f)WlO. ilOXDAV, ii i 3'AOE TWO MKDTOftD MATL TRTBFXR MFaiFOKD. ATTiTST 0. 1928. --0 - "WW TV nr A-0' Person Oillfui Mans riKlMlprd nt M tl-' Mr. iiml .Mi-M.nl. II. Harvey ar-j fnril luilrlH iiM'luOo Jannt Klllott of:rlvi'(l hen Hunilay after MJ' inliiiL,' f Siu-ranii'iito, fir. and .Mim. I. Il. tlm i;it J). o ncckM In Hanta liar-; LlH-f nf I'nUi Alto, Curl I on J'rurtur . liaru. Oil. Pun 1V KUcstn of llu-irj of Oakhind. MrH. I. K. J ui'iicmann Hon ami luut:(r-ln-lav, Mr. and ami datighhtr 9jf Hollywood, Mm. j Mi h. Milluirn Harvoy. The party and .MIkh l.otvry of Alanu da, Mr. i made m viuI Ioiiu auA Ii Jiim which ; It HeoniH rather Hlraim'e that the and Alrn, Tut ley of Itiveriile. Mr. t iiieluded iiiKft of the Mate of r.tll-j end uf KUinmer Ik u near at hand,! and Mrs. ti. A. Mensey of Loiik fornla. A1Ik Opal Harvey relumed; 0nl ihul the publle hcIiuoIh w ill ! M' h, Mr. and Mrs. .V A. Ituhln- to Medfoid with her parent. 1 upi'ii for the next m hool year on ; n of l'nadena, Mr. M. K. Mrad- 1 A wire received from Mix. Adri-1 .eptemher 4th. Superintendent H !' of Han Hlco, Mr. and Mrn. A. ' enne Steward from I, ok Allele II. Hedi iek. who ret urneil here a j W flurrill, Hetty and Jack (ion ill , stated that h1h and MIkh Taloma j weeK no, follow int; hU six weekK,of San Krnnctaro. nnd tlte following! ltnndelman of irunts !'as arrived; nbenee at the I niveifity of or-; r l,w AnRH: elma Hall. Myrn ; safely In the efty after nn exrltinu pun doIliK moiiic wpeeial Work, has Wi'nzlnff. il. P. O'ltrlen. Mr. and trip by airplane. They will upend 1 9 BARS PEARS SHIPPED OUT AS Daily Meteorological Report TOURIST TRAVEL I ( he reu-istered today, and that and that fim; the ui ). August ti, llrJS Forecasts j .Uedfonl and vicinity: Fair to-. nistU nnd Tnesilny. So chaimu In j Irinpctature. OreKon: Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday. No change tti toni IM'i'ature or humidity. NOW AT HEIGHT nhiee been hard at work eutehltr; up with the affair of hi of flee and in making pieparatlonn for the reumpttoti of the hi-IjooIh next month. Cannery ltartl'ttn wanted. IMione I toy. will tall. .Simon. Shut tle worth A Kronen. Mrs. Will i. Steel or KURonc ar rived In the city yentorday and left thl tnnrnihR for Crater Lake nat ioiiai park for n viMt with her hu t i.i ml, the L'nlted Slatew commit Hloner for the park, and daughter, Mi.ss Jean Steel, stenographer and elerk in the Crater national park headquarters office at CiOVVnment Cil 11)). TIii U'oninn'rt Mlsnlonury oeietv of the First Chrinliah church will meet in Uthla park, Ashland, Tues day, Auk- A covered dish lunch eon will be served at noon nnd endi one is lecpiosted to brill it wcll rilled basket. The committee In, ehat-(,'e wilt serve the drink. The meelirij; will he opene promptly at U o'clock p. m. All mouthers are tilled to attend and visitors will he cordially welcomed. 1 :t 5 j Hart let t pears have been ' all onec. brook. Mr. nnd m. a uv cm imvii.e- i .-. hi t.. i. -...i " 111,0 ,,,nn u ,"' ort-nariiii lie- Mrs. Ceon;e PenderKrari, Mr. and this week attending n mammoth " fat that they u. LOCAL DATA w 2 U Mrs. Joe 11. .Martin. Charley U.,-ntyl f how and expoMition, and fol- iMeticlly cominjj- on at Mr. and Mrs. C. (',. Frlsbeo nnd . tor ftnelt for the Steward drewn liran pic-kin today und all the Temperature lUt'-is.l N'i us T) Cannery Hiirtlottf wanted. Phone 1 ,,,,uI t'u' spent the week end In field beat. ftlld ' wim-kk vucaiion ieiu 'at San Franclseo and Mineral sunt- aratlons fur receiving the lure IweHt I Last 12 hrs.i Mou. We will eall. Simon, Shut- i M'lford vlsitinp his parents. Mr.i. . .,.,.,'..