1EDF0RD O PiHt Twenty-third tmr WrUy IMty-Mvnith Yfif .MKDFOKI), OUKd'ONV yU-XDAV. .Jl'LV '2'1, 1!)'S. No.- 1 : I . Today DRY CHIEFS EDICT HIIS Pri e Drum Covps Coming Catholics Build Beautiful Church By Arthur Brisbane POLITICAL Mexico's Danger. Men, Momen, their Romances. For the Discouraged. No Baby Kissing. MAil'Teibune ft m a i OBREGON'S OF OREGON violators, -mmm TAKE HAND (Copyright. 19L'7. Iiy New York Evening Journal. Inc.) Mexico faces tlie ilang-or of rel'mimis civil war. Civil , is Hit1 worst kind of vm ami ri'l'iKiuus war is tlio worst kiml of civil war. Late news from Mexico pro diets that (.'allrs, in spite of n constitution "fiirliiililing two successive presidential terms, will reinain in power. In control of the army he can ilo anything, and constitutions arc only made of paper easily changed, lie probably ljclieves that -Mexico's welfare demands that he cuntimic, and hjr inav be right. New York's lturfrilu of-Social Hygiene, including' John 11. liockefellcr Jr., among its dir ectors, supplies information on the romances of 100 men and 100 women, all married but not to each other. The 100 men had had 081 love affairs, the 100 women had had 077. Most of them hap pened before marriage. Twenty-nine husbands and forty-one wives continued their "romances" after they were married. Men's love affairs begin to die out, usually, at nbinit thirty. Women start all over again lifter forty. . , The New York statistics con-j-'iriu Motchinikoffs statement that older women are often un happy because they become really interested in romance when husbands of their own age get tired of it. I'lato and other Greeks had a plan to arrange that, but even our free and easy age would not tolerate it. Helen Keller was born blind ami deaf. In infancy she could not hear, sec or speak. She speaks, reads by her finger tips, "hears" what others say by putting her fingers on their lips. Morris li. Dougherty, with no legs and only one arm, runs his airplane unaided, and plan.-, a flight to Europe. ., There are lessons for those liscouraged by what they call "lack of opportunity." Mr. Hoover, kindly but. firm IS- says "I shall kiss no baby for publication." That is wise, and kind to the babies. No intelligent mother allows ANYHODY to kiss her baby. All adults carry in their mouths disease germs, harm less to the carriers, but dang erous to an infant in whom the proteetiug white corpuscles are Undeveloped. Mr. Hoover did. however. hold the baby while its older brother took a photograph. He likes babies. Secretary Kellogg says every nation can sIkii the world peine pact, therefore Russia con sign. Tills country docs not recognize the linlshovik government In exist ence, but a way will be found let th" Russians In, perhaim. That w ill please Kuronc. Cer many especially. Living next to the Ills bear, anil know Inn how revolution stimulates n nation's power, for awhile, at least, the Germans want a satisfied Rilasta. Scientists are aroused by the tew cancer "discovery." advancing tlie supposition that there I a null stance tit "fermentation" within the hody that promotes tumor growth. It Is hoped that some tnucr sub stance, or "(frment" may be found to prevent such qrowth. Some frctors suggest an all veg- 'D o Tell G. 0. P. Campaign Boss Trey Resent Claim Pro hibition Not Issue; Ready To Work For Hoover When Assurances Given Anti-Saloon State Democrats Fuss. I'OKTLAXIl. ore.. July 2 1 . trV Lulus .. I.angley. democratic stall' chairman, announced today lie would call a imoting of the Male couilniUee on August 4 whi-u steps will in- taken lu press the presidential campaign of Covernor Alfred K. Smith of New York. I.angley last night failed to ap pear at a dinner here attended by prominent democrats of til e state, because, lie said, he did not until lo preside as least mast-: er if the campaign was to b--' ' discussed. i l'ollowinK a heated discussion last night, a committee today vis- ' ited I.angley demanding that the ; meeting be called as soon us pos- .sible in order that the campaign set under way at tile earliest pus- ; sible dale. l-angiey said today thai be bad ; delayed issuinu- the call because-; only I! 2 counties are organized and he lias been walling for more. He n.