Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 26, 1928, Page 11, Image 11

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' mm fwmmm
Coeti tloore. ,,'UJic TTma'
To "HmSEl !
One of the most eiabor;
an. I music synch ronlzatlo!
brouirht the screen mifikf
Moores first masterful prUiction,
It is not surprising tim
Time." big new speclaJ
which i
comes to Hunt's Crnlert;
day. Friday. Saturday
week, with Colleen Moe
Thurs- ,
this !
the j
smr. enthralls by reas
of thej
love story It tells to even
greater ;
extent than because oi
war background,.
.An audience respond
magnificent scenes of tl
ties: the movements of
to the -
Ulr bat-
Hut II
from -a provincial villad
tho enemy advance an
ure marvelously present!
will ween with Colleil
laugh with her, long aflld aho.
for ncaco. that love mil not.
thwarted in Its nurpose
Tho work of the star of that
malltv which defies t critic's
analvsis. She simply He char
acter she portrays.. It lsre than
jw.tlntr It is consummat'ft Mi"
Moorc has added to I
Bcreen portrayals ono tl
definitely, assigned 10 !
the very apex. I
"Lilac Time" was pliced by
John McCormkk. to tin must
isa credit for electingbplendid
M.ii.nnrtlnn cast, dary ter
flashed across the ?cre
f a new
luminary in Menu
The Legion of the
excels oil previeus cffl
In m
role. Burr McInlosU
kscr vol
'credit a.1 do Cieorge Cooper, Jack
. Stone and every other member of
the cast.
j It Is iuevliable that for many
years 10 roine. tne worm war win
throw Its shadow over pictures.
i plays and books. Hut so long as it
j is tinctured with an exquisite ro-
i inauce. such as that in "Lilac
Timn " mine will iiiri'nt i-of oi-annn
to that hectic period 'in the history
I of the world.
After two and n half years with
his brother. Cecil 11. DcMille. dur
ing which he dhected "Tenth Ave
nue." "Craig's Wife" and others.
William DeMille has returned to
the Parn mount studio.
Ho was one of tho first men
hired by Jesse Lasky 14 years ago (cause fluctuations In the -light
when I,isky organized the Laskyithat actually reaches the cell and
Feature Tiny company In an old I these fluctuations in light reaching
Iwrn on Vine street, Hollywood, j the cell causo electrical fluctua
Sinco that time ho has written : tions corresponding to the original
and directed many films. Hoipnund variations. Theso aro flin
hni a background on the legitl-1 pllfled and conducted to tho loud
mate stage as well, having writ -
canb$it('i, "Strongheart," "The Woninn'Mreverncn tlie procen of th! oriKinal
and Tlie Vtarren 01 Virginia,
among other successful plays.
About three venr ago ho made.
"The Hunaway." Clara Bow Mar
ring, for paramount-, noon auer
ward he left to join Cecil B- De
Mille in an independent produc-
ins romnuny. Back with Para
i mount, DeMille i assignen o mar
I company's Intent department.
; sound pruauciion.
How are talking movies made?
The question is being asked by
many film fans but even more
(ragerly Is ' an ' answer sought by
plnycrH, directors and prouueors.
For the players who have work
ed in sound-pictures are few; the
directors who have made sound
pictures can be .counted on the
fingers of one hand and the pro
ducers who actually have sound
pictures playlnff in theaters at the
present moment are two Fox and
the Warner Brothers.
Tbouirh trade names like Vlta-
phone, Movietone. Photophone and
firnotone continue to multiply, an
Hound-plf'tureH now on the market
can be
classified roughly in two .
d J. Those in which the sound is
recorded on disks similar to phono
graph records.
2. Thoso in which the sound is
recorded on film, which may bo
cither tho identical film that car
ries the picture or a secondary
film geared to the samo shaft.
In both disk and film methods
powerful amplifiers similar in
jmii null. iu uovu ... ...vU.i..
rauio sets puiy a viun pun. ahu
In cither system the "ear which
"hears" the actor while the cam
era lens "sees" him is a micro
phone or set of microphones sim
ilar to those used In radio broad
Camera Speed Governs
j The mocropnonc, or rourse.
translates what it "Hears into
I electrical Impulses, just as a tele
phone transmitter translates the
words into electrical impulses. In
the Vltaphono und other disk sys
tems these electrical impulses tra
vel to a recording device similar to
those used In making modrn elec
trically recorded phono graph
i disks. Tho speed of the camera
j governs the speed at which the
j recording disk revolves, so that the
words and action are synchronized,
and when the record Is laypco in
a .theater at a speed governed by j
tlie speed of tlie film, tho words
coming from u loud speaker back
of the screen seem to flow from
the Hps of tho film image.
