iocnl and ' Personal Altlir.uirh many tmirlfli find nthit-s h.'ivi- ltn Klnu t l.;ik natlmiul pa t k iht int wot-k or niiitv, the unuffiflal oin-nlnt of iho Crater Ijiko- wHson will nr iiHUii;uralt'i1 today. w)i'n lb IoiIko U iltrrnvn ln lu receive nil onm cih. Tin- lat CfiniiiiKfni 'if 1m1ko 1'iiiplvyf I" Kun jcatht'rliiK lit' lutu nlKlit from various part of ih. vinie. iM'tMiaratory to b.-lnn taken upon stuKen tomorrow morn- ning. The preceding contlngentM of employe tha went up to the. too; over a week ai;o tins ever- imnfr in i ouines tor loiimi 1 " j pnin.-. C.runKC mince. JCaffle J'olnt, Hat. nit In. KvorylMMly welcome. i3 John H. -Caikln l home from Halem. havltiK l.een freed from his duiUfi of actitiR governor of the ; t-tuie hIikio June Hi, by the arrival, home of Governor rnueifon eun j I tills week. Eat bnrbrciie aidwlclie and live forever. Mac liitrlK'cue miles norlli of Medford un liitih- wny- an raiests from a distance register ed til M'dtord lioielM iiii luile .Mre. H.,l'. llamse of Clinton, la., T. (i. ttnin and Mr. anil .Mrs. 11. I. Hmnmi' of New York I lly. Har old IIiikkp "f Iteno, Nev.. I wood llunsman, I''. It. Adams of fill- j cal.-o. J. A. McNalr of Vancouver. It. f.. I.onelln (leorue of l.eiian. ! X. !)., Norman Jenkins of lleloll. j Wip., Weston JlarrlH of Davenport, Iowa. j rniHlaw of Han Dlefjo, J. 1.. Mil Notice! In order to help tamp Kick of CreHcenl City, J. W. Her mit the trouble canned hy non- bert of San Lulu Obispo, drover tuffieicnt fund and ni-accouut Tyler of Oakland, C. .. (Iladson, j cheeks, every person receiving onelr. D. IJ. KIiik. A. Moore, Mr.-.' Is retiuested to notify Southern Ccoik' Whlltell. MIhh Mayme Col-: Oregon Credit liureau, 1H North hum, Mrx. c. c, TyKon, MIhh K. 1. 1 Cenlral Ave, I'hone V20. in ) Chuse and Mrs. 1. 10. Defluerre of, central lolnt 1h now iiudnlllnK San Francisco. j Hit. new hlh preHuro pump for j (lladloll hlooniH. filadloll Oar- j lt water Hjhtem. fullowlnir Itv af-y dens, 2US Clurlt. rhope 7fi4-X. ; rival this week throuRh Hi ' Med-) ,Mrn. IT. .Nf. Samuelnnn. 90 . ford Klectrlc compnny. The new j Mnrrlnne UceiirteH were Isnucd at I pump will throw over I0 Kfillotiri ! the county clerk'H office to Auuut I u ot wuier more per m.oo.o .,o. flUV Wlljfli HUM Ull-Il III linr the past ten yearn and opemtcK. , kiuuunuj wiviii'nii". 1 Klmer Hennnla nnd Al Mlllor of 1 Sriittle are snendlmc n.iver il das ! In Medford as the iii'stn nf Mr. j .....1 M..u I i-in lu Pn lil ifhiln fin rniiln I to their home from San Francisco. Tree props at Medford lumber Co. Phone 629. H0" The executive committee of the hoard of trustees will carry on Albany college's educational pro gram until a Huccessor in found to president Clarence W. flreene, re signed to accept the presidency of an Iowa college. Free! Freo! Hand concert, fol-1 lowed by hitf carnival -duime at oien air platform In Ashland park, ThurHdny nlht. lt'a cool there. Ill Mr. nnd Mm. Frank lioss. who nrrlved Inst week from Jerome, Ariz., to visit friends nnd rein lives, left this week for Kimene, Port land nnd Seattle' necompanled hy Mr. Itnss's mother, Mm. (leorue I