'MEttFOMHUAIL TUIIWKM, MUIWUUH, UL'K(IU, IU-.HMUA, WAV BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMamii Com rat-tora U. f. MTU ART & HONS General Contractors, Including 0b a a e nieut.s, ditcIieH, ull kinda of lament and concrete work, R. I. Stuart, 21 7 Apple, phono 648; Gilbert Stuart, 17 Ross Court, phone 9U0-M; Miles Htuurt, 60S S. Newtown, phone 850. tf "YOU'VE COT THREE TOU ADDED "WRONG BY I WAITER WHEMVOO HAVE (0 Time Mvl' inclintiom- MISTAKE'S HERE WVTER-TOU OVERCHARGED ME j COME HEHEHMIMOTE 1 Tou MU"bT HAVE. STUDIED MADE FOUR MITAKE -THREE IN IN THE TOT A U- , - arithmetic iM a rni ESACTLT biXTT KxKrt Accountant (Will-t FAtTORT- J ; i CENTS OOR FAVOR - WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in accounting and Tncomu Tax Requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Med ford Phono 157-it. FKAZIKU ACCOUNTINO SI2R V ICK Machine bookkeeping. Complete In every detail. Phona 1 luy Med ford. I'rcight TraiLsportntlon LONtl DISTRANCJJ HAUL1NU Medford - Klamath truck Una. Daily service. Bonded carriers. Special rates on load lots, Aut? freight terminal, 3ti S. Fir. Tal. 1033. T, I O O.'J. b Int'l I'rtlurr S-ivxe. Im (TdonJ'XI fAN' WE 1 ' llNOURFAVOR'1 -y ! . . V: . ' REALOT ) SlR-I'M 1 ioRRi- J - i x 1 n is si Erwtfl ve--i -r- v ris.sr n n " waft'' i i vf 1 1 j Pr ( .flir- I' J i 1 MUTT AND JEFF THIS IS A M-DOOOTKIMV I --U LH PWjBfV I GONNA. raRO Vnu'GLt -hnlMG7 1 TAK XOU GOT O f NOW LOT OF FUN .WOUftCOlMJ FOR BIT OP V. GET THAT I JfoRACHAMGg: " ! U Tl PLAIN& CXCRaSC THi J ! ' ! nilminirn Snnnnrin lis ulivsi.i.l hl.MHilv, llu,lKc Urotli-' WANTEUj Mlac-I!XIJNKOU8 i iXn IUST-r noUSKS roll KIi:N1 ArAm-MKnTS I FOlt KXCHANtSR i FOIl SAljlS MISUKljliAniKOUo DODGE IN GIANT AUTO EXPANSION NKW VOUi-:., .May oil. lP) A j new i-oloMsus of the automobile I industry, si'eond only to the Kurd j ceiiit:i uy and (leni-val M utors, hus-i liei-n formed with tin mrrcr ofi Dode llrothers. Inc., and the (..'hiysler corporation. The nrw eoTiiliinatiuti lias a pres ent market valuation of S4r.iMiuu, (JOU. ayKi'i'tAnte assets of moie than $irJ"i.lHH.UUO and a produetion ra pacity of about "HO, noil automo biles annually. The acquisition of the Uodr company is only a step in the ex pansion prompt m of the ( 'hryslrr orgft nidation, Wall street tinder- stands. Negotiations are said tu be o-) inw forward for the inclusion oi l other units. ! The deal is another milestone in' 1he sensational rise of Walter P.j Chrysler. From a common laborer) he has risen to the place where j lie ranks with Ford and John J. Uaskoh of Ceneral Motors as the j Kients of the industry. j The announcement of the Chrys-j ler-lodf:e d-al and the manner of its consummation came as a sur prise. Mr. Chyrsler and Lawrence Dil lon, head of Dillon, Kead and com pany, which purchased the Dodp;e j Motor company front the widows ' of Its founders in May, ID2T, met two weeks a-o at an informal luncheon. They nj;vecd that each : company had something that the other needed. Limineers were sent into the two; plants for a survey. These cni-! neers and accountants met last j week in Detroit and exchanged ; statistic. Air. Chrysler and Mr. Dillon, en KaKinK adjoin i iik hotel suites Fri day. remained locked in their rooms