6 o o 0 O o ooo o . O O o o 3BF(MB MAIL TRIBUNE O o , o o n o o No. m pally Twmty-thtrd YeM Wtr-kly Kitty-nvcfilh Yew MEDFOUD, OHKdON'. Sl'NDAV. A l' il'ST .". 1!W REPUBLICAN NOMINEE TRIES LUCK IN KLAMATH RIVER Auxiliary Head r'm a."--. aatvvv,i' st&fv i--v-i&. .-v . rak'. Eagle or Guinea Pig? King George Needs It. Not Exactly Nordic. Idzikowski and Kubala. Ml I PHI R MAY Today BIG PARADE y A,.h nmiflliinrp iini vunnn I ullu nini 3 BE ASTRAY fO'EROCEAN ii i& ii ii i ii ii ii! rv.van s :.7vjev w i c r i i i UUINbLUULO York Americans have fared hadly in the Olympic (lames, and Will Roji'rs says they do too. much antnmoliile riding; and 1 arc l'orfiPtlinu ' ' It' tliat were true, what of il J An cao-lc, on the ground, cannot run as well as a rabbit oi even a guinea p'lK- 1 litt any one would rather be an eat.de. Kin;,' (leorjie, delighted with ' Copyright, 1827, by New ? Kvenins Journal. Inc.) the Ki'lloun peace proposal, says, prorofiuini; inirlianieu!, ; "My fiovernmenl has been happy in accept the proposed . treat v." ,, if ' Knuland needs that treaty. more than we need it. i Hritain's empire is scattered! all over the earth; ours is a concentrated country, wit hi only the Hiilippines detached. If our ilodos at the Washinj;-' ton conference had not. agreed to leave (iuam unfortified, the Philippines would be safe, (iuam ought to be the greatest air base in the world, and would be if Jlritain owned i'. liay liarbuti of Syracuse I'n- iversitv, won the ton no race at lllf Olvmpie Stadium . convention ever held In Oregon. I . ' . . Anions the sevwal eseeiitionallv yesterday, lust track victor,. :BOO(l (lUl of tnw floats was one' for mprica this vear. I entered by the r.rants Pass Amerl- ' . V . .. .1,1 I -nn I-eKlon Auxiliary, which won Heatni!; the best the w orld , fll.Ht llrlze Sc.vera comely younn had to offer, in a splendid ex-: women rallied snaiipily in single , , . . 1 file in front of the float which was i Illinium ul KpltrnRp, JnrbuM. ...aniifniiy deeoiale'.l with red clad ilivin" through the tape, won . ioli. with a small slime In the rear. " . . ; lr was the name float which at by an eyelash. traded so much attention in the I When he picked himself ui (service parade of Thursday ntslit. ' 1 f ii..n..ai. Hi., flrtnt fintereil bv from the cinders his chest. 'as'ne Ashlani't l.eclnn post pressed It Meedinir. but that did not wo,- rv him. Those forever sin.in, praises of Nordic superiority' win I nole that Barbuti is not exact ly u Nordic, name. New York hopes soon to wel-inal come Polish flyers westward j l l ....wci, tlm .,,,, Mill.: ii ry liiiulhiK fields from Maine ! Florida hnvfl heon ordered I to . to look out tor litem. 1 lie! I - ship, the " Marzalek Pilsudski," ! brings two of l'tdand'.s military j Ijouis Idzikowski : air service anil Casiinir Kubala. J hose : oood Polish niinies take vn,i I pooil I ol isli niinieH i.me y on back to davs when liitun Poniatowski jumped with his horse from a cliff into the river in his eajjerness to pot at the enemy. , Scientists tell miinul'acturers the; auloiiioliil..' could save:, foe nntonioliile owners lilind- ioi nutomolnle owneis IMMI" reds of millions of pillions m ,,,w,,lm nee vent- liv hitildili" UilMilinn pel .Mill liy nuiniii cars with t:reat onipression. That will come as the price of iline poos up. Just now it paso is how much does the ear cost?" Later it will he. "How lnncl does the pas cost '? Dr. Harris, health commis sioner of New York, asks nut . oniohile makers to put the ex hiiust at the top of the ear. that the poisonous pnses may float up above the crowd, in stead of risinp from the ground to he inhaled hy the popula tion. To let poison from automobile exhaust pipes start above the car roof, above the heads of children In the straits, would he 3 good Idea. It wouldn't cost