(" .V wi i, .ii,,n i ni " Arnonn the victors who were in j of ih, l'i li lal staff of the Kit- Medford yesterday from Klamath I Kt m Kf,lfil"r MrlnK Fttlls were Jack HoerkinK. Mr. and ! Mrs. Carl KnuUen and Mr Mi'K. It. FftZL'ernh !mor resort at (he foot of Mt. I.ns- " " ,.u All. ( In.-t-, .. ,,,,.1 Mrs. O, C. Fullintr and daiiKht'-r Hetty Jane, returned to Medford Sunday night. Lloyd Siiarlts Is confined at his home in Jacksonville by a broken le received Saturday night when he Jumped from (he second -story porch of the itiverslde aoartinetit be installed and j house on South Itiverslde n venue. .No reason was given for the .lump. Miss Thelma Williams, who had Co. Phono 62K. SUtf Kstfibllshment of n meteorolog ical bureau at the Pacific Airplane Service field nt Halem litis been announced by the ueruloglcal bu reau of the rutted StatCH depart, mont of commerce. It will be n few weeks before the necessary equipment will ready for operation, Chicken dinners, Covered AVair-l . "'rc ' ir.l I been visiting Miss Ksther Olson, Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Sanderson! north of Aleilford. for the past sev left today for their home in Ore- ' eral weeks, left last uvening for gun City, following several dnvs f her home In Fallon, New l! 'J . ,1(0 .00 eastern markets, or to be held ! State of weather Pt. ( dy. ( leaf In cold storage until the market. Lowest temperature this moin- slt nation financially I m p r o v e s, 1 ing. -r'l degrees. more will be picking tomorrow. ; Totaf precipitation since Scptem- and by Wednesday all orchnrds,hcr 1. VXll. L".tif inches. will be picking and the packing; Sunset toda";" p,m. ' houses working to capacity. , Kllni(H0 Tuesday, 5:10 a. m. "WIM lI,r" "" ,UI wccks, in-( sunset Tuesdav. (itiests from a distance register ed at Medford hotels Include H. M. St. Clair of Dayton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Starkoy of pemia, III.. Wm. Drnck of St. Paul. Minn.. Laura Kennedy of Ashland. Wis.. Mrs. Daniel Hamilton-of Wlnnl lieir. Can.. Mr mid Mr 11 11 v-. ton. Miss Martha Kavtwood and i im" t ,,y lo"1,y ,u J- ;- "i'l of Fast -spent In Medford on business and visiting friends. While in Med foul, Mrs. Sanderson attended the I state American Legion convention 1 last week. I Swim in drinking water. Mer rick's chlorinated pool, Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur Daniel and child itf Ituckley. Wash., are spend ing a short visit with Mrs. Daniel's brother, James firigshy of this city. and pear hnrvestlng activities, with' their enormous pay roll, will be at fever heat. There seemed to stilt he a surplus labor sup- ' ply today, as the government ft'"-" employment bureau this furoiuiyjtf Chris Ooltlleb, manager, hart to CITT turn nwny over ifio applicants for pear picking jobs, hut the activities of the next few day may absorb the excess supply. i ji-yr Otv The pears that will he sold to HjSjmu-ck (he canneries must be picked ; Hujse soon, hut many of those that will ' ,.nver"'"l' be held in cold storage can he )(.s MoIium.. picked later, as quite a number Fresno of growers who called at th" Helena county agent's office today with .os .Angeles o p. in. Observations Taken at 5 A. 120th Meridian Time M. v 3 S ! 