tors, nnd winter, Mm. Homer 1 low man. They expect (o return with in 1 "ii days. Cruneo dance, Kaftl" Polnl, Sat. niirhl. livery body welcome. !:t Included amotii; the Orernuians lealstered at Medford hotels, other than those from Portland, are Mr. and Mrs. N. 1. fill more of Cor vallls, Mr. and Mm. C .K, F(rd and family, P. I.. Dndds and Jo seph W, Und of Kuuciie. Your v-re;it eHt asset Is hea It h . Take Chiropractic with Itusstan inansa' and keep fil, Ir. Sim kiiiM, over Woolworlh store. 0r Con lily Aju-nt 1, (J. Fowler left for Corvullis this niornliiK', lo re main until Ihe (, A. c. two weeks summer school for the boys ami t;irls club members ends Friday nh;ht. County Schol Superintend ent Husimnc llomeH Carter, who had Intended to ride to Cnrvallls Willi him, decided at the last min ute not to ko. Dance, (inld Hill Sat. nlKht. 0 to 2. Hroadwny llr'hestrn. 91 Tonlhl s city council meetlm:. ndjoiirncd over from last Tuesday iiiKht, Is expected to he a very IMik one because of a number of more or lesH Important matters thai will be up for consideration. (loliiK cast In few days via Ijih Anueles. Take two people: closed cur. ltox I.. A., Mall Tribune. !3 Superintendent C. O. Thomson of Crater tmtlnnnl park was in the city on business today until late this afternoon. A special type of tree prop nt Illir Pines Co. 7Rff Fnlr nnd warmer weather Is the forecast for Friday's weather, uu lowlnfi a maximum of 72 yenterday nnd n minimum of 47 this morn Inir. (!ran-,e dance. Kanle INnt, Siit. nleht Everybody welcome !3 ' Don't say bread- Say Milk Bread An tnvltution lo vUit the Ore-( An agreement to work out mi A rt-Ured sra captain, F. it. Bar-1 In order to we what hi Jark Knii t'avcH Ii:in just hrc n I us up d to ! li-nilaHve (till which will permit ! Ur. and hlit wilV and son uf Oak- "on county club buy and Kill are number, of ihf Oihon Hiutc j-MI- Hit- HtUc and fed ral i;i.vcniiiit iii! land. Calif., tdoppfd hr- yeMfnb.y ! ilntni; at . rf, C. humim-i- m-IiuuI, t.triul asKft.latjon. which wltl t-oii-'tn co-opfrnte In f.tubhi..iii: finnl! to i't information about i"niir t It. J. Kowlrr. county ati .cultural vpiif nt rrnii-r' June .20 in ! mitiuiinl parks, like that i.iooohert i Lake, "the place that H-vcryune a'i-nt, left today for Corvullis Julv 2. bv (Jforui' .. Sabhi. man-! nur of the OrKon "'nvew r-nnrt, uccm-illnc f Harris KllxwoHh. fh-ld manuKcr for the association.1 The 'edilorH are Invited to upend ; the night al the cave, where Kpet 1 it 1 entertainment at night around tlin cumpflrc Is to he arranued for them. Mr. KHswntth plans to have July 2 devoted to the civ cm jaunt and asks that rfsfrvnlkniH Ire mttdo finmedlat'dy. We have BomelhrnR choleo in tre props. Ijo not fall lo aee them, Bijj PlneH Co. 7Xtf Amn) lho Klamitlh Talk pen- pte who were visitors Jit Medfnrd yrsterday are Mr and Mrr. Hmithe, 'John Turner and J. A. McCarthy. ' Laurence Mann will vpend $Tf to do alteration work at his home at Minnesota avenue, accoid- 1 Intr to a huildimt permit issued by the city today. j)Iin,.c, Wth Walker's cnnir, jfir)(y jj,,! Hllt nHMt. Su drince at fnii'tfroumlH. all f.illfoinhiiiw rii'liitefml fil hotels Include MIkk K. M. Warren. AiHH j.. j m(.u.rl and i:. Noel of Menlo Park. Air. and Mrs. T. K. Heynolds of Ventura, .Mr. anil .Mrs. A. II. Allen of 1'Vesno, W. T. I.' II.. t f I ...... Itl..w.t If H and .Mrs. A. A. Hvmall of 1 lol'llsler. .Mr. and .Mrs. A. It. Taylor. Mrs. I. Quirk, Mrs. K. I). and Mrs il Hchenclf of Alameda, Mr. and h. A. O. W 1 1 lard. Mr. and -Mis. II. Clark, t T. IhittKH and II, White of l.os AiiKeles, .Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Paulo of . hlco. Kleanor . ......... . . .... , imiaiKi-r, alio ..lanys v ,.un. ta. : IMIIU III (rillll 1 1IKM, ILIIII UUIIMll McCall, 2T, and Celestine Alor: un-, iJiwy iri inn, j Hunts uji-.i, 7fltf Ceoririn and IJHInn Xewell left for Koquull, 'Jallf., near Oakland, i 1I1..I. u jiii iiicir iiiiiivi, uci'iRH iMJni-ii, -" ' '"' I j nifut. i-.veryotiuy welcome. ;td I Sportsmen of Oregon, who are ' , . . 1, 1 ,nKio:. .fu irnr.' nun jii-M-iuin-ni. j rivers to Industrial development. ; ul the prior rlKhts of Inl. rests whleh have al-1 ready fortified themselves v.'ltht. witter rlithts on these streams, in the opinion of oflclals familiar Willi the fdtuiilloii. Dance, floltl Till) Sat, nlht, 0 to 2. Hroadwny Orchestra. 1)1 Amoiw the motor tourists from a distance who registered today j nt the local branch of the out of I state nulo registration hureait nr I'lwod I lanscom of Chicago, 111.,' Ooiltfvleve McNwnly of New York City; JanicM Itottom of Knlil, Hila and Janet limy of Present!, Ariz. The latter gave her dcsliiritlnu as Lozler l.ane. near Medfnrd. Fancy apricots for c n n n I n g. ; 5Vi' .lohnson'M Market. if Two emergency landing fields on Ihe PaclNe airway have been com pleted north of C I rn 11 1 m Pass by Ihe division of airways of the depart ment of commerce. One of the fields is located about I Ti miles from Crauls Pass on Crave creek and the other is on Cow creU. There will be seven such fields built h( l wet-11 (ir, Hits Pn km and Hoseburg. The fields are narrow ami long, affording a place for avi ators (o land when necessary. O rants Pass Courier. Walker's fiance at Hilarity Hall Sal. night. No dance at fair grounds. !I3 Temporary nutn licenses were is sued at the sheriff's office today to W. K. Kndit of lUuuie Klver and .1. A. Oammill and the ltunnistcr Agency of Medford. Tree props at Medford dumber Co. Phone rtUU. SUtf ! Mrs. K. C. Jerome, who has been i III In the (iood Snmaritan hospital j at Portland, Is fit owing continued j Improvement,, according to Mr. ,le-i romn who returned to Medford yosterday, after having been al most eunllnnnusly nt her bedside. Swim lu drlnklUK wnter. Mer rick's chloriunted pool. s-.ttf Auinnu the hotel guestH In Med ford from the Htale of Washington are II. II. Snow of Spokane. Paul Warner of Montesnno, Dr. Logan (1. Kinney nnd famllv of Pullman. Johanna Osborne of Coulee nnd Mr. nnd Mm, A. .1. Tut tit. Violet Dreyfoos. John K. V.niseden and W. O, Fosltet of Seattle, (Irand opening I.llhlnn dance pa vilion In pnrk al Ashland. Thurs day night. Plans tire being made to have n big time. I1 Sixty out of the state cars regis tered here