until M on day iiibt, carrying on ' their confereTjces. The merger! plans were submitted to the diree- torates of the two companies ye- . tel'day and adopted. j Xeiib")' Mruaniatmn is ti 1"" The Model Home on West Main Street FOR SALE-S650O-TERMB Call at 105 BANISTER AGENCY o An Urgent Case For the its physical identity, Dode llroth ers. Inc., will retain its plants, dis tribution forces and other (dements of organization. -Mr. Chrysler be comes chairman of the new hoard with Mr. Dillon as chairman at the finance committee of the reor ganized corporation. K. C Wilmer will remain as president of Dodt;e. The Dode ltrothej's Motor com pany was formed in !t 1 4 by John and Horace K. Dodire. engineers who had Kt'own up in the factory of 1 1 en ry Fo rd . For yea rs they were second only to Ford in the low priced, four-cylinder field. Others mergers rumored as pend ing ii Hit' industry linl( 'the names of I'ierce-.Arrow and Jordan and the Packard and Ueo com panics. M. K. FoiIk-s of Duffalo and 1M ward S. Jordan of Cleveland, presi-. dent of the Piei ce-A rrow and Jor dan companies respectively admit-, led negotiations were under way. Five grandsons and u Kreat grandson were pallbearers at the Omaha funeral of Mrs. Anna Mc Coy, SO, Nebraska pioneer. A Shetland poiV owned by Jeff Kelso of Crant. Neb., shows off by running in circles us long us anybody will watch it. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Rites per word for first Insertion, 2c; taoh succeeding Insertion, lc; minimum 23o. Index your adi with For Sale, For Rent, etc., and count these words, as well is each Initial, telephone number, ttc, as I word. Classified ads cash In advance and not taken over phone, unless advertiser has monthly account. No allowances for phone irrors. ' If KM WANTED 1t1jIAjID VA NTKD Woman employed part time to do housework for room and board. 402 So. Newtown. FOIl RENT nOUSKBJtalING ROOMS FOH ItKN'T Housekeeping rooms. 3.14 Apple. 74 FOU KKXT Furnished house keeping rooms; gas. hot and cold water, garage, au X. Riverside. 70 FOR IE KXT Housekeeping apart ment, ground floor, front ent rance. t " ) i-j. jaeKsou. j o 3M-.M. i;.-,tr FOR I i ISN'T Light housnkeepinc rooms downstairs. IIS Clonrser-. 70 West Main Tel. 1230 Board of Health WA.NTKD To buy day old calves. Phone 417-1!. 70 WAN'TKD To buy heavy team and harness; also hitfh yrade Jerseys. Write Cox S. D., Tribune. Oil WAXTFD Ten passengers for Hose carnival. Portland. Avoid park tiiK t rou ides, hiK'hway problems; comfortable b u s. Particulars, Clias. Ii. Howard, Phone J 1 -'!. 7tf WA.NTKD To borrow $i!.fiOO for 5 years. Interest at X ' h . paid monthly, or 10-year payment I plan, interest and principal paid I -monthly. .(Joirtl --secur-ity. Ad dress liox C. F., Mail Tribune. 7l.'i 'AXTi;D Furniture repairing. A. N. Thibaull. Phone liOU-lt. 7ti WAXTIID Shoe repairing; expert workmanship, first-class mate rials. Men's hnlfsolcs and heels S 1.50; women's halfsoles and -heels $1.00. V. M. Kidd & Co. CJtC WAN'TKD Lawn mowers sharp ened. Call and deliver. Med ford Cycle &. Repair Shop, l!i N. Fir St. Phono 2(il. 4Tttf WANTKD-2nd hand goods junk. Pat's, liiOti Prune, Tel. 647-L. 72 WAN'TKD Rlcycto repairing, lawn mowers, knives and shears sharp ened. Repairing; of all kinds. "Work guaranteed. Star Cyelery, 114 N. Front Ht. l'honu r.DG. 41tf WANTED SITUATIONS WANT K 1 liy boy, place In coun try for summer, to work for huard and small wages. 