o o O o TtTEPFOCT SIXTH TKTBTTSTnTOTOftDi OftEnON". fiUmvT, XTLY 20. T923. o o Rumblings of a Foot Creeker . Redwood Park, Cel.', July 24. To the Kdltnr: As many friend. ' write, "Where it Redwood Park," I II try in tell you. The park Is located on the western slope of the Santo t'ruK mountain. In i the neighborhood of 100 miles; south of San Francisco, The northern entrance Is by way of I Santa Clara. But that road Is closed this year for construction i work. The plan is to make the ' northern entrance "the great en trance." The southern entrance Is by way of Santa Cruz. Hut many i people take a cross cut at t'amp 1 Kvans, shortening the distance hy j I'll miles, and it's oyer a good high- ; way. U'e took the cross cut, which hrought us to Mr. Hermon. : We have now lived three weeks j In this camp of Cliant Redwoods. : As hp wander around and look nt these mighty trees we always j think, "Before Abraham was 1 . 1 am." Professor Newell who has ; The Hoy Scouts had some Rood . been a nature lecturer here told 'stunts and fanclng dancing. Hut us these trees were good sized they wore sweaters, Knickers and ! saplings when the py-mlds ff , jjoUl stockings. The tlirl Reserves Hgypt were built: and the lnteiWm.p Mouses, short trunk bloom-, Professor Dudley of Standford l'n-jerSt an, some wore stockings to; iversity. wrote of one tree: "lt;ln(. knees, while others wore only was 271) feet high undL17l years ; tho short trunks and nature's old. A. I). 245, it burning three stockings. They put on stunts,, feet wide occurred on the trunk. solne good, and fancy dancing. Hut This wound was covered in lOf, ;tnp dancing costumes were only ( years. In A. I). 1441, at 1.712 Khal they had on when they were years of age, the tree was burn-:hnrn, with the exception of a nar ed a second time. This time In ; I Ow snip, about one inch wide, two long grooves. After 1:19 land tied about the waist. Which years these wounds were entirely 1 reached to the knee. When .lane healed and eovered with a new j inj. nn,i kicking these strips whirl-: grow-th. in A. 1). liiKII another ed out straight from the body, i lire caused a burning on the xow we knew some of the worst i trunk two feet wide. This was ; pious fundamentalists in the V. S. ; hctiled and covered In 4u years. , Aonin In A. D. 1707 a great fire occurred a great scar 18 feet wide i.r, ,. hih ns reouceri in 14 L et wide in 03 years." Hut hesi(.ht, lo our horror they compla- ' laile,! lo tell us how long It look jcently sat there looking, and didn't : i., coini ihe rlnt-s nn,l rietermi ne : avan i, n ovn innthr lime the time of each fire and lo de- clde from the rings the number ; nien run. i of years it required to heal these ' The Salvation Army hold n ! burns. Professor Ferrow. head of ; meeting each Thursday evening, i lb.- department of forestry. In the -('hey ,rnK a hunch of good mils- Ijominion of Canada, ami a pro- , idans and real singers. We thor- ; fessor In the University of Tor- nugbly enjoy heuring them. And - onto, spent some time here. I 1h . tliey get a good Ruin of tnoney j claims Its Impossible lo determine i each evening. Kvery Sabbath aft- the age of tbpse trees, by the 1 ernoon. n Methodist preacher from rings and estimates they are not 1 1 1,, u U! pr Cre, k holds a service. He more than 2000 years old. Hutjioo. gets a good oll'eting. Hut he to ordinary mortals It looks as : preaches good sermons, though he i.,..,..h in.,- h.nn .iih cremion. . ,., 7,1 Here arc the true redwoods i 'e were especially interested In today when It w'as detillltely es ensteru California has the Sequoia soldier Joe Peslin. or c. !, aodth taulished that Johnson Is not 1 110 , (iigantea. which is a relation of I infantry, 77th Division, who lost , man wanted. Finger prints ol Meek Ihe Semnervirens: but not the true i 1,1s. l iehl lee. clear no 10 the erroin i sent to Hie local StUliOU 110111 redwood We were also told the . , . . (iigantea Is not good for