Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 06, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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O cO"
The Weather
rro-ant Fair; no t'lmiiKO hi Qu-
Maximum yrsU rUny (is
Minimum liMlay 51
t Weather Year Ago'
.Maximum im
Minimum ,-i
Dtily Twentythlrd Ye
Wkl Kifty.fventh
Nil Wi.
- - .. . - - . 9 -
By Arthur Brisbane 0011
What About Usury?
13 Billions for Crime.
Gov. Smith and Farms
Sam Buys a Palace.
tCopj 'right, 1921, by Now York
Evening Journal, Inc.)
1LAK President I'ooliilve n -tici-il
tlie Federal Hosi-rve
Hunk's itetivities in promoting
usury .'
The alleged desire is to dis
courage stuck speculation. So
called "cull money" witli which
1 lie speculators gamble goes to
7 and 8 per cent.
Hanks, whose business it is
to make money for their stock
holders, immediately raise their
interest rates to men in legiti
mate business.
The country, bursting with
money, is put on a hard-times
lisis. What effect will that
liffvc on our prosperity? lloiv
docs it impress I'resident Cnol
idge, who comes from a state
that docs not like usury ?
Is usury, organized on a na
tional scale, even against stock
speculators, a thing that the
government should tolerate?
Was the Federal Reserve es
tablished to keep credit evenly
abundant and promote pros
perity ?
Or was it to be used, as it is
used now, to help insurious
money lenders to gouge busi
ness men? linnks, properly
managed, are doing fairly well
with dividends from 50 to 100
per cent a year, and extra dis
bursements. Was it. really, necessary to
fltld usury to the' financial
It woulil lmve broil vlirnpi'r
to buy slavi's sit a fair jiriitc,
insti'fitl of fighting the Civil
It would lie flii'iipiT now, i
lit'tixion ri-iiiiiiinls, oven liiiili
f.'1'iide lioiitleeci-s nnd hijack
el's, nitliei' than pay tlie cost
of ci'iiui'.
Tlie liaiiines ei'iine I'oninus
simi says ei'iine ensls lllis I'linn
1 r y TiriHTKKN' l!IU,IO
AVilh tluil sum you could
my 1,0(10,(100 ei'iininals .1:1.000
each every yeni'. Our lioine war
against crime costs more thai:
twenty times ns much as our
army ami navy. Think that
(iovernor Smith declared
niiinst the e(iializ,'ition foe ns
a solution of the farm prob
lem. liko President t'oolidne.
be thinks the AlcXary-HaUffen
bill needs nmdifieiit ion.
The governor says our (iov
erniiieut. should control the sab:
of ai.'1'ieiiltiiritl surpluses, "the
cost to lie borne by those bene
(iovenior Smith tells th
Xew York Times frankly "that
lie lias no plan of his own for
carrying out the principle of
disposing: of surplus crops, but
will work out such a plan after
r1 In the city of furls n deed was
Finned Saturday buylns for itlie
United Slates an expensive em
bassy. Now that I'ncle Sam owns
his ambassadorial palace In Paris,
lie will proceed, of coursv to buy
palaces in other Kuropean capitals,
where iientlemen will live iror
Keousty as a reward for political
tt would suit some old-style
Americans, .lofl'erson. Jackson snri
Lincoln, for Instance, better If the
American agiliassador lived at n
hotel, or paid rent for his own
flat, and the money spent for new
embassies were used for education
here In the United States.
tut. since our "democracy" is a
Rood deal of a Joke at ho ne. It
might as well be a juke abroad
Pope l'ius recognizes the new
(Continuea on Pr Kour)
Kubala and Idzikowsky
Taken On Board German
Ship Off Coast of Portu
gal, After Plane Forced
Down On Return to Eu
ropePipe line Break Is
Cause of Failure.
; l.IHtiON, I'urtual. Auk. f. (P)
j Snatched from the sea In which
; they were, swimming near the
j wreckage of their airplane, the
Polish aviators, Majors Lou is Idzi- j
; kowski and Kaslmir Kubala. t day j
; were numbered among the few who
i have escaped death after failing in -j
an attempt to span the Atlantic!
j by air. i
j Turning back while well out to 1
j sea on their attempted flight from !
Paris to New York, the aviators !
j were in serious straits when res- i
! cued Saturday by the (lerman
! steumship Samos. The strain of
some 30 hours flying had begun to
tell on the gasoline feed line and i
I trouble developed. As they flew
i toward (.'ape Kinisterre. the west- j
ernmost point of Spain, hoping to !