-surml bis visitors that he is supporting the candidacy of Smit'i : and that he did not realize when ! lie wrote bis letter refusing to be toast master at last nlglil's dinner, that It would cause a discussion. j The anti-saloon league of Ore-' .-mi resents Iho announcement ' of Dr. Hubert Work, republican! national committeeman, that pro- j hibilion Is nut an issue, nnd that ; the republicans w-ill carry on a "constructive" campuign. ; Uesolutlons have been adupled by the league and forwarded to J Dr. Work, to Herbert Hoover mid J nnd to Charles Curtis Insisting ; Hint me I'limiidatos and the na- ( tiouul eliu li'inan come mil publicly, and declare, that prohibition is! the only Issue in the presidential : compulgn. ; Tile fact that the republican i party platform lins a dry plunk ' does not appeal to satisfy tile anti-saloon league of Oregon.; speaking through its officers, or' the fact that Hoover is on record on the subject In his letter to '. Senator ll'irsh I I'nless. says the resolution, the1 repuolican candidates come out! strongly for prohibition, the dry J element in the country will not ; be i nthusiastie for Hoover and Curtis ami the anti-saloon league of Oregon eonsitlcrs the final oliteuine uncertain- j Providing that Hoover and thej rcpuldic.-iu national chairman will, announce publicly that prohibi tion Is the issue and will declare strongly for the dry side of the issue, the league considers it can' swing thousands of dry votes in Oregon to the republican ticket., votes which otherwise will be in-, different, they ray, and lacking enthusiasm. I The league officers say tlieyj are ready to start their state-wide; organization working for Hoover; when they have ample assuruncc. WASH 1 .tlTON July 2 I . M'l ; The stand of John .1. Kaskob, ; chairman of the democratic na-j llonal committee, for repeal orj niodlfbatlon of the eighteenth1 amendment, was endorsed by John' K. CostoUo, District of Columlgn! committeeman, in his reply to ; Kaskoh's ouery sent to all mein-! bers of the committee, in regard ' lo their nttltudc toward prohi bition. "We know from our personal observation and ability to weigh' the real worth of conditions."; wrote Costello. "there Is an al most unanimous lack of respect ; for the prohibition law as It now cri sis and a growing iaek of res pect for the noitly other blue, and sumptuary laws foisted on Us by a comparatively few- mili tant reformers and fanatics. Pur-' therniore. Wv are abb- to dis'-ounr. the blcanei-y ,,f 1 1 - - ardent po-! lltical wet-di-lnking. dry-voting' politicians. To be criticized by these bigots fur expressing views is dit.-v-'l-efahp. but to be told by; them that our honest opinion Is! in itself a lack of respc. t for the. la iv is ridiculous " IGUT CLUBS OR Ni;w yoi:k. duly (P'F lve ! SMUadi? of prohibition agents de-i-cended upon the lirnailn'ay nli;lit elul, dislric; late ii.nij.-ht. arrest ed four employes of one , Job and' elzed a ituantlty uf aliened Ilo-; "or and started a check of bars' fadlocked Kiiday night. gj jr Ijliirty , ArchhtH-lH 'Irawinfj of tht $ -1 Tj . n ( i o Talhollt churi'll. tn hi cHH'tftl at tin oiit h fsl curnri- uf Oak 'I :mtl Vost T'-nt h st riM'ls. J round fur the filif it'" will ho liroktrn next Sunday , .luly Aitual lonKtnution work will itan the first wi-ck in August. St'r- h't1.