Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 23, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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local and
s Personal
Willi (lie cNCM'tii'" "f 11
firu ri'imrtcil on lliiiko crri-k in tli
I ri sMM-t ilMrli'l "f tin' CriiKT "'
luiml forest. 11 o fiil'ifl fir" Kittlii
l Mill 111 .liu'limi'l ot.unly ri-mnilis
in llu- wiiil satisfactory roiulition
Ihal il has for tliu past two iliiy.
Tho iii'U- firt' was i-i-ioitfiI this
inol'llin-- anil Is rxii'iliil to he un
ihT luiitnil hy lati- this artirnoon.
All .illur fires in tin1 r-uunly have
liiM-n miller control for the past
I wo ihiys.
.Miss Irene Host or Vancouver,
Wash., is vlsltlni: at the home of
.Mr. anil .Mrs. T. T. Khuw this M'eck.
.Miss Hose, ivlio forincrly rcsilleil
in .Mcilford with the Hlmw family,
is connilctiiiK a nurse's ira n
course at the Kt. Joseph's hosliital
at Vancouver.
.Mr. anil .Mrs. ri.iirlcs HlauKlnl.
who liavc heen visit Iruc .Mrs. J'.Iiik
Klnl's iiarents for a short time,
plan lo leave next week for llia
llitiml InUi' lo spcnil a short time,
after which they cjipeel lo return
to Ihrlr home In San l.uls oliispo.
fal. .Mrs. Iliatrinl is a daughter
of I'ouuly .PililKO anil .Mrs. .1. W.
Itlai'Uherrics 1! weeks early this
season. I'lck lileni at l-'inley I'.rns.
r.'hitch op AiiplcKate where they
prow in irriateil pastures liack
from Ihe ilusl of roiiils. K.:i
l-'ollowln;; a vacation, wlilch look
him to Hie liocltawny ami .Soasiilc
liench resorls ami to I'ortlaml
Ccorce .lolinsou resumcil ilutlcs
last 'ruesilay lis raillo operator at
the local airport for the I'aelfle
Air Transport company. During
his absence ills tluties were taken
over hy K. II. Stevens. Oakhiml.
t'nl.. u'lm is now lining vacation
relief work at Vancouver, Wash.,
for I lie operator there.
Illtie Uno Parcel Delivery, phone
lilll! for Prompt .Service.'
.lerry Cooper of orofino, Ida
was unioiiK the nioloi' tourists from
a illMtanee who ri'Kislcreil today lit
the local Itraueh of Ihe out of stale
aulo retfislratloti hureau.
Hwini in rtrinkinK water. Mer
lielt's eiiloriiiatecl pool. R(i(f
Aniont.' Hie hotel unests from
a illstiiuee whti arrived In Mcdforil
yesterday are Hniph Stanley of
ltaltle .Miuiutnln. Xev., .Mrs. Ceor.t;e
Sniltli Ill-own of .Myrlcks, Mass.. I).
M. Minkle and C. W. fowleell of
Des.Moliies. la.. II. .M. Klllldseu of
t'llienuo. III.. II. II. Mousey of Itlv
eilnii, ,, .1., T. .1. Ilehlctirclcli and
1.. Kearney f Ueno, Xev., Mrs.
I.ucy r.jiles of Kurckn, Xev.. and
-M. Wlilliims of Xouaies, Ariz.
Old-llnie ilance Sal. uluhl. .Moose
Hall. Ashlimd. tire. I.on Hanson
(irchestra. 1,14
.Mr. and Mrs. Ilenj. II. Illalsdell
and dnuuhler. Miss .Miiniln Hope,
arrived Saturday iiIkIii from Hus
ton. Mass., nml house quests of Dr.
and Mrs. I). W. Slope. They are
kiiMIiik on Ihe sleamslilp I'resldenl.