' reach land before their engine wetit j
dead, they saw the Samos, tin miles j
Circling over it, they dropped
a message in a small tube weighted
with pebbles, on its ileek. The
message asked the ship to stand
by to pick tbeni up.
Major Kubala had recovered suf
ficiently to leave the hospital to
day, and Joined Major Idzikowsky
at the hitler's hotel in Oporto.
I Moth were disappointed and said
j that but for the accident to the
I feed pipe they believed they would
have reached Xew York.
Undaunted hy the failure of their
HUeinpt. .Major Kulmlti stthl lo
lloped -to make another effort Xf
fly the Atlantic.
Moth expressed et-ntitudc lo their
rescuers nnd for the Keneral kind
ness shown by authorities. Their
plane was belnf.- dismantled to be
taken to Paris.
I-ISbOX. Portugal. Aim.
.Major Kaimir Kubala said to
tbty that a broken pipeline force '1
hi in a ntl bis companion, .Ma jot
Louis Id lz lutwxkl to turn back
after they had flown '2 1 of the
2 boui which they estimated
! it would take to fly from Paris
to Xew York. j
The airmen were resem-d when j
found near the wretkai;; of their
j plane, the .Mars;ilck I'ilnudski v j
jibe (Icnniiii steamer Samos Sat-
urd.-y and broiibt to l.exlcocs, j
in far (lniiltii. On liiuird t!u- shin I
Kubala sliiipod and fell, cutting
his forearm on broken Klass.
U'ul.alt. int,.i'vl..iv..,l in Hi
looorto' milita.v hoM.ltal said
that after they had flown 2 1 j ihimai;e did not delay the Shasta sought to forcibly "make love" to
hours the tube feeding the oil. limited, officials aid. adding that, women Kuests. The complaint
.toppfd working. Th' airmen i lnt "'-s would be replaced. Ac-' charKetl that Arbuckle wan "vici-lhou-ht
it would be impossible, j corditiK to S. p. officialH. no one ous. cruel, monwe nnd naKriinu."
therefore to continue flight and who has Investigated the causes I Arbuckle, who bus not appeared
de-fded to return. .suspects an attempted robbery of'i" pictures since he wan acquitted
When ih..v unm 7n milct off:"' train or an attempt lo harm
I iriilstii-ri u.t'nt4i n 01 list iinim
' . . . '
of Spain, they noticed
damage. This caused the plane ;
to nl psize and the heavy nesqul-1
plane plunged Into the sea near
the Samors. The wings broke j
and the plane was damaged In ,
other respects.
"We threw ourselves Into the j
sea." sa Id K u ha la . "We s wa m ,
toward the Samos. whose crew
rescued uw and then took the
plane in tow. We were alto-
getber hours in the air."
The airmen plan to leave for
Paris with their plane on Wed-
nesday. i
flaiif T)lal !s.
The wrecked plane, which was'"1" wanderers cast off the "blind
valued at a million francs, whs .'K"Ke" hail turned nrsonistH to
towed to Lelxocs bv the ship. It
was found to be so seriously dam-
aued that It was thought it would
j be almost useless.
j Their rescue was the second
within three days of fliers trying
I to span the
Atlantlr frnni i-ast ta
I west. Captain Krnnk T. Courtney
! and the three companions were
picked up by the fttenmshlp Min
newaska on Thursday
adrift lo" hours. Courtney had
I hopped off from the Azores for
j Newfoundland. Like the Polish
. plane, trouble had developed with
j his fuel supply system. A broken
: gas Hue had c prayed fi'el against
the hoi niiilnr. and fit-
! r:. o!,l ,l....nt I
I'ourtney and the 1'ollsh fliers i
are the only ones who hnve been !
I rescued after falllnc to reach land!
, on an east to west fllKl,t ecros ,
ine Atlantic.
i NKW vokk
Oiptain KrnK T. t'onrtnev and ."' """nta over the meek end.
two companions with 1,
he was saved after he had ,' ' "niOBIIB
in the water on un
' ,
fliKhl to Newfoundland from lh"idriD
Azores, arrived by boat today and
was officially welcomed at city
htlll. O I
l & ""mnaa
Ai the aeaucl ot secret raids directed against 18 New York nisi
clubs last June 29, by order of Assistant United States Attorney
General Mabel Walker Willebrandt, 105 have been indicted by the
federal grand jury, including Texas Guinan and Helen Morgan, night
club hostesses, and Nils T. Granlund, New York radio announcer.
