Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 10, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    f The Weather
ronvuxl l.Or; lint (uito mi uurm.
Mavlrniiiii iv.crrlny '
Minimum KKluy
Weather Year Ago
Maximum 01
Minimum 52
patly Twenty-thtrd Tear
WWkly Fin-wn-im. isr
Xo. 10.
"A"h"Brt"'" DIDTUnAV
Big Business and Politics.
Mew Campaign Debate.
No Truth Without Fear?
ry News From Missouri.
(CopyilKlit. l!i-!7. by New York I
Evening Journal. Inc.) j
Tim theory 1 ha I bis.' business:
men put bijj business ahead (if !
fvt-rv I li in-r semis miisimiikI. Mr. !
linsluili dropped )111' "' i
j:cst jobs in tlu- country, the j
elniirniHnship of lieiiernl Mot-j
ors' financial board, to manage j
Uovenior Smith's campaign. ;
Now it is announced that!
I'icrre S. Dnpont, cbairnian of;
Ceiicrnl Motors board of dir
ectors and bincest owner of
the world's biggest industrial
corporation. -resinns to work;
lor (lovernor Smith. ;
'if llovernor Smith believed
in crests, and family mottoes, '
which he does not. he might j
select for his "Nemo me im- (
putic lacessit."
Whoever wants a fight with :
him, or an answer, can get it.
Dr. Straton from his pulpit j
.. , . . , I. I
in i unary napusi caureu. .xrn j
York, called (lovernor Smith
"the .ilea lliest foe in America
today to the force of 'moral pro- j
grcss and true political wis
Immediately (lovernor Smith
demands an opportunity
answer Dr. Straton from the
same pulpit. And
tlo. rejecting the
suggestion that III
Kllggc'stioll that they hire Mad-I
ison Square, (larden for a big
ker crowd.
It will bo an interesting do
ate, sonielhin
entirely new in -
a national campaign. Some of
lie Sl,,,l,,' ...... .r......;.i., C.el I
their church should not be used
for political attacks, and that
lruiv stint anothi'i row.
A latlv in Alabmna is ae-.
etiM-d of killing her luishand.
In ract, as )u lay tlyiup;. he said
she hilled him.
The lady's ingenious lawyer :
the dviii'.' man was an i
unbeliever, next door to an:
I'thi'isl, Will uul own holicvr; in
In'll. Yini can't tiiki' liis test i
lniiny. In'i'iiiisr snrli a man
wonlW lie as readily, at Wrath's
Winn', as any other time."
X'eryriiili'i'estins; point to he
settled hy an Alahiiina .indce.
' Sinne men niiirlit eoneeivahlv
tell the truth, especially in sneh
a delicate matter, even without
the fear of hell. In airy case,
the learned .jiiWs.'c will proli-
altly look up tlu' I'nited Slates
((institution, which lias sonic,
tiling to say about religion.
Wets will lie at news
u a dry vietory in .Missouri.
Charli'S Hay runninir far5
ahead, for I'nitcd States sen-1
ator. as a bone-dry candidate,
appears to Im nominated by the
This is no test of Senator
Weed's personal strength, al
though he opposed Hay. Heed
Retires from the senate, after
eighteen year service and
nhivh to the regret of li is con-
Hut tho Missouri vote is Import
ant as It affects the tiHtional cam
paiun. ThroretlcHlly republicans
profess to ho greatly pleased wilh
the result.
(lei mans ecm to have perfect
cd a plan for ocean flight. The
Khint machine, all metal. wef-:h-injj;
ihi.ouo pounds, rose easily irnm
the water, with only 250 yards
stai t. flew upward t a sharp
,.a,.rl.. 11.. !,-.,, 11,1 nn.l
sponded to tests. Innrllnir on "mish
water. This hydroplane. Intended
for i.Hsseticer fll.'ihtft from tier-
many to South America. Is n moot
fmimrtant step toward real fly
ing, kKlwht OHrsinen from California
'fat eight from Kngiaiid, in thb
same pulpit. And that he willjcott came on from Sun Kratulsi-o, i
(CoDUnued on Past Foot)
Dm huh
Republican Leaders and;
Newspaper Men Give;
Nominee Surprise Party j
Hoover Fit and Eager!
for Fray, Starts Work On J
Second Speech Advance '
Time of Notification.
(Hy tlnnics I.. ct. .y-.MK'iated (
I'icss Stall" Writer.) j
STANI-'OIM.) l.WI Vl'.HSITY. Oil..
