Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 02, 1928, Page 31, Image 31

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- - B -
oj.Wiovp. TIU'L'sDAYp .r;l'sT 2. I!LS.
Meiford Legion raieis Broadcast Frolics From KMED
Ihi- lift diif t.. hi. ;; of linif s..n.. liil.l -fliiiu Innl .as wHI wui'thu lillr- lOinu- in .riuil.l 1M1I1
.1- u.-ll as a s.iifly .r.-, m ... Tin- a.- in.1.1. .iu;. 1 . ii.iiis...ii,.tl..n ni-vi-r u .In. I moment In I he
U.ITIM .Mlhf- ;im1 l..s-.ll.!!itv ..T ilf- II. . (T l I :l (hi- IllOf V ;i It III . .Oil pPffm'tlUt llf .
o" uj wis oU i
.maw rami1
. H: FORD I,
Mail-Tribune Reporter Gets
Interview With Famous
Automobile Magnate
Henry No Thought of Re
tiring - Youth and Cars
Are Getting Better.
Ity Mitry (ir-mnri
HKTIitUT, .Mu-h (Spii.-iii)
There are nid ui.-n wm kini; in tin
Kol d plant iU 1 'earlmrn. M hhl-nan--l
hoiisa mis uf them. Some
iti e year-. old and some are
tin. 1 spt-Mi two days a mom;
ih- iii. wuieh"d -ni a! their viM-i-niis
inomitonou.- tasks anil felt
depleted, i nit- in pariieulur la'
einatod me. H
alt i' and his poor, weary soul
H-emed to hp fiyht im; a lo.-inr
hat lie hehtnd jts dull. hlun eoaled
windows. Hi' drilled two holes
in a eylinder Mo. k a:ul passed
ii on tor another ylmdee hhieli
in whi- li ln drill d two nior
lodes. Life t'or him is just on"
eylinder Mock after another. And
ho is a rowing old woefully old
on his a day.
if rourse i hero are you nom
ine :i there titan t his souk who
have snow white hair ton. litil
' t ho youngest (,ne of tin-in all it-
ilenrv Pnnl, a lad of
1 w:. mrAium.
M. , "
til . , r-lu
... S!;
The American Legion radio frolics have been regularly broadcast from the .Virgin-Mail Tribune sta
tion, KMED, located in the Sparta building at Main and Riverside. KMED's programs are enjoyed by ra
mus! have been aio tans in an parts ot the Northwest and Canada and members of Medford Post No. 1& have been letting
them know about the veterans concluave in Medford via the ether waves.
man leaned hack in his chair and aft
r the others have jiiwn up.
remiiifM'ert a hit. His hum t"is
ers eare.-sed M uf i'y's Firs: Head,-'
i'r and he smiled anuin as ho call
ed my at tent ton to the illustra
tions which forma study in them
selves in costumes worn during the
generation in which huoUs
Were pnhlished.
The iuiei iev was j;iven in the
prusenei' if .Mr. Caiie-ron. former
eilitof of the 1 H'urboril J ndepeu-
..1 deni, ami now director of puldh.
reiainuis for 1-ord, :.nd ( anier-
on's secretary, a Mr. Cilluri, (not
John, hut he miKht he his
as far as hioks are concerned t
who asked me how my hear, was
hefnre lie hroke the first lluUH
I that l was to he granted an in
: terview. 11 was sort uf nl-'c ha
j inj; .Mr. Cilbert there. He lias
sonic relatives or other over in
Lieiul, Oregon, u faet whieh in
stuntly drew us into a spiiu ut wurt n his chair and
comr.idne. "if -,11 On- men o
Although Henry Ford is tic
pei so'iil ieat inn of pojse, geniality
and ood nnturp hj n under i
battery of questions, there was
one , -finest inn duriut: the ititer
vicvv which obviously disconcert -ed
him. It was "When arc ninir
to retire".'" He asked in have
the e.uellon r peated cleared his
throat -hesitated a um men t a nd
finally answered.