In tho Movietone system, which
involves recording sound on the -whole counlry chuckling, and now
edge of the film as it runs through Warner Hros. go one better, in
the camera, tho electrical Impulses "Pay As You Knter." now at the
from tho microphone travel to tho j Kiulto theatre, a comedy which
camera und there govern the flue- ! has to do with Terrible Hill Me
diations of a helium light which isjcovern, conductor, and timid
focused on tho film. When tho j Clyde Jones, mutormun, of the
film is developed tho sound record
lpcars as a scries of oltornat
I light and dark lines of VHiied
spacing und density on the left -
I hand margin of tho film. This
Wntiiwl H ack" enn be. and some-
times Is. projected onto the screen
along with the picture, for it is a
photographic record as distinct inj
i Its " way as anything else in the
I picture. In ordinary t h e a t e r
showings, however,
It Is blocked
lout in projection.
Sound Track Irow.M I
As a Movietone film runs thru j
tho projection machine In a the- j
ater the sound track on the edge ;
of tho film passes in front of
small light focused on a photo-
electric cell. The alternate light
and dark lines in tho sound track
; speaker behind the screen, which
nuuiuiivin; ouu Manniai) n. .-.
jback Into actual sound,
Since tho words of on actor are
photographed on the film at tlie
'(jitti nlntnent thflt ht mnvtnsT llu
are being photographed, the syn
chronisation, of course. Is perfect.
The foregoing, of course, does
- ....,-"
iani inmnu "iii'tito-h hi mk
ivo ,
Some exceptionally fine attractions await theatre goers in Medford this week. Left Top Richard
Dlx's new all-talking picture, "Warming Up," opens today at unt's Craterian theatre. Incidentally, this
is Paramount's first 100 per cent sound picture. Left center Colleen Moore in "Lilac Time," one of
the year's really big productions, with an elaborate musical synchronization, comes to the Craterian
for three days, beginning Thursday. Left, bottom Jack Holt in Zane Grey's big story, '.Water Hole," Is
the first of the new color process pictures which will come to the Riatto soon. Top center Richard
Barthelmess, who appears at the Rialto tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday In the film version of Fan
ny Hurst's big story, "The Wheel of Chance." Top right "The Manila Four," who head the Associa
tion Vaudeville bill at Hunt's Craterian next Wednesday.
Big List of Vitaphone, Vaudeville and Moving Picture
Attractions to Be Featured by Craterian and Rialto
'Tarzan the Mighty'
Is Rialto Special
The most thrilling and adventur
ous novel written has been brought
jtu the screen and the Rialto the
;atre is proud to announce that it
;has scheduled the film version for
j showing hero. The stury, which
i Universal has mado into a chapter
inlay. Is from Kdgar lliee Hui-
rough's epochal book. "The Jungle
Tales ot Torzan." The screen name I Inlt wm nn ho realistically pre-
lis "Tarzan the Mighty." isentcd to Hunt s (Valerian audi-
I Readers who huvo thrilled at the ;nc.cs when Hlchard Uix s most re-
j mere mention of tho name Tarzan, l.,,Ilt S(in.K picture 'Waimlng
w ill welcome this announcement. v.t- M1kos tlH nni appearance
m ....... .alun.i:.
raised 1
larzun nil- t,,,t-,,, -
from childhood by a jungle npe ;
falling In love with the only wime ;
woman he had over Hcen protect- :
incr nor irom me ii'n-ur ui ii"--
imioif. rifiitintr tho animals'
jwnoKc rul(l,. ny nflll once heen
thcHQ nn(l a thousand other attri-!tll
IhuteK that snell romance, couraire. i
strength and adventure have been
brought Into tho thrilling
hold and delight audionnes. I
"Tni'vitn lhr Mfirhtv" will he
hopo cvtry Week. ' The fhsL ep.-
sode, "Tho Terror of Tarzan." was
shown Saturday, and a new ono
will appear every Saturday for 12
Frank Merrill, one of tho coun
try's outstanding utliletes. will he
seen in tho starring role of Tarzan
Merrill has been an atnieie from
childhood, lie Is the holder of (
more than twenty championships i
tn various hianenes oi ainieucs.
'gcveral years ago the autiior, Jir.;ntfr orchestra, wo that those who
urrouchs. said that Merrill would
be his choice tor the title role. (
! Years of experience as a leading ;
Iman has also provided him wlili j
tho training to play his part wmi ;
crcat effectiveness. i
.Natalie Kingston appears ill ine
feminine lend of Mary Trevor, the
white girl castaway. Al Ferguson
will play Itlaclt John, the hem-h
comber und lender of a lost pirate
village. Hobble Trevor, the girl s
little brother, will be played by
Itohbio Nelson. Jjorimer Johnston
will bo Lord Cirayslroko.
