HKomf MTrn nriircmr!, flrfinTOim, avr.aav:, srsrPAY. TrnrST ??(,, m$. jj G Irene DeLosh, 325 South Holly St. Phone 3l)0-L or 75 ; WKKKI.Y CAI.KNnAlt 4- KeBUlar meeilriK. of chrys- anlnieiniNii Cirri.' No. S4. NelBhliors ot Wood.rall in I. o. O. .Monday, auk. 27 at-,8 p. m. 'Hk; Irenes' Aid soeiety of , mJ. meet :il tin1 church parlors j Tuesday afternoon, August V -.nil. lieeltnl of the pupils ot lira. Perey may and Miss .. All Ii II Vil in had.- A Hlllst n I IllsL. ' : iA'i American eglnii Auxiliary v Monday. Aim. t!7, al S p V ; lt,TTr i Will Kntertaln 1 Ac llaiiHiis; ''"rty i Mis.s imn.ihy Orth and Mary Parsons will he joint ls- li'syeK for a daiiehiK party next "Wndnt-sday eveniiiK at whieh they will entertain about 20 of the i younger wt of the valley. Dinner iuesm Ai Parsons Home Mr. and Mrs. Iteinald II. Par sons entertained Saturday evenitiK with an informal dinner party. (iuests were Mr. and Mrs. Dun' har ( 'nrpont or, Mr. and Mrs. I.eon-Atu-d Ourpenler and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred t'arpenter. Mvs. Cioit Hostess To J'l'ominent .Mu.sicinns Mrs. K, JO. (lore enteriained In fornmlly Tuesday evenhm" to honor Mr. and Mrs. Doraii Vertnr who hfL this week for their home in New York. The quests enjoyed a very un usual musical program. Shower Honors Mrs. Addison Helms A surprise shower given for Wta. Addison Helms Jr., August m tit Ilia lintm of her narpnts. Mr. nml Mrs. V. P. Andrews, was I For Coming Year the last of a series of delightful i The W. V. T. I . met Thursday oarties which have been Kiven Mrs. i in the Y. W. V. A. club looms, Helms by her inanv friends since ' with an excellent attendance. The her return from California. Mrs. I president. Mrs. .!. C. Voods, con hoiintifnl t ducted devotional exorcises, Mrs. gifts. Middle Western Guests Enjoy Scenic Vacation Alter some lime spent in the hilln of Southern Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. T. (lilk'Hpie and Mrs. M. M. Duvitl of Stalt'onl. Kan., left lor tjieir. home Thursday evening. The past two weeks of vacatibnit!-'? has included visits to Crater Lake, Crescent City and other coast towns. They have been the guesls of Mr. and Mrs. . T. Ikiiihorty ; on September latn. of this city. i , ,7,tT, 4 Noted Concert Pianist Cabin Party Knlei liitns Local Musician Week-Kiid Kvnt Or. liruce (Jordan Kingsley. not- Frlends of Mr. T. 12. Oaniels otvl concert pianist and internation- Medford are enjoying a hmise-ja! lecturer of Los Angeles who was MiirmiiiL' at his new cabin which ; Is located near Diamond Lake. The cabin has been huilt and planned for Mr. Daniels and his firesher nian friends. (Juests who are en joying the housewarming are Abe Cunningham. Hill Hanmelt. Mayor Alendori'er. Leon Hasklns, and John Orlh. H 1opiilar Musicians JCIIVI f(P I'UlM Mr. and Mrs. Doran Werner (Caroline Andrews) left last Thursday for the east where Mr. Werner returns to his work with the National Hroadeasting com pany while Mrs. Werner begins the filling of engagements for fall and winter concerts. They were ac companied by their little daughter. The Werners have been the guests of Mrs. Werner's father, Ed An drews of this rlty. for the past two months. Mr. and lrs. Karl York ltetui'ii From Canada Mr. and Mrs. Karl York returned "Wednesday from two weeks of vacationing In Washington and British Columbia, visiting Victoria nml Vancouver. A trip was nlso made to Knymond, Wash., where they visited Mrs. York's sister They were accompanied nome .tl IS. uoroiny IC urgcr nnu claufrhter Nancy While in the city Mrs. MeCarger nd daugh tor will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Med