7 1 Ii AVelch St. 70 WAN'TKD 1 H-year-old boy wants place to work for room, board, wages. Phone 1404. 69 WAN'TKD-Family washings. Will call lor and deliver. Phone 364 R. 70 W A N T K V) Housework, d a y o r IIOUI , I'lUlll Sl'H illg III OIlU UOt-i X. 73 I WAN'TKD Pnperhanglng, house painting, floor finishing, interior decorating. Phono ll-J. H. Coghill. 78 HKLP WANTIiD MALIC WAN'TKD Right young man, bkpr.. machine poster a ml typ ist. Fine opening: answer fully. Medford Business Colloge, OWN'. WAN'TKD .Man to put up hay by contract : horses and equipment furnished. Phone iiii j.X. LOST Lady's wrist watch, Klgin, yellow gold, octagon. Phone R27-V. Reward. 70 LOST Man's purse containing money and receipts. Return to R. A. Koppes, Mail Tribune. Re ward. 69 :LoST Small brown fur neckpiece, i Phone 881. If IHCKLloA N f XI us Mb) do your hnullng nnd tinvc ' yoti money. HawW'y Tranffer, ; 611) X. Klv.'ndde. Phone 1044-X. 1 109 I5KAL KSTATK, Insurance. 201' Medford Natl. Hank Hdg. C. 6. Ktltterfield. ro b a uc Limiotm Kf)!t SALK One freh low. fine. half mtlc foulh nf (N-ntral rolnt. W. T. Wilson, on highway. 61' FOR SAI.K lied Durom from 10! to JBO llm. Some will farrow Ini about 3n day. 1-:. I-:. Slump, on I'.utfli' highway, 2 blocks from Woward sch'jol, ?lte F( ill It K.N T 4 -room si uceo cot tage, furnished or unfurnished: j Karate. tl I West 'Jml, or In- j Ullire at Uriental Art Variety t Store. tiStl FOIi UKXT Small clean house, i Plione NUT-V. 70 ; Ftili KKXT Modern furnished 5-1 room bungalow. 5 lis So. (! ra pe. I Ill FOi; UKXT Small house, newly ; finished : shower bath. Inquire I !US So. C ntral. ; 7" FOll ItK.XT l-rooni furnished! house ; two bed rooms. Phone j hJ7-V. V'l F( lit It KXT il -room bouse, newly tinted. 0;J3 Pine. l'lioiio frlD-li. FOR RKNT ti-room housf and garage, (dose in. Inquire 2D So. Fir. upstairs. 7 1 FOR RKNT Furnished house 102 W. 10th. 71 FOR RKNT f - room modern house. Inquire 415 So. Oakdale. FOR RKNT 7-room House; lots if shadi', 3.;0. I'hone 4IH-X. 1 1 2 Laurel. fill FO R RKXT Half a duplex, fur nished or unfurnished. Inquire; 'J07 No. Riverside. utC FOR RKNT Homes. Furnished or unfurnished. Brown & White. 4 VI f FOR RKNT Modern 5-room fur nished bungalow. Phone &M-L. 44tf FOR ItKNT Houso in Kverette Court, West 11th Si.; modern, plenty buM-ins, electric range and water healer, garage, He. Phono 238. 4.1tf FOR 6ALK-ArTOMtBniK8 FOR SA LK OR TRADK Kssex 4 for light truck. Must he in good condition. J. M. Nary. Phone 13J-L. 70 FOR SALK Ruick ti Touring; ex ceptionally good conditio n; cheap. At Skinner's Oarage. 7U FOR SALH OR TRADK Nash coach, 11124 model; good condi tion. Will take piano as part payment. H. F. Lange, 101 So. Riverside Phone 18. 42tf TOU UKNT FCKNISIIKI) ICOOM8 For RKNT Room 2 per week. Bachelor cabin. 44 o S. l-'i otil. 74 FOR RKNT Housekeeping rooms, bath. 331 So. ivy. Board if de sired, (j;) VOR RKNT Furnished sleeping room. 32Ti So, Riverside Ave, If FOR RKNT Sleeping room, rlos in. Phone 93 4-X, ri.'itf FOR RKNT Pleasant room, mod ern, uioHa In, with board. 