lumber, hut the redwoods make the fin est lumber being capable of high polish; and ulmosl fire proof. .Many trees here have large burns hut flourish just us though no fire hud ever touched them. A monster tree near our camp, has been burned entirely through to the top. It's called the Chimney tree; The first time we saw this tre e, the smoke from a nearnj i fire-place jviih entering near the base of tho tree, nnd- the nmouelt, using only Jiis mouth uml while coining out ''"at .the top 250 feet !he, at the same time plays a ntet-1 Hagn wanted at t;ie Mall Trln from the ground. Jt gecm tho guitar. At his horn- in Oakland nn fflco. Mmt t ctnn heart of ti tree will, hum. if f Ire he w rites itisurance, and c.vening.s -rrrr-. tt .tt.tzli..--z enters. I'.ut the tree continues to j h broadcasts over Kl'O, KKKi. CLASSIFIED ADVCTrristNQ RATES live and grow, as though nothing J'KTA H, often singing songs of his' Ritw pir word lor (lrt inMrtlon, 2o; had happened. It gave me an own composition and playing hi ! " !lSD"dl!ll,1. '.T'SS Hi alu'Tw coming out of the green hranrhe of that tree 350 feet above me. .Many other varieties of trees and bushes grow here. liut of the bushes the huckleberry is the only one that grows profusely In the park, iiut no berries, not enough sunshine. .Many lovely flowering . hruhs and other wild flowers are seen here In all their beauty. No one Is allowed lo pick a flower or disturb any of the plants. Tills Is that all may enjoy their beauty. If a park for all the people to live hi for a lime and to enjoy the beauties of nature. Deer are fed every evening at five o'clock. The warden calls, soon the deer begin to come flown for food. Sev eral evenings a buck, doe and two fawn have playdd around our camp, lilue jays, crows, pack rats and chipmunk hover around stealing whatever may be exposed. Air. Carle found corn, wheat and Sunflower seeds In his shoes sev eral mornings; though no one seemed to know where the chick en feed came from. Hut there are many flourishing ranches within a few miles of the camp. People come and go constantly, especial ly do they flock here from the cities. Tired worker seeking peace, rest and quiet; and bringing their children out away from the paved streets, movie and all the olher thing of life In the citiea. Here they learn to gather and cut wood, fish and make themselve gener ally ueful. Kvery day a lady take the children over aome of the trail, telling them the namen of tree, shrub, flower, birds, etc. And the strangest thing of all to rne is, how well hehaved the children are. In the three week we have been here I huve not come in contact with even one had or impudent child. And j nearly all families have children ; with them. We hear much uid nowaday of children not being '. able to sit through Sunday chool ami church. Well those who be- ! lleve that had better come to Red- ! wood pork and tay a couple of ; week. Kvery evening an enter- j tafnmcnt 1 put on ot the "Bowl." i AJ1 the children are there, and not one but ha Hat there two hour; and aometlmes nearly three hour. ! And they sit still and quiet. A dour old Scotchman 1 heud war den. Me is Just and reasonable, hut he believes nil should have a chance to heo.r without being disturbed. One evening ome lad ies thought they could put on a (tetter program and started crttl clW In an aud'ble voice. Thec warden, w Ithout fear or favor promptly stopped it. o Thee 'Bowl" entertainments w-e impromptu. Bonft are most Excellent. He have had re;il music, and many good reading. Naturally (here is some near music, near-singers, etc. The Hoy Scouts put on some stunts one eve ning. The Oil I Heserve.i, an eve ning, and last night a boy's club from Merced, put on the best d our mind, that we have yet heard. JUST KIDS o UELL OUB LITTLE PAT 5 rXTMER HeVO JUST TOLD MR. STEBBINS OF A BAUD OF CHINESE: UHO ARE NO J IN BARHEJtLLt SJf.KiN& THE "5ACRCO DOl NOU IN THE POSSESStOM OF HR. CHEN 2 I "t VVI a. were