3 Nlinih tlCtll-H ri-ttlll till- I- t u !ii 1 i'liIi liitlil riiliilly. Tiny re n luuli- ., ir,P,i i,.,.,,,.,i , ;...,' from Kuri-ka. Cal.. -Iltp .Mr. D.Ml-l ln ,,, ,.,.. ..,,,. ,'.,,M ,,, .,,.,.' ,.,, R 0 I f ! i ' I attf'IHll-ll KUIItlllPr HCllUOl IIIM'- I l,.t.u ,... 1.,.,, t 1... i...i ui...v ' A 1,1 K permit iHKiifd hy I'anilmy to n-Mlmin lutli-s m-xl j Vli lloev. nbui -e or. l.nr.l ,.,! II llnxohn llnzi'l Jl. lieavrs of 1'hlliiili'lphla. I'll.. Mr. anil Mm, M. J. (iiiyiluirK nt Kt'iniulln. Wyo.. I'apl. IMul II. lirown of tin- 21 si Inf., f. H. A.. if l-.ltyi'lllli Htrci'l. tci 1 e.ihlm-l. lnt'lllns on Kant Klovi'nlh mrwi at a cost of J7"i. Ti mory of n wlwal harvi-Kl lloiuilulu anil Mf. ami ,Mr. '. ! "' Ll,,,,ll uunly will wnui bv rorrlKha of ftono, WIk """ un ""' c'(.-i'n. Have your pvpk pnrnil for I.,-: i "l"l'"ny Iiiik our ilpfi'rroil imyinom plan. Hclcn llflc cyp pxiimlnatlun comfortablp Klnsnps. Dr. D. A. Chninliprs, Smilhoni Orpffon Opllpnl Co., 3IT MiMlford HIilR. I'llolip 18S. flSIf IJr. I.P011 IS. Ntorpy. alKlant rtntp ln-Hltl) offlppr. Ih In Miiirmil for n short llmo on business, poii fprrtnB wllh local health unit of ficers. A special typo of lice props at lilir rini-H l.br. Co. 7 si r- Mrs. I.euore (lllllan lefl last eveuliii; tn Join her husliaml In Los AiiKeles. fnllnwIiiK 11 visit here Willi relatives. Mrs. (lllllan Is n former dancer and has been fori liireil In southern California tbca Ipi'm up until lipr marrlnRP a short tlnw afco. C'luuii rppresentatlvp, Kertha M. loiipnian, 103 N, onkdale. IMione '-". Mr, The annual slate courcrt'iu'c of iiirrleultural -Instructor umlty the MinKh-lluuhcH itef wMll' be hr-I.I hi .Myrlle I'olut, Atik'Ust II to 7. In. elusive. HprMkcrs al the I'onfer ence will llleludc n lllllllber of the most promlnenl eiliieaiors In Ihe nortlnvesl. Wo have soinclhlnu choice i Irpe props. Do not fall to seo lliein. His i'lnes l.br. Co. 7ki r The fire department was called yesterday to Hl'OK Kast .Main to ex UiiKulsh a gruss fire which required 75 gallons of chemlciil lpfore it was put under .control. Tree prop nt Medfoid Lumber Co. Phonp flU9. Hillf .1. A. .slorah, proprlptor of tlio Aniprlcau Laundry on .South Cen tral avenue, was today anxiously s. nrchlnij for a sidewalk riau lakeii from In front of his place of kusI ness last Saturday. Several fnK were laHen In various sections or Hie business district, but most or them were found a short distance away, where they had been aban doned. We have sonithlni; choice In lye props. Do not fail lo see them I5Ik I'lnes l.br. Co. "Str No chaniio in temperature ,n,l A muviurf pic purchasctl a luij-ricid of wlicat near rendletou. PaylnK I l.'i.OOO for the stand. The company will harvest the Krun and picture ihe inoicss us it kocs on. .1. O. Isaacson, president of tile Cenlral I'oint State bank, iiccoiu panled by Mrs. Isaacson, left lust evenliiK by train for an extended. lrli throuKh the mlddlcwestern and eastern states. Tempurary auto licenses wure Is sued at the sheriffs office today lo K. .1. Newman, Ihe Davis Trans fer coiuiianv, ihe Knds Transfer company nnd W. D. .lones or Mi d ford. M. s. Hamnlic and I., it. Ilurey of Ashland and