Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 15, 1928, Page 12, Image 12

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Dallj, Bundar. Wwkly .
I'ul.litJi.'U by (tie.
if -17-IG M, Kir Kt. Phone 7
ROBERT W. ItUHh, Editor
8. hUUlTKIl SMITH, Uanugef
Ad lodrjleaduit Newppr
Entered swond claw matter it Med
lord, Oregon, under Act o( Uarvh 8, 187IK
Bjr Hall In Advance:
Haily, Willi Humlay, year $7.50
Daily, with Huiiduy, month 76
Daily, without tiuintty, yt-ar l.f'O
Daily, without Sunday, month 06
Weekly Mail Tribune, one year.... 2.00
Hunday, one year t.00
lly Carrier, in Advance In Uedford, Aah
land, Jacksonville, Central I'oint, Phoenix,
Talent, tioM Hill and on Highway;
lluitv with Kuntl:iv. niontli I .7ft
Daily, without Sunday, oiotilli 65 t
Dailr. without Hunday, one year... 7.00 i
Daily, with Hunduy, one year 8.00
All terma, caii in advance.
Hec-civing Full Uused Wire Service
Only paper in city or county receiving
Dewa by telegranh.
The Aaaocuted Treaa fa exrlinlrely en
titled to the uae (or republication of all
newa dispatihcs credited to it or otherwise
credited in this paper, and alio Co the local
uew publialird heroin.
All right lor republication of apeclal dia
patchea herein are alao reai-rved.
Hworn daily avenge circulation for fix
oiontba ending April 1, litis, UrtZ.
Official paper of the City ot Mrdford.
Official paper of Jackson Count)'.
Advertinlnff Itrpreai'iitatlrea
Office In New York, Chicago, Detroit,
Ban Kraaciaco, Loa Angelca, Seattle. Port
land. Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthnr Perry I
A Kansas City bank located ll
Wock nwny from the CI. O. i'. con
vention hull was lit-UI un nnd
rubbed yesterday. Draw your own
WKKK. All eminent architect
predicts Hint wo will ho ukIiib kIiihh
huuxc In fifty years from now.
Jiut It won't miikti much difference
hy that tiim', iinywuy. ( I'hiliidcl
lihlu Knoulrer.)
Tho number of brothers and
sisters walking Mown tho hlKhxvny
to he tit tho bedside of tt Hick
mother, 1h the InrKest In years.
. J)emollshinj; of u concrete struc
ture on Itlverside has been com
pleted. A sum pie rock from tho
ruins assayed 7H per cent pure
platinum, and the rest was high
grade tin.
Ho (old the lady her efforts to
diet down to a canary -legged
whisper were nit, lhat his trained
eye could see no results, and if
they were any, they were for tho
worse. He ducker.- the sugar-bowl
all right, but there is a lump as
dig as a hickory nut back of tho
loft ear.
Solo nee Is making noble strides
Open the door of a plume, booth
and Die operation I urns on an
electric fn a and a light. A way
has been found to hit a tenuis ball
harder, Tho latter, with the new
fangled hot dog cookei'H, makes
existence really pleasurable. What
Is needed, however, is a contrap
tion that will eat the hot-dogs,
after they are cooked.
AND I'ATHONT (Hdllrio Sacra
mento Hoc.) Gracious! that tooth
had long roots!
Two cutios are set to fly tho
Atlantic, each Jealous to wrest
from the other the title of First
lAny Atlantic Hopper. Tho spec
tacle leaves us nu nib with cold.
W hat are those Janes doing to ad
vance the cause of aviation ?
JS' ollilng, of course.
Neither Is an avlnlor; both will
sit In back seats and watch the
pilot battle for life, Kach is risk
ing her neck for hor own ballyhoo.
Consequently we aro principally
Interested in which one will send
the largest and most Irrldoscent
bubbles to the surface, to mingle
with tho evanescent Troth in the
troughs of tho big Atlantic com
bers. itigger und bettor bubbles, girls
ami quicker!