,u', in. tVi Herbert Hoover
came to the .".-1th inil'tnnie nf life '
today on the eve of tMiihinkini; tip- j
on the wren test adve niuiv nf his j
colorful career the quest of the j
The birthday anniversitry found j
the republican nomine.- fit and j
eaer for the flight ahead, anil I
he celebrated ll hy di.sclis.-in;; pol- I
ley and si raley vith his chief po- j
litieal licutcnnts, and receiving j
reports as to the progress In per- j
fortius the nation-wide oryani.a- j
tinn which will he thruuhi into
action soon in his behalf. '
These lieutenants hu'luded lr. I
Mi n :i I i i n a I committee'
Senator Ceurm" It. Mum's "f Xv
I lamtishii'c. chtiii-mini of the nuli
ficatioii 'oinmitti'e: Cuncrno!' .Inllli
S - Klshcr. 1'i-nnsylvania: Uuvt-rnor
Peivival P. Itaxtor if .Maine, ami
Statf Senator Frederick C. Wak-elt ;
of ( 'onneulieul.
Dr. Work and (lovernor Kisher j
arrived late last nitrht in a private-
ear. and are house K'tesls at the!
Hoover home here. Senator .Mmn-s. I
Governor llaxler and Senator Wal-I
elervman's;"''"'''1-' -y "''rived yesterday with!
a numlier of other nin-lv li-ndet-Mi
who are leathering for the notifl-'
1 cation eereniotlles totnorrow in the I
'. university . stadium . ta i
Miisrs-W ork I Vuil lenlr (l. !
' The conferenee Willi tile nominee'
hrouchl face to face around iliel
taide Dr. ovk and Senator .Moses.,
who lone; have heen rennrt ,d to he'
at odds over eamimiMu mutters.
"e.oie Ml,' ineennK. Ur. Hoik
i said, in reply to a question
. that
' there had been no diffcrem-i
tween them so far as he was con
! corned, wlille Senator .Moses made
I ii positive denial of tin- rumors,
j Arisin,: at his- usual early hour.
. Seeretary Hoover had hreakfasl
i anil then did some work on the
l -s1 eh he to deliver at his hillll-
: plaee al West Itram h. Iowa, on
'the evenlm; of August 21. This
, now Is almost ill final for... .....I
will he ready for distrihutlou to
" ",,,'"''!' """"'' "'"
"""" "ere next ednesdav for
tin return trip to Washlni:
Party Turin y.
The only special ciKaucmcnt '
i Hoove
had maile for his birthdav i
was that with a trroup of newspaper i
corn-siiondents ami news photo",
ra pliers who accompanied him '
across the continent, and who had
miiCd a birthday surorise for
t I U: Work, who is a attest at
. the Hoover home, made an early
presentation of a hime blnhdav
j card, whl.-h he brought with him
from the cast. It measured thre
j by fnur feot, and in ono corner
was a desicn of poppies, which coti-
eealc.l ih. names of the friends
I Who thus sent their irre.-lin..-
The program for th notification
ceremonies reeeived final approval
last nitfht by Hoover. The cate
'f the stadium will be opened
noon, ami between I p. m. and
p. m. private planes that am
' to be gathered here from neaibv
f the state, will be out
ihroiiyh a number of stunts for the
entertainment of the early arrivals. '
This will be followed by an aerial'
display of va'ri-colored bombs. At '
(.'..l.wL- ilw, (Ji....r 1
- . . .. . .... n .-in ii ii ii u a oirer-
sity hand will march into the bowl'
and around the
Iieifl to It- place.
ue oiuciai Mil Kranr-isco hantl.
the Olympic club band from San
Kraneiseo. the boys' b.itid 'if San
I.-antlro. antt the American l.ei:h,n
fife and drum corps from Pasadena
will follow at l.'i-mlnnte intervals.
Motorinc from his home on San
Juan hill. Hoover, act ompsnled by
Mrs. Hoover, will arrive at the sta
dium. In the ears following will
be Governor C. C. Youmr nnd Mrs.
Ynunir. and Senator Moses nnd
Mrs. Moses.
After they have taken their
places on the peakcis stand, the
massed bands will play '(. 1 If or
nia." and then fJovernor Youns
win introthite Senator Moses In an
address of five minutes.
1-Vir. u.-it.t ill i...
