Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 31, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Weather
PretlUtioQ Fa tr and warmer; low
Uumidiiy. ft
Mjiiliiittra yesterday 4
.Minimum today ....MMM.:.::.;.... 41
Weatlbr Year Ago
Mssiisuiis , . i
Miuimum ... ,.. . 3a
Xo. TO.
By Arthur Brisbane
Until December Good-Bye
Honor for the Dead.
The Blonde Comes Forth.
How Monkey Hair Grows.
(Copyright, 192T, by New York
lirinnv nrcoration
day rm- old Powor Trust. His
Kit'ls and propasamlii had nt
liccn distributed in vain.
The Senate died in a futile
spasm of remorse, mid, for this
session, the Boulder Dam bill
died with it. In December!
there will be another effort. I t-UANrisoo. M..y si.-
. ,, tA'j A me.s.suji' uthiresst'd to "alt
The power (.eiitlenien, well (ihi,s.. . m , ,,y c.u.iain
firjranized, attend to business. ' fiuuics KiiiKsruni-.smiih,
, . i maml-r ft' the nH'Mt;tni? Hmitil-
'Jhe people, not. orgnm.ed tit ;,.,, (.l 4;. nHlnt uM ra ,
nil. do not attend to business, from Oakland to AiiHtralia via
TJesiilts are what ym would ex
pert. 4
This Deeoration day, suppos-
cd to belons? to the dead, was,
as it should be, a day of reerea-
lion and pleasure, for the li--
jiii;. The dead, iu their
li ma
sleep, awaiting the
., . i i ,
or in their distant, abode
of bliss, are probably eonteiit to j
, , . ,, , i .
be kindly remembered.
IFoV Jliatiy UVO WOHhv (if ilOll- ,
or, in this one nation's history
!. AVn h motor, who si h. !
lishod the nation ;
maintained it; the inilHonH, un-
known, who foilflllt for it, and
were willing to die for; the
builders, fanners and miners
who ereated it.
,nd, above id
TIfK MOTHERS who have rais-1
ed and friven to their country
the sons that have done its
44 '
"J)enth trail blonde uives
borself up." That is the new
headline. She is a bona fut
liionde, it setMtm, u lanecr, only
twenty, beautiful. And the tall
neirro cabaret owner, whom she
hired tn his death, had beaten
her. Her eonseienee made her
confess to Iht poliec.
1 f
. '
Hint Ktiou siory ot n ncgiu
Infl ii.tA trim hr a whi'tt WOIll-
, . j
an ami snot to ueaui n u wimr
..o ;n;i( in ,k,tjr hpr ivis
. , .
a new msignt into i m-a-
slum life.
battle at Sail Anion 10 JOl iS.:ti a M to,ja circled the field glance at the iiroadmoor Country titHnedtady.
le'ider h'ttt tf the Cteneral Fed-'to Sa,n alt It ode, and started 1 duh jut uorihwesi of the city i lleportn from KmK Slay, how
1 , ' tthrouKh Un (.ohien Cate toward limits and mH wiih money, j ever, indieafe that a tierimi stnriy
erat toil Ot Women S Clubs. j Hawaii on the first lap of itsjj. welry and other vtiltmld' s, the of the tyiw of plane needed is nee
One eaudldafe is 'n home i"7S!i"m,,e niuht to Australia. jtotal value of which, club offielalK'essary.
woman, the Other a proles- ,
I tt-Atiiiii Afiv flip Itetter
woman win.
Each candidal
has a campaign manager and it
is thought, the home woman
won't be home for some time.