(Kmpnrln, Kim., (iazctte.)
Ituciug on Hie Alain Stem speed
way was temporarily halted last
eveiihm by a patriotic demonstra
tion. HohlaH Deuel Is still receiving
many couiptiments on the hectic
flush ho painted his go-cart.
The next political event Is the
nomination of Al Smith, whose
only chance of election Is fur the
righteous to start making fun of
his religion. Mr. Smith is regard
ed as a low aider of human, by
those always cocked for an argu
ment against evolution. Of course,
there Is always the chance of the
country goinn erazy and democra
tic, but It will retain Its sanity
unless then, are too many atroci
ties like; "J louver uu with last
TIIKMK rsKI) twits' WIl.I, CO
KOIt A rUlNU (Ad In Klainalli
Kalis Ilernld.) If It was the soim
We heard, we don't hlallle the cars
a bit.
lame-Hell ('. I phelil
.IKKKKItSON CITY. .Mo.. .Iiinu
15. ol'i Activities of the l.oli
Jtell f.unihcr company In the de
velopment of the town Kite, of
J.iiiiKvlew, Wash., upheld by
Kred U. VllliantH, special eoui
nilxHloner of the Missouri supreme,
court, In h In report and recoin
lllclldations in the ouster suit filed
aBnlnst the company by Attorney
f-.oncrnl JC. T. Gentry In December.
Helen Willi Wine Again
'IMH1.KI., );,., June 15.
(A') Mian Helen Wills defeated
Mrs. IVf. llolcroit Watson of Kn
land, 0-1, HI2, today in the second
slnKles match of the WlKhtnian cup
tennis competition after .Mrs. Mollii
Mallory of the American team luid
losr the first match to Alius Klleti
' Dennett, 61, 0-3.
' 13AKEU IjK'ledo mine, 52
miles north, hIiowm ?7Ti ore til r. I
Jeel leitli, .
"TMIAT Secrelnrv Hoover trim
1 us everyone says cuu't deliver one, is demonstrated by
Iiis telegraphic reply to the aimouiiceiuuiit of his nomination.
A more ditinifiod, and at tile name tilde inspiring, note of ac
ceptance we have never read. . .Sincerity, simplicity, and a ncuu-
inely exalted purpose, breathe in every line. The enthusiasm
with which the Jiepnhlican delegates greeted this statement was
eminently justified. ' '
And when Mr. Hoover says a thing, one may rest assured
he means it. He makes no oratorical flourishes for effect.
When he says the farm problem must b solved, and will be;
one can rest assured that, if elected President, he will place
agriculture upon as firm and prosperous u basis us human "skili
and intelligence can provide.
It is all very interesting. We refer particularly not only to
the effect the election of a President, litis upon ti country, but
the effect such an election has upon tjic character and develop
ment of the individual thus honored. ,
If Jlr. Hoover is elected 1'resideiit;, uml he probably will j
be, it will he very interesting to obseirvc his development. One.
would not he surprised to find him at the end of u few years ,
a public speaker of unquestioned i'liticncy.
Greater transformations have been brought about in the his-!
ton- of this high oil ice. The Anu'i-ican people have scorned to
possess a sort of cighlh sense in the selection of their Presidents.
Many instances can he cited, where, in spite of the noise and
fury of political agitation, the people) have voted unerringly for
the man, who subsequently proved to have sometimes, latent
within him those special qualities which the country needed
ut that particular time.
WKLL, the 0. O. 1'. tlirct'-riiiK cimis is over and everyone is
triad oi' it, excepting of course the Kansas C 'it y hotel men
ami Hoi't drink merchants. AVhat we jin-dietcd six months aj'o
eame about and Mr. Herbert Hoover will lead the Hepubliean
forces against Brother Al Smith and some iioii-Taiutiiaiiy com
panion in November.