well. Mr. Witter .1aMn nt Pinner. T nAmHllmlnl trt fr T T. Jackson, Mrs. Charles 1'. Wither was hostess at a deluhtful dinner party plven nt the Mine Flower J.oiIkc Thursday eveninir. August Mr. and Mr .Jackson left Fri day mornlnp for I'hlcaKo whero he will he enprapred In the hnn her business. Mr. .lackson has been asslstan to Mr. tlwen at, the Owen-Orepon 1-umber com pany for the last twa years. Dr. and Mrs, I). W. Stone J-'.iKertaln ton (iuests nr. unit .Mrs. i. n. rione n;or. bad as guests during the week . Mr. and Mrs. Hen H. ltlaisdell and daughter Miss Manilla Hope from Hoston, Mass. They will sail on the President Grant from Scuttle next Saturday for Manila. P. 1. Mr. Bluisdell is employed as gen eral superintendent of the Manila Kleclrie Power station. After , a visit of two years Mr. nnd Mr:.. Itlaisdell will return to the slate. by way of Australia and Kunpe. Hostesses For Dancing Party Tie Misses Peggy llamill and Patricia Hurnham were Joint host vpsen Saturday evening for a danc- Ine nartv at the T. Slater John- Bton cabin on Hogue river. Guests were the Misses Kleanor I iind Dumlliy Ollli, Dnrbnrn Gules, I Phi ritia Illlinham, .Mary Parsons, .Mary l.oulsp 'aipentPr. rrances Sparrow and the Messrs. John i I lamill. Uohprt Hammond, Lowell Dew, Fred llnrnham. Uimluir Cat- penlor, .lndson Memis. Martin i Adams, Hilly Xewliull, Iluyard ; Hrhel, Favwell Kenly and Lfed Ki earns Knmilv Jteliirn r nun n'iiiiiii Dr. nd Mrs. Kohort W. Steams , rmiu. v ,.(.i,.,m, , ,Ml.,. e i .. r. i . ..l I through the western ami middle : western stales. Durinir the entire i.i ! An interesting event tlur-; vers ,(,,,, lno iournev was the reunion i of tlie .Stearns family at their tiUl ; home in AVehster City. Inwo. Mem- : h(.rs nf lo fiimny present a.t the reunion were Walter Stearns and i W:ii,ii Crove. Minn : t Mrs. Hoy 11. I.i-wis and four ehll- ilren of Duluth, Minn.: (Juy Stearns of Corydon. Iowa: Jessie O. Stea rns, M a rfpiett e. M ieh .. a rid Itoht rt W. Stearns and family Medford, Ore. f f Kausjis Pwiple Locate In Minlford Mr mill Mi'u I P AlvU .'init two sons arrived in Medford f mm I th'-P IJ n 1(11 - Wlehlta. Kan., rerently nntl villjHio make Medford their home provid-j I'd lliey can find a business hrcpllsH Mll,M'1 u,'a,'n to suit them. The children wIn Is t'harmiiiff Ilrhle enter school here next month. MIsh Mabel Irene Ileam. dat.Kh- Mrs. Alvis had stopped over in ; t Mv. un Mrs. Andrew i earn Medford once l-fure and was "f Phoenix heenme the bride of Ki-eatly impr ed with I he and country. Mr, .Alvis has been general ajient tU fl.-l.. 11.-, ,..,1 in Wiohifi for several years. He talked with ! S. S. Smith during his recent visit ! in Wichita and arrived in Medford ! before turned Mr. and Mrs Smith ie-j "! W. C. T. U. Elect Officers 1 S. L. Leonard leading in prayer. During t ho business session the members discussed plans of work for the coming election campaign. The election of officers resulted us follows: President To bo elected later. Vice President Mrs. .1. Woods. Secretary Mrs. K. 0. UoVebor oivaIi. rpi.n.ii.ii.ti- l I'd Cnn .Tones ..