Aside from the tiift fiRlit tlio
l;i(lit'S nrc dctortiiiiifi! to check si-conii until 4mo ii fn.m the
i , .... i.,,: itart C a i t a i n Klnfisforl-SniHh
ai lii'ism ami wipe out evolution. . th(. ftk.k al, ,hK ,
!Hr will tells VOU, aild U It for- j Cross rose ahout a foot from the
t.iimtply itV tni. tiuit the hiiirsuhn;'-S!)(,wl hnOTVPr wa, ,
on the arm of a man or woman ; sufficient and the pi-im settled
i i t. .1 i hack to the runwav. Mre paso-
prows tl.iHinvar.1 from the ol-.(lll. was .( tn ;,. ,,
bow o thp wrist, tipwnrd from 'altalnlnB a p.lll of :, milto an
,. ,, , ,i l , t hour, the ,hip soared into tin' air
the flbow to tho shonhlt-r. lhr tJ of (h(. mne an(. n
It prows like that on every
monkey, also, so that, when it
rains, and he old up his arms
nbove his head, the hair, prow-
injr in two useful directions,
sheds water like n well thatched
roof. That annoys the gOOU
dub ladies, esneeifiUv as many
of them, with short arms, a lit-
tl dnnt likp thp late Lillian
Russell, annot fold their arms
over their heads anyhow .
Arthur Williams, of New York's
Kdison company, yesterday showed
to friends moving pictures made
hy the Genera! Kiectrie Company,
demonstralint; that science has
done away with dantrer from light-nioK-
A lightning ronductor pole, one
hundred feet iiitsh, protects from
lightninT everything within one
hundred ;! Utty fet of tHe foot
of the pole in ait direetioi.s.
Three conductor poles proper!
grounded In wet earth, keep light
ntng away from bufl'imcs. oil tanks.
Nil ThFRNx t"5 Nfl MvM HEFLN
UUU I 111.11111 A f" 1 T'l'f ilU ULI1UUI1 ......
Tfl UAUAll fMfliyfrfil IE 10 IflQTi
III HII Mil t8W.&f&JW SrS-? 1r5 .4424 jCSI -! III 111 I I lil I
Plane Nearly 500 Miles Out
On Pacific Flight Radio
Reports Good Progress j
; Early Generator Trouble
i of Flight Overcome.
i Honolulu, said c?vi ylhhit; was,
I -"Oh: satif-fui-lnrity. Tin miNsaK,
I "U't an' UttiiiK 'fine, revolutions '
: JSTfi. SHHtl 75 miles pr hour.;
! Airuiui.. yr.aa on tpotiioratHrt1 '
iH d.-Krecs. oil nrmwuni
KAN rtiANi'lrtt'o, May 31.
i Tiie Itattio I'oi-iioration of Amer-
jlea i. e. iveil a iiiesKice froio the
riomtiern t'i-osH at a. to. say-
KM,..rat..r trouhie
Hhii h developed e-tam-ily fi r the
toonoolaite took off it) Oakland for
n.,nnli had le fixed. The
from tht Htuulicrn 'ros.s vume
"H-ar as a heit."
HiAMl!., .W n.-w
i.ineoin, whojnat, tne southern itokh sent a i
meif:aKe pk-kert up oy tiie l.sant-
iin.p .Tvln ihi e;tilio nerftliir.
jvras not working properly and that
!"" Warner the .radio operator. ,
I was tiyhiK to fix it. The message i
! mu 10 stand hy. I
OAKLAND, Calif., May 31. tfl'i j
All unaddressed radio message
;clvfd - at th, Oakland airport i
; shortly after noon bIvIiir Us posi-
Jtlon as 350 miles out. ,
; message read: I
j "12:10 p. in. Lost beacon aKain.
ll!htly off course siuhted no
ajprxim:tt'ty 35 mile
In v(tw of a report from an
..nt.tAntflo.l f I II U . tll
ii was RKHtimod thf crew of the j
Southern rnss hart not ihe ;
r,,u- -iinh wtt nnitP iuH1p
in a haze
SAX KKANt'lSfO. May 31.
J. H. Ilaillny, aiufttfiir radio op
erator, here, pfnkpd uj an imiJmU-
(lieu hittp ill 11.1'J u. lit., n ii tcit
K!iV0 nH liosftion as 3s mii wit
south of San Krnririsn. say tut;
the Houtlunn t'rass liad'jurt passeit
;MVr it and wuh "kIiik Thr
ship's radio mosiMise was addrpssrf
to another ship.
