"jTEDFOTlP MATE TRIBUNE, ftfEDFORD, OT?KC!OX, THURSDAY. AFOT'ST 2?,. 1928. PTOR SEVEN Perfect Health ' is always refreshing If you ire lired lack pep if your skin is not clear If your appetite Is "gone" you owe It to yourself and friends lo try S.S.S. Its Ionic effects will surprise you. WHEN your system is filled with rich, red blood, you don't have that tired, languid feeling when you awake in the morning. Instead, you feel refreshed? ready to meet the world! Your appetite is keen, you enjoy work or play. Your skin is clear cheeks , naturally rosy. All this because rich, red blood is Nature's substance for build ing and sustaining the body. Thousands have regained their strength and charm by taking a few bottles of S.S.S. Nature's own tonic for restoring the ap jKtite building strength and clearing the body of so-called skin troubles. You know a clear skin comes from within. Correct the cause thru tho blood and pimples, boils, eczema and that sallow complexion will disappear. For more than 100 years S.S.S. has been giving relief in thous ands of cases, as testified to in unsolicited letters of gratitude. "I was troubled with pimples and blackheads. I took a course of S.S.S. It cleared my face and back. I think S.S.S. is wonder ful. I have told many friends about S.S.S., and they are get ting as much benefit as I did." Miss Ruth Gahm, 1134 Eldert Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. All drug stores sell S.S.S. in two sizes. Get the larger size. It is more economical. $SS. Builds Sturdy Health Modernize Your Neighborhood. With Concrete Streets Many well-built districts need up-to-date streets. The most modern and economical pavement is portland cement concrete. It is especially de signed for motor vehicle traffic permanently smooth, hard, and safe. Does your neighborhood need new pavements? There is something you can do about it! Ask us .. for information. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 146 Fifth Street PORTLAND, ORB. A National Organization to Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete ' Office In 32 Cities Ricie With- Southern Oregon Stages ' The Pioneer. Line of Southern Oregon operating local service from Medford to Klamath Falls . This company 1ms served you faithfully in the pant yearn and will continue giving you excellent service. Busses leave from Hotel Jackson. a. jr. Noon r. jr. Lv. Medford : 8:20 12:00 3:20 Lv. Ashland . 8:50 12 :30 PM 3:50 Southern Oregon Stages Hotl Jackson Phone 309 1'. M. 8 :2." 8:55 LEAD, THAIS 10 SECY. KELLOGG 10 ITO ASSESS BANKS BE GREETED LIKE IN SPITE OF 0. S. A VISITING KING COURT DECISIO By WILLIAM J. CHIPMAN Associated Press Sports Writer The Giants huvo escaped from Cincinnati and the Cardinals have cleared their premises of Brooklyn I marauders but neither of these events transpired one minute too soon. If things had gone on much longer as they were mollis, the Na tional tongue pennant necessarily would huvo been awarded to the team capable or the most expert back-pedaling, which would have i brought tho Phillies in for serious I consideration. Shaded at Uodland Held yester- day by u ncorc of to 4, the co horts of AftCirnw left for Pitts- aiiui'ii oi tummy uui a mo 10 work. The New York expedition ary. Vorce still owned a margin ovtr the Cardinals in the pennant race only becauso the deceitful DodKera nipped the Redbirds at Sportsman's park by :i to 2. The defeat of the Giants yester day, the second in three games at Cincinnati, was due largely to Jim Wchih's uncertainty of foot as he dashed after a fly from the bat of Mill Zit.mann with the bases filled ,(n the fifth. The ball fell safe for a triple, and the (Hants lost, never to regain a lead they had taken in the first half of the same round. Jess Petty and Watson Clark collaborated in tossing the Cardi nals for another loss the second Robin victory in the three-game series. While the contending teams wore so engaged the Pirates put the Braves to rout again by 10 to 3 in a game which saw the Buccaneers cpllect lti hits. These up-and-coming Pirates, incidentally, are only hive games removed from the sum mit, and are intent upon climbing as impossible as it seems. In the remaining National league game the Cubs finally broke their Philadelphia jinx after six consecu tive failures. It took all of Art Nehfs cunning to win by 3 to 2 in 1? inninngs. The American league fell behind in its half of the campaign to re store the world series to the basis of a 5-cont faro for New Yorkers, thanks to the bat of Mr. Mule Haas, late of Montclair, N. J., but now a resident of Shibe Park, Philadel phia. The Mule plucked one of Johnny Mitjus' choice offerings from the ambient with his fat black bat and gave it a ride over the right field fence, winning lor the Athletics by ti to 5 in the 17th inning. The Tigers swept both ends of a bargain at Boston, 7 to 0 and 4 to n, and tho Senators hatted the White Sox, 2 to 0, at Washington. PA1US, Aug. '$ (Pi Kuropfun