MEDFORD MAYTj TUTBUNE, MRDFORT). OREO OK, FRIDAY. .TPX13 22, 1928. 'PAGE TITREE Sahtford & Company Santfords System 307-309 East Main St. Saves You Money Dependable Service Our delivery system is owned and operated by our selves it is exclusively Sarifi ords Service. Our deliv eryman gives to Santfords Service his entire time and attention Order ! your Meats and G r o c e r i e s from Santfords, use Santfords wonderful service, compare it with the service you have been getting Golden West Coffee T Snow Flakes Crackers Vacuum can, guaranteed. Pound J Ml Large package, fresh baked. Each Folgers Coffee zL Fresh Apricots Golden Gate, vacuum tin. .Pound JL 3 The best California. 3 pounds Crystal White Soap ZLQ Anchor Flour 12 large bars. Guaranteed the best ........ JL' s 49-lb. sack. Guaranteed satisfactory. .. K C Baking Powder 1 Q ea Garen Syrup 25-oz. can. Guaranteed satisfactory Jt. J Full K-g&Uon. Each ,...,.s:....., .27 .25 1.70 .65 Fresh Jello J C 3 large packages Del Monte Peaches 1 5 Medium size Yellow Clings. Each JL J Pork and Beans f I Small can Van Camp's. Each..; JJ Opal Shortening fL JT 4 lbs. net. Fresh VJ J Hot House Tomatoes The very best. Pound..:..-............. A J Washing Machine Soap Q Largo packago Poets. Each Jam S MazolaOil JC Full quart. Each .TCJ Maple Syrup 7 fif 5 lbs. pure Cane and Maple J Santfords Market Our New Market is now open. We have a complejte supply of the best Fresh Meats in Medford at wonder fully low prices. You can phone your order for both Meats and Groceries to Santfords and use our delivery service without additional charge Fancy Beef Roast lO Barred Rock Hens fb Pound - JL V- Young and fat. Extra quality JJ Boiling Beef Pound i . Young Rabbits Small, extra nice fryers. Pound . Sirloin Steak Tender, juicy Steak. Pound ..... .15 .25 .25 Round Steak Young and tender. Pound Lean Bacon Medium size, well cured. Pound .25 .25 Cascade Hams Sugar Cured (half or whole). Pound .30 Rr A, evmes "These slop sins mean whut I hey say." huUI City TrnfU- Ofiecr li. J. I'resrott this forenoon, "ami the enforcement of thy stop tdgn law will be rc-doubled in a short time If th cimilorists do not pay mure heed to the sinus, which wore placed there only Cor their benefit. Quite a number of complaints have come lo me of drivers totally Ignoring the signs ami often caus ing near collisions. This sort of thing must stop." The American Legion drum corps will holtl its regular prac tice thistrvenlng ami 100 per cent i attendaiu-t' it expeelej. Drum ( corps members are working hard ; to briiiK the drum corps champion-, ship of the state to Medford uml are sparing no efforts nt rehears-; ah I hat have been held so far. The; slate drum corps contest will be ' held l Medford in August, less! than six weeks away. Tree props at Medford Lumber Co. Phone tI!lt. K 1 t f The Klamalh News is pleased to; state that Howard Win nurd, well known In the northwest as a news paperman of ability, has Joined the News staff, and will hereafter he; lis editor. JJert I lolloway, who i has faithfully handled the position ( for some time, has resigned to go: Your car will last much longer to ilosion, where he will work on if cushioned with Lovejoy hydruu- the astern newspapers, ami Mr. lie shock absorbers, $-." net of 4. j Winnard takes the helm to guide; KUvnod's, UK So. Central. 