OAKLAND, Calif., May 31. iJPt holrtupa ever staged here, six men;
The Southern Cross hopped oft'lhtte last nh;ht he!l up uhotst '2mt ;
.i,.. .(,..,.t ..i i ... .. v t,. ;-ii.r '
ine m-moioreu roKKer nione-
plane carried a crew of two Aus- J
itraiians ami two Americans. '1 ney
were Captain Charles Ktngsford- ; nent mtsiness men ami uepariment
Smith, commander; Captain C. T. ) store owners were smoi.g the vje
1. Clm, eo-pflot; James Warner, tims. The dinner dance whs held
radio operator, and IJeutenant
Harry Lyon, navigator Warner
and I .yon are Americans !
The his ship hounced and
( rrcneil ihjwn tho runway
at the
I l;ikt'-ff. olrkliii; uti .xitc'd tvir
iuarter track.
Once in the ah- it rose steadily
i over the Alameda house tops. It
. fi!ifh..a tn t.O ilmla ..f .l I lit
' fi.(.t ov.r the city and continued
-to rie as (n f headed toward
(Han Francisco hay and Hew out
tivrT tne water toward the oohien
j GiU- t (
' An early mornfne hazo made
J for poor visihflity. hut the ship
j .int.- Us nose into the west with-
lout difffeulty.
j u
was announced hefore the
!h th:it Uadlo Operator
Warner and Lieutenant
Commander Harry Iyon, the
Ameiiran members of the crew,
Itoth former navy operators, would
go all the way to Sydney.
Lyon is a son of Hear Admiral
Henry W. I .yon, who was the com
mandant of the Mare Inland navy
yard in ISns and 1 9 T , and now Is
on the imtetive list, residing
Tarls JUll, Me
! I.yon. Jr.. was lleutpnan com-
tnattder In command of the trans-
j lort Westerner and first lieuten-
ni on tne cruiser ?t. iuis ounng
the Wijrld war. has hd l
years extirience mi naviirating
the Pacific ocean. Warner served
under l.von as chief rdh
nt th St. flii. ami i. r!rinfl
is described
(CooUaued on Face Six)
; imp u.uu rmim-yrs-w . i
Vlt '4 K,P5SkW .?-.TtV'F'-sJ - "5 1 ?9lE N'd Flyer Lands in Dark
i-SSltiyt ' and Crash -s Narrow,,-H'-'
Hk 8 4&V.?4M 1 Averted, After Cruising'
! MW taWRA ; Hours-Failure to Dplay
i wj;-- ' u'Wmm-m Lights at Los
King Amanulla Khan, ef Afghanistan, is bolievej to be the first member of foreign royalty to be re
ceived with honors in Soviet Rus :ta since the revolution. He is shown here reviewing soldiers of the
Soviet army in Red Square, Moscow, where he has been received with al! the rlterence accorded him in
other nations of Europe.
onniAi accaid
Leading Citizens of Indian
apolis Among Victims of
Spectacular Holdup of
Country Club Dancers
Toss Their Wealth Into
Bag Terrifying Shots
Fired. !
IXnrANAPOlJS, May 3t.--
Si'tri mvn were undor arreift i-
ttay as stifpectM in the t'Rsaiiotiai
u( t'tM quests at the
itrftrtiimnr funt! y cluh last
1,1 hk-h ht valm-d t more than
I0. was taken. One of the
m'-n waH
'hcfn hlentifua ly
lHo to have :
u victim of th i
robbers. The arrest of (he vii i
men followed a thrittiitK chase ot I
a large eian hy poUr imerstiary .
squad. Th etlan was overtaken '
at the outskirts tf Lphancii, hio, .
nearly 3d mil1 from Indiana fdis, '
whert i! was fen-ed to the side of
the. road.
l,ViiAXAt'Ol,iS, May 31, t-P
In one f the mo: t Mv-etacular
saia, wiim ieween o
Several ot tne rnys most promt
! in connection
j.".oO - mile race
with the annual
t the Indianapolis
... . t
ca-fmuny out-of-town quests were
present. It was said the . club
members and their guests w-ie'
wen tins; much valuable jewelry.