-- in coniUHMlon with tlu laying of the cornerstone will bo luM early in Se-ptemltor. Tin- final le,U-ation exercises will be held at the Christmas season. Hiuh Cath.ti(. chun-luiu'ii of tlie state and Pacific coast will iUt-ml. E CIRCLED IN 23 DAYS IF LASTLAP WON World Girdlers Reach Min- neapolis In Record Hop Dakota Winds Help Five O'clock Today In New York, Time Limit For Success. MINNUAHOLIS, July Ml. (Pj John " Henry Meant nnd 11. I'. Collyer, Klobe clrclers, completed a non-Htoi flisht from Spokane, Wanh.. when Ibey lundott at Wold Chaniberlaln field here tonlRht. They left Spokane, shortly nfter 7:30 a. in.. Pacific count time, and they arrived here Bt 7:05 p. tn., Cent m I Standard time. Shortly after their arrival .Mcars announced that they Intended o leave Minncnpolia imaln at 2 a. in.. Sunday for the Inst hop of their 25.00(1 mile record breaking trip. If they can cet to New York by 5 p. ni.. Sunday, he Baid. they will have encircled the world In '!". days, the fastest time ever made. Nearly :'.on persons were at the airport tonlrht to sreet the fliers. Telecranis from them stnted they IihiI left Spoliane at 7SI0 a. m.. with a I.SnO mile (light, before them and with a plane capable of i-rui;.inc 115 miles an hour, it was expected that they would arrive nt the V o I d-t'bamherlaln airporl about Kl hoins later, or at S:S0 p. in. Favorable winds over Mon tana and Dakota helped Increase Hit- speed of ti e plane and brought them ahead of schedule. Manv persons ill tlte crowd a" the air field had waited (or up wards of two hours for the plane. The plane circled the field three times before eomint! down. As I' touched the ground, the crowd of persons rushed across the field to the plane. Mears was taken to the Smith home where he expected to so to bed. Although havlr'r traveled I.5U0 miles since dnwn, he looked fresh. Pilot (aillyer chose to re main lor a wlille at the airporl, although he was vlslhlv tired from the stialn of guldlni; the plane. I GLOB IJODiir: CITY. Kan.. July 21. (jPi llaln caused an undetermined amount of damage to thy whoa; crop uf southwestern Kansas laKt n!;ht aod today. llurvestlnK was slopped over the entire section. ''he eastern part, of the terri tory Buffered most from the down iio.r. in the vicinity of Ashland, lietween one and a half and three he of rain was reported and destroyed wheat atlll In the fields. It Is estimated that about 20 per cent of the crop remained to be harvested in that locality. Losses from the recent rains are variously estimated but. most Kraln experts believed they would amount to several million bushels. . . Not QuIU; Uio Time, SKW VOliK, July 2 1. - 11 - line or the most lieatltifu profile ever e,-n by an ex-pert is that of Miss Helen Will". I I U Hill, society phntonraplier. rt.-turufiiK from a lioni yn.uon aliioad nith the former tJorls Ooodwin. was so enthusi astic that he arranged for the ten nis star to pose, offering to brtak any enjayeimft lie niltfht have, 0 WIFE SHE SLEW PAIR BUT THEY LIVE Husband and Affinity, Found In Bungalow By Police and Admit Identity Giri Protege of Novelist Though Drowned s Found With Friends. NOItKISTOWN, Pa.. July IM ' (fl') Mndley M. llussey. novellsl and chemist, and Mrs. tltace Tie, low oHveur. of Ambler, Pa., who ; police sought after llussey's wife. Dr. Virginia Alvarez Uussey, said she had killed thorn, were found alive and well in a bungalow at : Utnihertvllle, N. J., according tc , a statement Issued tonight by Chief of Police Klier. Questioned by Corporal Wallace ; of the Jersey state police, thev .admitted their Identity. Kllcr's ' statement said. Klier said thai i Wallace had telephoned asking ; whelher llussey and Mrs. Saveur 1 should lie arrestetl, and was told '. there was no charge against thein , Mr. Virginia llussey walked Into police tieadtiuarters last Friday and voluntarily told of havliw; killed her husband nnd a woman. In t , field close by her home at Park erford. near here. Investigation indicated that she probably had no killed them and that her