lirnnl for Mnnlln. I M,.-t Sal
urday rrom Seullle, Wash. This is
Mrs. Illalsilell's nlmh trip lo the
Islands where .Mr. Illulsdcll Is gen
eral mipcrlnlondciii of Ihe Munlln
lOeleclric I'uwer station. They ex
peel to he none Iwn years am re
turn hy way or Kurnpc and Aus
tralia, where .Mr. Hlalsilell has sis
ters resldlnu. .Mrs. Ishilsdell Is a
slsler or .Mrs. 1). W. Stone or this
Made In order ill my home
cukes, pies, hot fulls, ilniiRliuiitx.
liienl pies, salmis, etc. Mrs. c. f
l.linilheiii. 107 Kenwood. I'hone
Mr. mid Mrs. I., w. Ul.'k ami
.Mr. and Mrs. W. (1. liuprechi r
I'uhtniuo. In., lefl yestenlay fur u
shorl inolor trip In I'orlland. The
hitler eoiitile have heen vIsIHiik
.Mr. and Mrs. Dick for !., u,(,
M'lst. Mr. Dick, who Is Ihe local
lulled states weather observer is
""'".villi; a v,ic,iti, r several
weeks rrom duties ilurlnu Ihe visit
of Mr. ami Mrs. linprechl.
Screen doors. WuimIh Lumber Co.
laude Stevens, a tuelnber of the
local rire deparlment, , ompan.
led by ills rinnliy, left ycslerdiiv for
" "I""! vacation nip Hiniimh
Kltnniilli eounly and will icturii 1,.
way of cruier Lake.
Notice lo I'tlbllc: llon'l Injure
yourseir by Iss B ,.,.,., ,. ...
ret nrnci x. s. !'. .H ,..,
celvlnu such c Us rep,,,-, , ,,,
Soulheln .,. ,.,.,, ,.,.,,
1 II' .No. I'enlrnl. j
A lawn social will be 1., ,, i.
lawn of Hi,, mans,. ,,t -:K,. ,.,,
on l-'rlday eveiilt,,;, Aiiisusi ;
'''""I ' ake III cenls. A ,.,.
Invited. A ,,. , ss,.
Ilk' IMne
Fluhrer's Milk
Bread costs no
more than ordin
ary breads.
Kni-l.v-slx cui'M of peui'H luivi- 1m.'i-d
' -lliljri I'fDllI ClIUIlH lJusn u i to
(hit present Mine, Them haVP tiiun
UnrMcllM iM'lnti nliipp"il to ihe can
liei'leM, liMiiyliis W'immI .represen
tative itC Slnmn. Shuiileuui'lh unl (
KreiH-h. .slides liarllettw wlllj
In- moving fur tilmtlt n vveek yet. J
He hits sent iut lit Imiih. or almui
'it i ius. nml will have fivt? iimn! '
of tlliis variety. He ulsii expi-ets tu ',
slMp Hi ears of lUw, Anjnu a in I
Cmnfee. these i-int; In M-ilf..nt !
for parlilnt;. Kuyers are advatie-
inn SI. 2 1 on the late varieties. .1.
M. Ishiiin. h'l'ii iii:eut. stales that
the late varieties are already lu
iiiniiit: lo move. (irants I'ass'
('mirier. !