Clever Comedy Now
at Rialto Theatre
The comic possibilities of the
street car have apparently been
unrealized except by Fontaine Fox,
with his enrtoons on tho "Tooner
ville Trolley." The fun of the old
'gent and his passengers has set'thc
Isamc street car.
Hero is a comedy that is com
i mended by all those who like to
J laugh, and to nil those who doubt
whether they can be made to
i Iniiirh.
Never has Clyde Cook been B"'n","r" picuwu inuuauy. al ju
I timidly funny as In the role of the
Hired vtiv moiorman dominated hy
; "Terrible HIM" Mcf ;ivern. and
; rival for the love of "Quick Lunch.
; Mary," waitress In a Htatioiinry
"wagon" near the car barns.
Loulsc Fazenda, alwavs a fa-
vorite. is not only tunny but
charming as presiding genius of
the eHtlng-house and William Dc
marest nortravs with swairirerhie
Izest his part of carman and prize-
' flirhter. Louise has a rival In the
person of the languorous Myrna U"e edllorial desk, the mu.4c con
Loy, who deWerts ,Hill bnly when U'vatnry and the field of art, it
he loses his tdg fight and fails to '"list, be admlMed that Ibis was an
get her the fur voat promised. jaudlence sophisticated and none
Now arrives Louise's chnnco to;1"" believing. How Vitaphone trl
whcedle him into matrimony by("tPlnd Is now an old story,
free hand-outs. She rails. Then shown in conjunction with
comes Louise's -"accident," for!11'" Parrymore picture, "Don
which she H awarded a thousand
lilollai'H. The money works won-
ui-rn un nm, huh i ii ihk cf ii'-i iu
(the Car Men's ball where he steals
her money, lousing
It to Mvrna
t from a speeding taxi. It Is caunht
Itpflr llv In tlw mIH hullnv far liV
Pandemonium breaks
Don't miss this one
HOSBBL'RO. Kohlhagen ranch,
ITil acres. old for sheep ,md lur- had a Vitaphone musical ;t':cvii
key fuini. L , iMiiiiiitiit.
The cheering of the crowd at the
l, ,il .,n ii,.. l,,..vii,.i,l.. -K ill tin.
ump," tho spontaneous hand-clap- !
ping and foot-stamping as ,i. (
gathered assemblage voice their
favorite with a "We want Hoe-
line." mid tho dull thud, with which I
,.. i,..,, ,iPnM i,,.,, nlp cilchei- s !
ln M(.alr, olay.
"Wanning Up
Is the first pic- ;
I'lii'iniimmi , 1
turo i0iCaHcd hy
j,uve a ound
Thrdiih the J ov otone nroeesM.
x i . !
j,unco the enterialnment value of
film hv civlmr tlie. nieturn
,.nium Aeonwiinn- i. ...ivinifr. -
!,., ono can Hhut hiH ,.yes unrt
uctually believe that he Ih at u
baseball game when such fnmllfnr
phrass as "loo cold drinks," and
"Vou can't tell tho players without
tl scorccard," , drift thru the audi
torium. ' 1
In addition to having tho sound
effects, tho picture will he present
ed with a symphonic musical ac-
compiinhiictit. Tlie score was ar
ranged by Nathaniel Finston, gen
WUI lU(J): direclor of Public The
llters Corporation and his four
composer assistants. It is played
n,,. the New York Paramount The-
fii.,, :i, ,iw.t,.,. i
wM1 se0 tho wamo presentation as:
thUgh they were attending a per-!
furmiinuci of hie picture at Ihct
Paramount theater In T I ni e s j
Km in i-n N.'fii- Vn.-lr
While "Warming Up," Is ill
Henso of tho word a baseball plc -
ture. baseball is not the dominat-
inf; theme. The stor concerns a
1 iovo rfair between Itlchard Dlx.
a rookie pitcher of tlie New York
Yankees and the daughter of the
club's owner, whom Uix courts as
plain Minnie Zlleb. nursemaid and
irovornesH. Needles to sav in the
end of the film Dlx wins the ball
game wllh his brilliant playing and
the ghi with his ardent lovcmak
ing. .lean Arthur, newcomer, plays
opposite- Dlx, while oilier members
of the cast Include Phllu McCol
lough, Jloscoo Ivarns, Wade Doto
ler, Claude King, and Mike Donlin.