statesman uiul diplomats, especial ly those coniico't-d with tho fut Hgn departments of the various countries, began breaking up their j annual August holidays today to : got ready for the signing hero next ; Monday of tho multilateral Kellogg pact for renunciation of war as a national policy. The membei-ii oC tho French cabinet, who had expected to spend tho entire month in the country, were back in Paris tonight. They had been summoned for a special meeting of t lie ministry which is to bo held tomorrow. They are to discuss details of the signing ceremony and also of the other events planned to make the vis iting dignitaries feel at home as well as honored. Frank B. Kellugg, American mc- , rotary of state, is to be received ! at Havre with ceremonies such j as usually are accorded only lo j visiting monarchs or chief exeeu i tlves. He will be escorted to Paris j on a special train. J J lore he will be greeted core j moniously at the railway station by Arlstide Briand , foreign minis 1 tor of France, and other high officials. SAI.KM. oiv.. Aug. f.- iVi Notwithstanding (he decree of t lie federal coim in Portland that na tional banks are not taxable, ami an upiii'on by Attorney (ioneral Van Winkle coinciding with tho ! decree, the state tax commission i today issued an order to the its-; jsessors of the state to go ahead i and assess the national banks. , ! Tiie national bank case is on j appeal to the l.'nited tales cir cuit court ol appeals. The posi ition taken by the tax commission was that even if the final decree I should be favorable to the state, i the state would ho unable to tax I I he national banks, if it pre ' viotisly had not assesseil them, t I fence the order to assess is in the nature, of a precautionary 1 . measure. K. C. TO GET LAW I AFTER CIRCULATORS ; OF THE FALSE OATH PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. Pl I The body of Jerome L. Bowers, j 61, was found hanging in a shed in the rear of his home late today. : While reports indicated the man (had. committed suicide, police j called to the scene found a possi- hility that the man had not taken j his own life. A thorough invest i jgation was ordered to determine if grounds existed for the suspicion of murder. Relatives living in (he house de clare that suicide was improbable and insist that foul play caused Bowers' death. Possibility of ac cidental death also was being in What Of It? ST. I.OCIS. Aug. 23. (Pi The dual receivership of International Life Insurance company was elim inated today when the state receiv ership was withdrawn by agree ment and Federal Judge Albert K Beeves appointed as new federal receivers Massey Wilson, one of the founders, and Ben C. Hyde, state superintendent of insurance. BY SECOND II (By the Associated Press) Portland made It two straight over the Seals by winning the sec ond clash, 7 to 5, after the Beavers ! hod made u five-run lead in the 1 first frame. San Francisco made a singlo run In tho sixth and In ' tho seventh made its only bid for i the game when four tallies were won. Ponder's homer in the sixth, ( however, spoiled any Idea of win- ' ning the Seals may have had. Bat tries: Ponder, Fullerton and Whit ney; Mails, Thurston and Sprlnz. Oakland whitewashed the Bells, 5 to 0, with u rush of runs early ! In the game. Starting a rally In the fifth the stars knocked four Sacramento pitchers around the lot to win, 9 to 4, and regain the position, one game behind the Senators at the ; head of the league. I hos Angeles won a loose, unin teresting game from Seattle, 9 to ; 5, after the Indians had taken the lead with four runs la the third. i'l.FVKUANH. Aug. (P The supremo council Knights of Co lumbus in session here today p co gnised immediate prosec u t i o n ' aga in si persons anil societies a I lcgctl to have circulated a spuriotis ofllth ol" the fourth degree of the i order. ! Luke K, Hart, supreme advocate (of the' oriler. announced 'i.oiio.nao copies of an obscene ami libelous d o e u in e n I represented as the fourth degree oath of the Knights ;of Columbus has been sent thruuiil ;tbe country, for the most part in the south, within lit" pat two j months after beinir squelched lor ! over five years." " 'oinl itions which are known to in II of you have seemed to furnish !lhe occasion for a revival of Hits ; infamous and unspeakable libel Iwllh the result there U 'a larger .distribution t ban at any lime in jibe past." Itarl said. Hart said be now lias legal papers prepared against six sort jelies and individuals who are , "known to have published and dis itrihuled the oath In Illinois. .Michi gan. Iowa and Hem-gin," Hart said names of the soeiot ies and indi viduals would not be made public. William .1. Al' tlinley. supreme secretary, in bi annual report said that lillii'i members bad been added to the owl or in the last year and that total assets now are .SJ7.IHMi.mni. the sum of $ii.ri()0.iniii being added I lie past y.