( Inee you i at oil I' home cuoUetl i
ii-li i'u iliniier you come aaliLj
Luiieli t','iv anil :t-i'ourse dinner for
7 Mis. Alice Johnson in ehai'K1' '
Kuinl'y Kainp. It'J miles south ofj
(iraiils I'ass on the Redwood lj:ll-
way. !.".! I
KHa l HiiIiIin lent. iJaiiyhters ofj
Vererans. will have its first aulunui
niei-iiiit-' l-'rlilny. A it k list 2 1. Do- j
;ia rt nient i 'resident .Marie I ton el tt i
wil ninlte her niiiiiiiil visit at that;
'line and a lare altcndnnec Is ex-j
pec led, I
U'e have someihliiK Choice In i
reo in-ci)s. Dm not fall to sec thorn, j
Kit; l'ines IJ.r. I'o. TXtf
(tut of town )re;'onianN who are
hnlel cuesis In Medforil today In
clude Aii-s. Henry Thielson, Mr. ami
.Mrs. .1. Al. Sl;air and Mr. and Mr.x
Max lllll of Salem. II. Hni'oyne
if Kutreiio. Henry Hartinan of t'or
vallls. Hill Olds. AI. I!. Crooks and
V. O. Williams of DiMlas and Velnia
Diekworth of land. '
Hello, Mrs. Kyle: W'hnt have I
von for rent? Call "Williams I
t WarnorU. M:ilfj
.Mr. and Mrs. Karl Vork relurn
'd yesterday fmm a vacation Irlpj
of two weeks lo Vancouver and
oilier Canadian points. While re
Mirnln I hey slopped at soveral
Washiiii-ton pidiits. iiirdudtiiK Kay
monil, win-re Airs. Vnrji has a uls
ter, Alt's. Moral hy AIcL'arKer, ro
'IiIIuk. Ailing wllh her daughter,
Nancy I ,ee. she iiccompanled Al r.
-Hid Airs. Vork In Mils city for a
diort visit.
Wo have soniollihiK choice, in
too propa. Do not fail lo see thorn.
IlifT IMiich Lhr. Co. 7Stf
lleiiinnhp.' next .Monday. AIIsh
leel Hdwards, clerl; In tho Al. AI. 1
department ptore for tho pasi year,
will he omployed as olfii-e asslst
:int al the Shaimle studio in Ihe
Aledford huildillK.
Ileforo you re-i'oof your homo,
let UN Hive you an estimate on the
cost of either patent or codur shin
gles. Woods lannher CNi. l.VIj
Itev. W, II. Katon and family j
ire spendiiiK Iheir summer vaen
tion at Head Indian sprinus. Air. I
and Mrs. Justin K. Judy and fain-1
ily sH-nt last Sunday visiting them;
at their ramp. The Katons expeel i
to ret urn to Aledford the end of
Mils week. a mother 'who loves children
!(.eop your children day, wook or
month. Ills house, larso tdiady
lawn. U. 17 W. Main St. Ucl
Suit was filed at the county
clerk's office Malay hy S. Chap
man of Cninls I'ass against K, W.
Ma I hurst of Ktnu, Cal., for $221 I
for (hunnKCH as a result of an auto
collision on the Crater Luke high
way at Trail last Sunday. Chap
man claimed that Hat hurst was
drlvlni: on Ihe wrong side of t In
road at an unroanoiuihli. nito of
speed, ruusini; Injuries to both Mr.
-iiiil .Mrs. Chapman.
To ro-roof now may s.tvo you
Iho extra expense of redecorating
your Interior walls nfler Iho -find
ruin. Wo have both patent and
rodnr shingle. Woods Lumber
Co. Phono HIK. ,',!
l-Khty years old lomorrow, and
a minister In a I'resbyterlan church
"T Portland. Is the record or W.
S. Holt, rather or Dr. William P.
Molt of Mils rlty. Dr. and . Mrs.
Molt and ranilly will motor to Port
laud this evening lo help Uov. I loll
eelebrali- his birthday l-'rlday. They
expert to return to Mcdrord next
Tuesday or Wednesday.
We ui-o j,, H, ,,,..(.( r,M. y)llt.
liartleit iicars. lioguo liiver 'al
ley Canning Co. r.x
Annmiiiceinenl has been recvicd i
here (hat Miss Catherine Kn. ly :
TuiMe. daughter of Mr. and .Mrs.'
Morion Tullle or (irand Kork-, X. 1
D.. forincrly of ihU valley, w W j
M r. Tut Me was secretary of I he i
V. At. C. A. at I 'on I nil Polul. will1
He uiarrlcMl Sepenilior ." lo J.imrs
D. S.pilrr.
Dressmaking a n d remodeling.'
fashion Shop. -121 Mcdforil lildg. '
Miss M. .. Dennis or KilgcKooil.