present. We fully c,rt m see them r.m if noi t!l'rlci (Moiy. is the piotuniiou Lt least close their oyeH. Hut. and , i . i. fn,. .., ,i, !,. hearts will slop if we see these the Argonne forest. At present ' lie is first junior vice-coninmniU'r, Department of California, HlsiiJilc(t AniPrk'au 'eteran.s of ihe Woi'ld War. Ths younK man is making a rtesperaie effort to live a nor mal life and forget the horrorH of that forest. Hut it N evident that he is puttm a terril.le fiffht up to forget and to recover from the shock nf losing a part of him self. Kor these Howl enteriai li ments lie lias a harmonica tied u round hin head, . adjusts and playfi j pie of southern Oregon hear this i young man, it would he a real .pleasure for him if you send him a card telling him you enjoyed him over the radio. A brother ami family keep house for him. When not broadcasting evenings he helps these children with their school work, lie told me one day a dis abled veteran from Santa Cruz, having only one arm and one leg ami three fingers off tin- hand, left lo him, partly cut away, drove up to the park with his best girl. I said "Why how could he do it?" Jle cheerfully said, "Oh, we don't want to he entirely dead while we yet live." Hut how many men all over our land just lie down on the Job, con tent to let other support them, while these disabled men keep on trying and succeeding. Perhaps its the spirit in these men which has made them good soldiers. Willing to go even to death, or what, perhaps is even harder willing to live with maimed and broken hody, and make the best of It. MItH. cakm:. H A I ,T 1 M 0 1 1 1 ;, J u ly 2 S .(A1) A special meeting of stockholder of Dodge Hros.. I nc, held here today, adjourned until .Monday without taking action upon tho proposed merger with the Chrys ler corporation. Adjournment was moved by a representative of the merger committee after it had been announced that the commit tee did not have on deposit the necessary 90 per cent of stot for consumption of the merger. Bars wanted at the Mall Trlb- i nn nfflre. Must be clean Road Oil Cleaning Car Washing Hardie System We me special clKMuienls for rood oil. "Will not i jure i'meut f i u i h. No tttitm wi, Bvwt equip fnt ia Expert Poliliiea to 4 B fiisliio& Varunio CImo- Armstrong MOTORS, Jnc. 101 8. Iivrl4j qphoiif 18 u i - THEU LIFE.' TWEBE WelOHE WVK) "IUAN THIS RFftLL.T 1 LEMC IMMtlMATCtY 0av6ER? THIS IOOU let Tlir KtNSMAU IOHO U)i,.L UHTIU SOCM TIME A-5 m'WSk " " CMtMrS V PARC vUiTH ME UPON THIS " vviiv- I TOR, TUCo WEAPON V I HftVF COMET J ' ""V TO VOVJ r- I: .. B& V TOUI6UT PRESENT WAR PIJW In keiplng with the slate Amer ican Legion convention spirit, the Krank theatrical company, which has been appearing in Medl'ord for two months, announced yes terday that it will stage a spcoi'il performance in benefit of tho lo cal American Legion post nel Thursday evening ; Immediately following the service parade. "We're In the Army Now." adapted from the war film. "What 1,1 he offered and will begin tt 9:.1fl in the evening. I he I rank playerR present three plnyn week-'. l and next Saturday will re- peat "Parlor, lledroom and llaih and tonight will present Tho Road to Reno." The company, which appeared years ago, does not include :nany of tho former players, new ones huvllig taken Iheir places. The lent show will I'Onlinlte to play In Medford for an Indefinite time. TAf'OMA, Wash., Jnlv -S. IA ) Howard Johnson, arrested here Wednesday 1)tl susnii km of helm; John Meek, wanted tor murder In Klamalli Falls, Ore., was released ri.iam.nii "i , ...o ...... n. i ihnuo nf llinon lnl.