PAGE TWO IMEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MTTDFORD, OREO OX, SUNDAY, JULY 29. 192S. rQ SWFUVVER Aarial Photographer Makes Interesting Picture of Vast Dodge Brothers Plant .Motorist Is It Vf ry fr to tho j nxi town? j Native Wn'ftl, - tranpr. It ! pms furthnr'n It is, hut it ntn't. Women nuto drivers fomtlmf-a f hold out thHr hand in wnrnlnc if ; thv-y happen to hav n nrw ring' on. If you tiro nnxfouft to mb the' tf st of the world go "by. don't fill ! on the fenoe. Just buy n cond f hand cnr. ! Show Thk One to the VitV And Then Hun "A passeniter in an automobile should sit mill und say nothinjr ! hecauso any other course is ! fraught with danger, " Is the view! nf Supreme Court Justice Cur Use ! t.f Connecticut in a recent writ- f ten opinion handed down in a case. I "Interference by laylntc hold of i fin operating lever or by exclaim Ins. or even by direction or in- j Muiry is generally to be depreei- j oted ns in (ho long run the greater nfety lies In letting the driver alone." However, it in not ex pected that the opinion of, the Connecticut state supreme court judge Ih liable to change the habits of the rear seat drivers, especially the feminine onea. -i 11 f f i fc-Wilt '--S fjm" " jably unttiue in l:a 1 procedure. An elevator will rim finm ih cell routiiK in ttiv t-;fvtMTint i :l;e courtroom. When it criininn! cm in raUed the ocu-ed mrifly takr U Mi;t on a cii:ur n the i!-anf. and a but i on t, is tln -t Vtie (levator, fornunn ati c.eiVm pr' before I to walk through a ; curious spectators I pn.-niier'ft dock. double row ot to reach trw to tried fimU hiniHflf;-- :tn.l Jury wlthuiit moving Tl'. trial uvpr. t judK vnvf hand 'tntj iiio iiri-on.-r drop NKW YORK , July 28. (JP) tiit of tdght through the floor. I Mi-h. I'haiiutte V. tiufeck. founder Oir uidn ial n u thorl' if-s d'-rided f tin ( amp Klre Oirlit and dir. on t f list arrangement because the -rmr of thf Luther flullik ram ph. acr.ii' .(ft-ndant is subjf tt-d to today at h-r summer ramp tmi r von. 1 1 1 strain.. if ioiv(d ii .onih t'iiso. .M:in. If only the automobile Kalesman. tiko the driver, would hit you and run. A mind picture of the Iiugre De- ' the immensity of the company's troit plants which produtc iJodye : activity. Kccords show that lite She; "Aren't you ever ufrnld of losing control of your cor?" lie; "Constantly; I'm two In stallments behind already." fixainplo of philosophy: "Oh, well; a new car would look just as shoddy U8 my old one in three monihR." Hope Is something that mnke.i a fur hit install a filling station to inuke money from. Ilandit (to bank teller): get a move on you! Ion't know 1 can only park my mit here for 16 minutes T And you car Jim: I think 1 will have to get n new car. Will: What's wrong with the one you have? Jim: 1 can't pay for it. Ii rot hers automobiles would be ordinary residence Mrei-t pavement 21 feet vide and 54 miles long. This would be covered with a rnoi, heated, lighted and filled with ma chinery, conveyors and men work ing on the production ot these automotive products. The main Dodge Brothers plant covers 218 acre?. Sixty-five acres are occupied by buildings having a floor area of 144 acres, 'or more than fix million square feet. Re cently another factory has been erected to take care of certain operations in the manufacture ot ' Dodge Brothers six-cylinder cars, i The coal bill is indicative of ' make oncytraln nearly four miles long everv dav in the vear and in v. inters co;il ccumimption ruun j handle this immense trafhc 12 on an average of 900 tons a day. I miles of standard gauge track 1 rout the railroads' main lines ' have been built vithiu the works. i tiu re arc J. iU' tracks Irzdmg into Dodge F. rot hers works to bring tti the raw materials and to take out the finished automobiles. Tltce tracks are located where the incoming materials can he best placed to enter the various production processes and where they arc handy to the shipping department at the end of the as sembly lines. Kach day there is handled on the average 150 car m" incoming freight and over .tilt) loaded cars of outgoing freight. These would A large force cf traffic experts are kept busy the year around lo guard against any delay either in incoming or outgoing freight, which would mean a shut down of the works within a few days. Materials are brought into the plants by railroad cars and motor trncki. The-se are unloaded at points convenient to where their loads are used. Conveyors carry the materials directly from the cars to the tipper floors of the fac tories and from there tin y arc dtf livercd to the various departments. l'rts't wlnneiH in Ktud-biiker's Veternn cur content, held I" de termine the ohb-.