PX6E POUH ' MTCDFOttn MATL TnTTUTNTV frrflD'POTtD, 'OHKOOyr,1 SUNDAY, MAY 27, 192S. If EDFORII MAILTRIBONE Daily, Sunday, Wwkly PuUUl by th ' MEUFUKU PBI.NTINU CO. 617-16 N. Kir HL PUom 76 HllBKHT W. KHHI., K-IUor B. HUMt'TKH SMITH, Manager An IndcpciuieM NwipaiMir Kott4 aoond elaaa matttr at M Mi lord, Oregon, wider Act of Marct. 8, 1079. BUBHCKIHTION KAftt Br Mall Id Advance: Dally, with Kuixlay, .year ...17.60 Daily. wiLh hunday, moclh .76 Dally, witboul tjunday, far 0.60 lallr, wiUiuut ttuuday, tnontb 06 WavUjr Mail Tribute on year.... SOU Hunday, one year ,,t t.UO By Carrier, In Adraiire In Mnlford. Ash land. JitkBouvlllfl, Central Poiut. ItioeiUx, Talent, Gold HiU and on Hlgliwaya: Dilly, with Hunday, riUMiUi $ .76 Daily, without BuxUy, month 46 Dally, without Supday, om year... 7.00 Dally, with Sunday, on yaar ft.U0 AU trma, caah 14 ad vino. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRK8S ftecelrlng Full Leaaad Wirt Hmtce Only paper Id dty or county receiving orwi by telegraph. Tht Aaaociated Prtai la etrluatrely en titled to the om for republication nf all nrwa diepiMiei credited to It or olherwlae credited In Uiia paper, and a la to tht local Mwi publiabed herein. All right) for republication of apaclal dlt patches herein art aiao reaerved. Sworn dally areragt circulation for all toonUia ending April 1, 10X8, 468S. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackaon County Advtrtlalng Repreaenratmw M. 0. MOUKNHKN COMPANY OffloM In Mew York. Chit-ago, Detroit, Ban franclaoo, Lot Angela, BtatUt, Port land,' Smudge Smoke Ten days ago It was noted here in that H. Chan Kgan had acquired callouses, causing the report to get nut that he had gulluses. The mercury soared to $8 Krl. and not a vent In town waa left unbuttoned. - Hamuel Houston, the genial pos tal attache Is the proud possessor of a Hpankltt, u low rakish auto. It. Bard well, Atty O. Roberta, and Joselyn Kinmens winged their way back from Trlsco Thurs. by nlrplane, and outside of a mild Hpell of giggling, once they got on terra firma, were none the worse for their llndberghlug. Knie Mohr leaves Sat. for Eur ope. Dick Antle leaves for the 1 name destination a few days Inter. 1 Hon voyage, boys! The Legion drum corps skinned . out for Kosebdig Sat am., great difficulty being experienced In get ting t to members to put on their nifty looking uniforms. A few barefooted JcltlH lire Been on the Mnln drug. The largest crop of rumors Jn years Is now. . polllnlzlng In the valley. It Is estimated there are DUX cars of gossips. f8 lads and lassies will Rradu nto FrI. from tho high school. When they get acquainted with their now surroundings they will straighten out the world, and the Inhabitant thereof, - This Is iho last week of school, and many Maws can hardly wult until It Is over, James Grieves and Paw of Pros pect, towned Wed. - The latter can Kill make the former stand around lively when he wants, and he only has to siry Jim, once, to get results. Dock Koblnson and Kme llrltt, Iho Damon and Pythias of ,"ville, were over the 1st of the wk. They client Kred Heath nnd Phil Harii 1011 are stealing their stuff. The primary Is over, most of them getting there by comfortable margins, and some by uncomfort able margins. .The fall election promises to he a stem winder. Clarence Hutchinson was caught mowing his lawn Tues eve. Mr. II. deserves credit for not Joining the golf club, and getting out of the job. ' Press Comment VOTING MACHINKK Th.rn 1h loud riminolittion In Portland of the voting mnclilnm, which were uhimI for tho flrttt tlmu In the primary election and de clared by the Portland Journal to have "miserably failed." Wo are Informed further that "thouxamla wore deprived of their right to vote by their attempt to uae the machines. The experiment waa a hopeleaa and coatly failure." Vet similar machlnen have been In successful uh for many yeara In other cltleH. Are the voters of I'ortlund leas Intelligent than those of other communities that they cannot muster n very simple me chanical proiM'ss? Prnnnhly the real cause of trouble Is the unfa nilllarlty of the public with the machine as well as with the ballot. There had been ample time to Kiudy the ballot, but many did not, nnd when a study of the ballot was added to the study of the machine. It Involved hopeless delay. Why volers should wnlt until they get Into an election booth to look at the ballot and decide upon cnndldutes is one of the mysteries of elections. Hut they do. Fre quently from half an