The indictments charge alleged conspiracy to violate the prohibition
law and maintenance of nuisances. Photo at left shows Mi- Guinan
as she appeared 10 years ago, and above a she looks today Center
is Granlund. and Miss Morgan is at the right.
NKW YOHK, Auk. 6. lleneh
warrants were issued today for the
' aresi of Helen Morgan, actress and
nlKhl club hostess and Nils T. Ilran-
Southern Pacific Officials
Flatly Deny Any Attempt'
made to Rob Shasta Or;
Burn Trestle in Siskiyous
Merely a Hobo Jungle
.Smithcrn I'ui-irie officiate here re
ceive! won I today that a fire which
I'reiid from a -junKle" campfire
set by hoboes, damaged six
on a trestle east of Orcal, near
(ire)iry. Tab, .Saturday nlKbt. The
the trestle, as. was at first reported
,, ltl . . ...
.-vniinein t uciiic uiiiciihh at Min iresa, nioiu uiiin seven years oo
Francisco today classed the report- was accused by the actress of con
ed attempt Saturday night to fire 1 1 1 nun I ly cursing and abusing'
a trestle in the Siskiyous and rob ! her.
a train, as nothing but u hobo camp
fire that had spread to the trestle,
and was extinguished without dam
age oi delay to the train. Special
agents of the railroad, nnd the
Hheriffs of Shkiyou and Jackson
counties Investigated the fdtuation.
Sunday at the request of H. I
As ine facts ucveloped. the bot
tom also dropped out of the re
venge, theory. It was flwured that
ome disgruntled section workers
revenge. Special ngentfl eoml
fuur an,l,.rl,,u i..,v. r....i ,.,",'"'" ''"" nin-'" fees and V-i
a . in .f i i .. Tin y were desr rllipd
!' Sh.rlff .IcnnhiBs this miirnlnc
as "iilllful sIkIiim. and starvlnc to
'"'"in. will) Hardly enough trnnRtli
io NKItt a mati'h." ficctlon hand
Wert, iiucstlnni.d, . Inn none found
dlsfrumk-d. Another v a B a hond
Iter hi'liml"'"1 f"unl nli'iard a froinltt train.
"in in- inoviii that he had lenn
Klv. n a by the train i-n-w al
WitiI. Calif.
I'lvf mii worn r. purtccl ns flee
Inn from thi- trestle. In the Klnre
of the hendlltht of tho fniilno of
forei'd al.'!"' limited, us It stopped.
'''"' '-I 'a I UtfOntK WPre tlimhle n
"n "n" 'ho had witnessed ihe
a fhl11 t the cinlntet. i
A Fatal Wk Entf
SKATTI.K. Wash.. Aug. 6 M1
Kleven W'ashlnmon rosidents
were killed and two othera injuref
wane mo persona were
i,..r, ut u(. ,, .. .
ATLANTIC CITY". Condition 1
of Senator-vl'-ci Vurc improves,
jf- !,.Woman Killed By Youth; V - KIX
lund. radio annouiuer. Inn they.
failed to appear in federal court !
to answer to complaints charging
violation of the prohibition law.
Doris Dean Brings Out Sor -
did Details in Plea for a
Divorce and Alimony,
From Discredited Screen :
Star. !
I .os an(;i;lks, auk. (, !
Doris Dean, screen actress, today'
filed suit for divorce against I! oh-
eoe Arbuckle. ope time famous I
film comedian In which hIic de
scribed In detail an alleged
Jpariy" in Hollywood at which
Arbuckle became intoxicated and
"" respunsioimy ior ine ueatn ai
,n alleged hotel parly in San I'ran-
I niton i.t -tl-rlt.l.i fit..
i ..t-.....
The suit alleged that In April
1 IfLMi. the Arbuckles went to the
home of a "prominent renldent" of
Hollywood. A "party" whm sHigcd
during which the former comedian
became "terribly intoxicated,"
Screania of the womun lo whom
he attempted to make love, .M Iss
lieun net forth, brought ol her
guests to her res ue and Arbuckle
shortly afterwardM started home.
