Tnroirnjvmr; tatftnte, trdfo'rd. or?rr;o'. satttjpay. .tttt -:t. in-23. ' " Livestock. J'M.TLAXJ), ore. July 1M. .4 Toiui ri-i'iptH fur wu l-i m in:u i : rattle, 2-J-i); :ihts J " ; hny , A " T 0 ; sheep, I! ii ",,. t'ATTl.K ('oinpmvd wit)! ( ; v. eel; uo: .Most clas-M-s mound ' Mo:ni ; se i't ;il loitds of medium iii fairly nood steers $ll.i)U-f 11.7.".; strictly Kood kinds ;.li-.mi;' iiiinrj'i fPh.i kimN m the feeil'M unliT, .!. WI'M io.:,u; hull; il.-.-ti.ilil.- she Mo. k, $v.".o''i 'i. ..'! t r ii! ly j;ood rows ami ht-jf.-r.-, up to $ 1 o.Ou and ? l i .no. iv-pfr- llVr-ly; low Clltteis down tt $.'..('; Lull- mostly j 7. 'Mill r.T,.".; Ii.-st liKht e:ilers Up to $H.'li'; i;dvv, : I '...(! down; heavies .md thins down to 7..Vj. IMX'i.s -Ciuipai'-d witli a wee); ;i n : I ittn hcr - Husse.-j mostly Tift '. 'TV lower; feeder pi.s Meady in likh'T: l.ulic lit hi luitcher., ! w.-.-u. 1 1 . l' " ii 1 1.7:,. mn.-ilv 1 1 a lew small se- d lols fully .Monday, SU'.MI nolhinu over 1 1 1 .;) alii'i- Mo outlay; o ei Wf-iu-hts ur.d under weights, sii.'Mi down; exirem 1 hcivies down to J't.r.'i; slaughter pij-'s active at JlO.L'.'.it 1 I.:'.,; f.ed-I- pis in sunny demand all week lit 110.0114? HI. 2.. SH'.-.KI' Market slow; Inmhs T.O fn T'm- lower than a week nun; top $ l l . L' f.n choice 7 -Hi. Mi. Aila ins lainh.s; less desirnlde kinds .!'. 7 f i H.'iM; throw. nuts. $'1.00 'iiin.iMi; yearlings and awed Mock pracih ally nhscm, quotaldy steady: )"'si yarliims quoted up lo $K..'iM; ftti'i T.(mi down. I'OItTI.A.N'H, Ore., .Inly 21- Ai , I'uli i : Slandards I- lower, j 1'ortland d a i r y cxehanre net , wholrsa lo tvU tiuv. 4Ti ;.; s u-uht-s): ta ndardr. 4::--: fiilH : Prints, :; Kx- ! 4:i t 1 I'M.-. -1 'ifiiinciy prices: i nljf standards. M ll.K Steady, cent ) !2.:!() cwi. land, less 1 per Hiation. lie; tea i raw milk (4 peri deliver. -d I'orl- cent. Muiieri'at. ;. 45r; delivered i:r Portland. IT'-t 4Se. K U :s - Steady; I'oi Hand dairy ' tin't hasis): I-'tvsh ytaiif1) aid i tias. 2:i-; fn-sli standard first.--. s '..(; fresh mi-diuru lias, 2 7c; f isli mod ill in firsts. 2'if. I'ric-os to ritaili-r.-t riv.'i' "M'lliil'f-'c prices. IMl'lrilV Sternly; aliv over 4'j lbs., 2 1c; 4 to A 1 al liens 4': IbK . lbs. and leuhorns. 2'ic: :i io 4 lbs., i so: :i undf r, :,c; f- pi iiifis and 2 Ic. I'O'I'ATOKH Steady; qti on "oasis cf 1 MO-lb. sack ; ai ii-tif-s selling, $!.." I) fn 1 itatlotis liest .(p) Porilaml licai. PfUlTLANI), oi-o.. July 21 -Win hard 1 .27: winti'i Li;; benil. L II . soft rn white. .? 1 .27 ; 'stem, white". hani SI. I 7: estern northern red. SL1K. :p;-lh. while prinr: Oais. , :. ;; Todays v.7: flour hay. 2. feed. cejp; - Wheat, oats, I: Wall Street Report XKW YOHK Lxtremc clul Die day's brh f si--market. Price Wi re indecisive July 21. A s characterised to ion of the stock movements nualn due to the failure of pools to attract low iim and the abs outside fob of any i-orted selling pressure. t The optimistic tenor of weekly j Ira do reviews were offset by fears I of further credit striiiKoncy when! Two hundred football coacli?s the remaining federal reserve banks! frmil 30 stated were received by raise their rediscount raies to f Ive , president Cnolidge today at the pei' cent and banks are called upon : executive offices, to finance tb- fall movement of phe president inscribed a fool crops, j hall which ulso contained the siu- Resumption of bullish operations in Warner Urns.' Pictures carried that stock to a now high of which com cast oil with the year's low of 2 2. A good demand a!so was noted on such issues as Lehn - Kink, Kasiman Kodak, Co lumbia (ins, Lambert. Kroner Stores. International Telephone and Mexican Seaboard. Profit-taking brought about sub stantial reductions in such recent favorites as 1'nioii Carbide. Radio, Montgomery W a r d and Oeneral Motors. Th.. (Oowho. u i.-.-. Mio.- tal sales w.-re n tittriivimsiii k ,v..!was presented by the 0011 .-hares. i Dr. and Mrs. George Stuminrd of AMiambra, Cal., left Thursday lor tlieir home after a two weeks' va cation spent at Hie home of Mrs. Siaunard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. (i. H. Yoe, on Oak street. Mrs. M. W. Laidiaml of Crocket, Cal., is visiting friends in Ashland. Mrs. Lnidlaud was a former Ash ImIIiI gir! ninl is well known as Miss Rrace Uracil. Mrs. K. It. fjore and daughters. Misses Leulah,. Itosa and Dorothy, were Ashland visitors Wednesday afternoon to attend the concert given by Caroline Andrews and John Doran Turner at the Southern Oregon Normal school. Mr. anil Mrs. Charles lloiirne, Jr., are visiting in Ashland at the homo of Mrs. Itotirne's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Otto Winter, on the Untile vaid. Mrs. Neweomo of flerkeley, Cal. is a guest at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fraley on Mountain avenue. Mrs. Mary Neville, t wo dauch ters. ho Misses Clara and Verm. Vr son. Ira, and a friend, Mis H.azel Houston, of Snn Francisco are spending a few days visiting with Ashland friends. Some forty students of the Ash land summer art pchonl enjoyed a picnic nn Wagner creek Tuewhy evening. A supper was ripread in Hie cofil shatlf- nhiiiit fi oYlork ami afur all had done justlre tti Hi., ni.'ul Ihe eyenlng was apnt In i nierrv making. A short imwrnni I 1. .f.f.l ...1.1. f. l..f... .1 a reilijlng hy Dr. Mnitle U. 8haW. BRINGING UP FATHER , 1 t 1 n i-. I . . , MR-CRAMP LA TALK TO i - - . i V. V. Mills and .Mr. Swisher of As- toria. .Mrs. Met art hy ol the ! school sanij an aiiiu.sir..r soit.i;. ! .Mr. and .Mrs. .1. V. .McCoy I tei taiiif,, Tuesday evcnini; nrt to Itlieir daughter, .Mursaret, and lmr 'friend, .Miss I'rances 1'iatt. The ! younj; people were taken to llol i man's, where they enjoyed a lively i i swimming party, and later they re turned to the .McCoy home, where refreshments were served. Those j who enjoyed he affair were Misses I ; France s Si ran go-. Marguerite. Ham-: mond. Kflilh .Moody, denevteve , I Swedenhui-;. Kdtth Podge, lsahell.; ( ! Silver. Marion Ary. Katherine Vin- cent. Kita Item nt saiem. .Marjoric , Whited of Croekot. Cal.. Oertrude. , Itrown. .lessie Cnthrie and Fram'et Pratt. M.arguret McCoy and Mrs. Ceorgc K. Stannard inee Hernicn Yeo). of Alhamhra. Cal. FLASKTCALVIN IS CATCHING 2 FISH E srcKiih h: Wi; July 2l.