The Weather FniwaM Fair, and above normal temiM-rature. Mailiiiuiu yesterday 8H Mliiliuuia today IS Medford Mail Tmbtttp: b , ()!K(iOX. Tl'KSPAY. .Jt'NK 5. 1!L'S. v,, .ily iflj-.liUJ Y.M PToday PREPARING a223L rnn riMAI Another 'Latest'. A Few Trillions. Land Snails, Professor. The Five-Hour Day. (Copyright. 1927, by New York livening Journal. Inc.i ! Another " ptilit it-al latest", sys a creat bloc of Coolidtro i clcloales has been organized. At the start of the Kansas C ity ; convention 'resident Coolidsrc j will he put in nomination for a j second elective ti'fin. The eon vention will he stampeded, j ('nuliilpp will he. nominated, and it will he all over. Like other j important, information, that j inav lack accuracy. They may , . staiiipccle a convention nut can fully approximately thev stampede Cnoliilfe! 'miles of ocean between Oakland, !l'al., Hawaii anil Suva, the tilers . lit i "f the luiiliiititane Southern Cross AnyllOW, the national delt J lll(l!iy ., preparations for tin was reduced hv $1,118,140,1:10 i next nun-mile hop to lirlsbane. ' . . , Irnt-oulc to Sydney, Australia. last year. Our (lent is lown .,,ney set.m.,,, ., nK ,est last iildow cichtecn thousand million j"'!--'" to make up for the more .... 1 than thirty-three wakeful, tompes- dollars, less than per ituoU!l4 anxiety fraught hours thai American, hardlv enough to huy ! passed during their night ' ' . I from Kuuai. nu Island of the 11a- a motorcycle, hat does that jwallin group, to Suva. amount to! I Thorn were many things In he Following the war, came, the hillion. Now, here and there, the trillion crops up. Production of electric water power records recently shows nil output for April of two tril- ! 111 r : jioii, nine iiuutirctt Hlltl iun. but perhaps the most hazardous hillion kilowatt hours. Xo won- ' ' unprecedented flight. Captain Charles kingsford der tllOSC that Control power , smith. Australian pilot; Charles l,iM'e ulllnm n.wl cneh I I'lm, Australian co-pilot: Harry 1 ' to denounce government owner ship. No wonder it is possible to finance defeat of the gov ernment's Boulder dam plan. However, those that produce power do good work in conser vation. April's hydro-electric power would have required 27,- 000,000 tons of coal, mantlfae- I One of the most important proh- turcd in the old way. ihorf tlr "'"" '." j select a take-off point. Albert Accidents are greatly reduced rark. where the southern t oss Where electric HOWer replaces jh'nd.d yesteiday nfternoon. was '"liiil iun j barely large enoUBh to accomnio- NtCiim. And always, ill the jdntc the plane on lis arrival. I'n- shndow sittcth in the law of I weighted ly u large store of gaso snnnow, siiiein m tiie law ot ,Mne the pMoll) ,, ,.unninB into eminent domain, which can be 'the side of the inciosmc by hut , ;e ,i.i twenty yanls anrl then only by - . " 1 011 COUUr HOt (TUPSS wllllt! tnltPK Pvoft'Sdnv fi'nnintnn from i tt . t- t-1 fllliptoil Columbia I lliverslty to the lnll ,.ii :.. t :i :..i i.. .,.,. in ,...,, , ii(iii. North of New fillinen nnd south of Japan he goes to study land . . , Slllllis. j liey Will 1)0 prontietl, nlisorvoil liinlnc-icnlk- iiitornrel- 1 '. . ' . I Oil, and SeieiieO learn llOOUt CVO- li.lln,, rVntn Ibnn, . .,' . Tr , , Jt ion cum noi niaite inose !,,,.vl(.oa ,OWIlrd lhc 8ul.cess of the snails uiulerstand that, a higher I night thus far. , , , . t , I During a reception In tho flrnnd analytical hrain will lmd why Ptl(:lflc ,lotel Hnorlly af. me ihey (liTfer, fl'Olll valley to Val- ! plane landed the mayor of Suva , ' , . . lauded Captain Kingsfonl-Sniith, ley, from mountain to nioun- j ,,, ot lhp expedition. The c.ip laill. The loor pari ll 111 thatjlaln parried the conipllment by . ,, . ,.. , , .saying that had it not been for his is itie.i- sfiemiiie name wouin