yostevdnv with the local slate nulo traffic bureau. Dance. Cold Hill Sat. night. ! to 2. Urondway Oivheslrn. !! School election reports which j cant.' In today al the county school nuperlntenileni's office wero from 1 the F.vans Valley and Hatchery ! districts. At ihe latter. K, IV llog was re-elected director and Dave 1 t Fneller was elected clerk, and at the former. J. II. Ilowen was nam ed director und Kuuene Moore clerk. reports have been nlready received nnd the entire number nre expected to be In noon. Florence Ornves. pltino tciieher. Summer class hcutnnlntf June 21. !? j Mr. nnd Mrs. M. K (letter of 1. nnu llearh, Calif , left yesterday1 for Salem after 11 fhorl visit here, with Mr. and Mrs. F C. Keri:uson Your rnr will lasi much loimcr If cushioned with l.oveloy lb shock absorb! r., t'i set of I. Klwood's. lis So Central. ft r A Klam:ith FnlN visitor here this week I Mrs P. 10temn, who N the cueM of Mr. nnd Mrv. T. , i:tlUnu-. Dance. OoM Hill Hat. nlcht. to 2. Prtmdw.iy orchetia. lll Mfjittuau auntij In th Hllver Ctfi k fall) area of Oregon. iviih reached recently b-. tween Senator Me.Vury u Oreuon and Stephen T. Mather, director i of natiouiil parkn. .Such a measure would provhle for a Hharlnt: of tin' expenne of acquiring the Hinnllei-; pail; areas hy the Mate und fd ernl covernuieiits, afier which the, latter would undertake, their de velopment and maintenance. Dance with McMut phey's Co -lumhia recording Kollee Knltthts. Oriental (ianiens Hat. ninht. Cen- tlcim n $1.10: hulies L'.'.r-. . !M Ah-, and Mr. Ir;i Walker of Hlv- erIdft(4Vnu, who have pntcluiHcd! a hoiiiJe on I'-eirydaic aV'-niH-, ox- 1 peci to move to the new location ; in a few weekH. ; U'tncc, HM Hilt, Hitt. ni'ht, !i to' !i. Itroadwny Ot chcstr.'i. i'3 1 Kxpcctlni to spend jscvral months Willi friend;: in San Kran i lihe-o. Mrs. f, 1.. McDonald left ' last evenlnii. Mrs. Kathleen Hmiini I also HTl Here ycsli rday for an ex-j ; li'ndril vacation al (invejnour. New j i yo'"k. j j Jiincnius nance, i.a;;tc i Tom, I : Nat. iilttut. Klncaiils lniii'rial ()r : chestrn. !i3 I Federal I'rnhllilliou Officer Ter ' ry Talent arrived in Meilfnrd this !"'."' from Seattle. VWivn.. . where he liail been ypcndliiK nev : w, "n kov.m iioiciu ooshicsh and will probably upend the sum- ; mcr in nouthern Oregon, with Ash ' land as hl headiiuarterH. While j In 'Seattle he placed an order for ", now "'"" " "ll't eiK-ht speed ster which will be capable of trav eling; HU miles per hour, If neces sary, lie cxpedK delivery on the car in a short lime. Dance with . McMurphey's Co lumbia recording Kollee ICnichts. Oriental Gardcttft Sat. niht. tle'men Sl.KI; ladles 'I'm-. (;cn. til : Ouesls from Portland registered j attests were former hKh school at local hotels Include .1. K. lllder, and (sillcxe matcji of .Mr. rtoss. and ; Mr. und MfH.-C II. Ilrown, C. W. this o,porltinity to visit with him i Neilhury, , Itohi. Illuinlicrv, Lew was Kretitly enjoyed. The cucsts ! Itussell, Aanes C, Wiswail. Iltlldalwere Mr. and Mrs. Frank Itoss. lli ndricltHon, Miss Frances ltohert- Mr .and Mrs. Flovd Itoss. .Mr. and i I" rnii. viir- (.,,,.,. Nlms. ,.. ,,. white. .O. F. Ultehey, W. M. Norton. W. ; , O. Amstey and son, ii. J. Clary. , c. o. .1. (liaVCH. .1.1 jC. Palmer, A. H. Ilolderman. W. J i F. Lewis, T. W. Murray nnd .. C. j :..'