' , ,,,.,,, tr. ,
..ft,,- ..i,,,.! 'L Manner' Hoover will"
j 'r',"1 hl
t'fl-word a. t eptanee ad-
d !-,.-. A selection Lv the massed,
bit nds
then will
bring the cere-
i n',,,v "
A chririKe to 3:.!0 p. m.. Pacific,
ast lime Saturday, for opening
the broadcast of the Hoover noti
fication ceremonies at Pa hi Alto,
was a n no u need t oda y.
Leo P. Kelly, butcher boy. was indicted by a grand Jury for h
death of Mrs. Myrtle L. Melius, Los Angeles society woman. Hr
husband returned home to find her dying from a savage beating
Lewiston, Idaho, Terrorized:
By Sells Floto Elephant1
Stampede, Until M ay o r;
Brings Down Leader By j
Well-Directed Shot-
I. i:VlSTO.V. Ida.. An:,'. n. (Pt
Mary and Mnc and Tilly and Krii-da
and Uibe. elephants all, berame
peeved at the heat and went forth
to tear the town to pieces. Their
sichtsccini; trli I'luh'il in n riot, und '
loilny Lewis,.,,, .-ounlcit the cost in j
A ronshh-rulily sluillcri-.l husi-,
'less see o i looav SHOW "ii now i
'Mary's girlish spirit exitressed It - I
self late yesterday, before a volley I
shots cut her down. Her tusked ,
companions rlppeil a trail of ruiifl
through tin
sUb-Uliat section be-
f"ie. they w
capturcd and taken
: li;
k to the Sells-Kioto circus.
The five pachyderms laid their
'.rainer low. and lumbered down
.Main street, while shrieking thou
sands fled before them. Police, j
feariiiK that the mammoths woith'
charire the people, played a fire
hos on the crowd to help them
Unity Mil joys Herself.
Four interested m a m iti o i h s
thundered on, to Investiynle the
resfilentinl section, while Mary, the
t-ahy of the herd, csino back to
the ureal White Way. She found
j lhat she could cnuse Klass to
crackle pleasantly Jf slie leaned j
against store f ronls. She leani-d.
shatteriiiK five of them. 'She found j
herself superior to the, autonio-
1,",' ""fl demonstrated by wreck-j
i,iK :"'" hutted. She shook!
tlu' llildi)iu's and the fortitude of j
ln, '"'holders. I
Then ImrMinin mul 1. 1.1. ..wl'
- MiHM l-wrley. school nope. 'Intend-
oi(-n ni iikki rioo lieu,.
' Kntme io exeaiie .viarys
1,lviin 0s- ' imsed them
the ImlldinK. and the teacher and I
l.ydm Sloan and .Maude Priicnard,
took refuse on a balcony, while j House. taxi driver, was ar-
Mary yearned vainly. Mii rowfully ! rested early today as tho sus
smashed the steel-harrcd window ieet'd sfuuKcr of Mrs. Ii. H.
at th" front t.f the taraice and went lirown of Tukwila, who died after
hence. Mary was finally cornered a blow tin the Jaw from the fi1
In another Karare. and shot by;of a man durincr a dispute over
Mayor K. (. i radtlork and three parkin space here last niuht.
oth-r nien wit h heavy rifles. j Police arrested House a fter re
A lyiiMMiiitte Slimier. ; eefvlnp Information that the a--
Meainhile. liabe and Tilly andisaHnnt was a taxi driver. In
Freida and Moe charit-pd trumpet-1 ' heckintf taxi companies they
inir at the residenees, brMi kliiK ) h'Jirned that a driver answerliiK
windows, learlmt off pon-hes, up-j description tif the assailant
rtiotimr trses and tramplinii flow-! bad not reported for work. They
rs. fences and warden. Vhree ,(f ! found Koine at his home asleep,
them. L'allooinir abreast bet u em, ! His alitor lOhlle is similar to the
ftwo frame house- Jarred one of
1 them ten inches off Its foundation
in,'lr f,,r"p ' t
f 1 " eI,,u w" ""'i P. the iiiiik-
w Prp ne'"n" ' the
.iooh. oui .iioe rerusen to end bin
revel. He lore down tent wll-
'. pulled up stakes. deinollf-h-d siKli
and aiiaeked ituire aut oin..liiep
and waK'ms. As a Kan of cirrus
men closed m on him, .Moe plav-
fully ssfKled 2a pallom of lemon-
(ContlQ'ied on Page Eight).