"Well. I've nevr th.ot of that."
lie paused again and gropei).
tire.' That was one word he had
heard hack in llm days nf his bu -
hood. When he Used 1" shunt marb
les nil the grntJIld MOW occupied by
the building In which we were sil
ting. Mm unlike so many uf the
cilli' i- things he had heaid in
days, this word hud somehow es
caped his memory ami he couldn't
quite grasp its meaning and signi
ficance, finally he leaned f.ue-
r (if were
I earb.
The "slum show In be held in c"ii
jmiciiun with the areial circtii
late this ruftornoon ;it the taiv
.rounds i- t ushrou.'.cd in ib- i" si
m -t- i y Fourteen leumn pu-,t s
ll-Mil Various of the --l;H
h.i ve stnifird t heir intent ion ..f
coniix'tiiig for the iwn auiuliohih -.
. :el .ash awards for tie- mnM inncl
and entirialnlng sunn.
1 'ranis Mass, 'Salem. I'mvalli-,
Wanna. Kcil.y and Asiilaml are
-iniuug the mwiis having an iiti
Sale ni i to feature a great m
.nl uhiih is to be .:tiO u:ob i
lb.- aid., directum of M- 1 1 Mat.-,
ulin u-ts ills mail ai Mns.'hurp.
Karle Davis, who ;.:s gained a
wide circle uf friends as annnuuci'i
n. -r KMt:i. U to handle the no
a phi Hi at the M U ill show coin I" -liliun.
Ab dt'nrd pn-t is nnt pel ';: i t . . . i mi
iur. but to give the folks iVi-in
iiisiate a chance tu avo some ! :' I
tab tit. the Junior h.uli schon) li.u
. iti'iM tea willi some 1 .' t u
d'-m und.-r the direilimi nf Mi-.;
-M. ll.a Williams, will be a part of
ihe program.
Several local people will also
participate in the stunt show us
individual entries. The doll bugi:y
p.nad- :, called Off. a Well as
Welcome Buddies
112 South Riverside Phone 150
around ami talk
if their experience
a n a 1 ways learn
interest. Perhaps
ny great construc-
ed in ih
F.'i't.s..ii plants.
"I like to -pi
in l hem. nil i
1 find lhal I c
somci hing of
ll hmii'I be of a
tie value, but into their entver
Mtbui generally creeps some ouaint
little tlmi or perhaps a bit ni
homely, simple philosophy which
invariably changes or recreates my
own line of reasoning ---nnd at my whole viewpoint of life."
And as 1 left his office. 1 knew
lhal Henry Ford would always be
a very youthful man.
Wood nil ssiN-ia( ion
HANKOW- il'i Importers ol
wood oil to the I'nited Stales have
organ k'.'-d an a -social ion here,
with m arly all wood oil dealers m-
JJut that tcrricle, dear, Jolly -siuldenly swept away, it would be i
.Mr. Cameron. How 1 wished he'd ru-ther a lop-sided world, wouldn't!
! suddenly develop a coughing spell jt? The world needs youth, but !,
and leave the loom lor a few it also need experience, before
! .seconds mi 1 could, ask I lenry ;i progress can be attained. I !y :
tew of the insidious questions 1 knowing the past and acting upon!
I had prepared for him including . experience, results that sha pe Ihe j
I ineiv much he was contributing future can be developed much,
i to 1 lerbert Hoover.'.s campaign more rapidly, I ha n if the you l h ',
' (if anything); what he figured of today were deserte-fat the helm
the re.uilt would be in Novem- by these who can pass on that ex-
: her; and how he was sU-ep;r.g perience."