Cal.. was a 1.niuess visitor In Mils,
ivlty Wednesday.
c. A. .Moti on of Johnson Prairie j
1,11,1 Uobcrt Johnson of Ashland.'
herders on tbr llarlcy Dunn niurh.
"err taken into nisiody yestridayl
'; (lame Wardens Uoy Parr anil1
Marlon Itarnrs. when fresh venb '
son was found In thdr poswessioii.
Tile tu men will be charged with
killing deer out of -.cason. The two
wardens si'iirrbed several sheep 1
''imps In their search for venison i
Wnnlcn Parr states that "spot-i
lighting" doer from the higbwav s
"lie of Ihe mosl illlflcult game vlo- !
lailiuw (be warden b.ivc to con :
lend with. Ashlnnu Tidings. j
Mr. ,V Cb-ment r this rip- and !
Ms. Ida Miller r Trail will enlc-J
,;'l'i .Mrs J. j. Dm. ran of Hive.-
hlr. Cal,. during the next f(.w;
!. Mrs, Clement. ho arrived :
here tbls niornlni: rrom Spokan" j
"ash,. Is .Mrs cirmonfi. aunt ami.
a smter-ln-inw of Mi. Miller ,
Mr and Mrs Prank S. Volk of i
Sat.l:, Monb a. Cal . slopped her,, i
H feu hour today on ihrlr Wliy
Crater Lake,
Mr. and Mr-. J. I. .Kly Ull M.N I
Hva Alain an.) l-'rank Carlow sprat 1
la Sunday at Dead Indian springs. '
Tempni arv auto Hrenses wore Is-
sued at ihe sheriff office today!
lo Charles Chealhani. II. Unrrn-Id. :
Pierre-Allen .Motor companv -uul .
I.. Spohs of Aledford. Frank1
Sprigg of Central Point, o. C
Stanwooil of Hold Hill, llrorge Mer- '
HH of JarkKiiuville null Carhop'
in-Other of Prospeel. !
Mrs. Alice Woodard. Instructor'
of HHMir whlsilinu at tin- Culver.!
diy of Southorn Cnllfornla. In a
house kiikm of AIIkr Kllow Alaol
W'llfion. Modfoidfi well known
whltdleT, I
Air. and Airs. K. K. (lore and
daughlrrs, Dorothy and Itosa. will
go to San Francisco tomorrow, ox
poctlng to spend a ten days' vaca
tion In the city.
Ho;cl guests In Modford from
Portland Include the following: (i.
1). Samler. J. M. McCluro, 11. J.
Holmes, (1. W. Webslor, tl. Foster
Skiff, Alaiilda Jarobs, Dr. and Mrs.
David I .nng. 'arl Proost. K. ..
Sleff'n, AI. II. (Mark and son, Mr.
and Airs. H. F. Alcdill. I.. T. New
ton. A Imon Newton, C. C. 'ur-.
Al Mchallhorn, Kleanor lirooks, II.
Al. Wallis. J. H. Dunn. .Mi.
Mrs. A .11. Thornton. Airs. .. Al.
.Miller. I.. Fish. C. I-;. Murnctt. W.
C. Klec, J. K. LaPine, Jack .Mur
phy. Mrs. A. H. Woy and son. Allss
ti. Wey, Kuih Voting, J. (ioldberg.
H. V. Kled. Jack .Marshall, Airs. K.
C. Piper, W. A. Johnson. Airs. 'I.
Hurbee. C. (1. Itunnell. Sam Jlo
bert, Al. .1. Wiggins and K. ' .1.
Klncald's dauco Kaglc Point Sat.
1 r.i
.Mrs. Fred Anderson ami daugh
ter i;ibel Mae of Dunsniulr, Cal,.
bdi here this morning for their
homo a ft it visiting for the past
three weeks at Mie home of Airs.
Anderson's fal her, F. M. Jordan.
.Mr. Jordan and Miss Lucllc Itat
slou .another daughter of Mrs. An
derson, left here 'yesterday by car
for Dp usiii uir. It was because
or the recent illness of her father
that Airs. Anderson rauie lo Mcil
ford Ibis summer, and she expects
lo Icep him at her home during
the fall and winter months.
