PSGE TWO HrEDFORP TftTBTTNTE, MEDFORD, OREOOY. THURSDAY. ArnFRT 2, 1028. IF5 !! II II MFnFHRn I FfilflN KT HAS ; GROWN FROM A MEMBERSHIP '7 "r CHARTERS AERIAL AMBULANCE Tht ni'Kanizitt mn of I he .Met) ford I 'owl No. ',, A merie.'in" wliirh 1m now entertaining the post from n)b nurtM of tin- suite m their anninil cnnvcnilim, dates luu-k ti n nu-etiiiK of World Win- v-t-ercins held at the Hotel Holland on the enitm of July Hi, Willi 1 ." veterans prtrent, the foundation of the present siron post. An application for a elmrti r ir the new hhi u,im sinm-d- t.y ih. 1 dlowliiR Medfoid men, sonic of whom have moved away during the past nine years: Jj. Dewey f'nrdiii deary K. Carreit Carlton Martin U j yH 'I'honias iiiislionj; ,, Wllfrl (i. .MlksH... ,,:""H i.iKe A. Ci.ilillliB I!, r.rli-ve l-aul .M. l.'uimnl Chirk .1. U'.'ilk.-r Aliiik J., Cnlfinun , i-I h in- I'i-rly KlhtTl J- i 'olr-miin Jlulph 'owill Soon itf'C!' Ill liniilU-ulion lur :i i-hiii-UT, lilt inlaiil pnst ln-kan lunt-tinniiiK. wllh Kitlpli I. foWKill nn Ihi fli'fl i-omnuinilrr, Trfv? li. iumsilt-n, llrsl viPf-roilwnan'li'r, atMl IIhii'uc A. ( 'lalilinf-, first ailjtl lanl. A colty of a report thitol S'pli'inli'r I,, l!il!l, rfvi:ils Unit the ml then hail a memlHTNliip of 1 1 iih-iiiIkmh fully paltl up mill hTi mkiiciI up I'ut ipt paid. Willi Ihe arruury, n-iM'nt J-Kimi hfailquartf-r.s unliullt at thai lime, early meeting Were lit-M at the IJIk eluh ami ItofciH' Klver I'lil versity cluh fnr several inimtliH. Later lieailituarterH were es tahli.sheil at the National (Iimnl iu-ail'iuarlei-M iti the Natdtoriiim lull Id iiih'. Ihe Jlotl Holland anil the loi-al Ited ( 'i'ohk lieaduuai'lei-H. Kroiu Septemher. riO, until Kehnutry, llll'L', Ihe iiohI oeeupied a hall In the .Meiliord Center htllldiilK, aftir whlrh It moved to the Mnrnohuru. hall on .Main Klreet. There It remained until iJeeemher l, when the flrwt nieet- Iuk held in the new armory huilditiK on North llarllett Htreet, where It ha continued ever tdliee with the exception ol' Ihe several months that Ihe armory was occupied temporarily hy the county ori'lces while tin' new county court house and city hall was heinu constructed on North Central avenue. The rollowinK have heen post comtnanderH since knlph Cowill. the first cotnmantler, CeoiKe A. Cotlditik'. l!i0; I'runk I'. Knri'ell, lli-l; i:lmer K. Wilson. 1!I2:'; Carl V. Tennwald, ias:i; Paul u. Mcltonald, l!i2H; I!. K. McKlhose, Iter,; l-reil W. Mcheflel. ItiL'li; Seely V. Hall. l:i27; Horace Uromley, 1!ILS. .MemherH who have lieen iidJulanIM Blnce Ceorue CoihlinK are a.-i follows: Dlllini 10. Wilson, IMU; It. c. Holmes, I'aul M. I nard and Waller I. Dttnlap, JU2I; A. .1. Cruse, !! and I!l2:i; (iarlock, January l!'2-l to the present time. In Ihe nine yearn of Its existence, ihe membership of tin' pusl has crown from IS paid mi stretuttli to HM. The law urowlh was alii- j ed materially hy a. membership drive last year, which wail in the form of a memhershlii conlest wllh ItoMehuru. The local post won the drive hy tin eVen 1PJ niemhers. The aclivlties of the local l.cKiun post have heen many in .Med ford's civic life and It has long occupied u position of Influence In this community In l(eeplnK with Its stretiKlh. It has established a children's playR-round on lOast .Main Hired, at one time Its own olf course, takes an active Interest In Itoy Scout work anil last year con trlhuted Inhnr to complete the Hoy Hcout enmp 111 Ihe Applet-ale. country. It hns also heen taking an active Interest In the Meilfoiil airport and has heen hehlnil every civic move it deemcil of a desira ble nature. It Is believed that this post Is warranted In claiinlliK that It has attained n hlith decree of sui ss In striving lo follow alter the .high lilealii of the ureal oriianlzatlori of whic h it Is a purl. l I ' OifKim 'federal .overnmenl announces. KAI.HM, (Ire. IPl .More than The lull. Is are sullahle for Kfazltut J 2,111111 acres of land In 1 jilte i ilurlui; the sin-Inn. summer and county will be mien to entry by fall and will curry froni 15 lo 211 the general public on October ; head of cattle per il l" acres, lr 12. the general land office of the : vigallon Is prohlcinalloal. GETTING ROOMS FORLEGIONMEN IS ABIG JOB Carl Tengwald, However, Had Job Done Several Days Before Convention Only Few in Private Homes Delegates Num ber 280. following the Vtmplotkn of the ; nervlee parade. ThiN organization, the .(Dtyfiruund of tile J.eulnn. Ikih up pi nxl mutely j iift mem hern and HO pfp cent are reported to he fn the city, ineludlnx 1 'JO delegate. Their convention Hf union wa.s Keheduled to tte ipned under Will ('. Kelly, Orande Chef .de iti re and V. .r. Letninon, Krande eorrewpondant, hmh of Maker. Their eon vent htii is li ifown as the f Jiitnde Promenade and will lant only fur today. Tin American Legion Anxil farv hn aojMf'Xiinately LT.'i. dele gates, inclmlinK atQinates and iil - in bean their annual i onventlon torlay. The h-ul atixiliary will have a welcoming reception thi evening at the I'nivernity cluh for the lenders in the Jegion and the Auxiliary state organisation. Arrangemt-nts have heen com pleted hy the convention commin sion fnr events of the convention not to seriously