-ill l.n linlfl I louring thru the west. gae a ie ture recital at at I lie Homo oi aivs. Ida Wood and ITornce OraveM on Monday evening to which music ians were invited. "Tannhausere." was the subject and the assemblage of music, lovers were treated to as fine a one man representation of grand opera as we have ever heard. There is nothing feminine about his touch, yet in the sofer parts lie plays with a fineness rarely attained by masculine musicians. To hear him Is to receive a liberal education In the subject which he represents. Mr. and Mrs. Olio Khun Ueturn To Inlands M r. and M rs. Otto Kin m of Honolulu, formerly of Medford, left for San Kranoiseo on Thurs day, whence they sail to the Ha waiian islands. After an nded trip east, they returned to Ashland I I where the remainder of the sum- I liner, has been spent with friends land relatives. Mr. Klun, has been I associated with the fniverslty of Hawaii for the past six years, be-1 f , rvhMv, lnK both line and end coach, llr,!'"'" rehmws. and Mrs. Klum expect to reach I Mr. M. C. Mopensen of the M. . .. . ,.,. I f. ..w....,un V.l,.nllun.. 110110111111 11iM.u1 i"'i" ...... ; ! Inp Mr. Klums recent trip east he ,,..,.,, r01iriM. in roaehln v.,.,. !-.., i tli.. Iv'imti. Ilficbtio ' coaching school. ; om-or-Tnun Guests j Honored at Musical ! ' An Inform musieaj at the hmue j j r Ml - nnd Mri- " f,orn vl' iday I'Vl'tlllll,' WUS .'1 WelcOtTIO hlltllP : ! ter (leraldine, who are visiting hr I from Kimene. About fifty guests enjoyed the occasion and the fed- lowing interesting music;il program was enjoyed: Counter Dance 11 o p t li (i v en: Dwliht Randall. An old Palace. Cook; Mary Sell ers. S h a d o w Pleturos, Relnhold ; Hunting Song. Mendelssohn: Dor othy 'lore. . Mnllade. Chopin: Holberg Suite, firlfg; fJeraldine Gardiner. KIf aM(J Kail y. P.entley; Klfin Ounce. Orb : Klfin Dance. Jen - yen: Dorothy Iturgess. Nocturne. PaderewskI: Forest Scenes. Iblier; Alice Hnlnibaek. 4 IntcrrMilmj Iteunion Held Al Iturti-Min Home A most Interesting reunion was a recent event in Phoenix when five generation irathered for din- t ner at the home nf Mrs. 1 1. P p.url'"-on of Phoenix Kriday. Autr Ut '-'t. The idd'-yt mcml'iT of ihe family is J, A. Simmons of Po mona. Cal. His daughter l. Mrs Rurleson of Phoenix. The next member of the group was her son ,E- fhirlewm "f Phoenix. Mr. ; Riirleson two dauwhten. Mrs. o. olctlck of Portland and Mrt. Tom cstT of Phoenix. Mrs. Pnl- ,.ii,h has a small ilauhti',' I'ath- (,,,,. Anna while .Mrs. faster has ., ,, Ouo Kohert. The pari: ' , ,.1!lt Sl,n,iv on a mninr trip 'whil.h m.,i,.cl 'frator Lake and ... ( ., p Woo,is. Cinesis en-' '. .' ,., w(,,.0 ,.. d ZvuJr. muX Mrs (). Poletick, Mrs. H. 1. Rurlesnn. ' Mrs. Tii m easier anil tlm two I babies. i I ,,,,, llolinhaoli !?.' "..',. ' ,' '. ! " " ' " ' Mrs. Rray and -Miss llolmbach will present their pupils in drama tic and piano recital Kriday ItlK, AUgUSl JIM, III a i. in. in nn. t...iiil hall of llie Sparta1 building. t. i..r nnii v-n-ied reiidinir; will he given hy the fullowhu pupils: Kloise C.ihlett, Harry (libleit wnlt.-r Di k W oodenek. Kathl. ei lt,-;,v .lovee Jackson. Kvelvn Her The group of piano pupils tn elude: 'Ann Sims. 1-Mward "Warner, Tlet- jty Thfirnilyki. Harry Ciihh-u. .leiin- ni-Ue Sllll-s, l-.ioise dioieii, nii-iiiini Sr.hulinid. V'lorenee Sims. I .oh Nii-hols, Hay Lewis, Violel Olson. Robert Lewis. The reeitul is invitational and I .Mr. 1','allK . .Norsw iirin.v in jAtWles Tliursday evening at i ' lovely eer'iiitnty In the home o !the liride. at whieh Rev Nelson of- fi'IiU(id- "T" with glad oli. delphinium ferns ;'" lKound bride was given In marriage by her father. She wnre a binif- ft gown of ivory mi tin and chan- i f i 1 In Lire. Her veil was Of tulle and was held in u wreath of orange bltfssoms. She carried a shower hoiuet of rosebuds, gar denias and lillies of the valley. Miss Florence llearn. sister of the bride, was maid of honor and wore a gown of tea rose chiffon. She carried a boquet of butterfly roses. Miss Herniee Sears played Men-d-'lssohn's wedding march. Mr. William Henry of Los Ang eles was best man for