-eii here. I PORTLAND, ore.. .Inly 2S. (P) I K.iHtern lawyei-t. reiuinlnK from , the convention of the American iBar iisKochitinn at Seattl, arrivei j here In two speeiat trahm today. and were entertained hy a eom- ;niiUe(, of ,.ort,and lawyer. Some , of tliem were taken on the trip lover the Mount Jlood loop and 'rolumliia river hihway.s. Others 1 jwent to ttonneville for a salmon J luncheon. fUnt, tc, and nount thsit words, will Moh Inltlalt UIphona numtur, tto M a word. C last If ltd adt oh In advanaa and not takan ovar phjna, unlMt advartftar hat monthly aooount. No allowanoai for phona irrora. WAXTKO MlPn'KMiAXKOCS WANTIOI) A M.Mlli.nl ri'siil.ni-f or liirom. proi-rl.v uml liav lo nff.-r ii nii-jiV-ro ImiiruvtMl nnd Inik'.it.'.l much In the l.unnell Villi. 'V. Kliimiilh Kails, fully stm-k.Ml unit i'iIi"m1. "l h $i(iiiii crop in slKht. Will carry l.i tl-r I han I " hi nd nf sh. i-p Write mc what you have n offer. K. (I. Klnuwi'll, llrolter, Sulhcr lln, on-con. '- WAN'TKD To hear from owner of land for sale for fall di livery. O. K. Ilawlev. llaldwln. Wis. l'.'K WANTK.I) To rent a f.-rnom house. Well furnished, niodern with garaue, close In. 41X K. Main. I'hone ;:,0, lis WANTKI) 2nd hand coodi junk. . I'at's. lMti l'runo. C47-I.. and Tel. i :t3 WAN'TKD Shoo repairing; expert tvorkmaiishlp. first-class mate rials. Men's half-soles anil heels $1.7.0; women's half-soles and heels $1.00 C. j. Klild Co. critf WANTKD--Ulcyclc lepairlllK, lawn mowers, knives a n d shears sharpened. HopnlriiiK nf all kinds. Work ituaranteed. star I'yclery, 114 X. Kront St. I'hone 690. 41tf WANTKD-I.awn raowem lo sharp en; phonographs repaired; rub ber tires put on tricycles and baby hupii'-s' (jeneral repairing and locksmithlnK. Call uml de liver. .Medford Cycle It Itepalr Knopf successor to Liberty He pair Shop. ('has. Klsher, Prop. la.N. Kir St. I'hone 2C1. r. t f VANTK1 SITl'ATIONB WAXTIOD Position as housekeep er. Can (live references. Iqulie 1219 West 1011, St. Ull' WANTKI) Housework, Ironing, newim;, mending. Phone 1345-X or 934-X. n!i SM.KSMW WTl:l DA-LITi: HICNS! llilfnlnit ONI.V DAVI.ICHT! Startles Americu! liaj.zllncly llrllllant: Sensational Demonstration: K 1 1- r I r I fvlnir ilreat Summer Seller Da-Llle Slitns ;:.4 West 31sl St. N. V. c. i; WANTED WX BUT POE CASH AA V&A Fataitare o ami Rmi o CaU 0D5 p a. tkinnet Furniture Houit 315 Knit Main O. o RCAUZE-S THAT FAH MO Re UCH-0ISTRE?)5ED PCrVjON - I MOST FOR ANOTHER OTY TO PLACt WAMOS CF fA TRUTFA GUARD IT UlTN HIS UIFET OJE MAV "jArELV CARRV NOT TAUG MY UTILE OH DAHGEROUS Mission AWO MATillMONIAEi W KAI.TIIY. for all: pleasing sweetht-art rile enclosing stamp. 1 Station II, t'levcliiiiil. 12S .UAI.K WANTK1) Kariner or farmer's son or man lo travel In country. Steady work, gooil profits. Mr 1'iinnnii V Company, Dept. t'-.".7. Winona. Minn. 1'-' AIK.N (let a forest ranger job; Sl2."i-J2"0 mo. and home furn ished: hunt, fish. trap. Wor de. I:iils. write Norton Inst.. l"ix Temple t'ourl. Ilcnver. t'olo. 12S WAXTKll loo 'pear pickers, men oily. Apply So. Oregon Sales office at No. Central between 7 and y a. in., and 1 lo 2 p. ". 1 2 II F.I.I' W ANTFI. FKM ALE wANTKO-Kxperii-nceU m;,i,i. i;,ai,, Hotel, chamlicr- 1 2N WANTED At once, two girls; must be neat. Apply in person. Franklin's Cafe. i:iii WAXTKO Maid and cook: good wages, t'all Mrs. Daily, Phono r.72-K-:i. evenings. 12!'' : W'A.NTHD A woman of good ehar i a.'ler lo cure for 2 chil.lr.-n 1111.I take responsibility of small home. Mrs. I-:, l.esler Newbry on A nil, -rs. .11 road, or writ.- Kt.x 77, Talent. 12S WANTED Experienced confec tionery girl ut Crowsnn's, Apply at once and in person. 102tf l'OIt ltlONT FrilX I S II liD ROOMS - - - - "",. , el It.MSHr.u looms aclt.ss from paeklm; houses; tmus'keeplrm if i desired, and b.-.th. 43s S. l-'ir. ! 1 HOII.M dale. "IMione ' f,0-X. 700 S. Ook 13r,' FOH KI-:.T l'leasant room, mod ern, close In, with hoard. T16 Ktlst Muln. 300t f FOIl RUNT Knrnishoil nlcrplng room; also Karau. 8'J5 So. Hiv ersUlc Ave. tf TOR Tt KX'I'A P A 1ITJI HXTS POIt HUNT Will have duplex upt. on l-:asi .Main street vacant Auk. 1st. strictly modern. Apply W. A, Cites at Crocelerla. 12s KOI! liK.VT litichelor n pn rl nient . 