The Weather Forocaxt Fftir, warmer VYJdar. MaiUiiuni yemeniaf 79 Minimum today ; 47 M Maw, tmrttt Weather .Year Ago EDFORD u Maximum 85 Minimum 4? DU TvtntMhM TMj Mklr Kiftj-aiui Y.rr MEPFORD, OKIXIOX, TiriTiSPAY, JUNK 1 - : 2. IMS. .No. 91. ; : &. ,i Today By Arthnr Briibme Eight Western Bears. Don't Be a U. S. A. Bear. All Set, Very Soon. The Skuptshina, and Here. (Copyright. 1827, by New Tforlt Krenlnc Journal. Inc.) Eight youni? Ciilifornin mirs Vicn, the "Golden Hear Eight," from the Golden Gate, beat the best erew that Columbia ever turned out find smashed a 27 year record. A elimate in which yon (;rov for twelve months, instead of fighting colds and standing still for six months out of twelve, has advantages. Helen Wills proves it. Business was more cheerful j yesterday, The oil stork imyer rejoiced to rend tlutt crude oil pnuliuMion had fulloii off f:Ef0 barrels a dny, in the pnst week, and oil stored east of the Korky mountains shows a decrease of 1 656,000 barrels for May. IiOadings of revenue, produc ing ears, a good business indi cation, increased til, 7-16 for the week ending dune 9. Some during little lambs have been trimmed tO look like niof film nt the finish and the re- ( French poodle, and others to look more like a hairless Mexi can dopf. But beware how you sell this country short, for the ' long run. And, although it may he a little lntc, don't gamble. ' Soon the two candidates will he named, Hoover and Smith,' the two platforms printed, and the show will start. Houston report lack of prohibition cn ergy. Nobody .there, it seems, to give prohibition a kind hand. Senator Ttaed of .Missouri says he will stop Governor Smith. Hut prohibition does not inter est him. There will be plenty of prohibition talk before next November, however. In the Helftrade Skuptshina, tliniij name for Congress, n radi cal deputy shot and killed Paul Ruditch, nephew of the peas ant leader. Savage, backward! sort of place, we say. M In New" York's Cent nil park yesterday, a ruffian, type of modern crime, cruelly slashed j the faoe of a young womtin, walking with friends. In Ohio, George Renins, who shot his wife in cold Mood, as she beg ged for mercy, was set free. A jury said he was insane that saved his neck. A high court ! says he is not. insane. That j gives lliliL freedom, and more opportunity. In Houston, as 1 J . the Democrats gather, a negro is taken from a hospital hed, bv . , . . llien not IliasKCa, aiUt iiangCtl. T.ot 110 not : nrifinizo nlhipn- Alnirtt Al aHftfilitrtfi rkii n t T J'" - - Italy's innKnifieent fliers, lo- i i x- L-i j ii ' wiled NoWile, ndnft on nn lee. floe, in the Arctic, and dropped i . p i i xt i i: a supply of food. Xo landing was possible, and the ice was , . . , , ... i mi rmwii iu iukc mi. Would it be possible to drop a niiniatnre gas bag, weighted 1iin-n h..4 nlI i:P Ann ne ' . . more 01 the stranded men per pendicularly, to within reach of a slowly moving plane. What plan would you suggest ! Amulla Earhart has received her first proposal of marriage since her ocean flight. She will get more. She tells London to praise Pilot Stultz. Who ran the machine and really made the trip, while she was "excess baftaa ge." Hut no one pays attention to that. Romance Is the thing and Mis. Karhart iunplles It. In New York's brutal danclnc rontest the dance to xo on until all hut one couple drop the female dancers, nervously exhausted, slap their partners' faces. Then the men slap the women's fares vigorously. The yahoos, called "fans," looking on, shriek with delight, a the half jtContinotd on Pf Four) FLYING C. AN EASY j Karook, Representing the i Oregon Cavemen, Spurts ! Into Grants Pass 22 Miles 1 Ahead of Melika, Nearest J Competitor