Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 05, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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iocal and
' Personal
Itntinrtnnt )iiilnt.-, n wHI h
I.ukIiipiu of a routine nuiuie l
s heiluleil for ror.lilsratlon at to
ii'kIii'm re-Klilnr mi--tiliK "f '1,-v
iiiunill. The rily tivnuiiry t 10
i... ihriiui.h tlw. .Iiiv- Iuti'
i.t week of ihe Kline carnival j
conumny. iih the company pi.ld . ;
license fw nf $10ft a .lny. in
.,-,t. iih ihn oliv ordinance'
governing such attraction.
To iinnmiw-o the npenlntt of the
White Crows Veterinary Hospital at
4nl So. lllveilde. Dm. filtwn md
Farmer will for one day. VVertnes
day, .l.une th, ive a fr" clinic.
lirliiK in your pets, free ilinKnosIs
imd advice. The hnxpilnl 1m a new
t'oneern. hut we have tlie latest
eiiuipment, Including x-ray serv-e
ntnliltllltlCfV I'hfllH'H: T)l'.
uA nr.. 11,. !.,. in !
The condition of Men.
Uriel O.
Coleman, who recently underwent J
an appendlcitlH operation, nad tin-j
proved no much that Inst Sumluyj
he u.iM removed to her home on j
KltiK Hi reel, from the hospital.
Clients from a dixtunee registered
at .Med ford hotelH include Mr. and
.Mr. Chan. K. Admit of Huston
OrieaiiM. Mush., Ceo. H. t'hrlwt'Mu
Hon of Hievention. Win.. Theodore
Willeaty of ,Vw York City and
Mm. M. Steven nnd Mix Steven
of Vancouver. H. C.
Announcement: For those who;
need Immediate optical service- hut
have not enough chhIi to luy need
ed g hi sues, we an noi 1 nee . oti r il e -ferred
payment plan. See Dr. D.
A. Cham her. Hon t hern Oregon
Otulcal Co.. 317 Modfnrd Dldf.-.
Phone 1SH. 7K
.Mr. and Mrs. I,. T. Dawson were
In town yetorlay on tholr w;iy lol"""'- ' ik .-vry r,uiiu.iiy
l-rirlind. Mr. Dm mi. ,r.iB Ihf imm.r inMlht
inrrlv nKKOclmcil wllh tho P.-il. A '"'H'H"K l-rinll wns IshikmI to-Klwirii-
cmpany hi rn nii is nnw I ''"V " " 1:- :i"" "'H f'r Hi- -on-,
in IniKlnKMi In I'orllntiil. mru.-ilon nt a muiuk.- on lit-ntly
T.-miiorary onto llr.n- worn l. ' ' f " '" 1
Filed iil.thn nhcrlffn offl.-H i.mIi.v I
to lral.l num. IjiHb of tlio Wi.l
ItrrreHllon cumimny. R M. flnlfa.
ami Warren Hmllh of Mulfmd.
Dean Kr oll. Frank Kklilnuji-e. .lui.k
Fronthler and Fdllh Hack of Ash
hind nnd J. T. I-lttell of Jackson
ville. Why not nave $'J0 nn your gro
cery hill. Fnilerwood Company. 7H
Circuit court was In session to
day, Jtide Orlando Corklna on the
hench. The cuhp of XtehoU vs.
Ilarrlfton wn alntpd to come up
today hut thlH case wan dismissed.
Tomorrow the caso of State vh. I..
H. Wehh will ho heard. Wehh is
apprnliiiK from n JtiMtice court de
cision of poHHCHHlori of InloxicatiUK
llipmr. OrantH I'asa Cornier.
Fat harhecuo Kiindwlehen nnd
live forever. Mne'a Harheeue, 1 lj
ml ten no it h of M ed ford on h Ih -way.
Ralph Venoyer left yesterday nn
n timher cruise In California, after
a visit with hln mother. Mr. v.
C. Penoyer. 417 Kinn street.
Readjustment of the automnhitc
license schedule and trenerul tax
ation arc likely to he the' main
Huhject.s hefore the ' next lenlsl'i
ture, In the opinion of State Treas
urer Kay.
Summer t erm a t the M ed f i ird
lttfdnesH CtdleRp heRlns Monday. I
June 11. Flemontary nnd ad-j
vanned work. Special low rate.