44:". S. Kronl. ' US KOIt I1KNT I'.eaullflll new apart- I mi nts, just finished: has friKid- I iifre, hot water, steam heal, elee- ! trie stoves, laundry. S. II. Hawk. L'4 So. Crape St. Il'7tl' KOI I 'I1KNT ii partmcnt. dale. - Desirable ,1-room Apply .IIS S. Oak 124lf Foil HKNT Furn. 2 and 3-rm. upls., Kurage. 004 W. Kith. tf KOIt HrtXT Furnished 2-room opts; private hath, electric ranire, hot and cold water. Phone 12. 21tf FOR RKNT Up-to-date furnished apartment and nurage. 1122 H. Oakdale Ave. 72tf M isri:i,i,A i:t i's K'tll! III1!K Cood learn to respon sible party. Phone 4liK-l:-:i. K'li. KAI.SOMINI.NC : . r. f. per room: paperhanitliiK and paintiUK. 334 W. lith. 132- LKT MM do your hauling and save yotl money. Ilawley Transfer, til X. Klverslde. Phone 1044-X. 139 FOR KNT HOI SLS FOP. HKNT Modern hunua low. unfurnislied. Crater Lake Ave.; newly reriulslieii inside and out: $2". per mouth, lianlster Altcncv. I L'H- KOH HKNT -house. 124 Small furnished Lincoln. 134 KOH HKNT lllt'll-class new 4 room and hath duplex: close In; unfurnished. S24 X. I tail let I. KOH HKNT 7-rooni House. f.l W. Jackson. j 2 K KOH HKNT 7-ronm furnished house, 4 bedrooms; 11311 West Main, J32.50; water paid. '. A. DeVoe, BS3-J-2. If FOR RKXT Homes. Furnished or unfurnished, Urown & White. , 7lf Junk Wanted! Bras Coppe Aluminum Storage Batteries We alao Buy Rags, Tubes and Bottles All Kinds of Second Hand Furniture and Tools Medford Bargain House Sj'27 N. Grape-Phone 1062 O o q UKAF j IT GRIEVE'j THIS HOHP,l V. CAN CPERSON TO IMPOSE. UfVm Ml', 1 u HONORED Mt'RiOAM f Ku NO, for vouAgur Vdu aho our t'yixvcr MR.CHFM?WFE HfWF. SttOuiN Much KIMPHFS'S TO MY LITTLE Sou AND T IS MY CARNCST HOPE THAT VOW WILL CONSENT HIM ton! YOU tOfTFK. OH MY I ENFORCED f&A ENFORCED absence: I'Olt ItlvNT MISCri.t.AM'OrS I'm: i:i:nt- I land Stor 'abln. Pais l:l-:XT Pasture. Phone l.-.-K-H. i-'oii hi:nt momh. Vi Ave. -7araKC, JJ.tnl per i South Riverside If I'Olt sai.i: v.v.w, rlSTATH KC II! SA1.K I haw of prop'-ny In the at aui'acti'e price or lernis. Stone me w hat you wanl Tl'iliuio-. SCV nil pi valley for sill. I'.ilh. r cash trades. Write l'.o IS. Mail 132 Fill! iAI.lv- g 1 lilllll. I I-. acres in Iron. ' acre oer li.s. balance alfalfa: S-rnom house, electric lights: chicken house. Price S21i.ll; Sir." cash, biilanoe In 1 asy Inslilllllicllls. S.'C Charles A. Wing Agcn.-y. Inc. 1 211' Sr.MMl'.l! IK1MH SITK Choice acreage, lols. 011 Itogue river, tor piofll or pleasure, outdoor prop. ciiv Is niv s itilty. Prices ami terms right. I . I-:. .Millard Co.. 4 I II Main. Phone 1122. 13:1 Km: sai.i: -in" (111 tlillll nr hltil.lltlt'.s iMIil Jliriilt': nil tin li vm inn. I''Iih I" ;iiT' lfV'l limit- ilniry; x.,l Ui 1 1 iHiHiii'nt . 1 '.mill , ci-HH all in " liltt- . i-ii I ion iu-:ir t'hiH-- lux. i::iri;tin rl-- mily V'.t Kii.v friiis :iv:iiliil-l-. T y, :iMi l.il.oriy lllilu. nil: SAI.i: A real orchard l.viy: 4:1 acres, 1:". in pears, mostly KnrtlctlM: apples. Newtuwns anil Jonathans: rich soil, all mi ller water: about 4 miles mil.; I'rtee for quick action. x:lao an ( acre, iticlu.liiii: crop estimated at j J.'.l.ail. o iiicitml. ranees. Cood terms offered. A real oppor- I t ,,i... II 1-'. Mill.ii.,1 l '.i. 4 1 II I K Main. Vholle Hi".'. I :i 1 KOI! SAl.K .'. acres frontiiii; Mil lionaire road, unimproved, fine soil, laylnu nice with wonderful vi.-w: irriaalion wtiliT. Ilay llils. 7.".(l: J;lllll down. I.alance easy terms. II. K. Millard Co., An K. Main. I'hont! 'JL''-'. 1 - - j al estate. ! tfl WIIKN VOK see r.rown tlitnu of r. .t While. FOR KXCHANGIi - Wil l. KXCIIANHK .M tif.ird pn ertv foi- land aloun river between Cold Hay and Trail. Suite size ami value. Ilox HI. Tribune. I:! WANT KD Co o d car as p a rt pa y meul on nearly new, model n home on noinl paved street: fur niture for two ho. Ire. mis and kit chen (imluiliiia electric raiiM'j; also curtains and shades for en tire house; lawn mower ami Har den tools: new nuninus; lots of shade, shrubbery, flowers and berries: Harare and driveway. Small amount of cash and ttoo.l car will handle deal: balance ;.1u per month Inchiiliiiu interest at 7'.;. Welle llox C. I''., Mall Tribune. - I2X W'AXT TO KXC1IANOK A Wur lltzer player piano for lale model HkIii ear. Phone O-K-2 1, Ash land. 1211 KOI! THADK Slock of hardware local. 