Mr. Xors wor.thy. A f t er t h e wed il i ng a recepil on was held at the (Slue Flower bulge. Mrs. Xorsworthy is a graduate of Oregon State college and was affiliated with Sigma Kappa. After a honeymoon trip to Car tnel beach and Monterey Mr. and Mrs. Xorsworthy will make their home in Los Angeles, where he is engaged in business. j Society Personals Mrs. Tj. M. T.ouiiHlierrey and her! KOn Pliiliii. motored lo llandon on Thursday. jhis dail'4lilii- anil son -ill-In v. .Mr. anil .Mrs. X. II. Sherwood of T..I-- Mr. anil Mrs. flus Samuels leflUl,,, firei;oii. They have 1 n Kriday evening for a short vaea- i spending several days wiili !r. tlon trip to Portland by motor. jspaiz. " I'Vlicitalions are lielnK extended j .Mr. Andi-rson Siniili and his Mr. and Mrs. Krnest ItoKers on the , Krandniotlier .Mrs. n.arlels. of San liirth or a dallKhler, llelty .lean, i AiiKiist lith. ; Mr. and Mrs. fade Hall are Hi proud parents of a seven pound son born Aumist 1M nt the Com munity hospital. J It . . . . i-eone i:,,e, spent last weeK III .oniuo.i hsiiiiik i.ienos 11 II u InuiKactlnK business. w.,.man vVhillork or vjab , .,1),? i" ,.,... ., ,.., fop ' ' v, . ' . . .. "h . I of Kan l''raneiseo. Is In Medford rora rew dayson mislness. 1 , , ,,,, K, hi ( lh(, sul!, Aniline Medfor people enjovinp i M,,'s '.'""""; 'I'"1 -Mlss a trip to l'orlland last week were I '-ln'' '-'"' lh B'rls are Mrs. .loe Williams. It. -t llippins. j "':n Ml'" Ti Miss Dot Foster and A.lella Allen. , Miys r,.,.,,,. haily will , to Mrs. John Slmdnlr has had as ',"'" -""''V 010. nlnp wh.-re house puesls her sister and bus-;;'" ? ""''"-v;" " "!',h"r hand. Mr. and Mr,. F.d I'enrsalP 11,0 ",,y , '""' 'V who are on a tour of the western 1 mi'l.llle.l by Mrs. I.oiili I'ulil and . . ; Miss Mamie Clai K. ' I Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Huhl and : their daughters rtoxanna and ! A llr.1.1 l.i i ifln f,... C'..lir, in i where Ko.vannn will attenri school j I this winter. i j Mr. and Mrs. Prank II. Owen of Klamath Palls visited a few hours ; in the city Friday on their way i home after n vacatifinlng In liriti.-'h ! Columbia cities nnd woods. K. C. f Jniblis and fa mily nnd Mrs. Hal Piatt Jean ' left Thmsdav for a md I.ejghton hort visit in ; H iker and Grant counties. They wilt return before Sept. 1st. Mrs. II. Ii. Mayden left Kriday evening for Seattle vher she wil! : visit her son for the next six weeks. Mrs. Mayden is Hie mother Mayden of Medford. Mr. .ind Mrs. U tg Abpoe and ; their small daughter reiumf-d ''Monday from Reghy, Idaho where ithey b ive Keen vj.-iting her par- ents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Cordon. Miss Kllnw Mae Wilson will have Miss Alice Woodward of Los Angeles for a guest during the : coming week. Miss W. dun rd i ; connected with the School of Ar- BEAUTY MUST RETURN TO SPAIN t&AN i vj?r 1 ' b : Immigration laws have blasted the stage aspirations of Scnorita Agueda Adorna, who recently participated in the International Pageant of Pulchritude at Galveston, Tex., as "Miss Spain." Immi gration authorities at Algiers, La. (port of New Orleans), say she must go back to Spain and return as an immigrant before she can obtain employment. The aenorita. above, declares a young American engineer is in love with her, but .she refused to divulge his name. Inset is of Scnorita Milagru de Abla, her chaperon. i imic itiiiMiniK in i ne i niversny ot caiiiorniu. Southern. aiiss i.uiu Wilson returneii sun day from Haywood. 