Bumping Car in Seattle
Business District Fatal
for Mrs. Brown Man
Abuses Woman
i-i w i ii - r..,l!t o'eloeK- drill team contests will'
Then Knocks Her Downj1((1 llt t,u. rmoI.yi wilh dole.
.Katiiins from Oakland. San Jose, j
and ESCapeS. j Sacramento. Seattle, Salem. Ku-;
. en. t'orvallis. Krauts Pass, five,
I .I-:.TT!.K. Wash
i Struck on tin- jnw
,f !
autolst j
wbo was aiicr'!!. aljlmrt'ntly. hf-
i-iiiist! sho humio-ii in-r nin'iirnr
jtn yltt Mrs
I Viln. VanJi-.
D. II. In-own of Tun-
,lio,l h.-r,- ...,y.
.rs. In-own mill Miss KrnnccK j
Salinovich w.-r.- el,m to ,mrk
,,t in West Sejt, He last ninhl w hilc J
ir. ; oivii wem in OUV llcKeis lo i
a ca rnival. Mrs. P.rown's machine i
bumped into one that was already
The owner of the other car. nil I
exceeilini.-ly tall man .came up ami dn)ni corpx, nretty sirls In drill j r" ineir heads in reverent silence
aecordiii'i to Miss Sallnovh h. first ; (eatns from all over the HtiPe, and ', while hist rites were said,
attaeked Mrs. I trow n verbally then,nri frMternal orua nlrat Ions, will; Governor Smith, makliiK a siec
st rin-k her, knockiliK her uncon- becin movinii from West Main hi I trip from New York to attend
A crowd leathered and John Do-
West Scat lie you I h, HtniK-
jjled with the owner of the coupe.
While they were fiKhlinK. Miss Sa
il no virh ami I Jo met (old of
ficers, a pat rol man ca me up and
quest ioued the assailant.
The pair said the palrolman then
ordered Miss Sallnovieh to leave.
sayinif "there are too many wil -nosses
wlio know that you were
in the wronjr."
The kilh-r was released and soon
disappeared. Do met said.
filtANTS PASS, (ire., Aim. 1".
(Pi Mrs. D. H. lii own. who tiled
today in Seattle as a result of a!
fist attaek, formerly lived In!
Grants Pass. She was the daiiuh-1
ter of an old Jowphlne eountv
pioneer family, Mr. and Mrs. l-'rcd
, , ;,.vc,.
. " '
who homesteadetl some of
best la ml In the valley. A
r. Adolph Geycr, is vlclt-
hiLr hi'ic at Ihc in-euent limn with
! ,.,,,.
SKATTLK, Auk. 1001. Glenn
,' r"" reported
(he vehicle
,'.-,,., -
Police Captain
w. i:. .lusiu1
said that House
! mother,
: Kva House. wh also was qiie.;
i tinned, had admitted that her'
son was cnifaKed In an atterea-!
Hon wilh a woman at a earnl-1
val here last night, hut wan nott
a wa re
that anytMic had beenf
A niece of Mrs. House.
si ruck
Miss Maltha House of Mnrysville,
also waa questioned.
CiHl Atinlir.Ar.ln D n r. r. m A
i rii iy njpniciiiia o c i u in c
Full Fledged Members of!
State Organization :
Special Trains Arrive :
Legion Drum Corps to!
Join Artisan Parade. .
With the arrival of n o hrfmhily
Karhed Artisans from Portland and ;
other 1101 thern points, who came '
here on a special train early this '
morning, the emu-lave was in full ;
Hwins: l mlay. Ketiistratton of vis-
Horn rtt (he various hotels oeeii- 1
pied most of (he forenoon.
Initiatory decree work. put. on j
hy the Med ford pal rol and a (
Rroitp of supreme offieern nf- j
fieially upetied the oiiventton pro
gram last niKht. when iiO uppli- ;
eants heeame full-riedned fnited ;
Artisans. The ceremony tool;
place nt the' armory, with between (
ami bun persons in auenu-
Aiuonp the officer uuesls, who
wen at last niuht's nieetlnu weiw j
H. K. Harris, distritf field man-;
Ker of 1-os Anneles; Uoy Hark -Crants
I'as; tua llulton. field
manager, of San Jose; Krank le
Arey, Portland and Frank Me-1
Kit r land. Ci ants I'ass. I
TotiiKht. following a hand con
cert in the city pink at 7 o'clock, j
by members of Portland's a-piece
A I Ajutr hand, under the direc
tion of Professor I,. 1- liandsllk.