. ' ' '' ' ! 1 Sa nders. 11 1 Miss Vera iinri v 1111111 ur, un ai KK I who hnH been on the Kiificne liible Kchuol faculty for t ho past two years, left Wednesday for l.os An- A, ,..a.. ,,. ,.-i , ..,. ...... . .... ... .1,.,. . UJ i.iniiev in,.,, , the insurance Company of Xorth America, who spent several days here tills week, left last, evening for Uoseburu and points north. DreKsmaklng nnd remodeling. Fashion Shop, 424 Medford Hldg. If . Dr. II. II. Hlllott returned this morning from Portland where he htm been attending the meetings ?r the Oregon Stnte Dental asso ciation. j Orace I.ammers formerly with I the Itob Shop of Kugeiif for the tlf ,,,,,. ph(ll,lM . (h(. ., nil ' Shop. ji 1 I I c. .1. Prommer and Frank IC. j j Redden left last night for Pot t-j land to attend the several dnys si a convention of Oregon col- t lection imcncies. Dance with McMurphey's Co lumbia reenrdim; KoIIckc Kniuhts. Oriental Oardenv Sat iii;ht. c--tlemen $1.10; indies 25c. 91 Itecause only a handful of spec tutors turned out last niaht for the; Jack Roller-llllly Sandahl mntch al the tlniuts Pass Athlcllc club the event was culled off. Roller nave an exhibition bout with Pig Roy Hitler, L'Tll pounds, of Cold Hill. As a result of this exhibition fans expressed reurct at tuabillty to see Roller and Kandahl lu no tion, (J rants I 'ass Courier. Tree props at Medfnrd J. umber Co. Thone fil'O. SlUf Mm. F. Mretmaycr and two chil dren, whn had been visiting her sister. Mm. R. R. lCUiott. returned today to her home in C. rants Pass. M rs. A . II. W issing of t , ra n t s Pass and Mrs. Minnie Rurrows of Medfnrd have returned from Port land, w here they attended the Rose show. Dance. Cold Hill. Sut. night, 0 to 2. Hroadwny Orchestra. iiS The Daughters oT Veterans will meet tomorrow even his at the Armory at S o'clock. lliivo your fnrnlluro ri'iinlrril hy N. Thllmull. Pliuno Hilll-l:. The fire department was called at 2::.o this afternoon to extin guish a grass fire on Kenwood avenue. Fancy apricots for cnnnlnc, fijc. Johnson's Market. tf Danee SAT.NITE with Gorffe McMURPHEY and His Columbia Recording Kollege Knights ORIENTAL GARDENS Gentlemen $1.10 Lu-lie 25c ininuiNPi, Mwwunu, talk ho iiiucli about. " an" Mr. liar- ; ker ui it. Mr. Karkcr, who wan u member of the Inlled .Siaten , Mhlppititr hoard in lfl. and for- : inerly of tlie Northern Navigation company of Alaska. Mpem mn- time recently at Cresceiu City, la riated that he is intereMied in d'-vi-lopintt a harbor ut that place. After vihitintf the iake, th pfirty will drive ihrutih H nd and Ukr to V(temltc and (ilucicr parks on their extensive vacation trip. Dance with McMurphey's Co lumbia recording KolIeKf Knights, Oriental tiardens Sat. niuht. flcn-Hein.-u $l.l: Iridlcs J.'ic. Mrs. Walter Williams of Tos An- j Kcli-H nniv4 ii here Wednesday to ; Join her sifter. Miss Jean Mac- ; ni ven and a parly of friends who total rainfall sim c September 1 ; left today for Crater Ijil:e. lie- jr,.G! inches. 