7H aat Main. Ht5tf FOR SALK POULTRY FOR KALK -hlcks: 3 months old pullels. Hqiiai-4 Ial Hatchery. WANTED WE BUY FOH CASn All Used Furniture and Stoves . CaU 505 W. A. KINNEiT o rurniture House OJIS finst Mnin ltlOXT .Nice cool furnished apartment. Phone tilN-L. (i!Hf -'o U It KXT :i-roi.m modern fur-' nlsbed apt. S-l T.. I L' 4 Lincoln. 7 II i (Ut UKXT New, close in 4-rooiuj apartment, with si en m heat, FriKidnire, lintpolnt rane, In- j cineralor ami yarae. J .iit No. ; Molly St. T; AUt UKXT Modern furnished apura incut, f rooms, sleeping porch and Karate. it 2 2 S. oak dale. 7 111" 'OR UKXT Desirable apart ment . Hotel infmi. 71 OR RIO XT 2 and 3 -room apts; adults. 40 Ouince, til OR RKNT 4-room upt., close in. Phono 1131. T.Otf OR RKXT Furnished npart ment with garage. Phono 1114-J. 40tf iTOn RKNT -2 big rooms, each with kitchenette, private hath. 1005 W. Main. 40tf .-'OR RKNT Steam heated, newly r e tn o d e 1 e d nnd refurnished housekeeping apartments, $2E per month; close in; downtown district. Inquire at Colonial Ba kery. 37 tf OR TtLNT Furnished apart ment, Phono 4 fit!-1 1. 34tf OR RKXT Furn. 2 and 3-rm. upts., garage. G04 W. 10th. tf OR RKNT Furnished 2-room apts; private bath, electric range, hot and cold water. Phono 12. FOR KALIv IIOMliS ORDKRIOD SOLD By Bankrupt Court, 4-room home, 34 Van couver Ave.; bed dresser, table, healer, electric range, rugs, desk; garage, large lot. lawn, trees, shrubbery. All paving and ns- j scssments paid. Tills Is an in vest mem , iconic i rrii is can be arranged. See A. F. Dressier, I 107 Kast Main. 71 FOR SALK The fine new model home 'ill South Oalulale. Would consider tu king In bungalow on disil. Waller H. L-verette, H-.t-lnr. ' 7." FOR SALK 7-room residence, cor ner lot. 2 blocks rioiii High school and posloffice; fine lawn, flowers and shrubbery: house suitable for rooming and hoard ing purposes. Owner, 240 N. Grape HI. 74 KUU HAI,K Hi: lllOXT MoiIimii li ronin hoiiHi-, 1 acrf's, mlb out Jacksonville blj.'hway; Kanlen Jilanled; loin; base; i-r-awonabl" IiM'iiim. K. I. (lanflebl. 7i) KCil! K.M.I: Oood alfalfa bay, In field. .M. U Alea.loWK, route box lin-A. (itl fr'OK KAI.K AToileiri ll-rnnm bun-Kalo-. hardwood floorH, fireplace, tile bath, 1 betlionniH, Heoplnn porch, basement, heatlnp planl. choice flowem, Hhade ti-een, east from, close III, fl.r.dd. anil a bar gain. 'reriPM. ('. S. liuilcrflebl. 203 Medford XaMonal Hank llldi;. WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your SECOND-HAND FURNITUR1 Scott Woolf oo FOI! K.rii.Ni!K A hit, r! feet ; wide, on iiaveiiieiil. sidewalks, on West Foil rlli si reel, lor equity ill home or apply as llrsl pay . I - meiil. Call A. F. Slennetl, UlT. So. Itiverslde. phone 71H-.I. if FoR KXCMANOK New hay tor good Work horse or good heifers. See Miller Williams at J. K. : Class farm near Autioch school j house, Sams Valley. tf , lUTSINKhte UPliVrCNlTIli:S 'OR SA LK - llesl confert bmery i ami lunch propnsll ion In south- , ern Oregon; t;iroo drawn out last year. Man and wife cau handle nlcel v. 'heap rent, low over- j head. Stock and fixtures SI70M.I Will take good car as pari pay-j me nt . Address Con feet loner v. care Tribune. FOH KALf H KA Ii I-ISTATB 1,-Mif KU.K The chance of a Hfi time to buy a nice :!r.