-ifl' natures of famous coaches nt til'.' country and then was photo-iraphed ; on the steps of the high school in the midst of the delegation. Tlu j coaches com posed a com m it 1 ee j from the Superior school for coaches, held here every summer. On the president's right in the pic-j tare was W. W. Roper of Prince ton ami on his left Howard Jones j of the Fniversity of Southern Call t foruia. Mr. Cnolidge also received from lite city council of Washburn, Wis., a plea for the proposed St. Law rence to the gulf waterway. it ! mayor of the citv, Harrv L. Robinson, who as , sured the president that this re- ginti would derive greater pros- j polity then it had ever known should the project be roali.ed. j Former Senator Irvine L. I.en-; root and Mrs. Lenroot were guests i of Mr. and Mrs. Coolid-:e at Cedar j Island lodge today. j President Cooiidge not 'catching fish every time only is 1 he go s j out on the Mrule hut. on an averag 1 of every other day, he is perform- ing the unusual feat of getting I wo j trout on unit cast. 1 He thrilled newspaper men and i j photographers July 4. his fit'ty j sixth hiithday, hy. pulling from the! i river two good sized fish on om I throw of his line, hut it was tint j known until today that he is re- j peating that stunt regularly by j putting fine My on the line's drop- 1 per and the other on the end of' j th" tine. j j The president made a double , catch yesterday. letting a l-l j pound htonk trout and n Im pound U)chlavou. He did the same thing the previous dav. Ifind body Fold : man near 6. pass: 1$ CHANTS PASS .Inly :i. f.l'i An iiniilcnlirieil hotly nfh man aholll I'.'l vi'aV:i of n::f wan lounil yesterday twar Hi" Parlfie lilKlivn ahoui 12 mill", norih f 'Irani Pass. . rovtilver was (mind lh l""ly ami tin- county coronf l.a. ,1a, i. I. l il u.i n ,.Itan i.t a 11 due., me uiin-aH uauiy ticcom 'MM ' TMIMGfcFOR OCA- P."V ' ' ' ' V"!- tSffilfa THE NEBBS It's a Wonderful World After All By SOL HESS'" I OUUU y , I ..w. wwivc .-.a , El.L WHAT I 1.1 uwtu ..,,-, . .. v-,. , tf I . Mir X MI5S &LACIC - V) AvlO IT WOULD OKJLV MWcE i I VWJKHeWv f VM-.TM TuE WMOLfT. I uow Aee noo J , it woia-se if i told web what ,Mfe v-0,? A " W-o-.?lo thatc WMAT;3 w"cvlB WI1H IT . , T r V ,M THE WOULD f w ii l ' 'py'.g. Ov 1 T . i'' I 01 I i n hITTIWi. AKOUN13TOU WH Lt ! - i nrcCKincr. .Jlt. i .rt,.-.T . rJ rrlUPMChT, HEHtSMOKIMfiT wHt. , .1 1 MATTER? , ' ,?T a ri -i.VlT. '"'X ' . ' -U. ' posed, the inan having been dead lor more than it Wc.-k. It was im fwsihle to tell anylhing ! ih" i'eat uri's. Care was taken liliration by the U prevent ideu man before he . Kveryihing that committed suicide, might have given burned. some clue was CLASSIFIED ADVtrtTISlNQ RATES Ratal per word tor that Iniertion, 2o; aoh aucceedlng Inert Ion, lo; minimum 25o. Indax your ida with For Salt, For Rant, ate, and count thai worda, aa wall aa aich Initial, talaphona numbar, ato., aa I word. Clatilfled adi caah In advanca and not takan ovar uhona, unlail advartiaar hai nonthly account. No allowancaa (or phona rrora. WANTKD iV.M A! - j v.r.n Worn; for coo Iti nt; a n d Kcni'i al house wasbiiiMs. Liberal w 132T. Mrs. David K vork. X eiiber. 1 1 7 1 f " jWAXTKD Kxpert mnreeller. Flite 1 leant v Pa i lor. opposite post of - fire. Phone 323. 