say: Don t talk nonsense 1oWnrner he could not have acconi , , , . , . , ,, plished the trip successfully. us nhout n higher mind. S1(irm IItll T worrinl . That IS what sonic scientists say when yon surest I he pos- I 1 Nihility Of a OOsmiC thinking night when the plane was inld Itlind nbovc theirs. Like the 1 """"en the Hawaiian and i ! Mi Islands, it was fill v -realized plU'ttlla. thoy KNOW Hint no siidi boinr exists, noo. thoir It-loscopos enn't find him. Tin littlo, pporinfj horns of the hind snails, with oyos nt thp emU, v ill not i d on 1 i f y lVof esso r Onmpton. Professor Hlirstnll, CeiltliltO . , nnusn iiiiinnruw, ipiih uxinra ; human bcinjrs nrn lazr, and hi-:nM ' is find of it. Laziness makes us find ways to do thinixs eas ily, quickly. The working day will be reduced to five hours within a penerntion. As for do mestic servants, that "slavery" M ill soon be n tllillir Of the past, Also science will enable man 10 make heaven onctrth if he ) has brains enough to po in the I ' ripht d.rection . Int orno Untr ntwimluo hill tint mr. prising. A machine can do s much j IContlnued on Fag Four) run r inL OCEAN HOP Heroic Crew of Southern! Cross, Waste No Timej After Record-Breaking! Flight Look for Take-1 rit ni ki . i ri:U : Off Place Next Flignt . , , ,. f ' Declared Most Difficult or j j Sl'VA. Fiji Islands, June 0. (P) . , I'll IH-flll. J . JI.1,11IK Illll 1. V a n- IllOUC; ('l.'l'lilllK o, ill,- Kiir-nnn.-supply remaining in the fuel tanks of the Southern Cross; locating of a site from whleit tiie re-fueled I plane ran safely take off lor its flight over more seas I hum I'd Aus tralia; examination of the three mnl.... ,l,t l,.V.n.nri fil it 1, I'll! 1 V I Tl I'll mies nnd storms: and to study oather charts and maps to decide : the time and course of the shortest j jw. I.yon, former si-a skipper and yon, former sea skipper and . nnvltfator, and James Warner. radio operator, were regarded as -Well." -said Marshal Metv.ner. j ipiite important personages in "ain't we pm a sheriff?" Suva today. They were objectH of1 Tnp curt ion Unt another! admiration hy all. from the bushy- ftnet. 1 liaired native Mjuins to ine wnue j , inhabitants, These four men who flew in from the sea yesterday afternoon in a strange powerful Ihlue nnd silver bird of cloth, wood and steel," were centers of attrac tion wherever they went. Look Tin- Take-off mi.kloT xlmi'll left turn un onto n rise In the irrnund. T:,kinir off with 1100 Enllons of 1 snsollne nnd oil, the nniniint esll- i nulled required for the flight to lAustralin, will require u strainht, i l..ethv vonwnv heailinir into the . K1I1K(lfo,.(1.SmlI11 ,nllmntert I jiast ici,i that he Intencli d looklnB "" ,"f ""'" j !eity, u sandy, level hit of ground ,,at nilliht iKCoinniodale the plane , during low tide. 1 osslhly, he i thought, there might be other places even more favorable, The fliers were unnnlmous In Jagreeing that each other member of the crew contiibuti'd invaluable ; lwn Ampl.ican friends, i.yon and j Then Warner spoke up saying that during the new s anxiety j '"" '"f ''T "n'7 and lightning storm of Sunday that "Smithy" was the only man that could have hmupiu them safely through. The fliers did not try to conceal the fact that the storm had them worried. Klnfisford-Smlth declared after his arrival here that he hoped he would never have to fly .... j t. . The course between Suva and 'Australia, althouKh a comparative-.held ly short leg of the trans-1'acific fiiKht. is considered by many here hoin p-i'tin.iariy danKerous at ..hi., Hm. ... I. . Ul,,..., fin. j lent storms peculiar lo the south jseas are known to sweep the seas! Iduring the summer months when j .cool ii If currents swinging north clash with tropical currents nnd (the results are mighty, swirling gales. j Now Itponrtl Made Tl,, rlln... ..