John My. ers of Central Pulnt. Included anion); the OrcKonlans ri-Klstered at Medford hotels are (lull A. llalheway and I,. I: Cump. Rcll of Siileiu, M. C. Vllodllld ami '. W. Kecne of sllverlon, H. H. Warren of Newberu, Mr. and Mrs. Henry llnrlmau of Corvallls, ,.l, D. Taylor of llulsey, u. S. Illnck or Hood lllver, .Mr. nnd Mrs. .;, k,,. neuy and .Maria Truiix or Orcuon Scptenibiu as superlnli'iidf lit of the lluckley pulilie schools Mr. and Mrs. il. II. York Willi leave Medford tomorrow morniuKi for Vancouver, Ii. c, to spend the! next two weeks. Miss l.aura York will be employed at the cuunly apent's ofrice as stenographer dur- , Inn tile ahsence of Mrs. York. In prepnrallon for the fruit sea-. sun, Charles fO. Ilurnelt of I'ort-: land, freight anil pnssenRer asenl j for the chlcuKo, Kock Island & 1'aclric KallroiMl coniliany. arrlvi-dj here this mornimr to remain a few1 days.' ! Ahi'miK the hold Kiiesls In M ei. j ford from Ihe slate of Washington j are Mrs. II. C. I.nmh and party oil Yak-ima. .Mr. ami Mrs .O. II. New-1 from the Palmer Corporation or chards. . Radio Program KMED Mall Trlbunc-Vlrftln Station Salt Lake San Francisco. San la Ke Seattle Spokane Walla Walla... Winnipeg. sn 7ii 81 m si 102 .. Ml . Ill . so . I'll . 70 . 7U . !I0 . SI 41! 5S 111) r.-i r.s 111 .11 Cil 117 ii) Clcnr Huiu Clear Clear I'. Cdy Clear Clcnr ('leaf Cloudy Clear l. Cdv. Clear 1 Clear 1 Clear 1 Cloudy 1 Clear j Cloudy i Cloudv I'. Cdy. I". Cdv. Tile peak of the aulo tourist sea son is now on. as soon the auto tourlsta from distant eastern, mid-uu-west and southern stales must be turninj; back homeward for ihe usual hcKinnini; of school in Seli- tembi-r, and also because of the 'rt ; general summer vaca.Ion period Jii", 1 closing by t lie middle of Ihe month. .viso me Lrnier i.aue season closes on September 20. The presence of the.bl.n slate lAineriean Le'-'irli convention here last week, which filled up the ho f tels and local aulo camps of the I valley, no doubt turned many tour lisis away toniiKu-aiily, but they be-;-4an showing lip at the hotels in j noticeable numbers aiziiln yesterday I and today, including; quite u mini- , ' her of distant state tourists trav ' ellliK by train. ! Tills forenoon by 10::i(l o'clock jover (iO oul-oi'-slate cars, includini; ninny from distant slates, had res?- ; I istercd at the local state aulo tral'-i lie bureau In the Chamber of Com- . fill Tee buildinn, Willi mora steadily -' iirrivlim- throujihout (lie day. Calii'orniiins from all parts ol' ! Ill at stale continue to come In force ! land amor..-; the arrivals yesterday I land today were many from Los! .nj!eles and other parts of south- !. 1 el'n California. The nulo tourist 1 i travel from California. Washington I and oilier PaciHc and .Northwest states is exniected to continue heavy I until aiiout Sciilcmiier 1.1. FIB! PRIZE AWARD Tile fit M prize award for pri iitc riii's in the Legion parade Saturday was aWardt"! today to Mrs. !;. V. 'Willlaim. Mrs. U. (i. Koui.-r iiod Mrs. I.ee Tuiile wci" i-ri second prize and Mrs. 11. (J. Satehwell third. In the t-jnie.-t for the greatesi pelr.