It is Koiii"; to be a very interesting campaign and, we fear, n
very tempestuous one. fn an ineredibly short time the real
ItuM.tL.- ),. ti'. ...ti tlw.Li. Itwi t.nvtinu nn.l tboun lu-.. imni M'ill
- ' 1 '
wlneli the result will not alleet
Nevertheless, we repeat, the
For iu Hoover and Smith not only will tho country have two
candidates far above the average, iu ability, but representing
an extraordinary contrast in diameter and attainments.
Smith is a seasoned politician and an accomplished eam-
lui itrneiv lie k1 acted asi an uelin
ii i . i, , i i , . 1
can null act and docs. I erlectly at ease on the plat lorni, the I
master of a pleasant, persuasive voice, he will make friends and !
arouse cm luisuism among ins loiiowcrs wucrever no goes. j
'.Mr. Hoover has never acted, and never will. He has a noon
voice, an unimpressive stage presence, knows nothilig about
campaigning, and less about the subtle arts of politics. If
he goes on the slump, which is doubtful, he will he placed at a
great disadvantage when pitted against his urbane and fluent
Vet, polities asitle, there is no question whatever regarding
the superior qualifications, in every way, of Hoover over Smith,
as far as fitness for the Presidency of the I'niteil States is con
cerned. It is douht'ful if the Kepulilican party has ever had a
candidate, better fitted by experience and attai cuts, for this
high position, particularly when one considers the outstanding
necessities ol the country at the present time.
Brisbane puts it fairly well when he says:
This country Willi IiiihIiicnh. ecniniiercc anil ciu;lnccilnu' for
principal occupations needs a iniin that unilcrstamlH theso thliiKs. I
Herbert Hoover is n trained eiiKlnuer nnd IhtirouKli business man.
More than that, during the next four years our foreign poli-i
eies, particularly regarding the Kar Mast, are to be of .superior
importance. .Mr. Hoover knows the l''ar Kast and Kurnpe bet-1 than any other man in American public life today.
Chicago banqueters used an
Its an effective method, but hard
Nurses want a uniform nobody else will wear. What, about
one with a skirt a foot Iuiikt in the back than in front ?
Baseball may be a yonni,' man's (tame, but it isn't youth
that keeps a player from removine; his cap when the fans cheer.
Man is careful to shield a sore place, and the districts where
"liar" is a fibrillin"; word are the ones that produce the best
free-hand liars.
ANt PLCSC-b TO RUN IMTO J STGAK FOR TWO." ANT vamTH I 1T- L0010- lArJ N . t "UH- ..t- NO I M FOR I
You OVJGfc ftT THG G.0.P. IT BRING Some ASPARAGUS, - caw HGLV U though ,i 1 I HOOUGR'. AWO
" r: r 1 '; &LL njzMl li&ft
fittfe is?
write a :ootl Kpuecli even if lie
""''that smoking mak
in the slightest.
be interest itig, I
in a Kiist. Side lliciitc
alarm clock to stop speakers.
on the wall paper if you miss.
The Little Fellow Dines
Personal Health Service
Signed letter pertaining to peraonai health and hygiene, not to diseaae diaguoaia or
treltto'i-t, ill be ana wt-red by Dr. Brady if a atamix-d, lf-aI(!riM-d en vr lope ia rru.loaed.
Letter ahould be brief and written iu ink. Owing to the Imge number of Irttera re
celved, only a few can be answered hr. No reply tan be mad to queriea not conform
ing to Instructions. Address Dr. William Drady, io cra of this ncwapapar.
A man who has charge of u larzv
ftruuiJ of iioriiml hoy In thflr
'tofiiti, urlto.s:
l v a h i'x
trcyit'Iy intt-r-rsti-tl
In yniir
tftaltincnt that
yuu would not
ik'jH'itU on any
hoy who Hiuok-4-il
elfiarctti-H. I
have always
u n (1 t r k t ootl
ttM'y werp dct
riniontal to the
Iu UK development of tho ki'ow
iiiK buy. lint asldp from a con
jecturo. bariill on Konenil ex
ptM'icnee and observation, I did
not know that they affected
. the will power. ... I Hhould
like to be able to (junto your
opinion, backed by Home au
thority that 1h Incontrovertible.
