Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 08, 1928, Page 9, Image 9

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Second Section
Six Pages
Daily Twnity-lttirJ Yf-tr
Wrtiy Kiliv-sfv-mh Veai
Kcvcrsil!(' Irillii
lly IIMM.V
PCONOMY iin.I fashion ara B-t-tiliK
to be sisU-rs th'-st' days.
Nine casi-s out of l'n tin i alty
siiiart wrap, tor instance. Is also
an economical out-.
Nt-ur t lie lop in these ways is
the reversible dhnn-r min1 tlin-Iy
woven In brilliant threads tif nn'tal
and rayon so lasbloiitd that th
daitrn Is equally riia rrnin on cacii
nidi very iiineh Ti U our firand-
innthr's coverlids In that ri-pi
vei v. verv ditV r-i;i in sh
Hlid drapabiM.ty.
These ilellghtlul, snfl. light
wraps are much iu vogue at i he
moment both abroad and where
smart women meet in ihin coimiry.
They are chi for count ry
club tlances; ample io wrap'around
one (hiring Die drive home; yet
thoroughly casual and decoraiive
when thrown carelessly around the
ohoulders on I he country dub
Jn town th.y arc
jually Adapt-
Let's Fix for Some
When the beat like a mist
floats. J
And poppies flame in the rye.
And the silver note in the str
let's throat
Has softened almost to n sigh
It is July.
Susan Hartley Sweet.
Late this month Is (he time to
plant that pim-y bed. lor the glad
dening of your eyes next season,
pre pa re it in a partly shaded spot.
making the soil fine and firm
rich with well-rolled manure. The
best seed choice." named varieties
- - will handsomely repay you lor
ihe small exlra cost.
,1 illy Is the most satisfactory
month for starting any of the
hardy perennials from seed. I tut
the weather often goes droughty
"Miss Maoselet"
Hazel Jeanne Nelson, of Chi
0 cago, III., chosen as "Misa .Moose
IrO' at a matiti gras of the Loyal
). Order of Moose nt Chicago, is to
go to Europe as a representative
of the orJcr to attend its interna
tional convention at Cardiff,
WJf' " 6 n
1 a r
Medford Mail Tr
- '
for SiinmiiT Kvininirs
I.Or I'iriMA
able for theatre and supper parties.
Their cum I dilution of I it-hi Hess of
weight, yet closeness of weave
make them much in demand in any
climate where evening is apt to
bein sultry and end with a chill
as one whizzcti home in ;n open
motor. -
Miss fiorothy Smart, who is wide
ly Luown as ib most photographed
j;lrl in the world, and who recently
b.-caine the bride of a millionaire
sporrsnuu i' Nw York ha posed 1
in a splendid example of (bis type
of cupc. Wit h her lovely blonde j
hair and charming you; hf uIiu-hs i
Miss Siniirl now Mrs. l.ynian Hill
weurs beautifully I hese brilliant j
colors subdued with a timely to.uch '
of black yalin. :
, Ib'verslble rayon and metal
wraps are not at all prohibitive in -prie,
hut they curry witti ihfiu u
regal charm dtlTicult to duplicate
iu any fabric unless K mlg;ht he
irunp:trci)t wtvet.
Pansies Next Year
veil ami Ihe seeds of many perennials
are fine". They must then be wat
ered. To keep from washing them
out. lay a strip of old burlap over
Hie bed, ami sprinkle the water on
Here's a hint for sick room flow
ers from "l-'lower Crowing." a
Imok by Leonard Itarrnn: "A
charming thing Is a handful of
morning glory burls picked and
sent Ihe night before, that the in
valid may watch their unfolding in
.ilin nuiiiiitiL!."
The hydrangea blooms pink on a
soil tliai's sweet from lime, and
blue on an add soil
Catering one witl
water will make Ihe
weak alum
flowers blue
Ti. lid lwn un.l Burden,, pi
.in sprlnkl.- In their
,nra A riot h itiiratl n
U,,.mie and .la0d In their runN
' Will help (.. d.He litem away.
)j lrs v j,
f v'o.Vean help your evefhlo,M'lnK
I,. ,t...i.. .,
work, hy Kivluc them a weekly ap- 5 '"" "no """"f0," '""
plkath.n of n..inu,e water-not too'11-"- I ' "'re she will find them
Or you r:in use r.rtr.Tte
nrln In Wfiter. nti fiunre tn A Kill !