-nr. Mild enough for anybody . and yet they Satisfy i CMOKERS want a mild cigarette, but 3 not one that tastes flat. What they do want is mildness with taste. They want a cigarette that will siilisfy. Chesterfield cigarettes arc blended and cross-blended from mild, pure, fragrant tobaccos in such a way as to give you mildness without the loss of taste. While mild enough for anybody, Chesterfields s-a-t-i-s-f-y! 'Flash,9 Wonder Dog, in Big Rialto Picture While basically a slurring vehicle for a very remarkable dog, "I'tider , Hie Black Kaglc." which is now , ptityfug a I the liialto theatre, con tains one of the? (enderest and yet i most thrilling dramas that has I come to the screen in many a. ! mont h. That Halph Forbes and Mnrco-' line Hay play their roles in a most convincing manner is nothing new for players of their standing be cause they have often proved their ability in other motion pictures. Tho really remarkable thing about this production Is tho fine acting of Flash, a new screen star. Tlie dog is much more beautiful than any other canine yet seen on I he screen and goes through his role wit It a) most human intelli gence. 'M'ndor the Black Knglo" marks l i Flash's Initial appearance on tho , screen hut with an animal of ills ; intelligence It should be very easy to go film vehicles for him th. : will make him the outsandfug dog ' star in the industry. j Meat Is Predicted. Oregon Fair tonight and Fri : day. but fog near coast tonight, j High temperature and decreasing I humidity in interior, with increas ing fire hazard. (lentle, variable winds, mostly northerly. Fights Last Night REICHSTEIN AND DEUEL WOOD ALL KINDS OP DRY WOOD OAK-LAUREL-FIR Summer ' (fAI a Prices GREEN PINE SLABS MEDFORD FUEL CO. '1118 North Central Tel. 631 (By the Associated Press) ! C1IICAO, 111. Jorry ("Turfy") : Griffiths of Sioux City knocked out , Tony Marullo of Now Orleans (1 1.1 Krnle Owens ol l.os Angeles knock-1 led out Oscnr Maker of Chicago Cii. 1 I Harold Matthews of Omaha, de-: I fealcd Oasple La Vole of Chicago I ;2). i CI.KVEI.AND. Mayer Grace of Chicairo defeated Kloyd Ifyhcrt of Cleveland dm. V,if Mill Halley, V. S. N.. defeated Frank Florlan Ml. Jimmy O'llrlen of I'ontlac, .Mich., defeated Jimmy Trannctt M). Ktl die ("Kid") Wasner of Philadel phia won a decision from Maxic Stnib of Hrlo (101. Youiik Jack Thompson of l.os Anselcs defeated Gene Clardl of Philadelphia, tech nical knockout (tl). DAYTON, Ohio. Johnny Mason of Scranton, Pa won decision from Young Jack Dillon of Los Angeles 110). I ffAYTON, Ky. Mike Dundee of Hock Island, 111., defeated Hobby ; Herman of lxs Angeles, technical ; knockout (3). -Fred Malien of Los Angeles defeated Franklo Larraheo of Omaha, technical knockout (ID.! Billy Rose of Cincinnati won a de-1 clsion from Tony Kscalantes of 1.08 j Aneles 1101. j 1 Palem will build Houth Liberty street bridsc, for about I85.0UO. I Wilbur KnhlhuKen much, acres, sells fur :9,vav. III ''mmmmsvs ut'X(imficn;lirttathoi(S(iiul k 3 miles of orclitittry timing with s.isf, ijsMJ ordnidry f;i.wlmt can do oil V 1., I I ;ir,o "fidsolmc" tliiininif; 1 ''Ik I caused by inamiiilac burning A? : reduces oil thmtmu; lo a wWMr,4m?.A!8il' WJ- f: minimum. Koticc this VivW'A TrniH..1- m fl 4 "w It " '.I mi Mm m 1 A c-ifMt Jm Me 1,,, )l,l,,.t""MII V Drip Drip Urip 7 1 . wet gasoline, into your oil You choke your motor to start it shoot in a mixture with heavy wet particles of gasoline that don't burn cleanly. Where do those wet particles go? Down the cylinder walls, to thin your oil ! Thrust open the throttle for a quick getaway. What happens to the overload of fuel? Forced past the piston rings, much of it, into the crankcase ! And in a thousand miles of di iv ing half your oil is likely gasulme. Gasoline you Knight for power, for mileage wasted. L he lubricant body of your oil gone; for hundreds of miles back it has been seriously damaged by di' ution with "wet" gas oline. lint there is a way to prevent oil thinning. Not by more careful driving; Pv '-' you can't change traffic conditions or "nurse" your car at the expense of driving pleasure. But you can avoid using "wet" gasoline. Shell 400 is a gasoline from which exact refining has eliminated the heavy wet fractions. It goes conr plctcly vaporized, a "dry" gas, into your motor. It burns completely, cleanly. Going into use and not into your oil, Shell 400 has a real claim to more mileage, greater power. Yet it costs you no more. Select a convenient yellow and red Shell pump'. Buy Shell 400 the next few times and you'll never go back to "wet" gasoline. ... Ton can tcUShell joointhc start ing. PuUyour chiieoutmlyhiil( .cay. rush it bac in a few scumh after the motor sti.rts. Shell 00 requires less choke lluni "n et" gas, but dm starnl more without causing thinning DRY" GAS Shell Motor Oil, a new lubricant tli.it foi ins less carlion, sot carbon is tlic iilc.1 running mate for Shell 400. Don't olfsct the good effects of Shell 400 by Usui g an oil less fine than improved Shell Motor Oil