conflict with each other and have designated meet -ing places for each of the or ganizations, which will hurry thru their cnnvejiiion business as nuick ly aj possible. The American Le gion convention, lelng represen tative of a lurger organization. wi.9 take the longest to complete, and today wns well under v'Av, with delegates reporting from U i respective district. Speakership Ki (tensive I.ONOON V John Henry Whitley, who has resigned as speaker of the house of com mons, is wild to' have heen oblig ed to spend $ I I'.VOOO of his pri vate fortune in seven years of office-holding, despite a tLTtitloa sal ary and a rent-free official residence. Uecaus his pain-wracked body could not stand the strain of a train or automobile ride, IGeorgc Frost, former electrician of Minerva, O., chartered an airplane to carry him from Alliance, 0., lo Geneva, N. y., where he was to undergo a delicate operation to mend his spine, which was broken when a railroad gasoline speeder struck his machine. Above, Frost ready to start on his journey. ' A judg ment of $25,000 against the railroad, which was awarded him, en abled Frost to charter the plane. TO JOIN -UNDY BARS THE W. C. T. U. li:Tl!(iT. Aug. -Wi Major Thomas !. I.anphier will become vice-president in charge of oper ations of the newly formed Trans continental Air Transport com pany of which Col. ( 'ha rb-s A. Lindbergh Ih chairman of t he hoard, as soon aw, his resignation from the army becomes effective. August L'., he announced recently. Major l,anphicr's heaihpiart ers will be In New York, but he plans to spend most of his lime flying over t he country superintending the operation! of the Trans-coiiliti-enltil Hues, he said. Me will con tinue to maintain his home at Mo ii nl Clemens, hear Self ridge field, where he has served fur five years as commandant and flight commander. CMAttl.KSToN, W. Va.. Aug. L il'i The liev. C. A. fiearhard, pastor i( l he l-'ii st Kpiscopa! church here, refused to permit a meeting of the Women's Christian , Tempera nee I "nlon cha ptei- in his church on the ground that it dealt with politics and so the chapter 'decided to meet in the liaplist temple. Mrs. .1. Walter lairnes was to tell ihe W. C. T. l members about Ihe "dry" conference she attended recently at Ashevllle. N. C. The Reverend ( lea r ha rr, told the pres ident of the chapter that he could not open his church for political d iscusslons. "It Is not so Important to know who is president as to know who is Christ, crucified," the minister ild. AVhat was expeoied to be one of the most difficult problems of Ihe slate American I.egion con vention that of providing rooms for the delegates, visitors and morn bers of t he 1 7 dm m corps and five hands, was solved hy the local American legion conven-1 g Hon commission with hut little trouble, ,-arl Y. Tengwald. chair man of the committee on housing, worked for sometime on the mat ter and several days before the convention began declared his work done. It was for him and hk com mittee to locate rooms for ap proximately ::mihi Siting hegion naiies. Despite this large num ber, there Is only a small propor tion staying at privutc dwellings, more rooms being found available at the hotels than was at first expected. The drum corps have imrtcrs in large rooms in vari ous buildings of the city, includ ing i he Crater Cluh dining room, sample rooms of the Jackson, Holland and MediWird hotels, base ment of the Med ford (irocery company and basement of the Clks temple. Uooms have also been provided for delegate;! and Visitors -of the American I. eg ion Auxiliary which is holding its auniutl con vent inn here also. While :iOOo American Legion members are visiting in Medford, only -inn are full fledged dele gates and with the alternates, there Is a total of rt!0 members directly interested in the official business of the convention, for which Leg io una ires have been ar riving from all parts of the state and some from various sections of t lie nort Invest, drawn by the wide spread publicity (ha; has been given t he conuvent ion. The -jo et x Societie, with 2 3 voiiureH j,, the state. Is holding its con ven Hon session today, be ginning t his forenoon and will hri ve its annual "wreck" tonight. The Rogue Valley Milling Co. Dealers in Feed Grain Hay Straw Flour Retail and Wholesale The quality of our goods is the best and our prices are right. Welcome Legionnaires and Members of the American Legion Auxiliary WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Phone 84 Free Delivery in City Full Load Anywhere in Country 11 "i'MIl I II NINH11ML Mill lillMi I Ill Il lllllll I I If Mil ifef II S jgiB 11 IIII11M1M LEGIONNAIRES j Medford Post .No. 15 f And AH Southern Oregon Are Glad to Have You Here! JQj'P Jfyj J THE GREAT ILLUMINATED PARADE TONIGHT AND THE LEGION DANCES-MEETING OF 40 ET DON'T MISS THE SALEM-MEDFORD BASEBALL GAME FRIDAY AFTERNOON-BIG DRUM CORPS CONTEST AND FIREWORKS DISPLAY AT NIGHT nOlVPT MTQQ GIANT PATRIOTIC PARADE SATURDAY AFTERNOON-GOLF-WRESTLING and BOXING SMOK LSKJlH 1 IVIlKjkJ ER and DANCING AT NIGHT CARS ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL-WATCH FOR THEM o o All Medford Legionnaires and Auxiliary Members Are at Your Seryice! II I!