Given Buck j et Containing $5000 ; Drinks Bottle of Pop. j Ci HANTS 1ASS. Ore.. Juno 21. - ifl'l One hundred und sixty-seven n. and nfty-one myites or Karook on try of tho Oregon Cnve men In tho Redwood .Marathon, breasted the tape ut the finish linv j hero ut )U:30 this morning. He came in strong, finishing at a run through a street lined with thou sands of people who had wailed Hlncn late yesterday for his arrival. Princess Kedwood Umpire was waiting with n hlanket and as Fly InR Cloud crossed the lino, she kissed him 'roundly, the first to greet him. Plviiiu Cloud is n horn here to- !day for lie left hLs nearest eom jpetiior. Melika. the aged S5unl. ''! ! miles lo the rear, lie was photo- ! , t. .wl l, nf lillinu Hill I neu-M reelK ir round out manv feet ! ceptlon given the youthful runner. Heart Is IKM'larcd O. K. Presentation of 55000 in silver dollars and twenty dollar gold pieces to the winner, u water bucket being: utilised for the pur pose of holding the coins; reading of the message brought by Flying ! Cloud from Mayor James liolph ot 1 Hnn Francisco to Muvor George Fox of (..rants Pass, the wild gYeotlng of the Oregon C'nvfemen, sponsors of Flying Cloud, and per- sonnl congratulations kept the t winner busy for a full half hour alter the race before he could be j taken to a hotel for rest. - ' j Dr. H. O. Cnoltdge, head physl- ; clan for the marathon, slopped Flying Cloud just outside the city I limits of CJ rants Pass and pro- nounced hirt heart in bettor condi- J tion than when the boy left San j Francisco seven days ago. : Flying Cloud was all smiles as ! he came into the city, the vision of the big cash prize and tribal pride having kept him always in the lead. He had left Solum, 22 miles from (irants Pass, .Just as day was breaking. That Flying Cloud hud plenty of reserve was shown by his final hurst of speed Into the city, the last mile being clipped off in five minutes and twelve seconds. Bites His Prize Money When the first prize money was j i presented to l lying t-'ioun, ne i picked a ftulu piece from the IDUCKet, put it Deiween nin leem and then nodded hla approval. It n.ld cvel. .,,, , ,18 ,lllnds al ()ne ti"- i-ast year he took hi second 11 Mini IM)Uf,lll ttt-n iiuiuum- bile. Training was broken with a bot tle of soda pop handed him by one of his party and he took it down in a few long drinks. CI rants l'ass was wild with delight today as the runner entered. Thousands of peo ple hail leathered here for the event and every store In town had some display of greeting the streets were decorated. Thi. finish of Ihn Ilndu-nnrl j marathon is always a gala event I l" UliH cit'- ' At 10:rS Mcllka. running see jJinrt und KOlnB Htnng. left seima, -2 m,IeH frwm the fUlish ilh Cl,lef 'I'liinh 16 miles behind him at the i nHt official word. The 82 year old Zunl. is pounding along wlth n smile on his face and n cheery greeting for spectators nlong the jwny. Hed ttohin i hoidinR fourth place elKhteen nillea behind I'kiah ' . . -n,ahu.iuniomn. iioni. within a 'Smith Is si mile of him. . Seymour i sixth, four miles nway and Silver Wings, S miles behind him. Mad liull, winner of last year's ; marathon, is out of tho race at j Crescent City f! RANTS I'ASS. Ore.. June 21. () rlyinp Cloud, leading con- teMlint In Ihe Kedwond lllKhwoy n.nKn,ll,.n n.-n. Ihn 11. J Indian milA atrell.h between tin n Fran-' c-lsco and C.rnnts rasa, seemed almost certain of victory this) 7."'""'"'" hMrT,h. "rL"i!l WINNER line. Melika, his closest rlvnl. : was nearly 40 miles from Grants Pass. i" About elcht miles hehlnd Melika j was Chief rkinh The three other i entries were strung out from! I Crescent City. C'nl., to n point I nhout 10 miles north of there. , - i!RN,TS,SS- 0re" J"n?, 2, 7 : iJp) Only 19.2 miles froi Grants l'ass at 1 1 :so o clock tills morning. Melika, the old Zunl runner whoso game battle in the Redwood Indian marathon nan brought the most pro found respect and admiration. In expected to arrive here 'is even-in.