-acre tract j of land, fenced with woven wire; good barn and rabbit hutches; a beautiful building spoi with large oa k trees. Only 2 miles from .Medford, ami on a good macad am road. -Price only fcimm; $loo cash, balance good terms. See Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc. Phone 72 H. 70 FOIl KALIi-MtSOfcXIiANICOlJB FOR SALK Baby buggy, like pew. Call at 710 Nit. Riverside aRer (i p. 111. FOR SA LK Alfalfa hay $!i a ton. M. L. Meadows, Crlffln Creek, 70 FOR SALK Grain binder ami shepherd puppies, colli ctl Hi valid-. Phone Hi-K-12. 70 FOR SA LK Child's white enamel, bed. li on side. S'.00. Phone I Ii7tf KOIt KAI.K Kxcellent alfalfa. In! nbock,' 2 miles noi-lh Onlnill l'olnt. V. - I'ouVellf. . 711" I KOI! KAI.K Mastadon panHyi planls, zlnnlMM. etc. 208 Clark SI. I'hone 7.14-X. 74 FOIt KAI.IO lielaivai milker .one year old, ut U price, Sharples seiiarator at J-:l price. lnuulre at Jofi Went Main, Medfoi-rl, or ohl .Marogn runch, KukIo l'olnt. r,i;if FOIl KAI.K 4 14 tlern Kreen plno Hlabw, $.ri.00 pi-r load. Vulley l'uel Co. I'liono 711. ;)2(ilf FOIl SAI.K llolpolnt electric ranwu, 4 Jiurner, 2;uvcn, $:ifi,oo; coke hurueri (llr. Community Hospital. tf F(U KALIC For nand nnd travel, Hefllment nnd Kenorul teaminK. l'hono 012-J. Ham'l Ilatemnn. if FOLLOWINQ ADVERTI8ER8 ARE Members Medford Realty Board We Offer That Kind of And like Iho. Model House, II "Ileudy for Inspection." It is close to town, and hy h:it)inir tlio planls reaily for July plnntlns, li fine cron of cahhiiKe or broccoli w! bo reaily for Christinas sale. Where tan you enual It? No cumbersome, walor rights, but water available for Ill gallon. Carl Beebe'i Pina No. Ii 1377 By BUD FISHER Fdlt SAI.K t rsed piano, a bargain Lain t4tf lcOU HALK Vsiid newlng ma chincH; nil makes, $5 up; terms If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine lllfi Co., im rso. llartlett. FOR HALK typewriter, !:i l-N. -Remvngron portable good condition. Tel. 71 lU'KIN'IOSS DlltlXTOHY Ahst ractors MURRAV ABSTRACT CO. Ab. stiacts of Titlo, Titlo IiiHUrance. liooms 3 and G, No. 32 North Cenlrul Ave., upstairs. .1ACKKO.V CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title niul Tillu Insur ance. The only complete Title NynUMii In Jack son County, A. K. KKLLOtlO Abstractor of TJlles, Rl. 2, BoxaoVj, Medford, Oregon, Reliable Jackson Coun ty Abstracter. Twenty-eight years experience and near forty years In the county. Special work only. tf Attorneys A. K. RKAM KS Lawyor. In Liberty Building. Office FRANK P. Craterlan ford, Ore. FARRL3LL, Lawyor, Theater Bldg., Med- Itlun Printers '1110 III. 111". I'ltlNT H1IOI' Onm plelo Illuo 1'rlnt Hervleo. lliKh clasM woi k. San Kranclsco priced, ltowntuwu offlco, Medford liook tltore. 34 Nu. Central. Thone D21-W. Cliii'oiinictlo Physlrlnnfl VH. K. W. IIOKI'-MAN Chiro practic Nerve Specialist. Office houi'H 0 to 12; 2 to D. 203-204 I.lbcrly UldR. Office phono 680; IteH. phono 790-H. Furul Loans IIK FUND YOlill OI.O LOANS or make new loana ut B ',4 for your needH. Itouue Klver Na tional li'arm Loan Association. .1. U. llowen, I'rcaldont, HoKue Klver; K. II. Hurd, flec.