1 fore reuirnlnn lo Medfnrd tiny ex- Humidity yesterday, r, a. in! , pect lo visit ii f'rtrtland. ;si ier cent; mum, ..! per cent j Kincaid's dunce, Kaj;le point,.:, p. m.. 44 per cent. ; Mat. nlj,'lit. Kincaid's Imperial Or- : chararter of day. cloudy. client till a Klamalli Vails visitor hen1 yf.ter,lay was Mrs. Krank Ankeny vvho visilcd friends and did somi1 shotMdnK We have snmcthlnK choice In tree props. Ho not fail to see them. Hit,' I'Iiich Co. TStf" J). (i. Mclireitor of forvallls Is manilKlnlt the Itoeenlteri- Dollar More on South Central durltm the illness or It. II. Wilson. Mr. M (lienor was formerly emiiloyed hy the s. s. Krese chain stores and the Atlantic and I'nclflc Tea com- i liany of Nehraska. Fancy apricots for c a n n 1 n k, S't'C. .lohnson's Market. tf I Mr. and Mrs. Leonard .1. Free- j man ciitertiilned at hrldce on i j Tuesday evenlnu lit their homo In ' : honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Itoss (f Jerome. Ariz., who have heen ! vlsltlnit relntlviH and friends hcre't'l for the past week. Manv of ;he! .11 1'S. ! . II. K Ilfl, I i- n,l l fu I w..h,.. i .. .. .1 , ... 1' ' ' ' ' and Mm. Flmer Kyle. Mr. and Mm. lie.. Hilton Kern Iteehe now mni Amin... Hcnres wovo n n.,ii i.v, Meehe Dow and Frank Rosa ' ' Dance, Maul- I nm -ii ' Friends of M. A. Walsh will bo glad to learn that he is able to have the Sacred Heart hospital after several months spent there. following an operation In a Port- I land hospital. i Dance, Oold Hill, Sat. night, 11 to j 2. Rruadway Orchestra. !tl ' Lamp shades and wood novel ties decorated with the popular Aztec Imtian clay designs are be lnK exhibited in the window of Went -Hail Paint company this week jintf next by Mr. and Mrs. o. t. RmokM of RartlevlUe. okla. They give free instructions In modeling and have visited most of the larger cities aloim hie way since they left their home. Dance with McMurphey's Co luinbiit recording Kolleue KnUhts. Orlentn! O.nrdeiis Snt, nii;!. llemcn $1.10; ladies '""m-. 1M Mr. ami Mrs. Rph Koozer and daughter Rutl: b-fi th! ninrni"" lor l-'reewater. where thfty expect to spend several days m A lie of Mr. Koozer's mother. They will return home by way of Port land ami Rnmlon. These Drug Stores are open nights this week: Jarmin & Woods James McNair Pharmacy West Side Pharmacy Frank's Comedians IN The Big Tent ! T TP CI") A V wLOln 1 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY The Great Mystery Comedy The House of Fear' Fourth and Fir Prices, 25c and 50c Vaudeville Orchestra Comedy INSURANCE First Insurance Agency A. L. HILL, Managtr Phona 105 30 N. Central Medford, Oregon onr - uu - v, 1111 n-tw. i . wherw he will upend iht remainder of the week. He was accompanied ; '' M1ks-k Adt-na Joy and I.oraine Sj.air, who will viMt rrienrit on the campus. " - , The Weather Lowest tempi! at lire t liis niurn inw. 47. ' Precipitation for '24 hours end , iriK 't a. 111., truce. . Ve.