Repent ly elected memhers of the
democratic county central commlt
leo will meet Tuesday. June 2. In I
the hascment of the Hold .Med ford
for the purpose of organizing atid 1
planning the coming political cam
paign. The adoption of a plat
form and the election of office in
for the group are scheduled on the
program. II. F. Mcador, nominee
for county clerk, who withdrew
before the primary election. Is lie
Ing mentioned for chairman of the
committee, l.ep Tuttte Is In charge
nt prespnt.
To nnnounep thp opening of the
White Cross Veterinary Hospital at
101 So. Riverside. Drs. (llten and
Farmer will for one. d, A'edncs
day. Juno tilh, plve a ficn dlnlc.
firing In your pets; free diagnosis
nnd advice. The hospital Is a new
concern, hut we have the InfeM
equipment, Including x-ray service
nnd free nmhulauce. Phones: D'
mtzen, fiM ; Dr. Farmer. 4fu - J.
7 fi
Cal If orn la n reglst ercd at M ed -ford
hotels include Mr. ami Mrs.
flenrce I in Id win of llerkeley, I'tn
ma r.ltlt'ell of Fort Jones, Mr. and
Mrs. F. (1. Jackson of Txs Angeles
nnd C. (J. Dresser. A. K. Hoover.
H. K. Ilihhert. Dr. K. K. Wtllits.
Dr. Ktdrsted, Mike Collier, Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Shaw. Mrs. Peter Mc
ltenn, Mr. and Mr?. It. C. Jcfrers.
'tncent Abate and Charles of
San Fnincisco.
The condition nf John Vincent
of Jacksonville, who has been sick
for the past ix weeks', has heroine
worse, and his doctor Is making
dally visits.
Brfad'is preferred by
many people, and right
ly go. Also, let us add
that we believe that
Fluhrer's brown breads,
of which there are sis
varieties, are the finest
the market affords.
Fair weather Ih predicted for to
night and Wednesday, with tem
pt rature iibnve nonmil. and low
humidity, tncrerisltiir the fore .hi
fire hazard. The maximum tem
perature of yeMrday wan and
today' minimum wa -1.
Furniture repairing wanted, A.
X. Thihault. Phone !tt!!-R. It
Wruon Vitwter of the Jackson
County bunk Ik trannactini; husi-,-ti
in I'ni timid today.
Mb-H I limn I'Vniltind of the
Ihwnshnro itbH.Lt. who hits hein
visiting friomL and rehiitvcs neve,
.i. aed horn- to'L.y.
ll ';1" w,ve "n our Br"
eery hill. Cnderunod Company. 7
.V bounty warrant, the first for
over two weeUn, was Issued today
at the county ih-ik office to
Chart. Lindsay of Ashland fnr the
id. tying- of four coyote.
Fit-lit hundred and eiuht-two
persons have visited the t regon
Caves already this year.
Klnyd Cook, secretary of the
slate re pu hi lean com mil tee. left
Kansas City last nhihl to at
tend the C. (). I', convention as a
duly elected Oregon delegate.
.Notice: Those wwniitK to inse
swimming Icwoiih must register at
Red Cro-i office at once. i;o they
will have their reals! ration card
to prenent on June ith at the Xat.
Miss Winifred Mieknx. dauuhtev
of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. F. Hhknx
if lufene, made the extremely
tinu sua I record of having nne
through the grades without ever
being ahsent or tardy. Miss IHckox
Is a member of the Kiadtiatint;
clanN of the Kugeue hih scliool.
( luests from I'ortland lenislcred
M-dford hotels ludude K. K
Knolt, C. C. Until, (ieo. C. j
U. H. Mclilady, A. F. Hidden. Jr..
If. II. Vealets. F. I,. .Wff. A. C.
Allen, F. W. Foulkes. If. I.. Went.
W. W. Street and F. L. Dudley.
Doctor K. D. Ktwtjod, optome-
1 trial. SHI K. Main, will close his
.y" l rcl'alr 11 iIivpIIImk on
Wl" M,,ln " ' ns' "r l r'"-
lt'',l,l- ,r-
mutlnB the railr.m.l kouiIi from
'irnntH I'ih.h In I he i o.imI. Sm ll
men ucNerve hiciii rn'mi. in-oiiy
has never lod faith In his south-1
ern Oregon and some of these days'
his dreams will some true. ,
Klamath St'', j
The Medford volunteer fire de
partment a I its reuular monthly
meeting last, night drilled on lur- j
ret nozzle work, pompier ladtlei-H,
life nets and other fire eiiuipment. (
Aitcnthtncc wus good, according toj
Fire Chief Fliioit.
