nml near forty y4 In the comity. Special work only. if CIitrupnuMh' riiyywliins )U. K. W. IHM-'I-'MAN Chiri praillc Nerve Spcciali-it. OEfiea hours 9 to 1; 2 to 5. lioa-'JM IJherty I'.lihr. Offitie phone Kc.4. phono 7H0-H. r Cnunicmrn U. I. STUA RT & SONS Clenernl Loniraciors, uieiuuinK o nienlH, d itches, all klnda of cement and concrete work. It. I. t. ..11 A,...1.t nlmns (;iI!t0rt Stuart. 17 Itosa Court, itli..ti. 'HWl.M Mlli4 Stuart. 6i8 I H x,nwtown tlhnn Rr,f, I'.xpert ,ccoiinlaiil i i v. i . IO J1M111IMH III ainiiinitiif, ..i. Income Tax Kequlrements. I.4)olc Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty lildg., Medforil, Phono K.7-li. rinanclnl W 10 I -K N I M ON 10 Y to worthy people lo pay their honest debtn, Pacific Coast Credit Association, 4;i Med Curd lildg.. Mudfmd Oro. If Freight Transports!! ion LONO DISTANCK HADL1NC. Mod ford - Klamath truck lino Daily service. Ponded carrier Spocia. vatefl on load lots. Aul freight luminal, 36 S. Fir. Tel 1 0 :i 3 . CALL Portlaud-Medfonl Trucr Line tor through or intermedial point service, sixteen-hour ser vice t. and from Portland. Phonl 6tHt, Medfonl. Auto freight ter mlnal al 30 S. Kir, Medi'ord. lnsiiranco KAItL S. TDM; Ah tortus of in surancu. Kire, Auto, Life, Acel dent, Honds. Phone 40-. 30 Liberty Dldg. LoiliiN on Homes LOANS on homes now built ul under consiruction. KIkM pel j cent and no stock to carry. iU'A urn-vice. Monthly pamcnis. Panister Aueney, inc., 1 0 u W, Main. Tel 12::tl. Money to Loan iMO.MOY To LION 1 To worihl people, lo pay I heir honest debts. Sectirilies of all kinds aceeplrd. .lonnlnns Loan office, 0 S- Front, J.'id.dli To xjr.ll.dtl loaned on good security. Tb as Lcalty Co. Loom 12. Palm I stork. .Monuments TIIH OLI0OON CUAXITI0 CO.-- Moniimenls. 10. A. Micks. Ocrf eral Alanager; p. At. Kerahawt Sales .Manager. 302 N. VrmX St.. .Medfonl. I'ahitlng nml Paperlmngliig II. MAliX, Ceneral PainHng Coin trai l or. Mm nig, p;i perha aging, carpentering, repairing. Phon Li'H-.l, Pes. .7 Sumtriil. Piinler.H and Publishers I MKDKOUD PUIXTIXO CO. Mat I Ihe best equipped, printing offiea ,M Houlhein Oregon. I took bind '"K. Imisn leaf i. bilhm systems, etc. Portland prices. 21 , N. l-'ir St ': ' ItiHlhi K.'iiiilrini; UAIHD i:i;i'Ali:IN'i: -Tim Mni-io llox, lvi!il M.iin ::l.. i'lHMIB 4:i::. mi cxim i I r.. i. to. h 1 1 li t:. II finin III'' ri' t'.ry. w fiuii;.' a ' p. ' K.liy i.r .'..'.'it n..:ilr worlt nml Kn:ir:nit'i it. yiitxiul c-i .11 siil i-r.-i 1 in ri li. il'nli'iH I'riinsri'r ;,HH TKANSKKIt I'll (lll'ii ii IIP I'lmiio ::ir.. I'ih.-iu Villi Klliiliinli'i'il. t S'luKAlllO N. l-lr HI. rlt'lit. Hit- davis ti:ansI'-i:i: stihhiih Si-ivl'i' ini.'llnlili'C'l. S. lirupe St. I'l 1.11. or l-i'.-.nli'iiri! IIHiil. IMIHtl'l': Tliri'KINC !"'i. l.nntf ili.sllinri; h.i lllilil,'. 'flips wi'i'ltlr to San i''r.HiciMi o. '.'tiriill lit moving a tipi'i.ialty. rinuio 437- ( Wlmli.w lli'iinini; ! I.KT (IKliltCK DO fi' lloiim cli'iinliiK, rinor wmlinf, Jiinllor i boiv'.i'P. Oi'o. A. Si'i'ljr. I'lioli. , KI.1-1 o- 1179 Home Loans Commercial Finance Corporation 204-5 First National Bank Puil(litt Est-dto N. Grape Phone X062