On the way the actress declares he
reviled her and compared her un
favorably with " w omen of t h e
The plaintiff asked 9750 month
ly alimony pending trial of the
court costH. ,
; The couple was .married .May I'ti.
VJ'zo at San .Marino near I.os An
; Koles and separated last .Mny I'oni-milnll-
iiroperly was listed at
Ij,00U whlrh Ineluiled Arliuikles
home un I'aliyun drive. Ileverly
Arliuekle who iiiieared n few
years ago ns a motion liteture dl-ri-rior
recently opened a ninlil eluli
In the lieneh urea near 'enlee.
Wire Report on
, the Pear Market
' CIIICAIJO, Aim. 6.-V. fi. D. A.)
i ar Callfornln Uh-1-
I arrive. 3d ears on track ; 16
'ars Hold. H2II hoxen $i,ur to ".'.'d.
r " craKe nf 12.15.
SEW rOHZT.-a: . ...
A.l IWn 4lllf..rnl. . tt.rtl.,.1.
ii. -".i. ooxea sold. I;est at 12.40 to
: S'M'i: new fancv as hfch as ll
ordinary l.fln tri f'.'t.'.' enmmon I
8,1,1 riV- ".SO lo $2.05: Home as1 Other National gann-a
lo as f 1.3U; vru$e, fi.'i'i, 'poned; ruin. ...,.
Second Gruesome Murder in
Four Days Shocks People
of Los Angeles Society
f.lWoman Killed By Youth
in Drunken Orgy Tries
to Kill Husband Also.
LOS AMiKl.KS. C'al.. Auk. G.
(P -Aiiot hfi iruestmie imiriltr
j with a woman as tho victim tin-
Hecoiul in tour days in Mio l-os
I AoKokiS UHtroiolitan area krt.
! poliuo dotfctivcs busy liert' today, i
j The nude body or Mrs. Myrlh- ,
I Ij. Mi'llus, wealthy and sot-lally
pronilnom, was 1'ouiui on a Uvi in
her homo ycsierday by her hus-
; band, Krank A. Melius. los An
i Keles t-lulmian. .ippaiontly she had
j been slain with a beer bottle in u
: fierec strule. As polieu from
j three stations ami newspaper re
i porters swarmed into the. house, :
'Leo ("Pat") Kelly, 2K was found J
i hidiiiK la a closet of the home. '
j Kelly attempted to escape. A I ,
I first he wits thouhl to he a ma-'
; nine. However, police soon j
i learned thrnuuh his mother. Mrs.
j Josephine Kelly, that a friendship ;
had existed between Mrs. Melius
and her son lor some lime, and
that she had warned l.eo that it'
! int-lht "lead to trouble."
Vnder police auspices Kelly soon i
hcKun to tell his storv admitted I
i having given her
beat inn. but
stoutly denied lmvlnn killed Mrs. .
Police found empty glasses and
empty ami partly empty lliiuor bat-
ties about tile house. Although '
there were no signs of a struggle .
in the nialil's room, the police be
lieve it was therii'lhnt Mrs. Melius!
r iv;is struck down and that the,
i slayer then enrried the body lo ll'
'. woman's own room.
I When Melius appeared lifter Kcl
; ly's capture, the prisoner made a
i lunge at the husband. Melius made ,
in li(fr,for Kelly, .Korunmiug. "I'll,'
. kill him."'
Kelly Inter made another nl
Itenipt lo reach Melius. "Take thesi
hjimb'iiriK off.'
be shouted.
ik"' ". ""
r 1 1 1 in iir n !
lllLLilElU SJl UU
r;ol,l) IlKACM. Ore.. Aug. (?.
MP)- -Curry county rct-Plents jne 'Jp
j (lf ul't(1 ,rillM (MltnillMH.nn
to kill the large bull leader of the
Hunter's. Head band of elk. It is.'iitn on the same
held that the bull .Huh outlived its i 'ienrge V. X.irt ls
usefulness as a sin and Is now
driving away young bulls, thus pre
venting Increase of the herd.
Hunters claim that nature takes
care of the situation uileuutclv
and that when an old bull becomes
useless as a sire there Is always
a young mate to depose the old
Pet i Hons bearing the signal tires
of nearly every resident have been
forwarded to the game commis
sion, protesting Ibe killing of the
old king of the herd.
The Hunter's Hear) elk lord Is
one of the leading attractions on
lower Ilnoscvelt highway. The big
eight-point bull leader is frequent
ly een.