Dr. I). A. Chambers, .117 Med
ford llldg.. Dr. i:. D. Fhvocid, 'iu !
K. Main St.. Dr. J. D. Ith kert. '2-
K. Main St., announce that their I
opilcal offices will dose Saturday'
at 1 o'clock during the summer.
i 7S I
Approximately HO aspiranlH to
admittance to tho Oregon bar have
signified a desire to take examina
tions at Salem July 1 0 and II, ac
cording to Arthur S. Itenson, clerk
of the svipreme court.
As a result of opening -a Hlulco
way In 'the Hold Roy dam yester
day, thousands of small fish were
aide to descend the river, accord
ing to Ralph Cowgill, who mi id
today that the fish were from three
to seven Inches in length and came
through the sluiceway hundreds at
a time.
F. K. McKernan was among the
Klamath Falls residents who were
In the city yesterday. j
H. W. Conger, in his short, nn-i
imposed campaign for county cor-'
oner, spent Slit for three uewspa-!
per announcements, uccnrdiug to 1
his list of expenditures riled nl the
county clerk's office. Conger ran
on the republican ticket for the
nomination for the office. Ray
mond Corn well, who ran on the
democratic ticket for the nontina-
jtion for comity school superin
tendent, spent $S.!Hi, according to
his list of expenditures.
The return limit of the I tone
Festival Southern Pacific excur
sion rates, which go Into effort
June 1 :i, extends to June I S In
stead of June 11. im announced In
yesterday's Mall Tribune. A gooil
slued delegation of Medford peo
ple are pin nn in & to take advau
take of ihe excursion.
Sailor Jack Wood and Mrs. Wood
spent yesterday In nor I hern Cali
fornia in the interest of the world s
championship wrestling bout to be
staged here next Thursday even
ing at t he A rmory between I'M
(Strangler) Lewis, world's cham
pion, and Hilly Shaw. Ohio state
champion. He n ported that Inter
est was hlh In that section In the
match, ami that a good sized dele
gation is expected to attend.
Among the hotel guests in Med
ford from the state if Washing
ton are Mr. and Mrs. ('.. P.. Ileti
selman of Vancouver and M. M
Curtis. F. llarulher. I.. D. liracken
and fatuity and William Carton of
ti rangers a ml sportsmen will
meet In joint session at the time
of the visit at tl rants Pass of Har
old Clifford, stale game warden.
tin Wednesday of this week. I he (
meeting will he held at the l!neue
River Valley grange h.ill, with the
grangers furnishing the strawber
ries for n big strawberry feed.
Prior to the meeting at the grange.
Mr. Clifford will be the guest of
local sportsmen lit a dinner til
Wea:ku Inn. It Is also probable
that a number of Medford spurts
men will nlxn he In attendance at
this meeting. Following Ihe din
ner .the sportsmen will attend the
meeting at the grange hall, this
being set for X o'clock.- ( iron ts
1 Pass Courier.
Marriage license were Issued at
the county elerk office todav and
yeslt I'day to liov llolman, car
inspector, aiul Myrtle Harrington,
an. a clerk, both of Ahhmd, and
Tony Deoyn. -fc. and .elda Smith.
2:', both of Oreenvlew. Calif.
Members of the Dclphinian class
Xo. I bring service for picnic
Thursday, May 7.
The primary department of the
Pi i-r hyU-riau Sundav school w ill
spend tomorrow iijicrnoon In Ash
hind park. Children are urged . to
he at tho church promptly at I
J Among the motor tourists from a
i distance who registered yesterday
'at the local branch of the out of
'state auto registration bureau are
' I. X. Shults of Athlon. Ida., KU
j Step of Oliver. Minn. The latter 1
: gave bis destination as being at
. Ashland. (,
Claims of emergency army of-,
fleers suffering disability nf 3o per!
cent or more should be filed at
once to secure benefits of the Ty-son-Ftzgeiaid
bill recently passed
by emigres, according tit Xoriiian
W. Fugle, secretary of the rehab-'
Hitallon committee of ihe Ameri
can l-egloii for the norihwesi. In
formation reg;trdillg filing I beiny
sent from Knglei. office, Kimi Lig
gett building. Seattle. :
Included among ihe Oregonlum
registered at Medford hotels, olh.r
tlirtii tho" fr,m Portland, are (Jen.
W. Knight of Hubbard, Mrs. L. I.
Harvey and son of Marshfleid.
Fred M. Rowley. M. F. Il.ilheway.