'alifoi nia and an ncisco. During her trip she was the guest of Mr. and Mi Lowell W ilson and Onldie Wilson. Tjsiiending a few days vaealionfn i in the Klamath country. They will spend Hie greater p u t of their I lime at Keel no IVlir.iu I'.ay. J,r- J- .P-H" iias as hi ,(S Kraneisei, are the ku.'Ms of .lisn Dorolhy Keyuolds. They .will mo tor Lake illllll Ulis Cli. 4-f Is visit Intr Ills rallier, I lol I ol' I'orllaiiil Ihi'i Holt is eeleliniliiiK his Dr. Moll Dev. W. S. week. liev oiiinoay anil will be I'Compan- ,..;,i, 1 , :.. r ;t,. ; , ... , ), f tI j ' '' """ "' l,:iVP I Mr. C. 10. 8a.i:;.l- j ers and son Handy, of Kan Jose I 1 '"'v'- """y ''"' '"amonu ; Uke here ,, few da.a will be ; slnt in llslllim i .Numhered anmnp liose til the . vlll, ,.,. wh() laV(, )( (n ,(,.lV. , . . , tli,,,lv "f st' I,i,,,L 'V V ' 1 " " ' ' ' " "l 1 ' " ,M 1 " c- ' 1 tl.i Mis: llidily will retUI'llill'-; lo j Vi; it ill Si att le helo.a. her home hi St. Paul. i While vaea I Inning in s'lUlb'-i ji ; Oregon Mr. :ud M r. , , .lohn ; son at" the gu'-vts of ,l r. ;.iel A'rs. ' -M. A. Johnson of this cif.-. Th visit !n 'he it y with old d lerelv j will coi i an indefinite p-i iod. Mr. and Mrs. W. l.e.-n (itei lainlng Ha and Dud WlIli.i,ii.-on i:. Messrs. liMgc for their Ion and Willi. Kriday Mr. and Mrs. M. .1. Nun had as their I.mii. gurt M r Mrs. Ralph N-.rrls of -w City. Ralph Noriif. i- the Mr. and Mis. M .1. .N-i . is. lefi Tltur-day evening for heme. Its. IMria !;. far-on of Los An- is the house guet of and Mrs. H. S. Hurris of this city nt their country home. Mrs. I'ic-miii 1 ' retinninc from an ex' tri 1 ' ii'. til. rn Liu W nsmnglon. ,siie will he the guest 'of M is. -I lairis for several d M rs. Horace I h.ward and cliil Iren have roloriw-.l in ili,4.- h, .mo it. ..,.,....,,,.,,. delightful summer in Medford, guests of Mrs. Fail Caddis and Airs. Hal I'latt who are mlsIim's nf .Mrs. Howard. Mr. and Mis. Addison Holms. Jr. lefi for Hi- cast Wednesday. Aug. 2"ud. They will visit, pninls of ; interest etn oute to Xew Vm l; City where Mr. Helms will rt-Miine his H I work at the Art St udetils League of Xew Voik City. - Kelly of 1 1 oi 1 wood , v.- Thursihiy 10 visil Miss i:rri t'nlll.. will a her cousin. Mrs. S. Sn mpler Smilll. i.inuiK ner siay lliey will auenn ilie.laeli ml I 'nil er ..aKc ami w in spend pari, oi i ne time at the l-Mgowr Park sum- iner home of .Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Core and their children Dorothy and Itnsu left Ibis mnrniitg for San l-Tuncis-i'fi where they will enjoy the niusl i'H I conceits Dial San l'ia)iei;Co i offering this week. During Mrs. (lores absence Miss Alice ilojin .. ., ' l--"-K 'lll .sludio. have cliar 4, ; .. .. ao .0, ; f ub, In ;,"f Mr. and Mrs ''fill llllei estllll.: W. C. Pupn-ct wa an- the quests I.. W. Dick. Sev- nip- huv beeu -t in Mr. y Mr. 1 Hand short made to p;.i f bite siMithern fiicL'ou by the pa and .Mrs. Dick will aecomp and liuprert tt I W he i I hey V. ill I''' loa ill for 4 4-- M r. bad ,1- nd Mrs. K. II. Hind have h'ij--,. -ne-,.. f,e past few weci their dan-liter Ann. or l.os Anuelcs ami their xoti liol,e,t. v. If" and two childpe,, ,,f Rivei-i.p.. Cal. Also Mr. and Mrs. i. .1. .hdiii-ton and son Meiick, of' Lake Mills, Iowa. M -lot, ii, toy i-i tl niece of Mr... Kurd. 1 A. Miss ItuHi Howe, daughter r,f Mr. a nd M r. ! i i 1 1. . . - , 1 a guest of friends in Medford this week, Mlw I'N.ience Mowo will attet,,l :u: )i l 'onervalnt y of Music in I'liiraj-o ilii rail and will receive her I'll ee f i iMU i. al t Pl ead of the ear. Mr. Howe was formei y p iMi.r ,,f i !.