Kilhi-r uf th lunt fii1
will eneouriK;.' ymir ..llier summer
:in.l full fl.uwiieri. ifii. Kami lif.
Ths Childrzn,f
Pasorft Ccdetfm
XVii War n nirl!
Wh .Mother was a Utile Kill
She wore jiii h Wnnv elotii
little si.
eves were all puffed
HS.-r skirts
reached hr
O to--i. 0
she wore a v'i around her wnls1
,nd ribtton-i fin her cui-ls.
And ruffles on her petticoats
I.Ike other little pirls.
Hut I don't wear such clothes at all f'lotliinK should he mended he- .
And I can romp and run; f-'re heinc wafhe.l. (lurmet.ts look 1
Hut Mother wonder how she belter, ami further learlnie is pre
rol.ld j vented. ;
Have had bit of fun? I I.ellentely tinted underwear O'ut
It iiK.kes me iHUKh l" thAc of fle lifter several washlnBs. ran
Then, hrenewed by tlntinir roajts In the
Tlie lnthes they wore, and he ; washing:. They ate much more nt-;
tint most It makes me lo be tractive than If allowed lo look:
1 A little 0'l of XnuQ I'-,I' ani1 faded.
I Constance Vivien Frailer. An effective way to soak clothes
Home Decoration
By Jaim ttnedlcor.
This department on Home
Decoration la tor tlie benefit of
all women who liave household
problems to solve. Querk-s per
taining to prebleioa of til a kind
may be addressed to Mian Sued-lt-or,
care of Women's Depart
ment oIAb Mail Tribune.
i Quory. What is meant by
"Lloyd :iport"? Mrw. S. if. S:
Answer, Lloyd wall i:ipom are
; KiiK'Hsh made and designed wull
.papers which have won for thorn J"
' Helves u reputation for oualliyq
: and artistic merit. At the present
time no American papers
iquite equal these imp or(il
Query. We are very anxious to
wet a davenport and yet our livln,
! room is rather Small. What
you advise? Mrs. T. 1-. I..
i Answer. The davenport has
i crowded Itself and 'everyihina: else
out of many a small home. It Is
!a piece of furniture which re
, qui rex a large room ami other
! large pieces of furniture to balance
' it .properly. Furnish your room
with several very comfort a hip
chairs ami no one will ever ask
' you why you haven't a davenport.
Query. What kind of furniture
j can ho used with law braided
i rufc's? '.Mrs. W.
j Answer, tlood plain American
; pieces of furniture such as were
j.used In the averaM well to do
colonial home. Avoid modern dru
I ii'M-it-a un use wools and cottons
rather thryi silk for upholstering.
draperies and cushions.
Query thai colors are hst for
porch filrnishiuKs? Airs. I. Y. '
Answer., (ireens are almost ill
ways Siiie colors. The green hlues
! itve lipttee Hui i ihn Dt'dlmirv enui
mei'cial jjreens and with it may be
used touches of black, orange, j
' bright yellow, blue and Chinese i
j red.' I
I Query.. What can be done to j
j clean old brasses and should one
; leave them dull with blotches of
I Kreen or brighten then to look
! like new? Mrs II. S. A.
A iiuu'tr I -f-mrtn itirf n nl n:i It I
.....ii .,.. ... .,....v.,n,.
wnshed off with clear cold water
is as simple a polish as one can
find. It is of course a personal
matter Just how old you may wisli
your piece to look, but it is true
thnt our grandmothers took a I
great deal of pride in keeping their !
brasses very bright and shining. J
Household Hints
A Canning ltecord I keep In !
the kitchen a list of all canned j
goods. This wives me many trips j
to the basement at this season of j
the year, as I can tell at a glance
what fruit and preserves remain .
without searching about for them
in the fruit closet. At canning time
I register each can of fruit, pre-
serves, vegetables, etc., as It Is
taken to the basement, I use the-i
tally system and It Is a simple mat- '
ter to check off each can as used.
Mrs. H. L.
in jjresK i n ine mm caue r or
a gilt bird cage which had become
I'lrninhnd 1 nuert n hriiuhlncr l:ie-
tuer in old Ivory. This can be I
purchased In any color desired. Kor i
the fine mesh on the cage use a
tew drops of thinner in the lacquer.