1 ! (wAXTKD Kxp-rlencpd confee J lionery Ki'I n' Crowson's. A)ply ' at ome and in person Di2if hi:u vati:i m.ali: WAXTi:i P.oy Willi moiori yde ! or small car to carry route for j this paper. Apply ai office. tf WAXTKD Kxpcrienced electric- inn. southern orcuon i-.ieetric '". 12H WAXTKD SITI'ATIONS WATi:D Cook 37. Tribune. ng for crew. Pox J21 WANTKD Housework, ironing, ! sewing, mending. Phone 134."-Xi WAXTKD MISCIXL.WKorS WANTKD Cows, fro fresh soon. Phono h or coming r.:.l. 121 . WANTKD Children over years 1 to board in country home: a ! mother's care. Write lo' Mrs.' H. I S. Smith, lit. 1, liux -24. Ash- land, ore, - 13 jWANTKD-Lnwn mowers to sharp l en; phonographs re pa ired ; rub : ber tin's put on tricycles and ; baby buggies; general repairing 1 and locksmitiiing. Oil) and do ; liver. Medford Cvrte iV: Repair r-.nopt successor lo Liberty Re pair Shop. Chas. Fisher, Prop, lit X. Fir St. Phone 2M. 4Mf WANTKD 2nd hnnn goods junk, l'at's, liou I'lune, I &47-L. and Tel. i 133 WANTKD Shoe repairing: expert -----workmanship, first -class mate-! rials. Men s halfsoles iind hoeln I'Olt $LiO; women's halfsoles artdi heels Sl.UU. C. M. Kldd & Co.' 63tf or Wwa 7, ! 7 Wtl!t'?7. V.?c)fi V'p.a,rinK' .,,iWn ii-iiui iiik WI tl 1 1 KlIIOH. Work Star Cyclery, 114 N. Front St. .'hone (iHh. lif HOfJS AMI rivrs I'fiK .s.M.i; i:i;,fic ,,!,, I'll. hip nn-. i-i. Junk Wanted! Brass Copper Aluminum Storage Batteries We also Buy Rags, Tubes and Bottles All Kinds of Second Hand Furniture and Tools Silfedcsrd Bargain House Phone 1062 j' o ifti iiy uiac o c ' .-. n O, . . . ......... II.. . . - . I I I I K l!KXT AI'AHTM I'NTS .MISCCI.I.AMldl S FOR SAI.I . IK )JI I'.S (t SAI.i: MISCI'.I.I.ANIX II S I coi; i:i:.t aiol 4 io. complctciL sli am beat in apartim-nts. ins h a r .1 w o o d floor-; hoi water. Friuidaire til ii'ages, lawn, shade fine neihborbo od. ;.h:i s. Hoiiv 12 1 i'iible front apt. ;J'() KKXT--De Motel Oram!. I'OI' 1IKXT Furnished a pa o, with private l; !'ii:, W. Duh. I IT inenl for two. and garage. !oi FOi: KKNT inenl. Phono Furnished 4f.2-H. npa rt 34tf FOli K FXT Fy rn. 2 and 3-rm. apts., narawe.. mil AV. DMh. tl iFolt UrJNT l"urnished 2 -room . I apts; private bath, electric j raime, hot and cold w ate Phone l 2 L'llf ;F1: 1IFXT Modern furnished j apartment. Imiufru at Mail Trib j line. tfj 'FOR Jl'FXT Up-to-Matn furnished apaitment and fjaViiKO. K. ; Onkdale Ave. 72tf j r -"r " "1 ' roit it r:r-1101 si:s ii'fK iii;.T :. - ruhin no j bouse: all bardwoMiDflooi : sc ed windows. Impiii o fi 'Ksou. fi 1 1 : hoc IIKXT :il2 I. .".-romii furni.'-h' d , t I 1 1 h Si . Phone ' S;t ! FOU l!KXT Ti-roiHU boiis- Photic Mill- 1 1. ly furnished, 1 2 Foil ui:xt - 4 - room modern ping porch. Aitrac Inipiire -"-0 Palm. house; slei tive home. 1 2 1 FOR R KNT-Modoru firoom house and garage, close in. Inquire 20 So. Fir, upstairs. 1 2a FOR RKXT house: parage, and big yard, 24a So. Crape. -room sleeping porch dose in. inquire if For R1-;xt Furnished .4-room duplex apartment; private en trance; bath, garage. Phone 7N!i. FOR R;.N'T New modern 4-room iluplex, close In; laigu living room with oak floor and. fire. lace; 2 .