-'tciilay's weather here: IllK'li : est temperature, 72: lowest teni t.itui"'. '7i ; NK-an iciiipfiature. . C4. j Precipitation: Total rainfall sln.'e first of nuoiih. inch Sun sets today risi'S tuinorrnw 4::it loniorrow 7:'0 p. in. sets cnmptilcd for Forecast for ntoirow: I''air tonight and to - toniKiit and day; warmer Friday with nome whr.t lower humidity. I.. W. DICK, .Meteorologist, Vnited Stales Weather liureau. AS ecial Oimiiiiinlcalloii : I flrtlPrPT RAV flC VT A fl i K,."'M::;;;y:'':!;.nV!L UAi Ur ItAK,1 22. S p. ni. Work In M. M. niAArnT nlll ITfinl decree "- Card of Thanks. . j To our many friends we wish j to extend our deep appreciation ' for their acts of kindness iluiintr . recent bereavement : aUo for1 lovely flowers. Mrs. John llii.'h'im, M r. and Mrs. Frank Myers , and son, Mr. and Mrs. .1. "W. lliKham andfamliy, Mr. and Mrs. Klherl lliKham I and family, i Mi and Mrs. Fred 11. Smith t Ha- lhilt practi ally all inmates and daughter. iiro employed and thit hnuHin Is Leslie J., Karie I,., Orace I!.,!tilkt" earc of by the additional ltu(h A. and liasll II. i dormitory recently made from the PiKhani. Mr. and Mrs. .las, -Mr. and Airs. .1. ( K neeland, HedKe. in I IirUXS. State will contract for I grading Joaquin Miller trail In I Trout Creek valley. lf' 9ENSATI0N FOLLOWS ANOTHER IN OUR BIG PARADE OF NEW " J ji fyJflX M" . CREATJONS IN ENTERTAINMENT AND NOW THE NEWE3T I 1 feTote l3H3) ' ' STAETs' mmm ' SP TOD A Y I '3? ' ' fiffXft'&fi Help us give you serv- VvS? THE WORLD'S FIRST K A TALKING I mmS? fc"'. motion 1 0 m tSmf ' ' PICTURE 1 te33,v7'l lllilM SEE and HEAR Beautiful ' Wmmm Dolores i I I I With CONRAD NAGEL if&tM , ' VITAPHONE PRODUCTION 1 liLw'" 'ZJllr! 1 IT'S .MILES AHEAD OF ( 1:7r39:'5" ljL55IkH "THE JAZZ SINGER" 'A'kjik flk flvi'lTil E AMAZING MELODRAMA OF NEW "0-' Ar'-'itri 4i?ltJ3 J?! "J VORK'S NIGHT LIFE Augments the Thrills . SP--''-J Via-AtAjkW of It's Dramatic Heights by the Interpolation im't" -T " . Tlai. a1" of Spoken Dialogue as Well as Symphonic ry? S' 7$r$J ICr. '" Accompaniment. 11!' I KPV 'GENE MORGAN- .- . , IH The Wesf. Comedian M CAlH Ql Amission . il . 'n the Comedy Sketch 1J 1 &lViM I'M' -i t .ie.r. DIVORCE ACTION IN COURT HALTS The divorce suit of William V. Van iJykc aKaiut-i ,U:y Van IKke ; of Ashland, was started in tho -ir-, cult ' court this murniiiK before . Judge C. M. Tlmmas. but a A'ttle ; merit was reachel before the eon i hislcn of the evidence, diy which a 'decree of divorce vns yyn mini Lo j Van Dyke, and the custody of a six-year-old boy to he divided be tween the twd pnrcntH upHii the irdrs atei dlseretion of the court. The case promised to lie sensa ti,,n:il. with chari:es and counler eharires. Sumner 1'arker. alsi a icsnrem of Ashland, was named as co-re.spondent. the fon;l::int al- 7:4il P. m.:eitiiiK that I'arker and Mrs.. Van a. ni.; sets! Dyke had Koue uiion auto riclcK to- i. (Rises and : Keihej-. and attended dances to-li-vel horizon. 