Baseball Score$
First game 11. H.
Washington I I:!
; hi
1 Mfitterles: f Inston, lirown and
(Kenna; .Miller. Iludlin and 'Autry.
Second Kalliel
Ilatterles: Iladley
Millus. Ilayne, Murder,
I.. Hcwell.
1.1 I
(Irani nnd
It. K
i Metrolt . ... ,
Oiilnn nnd
5 li :i
Karnshaw, Koiumel.
Cocliraiie; Whili'lilIlT
Smith and ilnrKrave.
I'lrst Kame
Ilalteries: lil.-.e,
Harlnetl: MclJinw.
. 1
5 10 o
1 '-imihi
llollev and
Gonzales; Ferguson nnd Davis,
He: beit Hoover nnd his companions
It.iacs on Rogue River wntie in irai
in southern Oregon. Members of
other day's jaunt.
Senator Brookhart, Radical Lie Is Passed in State Con
Corn Belt Agitator, Flays vention and Delegates
Peek for Lying About
Hoover Tells Farmers
Is Their Best
I)i:s AUHXKS, la., Aug. li.
I i-cl;iring biniM lt' in l ull accord
with Itcil.crt Hoover and inn
dcinnhiK (icoig,. X. Peck of .Molitn-,
III., cliaiimaii 1. 1 tin- i 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 i 1 1 i of
fur Mippttrt iiik the cundidacy ol
(i..vcinur Allied i;. Sniilb, I'n.d
Slates Scitiilor .Smith V. llronk
Itin l of lo, yesici day .sent an
open Idler in J.diu -:. llrenner of'
Maph'len, Iowa, In answer lo .lo-
'rj iioiia t 'oiny."1'irnters unions1 re-
a pciikitiK ciiKaKcittent.
"Veil Witllhl mil he in l ),. ulii-lit.
I '1 est dl.iim eemcnl with im? about
the pre.-etil Mituatin, If ytm knew
;tbc ulnilo liutl;." Sciijitm- Miouk
hact wmt.. .Mr. Pn-nncr. lie added
t bat be is "sorry you ha Vc fallen
into the hum's oT this gang, of'
Tammany Al Smith boosters. " !
"Peek told yoa t'arnicr.s that
Hoover held down your prices dur- '
inn the wiir, " Senator Prookhart
wrote. ' This was absidutoly im-
true. I have the documents with
I ,mtl,,l Piesidenl of you, fai nieirt
u,,i"M' 1,1 w,,hh i,i,v tv, v
eonfidcm c, and. instcd of borMr
the signature of (Ti;
i dou u t be prices, I lnov
i up during the war."
lo ld them
"I am In accrd with .Mr. Iloov-
er on m-arly all propositions,
i lie
some mt.uosit ions I win' I... ,,U!,t,mt
him; but I would also be against
proposit ions,
as my first
choice for president and if be were
a candidtite on a third picket, I
would be lor him now. lint he is
not a candidate ami under ihes
clieuinstnticc.s I would be a traitor
,'v,,, V'll'"g
I have promised (he
wn If I did not sup-
tanners of
port .Mr.
i The Hrookhart Idler continued
.with the statement that 'Smith,
himself, is the man who tried to
(deflate the farmers after the war
;and h would have succeeded hut
for the emphatic Interference of
: senator f 'ai ler ( iluiss, thn secre
tary of the treasury,
"Peek put out Hie fa Is.! story
that Hoover wrote the veto of t h
.MeXaiv-llaugen bill. I have pcr
isonal knowledge myself that (hH
story ih false.' Senator Hrookhart
Itn.Mi:, Ami. ii,-ii! Th
fan! iifcciiey rcltmts that the Italian
j siilnnui ine K-l l. smiK lu 40 ni. tei.,
Iiy a collision with lite destroyer
'lllscppo Miysorl (Ins lU'iltiiULt. 'I'he
crew of the sill. marine are n ooi
iniitili .itlon Willi surface craft
t h fill t: Ji a spc inl silliinarlne sikiiiiI
liiiK apparatus.
Weather ,omlliloris are not very
, r.iv,ir,il.e. Th, ,-.. , nlyiuly lit
! tile scene four Sets of .llvlriK ap-
.. iwnini, ami niso a tiieclintilsm
:i u,ipi
iiinuilne with fresh
; OAKLAND Aug. ii.-..i,V,--i:nill
, 111 ('III Mellsel, Olllllelder 11 Mil
ti.x. nej, H,,,,j i.useman.