Let try and apply a second coat if
.necessary. This makes a beautiful
r'"lul "my uwi .iim-im
of tarquer. ,ul 'm not dry quite
. lis quiCKiy. -urs. i. r,.
t '"e ""I- I"
h rones of your awnings. Iher
will weaf' lonKer and the uwnlliffsl
j will pull up, and down morv easily, i
: r- " ., - ,, i
, , Household Hints for he Brldtf !
1 ,',nn' "'""' wrap book of
IloueOold I.iHCftverles .',1.' u
lule-lell m.iH-niii. ueei.rji iinj
The rover with the. endli.K or this
' -olmilr-A. S O
f'nmm for the Children's Party
eotien In which tn nervn i r j-.
cream $r party or picnle for chri- f
itren. Tf children will he pleased '
and there will be no dishe or'
spoon to be washed, broken j
liwt.-Mft U. C. v j
the lard-to-Opep Bureau j
liutwef If bureau nr table draw-
et s become hard td open which
ofeth hnppens In damp weather or,
near the setishore- rub th&i uyjll ;
with Mtratnn and you wilL iTTid
they will work quite nmiWthly.
, oap mny h used ulthoufch pnraf- ,
fin Is better Mrs. tll. I..
Wash Day
During ih. coming presidential campaign these women will be
active workers in the cause of their respective kin. Upper left,
Mrs. Herbert Hoover, Jr., wife
merce and presidential nominee
Mrs. Dolly Curtis Gann, of Washington, D. C, who was active in
t ' L..iL- o :.. n-v..
Bluing ner erowier, oenmur uiiaiic -wihiw, iu mi. tigiiw mo
Republican vice presidential nomination. Right, Mr.-t, Lcona Curtii
Knight, of Providence, R. I., daughter of Senator Curtis, who e.
onded his nomination for the vice presidency.
'" -"" -
before washing.
Is to dip ihejn iu
j water, soap them well, roll and
j place in a very small amount of
j water. ft takes more time than
(lie usual method, but Is also more
J Very delicate fabrics, or small
t articles likely to be lost may be
j placed in a net or coarse meshed
; bag to wash.
Tuesday is a better washday.
for some families, than the univer
sal .Monday. It allows time fur- the
house to be straightened till after
Sunday's carelessness and lounging
about, or visitors, and. as every
woman knows. It is easier to work
In a clean, orderly bouse.
To remove ink spots from col-
Here's Some Help
Fo. Replenishing
4,0d Cooky Jar"
"Once upon a
time," as the
story runs, the
king was about
to make a vUlt
to a Buiall town
In one uf Hie
provinces of
France. In tlioae
dnyi, It ueeins.
that the k 1 ti k
had a way of
I ti
! ! - i,
demand In jwcullar t bin kh. Auy
how, this time, Hit Majesty ordered
that a cahe be served him a cake
tbe like of which ha had nver
at en before
The Job of maRlns; this cake was
(fivau t La town s biggest baker. He
tried and tried and " finally, went
away In dtapair leaving tils d on nil
tm too taola. A Binftll boy en fori tip
tpt room,' hbW the douft:i and In
cbikiish faftllun, beft to mold it
i lBl whkh wr put
, h g
....... ; .. i..-, ...
is'0 up Willi uis little Dlts ut
C a oOulun lyli.g cround and sgain
t)t them back Into the oven.
The king ate I lie eases; they
ware (V! to him and tin liked
j them. From that time on, thefjbe
j t'iruia popular. They wero tallod
"biscuit" tn those days which
means "twice cooked"; the KnKllsh
still call them hlscult but wo call
ttiem cookies, q
Cocoanut Confections
H cut ,Mpormt.d H tip alrni.ttd
tritik w .xtr.(l
H cup sua. r 2 cup. ahredd.d
Combine In order
g1n. Drop from a teaspoon on to
a All pressed mot battered, bsk
li.K pan. Hake In a slow CUM.' K. i
oven 15 minutes. from per.
while hot tu prevent cr.i"hli.fC
Yield'. 18 klssese
. . Pineapple CQ Cakes
1 'i eat., p.. try yrt.'.n fv;.t,..rslil
('.our t-. 1 1 V diluted
2 tt. bskl.ta wtih
fiowd-r I'l tie;. p: Jalr. to
tsp salt
rMjiiusnr iWluld
I .SK .rap soft butter
S I ft flour, then measure. Iteslft
with Ujs v'fytr try InredlebU
of the son of the secretary of com
of the -Republican party.