Fred Ncwmeyer directed the film
ing of this original story by Ham
Minn, author of "The Quarter
back," in which Dix was starred
some time ago.
I -
Talking pictures are a wonderful
sijcress and will r -vohii lont '
iiuih it just asK i.emgc num. aim
mot i-mm. wimh n.. n. u
of the wonderful Yltaphone talk
ing pictures to be shown at his
; theatre In I be near future.
! August 0 marked the second an-
f nivc,ary nf Vitaphone. fui lb (
:"'ht In ISL'O a distinguished galh
I P''"K was sealed in tnn V.,n r
Hheater tn New York awaiting the
: lut ot the marvel which was to
j transform the
f f 'bosen from Hi
motion picture,
field of science,
Ju" vitaphone was used io syn-
ciiroiii.e t he musical ieore which
a ccom pa n led t he pict u re. Henry
Hartley and the NetvVork Phtlhar-
monfe orchestra furnlnhed it beau
tiful accompaniment for the story,
enhancing greatly its dramatic
features, Afu r months of packed
houses "Don Juan" closed to bo
followed by "When a .Man Lo". "
another Barrymoro picture, which
"Old San Francisco." with Do- Hroadwny theaters are in line
lores Costcllo In the leading role. 1 1" receive sound equipment. It is
showed tlio first deviation .from estimated Hint by January 1 more
tho simple accompaniment of si;tlln moil ihealci-s In the United
musical score. In this picture the t states will be alile to sound
forerunner of all sound motion Pictures. I'urnimitint has reopened
pictures, the nudienco heard the
crashing ot building and tho peal1!'0"1 llH Hollywood plum
I oC 'bunder as the city crumbled
ifrom an earthquake. Hut it ie-
mnined tor the king of minstrels,,
Al Jolson. to demonstrate the won-I
,l'rs ' Vitaphone. In "The JZ7.
B wnicn nau us premiere ni
,MO Warner theater on October li.
l'J-". Vitnphone gave the theater
: auillenco the imploring voice of Al
Jolson. It was tills picture that
; '''ally turned the motion picture
i Industry topsy-turvy,
I lincouraged by the public reac-
IH.,,1 l III...... l..,.u V,-,w.,.
. - 1 "
inoiners aim itapuone Hid a most
aniazlng tiling. Within two years
uf '" Premiere and
when other
to introduce -
I i iiiHu t'iti iiutl y:
uiumIcmI ueenni)anlment with their
! Warner brother pro-
rtticed "MKhts of New York." the
first motion pteturo lo contain
audible dialogue thruout the entire
story, which will be shown attbe
Palace theater in tho near future.
Tho future is even more promis
ing. The schedule of Warner
Hrothers productions prom I s e s
great attractions In sound and dia
logue. Artists like Jolson, Kanuio
Hriee, MmiicI Jlarrymore, Tod
Lewis, Hichard Hennctt, (Jeorgo
Arlisa and others are to appear in
, i talking pictures.
public nnii'! will have a
Judge what has been
happening during I he recent pcri-
jprt (,f "'onininly busy activity in j
! M"' hIikIIoh. Not only new pictures i
but new Ideas ami new standardti I
aro ready for presentation, accord
ing to reports ri'oni Hollywood.
Pictures Willi sound this summer
have come rushing in with the
"i " a una! wave. .Mccnaiuea.
development has gone forward 111
leaps. Producers al the same time
huvu heen expanding their concep
tion of tho entire picture art to
keep pace with new possibilities.
Para moii uI'h announcement of
lis schedule for the new season Is
the largest and most ambitious in
the. industry. Of the seventy fea
tures which the company Is to re
lease, ono-third, at least, aru to
have sound accompaniment, and
some also are to be In natural
colors. Ail of them, say Ihe pro
ducers, will reflect a new spirit.
"Whllo alert to uso sound to its
fullest capacity, we nevertheless
Insist, as In Ihe past, that every
film shall bo a picture which Ih
I good to look at," said Jesse L. I
Lanky, first vice president, in
hargo of production of tho Para
mount Famous Lasky corporation.
Hcltcr pictures for everybody,
both in tho sound-equipped and
the silent theaters, will result Im
mediately from these new devices.
; j ,U not being too optimistic when
,j ft;iy t)mt tn0 new milHon wni 8C0
; standards conspicuously higher
than ever before. It will be
'apparent In the remote theater as
ill the downtown dc luxe house. '
j "Tho greater iho median ic.i I
i posslhllities, the more will be ile
tinandeti (a the May of slory, ct
: tng und directing. The idea be-
hind ihe picture musL live up to
tile resources of tlw camera. Tills I
will be most perfectly represented
when tho plci ure is shown with
its synchronized sound accompa
niment. HuL In theaters, where it
Is shown In silence, it llkewiho
will be a superior production,
"In making all new season's pic
tures with sound effects, this com
pany Is not for a moment losing
j sight of tho thousands of theaters
all over the land which have not
I yet installed sound equipment.