No clue as to the identity of the
men was obtained, although good ! thanked nil fr their woid.
deseripthms were given to the comfort. Finally, however,
police. The men spent ahout Ja- mra Nofdie was overesm
or So minutes in the building he-
fore departing. Just as the dance spent ihe day in prayer, F.arh
was in full progress, two no n & the week J-he went to Ht.
rushed into iho main hail and or- fetrs and spent a Ions; time pmv
tiered the cluh mansiir to hold !lt Praw of fope INhb X.
up his hands. Two men with xt the crypt of the tasUh a spec iv
wed-off shotguns rushed into the recognition of her hy sth i r-
hft ft loom and with several
paniotts guarded the entrances and !
f oreeti alt i he da ncein a nd t h er
guests to line up ugainst the wall.
The guests were then ordered
toss their jewelry, watches, h:
folds and ail their pocket money
into a la rg ea n vas ha . Krnest
Fisher, a guest, was struck on the
head when he did not comply with
the bandit's orders quickly enough
to suit then?. -
I A thorough search wan made for
'a safe in the building despite the
efforts of A. M. Kosenhal, presi
dent of the club, to convince them
that there was none there.
' Hails and rooms were searched :
' hy the handits fr tr u e s t s who t
might have hidden. Several shots I
were fired into the hallroom over ;
the heads of the guests when some 1
hecame unruly and women hecaioe ;
! frightened. i
J After ahout 3o minutes in the
club house the tm milts ntade their!
i exit in nt? orderly manner and
ped away toward Indianapolis.
! t i 7-
. - ...... ......
J,,hrt H- ,IHI- "'-'. or-.,
1 " vit...
j r
Meek, director of puioic $
for grading ttd sitrfacng '
i -even-eghlhs -f mile f i -
I fcvio- 'tgnms i a imie m
(iteoHfMMi n ign way tninurtia.y
i south uf the Cifguti tine.
O .
iiMirv rrrnDTC
Com. Romago to Have
Charge of Search Alpine
Troops Leave to Hunt
Clues in Polar Regions5
Many Offers of Plane Aid.
UOMiS. Italy, May Si. T A
' conference of experts ot tilt' navy :
ami air departments, attend' fey ;
reprosetitatives f t!t fwreisn of-
fice, today decided la rsanizp a
, Kentrai hoard to co-ordinate a!i f ;
loria made by Italy to itms the ihish-
Ui dirigible, lulls, or its crr.
It was aKrtieti at tht start that the
advice of Commander KninaiHia f
the bane ship, CSua tH Milano, who
who is oh the smt and knows local
conditions will tw junuuimmt and
Hotliiii- wiii !m attempted until he
is consulted hy wireless.
in the meantime Alpine troops.
aided hy local guides, an? setting
out i pitziM'rgea in small detaeN
meitlrt to search for cles. Faith
for t he preront is pinned on I he
whaler, Hohhy, and the wltalet. Urn
ganza. It is thought they wiii m;ii-e
i more.lieadway to the north than the
Citta Ut Mtlaho has proved able
; to do.
The air ministry has been swamp-
cerrt to the Arctic and hein search
l!h ih& fitter; f t,t urn.
KOMK, May 31. tJP) The
thoiiiit.s of Italy tod;iy turne.l
with tenderness to SJnoni i tt'
.Nuine, wo;c at itciimt t m-
berto Xoldie nnd their little daw-
t!lr itarm, a?s the days druut;
. without any Kifjn from die
i rm?Wi nsr h ihst tltt rnmtn i
j the airship Ua Ha a nil h erew
wore -safe.
Cntil yesterday they received
intimate friends, emlsetrie uf she
ktnjr and Premier Mussolini fd
loclted herself is her room um
f shippers, however, made tii" pur
suance, of devotions
there lino -
11 p. fS7 YfAT
Jl Llli lJI IL.l
II II lllil 1 11111
SANTA AX A, Cat.. May 31. (Jpt
Another of the tri-motorerf mono-
plane Alhartoss try try-aeain st
tempts to smaflt the world's fltsht
enduratee record has failed. Afier
on!y 154 Honrs in tiie air, Ihe Al
batross came to land last night with
her central motor failed and vaive ;
trouhie In one of the remaining en-1
elnes, making further immediate
attempts Itiiposslhle. ;
Taking off at a. in. yesterday
'' with iMi gallons of gasoline the.
iairplane e-.tahlished what a said
j to te a nw rcojd for Ill'ed bad
j ier uurefrfiff t" e
horsepower. '
Vii4 :iy;
fjregon Weailwr.
f ir tonight ti0$ ytitlnv.
tonicht in ll. e.t port!
foment to ti.e
mo nffmniity.
tietote IO niOfievr
ate eust and north
at wind.