hour to un hour Is spent when a few minutes only should he required. Knr many nun king the ballot seems a laborl. ous process. To such of course the tmnge machine makes confusion worse confounded. It may h, preferable under the nil less varieties of ballot uihI.t the Oregon system to keep the old hand marked ballot. Oregontuns nru proverbially conservative and - resent Innovation. It also may he better policy to distribute the I money thru extra election hoards Instead of In . machine Investment, : upkeep nnd storage, Itut to blame the machlno for voters' provlneiul- lain Is poor advertising for our electorate. (Salem Capital Jour nal.) irOIXYWOOD, Cl.. May 26. (P) When the pronelltr fell oft hi airplane Al Wilson, sluut flier and former Canadian army avia tor, leaped with his parachute from a height of 4200 feet and descended In the midst of traffic on Holly wood boulevard, Hl disabled plane crushed in the garden of Kralik H. Spearnmu, the novelUt, cud wrecked. NEW AIRPORT SHOULD NOT BE DELATED MOW much would n nw tranwontiiiontal rni.rond mean to II i ,Tf,. 1 , 1 i,,,.,,.., Modfortl ami .J.K'ksnn ( mint? Some WOllld HllV hlimlrertrl of thouKarills of doPiirs. Others in would sour into tlifi millioiiK. Hut no oho would deny a proper uiihwer would be, a (treat deal of money. Well, Medford lias the opportunity of getting a new railroad, only thin is a railroad in the air instead of on the ground. In a spuee of time that in going to take some people's breath away, rapid passenner transportation, an well as express and mail, is to be almost exclusively aerial. That this development is not the irridiseent dream of some over-enthusiastic aviator, the reeeut sensational rise of airplane storks on the New York exchange demonstrates, The the air-train eoast-to-eoast serviee Air transportation today is in something the situation of railroad transportation fifty years ago. Those communities which appreciate this fact, and take advantage of their oppor tunities iii this direction, will benefit, and those who don't, won't. , In the project of a new and up-to-date airport, Mr. Oppor tunity is knocking at Medford's door. And yet when someone says this new airport may cost a great deal of money we hear some otherwise enlightened and sensible people, declare it's too much can't be done better go slow, etc. The plain fact is Medford must have this new airport, unless the cost should be absolutely prohibitive. We don't mean (here should be any waste of money or that any effort toward the strictest economy should be discouraged; but we do mean, that what aerial experts declare a modern and up-to-date station re quires, should be furnished, and the airport constructed, just as soon as circumstances allow. Medford now hns every nnturnl advnntnRe ns nn important nirport, but this advunl(?ft will ... .. are provided not only for airplane travel today, but for airplane travel of the future. , Airplane development is proceeding at too rapid a clip for Medford to stand by and let some neighboring community set the pane. The sooner the proposed new air field is established tho better for everyone concerned, and particularly for the fu ture growth, prosperity and prestige of this community. QUILL The apparent speed of time depends on whether you arc in terested in a promissory no( or the statute of limitations. ' Moderns don't believe in licking kids, but what arc you to do when the home team loses a 12-inuing game? Science can explain everything except why a flivver makes a chickeu think it lives on the other side of the street. Correct this sentence: "May "and help you select a hat?V j. In somo states you must get a prescription before you get liquor. In other states you must get one afterwards. The reason the farm movement isn't popular is because it consists in placing one foot in front of another before 4 a. m. Worms get stewed in Africa because l'ygmics like them, a worm gets stewed here, it 's because his wife is away. To multiply knowledge is happy as young idots are, you The more room there is in thd tonneau', the JVwer children there are in it. . i 1 ' Rich men paid big prices for Ah8hino;tou and Lincoln h'ttcrs, but not as much as lovelorn rich guys pay for their own. Every wife wonders bow her huRbnnd developed such atrocious taste in women whereas his ttisto once was so faultless. Even in this divorce era families. They just seem small Correct this sentence: "I'd go up in one," said the old-timer, "but tho wife doesn't want me to." Yet the man