---oiiioiiiH, Oieniv ,,r c osetHT breakfast nook ga rnge. Phone 1 IMitf 7 33-.I. I OR RKXT 4-room furnished ; bouse with garage. lu; West' Main. C. A. UoVoo, Plmne :.23-j '- 7T,f I FOR RKXT Homos. KurnlshTd or unfurnished, in-own & White. J 47tf I RKNT irilMKHKD ICOOMS FOR RKXT Particular business l"-ope looking f,- oomfortablf V.".,n! ' l"ivate home, call at I i:o'i.i- -1'hoin.. ."0-X, TOO S. liifk I J.'i- , fi.-ii... : KOH I1HXT ! frn. f-loKf ! Kiixt Main. -I'lf.fiMant room. nnnl in, -i 1 h hotti-fl. 7 Ifi n 0 r. 1 r K'l: I l;.VT KnrnlKhfil nlf-nplni; I'lMlTli; Jflyfl unmf. 31T, h tl v 1 prsiilf Av. f ! hi nt mis i:i.i,am:oi h i K'.i: IIKXT I la -.ll.'.ll. II'. I .'I I f .ml. Mllt KKN'T fjnrnge. .l (ill per inf.iilh. ,12r, Sonlh IIIv.THlile tr WANTED WE BUY FOR CASH- All Used Furniture and Stoves Call 605 W. A. KINNEY 0 Furniture House 815 Eait Main I.I'.T Alt: do you:- hanlili- and ;-ave ymi money. I la w Icy Tra usfer, lilli X. Jliversidc. Phone ln4L. 1 Mil " lU'SINKSS OPPOKTCMT-:S FOI At.K iind coulee- I lion.-iy; l;ooiI to oiid Pusine.-s: plai ii-. lf thb: year, tl lion dolm; will pay for ason for M'll- I in-:, oilor luiini A bar L... 1:' Mail Tribuin 121 FiH: SAl.K OK TRADK- 2-ere I full bearinu orchard in pi-rfect 1 -in. lil ion. located near M drord:; laio crop Included Priced for uuick sab-, only Mmi mt acre, j Pay S 1 loiti cash or trade your eipiity. i:arlTumy, Liberty Itldn. 1 12 2 : FOIt THADllTra.lo in as, first1 payment on small new house In Medford, ri lot in Ashland, noarj Lilhia park. DMi2M), wjtli fH bea rim; lish w a I nut t roes; ! femcd: value MI0. W. M. Mar-1 1ht, L'.3 Ol'ante .St. 121 j l olt SALl; ;;1UIIIS FOR s. LI : - i rabbits. I'lin direi-d chinchilla n- DtT.ti-Y. 122 '01: SAL K 1 'hei-k ei'dl Oiants and : 1 him hlfla does. Phone 4!IX-M. 120. '-' FOR SA I.1C A i:T LMOItl IJCH FOR SALK I!i2ii Ford truck. I Prune St. 220 1 For SAI.K-Siu.lebaker coupe. AI .on-lit,..,-. 1 -h, ap for cash. Tel. 7i;. if a nilt SALK LIVKSTOCIt FOR SALK - Pair young block mare-; one horse; on.- heavy 7-year-old bay mare. Phone K20 Y. C.. L. Scliernieihorn. 121 FOR SALK--O00.I hunch of oweK. ! I-:. CappH. Reall Lane. 1 22 FOR SALK --Fresh cow. Phone j K.'i7-L. 120! FOR SALK First t horse. Phone Hi-F- multlli' I--I l'OH Itl'.AIi iiSTATK lll'V TIMS- -1 iff if-s tin fiali-r I.nkf ! iMlihuny, Tiail ni-rk anil IIociii-rivt-r: :l ..i.-ri-s rlfli 1'ofnnn hull. Iialani-i. iiasluri- jtnfl llmliff: th-u -S - m hiHisi-. paflly flii-liihffl. Willi front ami l.ark ioirli. nooil-nIh-iI unit i:a)'at;f.: Nits uf wooil: moiii'. fitiil: iiosliifliff. anil Mlorf In ',110 feci; 'j i1 inilf.s from Mftl loril. Iili'itl for snminiT hoinn, ininli .'mil Ilium.; riH.hiiiM anil liunllnu; hi hool anil rliuirli rlu'hl llfiil. W'hiil I'lfi- fonlil yon unnl? liny this now foi' & I nun; only linn ilown ri ml 0 0 or month. It. i:. Millanl ( -oini y, -I I n KaNt Main. I'lioiif !!':. 1 I W1IK.V YOU think f.f rf.H i-ntalf., fffft llrtm ti ft Whlttf. tr Tfiri K.M.Ti IIOMICS Kill! SAl.K - Hot,,,., lai-Kf lot. on Norih iiram..... Hoiim- ijnl'-r f-fiti- - slmiilon. X'ov is do. iiini- In liny anil havo il finilii'il In Mill. I'l'lf.. Is lli;ht. H-' thiM liiniiflly hffiirf. you l.liy. I'Iioih- l:fj-V. or llnnilri- al 'Ai North lliilf i-'oi: sai.i; . n,v r.