much to bend the exhaust pipe up over '.he back of the car. A So long ago that yon have nr most forgotten It. William Edward Hickman kidnapped and killed Marian Parker, 12 years old. The supreme court at last decides that Hickman is to be honged. lint he may dia natural dea.li, for hi- hatiging IiO postponed four more mint lis. No w onder criminal call "V (ContlL'uatd on Pag Four) Prize Winners Announced! Largest Crowd In Valley1 ', History Sees Biggest; Pageant Visitors De-j part for Homes Salem! Golfer Wins Cup Busi-! ness Session Ends. ; I'.rtiAin: wixxKits tiui ir Town tliauts I'.-is.s. first. t Ashland, .-ft'inel. ' Siskiyou cnuniy. ihiril. ('nininei'elal .iiM-cllams' Assn.. first. Owen-Ort'Kon, sccnnl. K. 1'. Ilurkc. ihiril. ' I'liucriuil n. a. it., nisi. I. (). f. seeond. : liiy Si'ums, tliird. I'rlvale Cars Nci. 4. lirsl . No. 1. seeonil. Nil I hint. I Willi the sidewalks packed with j people, airplanes soai'lni; overhead and under a hrlRht sun, the nr. jniiul American Lesion parade was i held yesterday afternoon before a i crowd of nearly in.neO, includim; a I milliner of state and national din- nltarles seated on the reviewinn i i stand in front of the Chamber of , ti ..,..r nit iu j Qf thu mils, s,RteBal'Ui i.eRi,,ii jc j0 Varl-1 ou.s wars in which the United j Slates has M sohiiers Inn-. .... KjsiiVm, float, which took n.ir.i ,.l:.r s well decorated and " : cauRht the eyes of the crowds as II ent bv. Out of tho entries In the fraler- and civic c inuu nf the nnrndt?. t I'.. tUuuKhterH of the 1-iu'rlrii!ranu. uuu-.i involution emerced with first place with a -nearly decorated nutonin un Tim i o o h ii nt' loot; fler0n(1 place with an elaborate "out s ami i the my scout eniry iook llllllll, niuif im- v.i-.v. - , t.ui, and fulled Artisans came iu "' honorable mention. Hie Morcliants' Association of Medfori'. Ill lilt." I.-I1MIIUI-1 uui 'i first with a booster float, '"os I showlliK results of careful plallliln- nd much time in its construction The Uweii-Oremm Lumber company , SP..mi place for its en I try. which was nn exception. in ilariie flout. Honorable mention was I i,-,.n in A niot-if -.-i n Fruit Crow- eis nnd the Western Auto Supply .company, r.. it, i.urse. tent mav ci m.- , - !er was given third award. I Kxtradition of Illackmer is nil ! Prizes were awarded to decornt- Ihorized under the provisions of ex led cars by numhers nnd the own-1 istlng treaty relations between this ' ers of cars which entered under overnnient and Fiance. Charges ,i.n, ' ,,ro ronnnsteii to come against the oil man were contained t )0 cbaniher of Commerce to I identllv themselves Monday. The , i lzM wpl.e xo. 4, first :! , So j, ,(l.ollll: x0. , third: i:t-It ; and 14-l), hotiornble mention. ,un . 0 ln(.yAeil j Kpvunl (Mvl war veterans in Hi" line of march, the l.lthians ot asu- !i...i n,t n.n r-ivemen in skin mil- frms from (irants Pass. Keriiv ' I'ost. the Inrnn oi ne . j Irt-Mmi ii.-juii , in...... - --- ic entrv of several members emu In "kid" clothes sucking nt untiles ; or milk. The parade also included j all drum corps entered In the stale : contest last nteht. No prizes were announced on the , out of town post having the great- j est percentage nf Legionnaires in I the parnde. but announcements arc ; to be made tomorrow, according to Cole Holmes, chairman of the pa-j rode committee. The order of the pnrnde: Itankin's School aviation Motnrcyctn rscort. Marshall of the Day. KlkV Mend. Comic entry. National C.u.'mt. f!. A. It. Wi.n.en s Il.-ll.