-I.n .....AU.rilllv grossed the sea betw een Oakland ! ""'J ii nd between liawnii would no, fal, , the final gambje. Their hopes were t.ased on the m ccpm or l n i wo lnnett irnns- i .... i. it i... esnic insntH evnr maoe ny man. The second lcB of the hop from l.....i i, i, . u . . i !U:il. I l.i un II. In Huvn. was the longest airplane flight ever ma.lel"'1" "eeeds $1.E00, which Is (Continued on Fid Six) CHAS. TALENT ARRESTED BY L Well Known Speed Cop Is Held for Violation Park- i ing Laws in Jacksonville; Interesting Case Looms ; Charles Tnlcnt, slate traffic of ficer, Willi headquarters ul Ash- land, was arrested last ninht by , rilv ytlinhul VMh Metier of Jack-; sonville. for parking on the wronn j ii of nu street in n.e former; county scat. Talent was nccom- panied by Herbert Moore, also a traffic- officer. A complaint wan j filed today In Juntlce nf the IVuce .1. I.. Itoe'a court, by Metier. AccnrdiiiK to MnrHlml Metier, j who ix also water mtnerlnteiHlent ; and street commissioner of the ! Iiiimeer town. Talent slopped hln auto in front of the Lyden house i about II o'clock ast niuht, block-1 ln a crossing. I "l was a little skeptical about ; where I was at," saitl the marshal this morning, "but 1 figured that a ti-afrte officer had no mure rights than other folks. I was talklrw to some boys when Charlie drove up. They Insisted 1 enforce our ordinance, ho I went over and told him In was on the wronj; side of the street and to come to court to morrow. He said, 'AH rlKht,' and i drove away." t Mai'Mhal Mct7.(-cr was in .1 list lee HoiVa court I li 1h mornlnK In file a complaint ami , procure n war rant. The niarwlinl announced to the rourt. "1 pot to not to work. If you are coinir to make out a com- y, p j piaini, i wish you wouhi. ami u j you re noi, j m niraiu mere is ro- i fnp to be some trouble. The learned court replied "Speed cops are not subject to the j MJlftMI Villi JUllKIIlK 111 " lN n (.jtv ordinance, and yn can't RO m,t nf the city to arrest him." , ..Voll sny Charlie parked in front of liyden'i. --YMt he Vi- Orem j street, which Is our city limits, or on California street ?" "He was blocking; the sidewalk." replied the marshal, "and there ' was enough of him inside the city! limits to arrest." j The limit of the law then reiier-i j ated that If no warrant was forth- j j coming. "I'm afraid there is coins ( to be some trouble." ; j After some discussion on the, j hazards of n city ordinance be- p j coming entangled with a full-j i fledged law, the court ruled: "I'll make out a complaint to-' 'day. and we can telephone him. t ' 1 " "t-'nl The marshal then went no to the wal!'1- works to ftwnlt devolop- m,t!'' . , , Traffic Officer Talent's version of ""' "ffnlr wns that he had stopped to question n truck ilrivnj. when the marshal nppneared with the words: i v m'y' 5'0"',' " ,rnffl 0, nr'n', you . "liy yes, returned the ser- peant "Welt. J guess you're no better than anybody else. You're parked V "l ino you d better come to court land tomorrow.' "Hut." remonstrated Serjeant Talent, "you have no complaint, j You can't nrrest me without n . complaint. I'll take i ... iu-hl" the nrirx'hnl'reidie.1 'nn 1 ,n,,:, ..,,.. ' walked away. Talent declared he would po to court until nrrested In n lepat manner. MOT GUILTY, SAYS GEO. MASTERS! POHTI.AM). (lie., ,lne B. (A) Oeorge K. .Masterson pleaded not guilty late today to a charge of J first degree murder In connection with the death of .Mrs. .Ma. lorle TOWN MARSHA Stoy. who was shot to death in'1""''"'" 1,0 eonslrue.l as being a m,.,, i,,i ... , ! public purpose." for which city day morning. Masterson. follow-1 Trial nate was not set. Un was without hnll , ' . ' Ill TO BE DISTRIBUTED.3 K.U.r.M, Ore., June 6. (JP) The state tax commission today) nn- nounced the apportionment of a total of tr,s.22(l. to the counties of the state representing one-twen- llelh of V mill unon lni,l,l nrn. Ij - fV for the maintenance o,.cu-, , contrlh- l in i'ii i i in- ,ii in r r-iiuniii-n ny iuii- . . . ' , " "'"m' '", '-'"' w' - one county. MEDFORD. " " ."'l''L- - . '. ,v.1.. Lm...:.r.'L j- ' ,, -i i .1, - . ., f GIANT MONOPLANE MAKES PACIFIC CROSSING I CERTAIN k . pai nAM K ' Winning of Eleven Contested, hlfrN III ri.fe v-'X....'