smile is the glow of a school boy , over those much discussed mer- The while haired man then elu
who. with his text books still igcrs in the adtumohile -world. ,cidaH'd hisaigunient by a few spe
held under his arm. starts off on' .Mr. Cameron however, had ; mples. He told of "ome
his.firat trip...of adveuLure in thejfouml out my fiendish n.oiivi. he- t
world. There is so mucli to marmioro ne iei me see ins cniet ai
Ki-al so much li a.-coinphsh along all, ami warned nie to steer clear
Ihe way thet there is no chance ;of polities, mergers ami the IK-ar-lo
t urn back or no desire on his born independent. To .nee that
part to do so. his orders -were carried out, he
Henry Ford is young for several arranged the interview in his own
reasons. In the first place he has off ice, which 'has an illuminated
never lost truck of his own youth, j likeness of Henry Ford on one
Jnstead of dropping his school 'side of the mom and a large pio-flay.-f
and leaving them behind, i lure of Abraham Lincoln on the
he has carried I hem. little red ! other. I hit in other ways, .M r.
school house, text books ami all ''ameron Is Very nice,
along with him thru life. On This digression while Henrv
his desk at iiearhorn one can see j was reminiscing. You remember
Ihe several volumns of .McCuf -, we h'fl him with the .Mc( luffy
l'y's readers, that the automobile ' reader in his hand. The dis
magnato has had reproduced for cushion followed as to how much
t he benefit of future generations, more Henry Ford remembered
The old ;-ons. that had so de- about the titles and contests of
lighted his heart In early hoy-his text hooks even as far hack
hood, are also part of his treas-as Ihe first grade, than the pres
ured possessions, ami In his spare jent generation of college studeuM
time now ho often plays them I tin about their senior class books on an old family melndeon , upon graduation day.
that occupies a cherished place "Memory is a matter of tratn-
You will lik
Better If You Stop at
aintiiif,' th. M.uvwiirs of ills youlh. Iiik. I li.-h.u-i-. he sniil. "In my
His i iillcrliiin of iniisi.; as il now j work I was forced to retain what rarhfs fat- licyniHl his; I had lPai-ni'il ami have it at my
own ivriille.'tiiins and tra. es tli- ; l'inm-r lips. The niei hani.' and
ev.ilnlion of popular American the scientist must have his tool-i
"nines' that had their oriRin In j on hand or he will lose time and
the days of Ceorne and Martha, sacrifice resulis. That no d.nil.t
With him are the early ve-is partly responllile for i..;- aliil
llicles and conevance of travel.! Ity to rememliei- s many of the
Including the quaint ancestors of. details that fill my hoyhood days. j
the present day hlcycle, the old-; 'Then perhaps another reason,
fashioned lniKuies. coaches and. why I have lioen able to recall,
railroad engines, in their various not only the titles hut the con-1
f.a::is of development. To the j tents of the MeOuffy readers,
carious ? ieht-soer they comprise ! while the present day studenta
part of Kurd's "antique roller-1 forpet theirs as soon as they di
tion," iliru which he will passieard them. Is l.ecause ihe read
ilown the history uf American ! ers of today have no tajiKl'dc
transportation. To the famous ' Kinsp upon the ImaKinatlon. The
manufaetuier these Ireasurers nre .McCluf fy hooks are full of poems
not antiques. He likes to think and stories thill have an appeal
of them as the undeveloped 1 to the childish fancy. Today the
"children" of the various Indus-; children concentrate on masteritiB
tries represented In youns Amerl-1 sounds and words, and the old
ca. Kuril thinks always in terms themes ot- stories are either dis
of youth.' j carded or made secondary."