One of the most important fea
tures of the conclave, the impres
sive Al A 'lit ceremonial, will take
place at thn Klks temple, at 8 :').". i
This is not open to the ncneral ,
An entertainment pronrani will
be k I ve n bet; i n n i n k at II : ;i it after I
the A I Awir event. The people 1
of Medl'ord are invited to attend.:
Mayor O- O. Alcnderfer Is sehed-.
tiled to ive an address of we I- ;
Nmi" wlllt a rcsimnse hy Hon.;
H. H. Jltnlson. Artisan president.!
,vtier t li e Introduction it supreme
.jl'H. " mo Al AXBl eiiniiinj
will perfoi-ni
The main
be delivered
address tonight will j
by liny Haekelt, of!
with Jerry Saylcr. 1
' (Jranls -Pass
supreme secretary
of Portland, i
j Saturday inorniiiK. heu'innintr at j
from Poitland, and .Medium, com-,
Pptitif for honors. Three luviim
cups will be awimicd on a nasi,
of polnls. .Most of the drill teams!
. M"'"'
uilve here by
1 r 'n ffl era f Ihc I'll
.r,"','' ' J.V. l.'l i.'.n ,',M.rcon-
,.,,,..1!.M f.!'.'.?
Washington, am
pennsylva nla
. . . .1..'..
,r .,.,.,. ,. t t ?.'in
,, ...i,, ,lf t,.tllM- i.. ..,-
tnn. uoven.l bund inehnlinc
i,w.m.'iers of the Med ford I.euton
and Oakdale. The line of ninrcii.ine service,, occupied a pew well
I will end at Hilarity hall, where f down near the sacred altar op-
tlie final event on the eom lave i poslte Mr. lirennan's family. The
i proKiam. n public carnival dance. ' service fas extremely simple, In
Ittnil Oakdalc. The line of nnireh.tlie
will take plane. Mrs. Minnie
Sehmid. of Portland, is (.'moral
cnairiiiun oi inu tw", ' "
Sunday mornlmx a special
van of curs chartered by
Razor Back Boars
Dive Into Rogue R.
From Spring Board
.MAHSIIFIKIJ). (lie, Auk.
10. tPi .lustiie Harry licit,
of the state supreme court,
arrived here lust evening. In
company with A. ! Martin,
loeal manager for Mountain
States Power company, after
thjoy had "shot" the, rapids
on lower rnipqua river be
tween Klkton and Hcotts
hurg. Three das were required
V to make the trip from Klkton
t to Iteedsport. Justice licit
fr and Martin walked around
fr Iwo of the worst i a phis while
Melt's 18-year-old sob, (ieorge..
piloted the skiff down the
river. The Martin and He It
families left for Crater lake
While making the trip
down the Ciupqiia. Justice
lie It was told of straime
razor back wild boars, which
Martin claims dive for fresh
! water mussels In the Itogue
Klver. disappearing h e l-o w
water durinn the dive,
Juslice Kelt was given to
understand that
uses a diving
the leader
hoard and
makes all good razor imcKa v
dlv In turn.
- fsV - A 1
I ' vf ' -J !
i.ii.-J I'.rn .
Miss Mary Josephine Lauder, prominently rated In the society
register wilt become the wife of Gene Tunney. She Is 21 years old
and a member of a wealthy family of New York and Greenwich,
Conn. The Lauder fortune was founded by an associate of Andrew
Carnegie, steel baron. ,
Democratic Candidate. ; Re-
fuses to Allow Political'
Demonstration D u r i n pi
Short Visit to Attend Fu-
neral of Democratic
lIl'Hll i
Alitl. Aiib. 'Hi. ifi') The j
rilual of the Catholic
-requiem hlnh iiiiink for I lie i ,
flit its Holier
hoes lhrnui;n
Our I .ji.l' of Ml. ,'nrincl i-hureh
today an hiuh ami low alike Jolm-tl
in a parting tribute to lii-ornc )).
't"',m,a. dead tlcmoci'allc leader
of lllliiols.
Governor Alfred K. Smith f
' New York, staunch friend of Iho
llHuuis national eommltteeman,
' lv,,f umoim the mourners who bow -
j accordance with i:ie wishes of the
I family, and no flowers were at the
mm .