-; well established In second place. Chief VkiaU, the 51-year-old T (Continued on par Six) STRIKING PHOTO t! i (ft)"'"'- y !'';- mr .m MM A C m- ft. . m ,y- .. ,m ; m m a -:.' .. m. - , -t w -.x:-' .os This is the latest photo of Governor Alfred E. Smith, of New York ! and his wife, taken at Albany. - " - - " - - - ' - SMITH OPPOSE FRIENDS OF AL BOBBY JONES IN FILM SHOWING TOURNEY OPENS Dry Film Showing N. Y.'Golf Champion Gets Even; ; Governor-.-.-Sjgning.a -Wet;. Par on First-1 8 Holes- Bill Arouses Indignation of His Supporters Fight Looms in Court. NEW YORK, Jun 21. (P) I-'rlenflM of flovoi-nor Alfn'tl K. Kinitli today thrt-atPncil leyal ai-- lion to prevent the use ot a news reel of the governor In a film dramatization of two prohibition j books by professor Irving rislier of Vale. The picture, .entitled "Dellver- ince, was made for Protessor i pj,,,, and Uobert K. Corridini. I research secretary Of the world j alliance against alcohol. H If being booked by tho Young Men's Christian association for showing in Y. M. C. A.s and churched throughout the country. fieorge IJ. t; raves, secretary to the governor, has written all news reel companies who have taken pictures of (iovernor Smith warn ing them against permitting im proper use of their f.lms. Coun sel has Informed them thut a picture cannot be used for com- morelal purposes without tie governor's permission, ad that f()r 7. among the commercial purposes. Kquuling par over the troacher-j of "Deliverance" Is the advertls-' OUr number four course. Leonard j ing of Professor Fisher's two Schmutte of Lima, Ohio, turned In j hooks. iu card of UG-3ti 71. ! The governor's friends say the: Hobby Jonos. twice former hold- excepts used, by Implication, pur-jer of the crown, finished in 73.' port- to show tho governor sign - ing the act repeallnK tho .Mullane- 1 riage slate enforcement law and I thereby allegedly rnntributing to J evils which .thor parts of tho picture depict. In reality, they sny.-Covernor Smith Is MlKnini; an Income tax reduction hill. .Mr. Corridini said that any- thine In thi unfalr to Governor Smith lit. lure would ho taken mi; "If his representative comes to us" "'onl earner nun a line (i and shows lis we are wronir" "The story," he added, "is not propaganda, hut a dlKnlfled dr attzallon of an historic event." lln u.,1.1 nnn u.w... ulw.U'ln.- th. governor tilons with the tlile ,l.n acknowledged ' champion of Ihe forces" already had heen deleted. Wind Blows Kernels of Wheat From East Oregon to Mt. Hood PORTLAND. Ore., June 21. 4 (PtHtiff gales coming from eastern Oregon bring kernels of wheat from that district to the crest of .Mount Mood, d Hnrry Conway, who led three 4 Portland boys- to the summit. 4 ; reported on his retur n tod iy. 4 j Conway ?all he found ker- nels of wheat In Ihe snow In Hi various places ut HioO fer-i. 4 1 4 4 4 4 t OF THE SMITHS 4 4 . "t 1 W if- ---.--r-- i FINE FORM AS! Johnny Farrell Has Bad: Start Chick EVanS ' Makes 'Good Recovery. i ' ntvMPiA I.-M.-I nq fmr-AnO OI.1MIIA I-II-.l.DS, C HICAt.l), June 21. OP) Henry Cluccl, dark- haired youiiK Ktratiora, vonu.. pro - ' fesinnl, shot out In front of the national -solf championship field i today with a .sensational 70, one! under par, for the first lS-uolo round of the 'tournament. Ciuoci was nut in even nnr, hut chipped one off perfect fig , urcs to make the Liconmin juar.,.