who thinks laws should be accepted without question will howl if the umpire's decision doesn't please. With Dempsey on the stupe and Tiinney lecturing on Shakes peare, there's not much left for M'r. Sharkey except water colors The violet-ray lamp may be a good substitute for sunshine, hut it's gointf to take up a lot of room in the sedan. If the jungle had a system of laws, it isn't probable Unit the tiger ever would be found guilty. Kvcry boy should have u short course in electrical engineer ing. Some day a wife will need his help in the kitchen. Itot-house methods also cause early development of the blooming idiot. Ill fares the land, to hastening collectors to make one pay. Ioubtlcss the last great institution to achieve fool-proof pro duction will be the stork. Alas! By the time the marines get. one situation in hand, Samliiin is in another one. j You can tell the man who seldom eats away from home. He gelt so restless when he must sit and wait until the others have finished. ' ' Chicago spends the unreasonable sum of ifriti.OtHl a year to re move deatl animals from the streets, but perhaps this includes those merely dead drunk. entrant;? of Col. Ltmlbergh into is only another indication. b thrown away unli-sH facilities . - 1 POINTS 1 go, too," asked the husband, ' ' - "'' If to multiply sorrow, must be as idiotic. To bo as people continue to have large ! because tluy aren't related. ills a prey, where it takes nine t v Took Shoemaker s Advice I" a'j5 he w" living on Round n (n North(tmpton r(mmln(f wlth ronlwinporary named Bob Weir. .NVai by ViiiH the Ourku hcnuol for , the Dfut, One mmnlnff white he I wan near a window he huw, pairing I upon Hi Mlreel below, a girl. Khe j wan a pretty rfirJ and una walked gracefully hut with determination,! under Cnlvfn's vantaK and even-j tually out of hit Might toward the ; Clarke School for the Deaf. He , (said Mobetiy,. "Likely girl going up the street." and added an an after thought: 'C!ueK I'll have to marry iher." VVflr Mtarted. "What's h e r i ;namy" iJon 1 snow ner yet, repuen ing at uer huit-KingH. nat love Oalvln bleakly. ly tiockings.' you be saying. And Weir wuh a bright young man of ho on and mo forth right up to her a genial and expansive nature who ! eyi-s. Tln-n you say put loud, knew Ittts of people. This girl, wild '"What a lovely, iittnu'tlvt lady you Weir, was Miss (liarn Anna flood i are' And then, 'What a lucky hue, and she was a teacher in the ! man it would be that married Clarke School for the Deaf. He would Introduce Calvin to her. He did, and as time passed It became evident that Calvin hud now addd to his routine nf life a scheduled attendance upon (he comely MIks flood hue. He was up against precisely, the same hurrtcr that, years ao; In Ludlow, had prevented him from playing the charming bout to nice school girls. He could not, try as he might, communicate to others Pointers for Parents What flhuuld one do with a child who refuseH to eat? Tho follow ing plan Is HUKKeMed: Have the child come In nndi Hit down ut the table five ttmea a day, but at the end ut twenty minute tllu -1,",k. 1,1 tiitd-nttnilni; an tho cane of the mid -morula and ni Id -afternoon luncheH, or of thirty minute In the caHe of the three main meals, he 1h to leave the table, whether he has eaten much, little or nothing. Thla 1h to be done, not for one meal, but for every meal. A hinall portion, a teaspoonful, or at moat a tablcflpoonful at first, of every ; article HUltable for him, la to bo ! placed on hiH plate, but not the ; HllKhtcfrt effort to Induce him to eat It Hhould be. made. "How lonp will it be before he, beKltiH to eat?" the mother askH, Thin It In impossible to prophesy, j alt will vary with tho determina tion of the child, his knowledge of the peiHevernnce of IiIh parents; ! and the decree of appetite perver- Hion that haw been wrought by the j coui'mc previously purmied. It may ! Hafely be stated, however, thut tho; cure h usually well on the way s loriK before the conclusion of the , second day. 'I A Kick child Hhould be placed under the doctor's care whether J his cane is IIkM or Hevei e. Take j measles, for Instance. It 1h known I now, says "Children, the Magazine j for rarents. that In every caset i no eyes must n c.nretuiiy protect- 1 ed from stionjf light and that the-j puiirni niusL noi no anowett to read either during the disease or during convalescence. It is known i thnt watchful care Is necessary to prevent ear-troubles and that thru j convalescence as well as sickness : the child must be protected from taking cold. Ye Poet's Corner I am sitting alone tonight in Her i old Hocking t'h.