Prlvjite servicfK at the home pre- record that durliiK the recent an
cetle the public mass, at the : mini enca in ptiM'lit of the National
church. ! Guard aC ( amp Clatsop HulKor-
Pressed for time. Inasmuch as stui spent considerable time away
he planned in return to New York from camp with a Portland wo
nt 1:ID. Governor Smith did noli man when he was supposed to he
Join the funeral procession to thpi'oi duly. Another official finding
cemetery.. The service at t he ! Is t hat when hp was asslKtied. us
church lasted until about 1S:30 p. I officer nf a troop train leaving
m and the Kovernor returned dl-'tl( camp he did not appear for
reeiiv to the New York . Central duty ami did not return to Port-
station, where
his private car was
CHICAGO. Aug. t.fAt Clover,
nor Alfred l Smith of New York
and a party of eaetern democratic
leaders arrived in CIiIciko at 10:2
a. m.. today to pay their final re
spects to Gcorgu K. ltrennan, the Htaten attorney In Portland. He
late democratic ch left a in of llli- ' recently entered private, practice,
nols, at his funeral service. Their ; Willlksen was really relieved of
train, the Twentieth Century tho-' command several months ago. His
Ited, pulled Into the station lwen-;case concerns the shortage of
ty minutes aheud of schedule. onsidernhip money from the of
The party was lmnifd lately hiir- flclal account of the gunrri com
rleti away in iiutomobileH to Hit , puny at Astoria, of which he was
llrentian home, where a few of the ia ( nmmandtng officer. Willlksen,
most Intimate friends of lb
lender were to Join i,ietiib
s of his
family in private service;.
The public ritea in fun Lady of
Mount Ciirmcl church were to be
gin wlihin the hour.
At Governor Smiths Insistence,
every precaution was- taken to
.prevent any df itomi-ti niion in his
behalf durliiK the brief hours he
was to be In ChtcaK". His mission,
he explained, was one of sorrow.
and he requested that Cblcao
party leaders assist him In making
his visit as unostentatious as po -
Tile deslle of thn finnlli t,.
I Mtrillile flinei-iil mn-vli n. ... ,.u ,l..l..ui
ed In large part because of the
expression of large numbers of
friends and political associates of
Mr. HiemiHii thai they bo permit
ted to show their respect and sor-
(CoqUnutd ob Pact four,
Captains He Iger.s.on and
Willikscn Are Dishonor-
ably Discharged FrOmimax to uno of tho most romntk-
0. N. G. Service Disobe
dience and Stealing of
Funds Charged Crimi
nal Action Asked.
SAU-.M, ore., auk. 1U. fPi
federal efllrleucy hoard's
, "iK miu apuuu josepii a. nei
Kerson of Portland and Captain j ,)rJ4 but noUner more . lmpres
Thomas I'.. Willlksen of Astoria I ui...,i.. n,.,,. cuiifni-nu ui imiuv
were unfitted for further service
as off leers of the Oi'i'Kon National
Guard were followed yesterday
by an order from Adjutant Gene
ral W hile disehaiKinK tho two of
ficers from (he service.
In the case of Helei-son the
chniKC wan neglect uf duty and
willuil disobedience of orders.
Willikscn wuh chained with short
age, in his off leal financial ac
tuals. The dlschnt'Ku of both
: of nr,., WUM nH-ommendcd hy tho
j The c.ffielal record nhows that
Mliniiitf the last year, lielgerson
j has .,,,, warned repeatedly
j against iM-KleelltiK his military
1 duly, it Ih further shown in the
land with the troops, although
he had been ordered by his com
manding officer lo do so.
Hclgerson Is well known in the
state, particularly In legal and
, military circles. He formerly was
district attorney for Polk county,
and later was assistant United
t Is staler), was unable to ac-
count for the ahortiiKe. Inspectors
1 (edified that offlf-iul cheeks bad
been cashe dat various places and
the money apparently put to per
sonal use. Tho Willlksen case
has been referred to the district
attorney for ( Mat sop county and
a grand Jury Investigation ffl ex
pected. He was constable at As
toria when tho shortage, was dis
covered. At National Guard headquarters
it was stated that a bonding com
! pnny will make eond the Wtllllt
j sen shortage, ami that tho stale
oil i..u..