IMease fcive tlie arKUinentH hoih
from a moral and a hygienic
Htn ndpoint."
In the flr.Mt place. I know of m,
nulhority thai is incontrovertible.
In the next place, some people re
sent any hukkckHo ii of moral
preachment, advice or argument
In Ibis column, And finally, 1 have
no t made the the statement you
ascribe to me. though I am willing
to accept your version of it as cor-
root. I would not depend on any! A. i
boy who smokes anything. It does' Answer. Xo. Such yarns will
not matter whether ho smokes cig-, gain circulation from time to time
arettes. cigars or pipi. liut I doas long as human credulity pro- j
not believe a boy is weak-willed, , vails. 1
and hence undependable, because j Hives. '
ho smokes: I believe ho smpKesj My boy has a form of hives to-!
because ho Is weak-willed. sombling scalded spots, and tho
In other woi-ds, I think a regular j hives always precede an outbreak!
boy who plays a fair game, with 1 of his old trouble, running ear. j
life and Is square with himself, Willi. May the, protein matter in the oar
just worry along without the aid '
of tobacco. The other sort just
can't, especially if the smart net.
as he measure them, smoke. ; He
Is afraid to decline to do as they
I do. He is yellow, cowardly, wishy
not to imitate tin
man or a j
woman less reliable, less efficient
and they have conceived a special
ant Inn til v toward el irn ret tn snii.k-
ing, simply, I suppose, because the
majority of wastrels and unfalth?
fill employes prefer cigarettes.
Tuny, soft youths, puny in body
nnd soft In character or will or
porsonalily. like' Kirls, readily c ul- j
tlvate the elKiirette habit when they ,
niicht immune tc, ,ln
without to
Met notlllnt,'
This Is an-
b'lfco If they fiitlil
but clsarn or
"t't'T rrasim tin- the
' well grounded
Isnrctte smok-
prejwllcB iiMiiliisi
Anv yotiih who im v
had any
athletic ambition knows that suc
cess In athletics is Incompatible
with smoking. He knows tobacco
"hurts his wind." That is not be
cause It affects the lungs, but
rather because It .poisons the nerve
control of the heart.
I doubt whether anything a
teacher or ot her w-el! wisher call
quote or show boys of ihH at;e
will make much difference in the
code of conduct the boys will elect
to follow. I believe the onlv thing
that will make a difference is a;
pledge a hoy gives his mother, ainl '
again 1 urge every mother to exact
such a pledge from her sons as J
1 soon as they are old enough to j
I fool respect for thel rmother. It is
ja little painful to add that a similar
pledge is necessary for girls in
j ma ny instances, for society has
j gone bud on this and a girl In her
; 'teens is up against a hard boiled
I situation such as her mother never
I'lease remember that I like to
bacco, and I believe the temperate
I use of It rarely injures an adult's
j health. On the other hand, I am
certain that any use of it seldom
fails to harm a youth's health.
, The youth smoking udvurliscs his
I wishy-washy character. He says
I " I haven't got t he courage, the
j nerve or Hie grit to carry on with
j out sucking every so often at this
,ri:siios and i:kk
Mcivury Tliroiuvh the skin.
j it I remember correctly, you
(stated that no chemical, medicine,
j food or poison can penetrate the
sound skin. A medical sli'lenl
I tell sine that a mercuric solution
' w 111 penetrate the skill, causini;
InMhN-K 'f'""' IVt' y,mi' Vl,'U
i" Answer.--lf' the mercuric solu -
i Hon blisters tir Inflames the skin.