. ' .'.In American kitchens. Namely a
or-d dissolve a heaping tea ; ,Jsl ()f droHf,,n.H nm, HnU(.(1M and a
.;p..onful of cream of tartar in a j seasoning shelf and Its contents.
cup" of boiling wider. Soak the 'What a difference they make, howl
'.pot for five minutes, then rub cheap they are and how far they
lightly. Dry ancf launder as usual, jgo! All it needs is the "get up and ;
This will remove irnit siains as get" to have them handy and the (
well without spoiling the original taste to use them wisely and with!
color- of the stained garment. ; restraint. Hay leaf, celery seed,'
Itlce and potato starches give a J chervil, chives, curry and dill, gar-
finish to fine fabrics which need; lie and, mint nnd musiard, j
bodv, but not stiffness. i nutmeg and paprika, nnd parsley L
A- half teaspoon of paraffin land shallot catsup and chill
tirrcd into the starch gives a nicer
finish to the garments, nnd the
Iron Is less likely to stick.
Some women find It advantage
ous to wash more often during the
week, and' thereby avoid having a
large washing once a week.
f ..--:: - - r r
twice. Beat ec(- Add diluted milk
and butter. Pour Into a well that
linn been made In the middle of the
dry lugredlenta. Fold dry luftredl
enta Into the liquid until partially
mixed. Then bout one minute. Pour
into oiled uiuflln tin and bak la a
moilnrhte ovon t'Alu K 111 to 2.1
tnlnuteB. depending upon tk ilw of
the tuufniiB. KroHt with uncoka
Icing. Yield: 20 tei faka w 1
medium-sized muffins.
liS cups pastry
Ji t Rp. haM
1 (u. uimtHinon
1 i up. elovfi
1 cap butter
I 'j euiis lirown
:t tUsa. evaporated
1 cup ralfdMfc
H cup dnte
otoi pped
1 vup chowttlit
1 tap. '4n In
1 Hup. Urlnuu
Sift flour with
aWt atfcd aplmtffi
C re mo butter and aatrar. thaa arfd
eKgs ann continue unmniwK. aw
the Hour niltturn, ckoppwl rraht uut
niitK and stir tlxon'wAf itatD veu
blended lastly, anil sorta ut ia
, I
umm and sllr until taoroiujhly du
Irlbuted In the isajw. Drop by
Mpouttfuls onto an oiled tbfc. Blik
In a 375 F. oven.
Oatmeal Cooklaa
I '4 cup. bread
v, .pp oa
', t.p. sslt
U p. c;t..i.mon
'i t.p. clove.
W t.p silrti
I S c. .p. rtiied
A .
. U eup lard
1 cup orar
1 K will beaten t
t ltsp .vmpor.ied
milk ailutnl with
t thffy. water
vt cup rsi.ln.
'4 .-up choPd
Q nut.
Klft (lour, then tneasurPfteslf.
with, salt and spices. Add
rolled oats, f'r.atn the fats and
'Uicar. Add eiK and best li.on.ush
Iv Add dry ln(tredleiil and itlnid
milk alternately. Uien ralslt.a and
nuts win. last tew stirs. Drop
tcaspoonfiils on an oiled baklSei
sboet. Yield; 1 doiWi cooklaa.
Special Recipes
Vinv July 'fttialle
Sim'i'd 'kk plant
t"'ieamd new poiai nes
I'lir-tl tntniiiot-H Ciahnm toast
Mixed saiad t cress. lt-tiu'e
and radishes)
Krtmeh dresslUK with parlic
KasphtM'rifii and cream
t'up cakes t'ofiVe
tonintn and ureen pepper
Spanish omelet (mushroom,
sauce )
l.yonnufse putauies
Deot tops or spinach
Hot biscuils
Kru it salad (berries, or. Hint's,
canned peaches and lettuce)
Iced mrfep
Onions country style
Potato cakes String beans
Buttered beets (irahaiti rolls
Asparagus salad.