'il r.ioil valley lowll. doim; Kood ouslness, for trade for clear property in or near Meilfnr.l to Smiiih. " I'.anlster .clicv. Ida W. Main SI. I ' KOI! SALI-: Ol! TI!AIK for Valley property, .".ii-nere ranch near llosebiiri.. uu itixni gravel road. Well Improved and equipped. In cluding cows, chicken .turkeys, etc. Write l. II. Dynite, Mel rose, ore. lux I'OR KM.lv I.I V l:STOfIC KOI! SAl.K 2 A-l fresh cows. F. Slaneliff. Central Point. FOH SAl.K Milk day. Phone nr.7 ow, 5 Kills, tier L. I2H rim DiwiHii'l. SNir I lie HIhiiicIcm Of the 1.100,00(1,1100 unmiul flro Iohh tn Hit I'nitcd HtatcH $111,000,000 worth at prnppr ly Is (f!Hlroyc( by tho earn leKHiifHK or tKHorarw-e of mt koiih othr than tin- ownr8 or occupanlH. TIiIh LMionnoiiH Iohh rpHiilts fMitlrHy from the commnrtl rutinn of ffr from other hiitllinn, and doK not In cludf tin- da in am doiiP Ui th: pr(;iiiiB'H on hirh the flto originate?.. Your nrotfrtlnn aKafimt ttitH ort of rink Ih adequate flro InKuranrp. I.ct in consult with you. Ittimn A- Whiff Agf'tiry, Inc. .t. ('. Colli tm, ytKr. llolliiml Holfl llhtg. I'lwimt i:ui. WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your BECOND-HAND rURNITURlS Scott Woolf o ei I THINK. I CAM OPTAK FOR. H5. STEBB1N3 A"i LOELL P-i FOR MYSEXF IN SfAYINO THAT UIK !0tl.LoU OIl-V TOO 6LA0 TO HAUC YOUR BOY WITH LIS WHILE YOU ARE AWAY AND MTH ALL MY HI! ART I UMSH YOO A SAFE' ANfl SUCCESbtUL JOURNEY TO KEEP OURINC THE' Itl'SIM'.SS OPPOHTUXITUIS P.I 'SIN ESS oPPOIliiNTI'V A. real business paying fllSII Per llionlh lid: good lease. l-.xccp- lionallv g.to.l lor one nie.ha nlc- :,ll. Inclined, li le.luc.o 110111 yi.on.l 10 :I20'I lor .llli.ii sale. Sec Charles A. Wing Agency. IMC FOR SALE ol! ENCHANOE Ex cellent caie. inlying good, well established business. Price '... ;.ioi. Would consider Mellon! 111. properly. Sec Charles A. Wing Agency. Inc., exclusive agents. Kill! SAI.E--Mcat market: fine lo cution, doing go.nl business. A wonderful opimiiunlly l'-.r some one. Easy terms. Sec Charles A. Willg Ageli. V. IOC ' " FOR SAI.I-. HOMES IKi.Mi: HAlitSAIN - rooms: :l I'd rooms, l.alli. screen porches, rariiltc anil woodshed: l"l "."si 1". line soil an. I simile; assessments till paid; ;l I. locks from Main and , Itivel'sl.le. Trice incllldinu lalllie' MXim: $.".ihi cash. I.alancc -' month. I", i:. Millard i'i.. 4ia K. Main. I'ln.ne Vi-l. 1 :t:l H.AKCAIN- il-room modern hoiif.e on pavement, n.-wlv painl oil ami calsiunine.l; l.' lots: v.-i y easy lernis. Waller .1. .l llli.lv. inn! No. Cetllral. I'hone :'MI. A KNAl'- 'oil will have lo net quick. A new modern :.-rootu home wllh all the l.ulll-iiis and liri'plaee. wired for electric ranue. canme. Thin has lien held for K:tf.nil and is worth every rent of II. It was cut to L" s r.'o today: $t',T.ll down, balance casv. II is close in and on tile pavement: fine locality: all as sessments paid. French Ac Al woo.l. H. Norlh Kir. l'.'i)' j l'' It KAl.lv Modern liniiKnlnw, C .ollls. hath and breakfast nook: east from; laiv raraue with ce m. nt dilv. liiilli f. r a real home, lil l So. Holly. See owner at t!2 So. Holly. I'JS ) KOIt SAl.K Modern 4 - room house, two veal's old; close in: Karaite, fine law n. shade, paved street, .lust what you want for small family. I'riced very low for quick sale. I'roperty sliown after 11 p. in. or on Sunday. . 3;t!i N. Ivy SI. l.-oll SAl.K l.arae 6-room mod ern dwelllnit on West Tenth St., with shade trees and unraKe; property has been occupied as a private school and dwelling, Is eaMlly converlllile Inln li or 7- room house. Priced way below actual value for quirk sale. To- Mil nrlce olilv $277.0. Small cash litivmcnt w'lll handle. See Carl , Tetm-wnl.l al Holland llolel Hldli. , or i:arl S. Tumy at 310 Liberty! hiiIk. ai'tt ; FOR HALM Summer homo at Shndy Cove; new, modern, com plete. Phone 23H. Klitf . FOR HALF. House, lart;e lot, tin. North Oram.'