- in ihe same total. The youngster was steadiness Itself, equaling par exactly on 211 of the 18 holes, bag ging threo birdies and -oing over par only twice. Or. the incoming nine Ciucci's only mistake was on the fourteenth wheie he had trouble on the green, but he made up for this by shoot ing a birdie throe on the twelfth and a birdie four on the eighteenth, where he rammed a 45-foot putt to tho edge of the cup. John (iolden, bulky pro from Pat- erson, l lucci s partner, was oniy Huu,Mv loss brilliant, talihur 3(i:tG 1 Johnny Jones, Seattle duplicated l In lake 4 't his nlace among loadors. hirogo , lllll Leach, Philadelphia, was tllip Cleveland among the loaders with VI. Thomas and flerg Ciuccl's seventy, which might Min and Myatt. have boon a if his long putt. Second -"xame: had dropped for an eagle on Ihn , Chictttfo last bole shoved the young Ital- ; in nheml or unnm .senmutto or I Lima. Ohio, who had jumped nut .even par. YVIlh fully half the field in. . ! Including most of the outstanding I stars, Ciucci was two strokes ahead of I.'co l)ieKel.' three In front nf .,... llagen ami six better than either I the defending champion. Tommy , Armour, or tho chief British threat, Archie Compstou. ; c.rouped behind Schmutte and j his it were Diogcl, Hill leach of' Philadelphia, John t iolden of I'u- j terson, X. J and Morton Smith of Joplln, Mo., with 12 each. Tied with nobby Jones at 73 wore Willie Hunter of I,ok Angeles, Freddy XlcLeod of Washing"". !. C. Johnny Jones of Una it to and I-'reil Morrison of kos Antreb's. OLVMPIA FIF.I.OH, Chleaio, June 21. P) liobby Jone, with a gallery of 2.00ft. got off to a I sensational start In his fiuet for a third American op- 11 champion- ship today, using his putter with maul" effect to einil even o-ir. 3.'i. for the first nine holes nf the open lug H-hole round. N His tinrtoer. Johony Karretl. w.-fs badly off form and took 40, (Contlouad 00 P till) SEC. WORK ; ! 10 RESIGN JUNE 30TH i Head of Interior Dept. to Direct Hoover Campaign I Ralph Williams of Ore-! ! gon llaned Vice Chair-! I man, J. R. Nutt to Be Treasurer. i ! . WAKinX(STOX, J lino 21. M .Seeretaiy Work annonn.'ed toriav ; that he wnuld resign the interior loahinot post before the end of !june In order to eondm-t (he re-, - r-ublW an national t-amiialgn for -; which he has been made naliona'l , chairman. ; Knlph Ki U'illiiuns, Orofj'm, was ' selei'loil u member of ih exocii ! tive cominiitce. . WASHINGTON, .limn SI. OP) I Ki-rivlnry nf tin. Inl.-rl.ii- Work ! ,11x111V was rirni:illy niMU'owil as' J ch:urm:in nf the ivpublti-nn 1111 ttlortul riniinlit4M )iy a Hiili-eimi-' I llliU''C ll:ilnfit liy thi Kuns:lH C'lly J ! i-onviMitiiin in ontrr i ciuifn- wlih j ' MlVrt'tn I'V Hnnv.r nn i;i tiimilL'ii plans, nthws jinmrii In u hiuIi: )'""' imiillr ' ihe i-onvon-: j tion also were npnrnvert. ' ; j Aftt'i- n inri-tiiiK Ui.stlnc nn hnnr ; I anil n half, . Iho exocmlvc rom ; mittt't nnnuunt-ott the wlrcttntl of: ;tlip ftilliiwlny: nffli'rs. In iiililltlon. ' lo Chairtnun Work: i Vlri- i-tialrman. Kulph K. Will-1 UaniH. oroRon; Mi-m. Alvln T. Ilort. Kcninrky. DmoIcI K. I'oincroy, '.'cw .lt'i'st-y: Vranklln W. Kol'l, 1 Now .ItM-Kpy, socri'tary-, .losnph U. Nutt. Ohio, treasurer. IE c v t-inveiucn ii ii Iniuructml as a unit In vole for Ihe nomination of flovernor Alfred ! 'smith or .ww voi-u im the pi-osi-; (deney, 50 ilelcKatCH will leuve for: the national demoeralle convention I 1,1 Iloiinttm tonluht. The delrn- i l(loiif) ()f WashlnK,011 , OreKon. . i ..,,. ..nnsi.ieiert Bmllli aunnoi-tei H. : 1 . i i arrive here Just before tlio : (Pm0i-nillr special (lopurls. ibmnci'iilfp rtennrls. Til I V ,,...11 Inin n,n rest of tho trln with Ihe Cnlilnrnians. Baseball Scores Nl:V VORK, June 21. 