-.t Sturifbak'-r cur ;ftiil in active service, have jui been announced. The oldest machine reported N j ;a JKOs Sttidebaker-fJarford tout-' Ing car, owm-d by the prngttin : and Neb-on ' laragc In takland. j California. The clir still has ii 't original finish and, according to 'the owners, .-till tuns perfectly in spfti' of nearly twenty yt-ars of I Kervice. Iiig heatlllKhts, and 'a high tnnn-au body fiuippeti with j a primitive version of the "Cali fornia to" emphasize the pr: j ress made in body design since this veteran was introduced, j Hecond prize went to a l'Ji tSludebaker touring car which still I serves iih a snaipy "collegiate"' " mod-l for Itobert Jlenninger and : Frnncis Winant, students at West-, j wood, New Jersey. 1 Three other prizes were award ,ed to ownera of I!iu! cars all M .which an .serving weli after irtu. jfJfto mileh of travel. (me of thfe told timers, owned by k. N. Ca : of San 1-on. Texas, has !.. n I driven a total of ,nt0.una mile and is stilt going strong. The ; other i;0! models are owned bv 1 W. J. Hrockner, Heigenfield. New , Jersey, and s. MorienKen, Verdi, Nevada. The latter reports that hi old veteran will still do miles an hour. i A majority of the several hun dred entries had piled up more (than 100. 000 miles of service, and tat leat a third of the cars were over 20 years old. I'hotograph of the veterans were forwarded from all over the Cnited States an.t Canada. n(en accompanied by comments which show the fin (tradition of quality, on which jstudebuker's ;u year old name is founded. Typical of these comments is the statement made bv the own Pr of a lfl n touring car in Van cotiver. l:. C. "Nothimr on th- oJor Itiose who want Luxury arid Comfort as well as All-American Style "AS Wm'Jl US . ..nwntfAw f.W "-ett Th. fMiutau .Win Hody by fUhM -Not juhl. smart . . . these All Aiiirricun hollies ly I'ishiT. Not jusl bcaiuilully appiuutcd ... trim und urn-s!inK . . . long ami jo. But, in addition . . . they're built fr those i. ho want eonifnrt and luxurv us well us .Ml-Ameriean btvle. And beneath the bodies . . . all the staminu anil reliahility resultinjj from All-Anieriean design. From the big, sturdy All-Anieriean rhassis. Powered by u 212-cuhic ineh engine with the famous G-M-K cylinder heuil. Here are hollies and i hassia unusual in quality und size. . . Just what everyone wants in his motor ear. Just what m perieuc ed motorists have hoped to obtain for as little as $1015. RoadfcttfRomance with Jack and Ethyl Being the original letleri of a touug tue on tier hooejM tnMHt oer Ui Pacific (xmu! to the firl-fricad back Lome, - ensine heen replaced through And I'll write you aeain noon, i wear or breakage, and ihe i vlin- I.ove, , ders have never been rehored or j KTIIVL. j rewound." Anolher owner i I r. S. A traffic cop up here gave Baldwin. .Maryland, estimates hh, ,uk a luUKh yesterday, lie stopped ;rar ha.s traveled -inn ooo mlle -,nd ,us for speeding and when Jack says it Is still In Rood rnnninu I told hmi we w ere "Jack and F.thyl ! condition, lot tbe As.wrlated OH" he said, "O W I, Dear fnrlnn and Jim: ' Well, (his la certainly dellchtfnl up here In the Northwest. Xo wonder thnt the world was amazed A city motorist. paxsinR atonic a country road, stopped in talk lo a farm lad. who was hoeing corn. A quarter mile away on a hillside h e sighted what he tnoUKht was n scarecrow. letinlitK fllKluly forward, apparently on an implement handle, hut It waft so slartllniHv llr.-likA thai h r-n...rk ed to the luil about its efflca.y eMer on ,h ui' niounlaln in keeping away the birds. The boy laughed and said: f home land. Jack and t and Mr. t ook of (the Associated Oil company drove That s not a scarecrow: that's man working by the day." when news of the Iwis and .l:rk : lne Columbia river highway expedition got around anil people , Mu Hood Loop trip the other heard the nlmoM unbelievable' sutipose ther. isn't ii mot- tales of ihe places they ww , up jtranciiiK mntm tii anywh-re In here. And now that they '" have the wn Id than that is. U did fine paved hiKhwayK leadiiiK v- It In one d:.y but you can p n.l erywhere on such bfautiful snuts w.' k tht v;iv and lill niVer K' t tii.-d ..f ii. In fan we along u Mream. or bidf n lakf saw .tevial campinK partita or ueep in a cool rurvt. I in nur- were N-ndiuu Un ir whub- va;a prised that there rn't ihiu:tnds tl.m tinii ulunK the C.liiml.m of motorixt on thn roads inM.