'"H'oii'iiil e"gs lu the Oi kin nil
Iinsctai It
nine, and both for-j
1 major leag'ie slars, itiih un -
' ""'"(loiiall.v releas jl today. IMesl.
oein i. im kwIiik gave no ion-I
lU ular reason, ex. ept that' Ihev
ha I not delivered this Benson, m
stayed at this rustic cottaae of Wm.
vicinity on tiieir fishing expedition
the party are seen leaving on an
Come to Blows Sup
porters of Smith Gaining
the Upper Hand.
antl'Sttiith i
state ciivles
Tex., Aug. -(Ayi The
ow has broken out in
again, with iudieatioiiH
that the showdown for those who
oppose the presidential candidacy
of the Xew York governor will
come at the state democratic con
vention here September 1 1.
The threat of a party spilt, which
lias flared and simmered nlnce the
I lousion convention, assumed Im
portance agiiiti Saturday when har
mony did not prevail In fount v
conventions In the state'H most
thickly populated counties, Dalian,
larris and Tarrant.
opming slate convention dele
gations, one favoring endorsement
of the ticket from Hie president
down, the other asserting the right
of the individual d ocrnt to fol
low his conscience, were named In
these counties. I his threw even
tual settlement of the Issue upon
I he credent la Ik committee of the
state democratic convention.
The chief barrage of a day of
conventions was laid down at the
scene of (Iovernor Alfred K.
Smith's nomination, when factional
differences culminate)) Jn a fls-t
figbt which precipitated a riot call
to (inlet the men and women
Tlie out burst came when W.
W, Hmlth.
a Smith man, and
A Ivln H. .Moody, an antl-Kmllli lead
er, simrreil hy dirierences of opin
ion reyal'dlm; the presidential nom
inee, enuaued in personalities. The
lie was passed when 'iech accused
the other of previous lliemlierslllp
III 11m Klaii.
The Smith element dominated,
and a resolution pIcdsinK support
down the line, from "president to
coiiHlalde," w'as shot through.
Heated exchauKes of words
marked the Katlierliik- al Dallas
lliallns county) and Kort "Worth
IT;irraiit county).
In the former, opposim; slate
caudldales lieciime the slalldai'd
liearers of the oiiosltlon I'lenients.
Thomas II, l.ove, candidate for
lieiilenant-Kovernor. was named to
h'-nd the county's antl-Hmlth edel-l-'alton.
while leadership of the
rcuulurs was entrusted In l.leuleu-aiil-llovernor
Marry Miller, who
opposes I ,nve In a run-off primary
Almust 2.i, l.ove was the only
active iinll-Hiuilh man to survive
last month's slate primary, he rtin
iiIiik seconil to Miller In a field of
Husk, rialvestou and llariisnn
counties voted lo omit from the
ruo-orr liallot names of canilldates
who had refused support to the
pnrfty's nominees. Ilexar county
I IHan Autoiiloi voted lo drop Love's
tinme, wliii... other counties indl-Hle-;"ieil
opiiosltlou of candidates nf.
minted with (he "holt."
Tltnvis county (Austin) dropped
Hie names of two delegate who
asserted they would not vole for
the presidential nominee.
HACK AM i:TO, Aug. fl.--P)
I'nul I luirhliir'on, who shot nnd
killed .lohn llllchcock. in. of Mnx-
well, while the two were hunting
hear In I'olusn counlv. has been
I' - xoneriil
by n coroner's Jury.
i Wllnessea said
Ill. heoek knelt nnd
urged his companion lo shoot at a
deer bin raised no lusl ns Hie shot
! '" fired. The bullet hit hint In
Iilie licua,
El Quafi of France Wins
Historic Olympic Run in
Fast Time Joie Ray Set
Pace, But Comes in Fifth
New York Girl Breaks
A M STKUUA M, Aim. li. -iV' KI
Ouufi uf Kl'alii'L wun I lie IIIUI'UtlUMI
ract' ycstonluy, I'ov.'nnK ilin
inili-s mill 3K; yards 111 hvu hours
ill! iiihuiti'.H unil til hitoihIk. This
waw 2'J hhmiiiiIh nhui'1 if Ihc record
lllynildo time sol in IHIMl at Anl
Wfrp ly Jtaiuio.H Koli'luinioiuon of
Finland. .MiKllal l'la.a, Chllojin,
was second, flnislliHK l.'iU meters
behind Ouafl.