Itlueberry deep dish pie
Hi owned lima beans
Cucumber stew
Toasted ro41s Spinach
Kadishes and celery
llerry sliort cake or melon
Onions Country Style i
I and boll six la.rge onions for '
two minutes In suited water. Drain, I
; halve, and dry on a cloth. Melt ,
; iwo tablespoons of butter In a bnk- ,
lag dish, brown the onions in it. !
'add three strips of bacon diced.
iand buke for fifteen minutes. Let j
cool a little, add one egg beaten I
and diluted with two tablespoons 1
,,r ml,,: nr rr,'I,m 'imI reu"' '
" ,ho ven for browning Hervc
a crisp salad with It, toast or bis- i
;eult and a raw fruit dessert, and I
iyou won't be In the kitchen more!
'than an hour before dinner.
I iwo leniureH are greauy neeueu
.sauces, different vinegars, chutney, I
horseradish, pearl onions and pi-
mletilo. Quite a list: Kxtrava-
' irni.l ' Kit Ii l.'.,nnn...
ii'al, because you Can dress up Ihe
leftovers, nntt everyday roods, Ihe
cheap, nutritious, bland produetH,
wholesome salads and vegetables
wlih flavorings and make them all
pcpula r.
ltrowned Lima Beans
Very young hahy.llmas
liclous. boiled, sailed nnd buttered.
But the larger beans or dried
beniiH make n savory backbone for
! tn( m,I,1 f two cups of shelled
beans are .seasoned this wav: Cook
fi chopped' onion and a teaspoon i
o Chopped, chives (mny omit) in a
taliHspoon , of butter and Mrain. i
To' two cups of bouillon (canned or
water and (mini 1(4 cubes) add thfsi Hnotl ym, ww hear Baby say,
Seasoned Hlltter'uud hull the beanHl"av I belli vein. Mother?"
111 It till tender.- Henson to taste
with salt and pppr and dust with
.chopped parsley. '
i Here aKai.ii you have Ihe touch
of meat flavor.
These. beans, with
either uspurngus,
'broiled tomato,
cauliflower- nr.cabhnc'e Vcrwamed
ami browned and peu or tiniiin of
jthe spinach tribe, will mux
v "t I . I
piste to net before
.nntHnaih.O Molnit
Take hllee.ttonialoes und fllfllm-
, hers, rlt.Ks of Kl'een und I'eu p..p-
P-r, ra.lishes nnd onions sll r? and ... teiniee ...esse. .v.... a
rich, thick I'Yenrh resalnK. Thei.,,,,, so i.ianv el.ll.l.en like makli.K
dressli.K must be soiucthliiK more j T, p..s" i.ecuuse w e allow
Ih.i.i oil and vlneaar. ,0ld to It a j t Ii desire to cook no Pdhrr oul
,thi.ll lon.alo puree or ketchup, ,.t. .lust start a child makll.K leal
j with one nr tuw O ops of tabasco. . p,. t,t will eat, and
The dressl.O: Is passed iit served ishe will 0m.ii slop .lul.bllnK In mud
with the sulad muterlals. and water. The day she Is ..Honed
I F.r additions party plans call . make u cake- say every Hutur-
, KiMizie a.w1 or writ.! Home i;co0;,y t n, WJ . th(, ,.iy
nomics lepartmeni, ('alu.nei Kak-
mic 1'owde.r c.mpanv. 1 1 Of.. Kill-j n e.-k. One day a v llor will come I
more street, Chicago, llllpols. ypu will say. "Hhall wo make a
, , ."T . , le.'.ke?" Your Utile ilauvl.ttl- will
A f.o..,l S,.,, As.slst,.nt Jllm , . ,.,. :
V" , r,'",hl"? "'"k The child will some.imc w..n'a
,an W,,.,, n, , ce.ta Inly n.,,,.u . f,.um
economy for the rt., ; , This shows she h,. inula-,
.. mikes ev. one dress either fori,.,,. ,,,,, ,., ,, ,
herself or one f he children. ,,,. , ,., , ,, ,,. ,,,.