11 llahe Ituth hit his Iweiity-slMli home-run oi tne season in me ui. ir.nlllil of Ihe second Yankee-A til - let It: itame hero today. Uuhe Wal- hel-K was lillelliiw nd t'onihs wart on hase. American. Kirst itaine- It I'hllad.-lphia 0 New York ('.rove and Cochrane; and P. Collins. II. K It. . :i II. lit trolt Ciirroll. Smith, Woodall: Ciowder, Manlon. llolloway and I'.laeholder and Philadelphia-New camp called off; rain and wet grounds. I I'lrst game: it. m. a Mill" llud- It. II. i:. I S 0 Clevelnml 3 I'l 1 Adkins, C'oiinally. Nelif and llerK; Shaute and I.. Bewell. n. it. K. I oston I) 1 1 I Washington 2 X 1 Morrlns und Berry! Hadley, (ias- 'n a"'l Kenna. National First 'same: Ft. New York ft Morton ,4 . K. t t) S 1 John KitZHlmmotiH and O'Karrell iCconey. it. Smith. Worts and Hpoh ! ror, (j'l hnn. I C!..n...f .r.t.A. I II ? ' . . , ' 1' f j ih'diou nun IWKMi, lieiaiiey hum (Taylor. First game: It. K. K. St. I.ouis I i I i chlcano 2 S 0 .Mitchell and J. Wilson; Blake and Kartnett. Second game: It. f-'t. I.ouis , 4 Chicago 1 II. 7 , 3 Jol nson nnd J. Wilson: Root and Gonzales, (i 11 t 4 II 0 Cincinnati I'ittnhurg May. Jahlonowskl and I'lrlnlch: itlon and attempted nn escape with Hill, Fusscll, Mlljus and Smith, I' loot. Thi? money was re lLnrifravci. covered. GIRL BANDIT UNDER OBSERV ON ft- 1 I Jean Cameron, much arrested county Jail ut Albany, N. Y., where she is under the observation of a lunacy commission following her pica of insanity to a charge of grand larceny in the spectacular theft of a toxical). Jean is shown sketching "dream fuccs" in her cell. She has served time for crime in Illinois und New Jersey. G. 0. P. CHIEFS TO CONFER ON FUTURE PLANS! I Special Committee to Lunch With Nominees Tomor ; row- New York State to j . Be Battleground Hoover . Wants Three - Weeks I to i ; Write Acceptance. WAKlll.VfiTON, June 2 1 . (Pi .Mem. km oi wie. special enmm.uce nf tho republican national com mil- i.,e. who are t eonfer toi row with Keeretary Hoover, the pnrty-H presidential eandidate. and Senator t'UVtls. tho vlee presidential nnml- nee, - arrivina touay anu were I reeelved liy .Mr. Hoover. lisiness whleh was lo eonie he- fore th ciiwinittec ut u luncheon at noun tomoi'iow was discussed aoo i as s , niu a maie ,ul iRiy nt tho paHHerany and ny. et.inniltlee uffieialH would he ilralt- ! . ,,,, , ed -lllleljy at the ennferen.-e. ",K: Me, ton. Seeretary ' Work, frequently! deoi.o il. VanNaniee, pro-conveu-inenlioned as ihe new parly nn-i Ho" munuRer for Governor Alfred iloiial i haliniaii was wltli Hoover K. Smith, today opened the Smith Inst niaht imkI early today mid I headquui turH, In tho Kama hotel tnil: ; n, n,,,,,.,.,. to th(1 (,rrl1 p.)(., ,llpIlt . one of ihe leadei-H of where bonator .lames A. Iloeil cs New York fo-ees. eanie j Initialled his office several days i at the t-oiiiiiierci de-; a?o. o present Mrs. Ituth Keprcaenlntlvo Corilell 11 111 Is a I l ran. -New 1 ol-K liy aloeruiau Roesi ai uir Kiuue aoiei mil naa not 1 11 ii. I a ki'oiip ot Ni'w Vork peotile. 1 opened headquarters. The. Teniies '"IThey were mild to have uiKi d par-! neo coiiKiesaman strolls uhout the 11 J tleular utieiition to the New York I hotel lohhy Htandlni; rlnht In the ' "isiale eanipalcn aiWI to have ex-' midst of Ilia headquarter, lohnson j pressed ,i i,i,pe nun the Meerei iiyl Senator Heed was the flrHt to ail Mould make one or two appear- vertiso on a lurKe scale. A banner anees there ilui IPs the cam palitn. ' rainpaiun arraiiRcmeniH still ieon.iitiiii'.i the mi.wi i I'niiiiii.u.iiite ,,,,1,,;,, rr dlseutsimi of committee- ln,.M SiM i-etary Hoover Is repre - I senteil as dealrlni; two or three .ml.. I u-eek. l,i tv-l.l..t, 1.. ...... nn York seeonil,., - . ,.. rhissril as a most tmpcruint cam palKn document. WASlllNCiTDN. Jlina 21. (f) .1. j It. Null, Cleveland hanker, has been approved hy Hecretary lloov- er, repuldlcan preHhlentlal eandi idate, as treasurer for;the repuhli ' can national runiltiittee. It was sai:l 'here today just hefore the confer-;enci- Ih.