-f Corps. Ppnnish War Veterans. V. S. ". V. lft A. II. Albany band. I. O. O. F. I. O. O. K. Auxiliary 1 o O F float Muskovltes. O 40 et S trrlin. I'.irtl.in.t drum . orpy. I.tons' Club. It. N. A. float. Rnued (Coni on rase Two) 4 Herbert Hoover 0 O P candidate for prssident. found a pictqresque spot near an old water wheel to cast his line but the stsel head trout for which the Morincrn Camomia sircam is Umeu de clined to perfornr while the camera men were present. ' . . iiP wiffi CHICORII1E Hll FY TARGET tl im nnwir. iw rv new phiff. np nriwoPMSi ; 111 UUIIIL UnUL Ul ML!! UIIILIjUl ULlfluuiuuu TO COME HOI Self-Exiled Magnate Faces Indictment For Failure to File Tax Report and Presidential Warrant Will Be Issued. HKNVKR, Colo., Auk. 4. iArr- .ewu orce was a p ineu louay n. . the I tiiteil Hiiues uovernment 10 : brliiK back to this country Henry .M. Illackmer. capitalist, oil ma-; : nate and nilssiiiK witness ill the i famed Teapot Dome oil case, irom 1 is refuse of self Imposed exile in A presidential warrant was is- 'sued empowering I nlted Stales At- , phai. lo,,,, an mer and return him to Denver, where indictments are peimim; . . ., .. i cnursins me on nu n . ' " III (.'OlIllUCllUll nil um uiM-f-'.ii tmt- uri to inaKR iiroper niconio rc- turns I'niled Statot) Marshal KUh- turn Illackmer as a fugitive from jusltce. Tlie wnrrant. addressed to the district attorney, was signed bv President ToolldKe and Secretary of Slate Frank H. KpIIokk. Mar shal ('alien will nwnit advie from Wushiimlon before proceeil- iim on Ills mission. I ' You hereliy authorized an 1 are j empowered," (lectured the w arrai't. I "to take and hold him ilttnckmeri i iu your custody nnd conduct him I from such place of delivery In France hy the most direct and con ! veuieiit means of transportation to land into Hie I'niled Stales, there surrender the said Henry M. ' Hlnckmer to the proper authorities ; iu Indictments alter federal tax liens for a total of s.i.ts..t.n...s were filed against his property iu Denver and New York on June I. itiachmcr went to r - ,r years neo when the govei n- 1 ment hegnn Its Invosllgallon ot the teapoi i.oiue ieac .,s fused to return since that time. WASHINGTON. Auc. 1. (A' ; Signs ol un nctlve rampatmi are . seen by the republican national 'committee In the demands for the time-honored raminien bultons. the pictures ot canuiuaies hii.i uie volunteer offerings of slogans, i poems nnd songs. I A tuition hearing the single 'word "Hoover" has been adopted !ns the otriclal label tag and sev eral million have bet-n ordered. In I response to numerous ' r.-qtieft-i i lllbn-iraphlc pictures of, Herbert Hoover and Senator Curtis have been ordered, running into many Imalllona. Demand for pictures was i reported as unprecedented. I (Jiil.nl il I' s of automobile tags land stickers announcing the repul.. II. an candidates are in the making. .1. for mmnaiifn Rttnirs. slogans : .l,u ..n.,ni..A rnnr.q nu.,iv ..f r,lf..rlnr hni nn selee i Hons. . o HITS DRY LAWS Blows Count Most In War On Gangs His Code -- Liquor Traffic Gives Too ; Much Money Shake-Up j Follows Fighting Police-; Head's Entry to Office. ' . . .-U foIlr'Afin til AlKr - .1 -l71l- A v ponderous fist that once bioku a eancster's law in three places rose (uckly and crashed to the lass-! i(,pp,.d dusk in front of t'liicu :o's I new commissioner of police as he . told of his hopes of litlilinit the city of calm's, shootiuKS and homb iniis. The movement epitomized Hie spirit of the new chief. Named to succeed Michael lluKhes after a series of sluiMiw-'s. kiduapiiiKs and killings had slink- : en the city durlni; the recent prl-! mary. followed by Runs; feuds. Hie j saniiy haired veteran stralshtened in 1 is chair to express his ideas. "Fists and not words are what count wllh me," he declared. "It's , action I want. Talkitw; policemen will have no place on the force, for t have no time for n policeman who has to talk." Action Is what Actlius f'ommis- ' sloner William F. Uussell not with ! In a few hours nfler his appoint. nient by Mayor Thompson, for he , . shiften some "I captains, n lieu- ; tenants and SfM) p.ilrolmen. He will bear the term of "acting'' commis sioner until the council can sanc tion his appointment In Hie fall. Two causes were given by the new chief for crime In Chicago and other cities -the ISlh amend ment and the Volstead ait. . He move them, he believes, nnd a great percentage ot the crime will cKisi, The illicit liqivor traffic provides the gan:;ster with too much money. LARGEST IN - HISTORY FOR WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.