, The or, und I patterns ,, ,.,. tli ,, ,,
In .he fashion hool, , smtKes! , f,. , ;
' ft "L "Mh h the table. If ,o, not do this.:
seams r.. She finds woys and , , . ,,ilki .,,,. .
to make over the old U,tnK, o,, eV(.,.ylhlr,B ,
lh?fi bright, frenh-lonklnff new - .. . -
onen. She ftndM little waya In l
which the foundation pattern enn i'n Work I Filmed
be ucd in make new nnd different PA Ills tAt KdKur Allen Top
hiokinit ilreMHeH. The (uvui tent, hiM cot Into the Kreiu h niovlen.
newest nte are dlneuHt-edOi'l feai"Tbe Fall of the floumn nt lTh-
turod In n fashion book nnd ran be!
farrfed out In different wnyn. elth-,
er on old drenMen, or on the new
'' ses that needs a little more
chic. sate throtiBh a whole hook
of new. fashionable pr.llerns Is t.t.e
of the best ways tn keep tip with
jthe leadlnK trends Iu fashionable
if K W -A it
Mies Dian Cumming, daughter of the U. S. Surgeon General and'
Mrs. Hugh S. Cumming, of Washington, is to wed Mauville Kend
rick, son of Senator and Mrs. John h, Kendrkk, of Wyoming.
'The Child's First School Is ths Family.' Froebel '
Issued liy the Nntional KlndHrcsrlon Annoolntlon, t Wwl 40tb
Street. New York City. These articles lit apptmrlng each Sunday
In (lie Mall Tribune.
Mrs. Nol
' Helping Mother
At a Very early age a child
help mother.
When Ihe little toddlers f
tis around from room to room,
'not give them bright colored
ters and allow
i,iwer parts of
I would suve us
ita,iidni nud
ihcui to dust the
the chairs? Tills
a great deal of
amuse the babes.
! They would put energy Into l hf
iwork. A baby's dusting would be
'more like polishing. Think how
Ihe chairs would shine! Think bow
the little worker would get Inhlat
j ed Into Hie ways of hoine-ma k Inn !
1 As the child grows older, you
could cut off tbe top of an old
hrooiit mid let Hie little one sweep.
I did this wlih my baby. He sure
:n put tea leaves down first, be
cause It Is not good for Baby to
swallow dust.
It Is a pity to repulse a child's '
f forts even If Ihey seem fo hinder
lis at first. A liltle girl soon learns
lo make cookies and even cakes-
jUf)t as well as Molher does. When
Iti,,. mlxlmr is done vou cm nut the
pan Into the oven and take It oui.
. (h(id
mi help n Kreat deal with '
" ;the makll.K of cakes, cookies ami
n pies without I.elUK alloweil to Ko
iloo near tlf' fire. This. in "Molh-
I'r'K .a.'t." The oven dour is to..
: ,,,t ,l .v (,,, tin- hands. i
y,i may ihlnli II a bore lo make
a cake; the Utile Klrl tl.i.iklt fun.
ihe would rathe
make a real cake
"in.K n es." In Mle ve lhc .'.'it .
which sh.
ie. all the I
er." In-ludInK the fall Itself in new fad whlcl nas me unusual
siow-mMion. has been presented r advantage of being ' economical.
In colo.s. Krance. which has lll- jj , , m)l0 coolie Coats for
ways been In the forefront nf fc t f fl kl
l'oe's a.lmlrer a, 1m bIvIiik the new ucl"-" , , , . ., . ,
film of th. soinire.Oelic.te poef. They may be dyed In brilliant col
nn exceiieni ..unni. I'orQ t'oOorii. Picturod is Louise Bremw,
mantle siory is p.irllct.lnrly nd-: 0j CliicaKO, whoso coat ii,
m.reu lor us mouern, sc.eni...o,
kill In nliotogi'upli)'.
Second Section
n Six Pagei O
No. 1(17.
1 K.
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of her you pan say, "I will it
look," and then, lo your surprise,
you may find that your child
makes better cakes than you do!
i W hy should she not do ho? flte
gives her whole attention lo the
i matter in hand. You yourself are
-distracted, perhaps, by listening to
hear If the baby Is crying In ihe
next room! ,
Children loyo to help Mother.
Hallsfy this desire. Nothing bur
K I be the result!
' Fad Is Economical
'Ckthinj bcautlej hare started a
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