- !'n i i ',: ;. lian i huri Ii of tht-i citv. Mr. and Mis. ReirniaM H. Par son, t beii- da or. In Miirv a nd Hie.r fi-ind-..n i;. offM-v Toot. II Will leave Thin -da;.' lor SealCe after hitic.g "iiHiV"! tio-ir eiiritiy bone foi l lo- l. i 1 1 o a.oii! ii-. Their v-n ;. oi e- . ft Th uri-d a v of t his u ',: in oi d' r to viii a . loo lime I. .I i ' -'-ntei dig 1'bMlips Ae.idemy :H Ainlnvi', . R T , ' ning f.ioh will 1 1 1 theb ' tlifoi in. i railed in :.iTi Dietro Mexico, e Hlark fionl at an lv" . ki dm ing v. hf h ' i Oaklatal. S-iii I , and ,.bn in 'i',.. Th v spent a w Coio hotel on Lng I tench, with Mi-, and Mrs. S. Sum pier Smith and Joan I e . wiin returned by train t ho ol last week from their three lis thru the middl :::arr;:: mother of Mrs. A. 12. M ran on. residing on the Jack sonville - Central point highway will be pleased to learn that her ciiMiiiuiin is iniproveil. Mrs. Smith having suffered a paralytic stroke i bursday morning. 1 ler daughter Mrs. Uurke of Whit worth. Calif., and M rs. Kundel of Los Angeles, and sons .. Smith and datigh- ler miter nf Uedniond. Ore., and ind Mrs. C. 1!. Smith of Mor Wash.. have come to bo with mother. f 4 Social Events of Church Societies The lOast Side Circle of the 1'irst M. K. church met with Mrs. L. (i. Itosehorough. 7ns West Sixth street Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. .1. A. Damn presided. Mrs. I. 11. Temple led the song serv- i ice. Mrs. Itiloy D. Henson lead-I ing the devolionals, Mrs. Temple.: M i s. Leonard, M rs. I lenson otler-: ing prayer. i I airing the social hour. M rs. liosehoroiigh se.ved cake and ice Just Folks Circle Have Business Meeting t The Just Folks Circle 'of th( i First M. K. Church met Thursday. I An-iiisl 'S with Mrs. K. P. Stone. (ii:ti West Second slreot. After '.lie umih! business, there was ;he ; election of officers. .Mrs. 1 la.el Van Dor Mark was elected chairman i'or the coming After the social hour delicious refiesimients -were served hy .Mrs. Cleveinberg and Mrs. C. A. Meeker. Legion Auxiliary Notes The executive committee of the Medford unil will meet Monday evening- at Hie armory at S o'clock, to transact necessary IuisIocsh be fore the regular meetings benln in September. Fach officer is urged lo allend. The final statement on the convent ion will be read at ibis lime and any unfinished in. liters' should he brought for settlement. 1 The local unit Is in receipt of many letters ..f appreciation from Ihc other unils over the slate and lad are led to hetieye thai all who mended went home with a yery pel ,11 men- liearls lor .Aleo- I'nril anil her eHI.ens. Til auxiliary wishie: to take ihis op poi, unity lo puldiely iiel;nowleilm' iwain the ni.iliy favors extended and lo express lontlniud support of home iiierehauts ami enler- piises. 1 The department was saddened ! last week hy Hie irimie passing of Mhi' hllslialid of Hie beloved pasl I pi't-sii h' 11 1, Mrs. Kose Ulleo.i. al .m,i,.i,. t,,,. i,.,i i'...-,i ..,1,1 1 , ,.,. ,.s ,, ,,,,, v , ,,. Wrote Holes to Mrs. U'il u, U-.-lfv i.l.'i.l .. Ihc ., or. enn. and Mrs. , I v. ,Mc nt in If. secrela.v and Ire; Uiner -ittcmlcd i ceniio.. il Slate. Til" i ll es were soletiltli.t i al i;l;rt-jiilji and a large atleudauee was reported as well flcil-al oflelinS. as Ite.itijillil Mrs. Ilelva Aike,, b (appointid unit activities chairman i for Hie dcparlmenl in reconidou I of the conMiruftive measures oiii - .lined during the oinvenlion. ami for Hie cooja-rativc s.irit eiiiet d j thionuhniit the p; ar s work, j Medtor unil is jiroinl to have t his luc to one of her ttieniliei i honor ml an promising to stand back her. HOT TIME !S GIVEN Delightfully suipri fellow members of I volnti'ee,. fin! deparh i'tltlej was ihc huim a shower staue, ;, the the I'lidny nii; ht with a ppiop eieiiMinles, which ilieltul' il shower bath as the fust on the pt'oeialil. Members ol Hie l'e;li p. il IliM-ut a No too par! lion lo a number of invitei all of uhotii p.rMiadei III lit; tire himself H. V. 1 1. iiiiif. a ncal of toa lol tuo I is. leitaineo" Ids .