-TreuB., 402 Medford Hldir. financial W'K l,l'!NI) WONKf to worthy people to pay their honent dehta. I'afdlic ('oast Credit Association, 4211 Medford UldB.. Medford, Ore tf Two-Crop Land When you con cut a (,'nod crop of hay or Kniln nml I hen follow wllh Iiocd crop, cahbnKu or laullllower, and Kct within reach ol huyiiiK the, land wllh one year's production, you uro ilolni? Jtmllcu lo yourself. Investment in Six Acres Is iS73R HOMES PHONE 329 RO. BOX 934 Motel Nih Corner CALL Portland-Medford Truck Lino for through or Intermediate point service. Sixteen-hour ser vice to and from Portland. Phone 5 0 it. Medford. Auto freight ter minal at 3t 8. Fir, Medford. Iusuranco FRANK S. TOR R 12V General Insurance, surety bonds, mort gages, loans, 6Vj and 6 per cent. Kxpert Insurance Service. II Kast Sixth St., at Central Ave, Phono 1 224. KARL S. Tt'MV All forms of In surance. Fire, Auto, Life, Accl dent, Bonds. Phono 403. SO Liberty Bldg. Ijoans on Ilomce LOANS on homes now built of under construction. Eight per cent and no stock to carry. Heal service. Monthly payments, -w' Banister Agency Inc., Llburtf lUdg. Tel 1230. Monument TH10 ORL'C.ON C1UAN1TM CO.-h' Monuments. K. A. Hicks, Qon eral Manager; P. M, Kershaw. Kales Managor. 302 N. Front St., Medford. ; MllNlO THORVAL 11. FOLKKMiKRa Teacher of violin. Orchestra practice for students. Also ft department for adjusting and re pair of violins and hows. Room 3 and 4 Business College Bldg., 31 Crape St. Phone 2 5'J-J. Painting anil Pnperhniifclng 11. MAUX, General Painting Con tractor, tinting, paperhangtntf, carpentering, repairing, Phona 17S-J. Res. G7 Summit. R. V. CIRMS Painting, interior decorating, paper banging. I2stl inales given free. Phone 120-R. 'Lamport's Hardware Store. Physician mul Surgeon K. H. PORTKR, M. D., Physiola and Surgeon Offlco 310 LlbortJ jtldg. Practice limited to di seases of Women, and surgery, 217 : IMano In.si ruction FU1JI) ALTON IIAK1HT Teachof of piano, computer and arrantfor, Tho HalKht Hiipplemental sy-Htom, n ypecial short courso in modern piano playing. Studio, 318 Lib erty Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phoni 72. PiiuturH unci Publishers MKIJKOHO PRINTING CO. Ha tho hunt equipped printing of fice in Southern Oregon. Boole hlntlliiK. loose leaf ledgora, bill UiK HystomH, etc. Portland priced. 2 7 N. Kir St. Ileal Kslato nnd Rental CltAlG JL FLITCKOKT Roal E tate. ItenlaU and Repairs. 199 McAndrews. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & SORAUH Office 111 N. Fir St. l'hono 310. Prices right. Ser vice guuruntoed. DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAGE) Service guaranteed, l1!) 8. Grap St. Phono 614, or roaldence 1060. Upholstcrlnff J. WEI3 Upholstery, Manufac turer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draper los mode to order. We do all kinds of upholstering. We de liver and will call nnd show samplott. Phone 202, Jacksonville Vetrrltiiiry Sui'Kt'oii Dit. O.-A. FA It M 10 H Veterinary Physician and Surgeon, specialis ing in alt diseases of eattt and dugH, Surgery a specialty. Wh use ane.Hihtjties for all operations, l'hono 551. 97 Window Clennlntr LET GEOROL-3 UO IT Hour cleaning, floor waxing, Janitor nervlce. Geo. A. Seely. FhoM ROS..T of 1179 ' Home Loans Commercial Finance Corporation ' 204-5 First National Batik 1 building O o Q