Salesman Known in This
Cu. Mtii.,
ity, Accidenaliy Kiiiea
Wftman nnmnaninn Dur -
ing Drinking Party in
Portland Hotel
Trace Last Movements.
rolm.ANU w.. Slny -3J.' t.-i waved them fe&ek ifit a stntle,
, , , , - ho woven and refns! say sy-
-Th? key tc the room in r(hiBB. The panv of thr immedi
lluatttttmu hrftel. in wtiich -Mr.i ahiy t(lft for ttw ,1 and ja.
.iarjri? t. soy
i.herden, VVnh.,
formeriy of
was aitot to
deaH, ly To. Mh.y, ra tu i.vd
to th h.l. ( I..d,.y, haviiig ;
l.ia.f.1 in mail mx ynt-rda-. j
hftwccn noon and S ... m. Thu:
ltd th jmHi ? I inU'H5Ety their '
searHi tor iteatm W
in u'Oosc room tne K:t!lng -
rami. Tin- nu r hsid Inn drug-
Kd lil- liody on "s"
thniry thai hi nilKht hav fliown -
uIioh' ttnH the
hiiifhi with some
ss pa pent
was found in ihe
I'OirFLANO, Ore.. May iAt
iJntsgmj; the WiUnmeiie river
was restiiticd iiere tiay in ati ef
fort to cleat up the mystery stir
iotimii tMe'e,Hnt'e of tJeorff
! AlajitersoB, in ho?;c hotel room
M r. M ;i r jttrte S t oy w a , shot 1 o
death eriy Ttitsitay.
life in the
lasterssn ended hi answer fittest ionw asked hy the
fhoMt-swolt'-n waterjatt TeMpot Oome commHtee. The
or whether he ficd,Uf' selected in less than two
n hiH-foId hearinj? I iUrH- 'e protest of Ht&w-
of thf river, or
after throwing .
papers iiit the
water as a rose" -obwI.
w;i a nnejttiiin polite were Mmthie
fl ansW,
neag the
liKiS yesterday
iMirnsid irtde where
tHi-foid was fmiml, fniert to
,i.vUop i.ny traeo of his horiy. hut
Meanwhile Coroner Smith was
h)cti? the hoy of the woman
hefore ordering an tattuet, think-
i,ie Osat some further develop -
R(.Rt might aid in a sduthm tt
i the mystery.
Available Information Indicate!,
police saM thai Airs. Stoy. who
was present at a drinking party
in Masferstna room, and who re
trciined aftr other guests had
left, wai shot either by aeelden1
or without premeditation.
Itiooity towels ant heditm$ indi
cated hasty attempts to dreys the
wound whirh killed the woman.
: Tn. hollet entered her sid nnd
:ame out under the arm &n the
- t!tir side.
I Mtxtcrsoft took a taxi to the
; depot, then returned to the hotel,
jtk another lasi, whirls ho left
, at a downtown street corner
at to in? arithS nrt,i c
raH whore he rhanttf
''"tfH "" '" n,Jt
,,mkinK the f i-rk tn diw
went to the hargem hotel on the
ng the rlrk to h directed to
the nearest restaurant. Th wa
ahout n m. He waa rtai seen
; aealn
Whether he walked to a
bridge and lumped into ti$p river. 5 Hton , ... s 13 4 jhff itenteiirs was pfsnotiseest H
tk an early train or hus or is Philadelphia 4 4 4 wan expected to he transferred to
still In hiding in (he cpy, were' Hatteri: K Pmith snd TaySoriflte petiitesiiary sm soon as the ie
o,uesfions the police had not de- f-ng-. Mefrw Ferguson and i?a( papers were prepared,
elded. (Sen wit. j Kvldene wa ttttrodnee4 mi hht
J jtrtei tending to shsw that h had
Masterson was known In this;
y. Tvherjej. b came In the in -
tercets of the auto springs com-
pam fr which be was a sitlet -
HiTPAW, X. Y May l
Plans for ptahlishment and
cnvalejcnt hos-
Spifais In cooa-' tion with 14 ortho-j
j pedie hotffdtat for chilren pe-;
Irated hy the lde of the Myt!e!
j Shrltt. wer adopt el at tt:v i
wheie at th Ifcw-ht-ei of th Nll.