"Human lieincs, like nutomo- One of Henry Kind's favorite
Idles are Browine hetter nil the pastimes in dunclnu. In this field
time." lie said in answer to my j also lie has not only mastered
onestion eollcerniiiK the modern! Ihe modern methods, l.ut has done,
nencnitloii. "The last hatch out prohaldy more than any one In
nre always the liest." This rathe.-; dividual In the I'nited Slates to
linique simile was not arrived a', w-ard revivlm, and prescrvlnK the
through a series of ;.-n.-ralites on ! "f l"'sl ueneratlons. In
Henry Kord's pari. As he him- hi iidnilninnition huildine nt
lf evol.iined he lias n.i.l nmple . 1 Aarljorn Is a larce and healitl-
opporlunitv to observe youth de.j fully equipped hall room,
veloulnr into manhood rlcht un ; experimeuta I work is carried
.lee hi- .oof In his tcchnici. 1 1 Ills art. A lamr
school of jnnn students at thejnnd dumh children have been
Kor.Knn plant. Hesidrs furnish-'tauslu to dance and keep per
Inij a c-neral education to the f-ct time to the music. This has
1...V. w ho are fortunate enouKh . lx -n nccompllslied by trainini.
tr. he enrolled In this school, tlvhem to feci the vihr.1IK.ns of
tudtnt is tB.iuht any trade oi-'l'e music comlns from a piano
trades he micht wish to pursue placed upon the floor
upon praduntinn.'
"If youth was ns hf--el'"-sly on
the flown ward o-zrnde n untne
v rit-rs tnda - woulil have n be-
Youthf ulness
Tin- rciiilino; soomi'iit (if
(lit! Ni'l;rinio liii'ocnl is
prin-t iciilly invisililr. As
:i result, glasses wit 11 N
kriiincs Jtii vo tile snnic
li n in Isoinc youtlil'iil up-ii'Hi'iiin-(!
us tin- simile! vi
sinil lenses worn liv the!
pfo li nf linliiy.
vim II"
Dr. Jud Rickert
222 E. Main
"Cot (A Bmtmmrd Babit"
New MIIHoq Dollar Anna
SO ComfortBhl Room
$2.00 per day up without balk
$2.50 per day up with bath
Popular Priced Coffee Chop
' and Grill
We Check Ysnr Car at tHe Dm
H. C. FRYMAN, Proprfeto
lUMmx h. wxa-oram
on in
l.'iss of deaf
ir. it seems that wp tvonld haf
a spleii'lid r.ppnrl unity to it
h'rf nmrnir thi Ian:1 L'.itherttH'
of st uder.ts. rant'iiie in aco from
1 2 year ttpwnrd." thn manufne
' Jjiirrr .ail and sutiild. "Inst "mi
of that, wo'vp found mnrr .erim;
mindf-d yoiinKt-i-r. intent on a -
li Kin t In the
u.ri,i h.,n .,.M h.ivn found dances nftrn. nnd urcorebne
In as lorff i
ln my youth.'
with them.
(Jihrr intrueTors are maintain
ed to trarh tho. old fashionr-1
danrpy to thnso nf tho younT
(eneration n't l"arhtin who wish
to learn thPin. and Hip pnriodlr
datieps h'dd benpath thp ronf ot
thp l.itcest m.'i-pif.T-turir.K pl-ml
(n tho wttrld arc always thp ourrp
f.f a deal of whole he-irted cay
oty on hc part of yonnir nnd ol!
who at tend them. Henry 1'ord
and Mrs. Ford 1akf part In thr
rollP.-tinn of hovtlMr. fampron. the famous m.ihu
The white halreJ facturer 18 fi-,ne-'-lTy Sing clronff
Medford Furniture
& Hardware Co.
Extends j
To Visiting :
o o and
Women's Auxiliary Memjbers W-
o li
"This is a Great Country" . S:
fp Greetings to Legionnaires
The sales service of the SN0B0Y-PACIFIC DISTRIBUTORS
is now available to growers in the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY.
Packing arrangements have been completed and tonnage is be
ing contracted.
Growers interested in a complete, high class, specialized sales
service should see Mr. W. T. Dougherty in the Holland Hotel
Snowboy Pacific Distributors
T. 0. Box !18P, i
lluinc Offi.a-, Seattle, Wash.
Disfiii't Offices, I'oi'l Iniul, Hood River, Medford, Oroson
Wennlehe, Yiilunwi, Walla WullDB Wash