--I.1V-'I'he largest radio hook-np In his tory has been arranged for th-i broadcasting- of Herbert Hoover's speech of acceptance of the re- oublican presidential nomination to be delivered next Saturday at ll'.-ilo Alto. Calif. The cer.-m. Miles In the huge nindiuni of l.elan.l Stanford unl - ' .,v wm t)P ent tbrotich ""' ;ar fn 4 broadcnstuig , (.ouni,.v and fl-om stations lour "" jinoie short wave tranoiiuing s.--tlons for rec-ptl'.n in ihe t.-irl torlal possessions ind .-reign c.ilinlrlt-s. The notiricalloo exercises will i begin at 4 p. b . 1'aclflc coa lime. f;.,vern.,r C. C. Young, f.f Call- rorni.-i. will open the meeting. In ti n.Hn Ing Senator Moses, of N'-w Hampshire, chairman of the notl- .fl.-ati.in . oninlttee. Cpon form-- .-.1 noMfiratl'in or lifs nomioat.'.n. , 1 lr. Hoover will deliver bis speech j ..f a' .--l.l'.t.-e whlrh will lay flown, . hi. view." ca mpaign isMies. I' I tt 1 1 1 be Ills flit Oll'lre of til rain - i..ilgn and Is expected to occupy about 45 minuten. 0 linmCD'Q CDftPH HlrilmO UIUIUH ;" HUUVtlinPtthh- MrnnnTMAM; HIS GOLF MATCH it V . - OF THIS STATE More In Sympathy With New England Than Ore- , rated them. Alter ine u-iiu a ClOn Predict VictOrV for, over they Issued these stntelnents: J I "He called me. a liar mid 1 hit Cm'ith I R BflWCn 'him." Itev. Fllzuernld. ' l3.M. n;.,.. Cno jrlOgiie HlVCr, Oil aicllt-iWllh Committee. fOtrH..VN, Ore.,-Aiw. i.-trf, - The democralle slate commiltee or Kanlzcd l ore today and laid plans to mobilize for its drive to put ... , I tJrevott 111 tile oeiuocrnuc coioinii for Alfred K. Snillll ill .Vovetnher. The new officers are W. ('. Oul hertiioit, cliairman; Celia (.lavic, vice cliiiirmati; John Somniervlllc, secretary, ami Fd.nur W. Smith, tieasurer. Tile opt-uiliR shot of Hi. Oreson cniupaiKii was a resolution declniini; ihat Hie eoam'esslonal representative in the first district is more in sympathy with New F.tirilntid Ihan with Orenon, and the highest aim of Hie committee wait disclosed by the announcement lhal Oreunn will he carried by the New York i:overllor 111 tile Novem ber presidential election. T It e committee unanimously adopted resolutions plcdiiiti.; sup port to llnrvey (!. Slarweatlier for represenalive In the firs! coimres sionul district. A resolution al tackli'iK ltepris'iilatlve llawley. re pulilitan. declared lllal he favors New l-.nuland nianufa-torles over j 0r(,.,on' fal m Vailous speaker.-! declared thee Is more republican defection in Oregon than ev.tr be- fore an.l that the chances of carry- big Oregon for Smith are therefore H'-'11' The contest for cliairman wns I three cornered and spirited. The i .... ii. i,.. .1 v,.i..u rr w c f..ii.i.rtJ,. ..v,...fiir t . I. i...nelev and three for Cllhcrt Hedges. J. It. Ilnwen or Hogue HH'er was named Jackson rnunly committee- i man. , NF.W YtillK,' Aug. 4. One woman was klll'-'l ny bi.lt of Uuhtenlni:. another was ele.-- ir,.(Iiod on tin elevated railway third rail, and a poll. -email was billed HM hi, picked up a fallen . ... iv,,-. win, tnI1jeht when a vlo- lent electrical storm struck lb.' j,.,ihlng resorts near Manhattan. 'fidriint: the r-ily proper Mrs. Edna Connors. 37. .f ' onev Island, was wading al c.inly when the storm broke. I!ys;.n'lers s.-tl.l there was a vivid lightning fla"h which s.-em.-d to play about III" woman's head. She f.