mind was temporarily unbalanced. She wat detained while police began ,i search for her husband. The discovery of llussey and - Mrs. Saveur came after a neigh bor recognized I hem from plct mis printed in a neWHpupor. State pol ; Ice were notified and Wallace wat: I sent to Investigate. I'ltOVIOKNCKTOWN. Muss. (July 21. A) Miss Dorothy l.oeh : of New York, youthful literary pro i Icko of .Maxwell Ilodenlielm, nov :elist, was found today in Province ! town after her father, Martin I.oel. hud directed the local police to search for her. Tho father arrived j today and .Miss Ixjeli m with him I tunlKht. j .Miss Koob, who is 18 years old, disappeared recently. Tho fact that she was missing became pub lic after the body of Mlsa Virginia Drew, another protege of tho nov ellsl. was found III tho Hudson river this week. Today llodenhelin was located here. Chief of Police John C. Williams at the direction of .Mlsa Loch's . father, searched V In: summer col ony and found that the Blrl liaJ come here recently. She was vis iting friends, the police were in- JAIL TERM GIVEN DI-.S MOINKS. Iowa. July 21,-ll'i- Itcv. ha wry Day, Itinerant preacher, who asserts . he found audiences to reform tliroivrh con tacts made by aale of liiiuor, to day drew' a !id day Jail sentence 'and a $:100 lino when arraigned In court 011 a churgc of car ylng Intoxicating liquors. Ihe clergyman said he though' the sentence severe in considera tion of his "worthy" motpe Hnd hoped that Judge Lester I,. Thomp son. who sentenced him. may yet relent. HA I, KM. Mrs. Al Jones pick 35 tons Hoyal Anne cl-(frrlcK from five and u li it 1 r acres. Dry Aides to Wear Blue Cap With Large Shield, For I den t i f ication Gun Drawing Means Dismiss?.! Fingerprint Bootleggers Under Direction Portland Police Official. WArilll.VliTOX. July .,1'--Plans to fingerprint all prohi.o ,ion law v.olalors anil u. plac iirohjbilii.il a.1 tits doing i-ua.i 'Voru in uuiioi-Mis so tlu-y can b.' JUMiy idi milled wr,. a 11 noil n.-i-l ,odi.; i,v I'rohinliloii I'umniiiuam . .'r lAirau. li'-reallcr prohibition viulatois iv. 11 la. e a mi indent sy.-sn-iu ut measurements and iili iitili, atioi. i-csts, tin- purpose being iu make tie clltnui rs easy to naleh. 'I tie ! ysti-m stuudaruized b I he ttincri. Jin Police Chiefs association w.ll , jo adopted in it entiri.y and Marry Nilca, assistant cliief ot t pollee if i'ortlanii. liregi.il. will J i"Vc cll.wge uf the uorii. lie iii.:-. been loaned to III,. piobll.itii.il I u to put the ne lilentiii.a- ; . ;um-b iliU' ellei.-l. i 0'uirnlssi(.ifi-r I). .ran dc-lan- I j.hat in adilubm i fii,K,.,- priming and mcaMiring ill. p. uliil.lt j,,., j ..olaiiirs. that Hi- records of cadi , offender would l, subii.llted to jibe dl'partnient of Justin- is , criain li ili,.y re wanted I... .any other law- violations. The uniforming of tin- dr.. j agents iImIiik road work was ou. i of tlie ehicf uccomiillsiiuiiuts of j thu cunfeteiiee of administraior,, I -lore u lueli emli-u tuitiiy. -l-i,. ,-. I. on was lakcn l.-.-ause lieret,. lore II. e dry agents could nut , .easily Idintilie.l and many tm.. j isls when slopped weie unable to .ell at a glanee thut the . ol iiccrs acically were dry agents. T-i S JVeVcoine (Ills dlll'leulty tlie oon " .'ei-Uli-c decided Unit a!iy ugen: doing road work should wear a .iisunciive mile can. on wlileh i i W-ill l.e a lulgc sliield. Willi .. . j lar sliield uii tlie coal. , ' llcretolore, agenl.s lining I.....I -work eoulil not be easily Identi- iiio. ine coiniiiissluner saiil." and -noli.rlsts were In a iiuandary as In whelher (bey were ol'lleers or uigliwaymen. Tile new sliiebls will he quite large and visible for onsiderable bllslunee and we are Hopeful that niolorisls will l.e able 0 recognize that they tire gen uine federal dtlicers at a gliitie.