-ad riv r and Mit- ttuni t..M J.i. k ih .t oi numiretiit. u. nili ,e-n di.iiii; it e and day. y-.s. und did you know that I am !i PAKsi: OOl'RTS ADOPT Mndberrh 7M Let um go thoiiKh. Jl'KlKS AXli KI,K'A'lORK TOKlO-l-The AnKIo-Ameri-nn jury system will ),e adopted in Japanese rnurtH in Ihe fall of (his year. Courtroom throughout the em- bi-mir altered and nnu In addition to ihe Jury the Tokyo distrii-t courts . planning an innovation proh- . in. lude touvst hamilmg charts. i;nml Motor l ime Payment Plan uraii. able at minimum rate. SANDERSON MOTOR CO. So. Bartlett and 8th Phonc 1385 ROBINSON MOTOR CO., Ashland, Ore. T in mo wmi KLAND AMERICAN SIX FBODUOT or CSNEItL UOTOBB noony nan just finished a big i."rjnmj you go you run mer for four y.-.irs :inil lie didn't lay. It was his ninth birthday i upon locations that are Just brim- ask for anything better. flight and among Ih ifla was a nice, "nine over with romantic history, outside of I'oi tLunil It starts ami nw crisp ID-dollar bill. They tell you first about the des there you are richt in the midst I'ncle Fred, who was fond of'ferate stands that the I nil I i ns up of not oral be.iuly ih.t is just over, his little Joke, said: "Well, Hobby. I "'"" rode against the invading w helming. I suppose you are going to huy!wnll! m' '"u -:" J" picture i W. 're working fruiher north ..II a nice. new. shiny automobile with'"1" desperation the poor savages the time and 1 ..sped that we will that money." i had In battling for what was their visit Tiicoina. Seattle. Spokane ami "No. sir! I am going: to lv!n"rl world. Here they had lived other lnterestil)u cities up hue be. II to dad so as to help him nay I l"r centuries. I suppose. w ith fore going back south. They have the neil installment on bis:" .plenty lo eat. a mild climate and promised us a mountain climb siK.iniiiKe mat tniy cotiiii owr a glacier, a swim in l-ike wish for and along came a band Washington, a trip on ' ' """ civilize Nik,, . and a hundred and slopped nil cor Iraffl, "".- ine sol lies- one oilier tilings so 1 should h perate and fought bard for then idenlv to write von i,i N'KW VuliK July 2!tMy Horace Mwiight.' publisher :md ll.i prodiM er. was taken .ti.. l:,Msevel hospital this afternoon sum r-tifferitig from a broker, rtrm and other injuries received in an neci- dcti:. He was ph d immedi- atoty on the operating table and hospital officials snld thnt they could give r.o definite report is to bis condition until the surgical work was completed. They siiii they believed Mvcrlglit was in jured in an automobile t idem. lint they were not sure of this. "And now." said the monorled gentleman who had borrowed a match from lh traffic cop. "I suppose you like to know who I am?" "Sure." "I uiu Sir T. Willy Hocklng horse. Knight of the ltatli. Knight nf the darter. Knight of the Dou ble Kugle and Knight of the Unlit en Cross." "And 1." suld the cop. "am James Murphy, tonight, lust nifchl. tomorrow night, and every other nliiht." I'OIITI.AM). Ore.. July -(4, -Explosion ,f twai transformers j n the i:iirtrto building lodav , I - 2 snl f.r a f lillb d.ini:itv in the west ininui-, but did i 000,000 WILLYS-OVERIAND CARS AMD COI!C STROIMC ! it. i . Driving an automobile exercises nil parts of the bndys. except as a rule. Ihe head. 0 vV The bird who tries to mix li.iuor and gasoline will find that his en nine troubles are greater than ever. The new- Kurd has some flivver clianiclerlMlcs. but it can buck without on attack of asthma lltilltl Ittibher Itoads LONDON tsy, A company has been formed here to develop the ousiness or paving streets with 1 rubber blocks, which have been J under (est for some time, tamer I prices for rubber, comhlnod with ! tbe durability, cleanliness, freedom I from vibration, und silence of such ' paving, are believed to make the j proposition now practical ' I M' WE USE HAWKISON VULCANIZING SV8TEM All Work Guarantied PHIPPS AUTO PARK HIGHWAY AT JACKSON " telephoned nre would be there at six" A COURTESY CALL -any disappointments and sometimes embarrass ment result from "just dropping in" on folks. A telephone call is so quick and reassuring that most people think of it not only as a courtesy due others, but a real convenience to themselves and it cost little. Anyone, anywhere, any time from vour own .telephone, or from public telephones conveniently located everywhere- 0 o o o o Home Telephone & Telegraph Q. o Of Southern Oregon Hifhtquality, beauty and style dominating ImdrfnJte doUar-forloUar ,alue there are no 4-door enclose! car, on -xup.,.e to-tire w hippetfour and Whippet Six Sedan. The perfected Whippet Four offer, such desirable features as full forWeed lubrication, silent timing chain, extra leg room and powerful-, heel brake. The new Whippet Six, In addition to these, nrovirlfs- n 7 K. ; 1 i r. T . . . .aijtrauMo,,,, invar-strut putons, lWSi-inch heelbase and many other advantage. Such notable values as these Sedan, are possible onlr .1 because of the skill and experience gained in the produc tion of more than 2.0(0.W high quality meter tr f kZ8 TREICHLER MOTORS, irfc. 30 tforth Holly o o Phone 615 o oQ o