-ll without a cry nnd was carried to ft pa vllli A physl.l..n said the bolt apparenrly bad struck h'-r roll in the Car'- and she had riled Instant ly. A f. MEXICO CITY. Aug. i. (IP) eVere e.i Ct b'.!!. It " l-.stillg lll'.'l't or minutes sboow Mexico City ;?:i.l p. ni. t.i.lay hot no large 1 .1 - .Inmate w;is " 'e. Itoil.liug.l Into the ! nvay.d nnrt people ran 8tict;ta. TRAGIC DEATH mm mm mm fran wins MLnii uu 1 1 mm Political Parson Smashed In Mouth When He Re sents Being Called Re publican Louisiana Pub lisher Accuses Hoover of Reversing Flood Control Policy. lUM'STON. Texas, Auk. 4. Wl -.Maid scenes ol wild dlsordi-r. punctuated by shouts ot "liar," which precipitated fist ftcllts. the democratic county convention here today divided tnto two meetings, one by the Smith "retulars" and the other by the null-Smith croup. The spot in the imudemn- niuni at the county convention re sulted from an aiKlimi-ut between Clan-nee Kendall and the Itev. A. (I. l-'lt.Kerald. I'resiiyterian paKtor ol Houston HelKhts, a suburb. I'nnoticed amid the other dis turbances, this arttuinenl drew at tention when Kendall shouted: "You miRli to act out of here vou ic a republican. "You're a liar!" shouted Hie ms I tor. ! i Several men. incluilin-'; two re-j 1 porters, sitllim at n table, were be- ', Iweell the two men. I 1 Ki.--ii1l leaped at the pastor, I (IrlviuK his rlKht fist HtrnlKlil into: :the pruecher's mouth and then he i stepped hack lour or five stopn. ! Alien Itev. l'll.Kerald rushed back' into the flKllt, exehmiRlUK blows wim Ken.iau mun a crowd sepn- ever culled me mat ami Km ana) i it, ldlilntknowwli(hevnsj r what he was .--Kendall. FollowliiK ttdiouniment of thn I 'recular" democruilc convention,. the antl Smllli uroup. held a '0"-1 Went Ion of ilicir own.- Uiose.lheh-; -Uiwn deleeates and ntlopied n im.o- Union nsklnu that the stale com- llllltee niase .lie pi una.. .i i.. ...... i.ii....l,-.t(l fur ilemn. no- "m.. ,.u.r I CI lit It. mat pieii ,e ii .i.i. i ... -.; ..ii,im...i,i f.m n ...lee mvse f t while democrat and pledge myself i to support tho nominees of this i primary.1 i MOW Oltt. FANS, l.a Aug. 4. (Pi - llerhei I Hoover was charged , in a statement today by Colonel ' Hubert Fwlng, publisher anil demo cratic nnllonal committeeman of I Louisiana, with leverslng his pol- j icy on flood toller because he "had heard his muster's voice." The republican presidential can didate, he said, repeatedly declar ed both publicly and prlvntely while in the Hood district that he believed lite government should assume entire financial responsi bility for relieving the overflow country, hut when he appeared be fore the senate roinnierre commit tee he tent Ifted Hint he though' the stales should pay part of the costs. colonel r.w "'...., k ver aUeinple. to vn ,1c dir Ini, ''r.,! ,,,n """" h,. n barings , J' .1 -...... i ..... .... .,,.1,1 ,l,n ('..IntlMl ilSllOlgOlll, mini iii Hoover left Washlglon. He slaved away from the national capital some ten days. It wns common knowledge thut Herbert Hoover didn't want to come before Hint committee, "Hut the late Senator Willis, re- 'publican, of Ohio, vice chairman ot that committee, was equally ileter ' mined Hint Hoover should ho brought before It, and at Inst Sella- (Continued on fete flva.l IN STATE MEET Pol'.TLAND. ore, Aug. Oregon look a lean o. i ... . the on ruing Play of the Interstate' tournament nt the IJ.se .,sw.., Country club here today. Tho ,,cs,-l.ll foursomes were pbiyed j will, the singles to l,e playerl O.I l.iniorrOW, Charles s.