1 ! aether. It was alro charKed ! their "association was a ni.:tt-r of Frl-jcomnion scandal in Ashland." The plaiutifl' wan repre'-nted by Attorney (Jus Newbury, and the defendant by Attorney ieorf?e -M. Itoheris. blbhti! UAt A! M SALKM. Ore.. June 2J. UP To day, the lotiKest day of the year, the population of ihe state peni tentiary reached ihe highest mark in the history of the prison. The registry showed 7 prisoners. The (dluntion is the reverse of the usual experience,, which is that population decreases In the Hum mer. Superintendent Henry W. Meiers ! old kitchen. W. O. W. .othx. P.ig special meetinu Friday niirht. State championship drill team and entertainers. Rrlng the ladies. Xo charge. Ilt2 K. C. SII.I.IMAX. Clerk. PRESIDENT HELD BY MORE RASN NTPERIOK, Wis., June 21. UP) -A night of shower; undid all tl ,-.'00(1 in yesterday's comparatively dry weather and kept President ConlitlKe trapped In t'edar Lake huUe by had routls for another Uav. ArraTmemenlK l'ir Prewldent Coot- TOO LATE Tti CLASSlhi F"t: lii;XT lliiil!'!'. si'i furnifli t il. X ! - SuilllllU AV. :l- F(Ut SAI.i: 'il! TliADR lOoulty in dilph x. ' What have you? In quire :I7 N. .Itlvei-slde. !' KOI I I). SAI.K-Shalf'-r. -New auto lent. So. IVuch. KOI! II. SAI.K Votim; J. rsey heifer. I). S.haff.r. So. Peach. '-' FOlt ItK.NT Deslrahh Hot, ! (irand. apartment. FOl! .bK--Ijiruc 5-room mo.l- rn dwellinj.' on Went Temli St.. with shade treas'nnd uarae; properly has been occupied its a private Hchool and dwelling;, Js easily convciilble Into t or 7 -room house. Priced way below nctual value for quick Hiile. To tal prlc only STTm. Small rash Te'nuwulrt at 1 lollandHoiel l!ldK. ?f,,r s-Tu,,,y at 3,0 'y; KOIS I.KASK Choice apartment. navment win n'indie. nri rtuwlofii in i.voiv wiiv. fxcellent location, larjre liOint; room, bed-j j room, dressing room, modern . I built-in kitchen, .'i0 per mouth. ' ! See Charles A. Winn Anencv. ! lne. 1 FOU SALi: Oil TKADK 8u acren 3 miles off Pacific highway: ' house, 'ood ram;e for cattle, fine i place for poultry, plenty of wood to sell. Want smalt lions-' and j lot in Medford. Will sell on ' term.". Inquire between nnd 7, evenings, at 1 1 U 5 West .M:iin St. in ' foI! UK NT Modern furnished house; adults mil v. Call be tween 4 and . 1 1 1 ."t West U'th. FOlt ItKXT r. So. Ivy. room house. I 1 1: !i:l FOR HM.VT Partly furnished R-1 room house. Inquire 2 10 Apple St. WANTKD 2 lumber pliers for sreen lumber. Contract work. Fir Pine Lumber Co.'. Phone HI27-R. !'ltfl idiie 10 come to his offices here to day were canceled when it wu loiiul that tie 33-mile tri trau the ludKe was aKain risky in Myeantline telephone reports tn ii the hidae said tile chief execiuii,. had made the most of I Ilia elir, day of enforced idleness and ha Kune fishing aKain to try lo bene his catch nf yesterday. A lovely collection of nwdlewora creations. Qnllted I'illnw Patterns twrjol filled) Dresser Scarfs and ynnity Sets. .Neetile Point Tapestries Croat Stitch Hiikh Luueheuu Clntha TtiwetH IMllow Cnses and' Red Spreads Unhy Slioets and Pillow Cases P,aby Dressea and (ler- trudes Ilabv Saequpfl ituhy Quilt Hlockfl : in fact, everything in Stumped UoodH. Clossilla Silk and D. Mi C Kmhroidtry Threads. A variety of lovely col nrw to choose from. liahy I.nyettes finished and Hemidininhed our Kpe cittlty. Handicraft Shop 0 D Q Phone 702 42 South Central Across from Craterian Theatre 0 AY K DKVKI.OP . FILMS FREE , West Side Pharmacy 'The Eexall Store" 75