-ntage nf mem hern in the pai, Hlf. tlte first prizi- went to Albany, ortgun. with nearly fi per cent and tic second prize went to tlte sinalh'st and newest post in HK'Dii, Kir by. with ler rent. Kntet )t ie was third, Sheri dan fourth. I'orvaliis fifth. would be here dari Kntertaintnent featut es t hiMiug li.ni t the week have been provided" the viKltmiwi Phone v 51 aM K7 JR& f4 MiLK BUTTER ICE CREAM PASTUERIZED SAFE PURE PRODUCED PACKED' THE SANITARY WAY WEEK IS OPENED I'OKTI.AXU, l,ie., Am,-, ii. 11 Mei-flianls fi-i'iu all purls of lio I'lK'il'ic llullluvcst, ; I nil some t'l'olil as fur uwjiy us Alaska. Ciiloi'.-ulo and stunliern fa lil'orn In. eanie to I'orlhind today for the opening of bliyel-s' wc-ek. I-:. X. Weiiil.iiuiir of the lii tlmiil -chamber of commerce eithn.i'i-d m v.-n hundred would These Drug Stores Are Open Nights ' This Week Medford Pharmacy. Heath's Drug Store Strang's Drug Store OhlcM ltihop Active .lACKKOX. Tciin. Illshoi I. 'llli'. !:. of the (Nihtieil .Met hint Irit church, claims i be the oldest bishop uf any denomination. Once a slave, he still addresses his eon t;ieation regularly.' L. V. DICK, MftcoroloHist. man of Centralla. Mrs. Kmma Lar son of Centralla ami II. II. Carter, II. I,. HruKKeman and Mrs. K. IX Sanlel or Seattle. (I. O, Arehart, representative uf the Southern Pacirie, came here today from Lebanon, Ore., lo upend several da.vn Irannaetlntt buslncHH In ounnectlun with fruit HhlpmentH. Ilev, Leonard (". lirown, accom panied by Mrs. Itniwn, arrive. i in Medford durltiK the week end rrom Hiinla (Mum, Cal., to complete a vacation which will extend through llihi nionlh. They came here from I'lisiideiia win-re they attended the Monday, AtiKilsl ft. H to t p. in. Sixth Street Service Station and I'or- tec Lumber t'o. it to !.;in j. m. Carfleld ! Klectrie. at Lc Moss Set'- vice station. !i:ao to H:;i0 Mono Mo- f tor t)ll Co. Tuesday, AuuM 7. !i:;:)l to HiUcllJible fine . eery and Con DeVore Meat Market. 10 to li)::to a m. Soutitein . h Oregon Klectrtc Co. 10::to to ll Swcm!t C.ifi Shop. I 1 tit 1 I ::t0 a. in. M. M . iH'purtntent Store. 1 I to I a in.t ColunUil Obituary ltdin I. Kmil Welter a resident of Med passeil away at the ' n y. I. I. LoukIiHii of Sherwood, unuual meetlnu of the synod uf Mr. and Mr. Ilolbrook tf La ''nlifornbi convening there. li lie 'Jrande, ,L DHinrd (lf Kusidnirw ' Ih'ownsiire In the Itoue Itlver and L. Kmom f truH . I valley they expect to vbit Lake o' .MltlTlaKe llcciisi'H were I.SMicd ntitl"' Wnnils. AiiKti.it Itev. Mrown the lotinty clerk'M office today In vm'uin roiiocK. 21, und Ida Kud;, -'i. both of Sacramento, Cn., nnd to Walter Cllne. g . and Lulu Par. rlsh, 21, both of Chieo. Cal. .Mr. and Mrs. "Doc" Stephenson left here curly thin ntornlnK on a throe wcpk' vacation nip. They expected (o drive to Crescent City and. from there to Man. Ion. Mitrsh field and other points nloiif? ihr eoaHt. Mrs. Anne Spranue arrived In Medford yesterdny from Lakevlew lo spend a few days us the Sliest of M Luelv t) H t in a n . Mrs. Spraue huh formerly u resident of Anhland and will he remembered lis Mlsn Anne Kills, MIsh Dnrothy lichl. society edi tor of tbe Ashland TldlnRs. who had been seriously in rr v,.r ., Week, followtnu all attack ..f nrnin will uci-upy the pulpit at the byterlnn church In Ui v. K. I'. Law rence'H place. Mrs. Mabel Hatfield uf Sail 1H I'Ko, Cal.. who has been vlsltlnK her aunt. Mrs, Julia K. liishop ami A. (i. I'.ishop and other relut Ives, left by train Sunday vvenlnj; for Iter home. She Kreatly tstjoyed il visit to Crater ami Diamond lakes, ami was very enthusiastic over the scenery of soul hern rKon. Itev. Chas. Ilnmpion uf New Voik will lve a publle lecture in the Tin (isophh ul IihIkc iimhii, Husl- ita Itery. 