- "Agents have been warned igalnsl stopping auto biles pro miscuously and have been tnhl hat drawing a weapon lu slop 1 cflr. whclliir it is a suspecli'd bootlegger or nut. lvi result In lliuiediate dismissal. Simultaneously ,vt Uuran's iniinuiii einent lb, elvll service comnilssion aumuiiiee,) Ilia: new AHiiilnalious fur i r o h I bit bin agents would be ln-iii suon. E STATE I'OUTI.AND. Ore., July 21. -(!, I Mld-siimmcr Ileal Mashed down I jpon Orcnoii today with bin llltl .- varnlni;, and sen! thermometers sky rocketlni;. J At Itosehurr the tlierinomelcr ; 'limbed to M decrees, the hottest ' ocorded this yvur. t Hood Itlver also felt the aum : ner tempcralure when the nior- t-ury there wcnl to !!. At The i 'Jalles and ut Halem a tempernliiro i if !IX degrees was recorded. At foliage Orovo tlie mercury stood , il 96. and at I'ortlaud. t)i- thor . j nomeler reached ir mean I1A1I at !'' degrees. The maxlliium tcni peruturn of Medford as lo2. ' I OI.YMPIA. Wash.. July 21 1 - llurlin.'t defiance ut (lovoinor Al ; 'red K. Hatftk, iIi kci-iIk rsl !di.'ntial aoiilne, aad 1'aa.au i "Imlintors in ili H" of 'nslilnsi ton." (iKflrfr; f. Coif'illi. fmti'i : mayor of ticattle and lifelong dem i ENTIR HEAT GRIPPED MERCURY RISES oeral. filed Ills cunillil, v f.,i- ih.Osuten Island resldei.ts eiiioiilalneil democratic nominal!. ,n Tor gov- ernor with the ucorctary of state. Cotterlll recently announced he conld not aupport Smith because of his Tcw on irolillMton, V.,d v Tin tiinnnis Uruin ami Htiu rs f Capital Pusi No. Siilt-m whii-li will hi- o:n', ni t li. mil si a nil in : I .re ion or.uani.a lions l'lfsi'iH at Hit- Motlfttnl convi'iitioit Aimust !'. :: ami I. Tltc Sab-pi strong bid lot- corps will inalu first place in the drum corps eon test having already won this cov eted honor at twri former conven- DANGER OF FOG TO AIRPLANES New Style Altimeter Enables Flights With Safety When Mists Hang Low Re cords Height at Any Dis tanceIn Experimental Stage. WASHINGTON. July 21. j1V A new instrument ucKued lo dc leal iim, an arcli cucmy uf avia tion lias liccn dcveluiied liy army air conis engineers. It Is a new style alllinctci' at present liluhly cxiicriincnlal, which rcuisters the exact - distance lie tween alridnnes and around ole .lects Inslcad of' KlvliiK, us the nrcscui ullliuetcr docs, the ills- : lauci a hove tlie sea Is expected lo ! VII lilt dcuio'i- stratcd Iu nlKlit and fimuy weather flyliiu. "Tlie value ol" Ihls height record illj; device." Assistant Secretary Davison said today In aunoiiucitx; tie Improvement, hecoiues aipar enl when one consifiers Ihe fix lu whieh pil7.ls have otleu foini'i thcmHt'lvi's when flying or Irylnn to land in Cmk or ai niulil. "It must lie iriui-mlMTcd thai tho old alilmHor woiUh hy aintos phi'iic pressure. Itn zero is at a level, hut a pilot who llles HMi liet aliove 1 hill level may actually have only .".U leel eleal a lice It tin aelf ami Iree lops In Ii1l4.Ii and ' ntlltiiK counlry. "l.lfl one of these instruments j altov a dcHk and il records ex- , actly the height at which it is held HUspended." DAYTON. Ohio.. July -Army aviatoifl will liave a irans continental aerial hlKltway t'roin the Atlantic to Pacific, ahm', which they can fly day or nli;hl. thrnimh HunliFtlil or rain, without KHtliiK "If Iheir course, wlien Ihe six new radio iieacitns approved today hy the wr depart un'Ut are. j -iected. l OITIciuls al Wright field hero whore Ihe radio beacon bus per - fccled and where line of tlie new high powered stations is lo be os- ' tablislicd. looked upon the decls- lion lo erect the six new beuoonu aiittounced today by Assistant Heir-, retary Davison, In (diarge of avlu- llon. as au iinporlillit step toward establishment of tile "aerial high ways" of Ihe flit Hi e. mm bran KILLS LITTLE BOY I'OKTLANI). Ore., .luly 1M.