-rooio siuri-fi. KIsklyiMi lllx.; Ii:iuemt.nt. fiiinaii., flouhli- uai;iL:f: lart;.. foniir lot "'ini will hamlli.. 'h , 1273. It. - 121 WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your SECOND-HAND FURNITURE Scott Woolf l - Moili-i ii 4 - room two y.ais obi; close In; u.o, inn1 lawn, shade, paved l. Just hai you want for sin small family. Priced very low for uuick sale. Property shown alter ii p m. or on Sunda". .' il I X. Ivy Si. u lOXr (HI SA 1 .K - Furnished uiilnrnished 4-room house at I : t o West Main Si; with or with out electric ilium'. C. A. De Plmne :23 .1-2. I 2'Hf xkw Dion i-lass no. mi-: : rooms and luitb. siucio; hard wood floors, l.ioplaie. every con ceivable biiill - in feal ure, Imse uont. furnace, stalionary tubs, uaraue. pa ved st n-i't . This is a beautiful home priced to sell, l.iunt d o w 11 ; balance terms. Fiench . Alwiiod, I ' X. Fir. 121 Foil SA LK - ti-moiu house and lot riu.2iiu. 1 los K. 1 lib. Phone .M 1 - J. 1 2.". FOR SALIO OH TliADl-;-i:eautifiil new 7-rooui i;nglisli lype house. Tiled haih "and kltch.-n. hnrd Uood floors, fireplace, parage; will sell oil lel'llie or Hade for business, or 11 i:ood first mort-lat-e. Implire l'2l Dakota live. I 20 l-'Oli SALK- 7-iooiri House, innd- ern, lat'ue sleepiim porches llp- stairs rind down, fine shade ami -fruit trees. Also lUmotn house.' lenled, on pavement convenient lo h,,;,110,,i. llirM i-'roiinds, at a niji-e 1 of n i,.y nays, j; row u White. 21H- FOR SA LK- Two-story house. 4M(i ',,,Uy, V . . 1 k, V, 11 V ' v ."i .' 1 '. - " 'TV.' ! ' . .V I ft"'- -Natiomil Punk Hhlg. 120 Ft Hi : bous I Oil SALK Large fi-rnom mod- FOr SA LK DriinswieK eomblna ern dwelling on West lenth St., ,,l(n lina (iMialti luhIp for with shade trees and garage; home. Three-quartor size. Corn property has been occupied as a pp-udv equipni.!. call 22K dur priyate school and ilwelllng, is Ing day or fcii7-L evenlngH. 1 03t f easily convertible Into t or 7- room house. Priced way below FOR HA LIS Used aewlng ma actual value for quick sale. To- chln; all makes. $6 up; term tal price only $27i.O. Small cash . f desired. All makes rented and payment will handle. See Cnrl 1 repaired. White Hewing Machine 'Jongwiibl at Holland Hotel Tlblg. ! Co.. 24 No. Elartlett. lltf or Karl H. Tumy at 310 J.lborty Dlilg. 01t FOR SALK Store, confectionery KOR RAM-: Rumnipr home ut Rliafly t'nve; ni'W, itioilern. com- lijetiv IMumo 238. Siltf" FOR SALK MlNUKIfliANKOUB nil! HA I.I-: Himalaya. Iiluckhrr- llfs. Call 4 37-.I. r.'l roil RAI.K Alirli-olM lifl III. Top ; -- Noti h Orrhalil. 'Z mlli-x south of M.ilfor.l. foil of KIiikm hluhway. A , LiI'a. K. UKAMKS LnvvyiT. Office Klllt SAI.i: -Klltlllly iihimI walnut ; In l.llairty I lui 1.1 1 lift. illnini; sot anil ni'nrlv niw i-loi'- ' ' II anno. nwiifiH .ml or mwn. I--IIA.K I'. KA II IIKI.I., ljiwyer, l 'an hf hanillfil rum. In-: I'ralfilan Thfitlcr. lllillf., Moil- iiuiic ll.'ivts Transfi-r Co. I :.' 