-:, i "e'eWes Makes Com-! UULUUU I t-.-. ' View of the giant 'monoplane lian, and three companions took off from Oakland airport, California, last Thursday, reached Honolulu Friday, and Suva Island, last night; completing the longest ocean flight ever made by man. On the left (below) is Capt. Smith; on are Harry Lyon, navigataor,. and BRING SUIT TO I nniiht Rflfiarrlinrt l-onnlitv nf ' "" ""-J f1t 1- 1.1EINT fiti; locninn Rnnrlc fnr : Wrlnlit motor expert, looked over i uiy issuing aonas iori1he Comilbiui m,,.s. work wi ,. in in 1 knocked off lust nlKlit, however. Airport PUrpOSeS tO DC! mid it 'a nnltl nmro time would! I he required htilore tlm plane could ' Cleared Up at ROSeblirg be made ready for an ocean flV,ht. : Immediately. noslnriUi, (He., June 5. (A1) I'lans arc heinK made here today to secure an early court decision ; on the issue raised by an option received yesterday concerning ,, . , .... iiiiNriiiiin n nii-jnri iiiiniiH, ine same 'itiestion affectiim- nil other citieH of the state that are isssuitiR bonds for niriioi t mirnnwK. An i.t.inion 1 wns t:iven by the firm of Teal j w-ii ! in i I'-"' 1 Wlll,l','' -M-uHoch an.l Shuler of j i'ortland in passing upon the tran - j script, or prnceediiigH given the f Marshfield, that purchased the Kus.-hurg l.finds. The validity of the bonds Is not questioned nor is the right of the ity In going out of the city limits to buy laud Involved. i ne wnoie point raise.i is whetn or or not an airport Is a "public purpose." Tile attorneys tnko the position that while an aviation field may be ' Presumed to be for public use and benefit, yet, due to the fact that aviation is still In its infancy. i "" "nB,,,vt' ""laratlon i ' ' '"" "o.v jorisuicuon mat an nil- run.'lK n,'m" m,,v ,"'-'1' ',,,.,., i.n n. ...I ' ' . . , i money may be expended thereby : eMtaiilishtm: n iri-etilrnt. then. i i technical question reKardiiiK the J authority of a city in issulnw j honils for such purpose, nttoriieya Im. l inHim post if the American iCKion, that sponsored the airiinrt i K'.Hcbui k. will probably brlnir an immediate suit to compel th jc"' to proceed in accordance with I "" vole of tho people at the rcr. nt '-"nd election, thereby getting tb.-; intention into court upon a demur-, j rer. so that It may be t;ikn to tne i "Upieme court wltboul delay. I II LZ,, ' Port purchase end Improvement . i'nr .. i, . - , r. ... ...mi ..... . . t.. , . .. . ' " ' 7 '., !. . . -.. . . "earing so that a de..i.i., can be i Jouinmcnl. Southern Cross, in which Captain the right, Charles T. O. Ulm, pilot. James Warmer, radio operator. Mabel Boll Hurrying to Make Atlantic Hop Be fore Girl Lindbergh Can Get Off-Rivalry Keen Levine Is Backing : For mer Aviatrix.- ; NEW YOltK, .lime 5. (fl'V-A ,!r:iee hetweon two Aniorican women for the honor of lielni; tho lirst to fly the North Atlantic was m pros- k-nenl today. v , ' ' With Aliss A'nielln fcarftnrt Wntt-, ' Iiik at Truimssey, N. R, for a lnk-i ;ol'f hi tlm seaplanu Ki'lcndshlp, Minn ! Mullet lull was maUIni; i)repia tionB at Cuitlss field for ta take off In Charles A. I.evlae's trans Atlaii-; tic monoplane Columbia. j AlthoiiKh Miss Hull announced she wnuhl lake off today, Indira tliuiH nt the liel I were that a lain- ! off would not be possible for some , I time. .Mr. I.evlno said It would he scvoial