-aver an.l Harry Klch ell.crL-er. Callfuroln. defeated D"n and liny Moe, 3 and 1, to win, Ihe only southern points of tile day. I'.lldle W lllieoo aim " Chandler F.l.B.n beat Or. "uii Hutiter. president of the California r;..lf nssochitlon. and Jn. k Mev ille. .1 and If, In Hie second match. Or. o. F. Willing, pacific north west open nnrt aiueteur cham pion, and Frank liolp, defeated Phillips Flnley i.n.l W. W. Camp bell, ..f Callforn,. r. nnd 4. I Oregon's lend Is slight as to- tmorrow will net. hes played ttuke, see the singles Willi six points at Mi-s. UIIIIiiiii Kelly BE ElECTEO IS i , i Fred Steiwer Junior Sena- tor from Oregon Regards Republican Vctory as HOOVER SURETO SENATOR S VIEWi Certain Smith Strength : ' The Artec's mcssuKe said- that zlh" I'lnne passed "In direction 7. 1 Exaggerated By NOISe Oi i degrees" in nautical lanKUnge in- I dicatlnit that the machine was FollOWerS. jtravelllnK east by north. i At Ii a. in. (O. M. T ) the Brit-. I Herbert hoover will be elected j-.KhtlBB a plane also "PPnt-ontly , the Mnrsailek IMIsudskl. In tnll preslilent of the I nlted States In . lnd 4fl 20 nor,h ,lmi longitude November by a larse mnjorlty" 1 5u J2' Mt,st . Til ix position placed said Hcnalnr Fred Steiwer last ' the Polish plane almost four de. 1kM aK , i,.f, f,. Portland at'ler ., , umlu,u smle ,,,.,.. , . .,...,. i..,n ot ,.,i,.t and actlv,. mf mblM. ,',,..,.. J,inl,h m.thuslasm" i 0ri.Klin.H jtI,tl. senator, "in al,.(,a(,y ,ynK ,,. whll(, ,hH ,n,hllHlllBln f,. Hoover, . (he ore more ,.oml)e.n, , lM M,.niy growing. ' . . A great many people are being .10-c.-lve.l by the noise made over Smith, ns an Indication of his po litical strength. Cnfortunntely for the governor of New York the noisy voter casts no more votes than the quiet voter. Hoover's support is a quiet support, but election day will show II Is a tre mendous one." "I doubt If Hoover actually car ries any of the solid sooth with the possible exception of Florida, which has enjoyed a great Influx of northerners the past decade, but ' oo leve iioover nits an even chance of carrying .New ork state. 1 have been Informed by competent political observers in tho east, that Hoover will go into New York city with a majority of 400.000. If this is true. Smith's strength In (lothnni proper will be unable to overcome "Time Is all on Hoover's side. The belter the American people become acquainted wllh him the more enthusiastic they will be for him. Iioover in my opinion Is gaining strength every .lay and Smith is losing. Hoover's victory may not be overwhelming, but that he will win I regard as absolutely! certain.' .'.'....,. ....... .-. .... Steiwer slil.t lberiirinerlsentltlc.il to relief nnd be believes Secretary Hoover Is the one mun In public life today best qualified to give It to him. "The equallzi.tlon fee of the .McXary-Haiigen bill" said he, "Is not as many people have sup posed a government subsidy. Hut It is ail experimental measure and Its practical consequences debat able. I believe that a better inetll od of h.-lplng the fai-toer will he devised by Mr. Iloov.'r and an nounced to lb.- people, when he lellv.-rs bis second spe.-.-h at his birth pin.1 amnaliMi In Iowa." ST, HELENS, ore., Aug. 4. (IP) both tho Aleo and the Amakura Following a report Hint a skele-1 r0I)0rted that the plane wua tn no on had b. found In a vat used i ft,,nrent difficulty. It la argued for cooking food for hogs ntjlnl,t lf (nB fiy.r had heen In Yankton, near Helens. Dr. .1. trouble or In doubt about their A. Flynn. w ho made an exnmlnn - Hon. today pronounced them "pis pones. , . ,.K. ,.,, tJ. oi ly ' Itrown 1""-1' ' bulbb-r of soine of America's h.rg- ..-. ."....s ,.....-. ..