05 the News in the future. Klamath! At least lot) automobiles from News. Klamath Kalis are needed to take) Knney apricots for c a n n 1 n p, care of the visitors nrrlving froml&WiC, . Johnson's Market. tf Portland on the morning of July 01 ty Attorney John 11. Car kin 3rd. en route to Malin for the t spent most of today In Clratits Pass three days celebration. More than attouding the Itedwood Indian t "iw people are expected from the marathon hamiuet. as the official north on the special train, accord-j representative of flovernor Palter ing to W. C. Datum, one of the i son, of th eofficials and prize wln- eommlltee In charge of the three days celebration. Klamath News, Klorence Graves, piano teacher. Summer class beginning June 23. ft 2 Among the Crater Lake lodge employes who left for the tod go flee, this morning were Joyce Maddoxj uers connected with -that event, held this noon nt the Hotel Del Kogue, and under the auspices of the chamber of commerce of that city. Used piano for sale at a snerl- liasy terms. Phono 031-X. 76tf of Medford, Alma Krause of Kelso, j Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Carle of Wiich., Donald Ostrander of Ku- Itugue Hiver left today to visit with gene and Hubert AVnrner. Harold ' friends and relatives in the south. Kelly. Wully Shearer,' Phil Smith, I They will he gone about a year. Donald Gill and Unchain Kdmonds Gladioli blooms. Gladioli Gar of Portland. All are Cnlverslty of ; dens, 2 OH Clark, Phono 754-X. Oregon students and will spend the j Mrs. II. M. Samuelson. summer at the lodge. I-i'. U. A. Chambers, optometrist Phone ML We deliver free. 1 and head of the Southern Oregon James McNalr's Pharmacy, 214 K. Optical company, left Thursday Main St. I2 evenlm? for Portland on u short Marriage licenses were Issue 1 j homines strip. lie will return to yesterday afternoon at the county thin city Monday with his family, clerk's office to William Uuntap, i w ho will make f.helr permanent I ' ' . j -mm if X'O last times fin Dstt TONIGHT III I aJ H. C. Witwer's ' Q Great Comic :f fl one dayt "Alex the fe"; I only lemorrow rf & J D Continuous 12:30 to Vjreai - 1 11:00 P.M. Starring , j ANOTHER BIG - skeets - . II ,, GALLAGER I VOLLEY OF FUN , I . H "S rV 1 0 CRNT ANN IF." ! 5 - - ii H IX Clvde'Coolc M I IV Louise Fazenda I I v(i5Aw Thc adventurot in love I iAV JriMil r of a 5 and 10 Cierk with I a street cleaner. jWf 1,J t s a &ldnii display Jrki of hilarious laughs. rJ I J00' N Admission c ': v - Mats 10 and 25 hi'- Xr .. Eves....,..10 and 35 and Mildred Chambers, IS, of 1 Putte Kails; Malcolm Scnion, legal, ; of Medford. and Gladys Perrine, . legal, of Ashlund; Hugh Will Shaw. !!".. of Heppner, and AVInlfrod ; Wheeler, 1 , of Medford: John j Klehurdson, 21. and Lucille AVll j Hams, 18. of Hilt, Calif, i The Del Monte 1 teach Dance j Hand, recognized as one of the ; finest organizations of Its kind. 1 will be the feature of a monster benefit dunce to be given by the homo In Medford. Dnnco with "Walker's gang, l!i hirily Hall. Kat. night. No dance ut fairgrounds, M3 Miss Dorothy Newman Is spend ing a week's vacation with her parents. Attorney and Mrs. K. J. Newman, on the Pacific: highway. She Is employed in San Kranciseo and during her stay hero has as a guest MIhs llleno Mordoff of Klamath Falls. o have something choice- In local post of the American Legion tt'co props. Do not fall to soo them, in Medford next Tuesday. June Big Pines Lhr. Co.. 7NU' 2t;th. M5 j After (--pending a shnrl vacation Guests from Portland registered with her parents here. Miss Uowen ft local hotels Include Mr. and Mis. Hubert While, Mr. and Mrs. Krank Miller, K. AV. Norton, Par baru Kdmunds, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Perkins. Peggy O'Moore, Mrs. M. W. Harrison. J. W. Hartley, V. l. Wright. K, S. MeQuirk. G. H. Teggard.-M.