Air. ami Mrs. Doran Werner and
small ibiughtcr Jean left for New
Vork City today after spendin-'
Iheir summer vacation with friends
and relatives In the llogue Itiver
valb-y. During their visit here they
were extensively entertained and
both Caroline Andrews and her
husband appeared al various dub
luncheons, whei e their must-al
programs were always enjoyed.
Iloth of the visitors are booked for
concerts during the cumlng season.
A marriage license was Issued to
day al the county clerk's office lo
JanifH W. Henry, 21), of Pondosa.
Cal.. and Viola Kilwards, IS, of
Alt. Shasta City. Cul. Due was is
sued yesterday to Frank C Nor
worth, 2H. of I .ok Angeles, and""
Mnblu Hcarn. 28, of Phoenix.
Dunce HukIo Point Sat. nlte. I.VI
AIik. D. It. Jonte of Hartroi'd.
.Mich, left hero today after visiting
al the home of .Mr. and Mrs. W.
II. Ilenson. Vesterday iho party
motored lo Crater Lake. This was
Ihe first lime thai the llensoiis
had seen Airs. Joule since they re
sided In Chicago over IT years ago.
From here Airs, Jonte wont to Cali
fornia to visit other friends and
Hugh Piggs. assistant in Attor
ney John Carkin's office, loft here
this morning for Kngeno, whore he
will spend the nest ten days doing
researrh work at tho lnlversily of
Oregon In connection with taxation
problems. At. the end of that time
he will return in Aledford and re
main until the opening ir school.
,vhnu lie plans to resume his law
Regular dance Fagle Point Sat;
A permit was granted this wook
by the Crater national forest to
William Alooney of Prospect to
construct a hunting lodge in the
roresl buundnHo.s above Woodrufl
Aleadows not far from the Crater
Lake highway. In the Lake o' th"
Woods sections of 'tho forest, per
i.ilsslon was granted In K. A. Dun
ham of Klamalh Falls to aciiitrc
a lol from 'Mr, and Mrs. .1. AI. Wal
kins or Ashland. A permit for the
use of u lot at the lake was also
granled to P. S. Fish of "alent
FOR SALF 2 down I -year-old
Till rr Leghorn hens, extra heavy
layers. Phone HLM-W. la.".
FOll SALF !l l-H acres, close In.
;t-room small house, barn ami
chicken shed, 21 young pear
trees, berries and garden, one
acre In alfalfa. Peal buy, S1MHI;
some terms. D. F, Altlbird Co.,
Ill) K. Main. Phone H22.
l-'OK HAM'I I'wil Alaylat;, kiw as
IH'W. 1'rteed rM fur rash. Mity
'I' Sor Knrlli'tl. 1 T.f.
WAN'I'MIJ i:xHrieiHMMl wailr
al niu'i'. I'lume I :i 1 -.1. '
KOI SAI.K tU TIIA lK Equity in
duplex for small uniuiprnved
lU'fniBo. Inquire 1MI7 Nufth IMv
erside. If
-i I K KKNT - 1-nnnn furulsht'd
llMiise. oluse ' to lllull M'lionl.
$;t'J.5ti. Applv A. tl. Hcvan. Ilu-
lel .Modford.
l-'ii li I! l-:."r "-riMiui turubhod
apai tincnt. - I Inquln- i' i;t
lleatly St. IIW J
l-'tHJ SA I.K Ihiudy new -l-ruoni J
intidi-rn sulnirljan himu: Hard - (
wood Mihmx In 11 v Inn voiii; : i
aoii- or muund: Just off paved
likhwuy. I'rired '.Jou; only
sir0 rash: balauro easy.
Now in ode ni fi-rooni lunia
Utw : luii dwoud f hull's. Interior j
nlorly de.-orated, lot uf Imtll
Iiih, I'lri'pliiee. laundry truys. a-ram-.