They are to be eared for more ef
fectively than ever before."
Kven as the picture producers
Insist that "tho picture's tho
thing" and set about making
greater pictures in appeal to the
'yes, th-y i'jp-nd u the dazllng
novelty of sound. The lure of the
new device has innHnlei1 the in.
dustry. and lis effect Is expected
to pruu t"t: vlutlvuaij. ui
" Island studio ami equip
.double-barreled altack in sound.
'Wheel of Chance
at Rialto Monday Vxom ti,hle. telegraph and local
report h, tlie newspaper editor
Put dmvu another dramatic j eh onsen for Ills front page thoso
hulls-eye for Itiehard I tart holiness. "ems most apt to intercut tho pub-
Thc star has added annlher liis- i He.
trionie 4-lawlr lo his reeeiit -The ' Kmin the news senNalioiis of lb
1'ittent Leather Kid" und "Tlie 'lay it Him prodlieer, in tun,." in ' The Wheel of Cluniee" j elioones eertain themes or actual
iho film version nf nmnie inrsfs i oreurreneeH to he featured in cl
sliorl Moi-y, "liouleue," wlilcft Itilold. In thin way a eyrie ol
niK'iiH at tin- Kialtti Iheiitre lomor-
In "The Wheel uf t'hanre" liar
thelmess enacts a ilUal role, each
one a elear-eul diameter tlellnea
tlun worthy of being placed along
: side bis finest portrayals. The con
j trasting study of the two roles,
1 1 hat oi' twin brothers, presents a
i KtartHnw- new phase of the acting
ability of I turl holiness, who bus
proved In a m-i'les ' ai're portralls
his rlglil to the top niche un the
htflder of Thespis.
j The story of "The Wheel
i ('banco'
lates tin' dramatic ad-
IventureH of twin brothers, separal
icd In chiblbood by a irh k of fate,
land meeting again twenty years
j later in one of the most dramatl
i eally conceived scenes In the bls
! Hiry of the motion pictures. To
: tell more than this would be to
take away the thrills and enjoy-
: ineiit In witnessing "The Wli
There Is genuine heart-Interest
here and riirdiil manipulation ni
passion and repression. From be
ginning lo end. Die inlrr'Ml h,
ginning to end, Ihe inlrr'Ml h, j
jT Continuous 12:30 to 1 1 P. M. ONLY OIU!
iL They're Here Again! L
Jn Tho Fiimous Pair of Laugli Gotters
K3 Km
j$ ;';'4'J AND THEY GIVE VOU C&j
I f 2 vTrA -vaT of your life in the ;
j hP w "pay as m
(J8 GOOD ADDED The First Big Movie
SHORT COMEDY Season Special
M late;tnnew. TOMORROW JQ
jJ RTmusICEL 3 Fan"y Hur1' Great
Knr6riS TlieWlceioyf(:iiance S
Picture Producer .
Follows the News
For Ideas to Film
in tho wuke of the news com
the feature photoplays of today.
j according to one Hollywood pro
ducer, who likens his task to tho
i duties itf :l ncwsiifintM' editor.
eritue pietnreH cnnie into existenee.
i'ress aecouuts of gang net ivi ties
are said to have inspired "Dressoi,
to Kill," John (lllbert's "Four
Walls," "Und or world." "Tho Drag
Net." "Ladies of the Mob," "For
gotten Faces" and many otbors.
Tho underworld wavo Is passing,
and mystery pictures, a direct de
rivative, . arc taking their place.
Tho Haunted House," "The Ca
nary Murder Case," "Tho Caso of
Lena smith" aro a few In point.
That motion pictures move In
cycles Is no news to the fan who.
j applauding one Russian picture. U
so on iy auorwai u prescmeu who
half a dozen others. "Tempest,"
with John Marry more; "Tho Cos
sacks," with John Cllbert; "Tho
Ued Imncp." wllh Iinloros del Hlo:
'The patriot" ami "The Last Com
mand." with Kiull Jaunlugs arc
a few that probably owe their in-
1 of Ispiratfon to Edwin Care we s Uca
- urree.lion.'
War comedies, baseball pictures
and newspaper pietures. with the
eiitne wave and t he Russian In
vasion, constitute the major cycles
of the last year.