-K. Swift, S. A. Dwyer, L. D. Kreeland. Mr. and Mrs. AS". Jaeks-on, Mrs. A. Anuuulsen Ueehe, Miss D. Mariin, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Velglrlh, llunice Simp son. W. J. Wiswsll. Mins K ran res Woods, M. A. Crowley. Stan .limes. Gale has returneji to Kugene where Mim in enroiieu ior tne summer' session at the University uf Ore-! Bn. I A spoclirl type of treo props nt I uig I'ines jhr. Co. 78tf Mrs. K. N. Kldrldge and son Mllly of Portland arrived here yes terday tu spend several weeks vis- Miss ,tl,,K her sister, Mrs. J. J, Duehler, and friends. The Kldridges were Medford residents until four years ago, Mr, lOldridge being with the erenmory. Harold Kelley and party, and Mr. Nt harbeeue sandwieheH and and Mrs. Kred L. Wanl, . -'" live- forover. Mac's liavhoi'ue 1 Vi, Grange dance, lOagle I'oinl, Hal. miles north of Medford on high light. Kverybndv welcome. (i I way. !H Miss Golda liuone of Jackson ville is employed at. tho Heiith Drug store In the toilet goods de partment. During the noon hour, beginning Monday, June 24, she will hold swimming classes at Mer rick's natatorluin. Women begin ners will be Instructed evening from 7:3u to :3D o'clock. Those who wero enrolled tn classes, under George Hughllng of the University of California during the lied Cross drive, are especially urged to take up this co n 1 1 n u a 1 1 on co u rse . Sa t -urday morning elassea from H) to 1 1:30 aro utso being planned by Miss lloone. (jtuhko dance. Jungle Point, Sal. night. Everybody welcome. !Kl California tourlstH who Htopped here to get Information about Cra ter Lake this morning included Mr. and Mrs. Itnlph Ilratzman and Mr. and Mrs. 11. S. Ulrlch of l.ierk eley, Calif. They were In Grants Pass lo sec tho finish of tho In dian marathon yesterday morning. Tree props ut Aletiford Lumber Co. Phono 62!l. Hiltf After eonduetlng the first anni versary sale In her Grants Pass women's shop, held this week. MIsh Adrlenne Htewurd returned to Med ford this-'afternoon. Grange danre, Kagln Point, Sal. night. !! very body welcome. It II On their way to Crater I,uko for tho opening duyj William P. Hansen of Hood Jtivor and -Frank Kamson of Portland stopped here last evening after spending Thurs day at Oregon Caves. They had hoped to see the Indian runners on the last stretch of their run, but missed them, Eleven blacktallcd deer were seen by tho two men who told about one llttlfl fawn trying; to vault a steep bank when tho car came along. Just as It nea red the top it fid I backward and just missed hitting the ear, they said. ; Word has been receive! here It nil Miss Eugene Vilm, former Medford girl, who has just emn pletcd a year's work pn the high school faculty ut Marysvllle,. Calif., has accepted a social service posi tion In Sa n Francisco. A ,, Harold Sanders uml Ulll Morgan of this city wero among tho many local visitors at tho finish of tho Indian marathon race In Grunts Pass yesterday. They inude the trip from hero, by plane and, made a number of flights during tho day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clay and Mr. , u iu! Mrs. Horace. Hromloy wrru lo- . cal visitors at tho finish ot I lie I Indian marathon In Grants .Puss yesterday. ' .-- . . 1 i F camMng out ' THIS IS THE TIME TO GO CAMPING Come in and look over our lunch goods We have a great variety from which to choose. Deviled Meat .. Deviled Ham Veal Loaf Lunch Tongue Roast Beef Calves Tongue j Deviled, Chicken Boned Chicken Frankfurters , Vienna Sausage Pickled Pigs Feet Sardines Beech Nut Bacon Peanut Butter Potato Chips Sandwich Spread Pickles Olives Cheese for Picnic Lunches Cream Brick Swiss Cheese Imported Edam ; Old English : Camembert Philadelphia Cream Limburger Nu-Kraft Pabst-ett Fresh Home Made Cakes :- , Boiled Ham Ashland Special Minced Ham SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Personal Attention ! Prompt Service H. E. . MARSH Phone252 GROCER Phone 252