days. makliiK Miss Hull's; i hopes dependent upon a delay In I Ithe Friendship s atlemiit The hanaar was haired to visit Kmk'e;; ,oi-s yesterday as T. Harold I t noineiaiiy o. wus sniu hum wh- , I ver l.elloultllller of Kast OrailRe. X. .1., would he 111 the pilot's Heat ' ' if and when a take oir was made. ! : Miss Boll hail nnnotiiiced after her I rilirhl io Havana with Unine and. i W ilmer Slutz. pilot of the Friend ship, that the latter would pilot MAY RACE FOR ENGLAND SHOR her. on an orean flight. Sh bund ' ed at Ijunbei t-Ht. Louis field to into tears when she learned he hud , day, a half hour after the start of taken off "with that other woman.' j Washington university commence- lioiittillior served with the Royal inent exerciHcs at which tho do air force during the war nnd has ( grec of master of science wns miule Hftveral test flights with the awarded "in ahHentla" to the fnm Columbia this Hprlng. jmis filer. DiffcrenccH hetween Miss Hnll Colonel Lindltergh said ho spent find ,fvinn wmrn came uio i oe ()ien whe BuH wns brousht aKniliHt I,,,.,, recently for $12,000 In the name or the Charles Albei t com - I MlinV. C)I WIIICII IjCVIIIK IS lilt' III III stockholder, have been sel-! clpal led. " .ONDO.V. Kr.i., June 4. (Pi i Mrs. Amy Frederick (luiset, the for. mer Amy Philips of I'lttshurg und . tne wile 01 rreuericK tuirsi, secie-1 tary nf stato for ulr from I'.liM to 1922, today wns revealed as the backer of the flight of the inonn-; plane Friendship from America to Knglond. She will fly lo Soutliump- ton today to greet .Miss Amelia Farhort and her coinpiinlnns on tins years nisi iranB-miuimu au piailB iiikiii to r.oi'ope "Wo hope I ho flight will serve link nf continued frienshlp h.-twei;n America and Knghind ' C. nn,L,l, I,. ...I I.. Ilin IhnKti.U 1M. , '""'"" 1 I Hunioiit, but the ulr ministry ad- ! vttied that Soulhomnton would be safer." Mrs. Guest said today that the i flf-;ht preparations had been under way throiml.oiit the winter nt lios- (tun. where she had the co-operation j of Commander Richard B. Byrd. "I am Indebted lo romtniinder ; Fyrd and also for Ihe help of many i of his friends," she said I 1V,'''1""" 1 """ '", " M""' , IOI.TLAM), Ore., Juno 5. (n "'"""f ' Johnson, former lis- ! ' J"'"'r 01 .i u i. iioinaii io.ui .urnT Zr alter lie hnd recovered from a ......... . ....i .i i. - , .". " i " ' ... . . Hnr. 1. Johnson charged ling fault. - V ix"- n i N I Charles Kingsford-Smith, Austra The other members of the party ' GET A DEGREE Lone Eagle Forced Down in Darkness On Lonely Farm, FailS tO Make St.! Louis in Time for Com mencement. ST. LOriN. M limn B. (P rnreportt-fl since I p. m. yesterday when he left Kurt Worth. Texas, Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh land- uie iiikiii on i ne iirm 01 -i i i Lewis, 4."i miles southwest of Ht. Louis. lie landed there In his , Ityan monoplane about nightfall 'I'liomas fi. Lanphler of 'the first i li llll IIIH IMO INItUtrillC'I s. .IlilJOr pursuit group and Colonel Henry I Mrecklnrldge. his atlerney. : The ri..ii i.,.,.. i i,.,i,.,i . i,t uu,i" he said, "su 1 decided It .,t t ,,,,, ff ,)np .jr Lanphler, and Colonel Ilreckln ( probably w ill come In hy niitomo - ; ,ii nwnv inDPcn i I II II I I I I llll II II rtAhiiii ran r nrf OUWN AILS U Lindbergh said ho was "vervingor of his presidential fight, who .,,. u.e commencement exercises, . iiiu him ,, inepeiii in Baseball Score American I It. 4 it. i;. H I'1" Louis . 7 I ltliel; Unite rics: Itraxton nnd j 1K'J" and Kehanff. I N'w Ot k-Oetroit postponed; rain. lievclan.t-lloslon game post poned ; rain. l.'hltadiiphla - Chicago game postponed; wet grounds. Nnlloruil St. L'Miln-1'hilinlelphla post pont'd; wet Ki'ounds. Cinclnnatl-Iloston p o s t p oned; rain. rittsburg-Iti ooklyn postponed ; wet K'ounds. 