1 , fonl. tn-o. FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS ARE Members Medford Realty Board Some Fruit Trees Prtd ii I fill fa nifiUc ljr jjr "''s v""-'y. W'at.'r is (sscnlial to hhwcsh " , willi lint It. Tht! iilttnl t'tiiiiliiinilitm is one wlifi'c snl'fii'ii'iit fi-nil is prowii tn "t'ovcr tlio ovcrliciiil'' mid fiitniirli rows ninl pics Ittipt t" trivn tlm nionllily int'nliio. WE HAVE THAT IDEAL TRACT FOR SALE, CLOSE IN Mini nt n rciisoiiiililf. priep. 'it will prove linlli protliiotivc ninl profiliilili! lo Hip ri''lil man, ono wlio Itnovvu farniiip, Tlicro'H no nuiylin about it, fur the limn who wiiiRm'io win out with Hiii'h a Irart as tliiN linck of li ih f ffortn. Hotel Naih Comer By George McManui . H SAl.K -A cow. pin and chick ens: also hoiiM-liold turnituie. .1 . M. Drew. P.o mi. So, Pacific Dt;vv. nisi souih of fairgrounds. 122 . !'( I SA LK Sma II size ( "a so ihroshcr. Carl Kadi, Phone, Limb' Point, 122 Foil SAl.K Himalaya black her . lies. Pick them yourself, 2."c per gallon. t '. K. Lunge, Cen t in I Point. Phone 3i7. 12i FOR SALK Oladioll blooms lit ibe Shady Xiok Orocory. North Ceulral at (Mark St. 12if 'OK SALK OK TUADK Holt 4T. caterpillar tra ttor. Phone -I ns-i:-:i. 120 FOR SALK -Wo have confection ery fixture-!, if you have the lo cation. Phone ."oui. 121 FOR SAI.F -- Imperial Japanese plums, phone r.i7 -L. 121 FOR SALK Raspberries, black berries and milk goals. Phone .r..".3-R-4. 122 AT Vlil'l! SKRVH'K for (ill makes of sewtui; machines, Charges reasonable. New and used 111:1 chims; also machines for rem. Singer Sowing .Machine 1 '., I3M W. fith SI. Phone 4!ll-.I. 1122 Kill! SAl.K liny babr. Call nt Davis ranch, 4 miles north of .Medford on CraO-r Lake high way, or Phone KHili, Rogue River ( oiupany. 123 Foil SALK Apricots. Three Oaks orchards, tf K 1 SALK Oladioi) blooms, all ' "' CladloM Hardens. ,liH r,.irk SL p-fl,1(. 7-,4-X. 120 aud gas station. Well located Owner, . O. Rox 2U3. Htltf FOR HA f .10 for Band end gravel, fletllinent and general teaming. Phono ll!-J. Bam'l Bateman. tf IH SIXDSS TilltlXTOltY Some Alfalfa Divci-sifii'il fa nn iii may nut nlwny pay lifst, lint tliu fiirt r!tnnli.s Unit fruit unit a powerful coniliiimtinn in HOMES PHONE 329 R0. BOX 934- AlHlrnrtors .Ml'kltAY A Mij'fli ACT CO. Ah siiiois of Titlf. 'J'itle Insurance. Hodiiis 3 a ml fi. No, 32 North 'cniral Ave., upUnrs. .1 KSOV CO. AllsTIt CV CO. Ahiracm of Titlo and Title Iiwur ani e 'I hit ii n 1 y i- o in p lit o l it hi Sy-irnt hi Jack son ( 'mill I A. r. KLI.I.fiCO Ahsira.tnr of '1 ol . I;' . 2. Ilux in'-.. M.-dioid, o .-: on. Iit-ti.i .iac;sori Coun ty A If i 'actor, 'rwentv-elchl yearji fvpi-ricinr ami near forty year- in Ho- ci. urn v special work onl', if Im I'lliiters nil: uli i: imiint shop com- l-l' I- I'.htf P'lOt Servl, o. IliHll la-- imiiL. S:ili I'ranciyii) piiics. J,. vr,i,..vrt nlfii e Mdlord I look Kli.t- .j No Ceii'i-a). Phnni !'21-V. Contractors TIT. WIT RONS Gennal 1 oni'u--toi, ineiiuiinff o a 1 meiits, iiit, lies, all kinds of cem- i.t and concrete work. R. L Sloan, 217 Apple, phone f!43: 'Wl'ieit Smart. 17 Doss Court, phono 'tt'ti-.M: Miles Smart, f!"H S. Xewiown. phone R.jO. tf" ( liiropraciie IMiyslclaiiH DL. II. W. HOFFMAN Chiro practic Nerve Specialist. Office hours U lo 12; 2 to 5. SOB-'JM LilM iiy l'.ldg. Office phone 680; P.