12 to 1 'J :;() p. in.- I ml e pen- dent Klectilc Co. 12::i0 lo l ::io Monarcli Seeil it Keed ( 'o. ti. I ti Neu s a nd niiirliet re- ports. H to !i p. in. Snhler'N Dairy. ! lo 10 California, Orcuon jh,.n Alillaid will hi.v Power Co, WOLTKU ;tue TN ye:u ford 1 year! home 731 West Second street in this city. Sunday. August ,"th, after a liitfierintf illness. Deceased was burn in Cei'many. June loth. 1 : r i . In 1X75, In- was united in marrlaKc to Miss Anna Wrass at llerlln. In IS77. the family came to the Cull ed State and lived in Chicago unlit l.HNS, when they came to Orcuon and settled in the llnque Klver valley near I'hoenix, moved later lo Metlford and have since made their heme in this eljy. Resides his uife, he is nurvived by three sons: K. U oiler of Medford, Kd I-'. Wolter of J)uns-mull-, Cal., and (ieu. C. Widter of Oakland, falif.: two daughter, Mrs. .1. U Dciumer of Meillord ;uil Mrs. 10. C. Amidon of I'ro.-peet. one sister in (ieriuauy, a ml nine Kia mlchildren. I'lincral sservlceH will be held Tuesday, A iiust 7th at 2 p. in. front the t 'o nucr funeral parlors. liarne of FRANK'S Comedians IN The Big Tent Sixth and Holly ! i services and interment will made In Ihe .Meillind cemetery. Kln-C Tut Hum VtlliK lift KiliK Q D MflTflD QTAPCQ TD Mi'""'""i'"n" "'.: o. r. mu Uu o Mulo Uir;,,",r""" ',""T """n"y r""",',"" , Pacific coast, isspendimr an active HAVE LOCAL BRANCH : Sunday, Monday "Busy Izzy Out West" ! summer in New York rin(ts. ltlI;i:i'Ol:T. Conn. - - When firemen hud difficulty I'mlnlim a . ; Illume mi the third flnur uf a (.'nrnuc i lii-re. a fire engine was idaei-il nn I lie .S.iutllern I'ai lfie Meier i. ... .1.. ness C.IIckc 111,1k.. Nn. tlrape St.. ! Tr.insm,rt ciunimny. which ..neralcs ,vhlel, was then uuicUlv cxlin- thi stages fur tin1 rallreiid cem-I mil'shed 1 . oiiiiiii inn- weather Is fureeast 1 1 """ " nt the l.uUe nf far timluhl and Tuesday. Tile max-I ""' Is reenverlhu. I-'nr a imum ef yeslerdav m S.1 1 ... "me fiars were helil fur Ii day's minimum was 51 IT u. riume UH. Iidln Hiiw-man re- I spj-niilriK several mnnths In Inn nine. caiiKirnia. arrlv .-. ,...,, jesieniay for an indef. lull" lime. Mr. Il,v, , n f,.. mcr Mcdfurd rosldonl nnd Is tvcll llnuwn luinlly, .. , , ' Di'-jwi'naklnit and l-eni(.rtctl. l ashlen Sli, 4L.4 A,.,iri , mdir! I, ir r envery. Iirups at Medferd Lumber IJr ' 11 'vi- and family went 1 S!itf ''"s "Boii'M today to spend who has K"en I ""'" "" " ceinlilned ideasure : and liuslues trip. 1 ! ' " ""'el' llresham of the I in nee eallledral al l.os Anueles. j aecoiupanled hy Mrs. Ill eshinn. ' were Kiiesls al the Motel ,l ",l I , j last nk-hl nn llielr 1111111 trip from ! '"tier Lake. The toui lsls have i spenl tile pasl several weeks In I Alaska, line I him- which Impress ed Ihem was the fin t Ihal Ihey on snip ueek ami saw a "" cue sid id the l.i-ihi miu.n on tile olher. Mrs. I,. Nil,. I hursday evenlni;. juir. lull o'cloik. Miihject. "Iliallli: Wily Are We .Slclt'," Admission free. t'oulluueil steady Improveineilt In ihe condition of William t lrlcli. pioneer i--l.lenl. stricken u week alio by paralysis wns reported from Ills bedside today. He has regained