- ttVt - I'olson contained in lran 'auseil the death of Hurry I(aniond Hrown, it. who died suddenly last WeilnesHay. acconllun to an opin ion received Iiy the conmer hi fr from the I'niverHlty of Oregon medtral school. Tim bran was used 11 u fi.il iif rtkft liftruou 11 1 I hit lliesham fai'grounds where the" hoy died. Tl'o poison a stimul ant when used in moderalloii was designed, the chemists report ed, to "pop up" Iho race borscn. The boy was Ihou'dil to huve been playing around the barns nnd to have found a sack of the poison (AN charged lyan. Twenty mlnu'cs after be swallowed some of It, 10 died In severe convulsions. 1 0 iilllloes (iel Ill-link NKW VcillK. .luly fl.ol'l -Intoxicated liiiisolllloes ariO terrible. ibai ihe peis ,.d liecine mure Vious slm-e piohll.ltli.j, ngeniH i turned contraband from a brewery I'nio a sewer, and so Ihe sewer got i11 cleaning out. iNVENTIONENDS BRITONS WEAR I ituis. They will also represent tic liepartmeni of Oregon at the nat ional convention of the American l.clou in San Antonio Ihls fall whore I hey will compote ill the national contest. lu addition to the Salem corps there will be at least 2 more l.cgiou drum corps nnd several hands here tor the .Medford eon-i vent ion on August 2, ;! and I. WHATEVER THE PRINCE WEARS Bah Jove! Sleeveless He Chirt nnH v a,,u Created a Style Can't ... ... HIS HignCSS Tell What Will Put on Next. TORONTO. Out.. .Inly 21. (A) The I'rincc of Wales has nn or- n, political enemies of General I'inal :aste in dress hut one which . OhroKon were hehlnd the "vollir oiien maUcs the conservative cloth- 1 Ions tnnatlclnm" which the pollco Iiil- men of UuKlunil raise their '- - the Immodlnlo Inspiration hniws in startled suriu'lse. Ml is impossildo to tell whni;B,Uy n(1 0,Kniy SI!1, by Ohr nnovmlon the prince Is Bolim to in loU(H1 m dlscussini! tho as launch licxl.' Leonard Pyln, found-1 ,, i r',,rnl Oliremin nnd cr of a larne llrlttsli nieu's , litllnK estalillKhniciit nnld on I'l airlvul today wlih a ui'U .jutiuii level. Its.l'rotn tho Hritisli national clmmhor I of commerce I "Without any warning ho will itirn ip with siiinelhliiK lu drctiu which, (o put il fraiiMy, 1b Incon Kruous or even bizarre." i The British clnthler said that i no matter how atraimo n fancy ilrcss the prime mlnlit take, how- ever, oilier men always fell Into Hue. lie the prlnc recalled Ihe time when piayeu noii in a pin t sllu shirt from which lie had cut the sleeves. Iindou tailors, he said, were linniedliitely deluged nilh rubied orders for dozens n( sleeveless pi nk lifrtH "after pattern Iho prince is wearinK." the IS SELF SLAYER SAN I'-RAXCISCO, .luly 2l.- (l' Dr. II. II. McCarthy, mi, a res ident of 1 1 1 tii-auada hold here, committed suicide In his room to (day by severing an artery lu his anil- AI the hotel il was said that , ),- McCarthy had been a residenl j f Spokane. Wash., until three j moulds ago. nr, McCarthy left il note saying ; rK, c, Hmlth, ('.lift hot ",-nows about tills." At Ihe Clffl hotel it was said that Mrs. Hmlih bad been a Kucst there un til a week auo. hut that she had none to Seattle. USIioX. IN.rtoK.il. July :M.--(H A revolutionary attempt against I)h; uovcrmncnl wiih mmlu last n Ik lit, but the situation was stated to bit completely In hand tod iy. Sacrifice Convicts To Study Cancer Cause, Cuba Plan practice anions suvuues In trie 1 11111 ,,f.g,44,4. 4 - eroon country. West Afrfcu. said' 4 Wilfrid D. Ilunibv. assistant cllr- ir.WANA. July 21. Wl 1 nlur of African ethnology at Field inniiiiKiil for legal Inoeiila. I museuiii. who yesterday set up 11 tl"" with cancer germs eon vlets condemned to death so I thai the disease may bo clln- 1 bally studied has received 'A the iinitiiiiiiiinu iintirnvnl of ; Iho Hoard of 'National Saul- lallon. The proposal. It was ; said today, now will go to cou'iress for legislative ac Hon, It provides that condemned men volunlarlly may bo Inoe- ulated with earner germs and 4. Hint thereafter thev remain ' under observnllon