-it was to plan eampatKll I details heuan Harry lilalr of New York City was satd to lie slated tn hemmc eastern treasurer of the commit tee. , These were tho last major selec tions to bo made. It previously had been ffiarded as certain that Secretary it interior Work would be chosen chairman of the national committer ami Franklin. Fort of New Ji-isey. hs seeietai-y, Charles I. Hilles of .New "Vork. vas thi' only member of the siib- ctJliimtltei-. .4tpuilltt confer' I with HniA'ci, who was Hlent KILLS ROBBER I'HOK.S'IX. Ariz., Juno 21. (!) One robber was killed and another captured by Imvlil Saunders, cash ier of the ltnnk of Arizona branch at Clnrldnln today shortly-after the two had held lln tho llistitil- girl bandit, photographed in th ' SMITH DOESN'T EXPECT TO WIN ON 1ST BALLOT With 650 Votes in His Pock et, N. Y. Governor Reported to Be Willing to ' Give the. Favorite Sons a Good Time Before , He Wins. HOUSTON. Texas. June 21. UPl j . , EoUiJ,(m to((y atartCil pnttJllg on t . . . . Jt . ! ltB ""' r,,r "'0 rte'uocrallc I political party just five diiya away, j Karly arrivals found fluBH tlecltln-'r 1 hnllilliiau Willi hniilliii! Ihn Hln.- , . . . . . a. ' """0 winoowa unit mono i front displayed HouhIou'h con ven tion flag, two sters looking won i oil Ilia hotel hlllldlllK aniiouilcen i"Heud lleailqunriers," and another I on the Inaide ndviseil reailera tn I "Win with Heed." 1 Boon after the arrival of tho New Yorkers hadws henriiiR a like- ness of (Iovernor Smith mipeared on coat lapels and placards were displayed on cigar store counters with t lie announcement: "(iovernor AT Smith, our choice." There were photimraplis also nn display-, of Houston's favorite son nnnniincinK that Jesse It. JoneB Is "tho mnn of the hour. Klnlshlnir touehPB were helnK placed on tho htK coliseum where tho convention will he held and In dications were that its capacity nf IS. Olio would not he enough for the dedication ceremonies Sunday. Tho "standing nsm only" ikn probably will be displayed Sunday for t.he first time. Seuts for tho 1480 dele gates have been assigned and the men and women who wilt nominate the democratic candidates for pres ident end vice-president will have nothing to do but rind their places when they reach the new hall on Tuesday for the opening session at noon. ' To assist tho privileged oortlon of the audience a large corps of 11 j ushers has been ordered . to re 7 ' t hearsal. ! The airlvnl of VanNnmeo, first spokesman for Governor Smith, on the ground was followed by sugges tions that political activity of Kan sas City will not he' repealed at Houston. VanNsmee predicted the nomination of his candidate nn "nn early ballot." Ho declared that the Now Yorkers have como to Houston In a spirit of good feeling toward everybody und with no disposition loNntct-rere with any state's right to vote for Its favorite son. Van Samoa's remnrks were generally constructed to mean the Smith forces, with votes of more than 650 on the first ballot, wilt make no effort lo twin th, rumination on oaeroll call. FEAR THAT AMUNDSEN LOST, GAINS With 650 Pounds of Food Dropped by Airplane, the Italia Commander 'Kisses and . Embraces' Coura geous Aviators Still No Word of Amundsen Fog Halts Search. r.ONnON'. June 21. (P) I-Varfl ' are InereasInK tor the' safety hi njtt:iln Koald Amundsen. Ueuton unt l.lof iMetriehsen and the erew ; of the piano In whleh they flew I from HerKon Monday toward Die ! Arctic wastes in search of (lOiioral N;nl'"p