I .oca ted on east side. Price ,
terms to suit Iniyer.
Hood ti-rotmi modern Itome;
lare oak tree in yard : paviuu
paid in full. I.oeated II bloeks j
from Main. Only SJOiHi; some
One aero with new 1-rootn ,
tiouse: sleeping poi'eh, KiiraKe. i
ellleken hoilsi?. I.Oi'ulod on ,laiU
sonvllle liinhway. I'riee U'.iuO;
It'l'ms. See
K. roUN. II South Uiverslde.
i r. i
Ktli S VI.M Oil TKAIi: The best 1
sUtek raneh on the Appletiate;
KUi iinos in alfalfa and timothy:
free water rilit: V barns; n'ul
equipment: novrrnmenl rn n ir e
for Ton head m sttok: )-roiun
house. Will take imoine prop
erly as part payment on plaee.
What have vmi ',' See K. l t'iun.
1 1 South Itlversido. ir4 ,
l-'Oll ItKNT SleopluK rnum, olose '
In ; ba Ui i private e n t ra nee. tr-t - 1
i-iik' is desired, in Almond, 1 A 4
KOIt NAl.K I'sed tapestry, new
mohair and bed davenports,
rleap. Thono .Incksonvllle.
l-'OK SAI-K Knur dlultm ehairw.
. dintnv table and buffet, all oak!
and i Hood condition. - S'.'l So
ltivenld Ave, j
Mr. and Mrs. William Dunfrey I
arrived yesterday from Oakland, j
Cal.. to visit relatives in McdfonI
for several flays while on a vara-)
tion motor trip to Portland.
Dance Kaglc Point Sat. nile. lit
K. K. Jordan haw bought ihe I!
A. Atwood home on South 1aurel
slreel. The deal was made through
tin- orrice ,of French & Atwood,
real estate agents .
I C il t It .Marie Lay will reopen hw
dance studio in the Sparta Phlg. ,
this week. Classes beginning Sal.;
Aug. 2T.. I'hone 12.".l-lt or 1104-X.j
A building permit was issued by
tho city today to Frank Howell to'
repair a dwelling at 4.1 Itoss Court
at a cost of SIu and to the Trow-,
bridge Lumber company to erect a
lumber shed at a rust or S20U. j
Ivlncabl's dance Kaglc Point Sal.
Coming partly from local forest1
fires, which are still sinoulderln'J j
after having been under control'
several days, and drifting in from j
forest fires in northern CuMfprnhM
and from fires in the northern part'
of the state, the valley was some- j
what hazy with smoke todn.;. but j
was expected to clear away this !
afternoon with tho arrivul of J
i lf u started picking my I :i-!
berta peaches. Phono l(jfi-It-2. W. i
II. Watt. 15.-i
Callfornians registered til local
hotels include F. S. Andrews of
Kurcka. Mr. and Airs. William Wil
son of IJerkoley. Mrs. Kmma King
ston of Santa ' llosa. Airs. Fred
While of San Diego, K. F. Jones
of (ilendale. F. L. Conner of Vo- j
omlte national park. Pert Jtanksj
and H. C. Sclinoiionui of Santa
Ana. Air. ami Airs. II. K, lirownell
of Los Angeles. Mr. and All's. J. P.
Clark or Oakland. L. II. Wright
or Alt. Shasta City. Air. and Mrs.
H. I!. Woldon. J. T. Dixon and K.
II. Houston of Sail Frnneiseo,
Iteglilar dance Kaglc Point Sat.
Musi n ess' having so increased
during the past sum in or and es
pecially since beginning of the fruit
season, the City Sanitary Service
eumpauy has added another truck
lo Its fleet, making a total or five
trucks the company now has In
dally use. One truck is used es-
peclally for the packing house dis-
'riot in hauling away trash and:
docayin- fruit. The others are on
elty routes In ihe business and res
idential districts.