Ml, and Mis. F. L. Jones of Ku-'
gene, F. J. Seellar of Salem anil
! I. W. Shelley of Wolf Creek.
I tnlph K mixer nf he Hag ley ,
Canning company at Ashland, is
spending the day in the ciiy In- '
specti ng strawberry barreling op-
erallons. He slates Ihat the can-;
nery has barreled aJout barrels
nf the berries this season. The
Ktlershiirg sirawberry, used In :
aiming, are beginning to arrive
now and last week about
crates were received. About' three;
times us many are expected this
week. Orants Pass Courier.
Stale dame Warden Harold;
Clifford will arrive tomorrow from;
Portland to spend the day In .Med-
ford and at the Sji vage Rapids
dam, where at the latter place he
will supervise fi-h ladde rimprove- I
merit work going in there. 1
Sam Poagne of the .Medford i
Reality shoji left today for Filter- ;
prise, fire., on a two weeks' bu.' I- j
ness triii. I
While vMtlng In A.:iland Sal-!
unlay. L. W. Childs suffered a
stroke of paralysis and was I
brought to the Community hos- t
pilal here thai evening. Mr. i'hilds'
Is a retired mechanic and the ;
father of Mrs. Ivan K. VVdde.
Miss Mary Fdwards, fresliirian
at O. S. C.. and a member of j
iiioa i in uiiiegit sorority, win
arrive here Wednesday to spend
the sum mer vacation with her
parents. Another Cnrvallls stu
dent from here is Miss Sara Whll
lock, a member of Sigma Kappa.
She will also be In Medford this
Out of town shoppers Monday j
included Frank Custer of Fagle j
Point, CharU'H Llndscy, farmer j
In tho Dead Indian district and I
Frank Cameron of Applegate.
Mrs. Dale Stokes of Fagle Point
visited here yesterday afternoon I
Mr. and Mrs. File Wold re
turned from Oswego yesterday, '
accompanied by their daughter.!
Fdnn, who has been attending
the ecudemy of music there. ;
C. F. Anders of Klamath Falls,
and formerly a resident of Med -1
ford, transacted business hero on
Monday. j
Crescent city visitors Sunday )
from Medford were Mr. and Mis. j
R. A.. Holmes, Mrs. II. F. Lums-j
den and Ah. mid Mrs. Cole
JHolmwr .... . ., 1 '
Fjecilng to' he Rone seveiulj
weeks, Mrs. R. II. Dynan left
yesterday for soiit hern 'ulifornin !
to visit friends. 1
The superintendent of the Jack-!
son county poor farm, Mrs. Irene
Wells, spent several hu'irs here
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Smith ami
sons left today for their former
home In Iowa for nn extended.
vjsl. Tlie trip Is being made n
their car and will luclnd" aevral
days at Yellowstone ark a:d a
lour through Canada.
Hoys and giris who were condi
tioned In one or two subjects In
the .May eighth grade examina
tions, can clear the subjects this
week on Thursday and Friday at
the county superintendent's office,
provided they have prepared for
tlie examinations. Pupils of the
seventh grade who have not com
pleted geography may also write
these June examinations.
U Waller Dick of the I", s.
weather bureau left this morning
by airplane for San Francisco on
business, and will return to this
city by plane next Thursdav morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davenport
from SMverton. Ore., accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Harrison of
Medford to Diamond lake. They
returned home Friday.
V..l'l:()-lliMli-ii.l spiMlnlly
sali'Mnun. Slcaily liropositlun.
Vt'ur riintrurt. Mux XI. T!'iliun.
KOK SAI.K iiciuiUiul li-lniml
IxillK.tli.w: '2 ,sl.M.ilni; pnii-h.'S.-
rhu lawn, shruMttM-y tinl sluuli':
nn pnviMilonl ; thrfp-rar Karaup
will! r.'m.'itl itrivoway. and othi'r
mllhiiihllnKN: pnsscwcinli tnilay;
Ini-alt'd on .M.Mirta-tl a t!msl i-.-nI-ili-iii'..
slii'i't r. hliii kH ti'inu I'. u.
$I7 will humlli': Lalanip ui
iiii'iils. liwni'i'. L" W. Main SI..