1 1 hen perhaps absorpt ion may oo -'
With a U. S. Senator
QREfiOy, TOTDA Y, JUNE 15, 1 928."
tur through the raw surface. Jiut
there is no scientific evidence that
; mercury in any form Is ever ab
sorbed through the skin if the skin
is unbroken. The administration
of mercury by inunctions (rubbing
'the mercury ointment on the skin)
: is an old and somewhat crude
' method of getting systematic cf
; fects of mercury. liut whatever
' th older physicians may have Im
agined about this, we have no
: doubts about It now the patient
j iubales the mercury, which Is vol
atilized or vaporized by the warmth
i of the body anil the friction. ,if
any medical authority insists that
j merueryy Is absorbed through the
; skin, I am ready to permit him
to try to poison me with mercury
1 via tht inunction route, provided
I only that J have complete control
: of tho ventilation while the experi
ment is under way. I would be a
; Shylock In such a test If the care
i less doctor caused me to inhale
any mercury he'd have to stand
; trial for attempted poisoning.
! Case of I.iwtrdosls,
Ih it possible for a lizard to live
, in a person's stomach for several
; months? According to the rumor,
I this person drank spring water con
; taining lizard's eggs, on of them
i hatched In his stomach and the liz
; ard lived on his food . . . H.
discharge account for the hives.
I sit always some food protein?
Mrs. S. J. A.
Answer. Any foreign protein
may cause hives that is, any pro
tein substance that gains entrance
to the circulation through some
! other channel than normal dlgos
havo long recognized j Hon.
! Some time lino yuu said insanity
j Is lu'i't'ditai'V. Can it he prevent
. cd ? I'm sort of depressed ns I nm
i nervous, and we hud a ease of in-
sanity In the family. M. Ii.
I Answ'ir. If you said there was
! never any such condition ill your
i family I would have listed you
1 privately) as another liar. I am
not. depressed, tluuiKh we hud a
ise in our family'.' What of It
(t'opyrlKht, John Dille Co.)
I used I' think If I wo, rich I'd
buy a barber chair C lay In, but
now 1 belie w I'd buy u big, solid
Iron automobile. Houston hotels
don't expect t break even on a rirt
ballot nominal Ion. What they're
((Mint In' on is ii big three or four
weeks' fight over a wvl tin dry
(Copyright. John F. Dille Co.)
Brisbane's Today
(Continued from Pae One)
"npany yesterday. When he was
!!tl Vl'H,,M U1 ,U! Wl,''kt'1 there Hi
I !ll),i' out of every 'J 1 lor Sl.tir n
week. If you stick to your job.
in the Convention City
(By Walt Mam)
AVhcii 1 was toiling on u farm
the dinner hoi n possessed u
charm no other ever hud; ut
noon I heard its strident voice;
it made my heart within rejoice,
it made my spirit glad. There
were some seven hungry hands
who tilled the farmer'a fertile
lands, at fifteen bucks and
board; and when the horn ent
forth its din, these merry men
went rushing in, thuy yammer
ed and they roared. About the
table then we sal, each eating
like an acrobat, none wasting
my words; our energies were all
enrolled in eating all that we
could hold, of roasts and stews
and birds. The women of the
household packo dgreat platters
with tho victuals, stacked in
most alluring piles; and it was
wonderful und weird, the way
those viands disappeared I
think of it with smiles. The
habits of our youth are strong;
however . clownish, coarse nnd
wrong, they stick to us like glue;
and now, when I confront a
steak, 1 have to use the service
brake, as I begin to chew. My
boon companions nowadays are
mostly cultured, gilded jays,
well versed in etltiuetle; a sol
emn function is their meal; they
(.ut not with such frantic zeal as
would produce a sweat. With
conversation most abstruse, be
tween the soup and roasted
gooso they while an hour nway;
between the salad and the pic
they deal in comment and reply,
and spend a half a day. I try
to dawdle with tho rest, I deal
in ropurtee.and jest, nnd try to
look refined; but now and then
I lose my grip, forget mysIf
autl madly slip to habits left
behind. My neighbors wonder
what it means when 1 consume
the pork and beans ns Dr. John
son did; one exhibition will suf
fice, I seldom am Invited twice,
when I've removed the lid.