.Mr. and Airs. It. K. Carley and
'on Alan left Thursday morning
for a motor trip to California,
where i hoy will visit friends, re
turning in time for iho opening of
' Among (he railroad men who are
in tho city for a row day., are
Charles Itiirnett. freight and pas-j
"(nger agent for the Chicago. Hock i
l sin nd ami Pacific Hallway com
pany, or Cortland J. T. Wallace
nr the C. ,M. & W. company; W.
.(ones of tho C. (1. ,Vr W, company.
Portland: Theodore W. Hoke, jt rav
eling freight agent with the itenn
sylvania railroad. Seattle. an(1 H.
L. Anderson' of the lioston -V-llnes.
Sea I Me.
Airs. II. P. ihiyilen of San 'if ran
elseo. mother of A. A .Hayden'. left
last night for Soul I In, whenj she
will spend the next six week vis
iting at the homo .of nnotheiy son.
At the end of thai period Airs. 'Hay
den will return to Aledford and re
main hero until after Christmas.
Mr. and Airs. C.eorge Skiff re
turned to Portland this niofning
after spending yestenlay in thl
rlty. Air. Skiff, who is n menihcr
of the advertising staff of the Port
land Journal, attended the San
Francisco radio exposition the first
of this week.
Hugh Kankiu. forest supervisor,
left yesterday for a lour of Ihe
'niter national forest and tho Pel
'"in May Lumber company's hold-'
lugs near Crater I -Mte.
Mr. and .Mrs. Lawrence CIrny
and two sons of Oakland. Cal., an
guests at the home of Air. Cray'
parents. Air. and Airs. J. o, Oniy.
They have been here since Sat
unlay and expect lo return to their
homo about tho first of September.
These Drug-Stores
Are Open Nights
This Week
Medford Pharmacy
Heath's Drug Store
Strang's Drug Store
The Big Tent
Sixth and Holly
Tues., Wed.
Tlio Rurnl Comedy
"After Toby
Saw Broadway"
Coming Friday
"In the Wrong Bed".
Prices 25 nnd 50 Cents
After a ten days' vacation at the1
home of her father. A. 1 .. Arm-!
strong of San Francisco, Miss !Lot- ,
lie Armstrong. "ishicr at Solder's
Dairy and Produce company, re
turned to work ye-t. (day. ;
Mrs. Kdna I'arsmi of Los An- 1
gejes arrived in Aledford Wednes
day evening to Visit al the home
of Mrs, li. S. Harris of n.tu- two
for the remainder of the week.
Mrs. Carson is en route to Los
A ngejes after spending -soiin time
with relatives in Washington.
A. Cunningham '! W'llli-lon. S.
D.. came tu Med lord Wednesday
expecting to spend several ' days
visiting ills parents. Air. and Airs.
1 1. W. Luke. He will be accom
panied to South Dakota by his
family, who have been guests of
ihe Lukes for several weeks.
F'ank Peswlt-k. until recent lv
a rural mall carrier In the Aled
ford and Ashland communities,
from v.-hore be Was transferred
to McMintu'ltlo, spent one dny
hen? the first of ihe week. He
was accompanied by three cars of
relatives besides his own family.
The other members of the party
wore easterners, and continued
t heir homeward journey from
McAl innville. after spending -M on
lay night here, and motoring lo
Crater Lake Tuesday.
Notice to Eagles
All Kilyles are ri-illesteil tu be
present tliis TliurMlny evening. .lr.
!. I. liilil of Ihe uri.'.'tlliz:itiiill dept.
will be Willi us. llisn have smile
mod entertainment features. Ilrin
in your candidate and .make it n
biK eveniiiK. W'nt ermehm f I.
I.I a S. S. I'llACiriC. See.
Motorists Save
50 On Tires
Ly KiviiiK Iwn Cnllielil Tire I'rulee
tnrs hardest kind of lest 1 liiuiitl
that they were iiueh a in-iililahle hi
veHttnont I onleretl two more. I be
lieve they will Rlvo I'nim 50 tn
110 more tire mllensc cmiiso m
I'l'iclion lieat nml liliniiiiute nearly
all tire trouble.