'!'y. 7 , f
l''ol! S.M.i: Chniii. um'iI klnhi'n
sinks, uan lanei'i.; nil In
sliapr. Iliiti-I ilraiul. 77
V..Ti:i 1..K.M nf JStlll fi,- 3
y.'.irs. ;;: ciyi- first inoiuaur
nn Din Hen-., llniln-r: itnnu'.li
ali ly. I'.ns X. .Mall Tilliun". 7i!
b'ciu i:k.t lliiiist.ktM'plni; rooniM.
furnlshi'il, r.'..M im.mli. -Ion
Ili-allv. 77
IOI! l;i:T f.-iomn rmiiMi.Ml
hnnsi.. nrar lllvh ami Washlni;
lim M'llunl.i: Kiivaep anil yai'il
ai ini ,hini. Mh. Iimuln- ;4a
s i ; ra p.- ;r,tr
These Drug Stores
are open nights this
Jarmin & Woods
James McNair Pharmacy
West Side Pharmacy
Mr. end Mrs. ' Churlea 4v amo
Ml. and Mrs. Kvaii Peainex nnd j
Mrs. Charles White reu.-m1 s in
day from Seattle, w hei they nt
tended Hie funeral oi CI. ire
Ream c-h, brother of tn? at
torneys and Mrs. WMtf.
Couiity Agent L. p. Wilcox f
spending today at Ashland, giving ;
his usual one day a week attention '
t- thn horticultural problems of .
the growers and farmers nf ihat
section. County Agent i. U. Fow - '
b-r fpemin Friday of each w ' id;
with the farmers of the Arthbind
.t'-uoii in advi.-ing is rf'i their
agricultural and livestock prob
lems. '
The hind tire of a Ford car
driven by Jack Harriott, a bellboy
at the Hold Holland, flew off at'
the corner of Sixth and Oakd.ib
streets 'his afternoon, and bounced
striking neai a second :-tory w in -ilow
of tin- Schuler apartment
hoil.-e. In descending t he lire
struck about in feel from Dipiii :
I'ulted Slates Marshal Cal S. Wells.'
who was ready to leap when lie:
look e d. f The tire was finally ':
brought to earth In John Perls
Plans for ti e entertalnnient of !
visilin California edltora who will '
meet here June Ua weru outlined at
a nu'oilng nf the Crater club ul llti-!
tel Mcdion! hist n;-;lu wKh Ted '
Maker In charge In the absence nl '
"Rig F upturn" Vermin Vawter. i
Members will assist In tlie pro- !
grain for receiving, the group of -" j
planes to arrive here July K for a :
stopover of ihrei or four hours. j
Interesting pictures (alien hy '
Hfirace Rromlry tlurins the Craters'
trip to the rail celebration at Khun-
alii Falls were shown. j
The Weather
Lowest temperature this morn
ing, 4S.
Precipitation for L'-l hours end
ing lj a. in., none.
Yesterday's weather here; High
est teniperature, SS. Lowest tem
perature yesterday, r(n. Mean tem
perature yesterday. li!. j
Precipitation. T o t a I rainfall
sinct; 1 st of month, trace.
Humidity yesterday, fi a. m.,
Sfi per cent ; 1 2 noon. 35 per
cent : 5 p. m., per cent.
Character of day: Clear.-
Sun sets today at T : -1 2 p. m.,
rises tomorrow, 4: II (I a. m., sets
tomorrow, 7:-i:i p. n. .
(Rines and sets computed, for
level horizon). t
Forecast for tonight and ' to
morrow: Kali tonight and Wed
nesday ; temperature abovu nor
mal. Low humidity, with ? in
creasing forest fire hazard.
Meteorologist. Cnited States
Weather Itureau.
.. Odd Fellows, AuciHliin,. j
Flection of officers anil 'levee
work Tuesday night. Refresh
ments. All meniher.-i rctpjt;st''(l to
be present. Visitors welcome
Special Coiiviii'aiidu j
Crater Lake Chapter Xo.
3. Ii. - A. M.. June Mh.
T:3o p. in. Work in R. .
A. degree. l!y order of t
II. P. ;!
F. F. XICHOLS. Secy. !
tn the rhitf
he wns n
hnt In the
biir fluht he
was a tpiitter
yellow, sick
with fear
until -IImmi
you will
1 brill u you
iti-ti'i- ditl
Teaiuer K
mm Kid
u m m o
M rVlllNKl' ".VOItKS mrm
nREfiOV. TUESDAY.- JUNE ;.'" 1023.
c.t'ndidafes for county offices at
the May primary have' filed their
liKts of expenses, as required by
law. with ihe county clerk. A few
have not made their returns.
( ieorge ii. Allien, defeated as
pirant for sheriff. expended 1
R 1 JO. " the largest amount on the
liM. His opponent, tieorge- R.