even that kind of job, you can et
Mrs. ittttli Huuna McCornilck
went to Kansus City as Jack the
(liant Killer, Secretary Hoover be
itiK picked for the uiaiit, but de
cided not to kill hint after all. Soon
you will hear her tclliiiK the world
wlutt n wonderful man iHoover is.
This lime she will be risibt.
Without waiting for I loovcr to !
i -ii i i
I ,ll,,ne.,riir U', . ,1 f. W 1 ll -a I lilu
! nomination would he an excellent
j thing. It dawned on some of the
really important men thai a capable
business man nulit nmku the
right kind of a I'resiiient, even
thougli lie should decline to obey
orders from "the best m.itulH.''
The rain Sunday was wonderful
and well appreciated, although
there was quite a lot of hay down.
The Sunday school was iiuito
well attended Sunday regardless of
the fact of the heavy rain, a nil that
they met a half hour earlier, that
they might attend the Ilrowosboro
Sunday school in the afternoon.
.1 . fi. ltobertson. Sr., was qui to
(Sick Sunday evening but Is bettor
at I his writing.
Ut .i x. m U.
(Myrtle Minter visited Mrs. Miller
! in Ashland over I he week end.
! M r. and M rs. Miller expert to
leave for Canada this week, with
Mr. Miller's parents for a short
.Mr. Knadler jumped off tbu hay
I wagon and caught his foot just
I right, that it sprained it quite
: badly.
I Mr. lM'imehouse is at liutte Falls
hauling down wood for a car.
j Mrs. Clbson and Miss Minn Mln-
tor are thinning fruit at the Ala
Mrs. Courtney, Mi
and Miss Mina Minter
visited at
the Watkins home Tuesday evon-!aMl- 1 voted tor i.ryan three
lag, i times and always had good times
4 land want to vote for him again."
Sheep Owners j Tho second national convention
Attention! 1 1 attended was in 1 S!ii in St. :
We nre In position to pay youii-ouis, when William McKinlcywas
more than nnyhody for wool-mo-; nominated on a "gold standard''
hair. See us before you sell.
Phono 10fl2. 27 N. Grape St.
K i,A M AT 1 1 FA l.LS New Wey
erhaeuser sawmill will have four
KANSAS (.MTV, Juno (Rpo
eiut Correspondence) (With J. II."
Cooley of MKDFUKIM I had the
pleasure of being ut J'ennylvaniu
headouartorH Tuesday morning ,
when the delegation decided to flvQ silver men would bolt tho
vote solid for Hoover, und there convention. The plank was Voted
sure wus some demonstration. This down by over St'O to a little over
decision took all the faith und big' 100. Teller, with the yoke of
fight out of those who had been bondage hanging heavily on his
trying to stop tho Hoover band- c:i Housed m-ck, arose and, calling
wagon. Oilier delegations, like on' his supporters to follow him.
Vermont and Massachusetts, fol- left the convention with a 5 fol
lowed quickly, and before the; lowers. He did not organize a
first session of the convention : third party, however, and Mc
today it was conceded Hoover ; Kinley was chosen over tho No
would bo nominated, and the whole braskan. the credit being given to
affair will be very tame from , Mark Ilanna, lender of the M
now on. Kinley forces.
The opening speech of Senator I remember in Kansas that year
Fess when ho was chosen tempo-, we printed the candidates' names
rary chairman today, was one of on golden yellow Cottonwood
the most scholarly nnd polished leaves and thousands of them
addresses ever delivered before any were worn, but Kansas switched
gathering, and was a complete from the republican column to a
review and history of the repub- majority for 1-tryan and our coun
Hcan party and its achievements, ty ticket nominated by fusion of
particularly as to Us foreign poli-lthe democrats and populists swept
cios nnd accomplishments and its every republican from the court
read just men t of business condl- house. Hut that's another story.