-s. phone 7y0-H. a pert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. K. M. W ilson, c P. A. Attention k'iven to any! Ii inn occoutiting and Income Tax Requirements. Ixioic into oui- simplified nreMintinu meihod. Liberty I'ddg., Mpdford. Phone ir.7-P. luanelal WF. LKND MOXKY to worthy people to pay their honest debts. Pacific Coast Credit Association, 42;i Medford Itldg., Medfonl ore. tf- Frclylit Traiisporlatloii LfNt DISTANCE HACLINO .Metlfoi d - Klamath 1 ruck line. Daily service. ponded carrier-. Special rates on load lots. Auto freight terminal, 3ti S. Fir. Tel. 1033. CALL Portland-Modford Truck Lino, for through or Intermediate point service. SIxteen-hour wer vloo to and from Portland. Plume riiU, Medl'ord. Auto freight ter minal nt 3i S. Fir, Medfoid. j Insurnnco FRANK S. TollKKY (ioneral j Insurance, surety bonds, mort- gages, loans, ii '-j and ti per cent. I Kxpert Insurance Service. 125 Kast Sixth St., ut Central Ave. j Phono 1224. I KARL S. TCMY All forms of in I sura nee. Fire, Auto, Life, Acci dent, llonds. phone 402. 301 Liberty liblg. Loans on Homes LOANS on hollil'M now hullt. o. tinilor ffinNtrtii'tlon. KlKht pi-r-f-fMil ami mt Hlot-k lo f-at-ry. Horvlrf. Mfinlhly iiayinentM. llalilHlfr AK'nry, Inf., 1UG V. lulli. Tol 12311 MfiiliimrntH Tin-: oi:i;t:oN cuanitk ;. MoiiuinenlH. 10. A.' lllflm, 5 -!-fl-al MtuuiKer; 1'. M. Kershaw, Htili'H MannBcr. 303 N. l-'ronlj St., Mfdrnril. Mll.slc TIIOItVAl, II. l'OI.KKNHKKtl TfitfluT fif violin. OrrhfHlru prafllrn for HtuilentH. Alfo a tlt'iuirlnif'nt for ntlJuiftlnK tintl rt; liair ftf vlfililiH nnd l)fw.s. Hofiuin 3 ailfl 4 I'.UftnesH tllee lllflK. 31 drape St. I'hone 2.r.!l-J Mffiu-y to I.tinil MO.N'IIV TO I.TNIJ To vorlhy liotiple lo pay their honest debt. Hf-t-urKlfM of nil kind uct-eptetl. .JoMnlni.'M Loan Office. Ti S. Front. I'alllllnu ""il I'lipcrliniiKlns II. MAKX, (lenerul l'nlnllng Con-tra,i-tor, tlntitiK. paperhaiiKinif-. carpentering, repairing. l'hona 17H-.I. lie. 57 Summit. C. H. IllOltTKI-HON Painting Con. traelor. 1'ulntlng, Interior dec. ifiatlng, tinting. For eatlmuui l'hfinc Iti'M. 10H7-J. or 120-lt, .uui)f)rt'H Hardware Store I'rlnlt.m mill I'lihllsliera .MlilM.'OIIl) IMtlNTINt) i'O. llaffi the hf.fft ettulpped printing offleo In Southern Oregon. Hookhlnd Ing, IfioHe leaf ledger., hilling HVfftem, etc. Portland prlrea. H7 Kir St. Itiidln Hfpalrlng ItADIt) ItKPAIItlNl! Tho Mimlo Ilnx, 402 Kast Main St., Phone 4:13. has an expert radio tech Irif lail from the factory. V make a specialty of exibcrt repair work ami guarantee it. Special consideration to denier. Ti'tinsfcr KAI'S T1IANSFKK & NTOIIAtlrl CO otfit-fi 111 N. Fir St. Phono aid. Prices right. Ser vice guaranteed. DAVIS THANHFHll & HTOIIAOW Service guaranteed. 29 M. tlrapa St. Phone liO, or residence lOUU. PIKUCI', THIIfKINU CO. Long tllstance hauling. Trip-i weekly In Han Frnnclsco. Fiirnllure moving a apecliilty. rhono 437 t'phfflsterllig .1. WKIS llpluilstery, Mnnufiic lurcr of overstuffed furnlturo. Full line ot materials. UnU les mililfl lo order. We do nil kinds of upholstering. We de liver and will call and show samples. Phone 2111, Jacksonville Window cleaning I.KT OKOItCK HO IT House cleaning, floor waxing, Janllnr service. Oeo. A. Seely, I'hone 603-J or 1 172. t CitiiD Q