.'Lie;, spent J!
County Assessor J. R. Coleman.,
who hail no opposition, was low
man. He spent Jii cents. County'
Ti -e.-t mi rer A . C. Wa 1 ker. a Iso un
opposed, was second with a T.'i
ceat expenditure.
A. J. Crose, defeated fir the!
clerkshiti, in a field of four, ex-
pended S!i I. :'.", and Dellliu Stevens:
Meyer, who won ihe nominal! on, t
spent ". .
Voctor Lursell, incumbent coun
t commissioner, who defeated J. '
(J. Love by XT v.'es, exended 1
$;t-s. jo. Love spent nn even $-10.
V. A. Davis spent 4tJ.7r. and,
fi. W. Mllum spent $43.8.".. in the
county school superinteiideiicy
race: Susanne Homes Carter spent
U. W. Conger, unopposed for
coroner, listed his costs at Sin.
and Oeorge Present t puntrld up
Read This! If You Have
Varicose Veins
If you or any relative or friend
are worried or suffer because of
varicose veins or bunches, the best
advice anyone in this world cun
give is in get a prescription that
literally hundreds of people all
over the country urn using wit h
complete satisfaction.
Simply ask your druggist for an
original two-ounce bottle of Knt
crald Oil and nppl" night and
morning to the swollen, enlarged
veins, rubbing; gently upward and
towards the heart as the blood in
the veins flows that way. Soon
you will notice that they are grow
ing smaller and the treat men t
should be continued until the veins
are ot normal sJHi'. Fmernld Oil
is a powerful, yet harmless germi
cide and r suits are guaranteed by
Heath's Drug Store and all good1
Shoes that
sides all the popular priced shoes all thrown togeth
er for this sale.
Buy any pair of women's shoes at our regular price
and get the second pair of the same kind for $2.00.
Prices from
No matter
Si for renomlnntion h constable.
All of the above aiidltiat
on tho republican ballots.
CHIC AiIO. June a.lAV- -Vine,
armed men last nit lit kidna in d
John Wnhl, '27, a salesman em
ployed by the Hi lima n and Kut
zen Jewelry store, forced him to (
turn over , keys, to the store und
combination to the safe and -while
part of the rubbers obtained jew
elry valued at JMl.iM'o from the
store, other members of ihe gunu;
held Wohl nnd his family pris-:
oners all night.
Wohl was seized as lie alight-;
ed from nn elevated train, blind - j
folded and taken to a vacajit
ImfMing where Ihe keys and safe
. A lovely collection
needlework creations.
Quilted Pillow Patterns
I wool filled)
Dresser Scarfs nnd Vanity
Set h.
Needle Point Tanostrics
Cross Stitch Iliix
Luncheon Cloths
Pillow Cases and fled
Raby Sheets and Pillow
Knhy Dresses and (!er-
Rnhy Sacques
liiiby Quilt lllncks
In fact, everythiiiK iu.
Stamped Coods.
(ilnssiilu Silk and I). M.
C. Kmhroidery Threads.
A variety of lovely col-,
ors to choose from.
Ma by hayettes finished
und Htmi-linished our spe
cialty. t . . .. .
Phone 702
42 South Central
Across from Craterldn
sell elsewhere
which pair you
Theatre . tV'
ffrp--.! kii iiiiiinmiiiiiii nitatgjjwi miinBsmjsttWxiasar '
If you don't want two pair, bring a friend 8
and share the cost. I
In the Economy Shoe Store
we-re- toKen iiooi
i:iui. i Tlnee meiuUers oi trio nam
men toek Wohi n
oi-bred blin Wife.
for as high as
I - - .i iii. W
Mi:q hunt's L m
M M m wJm
m JNm ' tomorrow Imjm
T N'Ht' 0nly7 '"d 9 m-
i . mp-. -; $8 mg . mam
I ' FEATURING. f .m-ammu
with " '' '"
H: '. j feature'Epicture I slt$ri "
1 . ' TIMES in f-r. " j
I fciafltsafiS Movietone and Vitaphoiie joiaffiiE3i&
i II EVENING ' Admission I
Zl riMTtr 7 & 9 P. M. Children 25c
lj; Ii Adults , 50c ' I
buy take the second pair for
iu-o cniioren ui . oe iu'..
three xuaidrd the family through,
out tbv night. vhile tlw o'Jier six
,ted;th downlown jewelry s
.ir.ter th (liim"ii jcrrii MrD
$10.00 be-