-nleit ally in their pre low'-d to opell bis Ire Itub d inanv Useful and orna mental at !b e-e. Tbo-e pie.epi wen- Roc i;ilo'!. Rid f;oilloe. Ri.i Thuiinan, Ibnrv llai-widl. Ralph St- f I.Um Spears. Ray Maik. f he prdht, Re. MeDou. tld, He:; I I'alletl. S"We((. linn. Wright. M M Harvey local firemen mmm im: pill iii ;i l.'M ii nml 'i'i:..t il.!" In He- convent ion.'i I . , 'lie of the .id:!,! a! t v-nts "" :,M" T"", "1 "" ..MtU.nU .V.I! be NKU eaioin and potitoe-'. .....,.. ,vi'-, 'I"--"" "-'V ,' I... I '.M..'.,....'v. .'h ""..I." T..W "... hi,. I Ih Iiuiii,' li. lnii- In- w.i- ;il.' ' , i. I i '"I I 'I till " Kll'. ' . ..... Jin Hutlet, Dan I io ,i I'liua ii. I mi a en ( i a ! n e u'"'l, ohl j 1: GREENLEAF I RIP VAN WiNKLh , tun- ..f the CuiM'ii r.idi K,:,N,s ,' the year is s, l,e,ll,led for , 1 ,sdi! "lls I'1 ' .!'.';: L'"' "..""".i! .111 .-.I h; William I enleaf has jire- Creenleaf. Mr. Or sent-i his; this noted play nenrly one thou saml times in mhh- of the largest cities in America and MeiU'.nd is indeed fiutunate t" have the ip piiriuiiily ef luiiriji!! him nVef the radio. The play, whieh was im- I Ilia in OreenVaf as Van Winkle Kip I morlalized by Joseph Jefferson, wjl lie of interest to young and . ,,1,1 alilie anil i ,.dio fans is a ill ieipa I id when I j ,s pn.senleil her.- l.y Me- I alllollila ( iri'gon i'ow er coii! The stoiy of Cip Van Winkle is as old as lime The Hi bad a legend of a galley slave who was hit 011 Hie head by a f u-a tim ber. h'or twenty years hi mind ceased lo operate, ami then anoth er piece of limber hil him on the :'nne part ol the lead and bis memory hean lo function, and lie 1-011 lit nt under si a ad bow t hiims had tbalig'il w hile he had in en lineoiiscious of the chance. i - . ' ii ? t., k jS "Wr' k t tV : JUDGES READY B mm surveys i All Hi Si' tnlefe.lcd It! Ihe Gal'-i-onte- l n III ple.ive tlolC jiidces are ready to in- b its enlced for .-.pei lent d in i ii!' the m ;i-"M, and dahlias and win n i ih'ii f'lul . thai the sp.-ei ca ' jmpi uvii j f,M. -tci ever Hi" t;.ide,s .lie at lloir li.-M, mvni'i's will plea's.- call M rs. K.n.e.-t ; Rid n so th.,1 il.- y may be indi ed iitid- r I tie iiiihI l a era blc eolith - . I urn-. ; Thcic is one j;ardeu at 2 : Chest , IMU stleel Mist .11" West M;. in , I ,V 111: ! '"' !'': K - Ml ,11'.. 1. 1 '"' 1,1 '' ''' IVI' ''J' I'll" '' I" i in, i;iii'in "'" ""i"". r h.iiu.r ;.i : i "REM TO STARE LABOR DAY BALL I the i w o Mr Null, r -M- "' . ;:" U,i. " ""-i.-i'v .,. r..-n I '. ',,." I " "" '"- "' , M.mi ''''I' .' '. '.. ..' . ' ,1,. I i. Mil'. V"M IV ' ...l .1 li.i 1 Mi '. I':,,,, IT.!'. ...,( I""" '" J'"'1 1"'"""" i'h;iV ' v 1 ll-e-t n !!c A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .U.j (,,d ,,,M"" ""1 tn-do Seattle I. .:. .. .'. ' ... I.ilb.l heiself x''"1 yard bniMim: s:i..jei . h,M"; lenc , , i band 1 iw- i Gold iirli l-'amiitiM Kobertsoti lo y SALEM POST Tliat Mini ford's hnspiinlily was really nppreriated hy I he i Iiihi--.inds of visitors in ntlondnnoo at t ho recent American Legion con l vention is evidenced hy the scores I .Lt' H.H-CM.P.I iH . ,,,,.,.., ,)OK. ;'" ''' f the convenii,,,, ....m.nis- I ical of the nif dved nere "Mr. Horace llromley Commander Med lord Post, Medford. Orc-;ou. Dear Comrade Itromley: Allow me to extend to you and the members of your post on be half of Capital Post our very sincere appreciation