and treat- niellt for 12 years. Should 1 they survive and bo cured i Ibey would be free from prison. . . . . . . , . . . t 'HHHtMttttt Exile Morons, Labor Head, Or War Comes, Fiery Word to Mexican Presi dentHope Last Rites For Goodwill Flyer Will Ease Tension. MKXICO CITV. July lil. l')--Mexico City nml tin country vim timuMl ptMieeful today hut thee wus a rieiienil tension anion th" U'oph, much suppros.sed oxcitt: lnt'tit and h fee U nt; of ilistiiu't un certainly. What Ih rtv;Hnleil as a virtual ultimatum to ('resident CuHes by. Coimrossmnn Hoto Y. (Jama, 'Agrar ian leader close lo Ohrouou airl IniiK a liury f jK'tiie iu Mexican ol iiics, that I. tils, Aitinjnes, mlnislM" of labor, "must'wiur there will be actual war" is frankly discoi: certinK lo elements who are work in to spare Mexico from anotli1:' period ot' chaos and bloodshed. However, it is felt that It Is ' not unrest rained speeches, but con DonnCd ,ro' f u"' u,'m" 'bat really count. Meanwhile despite Soto Y (Innia s declarations, Hip urniy cinitliiucs Iii nliscrvc d continues lo oliscrvc dtsciidinc and Secretary of War Amuro has 's- sued an appeal to all the revolu- Ilonurv clenmnts to supiiort tnc nrmy which he promises will con- 'llnuc loyally lo iianuiteo i no ' iiiiilntciiHncc of pence and order. Whatever foundation or lark id foundation the actual facts niluh? reveal lor their belief, the OlircKou leaders assert Hie conviction thai of the preRldent-eloct s assassin. Tho uumo of Morones U con- ' hl,.,.ni,u n-l-n l,,!,!' Ilfllltical enCIll- inn nml no eKuresJiions that the ( HB,.,.0iBi'y of labor him mndo "Inc j 10 UflHHintiou lamentiiw,' the oriino have Horved to chock iho leellnjis asulnxt him openly ex preHsed h Home of the OhreKon lea d e, i k. K ve n t h reu t s to It 1 1 1 MoroneH havo been made publicly and Home of the seeretary'H friendM havo ndviHed him lo get out of the country quietly If he can. Tti nun:iKhiftt ion of tlenera! I oi1(.Kon and mibRenuent develop i mi,ntK n welt an Ihn contlnnini ........nnhitv havo nerved to dis tract public ntti-ntW from the re- j hlrn uf Up j,0(lv of Cuplaln Knllllo ; ,,..,,. killed' on n return flight to Mexico City from tho Vnlted Slates. This does not mean in , difference lo tho air hero, but Is , accounted for by the greater Iraix icdv of the assasslnntlon with its ' possibilities of intimately affecting i the life of every Mexican. I .A UK DO. Tex., July 21. UP) Mexico's lone eagle was returned today to Ihe country from which he licw on a mission of goud wIM Hint Intornnllonal misunderstand lugs might be overcome. lietween n solid wall of packed humanity that overflowed Into the streets of l.ftrodo and Neuvo Lar edo, the body of the Into Cniitaln Ktnlllo Cnrunra wna borne In high est military honors to the center of the International bridge, where (inn, Jose Atnczeuu, chief of the aviation rorcos of Mexico, and e squad of picked men waited to re ceive their former comrade w-n.i I will lie laid lo rest with Mexico's Immortal horocn. BETTER AID AFRICA CIlH.AfiO. July SI. Wi Musi cians In general and saxophone players In particular whose har mony Is not of the best should uvold West Africa In concurt tours. i Slitting the mouth of musicians faulty In Ihls regard Is a favorite' ' new exhibit tr lurge w'onue.o oi unis from t ameroon. i Dlher African methods of piln: Ishlng the musician .who produeiil displeasing sounds. Ml.. IllltllPy ' said, were slicing off his ' v"r chopping on nis nanus. I Hut the suxophone Is unknown, ! In African wllda, so far as Mr. lluiuby knows. :- j ("a ynr U'"1"' , ' N'l-W VOIIK, July '.' I. Id 1 .1 I dispatch to thi) American from 1 Speculator, X. V., ay that Hone Tunney has refused tlu.Ouu for un advertisement. A Manufacturer' wanted him to say: "This cigar ette must bo a good cigarette lie. cause all my frlcnda use It." The. champion (loos not amokc, 0' O U