OS AKGKI.Krf. viay 31.
A itisimteh (mm ISrsrh, b!., 1 Alfroil K. Smith In Hlinuts, Indi-
tiw Tidies her !o.iay Mis Cot i ana, Iowa. Ohio, Srth Carolina
iltartes A. t.inrtlrh, the tammtsam Yrk.
iraus-AlIaatic avmtor. who Bave hw
anminm several oea
. hrji ahen he was reKirted ovr-
' aiw on a Want from (innil I'aa-
, vffit. Arm., wh hmi nml erttMtt
ebottt lieldei8l Uit liisarlv
iUl eout(att iK'aeos
nd at l-ow?
wa tlm
i member
of ihe iwliee ihum who heard she
roar of tiie motor ami teleihotied
(he custodian of the fleid. TheShmi reo.lvl from isa So ,;1(ltatuw w.tatfr sisorsiy s
; ciiHtrHUitit imtiieiiiiilely swttclieit on
wa B a miBms later
j UHrfhrgh ianM.
i long bhacFic rat, May St.
faitdvil hin big monoiilane at ih&
; mU ii atnssrt her at 2: IS a
i A I:;tu4fi of irsHttSi attracted
f when the light of Ihe field were
I Oasheii on, rushed up t ihe hH
eatdn plane as Lindy got out. lis
?lrnoti the clerk to iell eailcrs
I af 'ere tired and not to fee
Nu!il!IK was imrlml ,rom ,s,
,,.,. .m ,() h)( Ku(( w hjMW ((
lv,.riim Ihe littli more than 400
hn. r.ul r..
I II IHW f rDTrn T'
t 1 1 I K I NUM. I HI T
VASfllN!TO?f, May SI. VPt-
Four women am! eight !ren will
deeid (he gniU or Innocence &f
ly'Hohert W. Stewart, wealthy oil
j man, on (rial hero for refilling to
Baseball Score
A merles it,
N KW YOHK. St a v 31 . VP)
Iten llth hit his istft hom run
of the menn In the third inning
; of today's game between ths
Vnnha and the Senators No oe
was on has and Irving lladley
was pttchiRg. r
n, if, h. :
Washington .......... ... S S
New York ...... I;
liatteries; If a d I y, Marherry
nt Ituel; iiin?ck ami Coilins,
rirKt game
HI Uin
It. K. K.
1 1 I
Wiltw, mreilika
n. ir k.
9 1 1
.... s n 0
Oiheon and Hhea
fhante, Itu-key and I- Keweit
I'hiladeiphia st Itoston cn
IT. B.
H. -
. Totti ....... 2
Pittshnrg .. ., 3 1ft
j itatterles; ffalnes snd Wilson
; Hill and Hmith.
TtKYO, May S f W Xewttsm
per despatches from t&spporo sayi
th t t rihemten are miewln'r nd j
believe drow ned in a huge tidal
wave whieh destroyed the fishing
fleet KaruHatsu on thnft4t
at caf f She IIand
1 the dipatthes was laeblns.
t ' S
WIU "iifl
(General Counsel for Masked
Order Tells Senate Probe
of Payments for Wild
Talks in Six States Lit
tle Light Shed On Als
. Srnalnr llefl of AtolKinai tia!l (
Menlesi tmlas" tt th senate jsrl-
.temist t antjssn uimIs msnitte '
that h hatf tin imiA hy the Ku .