his power of speech, cud tile use of Ids limhs. It is expected that his eiindHlon will In' such In anulh. cr week for his i-emuval to a I'ort Innd hospital Tor special care and treatment. Jimmy tioodman left for the norlh yesterday aller attenillui; the l.cKlun convention and takliiK movii-s for one of the lari;e news reels, 11 h expected Hint Ihese pictures will be shown here in the near future. The last of Ihe American l.euioiw , (iVe 1 ltl; ! and Mr. and M patiy to and from .Medford in west-j ern and southern Oregon and from ; Klaiualh I'tllls tu llend. because of lis p.-ltt-ollnue ;-owillK so faM and as an added convenience to the tnivellm; lUlblle. today establlslied an uuxillary ticket selling office! at tile llevan ciKac sliind In the I llolel Medford lobby. j Of course the main office of I lit' I motor transport company Is the ."'eulliern Pacific depot office, but Information us to time schedules' of Ihe niolor slam's and tickets can also be purchased at the Hotel Medford etunr stand. AUG Perhaps you tire of hearing about Fluhrcr's Milk Bread, but wo'ro s proud of our product", as a now Daddy i about his children because ue know thore aro none better anywhere. ; convention visitors lefl anil loilu- tor (hell- homes or fol Irips to Crater Lake and other un vacation spots In soutliern Orecon. They were all loud In their oralse nf Medford's hospitality and slated nf Albany retiirneil Ibni tbe Me.lt-re-.l .......ti .... " 101 in.ine mis mornlllR aflerlby far the besl ever '-Pl'miimj a week as Hie ullcst of i state If out I be l!eori;e Mct'ol loin, son t.oivn nnd -Omar IIiiIkIiI ni-rived Saluritay I cum l;it:-villi'. Wash., lo visit rel- lueludlm: I. N. Mel'olbini I. I'. W Is Uf: litis ellv. Mrs. P. I-:. Malbenv Major It. V. Hluall. who was np Poluled l ulled Mtan-s clilef forester Ma.v I. will not visit the Pacific northwest this year. Il Is repnrled by forest service officials. The chief roresler had planned to visit Hie Oregon district for a two Meek lour of Inspection, arrlvlni; here abottt August 1. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Kernlnn.l, ae. eomininled by a pnrly of friends, illoloii-d u. the (U-eaon raves ve- ti-rdav Mrs. Jennie all tiliaiuii 101 i-oiii.inil. wheri' she will at lend buyers' week hof,,ro n.ni; o ' o.iultlc. Ore. to spend a week's vacation with relative Her son M.lllllce. h has been v,tlnK "'o.iullle f,,r the past six w celc. 1 aeeoinp.iny Ills mother when she returns to Medfnid. "lite. t f,-,,m Poi thnid nt M.dfoi-d hol.-l. Include Mrs. W. Ii and Miss Adah Nelson. .Mr. and .Mis I' v Maiiitiny .I.i I It t. Jnelt I eove I'lltllV stai;ed ill tile coast. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Kit It It KNT Three rooms, nicely furnished; private hatli and ua liine: f!;';t, :i ii Mi.cnv St. i:t; at. Is Circus Day at Medford i Alovlut; pictures of Merheil i Hoovei H visit to .Medfoid and the ' Hokuc I'lver which were taken :isi week hy H, I., ltromley, I'opco ml veriisinn ihmiihkcp, will he fften their premier sliowini; hefore the Medford Rotary eluh tomorrow : noon. Some eood close-uis of Mr. Ilovvcr and mcmheis of his party were taken al Llik Hock !ode i where he was n Ktiest of Hill Isaacs ' of this city. ! W.XTi;i- W ill receive a few ap plications from neni appcariim yotinn ladis as ushers. . pplv : ttialto. 