.i. vixckxt.
It. y. I). .No. 2., Ceillral 1'oinl.
C'ol'llelcl Tire Proleelors are luiml
led by W. A. CKA.NK, nislrlhiilor
Postollico Tlox -l!ia, .Meilfoid, Ore-
nil. i.-.'.e r . f
V J "V S V. J I l
y O 57! Is Picture That Will Meet the Approval of Every Patron
Js OlLijIlI of Medford -
j ' . BEAUTIFUL .'
W Star, director, cast and WITH
1 WM storv a11 unexcelled! WARNER BAXTER
mJtVtvJ' A tole f l0Ve tender' I VERA LEWIS and
' UAi5 "''Pasionetl. thrilling, ROLAND DREW 'WA
WMm-t 8l0ri0US! "Ram0Iia" FOUR COMPLETE L .bfflgfj
WWwllf WllS mi'C' 0r yU ' 00 ll SHOWS DAILY AT ifTr.
'Mjb. her three loves each a - 1:30. 3:15. 7 and 9 Y aaTpM-
sfiB5wM frY'' peak of romantic drama., , I Adm
2 i: !! ' American Baritone and Broad- gWi aiVW 0 llt v lSil I H V
" ' rlU8'C' rm'dy
'ATTflTTST 23, 1928.
Mrs. Kred S, h.'.ert uf San r'ran-
elseo is HpeniliiiK ller allimlier Vll-
eiltlun in .Meilfnrd, where she fur -
Ilierlv resided, as the Kllest of her
miilh'er. Mrs. .Nettle lirover. Ulst
niuhl she was enterlained by Uonilenl in seiiuoi, .it i...m.a. ...
.Mrs Mamie Olson and a. urnupla l.rnlher of Mrs. Allen.
, ..... i . ,! Mrs. Arthur Selioen-
e.M,eeu d to urrlv,.' today and they
will return lo their home .Sunday
mm.nn .
'Word was received ill Meiifor.l
thl I, thai .Miss Zv In Willi-
Worming pullets and hens now means that they will be
ready for the fall and winter lay free of their greatest
enemy worms.
LKK'S (jIZZAIJl) CAPSl'LKS an insoluble capsule carry-.
iug fi triple combiiia.ioii worm medicine Tor tape worms,
round -wonns and piin worms passes tliroiifih the ntoutli,
Ibroat. crop and stomach of tin- fowl to . the gizzard
where it's ground up like a .urain of corn, pouriii.n" the full
strength, uiuliluted medicine iliret-tly into the intestine upon
I lie worms.
drop the capsule into the chicken's mouth. No previous prep
aration: dieting, starvini;: ut loujjf course of treatment.
(IIZZAKD CAPSULliS will not throw the birds off their
feed nor cause them to moult.
Sold in Meclford Exclusively by
Monarch Seed & Feed Co.
T F0R 3 DAYS vy CX I
ninn. lit mio time a tenelier In
, Ihe lueal sel.uols, and new ul
i IHirtull, Wil., was ree.-nlly
' rle.l lu Ualph .Mien, also ol I .III-
.ton. Avard Whitman, superin -
berK urriyed here Wednesday even-
iiik t.m M'eles lo spend n
week III III,' Inline of .Mi's, ssrhuen -
bera's mint and uncle, Mr. and
.Mis. .1. it. .Miirsn.i...
So. Oregon's Leading Poultry Supply House
, I
Mr. and Mrs. .1. Knem 'V and
; ..,. nddaus hler. .Nellie .'sH-Uel'l, ,,t
Anaheim. Cal.. arriv here Ihis
.eeli l.i spend several .lavs at me
. .,, f Mr. and .Mrs. T. T. .Shaw.
! A .'.-minute deiuuiiiratioii ..f
Ct'lTicId 'i'ii-e and tin-
autnist says: "It b.oUs K,, , ,
(.he me a s. i bel.e,,. they w,U
' lln all oil claim pay .-,11';; .,.
nually on investment fur life of our.