his men. sn news has i r ti( rrMt;u v dip piann since n started nn the last lap nf Us northward voyuife.. Captain j Amunilflen had previously planned jto ko with unotht-r expetliiion bin 1 when tho French aviator, - Iteno Cuilhaud announced his intention I of fly hip to Nobile's relief and wished to take Amundsen uIoiik. ; tho famous explorer jumped at the ; chanc. j The , plane was equipped with I wiruless for receiving and sending I and is believed to have hud sup plies of petrol sufficient for a night of 2500 miles but the pro- longed period of silence has creni- oil the &ravest anxiety for Amund j sen and hl coinpanions. j UN1H.. June "2l7 (A An Ex- II chuiiKe TeleKraph dispatch from Copenhagen says thut Major L'm berto Maddnlena. . who dropped provluious to Oenerul Umherio i Noblle and his party yesterday, in- tends to make an attempt to vesci'e S 'them from the polnn Ice with his plane. Major Mitddalena will fly ,o 1,10 1,I,0B wUen Nnbl, tt"rt h" 'flea Pninniinlnrm nra f.neAmnaii ' will drop smoke bombs to them nnd the marooned men will use these to Indicate the likeliest1 place tar hlnr to hind; Then the Itnlhin.' flier wlll try to come down on' tho ice and take thom off. ' The dispatch says that anxiety over Hoald Amundsen and his five, companions who sot out by se.t planv to aid in the rescue work, and disappeared was growing. (Copyright hy tho Assoclatnd Press.) KING'S HAY, Kpitzhergen, Juno SI. VP) Cheered hy the 250 pounds of provisions dropped yes terday upon his camp off North east land hy .Major Maddalena. General t'mberto Mobile today seati further radio directions for tho rescue of his stranded party. The general and the five men with him, who have heen short of food and in difficult straits ever silica May 20, when the dirig ible Italia met wllh disaster on lis return from the North Pole, was In wireless communication with the base ship, C'ltta dl .Mllano, con- i ernlng the present situation. ne gave some instructions noollt what further procedure is to ho followed In reselling his party, and gave details as to what were the conditions on the Ice- where he Is stranded nnd the exact position nf his camp. Heforo giving these directions concerning the rescue plans, how ever. General Nohlle expressed his gratification for Major Madda lenn's assistance. . The first .words ot Xohile's mes sage were; "I kiss nnd embrace tho two filers and Meroantl." There was no further news to day, regarding Ronld Amundsen, the famous explorer who took orf from Tromsoe, Norway, on Mou day night nnd has heen missing since. There were all kinds . of speculation about him hut no def inite Information whntever has reached here and there was nn confirmation of yesterday's rumor that he was down on the pnek Ice, The week of fine weather which has provnlled nt Spitsbergen today was succeeded hy foggy conditions whleh It was feared would prevent Major Maddalena from starting out again In search for. the bal loon party of seven men and three missing men who originally form ed part of the Nohlle group. PAItlR. June 21. mZ-Tb French ministry of marine has ordered the cruiser Strasbourg and the dispatch boat Qnentin lloosevelt to go to Spitsbergen Immediately t0 help in tho search for Itoald Amundsen, now missing Iu tho French relief piano piloted , hy Captain Hene Gullbnud. OSLO, Norway, June 21. OP) A local newspaper., commenting on the disappearance of the French piano ' with Itoald Amundsen ehoird, during Its search for the Itnlia's crew, today stated that Amundsen said hefore he left that he was espectully Interested In the party of seven In the tml loon of the Italia. The pnner thought It was possible that Amundsen nnd his companion had (Continued on Fust 81t . :;4 U