I Klus Klaa make siMhea
lauainst thi ranliae , (lvgmr
T.tim.!y that th Ku Khii
, vi 11.1l.! Kraitnr
aemBerat, AWansa. fo? of Alfred
K. Smith. preiiejs5iai
Ti',,r ln h 8n vartntl states waa
lion In'fure the senate cufttp&igB
rssnia$ivfs SrU &t New
Uit4 toil tiw fommitPii1 h&
nothing of Oovernor Hmitlt's es-; stand as seuyho. a rsttrfflsd June
peniitares. He said h aniier-jshsn aJiom i sHe Kiathwest f
to.d li.-flm got $2& for Nak-j SeKll!K. The majority &f asfeer
ing In Ohio; tor sswwkini; r0(o have faftea hack as far s
In New York state and either liit-'hang Stntirn. the oasskirts of
or t2R for mwakitie In Iowa. j ekns, but hraslquattew re IU
irevioU!l- Willlans ZtiBSItrnnn. Uelh.
seneral rounwl for she Kiss, had! In fS there re renewed
!,., that he iii,nwtood IfefiiB 1 mwrt that Ctmnm T-H l eos-
for siHa,cfM's In thfx? siat, isah!
hy the iocaS Klan orsanssalinns.
,fi i-ny ich last sum
mer,1 llftln isaia. "Thv rwW me
JI fr avh sfe Thr was
tsft what I was taik
Irff of the Knlht of CWmlm
to Snvolve us in war with Mexico.
. mtwnu;r i8K j sraojw so fall back Sss ordi-r to
SmiL Kh"" 1 MA not ,nrKrt WralKhSen out the norslwm tram.
"Th ,BSfsin ttaf ! wa pai4Th sirtrvlf,m ot llt0 teSuh
! isakr Kchca sssninst (Sovi-rnor ; wmst lM iu fatao rutwwtnOa lht
s.niih K not tru.," Umaliw HofHis (rhans To-IJn had Ixrt
sohi, "ami 1 dont !!!-? Mr. Zain-1 i'eMm tar Wasstlsaria.
hrunn .uhl that." ( Khan.ul ittenatf-lim raid tttat
i Aski! by inatr Braltna, dun -
forms, Xrw M-xlra, st he exprriri
to make nupts upwph for iy thljti(ionttitas arsssy, tn pier sfc
. n m m r. atlarltinir Hot rnor northern center at Hohtanfy. St
Smith, IMfitt doHietetl to iy. f wmt rifltably renortwl that FeeiB'o
I don't think Ha any business !trff5 wsre wlthSn IIS mU&
of Shi -omtnlstpe s tmderisk tofgf Tletntin and advancing slfefauSr
hav& ih. ot((n my proernm whptsts the westward of the Tiftts4o
I nm golnjt ot to ietare an 'Afflfr- s4ikow rttllaray ish t its nroh&iti
ieanisoi, the Alahatnan letfat with
a show of feeat.
The New Mexico senator replied
that he wowh! leave If to fief Us
himself whether h' sot iraSd for
sHeehes in which he attacked the
iesdlHg csmEiditfe for th deme
rratie nomination that was sot a
S proper suhiect for inquiry hy the
) rommiitw.
j "I hope It Isn't the office ssf thia
! eotnmHtee ro protect nvernor
jSmlih." Ileain Mid.
leaning across the lalde lia''JJtJz "
Hefhn. Itratton said: "I leave It ? l1
L- "f,. VT- r. T
" "t fi 3lfls I
m'1 f ,irl' l!hf province of
SH doesnt lmrrem me m all.
fMiin Kj,i. ias mind Milne
ahoat fee t have rerelven for lee
lr, hut Ihe Wa of rottolinff It
tt with eamtialgn rontriiojtlon
i ajtaln.1 Kmlsh ia rhihraioy
As ItraStrm press-rf his qaestlon
"ty tlost, I dnnt fcnaw where I
am uolne to speak in earrjine fm
my rampants aeainst this Roman
Catholic machine and ilomaBi.m,,t
, 1-A f ve to , rear,
II, Kirby In sierfr court here i&
day to Ivan Mct'yraber, 2S-ysar-ld
Oiiiwaod farmer, cdlcte4 Fester-1
hea; I day of second degree assault tn iTPflTinPI'l t 1 SffA
eit connection with the death or blsl i k i ikfLV Kit Kill K
?Hed;fwIfe, Oigs, former IteBtoxhaaa I 111 1 I liij Dflllfltl
Jnurse, McCssmber was acqalsted f j v 1 1 w WtlllHv
j the charsea f mttrter.