.-. House under con- striiotlun. Now is Ihe tlmo to buy nnd have II finished t I suit. Price Is rlahl. See this property before you buy. Phone X32-W. or Inquire at 32 North Orae" I ICtf roll SALF Al TOMOHIIiUH KOR SAl.K. Two Hen Irlloks. K'"il coil.lillon. Jllsl overhauled. Kluc for fruit haulim; work, cheap, lill W. IHh St. 130 FOR SAl.K ol! TRADK -New 11128 model ipe. li cylinder, for trade for olher property, or will sell at iliscounl for cash. Hanlster Aiseney, III.-, Wesl Main SI. 12H FOR SALK 11120 Ford truck, ir.00 Prune SI. 220 FOR SAl.K Kllldebaker enupo. Al condition. Cheap for cash. Tel. 70. tf DOfiH A7III I'KTS .'l)R SAl.K I'olntef pups, r, nios. I old. I'apers to r.-Klsler. I'hone aiin-w. tf -I'alr of ulasses tit band eon Kinder have ill Mail Trlb offl.e. ll'S B.. I FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS ARE Members Medford Realty Board ONE, TWO THREE AND GO! Cain price on this hnldini:, which will paralyze you if you have it nervous system. A GENTLE SLOPE AND BUT LITTLE FROST AT ANY TIME. And the very best of pear soil. Water under Med ford ditch system, with "Klood Water ItiljJ'1" I)n'(I "P. TnUw ins annual cost. This is one of our famous tracts, but dealh intervened and owners are tirant.'ers to the possibililies of our pear orchards. Quick ac tion is absolutely necessary. Hotel rieih Corner By Ad Cartel FOR HKNT IICft'Sf.HKKI-INII ROOMS in: 1 : 1 :nt :l:l4 Apple. II E N T Hons, . . - :i:n A . ping 1 l'OIt SAl.l: MISCIvl.l.AMdl'S s. 1 . i-: I'litioi .ipii I. I. inn nr. haul. t.s until I J FOE SALE PuNsitMil.' will! lace and frills, read. I1.1 bal. : led silk kuil dress, never been worn, size :n li li". 12s FOR SA I.E - Al.oiil good gl'Uiil sacks. Phom :l.'.. Kill! KA I condition. ' N'ei'.n-C'ar; flrst-rluna sr.". a ..a . i. e. i'hone ;.:i i-l.. i:tn I for soineoti 'til! SAl.K Hidden ltatitam corn for eanninn or .living. e i sack; extra i;ood corn and prac- ! llcally no worms. Co. I la ft I. v. I one mile north of Talent, just j across from Ihe county farm. l:ll ('tilt SAl.K -cheap, nmhrella tent. I us l n. Call 1 :t 7 So. Ivy. I'-'n .'l lU SAl.K luesse and dininr. (aide. . jars. 1. II. In-ew. I'aell'ie llle.hway. is. dishes, hose hairs and Iriiil llox South i:vi Kill! SAl.K - Wi. ker l.al.y carriaite. I I'll 7 W. Main. 1 !' KOU SAl.K. -- Cliainplou peaches now ripe. ('has. K. Cray, near liock I'olnl hrlduc. Cold Hill. KM KOU SAl.K Al. mil Tan pounds No. II telephone wire. ;ic per II.. K. W. Carlton. Central Point. K13 KOI! SAI.I- Apricots at Ihe Top Notch orchard, lie a lb, Season about i;oie. Klul of Kinu's liiith way road. 1 2 s KOI! SAl.K. Cood used washing machine. Call at Maying Shop. I'JS X-l, DO-NI'TS at liny Mt-ocer. Van don't know what n ;oud doui;h tlllt Is lill you've lusted X-l.. Local product. Kill KOI! SAl.K -M. HlackherrloH. call 121) if ; chick i:x Dinners. Covered Ul Waaon, FoH MALIC For sand and arnvel, , sediment and ireueral leamltiK, phone !i2-.L Sam'l Llalcman. 'If , ; ; Hill SALI. -l si d sew'lim ma- mines: all nuiKcs, :, up; lernis If desired. All makes rented and repaired. WllltO KeWllIK .Machine !4 Xo. Bartlelt. lilt hi'sinkss rnni:rTORY Ahslraetiin MURRAY A 1 1ST II ACT CO. slraels of Title, Title Insurance Rooms 3 mid 5, No. 32 Nortb Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON t:o. AllSTRACT . Abstracts ,,r 'rule anil 'J'llle Insin' lincn Tho only io in ii I f o Title Kystem In .lurk htui tVinuly. A. F.. KKI.LOlKl Alislraclnr of Tilles, HI. 2, lime 101!.., Medford, Oregon. Heliable .lackson Coun ty Abstractor. Twenly-elitht ycart experience and near forty years In the county. Special work only. tf AllornpyN A. H. RKAM KS Lawyer. In Liberty Kulldlnu. KllANK 1". l''AI!l!i:l.I., lawyer, Cialerlan Theater HldK., Med ford, Ore. ( blroprucllc Physicians IJH. K. W. HOFFMAN Chlro practlo Nerve Specialist. Otflr hours 9 lo 12; 3 to 6. 