Hons since the late war. Repaid Hoover will be elected over the
u glowing tribute to the adininis-. democratic nominee, Al Smith, thiH
trillion of President Coolidge nsj fall, and the nation will continue
one of the best in the nation's' in prosperity and as n loader of
history, reviewed the needs of tho jail the nations of the world,
farmers and pledged the republic-! S. S. SMITH.
an party to prove equal to tho
task of solving that problem, us
they had all others. 'j
j no nomination may not euntu
'until Friday. Very little has been
hoard as to the choice for vlca
president as yet.
The Oregon delegation has seats
in the center of the convention
hall and second place from tho
speakers' platform, Just behind
California's and alongside tho
j president's state of Vermont and
: also Massachusetts delegations.
' Governor and M rs. I. C. Fatter
son are among the alternates.
Thousands of people are dis- !
I appointed in not being able tu !
j secure seats in the convention,'
I many of whom reside in Kansas
I City. j
All hotel rooms are cont racted ;
j for five days, and the lowest prico :
ja room can be secured for. ami j
that can bo done only through the
state organizations, is $10 a day j
and up principally up. l'rices at J
the hotels nnd cafes, however, are!
very reasonable. Thousands of j
people aro cared for in rooming i
houses and private families, Seven
daily Is a conservative
1 cstimuu
i itors at
the hotels, with an aver-
age expenditure ot ? iu;, uuu per ;
day, or srilii.000 for five days
hotels. j
This is tho third national repub-
lican convention the writer has j
attended. Tho first was in Chi-!
eago In 1SHS before I was a voter.'
At that time James (i. lllaine, who!
had been defeated four years be
fore by C. rover Cleveland, refused i
to be a candidate again, and Hen -
Jamin Harrison was nominated, j
and grandfather's hat was thej
emblem of the campaign along
with tho elephant, Cleveland had
made the 1 SS4 campaign on a j
platform of "tariff for revenue
only," had put his policies into'
effect and was defeated by Har-
rison on a campaign to restore j
the tariff and give the nation;
prosperity again. I was living in
Kansas at that time, and the Sun
flower state rolled up tho largest
(majority for Harrison
,,. ,,
In its his
tory before or since S -1.000.
Cleveland, chosen In l.SR'-l, Was
j t he first democratic president
j elected since liuehanan. One of
I the causes of JMalne's defeat in
j that year was the unfortunate
i speech made by a Presbyterian
minister and friend of Hlaine on
j the eve of election, in which he '
( used the phrase, "Hum, 1 Ionian -ism
and Rebellion." Jiluine, like
Webster and Clay before him
' and Hryan after him, never got
I to be president. This reminds me
"r tnu "''"'ark I heard in Hates
I Harbor shop by a liryan enthusi-
platform and defeated liryan on
a free silver platform. The cam
paign emblem and slogan that
year was "a full dinner pail" and
a high tariff for protection of
tho laborers.
In the parade in Kansas City
(Monday evening' was u hugo dln
n er pail on u float, depiciniy the
Mclviuley campaign.
Previous to the nominations ia
jLxy; the country was "crazy ttt
free silver." Many of the former
staunch republican newspapers
j were lor free silver, while other
i were wavering;. "Coins Financial
School." "The Seven Conspira
cies," "The Crime of '73" und
many other free silver publica
tions were circulated freely, and
the country was in turmoil politi
cally. In the convention at St. IjouIs,
Senator Teller of Colorado, who
was leader of the fne aiKer forces,
made a strong appeal for u fro
silver plank in the platform, stat-
I ing if it was not included tho
n.i.plfierl advertising trls result.
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priced here. Dainty compacts In
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i imniTi,