13,;' .::r;r-:FI SITUATION IN COUNTY EXCELLENT A llKAl'TIKl'l. new modern stucco i home, just comtletcd; hest resi dential dlstrici : ii rooms and modern in every way. hardwood flours in every room, sleeping porch, concrete hitscnient. w tth laundry. This Is close In audi 011 the pavement, and the price t 11 sacrifice. $,iimi; JUMiu down.) riench .Vtwood. 1 .i North Kir. 13! ' lli:3 llOlllil-: Tourini;. completely1 overhauled, pew rubber. ne top. P.os N7, Mall Tribune, 1 111 , l.tiST Pair of horn - rimmed classes. l-'inder return lo Mall Tribune. j; , l.tl.ST Wlre-lialred fox terrier. 1 nearly crown. Tony: almost while, lemon color spot 0:1 left . side. ;u (1,1k St. Keward l:ls ifkell. Mr ,,d Mr,. IteOll-e SehlleMnBi' 11 Kleuiln, It. Janlls .Mi- ,..,.1 ' ' r". M. Ilroivn. J. K. Meuert. Ifownrri MiK- !- IIIlon. I', W. Spen eer. Ileorue f. Hhaw. S. H. Hlekm, I'. M. lllnser and II. I,. M,,s0 The I'later ualloiial forest and slate land territory In this district lias beep similarly free from fii-os since the middle of last week, I he 1 I (.VT--Plal I liuni bar p.,. between! only fire of any consequence re-' Medford P.ldy. nnd Orance st.;i itlamotid and sapehii-e : Kath-1.1s th.11 day. near china cnlch. nouthjf'ol! SAI.K oit i;xi 11 , set: or Kuril, and luirned hi brush oven 30 acres ftruund hefore It wasj Hoiten urtder control at 7:3ti a. m. i Huuday. J -llbhiy. SI,-. ,, M,s. A. II l.ebbe ! purled at fore-t office headiiuar-- -eltnK diamond and sal ' ,IM" Kre.li, l.eb. 1.. 1, I te, s here occui rlns last Saturday "IV.k" X"- 1 I'Ues. m. y swift. P. ,,. selm II ! This fire slHl led , M:l a. ",. ! , ' '"lrj:.l!iilL., Clnssfld ntlvcrtlelnj gelj result. 1 Milan ranch ebise In l,..,fi,. hlRhwuy norlh: modern 6-room house, shad" trees: pnid-up water j llKhl. Will sell oil easv I,,-,,., or exchance for .edford re. dence loopeily. 1;. ,. , Phone 601-V. The Newest Big Show In All The World 5 Continent Menagerie i 1250 People 500 Horses SO Cases Animals I 30 Lions 2 Cars of Elephants and Camels f S Bands 2 Calliopes 2 Complete Electric Light Systems 30 Double Length Steel Cart I 6-Pole Big Top 5 Mammoth Rings 2 Steel Arenac Wild-Bcqst Hippodrome icvv vuaiukiii illiw, TKi Lent, CotlUt and Mot t Majnincnt Optn Dea .. Free Strt Para 4 at tx O'clock Noon Dally ' : I iIfiWS i tlJ e Hurry Now I Wp; ONLY ONE DAY LEFT PijPl ft' Positive.y L6..cj roiiiorrow rfl -Z- The Worder of Wonders The World's First jgfil Pp . "AH Talking" W H I H NewYork" Jjfj P "Lights of pi p Wti $$!h YOU HEAR idlf. I'v AND SEE JP r character . jjf . IfiMmt ' also 3 ACTS OF Hjl iJpA TALKIES g ( ' ' i TALKING NEWS REEL 'f I Mats. 10 and 35 u-J 5i)J Eves 25 and 50 jtljjffi i Look! Wednesday! 1 i J j B Matinee 2 :C0 P. M., Evening 7 and 9 a 1 m mm! Tfin a fTC 9 !l uiu rtv, i o n 3 VAUDEVILLE ; 11' FEATURE PICTURE H m ----ct LV.kV Jil . 1 1 lain i.ii HntMa mv& I. Starting Tuesday Who's Your Bootlegger Prices 25 and 50 Cents The Coolest Spot in Oregon IDYLWOOD LODGE MARSHFIELD, OREGON HM! CRATER I AN MONDAY 1 august! EXACTLY AS EXHIBITED 20 WEEKS AT 4 COHANS, CHICAGC I DIRECT FROM CURRAN THEATRE SAN FRANCISCO ra a t fir in 9r ASTOUNDING Q Ki Q7riM vt nmnfcwn 3 ATHLETES I AMAZING At H ML ! ACTIVITIES MM HAILy ' STANLEY HEL8A HUARA 70 5aitatoriai5Enoritas ADMISSION Lowfr Floor. S3.C0; First 4 Rows Bal. $2.00; Bal ance 11.00. SEATS THURS.-WftIL ORDERS NOV 3 as n