, unirtu lMMresc
NKW YOKK, Aug. 10. W)
l.'nflllcd orders of 11, 8. Hleel Cor
poration on July .11 amounted to
3..r)T0,yjr tons, a decrease of 66,082
tons compared with the preceding
Golden Bears Win World
Championship On River
By Defeating Crack Brit
ish Crew in Finals U. S.
Double Scullers Also Vic
toriousSwimmers Win
flowing- lis
HLOTKX. nullum. Auk.
i lit. (A, Olympic ro w t n k
I champions crowned today In
j the finals In tin seven classes
i ! are:
! Kit; hi ourert shells United
;fl States (Lntversity of Califor-
j nia.
; Double KL'tllls United
States (Charles Mcllvaine
V and Puul Costelto. I'enn A. I'.,
Sinulo sculls Kob J'earce,
Australia.' -S-
Kour with coxswain Italy.
fr Fours without Coxswain
f- ICn yland.
Pairs without Coxswain
.iermany. 4
Pnlrs with coxswain
HI.UTK.V, Hullanil, Aub. lO.- ll'i
The L'nlveiBlty uf Cullfurnla cik'ht
uarcd crow won the bluo ribbon
event of tlio Olympic rowtiiB re
gatta fur tho United Mtuten today,
UercntliiK tho Ent;lisll rluhl In the
final for tho world championship.
Hy the Hinashlng margin of six
tcnxllin, tho American double hcuII
Iiir combination of Paul Costello
unit tjhiirlea Mnllvalnu broiiKht
Ihnlr euuntry Its tllut chumplun-
uin or t(i ( otymvne rowing re--Bulla
tOilnyl 'libti'owlnir tllo C'anu
illnri In the final,
anie rowinu cuntpafb'iiH any tlrcu'.
over W41k1 as it meant comple
tion of California's seuson with
out u sImrIo defeat ulthoiiKh op
posed hy tho greatest agKreKii
tlons of Amor Ira. mid Europe. It
left them supremo and unques
tioned as the rowing- champions
i of the world In their class and
(kept tho Yankee string of eight -
) oared victories in the Olympics
j unbroken. The naval ueadcniv
flnU-,.,rpw .von fr Kani ,n ly.f
lit Anlivnrii hiiiI Tnln nt I'nrlu In
CullforuiH'H time of 6:0.1:1-6 fur
the 2000 meters was faster than
either of tho previous American
eight-oared standard bearers mad)
in winnliiK their races, although
not as fast as the 6:02 mado hv
California Wrdneadiiy In a Menii
ftnal race agaliiHt the Canadians.
Uad All the Way.
California's time was C mlnutci
3 15 seconds. The Oolden Hears'
inurglti of victory over the ex
perienced Thames Ilowlng club
crew from London was thrce-tiuar-ters
of a length.
California took tho lead early
In the raco and hold It all the way.
At 250 motors tho prows were
level, with both eights hitting
high beat. At 500 the Culirurnluus
were a quurtor of a length ahead
and the margin wus slightly more
than this ut 1000 meters, the half
way point. At 1600, the (golden
Hears led by one length, and the
furious Ulitlsh stretch drive could
get buck only a quarter length of
this. - '
KaseiMtl Crew Coiiquont.
SIOTKN, Hullund. Aug. lo.Mi
Uob Pearce, Australian rower, won
the single sculls Olympic cham
pionship today; defeating Kenneth
Myers of Philadelphia.
Italy won tho first of the seven
Olympic rowing chomnlonshlus to
day, defeating Switzerland by sev
en lengths in tho four-oarded shells
with coxswain, while Germany took
the second championship In the
palr-oared sholls without coxswain,
defeating Oreat Britain.
Tho Italian time In tho four
oared shells with coxswain was I
myites 47 4-5 second and the
Italian vietory amused tremend
ous enthusiasm. The blue-shlrteti
crew outclassed tholr rlvuls and
finished rrosh. They gave the fas
cist salute from their shell and
then paddtcd to the judges' land
ing Platform with their arms so
extended In salute. There they re
ceived a big wreath of flowers and
the laurel wreath emblematic of
their championship.
Voler Tomomnv,
Oregon Generally fat; lonlght
mid Haturduy: cloudy in vrBt por
tion; cooler In Interior Haturduy.
Normal humidity. Moderate west
to northwest winds on the coast.
CHICAGO, Au. 10. (T8IM)
Poars: 19 cars California arrived:
4 cart) on track: 19 cam gold. 10.
080 boxes California Bardotts $1.75
&3.30; average 2.30.