INCumlwr, stolid as ditrfn? thm h
entire trlsi. made bo comment asi
' sfntek his wife ovr the ha wifh
0 hanuner. He contended b had
l.becn kicked hy & horse.
i He also was accused of Itlvlntt
hi wif pisjed chlckea broth
from which she died. He was ?
qttSttn of thp rharjre.
MARS!irKI,It re.t My St.
ji ntract for hutldlng
lcrtrle iMwer line from 0 Iy
I1 eeoport has heeti Jet, the
; lwpie West f oaist f fydra-Ki'
r.trte lo wtr company anisoand
U.S. 10 ACT
Dictator Chang Ready for
Flight, and Marines to
Guard Tientsin Interests
America to Pursue
Lone Line of Action
Powers Muster Forces,
l.aximx, My JI. lift Th
fall of Peking Siedire Khe taKSy
aivatuiftg tt:ttiolfots tmtay HgaHn
ajieariS eminent, iftith She jMsrf
Wiitr ttmt t'hsn T-JJs, Umn
th northern .ISrJalor, wSIE jhsrsS-
rrut 4atn km slrs.ngfeM as
the Kresat wall iiss, iiasrharsa.
HVhH reachiaa Twhvn
ratj tftt cuaim Tsw-Utt atreortv
trfmps toward ifeahsrfa.
In advices intrn Tifmtmm
to he istthdrawn toward sh nsrth,
wr espe" t make &
s Aiiifc-t, .ttt iuria, wg
Chanjf out of Jklns lbre ws
ivery psip thai tte son-g
fetton &f she eighth eorp. wliSrh
t the w
any tonssr sa4
:ortlt, making Ss
lths mOSIny or th- ciKhth i!r
ittiahM !.nnsl Vne i'B-Ssat.
hjeclfye sf intospiln cmmnsi
cation between. Tienta and Hi
king. If Chanft To-Un Is eat off frm
Tientstim, It wHS place Mm in a
difficult position a ihgt only ii
road ietofiiiB ints Slajiefcariat frm
t'hlhli passes threuxh ihat rUy,
?XXBON May 4I- i Ais to
depeadnt line setkm will
pursue! by sh Colled Essies far
ing any possible diffieuEtSejs in the
Biarfns forces En China, fet unln--
hat he iia frainm r s.,
wlthirmws from thr.tMS fssiMi
antl -Ialii with hr ekincwf aitm
e avssaa ir pmsiiM?.
Althoaisb !h natjonalMs n 1
klniE may akirt TlMttifftt ratlfely.
She iMiitstsaa ot sfc treasy wrt
!! In the sliiteh to hav fira
rt to grt anxiety.
Japan haa She greater ssamfeer of
trmiiw at Ttetunln, the tlgatwt
ieing as faltsws;
Japan. tarn wish II OrM
sons ats 1$ pi&nes,
fnitwt ftatoa, Jt men, I
sons, IS planet.
ire Brltaist, line mrft, iwa
Held giUM ri4 BO itlasnt.
( Franc, ! men ss 14 tieU
Italy, msriaea.
I U ta tmtlerMoml thst the CM
lne SroMiws I1S h ...l:..,xi trrr
). of the TUtsldin Kraerai rslS-
The tax ffesld domestic
psratloas fn Mssitnewsh roaisty.
ITf. '
represBtln as aggreawte catdt tl
hat n
pared to $lZ9t744.3
which would nv bwn cotteeted
had t h?-e firm ben 43ied mt the
same rt as the local hanks, sc-
ii-erdisg t& flgreii presented tsy
jhy Henry K. Rwd. former enssnty
assessor of 5feilitsmah esanty, tie
was a ssr witnesw tor the vr-j
fecal nastonal twnies wfen are lne
Sheriff llarihart as ta collects.
They eel rSHef from th tax
which, they aieg U Ktegit
(Continued on Fag Four)