.lole liny rilllslled fifth, hellllid
M. It. .Maitellnen of Finland and
Kanemalsu Yamada of .Inunn, who
had alternated with Kay in setlinK
the pace for fully two-thirds of
the grind over the Dutch course.
New York Ulrl Wins.
O I. Y M I 1 O SWl.M.MIXli STA
DIl'.M. AMSTi;iilAM, Aug. 0. (!'
Martha XoreliiiH of New York was
re-crowned (pieeu of the mermaids
of the world today when she cap
tured the Olympic 4"0-meter free
style swimming chain plunshlp for
the second time In two Olympiads.
In defending her title won in
HUM against five of the world'.s
speediest girl NWhiimern, the Allied
lean nee, shattered the world rec
ord established by herself only
Saturday, covering the distance in
the hitherto incredible time of
fi minutes 'Z 4-5 seiomts. This
wan ' 3 -a seconds faster than tbo
mark she set in hor find, prelim
inary heat two dayH ago.
American men swimmers could
do no better than third and fourth
lu their championship event today."
the l&Ou-meier free style, as Artie
llorg of Sveden won.Jiillhul 4-T.,
iwhich als oshuttored the World'and
Olymple records. Andrew Charl
ton of Australia, the li'iM cham
pion, wan necotul. with Clurence
i iitbbe of Honolulu third, nnd Hay
Jtuddy of Xew York fourth.
I'. S. Wills on Itlver
I HI.OTKX. Holland. Ainr. 0 -
I Two victories nnd n row over.1 Hie
latter caused by tho French four
scratohlnK, sent American oarsmen
throuuh the fourth tiny of Olympic
; i'uwIiik without disunities,
i The I'nlled Mtalos douhle scul
lers scored n Ihree-leiiKth win over
the Austrian pnlr from the Wlck
Iiik I.Iiiji eluli, Vienna, und n llltle
later the American four-oared com
bination without coxswain heat the
KiiKllsh representatives from the
Thames ItouiiiK cluh Iiy a acanl
letiKlli 111 the hnrdest fouk'IU race
of the ilay.
Ilunnary defeated the United
Hlates today hy a score of 5 lo 0
ll the Olympic wuter polo com
petition. A.MSTICItUAM, Auk. 6. M'i
Controversy over whether women's
Hack und field events should be
retained on the Olympic proKiam
was brouKht to the floor of the
congress of tho International ama
teur athletic federation this after
noon. A majority report from the coun
cil In which the United States Join
ed, favored retnlnliifi tho fonilnlite
features, limited to not more than
six events, provided the Kiuelllni;
Kiio-melcr race be eliminated, but
"harp opposition Immediately de
veloped. A prospective fight over
the Issue was postponed until to
morrow after Klnland'a represen
tative had moved to abolish the
W'oinen's events.
A.MSTi;i!DA.M, Aug. 6. M,
Murtliu .Vorellua of New York
brought the United Mi.,i..u nu ..U.
swimminB cnampionshlp of
Olympic guinea, by winning
iiia muter rrco aiylo awlni
women today.
Hehlnd Mlsa Norellus In ond
! piace, eamo Miss Hrniin of Hol
lund. while the youthful Amerl-
u ..nrkioi oi rionie-
in., sun iinra. Mtsa .Nore
llus' time wn not announced,
na orriclnls want 'Into a huddle,
hut It was said lo hreak hoih the
world and Olympic records.
Mlsa .Vorellua led fm,,, n. ....,
At 200 nielers Jfisa .McKIm was
srconn. hut w unable lo hold
her advantage against the power
ful bid of the hlR Dutch girl.
A.MSTKKDAm! MlK. .-')
.Vine llorg. the "Swedish Hurri
cane," won the Olympic 1500 mo
tor free stylo awliumlng chum-'
plonshln Today?
Tlaimna liluiikenhurg of Cali
fornia loduy nuilllfled foe the
seml-flnnla In the aill). meter breast
stroke swimming. He was
only United Stales entrant.
Heavy Quake In .Mexico
Iltsiiutehea from IMltetnnu. slul., of
lOaxncii. anht thiit Inwn .,.. .in
stroyed in part at noon Saturday
by tho moat vloler. earthquake
ever recorded there,