'hicaRo-Xew York postponed; wet jfi'ounds. f .iiiiilHTiiian Dies HA.V MtANCISCO, June 6. (P) lltniy Wilson, I'liclflc const 1 . . . . . . I . V ' n ,,"'""u Un nine.., f six w e. ks. For fifty o( Wilson i.ruihcis und company. merceSecy. Winner After Few Ballots, Manager; Claims Watson Lowden Deny It. KASAS CITY, Mo., June 5. The Hoover forces continued to hold a whip hand In the repub lican national committee today seating as the four conUwitlon i j delegates-ut-large from J-oulsiana j i a slate sponsored by Kmlle. Kunu, . t national committeeman nnd un 1 avowed supporter of tho commerce secretary, Ity a vote of 65 to 41, the com-! Illittee I'efllHOH In rnninl7ii ' credentials of nn unlnstro.-tert con-cr"'k n,'0,lt 15 ","eH n,"lv8 here l.stliiB deleKatlon led hy Walter 1 WOIU out "lst n'K'"' Ono m,ln I.. Cohen. neBru comptroller of!1" km,wn ,u lle " n tamper, customs nt New Orleans. whose body was recovered but not As nn yesterduy. when nine ! ''lentlfled. Hoover deleuates from l.'lniln H two from Kentucky fiicing con- tests were BOnted, committeemen and commltteewomen leaning to ward Hoover's candidacy, held a majority today, althouKh it was sllKhtly reduced. In executive session tho commlt teo disposed of tho content over the l.ouslana. "bin four," postponing- until later In the day consld- ., ,i, Vii . .... ..u on .no uispuio over eight Louisiana delegated seatH. KANSAS CITY, Juno 5. (A) 1 he contest over tho delegate neat at tho republican nationul con vention from the fifth Georgia uisirict was settled "out of court' I today, but nn effort to ndliint n I slmllur dispute In the fjrst tleorgia' district failed when Chnirman 1 It I. II,., - ... , ... ..., Vl uuiiunai comniuiee, iMHiiing conienis objected to an agreement, which would given two delegates seats, with one-half a vote Actio by the committee on the fractional vote agreement In the lll,nt unA M" eseiipo was a nnr flrst district went over at Butler's row ono' siiHgesllon. 11 odvlHod his . col- Tho two men nnd one hoy. leagues that he Intended in eamperW,;i1vh0M ,mw wero no bring up tho question whether re- publican slate organisations should jbo permltied to disregard tho na- l " .i'ii'ii... can tixing aeie- i6'..a quoins. Ill tho fifth Oeorgla district Frank A. Doughmnn of Atlanta, withdrew In favor of Clint W. Hn ger. also of Atlanta. Both of the contesting delegates wero regarded us friendly to Herbert Hoover's candidacy. As the committee wns nhout to itako up tho remaining Georgia I .contest, that from the seventh, Mrs. rinni-i Ci t'ilnn ., , eommmeo woman from Georgia. announced that a settlement was "e offing and asked that the ..fii.,K k" over until tnn.orrow. AJceptlng this suggestion, the committee then began hearing ar guments In tho contests involving the fntire Louisiana delegation. I.nwdrn Cnncltintmy. Sucress yesterday In placing II southern delegates, whoso cre dentials hnd been challenged, defi nltcly In the Hoover hag hol.tered the optimism of the commerce orretni(s political UeutenontB, es pecially James W. flood, hie man ager who nil along has Insisted that his cnndldnte would go over on one of the early ballots On tho other hand, both tho f.owden and Vntson campaign dl lectors, already on the firing line, wero mapping out a plan of at tack with which they hoped to stop Hoover, In this they counted , n 'h" Presidential nsplrnnts In the field ngalnst the cabinet of ficer. l,owden, . himself, is coming to town the Inst of the week, to givo personal attention to his cam paign. In the meantime his noil. I "'"l fortune, here nro In the keeping of Clarence F. ttiick mnn. j ,.".. ...n ni.niii iirrn ycHiemay ompnasizen that the former llll- nols governor Is In no sense "nntl-anythlng'' candldnto. Appnrcntly taking cognizance or lir.eulntlon that Louden nnd