- re est horse racing plants, wns re- . M ..e.ni..n iu - ! night following a paralytic stroke. : .v.. . ' . ......... ynv.t . ig. rr) Hex Mead, lr,, brought to Port - land lust night from lleedsport. - 'wl,.. - , h. u... emitiirerl vMl..r.lnv .,.i,i ,h., action of the law for killing his, .timed hack because of bad wentn employer, K. I. Dewey. Dlstrlct'er condltlnna which made the At Attoiney Stanley Myers said n-lnnlle attempt seem Impossible, charge of first degree mttrderl 1'ndernenth this pessimistic view would 1,e placed against him., point there Is reflected the hope 4 that the plane came down snfelv TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 4. (p) 't tome place remote on the Kuro Ceorge Henry flllpln. St yeari old, hienn coast. A Ihe hours pass. i president of the Northwest Chair rimipiui)-, Tiicrinia. died early today at his home here after an Illness of 'a year and a Utlt. Planes Thought Lost In At lantic Mists Zero Hour Today Alarm Felt For Fate of Flyers Who Car ried No Radio Adven turers Prepared to Do or , Die. lXLSir,(l) An. 4. IP) The fllBlit of the Polish tiiins-Allautic plane Marzah'k IMlsiulski entered the mystery phase tonight. As the lonii hop entered the fortieth hour, meaner dispatch es received from vessels al sea telliiiK of the hlKhtiiiK ot a plane, presumably the Polish one. sug gested the possibility that the machine may have turned back toward Kurope or have lost Its way enroute tu the United Stains. The Norwegian lank steamship j Aztec, reported by wireless that I she hud slKhted a biplane, !re- isun.abiy m Marsmu-k pnsudski ; at 2:40 u. . tlreeuwich meridian time, latitude 44.22 north and lonKitude 24.00 west This would place the Polish airmen about 2nn miles north of the Azores ut thai lah steamship Amakura reported Kiees or severm . nuouicu ,,rer Kurope.- two hours and twenty minutes after belnB siBnt- ed by the Altec. ! The Amakura also reported tna. the plane, Which encircled the Dhlj) At lt:JWtlO)ie 'M hult a tlle. "npnroiiched front the westward" lunn oinapiiii. r u. ... i . .....r. ! very fast. The Polish airmen. Majors Louis Idzikowski and Kasimir Kubnlii. carried no radio nnd ship re ports consequently afforded the only means of determining the plane's position and the direction in which she was flying. Should the positions given by the two ships prove erroneous and the plane tin In full flight for the I'nltM Htntes, It should reach the North Amerlcnn cousf by dusk. If tho Polish fliers turned their course back toward Europe, they ; should have reuched the European i ,.0nst al least by noon. eastern , Htnluiard lime, today. No wnrd them . wnM rPo0lved concerning ,irlnit lne day nnd this led to the llllHo hellef that their compass I . ,,... ri.,i,, them nmt tml I thpy weffl r,yn(t , Kat cirvU, Another possibility was that toe rilers turned in a northeastern direction In order to skirt nn extensive storm area. The plane carried enough gaso line under normal conditions to remain In the air for 56 hours which would give the fliers until 8:40 ti. nt. Hunduy (eastern stand ard time) before a descent would become neeessnry. I.ONUoSt, Aug. 4. VP) A I pnNslblo error In transmission of , , ,,.- ,lt, itrl.lwl, Mtenm- ,. ., .,,.,,..,, ,. I night by pilot friends of Majors Kubalu and Idzikowski ns the basis for reports that the Polish ! flyers had turned back toward i Kurope. I "All or nothing." the aviators j are reported to have told Intimate friends ht-rore the take off at I.e I bourget. Tho unanimous opinion of persons In closest touch with , preparations for the flight Is that I the flyers Were out to accomplish their purpose or die In Ihe ut- tempt. i The fuflt In emuhasiacd thut 1 nhn,y to reach port they would j hnv cotnd down neor'one of the ships. London s Hunduy morning news- , t optlm,tll.. The lenr Is widely expressed that Ihe " fcjt ,hrt, waT tn ,1 mists - , Atlantic nnd oerhaos met i disaster. i e.tn A.ii.1 ...ntimiini In Inclined .... !.'.. ...l .v,n( the ... unrin vuu hwuuii-uh ...... 1 nirplane seep by the atenmer J Amakura Wan the Marshal Pll- Llldskl. The l.llolk are believed In taw however, without word of any kind, this possibility Is thought (Continued on tit 8U)