20S-2IH I.lberiy KldR. Office phona 610; He" phone 700-11 And be rpndy in jump quick! Just for tnilny wo can offer a pear orclinrd wliioh lias fair crop maturing uml on ti((liti!i'ii acres there stand us fine a lot of 1'artlett trees lis ui'ow anywhere, in full bearing. Crop inelndcil, wc can inaUe you n bnr- HOMES PHONE 329 RO. BOX 934 Blue I'linlerd THK ULL'K PRINT SHHP -'om plete Hlue i'rint Servire. High class work. Sun Krnncisi o prp es. Downtown office. Medford Hook Store S4 No Central. Phone M.w Ctiuirtn.'lri R. I. fiTUA RT i SONS General Contractors. Including h a s e menis, ditches, all kinds of: ceni-nl Bnd concrete work. II. I. Stuart, 217 Appl". phone K4II; Oilbert S'.uart, 17 P.oss Court, phono 96fi-M. Miles Stuart. '' S. Newtown, phone Kf0. if I'.xpert Accotinlant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wilson. C. P. A. Attention given to an.tbing In ' accounting and Income Tax Peoiiireinenls. U.ok Int., .oir siioplified accounting nieibod. I.ilierly Hl.lg., Medford. liu .ne 17.7-lt. 'iuanciitl Wi: I.LMi MuNI'.V to worthy I ,e t.. pl.V then honest debts. Pacific c,,;,sl Credit Assoeiation, I'M Medford Hl.lg. Medfiiril Ore. " I'rcigttl 'I rauspoiiatioll LOMl DISTANCE IIAl'I.INO Medford - Ela10.il li truck line. Da ly service. Hooded citl iicrs. Se,'c,i rales oil loud AntO . eight I-. o.ll.al. :if. S lir. Tel. .11. .11 , . . ..ortlaiol-Medlord Truck f.llle 1.. .Plough "r llllel 10c. Ilata point serve Sixleen-hinir ser vice t.. and 11..... 1 .nlatid Phono fiiiii. Medfoiu. a, ... freight ter minal nt Sil S. Fir, j. .Hold. Insurance KllANK S. TOUHEY CielieiHl llisui.ince, mirely hoiida, inurt i;ai;es. loans, a and t per cent. Kxpert Insurance Service. 12S l:ast Sixth St., ut Cent nil Av I'hone U'24. EAIIL S. TUMV All forms ot n suiance. l-'lre, Auto, J.lfe, Acd denr. iionds. I'hone 4H-. sal l.lbeily lildi,-. , laitinq rill ll(inu'4 J.OA.NS on homes now built oj under construction. Klitht "'' ceni and no stock lo carry. Ile.l service. Monthly paymeuls. Hanlster Auency, Inc., 11)0 W. Maill. T" 1 0. Money to Loin! MONKV TO I.TND To worthy peoplo to pay their honest debts. Securities of ull lllnds accepted. Jennlnns I.onn Office, 6 S, Kront. MoniimrntH THK. OI'.KCON flKANlTK C).- Monumenls. K. A. Hicks, len eral Mnnniter; 1'. M. Kerslmw, Sales MunaKer. 302 N. Kront SI., Medl'ord. I'alntlni; niul l'niii'rlmiislni; II. MAHX, tienernl l'aintlnn Con. lr:u:lor, tlnlhlK. papei hunKlnrf, carpenlerlnB, repnirlni,'. l'hulio 17S-J. Hes. G7 Summit. C. S. UI:HTI:LS0N 1'ulntlnn ion. traclor. Pulntins, interior uu. oralinK, linllntr- ''" estlmiim l'hono Hes. 10U7-J, or 120-H, Lamport's I lardware Store. Printers ami Publishers Mi:i;l''ORI) PHLNTIXH CO. lla Ihe best eiillippcd prlntlllR offlca In Houlhern On-ison. Hookblnil limv looso leaf IcdKors, hillln systems, etc. Portland prices. 21 N. Hr St. Hadlo ItcpalrlnK RADIO HI)l'AIHINi! Tho Mnslo Hox, 402 Kast Main St., Phone 4.1:1, lias un export radio terh triclan from the factory. We make a specialty of expert repair work and Kiiarantee It. Special consideration to tlealera. Transfer 10ADS TltANSKKH & S'l'ORAC.M Co office 111 N. Hr St. Phone Sir.. Prices right. Ber vice guaranteed. DAVIS TltANSKKH & HTORAtlrt Servlin Ktinrnnteed, 211 H. Ciiape St. phono 0U, or residence 10 lill. PIKRCK TRIICKINCI CO. dlslance haullnn. Trip weekly to San Hunclsco. Kurnltllr moving a specialty, rhone 437-H-2. . I'pliolsterlne j wKIH I'pholstery, Manufac turer of oveiBturfed ftirnllure. l.'ull line of materials. Draper ies made to order. We do all kinds of upholstering. Wo de liver nnd will call nnd show samples. Phone 203, Jacksonville Window Cleaning LIST OIOOHOK DO IT House cleaning, floor waxing, janitor nervlce. Cleo. A. Beely, Phone una. I or 1 i7j Home Loans Commercial Finance " Corporation - 304-5 Firit National Bank Buildlsf XEstate ; Si':