Cool Idgo nro too far npnrt on the highly explosive farm relief ques tion for his man tn ver ti,a nn,i. 0 I nation from a convention, whicn will lie called upon to endorse the president's administration, Buck look pains to point out that Ijiwden is not opposed to Coolldgj policies. He predicted thnt Low den would poll around 300 votes on the first ballot. IVateon Arrives. Of the vnrlous presidential can didates, Watson of Indiana is tho only one of the battle ground. He enmo yesteiday. accompanied by his manager, M. Hert Thurmnn, weni lo his -headquarters nt the Hotol President and had little to sny for publication. Tho veteran Indlnnan let if be known that he Is out to win the nomination. He will go Into the convention with the solid support of his home state's delegation and his re-lterntlnn here that he Is not n stalking horse was taken as being directed at some recur- rent tnlk thnt he might swing his support either to Lowden or to!mi'nt hy "hfftt lrners and prices Dawi, 0ne Man Dead( jwo Mjss. ing As Result of Flooding of Big Pine, Near Los A n g el e s Cloudburst Causes Dam Break , Property Damage Is Not Yet Known. 1110 I'l.VR, C'al.. .lime C W) As n result of n cloudburst 111 the mountains a dam on ltig Tine ' several others are reported liiisslnK. Thd streets of the town were flooded. No estimates of dniuago are obtainable. BIO PIN J?, nl.. June 5. (fl) A lnndslide which had formed a dam on Biff I'lne creek at Sage Plat about eight miles nhove here, broke about 3 a. m., this mornlm? nnd a torrent of water flooded . i the main street ot this town to a .,,,.,, nf n fur.t (in a Minrt uml depth of n foot. One man nnd a boy, campers, were reported missing. The house of the caretaker of the intake of the Los Angeles aqueduct was swept away, but he escaped. Tne diversion dam of the In take ot ,he L,OM AnKeleH duct above the power plant was destroyed. The stream wns di verted from its course and dnm- hnveinKP" lhe Pwer plant slightly, each! The mtako keeper's house won I swept away while he was tele- Phoning a warning to the power ou.aiiiuu, were cniuieu severni miles below tho landslip. One of tho men was awakened by thn roar of tho approaching flood, warned others and himself es caped. The other two climbed to the tnp of their automobile. A log struck the car nnd both the man und the hoy disappeared in tho raging waterB. Their bodies hnve not been recovered. Itlg Pine has a population of between 500 and COO. DKS MOINES, Iowa, June 5. (pi Gilbert M. Ilaugen, co-author of the Mc.N'ary-Huimen farm hill and the oldest member ln point of con tinuous service In the national hotAre of representatives, was re nominated by republicans or the fourth Iowa congressional district In yesterday's primary election. He defeated J. A. NelRon of Decoruh by more than 4000 votes. Governor Jim Hiimmill, running a tour-cornered race for the repub lican nomination, won handily from the field. With more than hair of the precincts reported he hud a substantial majority of all votes cast. He campaigned on a platform ravorlng a 100,000,!000 road build ing program. BIG FORESTrRE NEAR REDDING KKDUINCI, Oil.. June 5. IP) A forest fire sweeping brush nnd Ktnln lands alonK the Tehama Khasta boundary was out of con trol last night. One thousand acres of land hnd been burned iv with 150 men unable to cop with Its rapid spreud. Women voiun toers were carrying water In auto mobiles to the vicinity of Ctton wood where the blaze was wrenk lnK the greatest destruction. WHEATClSs 4 ' CHICAGO, June 5. (JPh-Mord than five cents a bushel drop in wheat prices today resulted from a break In the drounht which has been harrying the spring wheat belt. News of the downpour in Canada and moisture In parts of the Dakota led to a selling move- rapidly gave way under the strain.