of tnc many courtesies you so freely oilered during our recent visit lo the department convention. Our opportunity of reciproca tion lies in the fact that Salem . was selected for the i!t-'!i con vention city and we hope that . we shall be able to repay you in kind. We also wish to offer our congratulations on the general success ol' the meeting and your excellent management of the many minuie details t lint are so frequently overlooked. Wit h kindest personal re- . gurd lo all, I am, Sliicerelv yours, IL. (1. MAISOX, . Commander Capital Post No. '.K Salem, Oregon. AL MISSES ACCIDENT (Continued from Page One.) some of litem sought his -'dvicp about tasks he had la it out for them while secretary of commerce. The nominee expected to he in his personal heaihpiarters near his home early next week when be will begin an extended study ol campaign matters and work out with his advisers a plan for his further active participation In the figl t for the presidency. Thin work will rocpiiro the major part of his time for the next two oi three weeks. l-'nun I hose conferences will evolve his completed plan tor flu! Hex l I wo nmnl hs with the oxeop tlon of such gaps as will leave room lor emergency actions. Loom ing close in ( he foreg roil nil is a probable Labor day speech which present predictions call for deliv ery over a radio hooU-up from Washington. Later will come his speaking ac 1 i v ii ies in the east ami border stales wit h ;i final eioss con tin eil I rip to California to cast bis vole. Pressure was i-rough t to bear upon Hoover at Cedar llnpids litis week lo lead biiu through Wisconsin. Minnesota, the Da ko las and Montana on his final swing across Hie country. hut vvheiher his course will be througi l he nor 1 hern tier of states or tlirmmh the democratic ones of tin1 south is one of 1 lie things (hat will he worked out as Hie cam paign progresses. Tin' candidate planned 'to spend Sunday al his home, leaving the house only to go to the friend's meiding house on I street and for a drive or walk. - ADVENTURE SHIP OFF (Continued from Pace Due.) nl v b authority of Secretary iibur. d in the bannie's bulging hold and piled on her .leeks are Hli Ions of food supplies. The remainder of (he e.ped lion's 'piipment and personnel will ) la I; en Mitith next mont h on tin ( 'helse.-i and t he u r sen. ( '"'n manbr Hyrd hiinseir will make the trip Oil Die lalter boat, llieet iiit. her at San Pedro. Calif, aboii: Ihe middle o," October. inn- item not on the earmi b'-' v a , ; tou i d auay on Ho city of New York. I- .oicdMe.l of one .- toa II boy w ho Was found In ' lo co. 1 1 bunker jn-t befoi e the Mac mn and the parted cotn ,,:... He cried bitterly when ih'-y put him on i be . h.iri-hoiiiul lat. Nobody go' his name. Silijnu d ueiully on a eoll "f o,c as Hie Cit.V of V Voll, Mood out at s- a was a black and mi,, pup of .loubifiil an. estry. SaliiMUl h' name (ill the lop step ,,i a ronipMUiotiway lay Minnie a crey aed u lute kille:i who:-c folk for r.eie-iaiions bai k must baV" ).... ii habit ue.. of New York's and kitten were rather d tod i iiinid all Hie l-ar-; and fanwelNtaklm,'. bid .ret pl.niv of attention on months' voai;e, for they'r. tl'c till man ..Is - i:k. n.- 1 - id'i i '" ton I i- I in a eai v it h Greta .f tie- ami s.'reen ,t c . ail i-t. is in 1 he boo .. - Re was lined and had, but. as Miss Ni-.-epla in- . "Ai r. I a rev tines not I free. He U.tlitS I lV lie never L'Y ---iVi-Mri. jn wife of a Wel! out l ii.-toi', shot and at her fa-diioliable here hist nitihi. Her hus-tiiinhl'oi-i s;iid. attempted turn the pistol on himself wti-'n ,-iw his w.lcs bdy.