-ilr, with my head bowed in grief for loss and care; j While I sit In her old rocking chair, l,ong will 1 remember tho l words she did any shortly before she passed away, "Farewell, .Sweetheart, lie good nnd true, and in lfeuven I'll be walling for you. I Oh! it is sad and lonely sitting j alone, pining for her who has left you nluno. Oh, I shall not despair as I am setting tonight In her old rocking chair.- May Angels of Merry, help nie to bear up, as 1 drink from the bitter cup, and strengthen nie to "vn fr,' fl'",n in. when I shall from sin: Saint l'eer will sny "Come In." O. IIION'UY. Brisbane's Today (Continued irom rage One) coal." One humlrcil tlinnsnml ton nf I'icrnwin cmil will lm muile Into benzol thiH year. The process is too cMicnslve to compete' with Kasolinc at. present Amcricnti pticcs. Mm wise Stanil aril Oil of New Jersey hna honuht the Ciernmn process, it nil Stnnilaril Oil of New- .Icrsey is already ex periment Ins wt't It. The f'opio'iii nut foul com pany, controlled hy John 1. Itocke it'linr Jr., will piM'fnrm n HnrKical operation necessary to establish coal production on a sensible basis. Ten plains In two coal reKions will be shut down, nnd the men at work will be nble to work full time. It is hoped to end overproduction, wane ciiiiIhk and price ciiltlt..;. II Is a drastic policy, but the only solution, anil labor, it is said, backs the plan Our Canadian brothers are more prosperous than they ever- were, and American farmers will bo In terested to learn Hint Canadian farms produced more lsst yenr than they did the year before by nlmost tlOii.OOO.OOO. tioujr Tunnel OiicihiI ' Cllll-Alll) i.) Tunnel (ills; ft. , bins, w-lth nppriiticbes npproxi- ! mutely three miles In rxtent, has 1 been opened for truffle by the Illinois Central ruitro:id . on the I KtlH-eunod cutoff. Joining Illinois and Kentucky point. ! I PKMM.KTON'. Ore.. Mnv !. ! W) Wheat condition In this sec.' lion looks excellent now. nrcord Inic to Henry Collins, lornl Kinln ' 'limn. The spring wheat will he In need of rain within the next 'two week. ; the intimate friendliness of hit na- lui e. clotuiiiiily he at In his friend Luvt-y'n cobbling etlitbUi-h- nient and inuctiued u barren In- tixieciiun. Air. Lucey opened the talk cautiously. ' How are (hint; going up on the hill, Mr- 'oolidge?" Noi mo well. Mr. Lucey." "Mr. Coolicle." he observed tentatively, I'm Koing to tell vou noinethlinf. The next time you wee 'the young lady don't be telling her:r Jail your lav ami your tioukti and 1 - polities. The next lime you see Lher junt sit ami look at her Hhocs, You might any. 'What beautiful shoes you have on. Then be look. you!' A nd after a bit, 'And how I d like to bt that lucky man!' " i "Calvin Mitt and swung bis fool. t Anon he went away. Sprint; parsed. In thi! early hummer .Mr. Coolldge . was again In Mr. Lucry's base- ' meut. Mr. Lucey now no, longer 1 cautious, said once more: "Mr. ; Coolidge, how's things going on the hill?" j "Much better," Calvin replied.' "Mi. Lucey, thing" are goliitf much better." i Personality.) Schumann Heink's Son Is Charged With Big Theft I.OS ANOKI.KS, May 26. (Pj I li-nry Hi-humnnn-lleink, 30, hon of Mailame Hchmann-llelnk, famous grand opera k1 tiger, was charged with grand theft in a complaint in sued hen todny by the district at torney's of flet. 1 (e is accused of defrauding Airs. Margaret l' Iob son In a stock transaction. The complaint charges that the defendant, as an officer of the Kchumann-Heink company, Invesl- men brokers, sold collateral stock for fMlK nnd failed to make un accounting to Mrs. IJohson. Kchumann-Helnk, who maintains offices In ,os Angeles and San Diego, Is to appear for trial In the littler illy next Monday, Mrs. Uob snn's attorney Mild. WASHINGTON. Mny 26. 4T1 Pleased with the law enforcement record of George Neuner United Slates district attorney for Oregon, Assistant Attorney-General Mabel Walker Willbrundt has asked that Inquiry be made as to whether Neuner would be willing to .come to Washington ns nn assistant at torney general, with particular ref erence to enforcement of the pro hibition laws. l,uG ramie building permits pnsg $ , within Kit days. We pay a terrible PENALTY oft-times from eye neg lect. Tis better to be safe thau sorry. OUR SLOGAN Good glasses if you ncd them, otherwise GOOD ADV1CK. Dr. Jud Rickert Optometrist 222 E. Main a 13 a SCREENS n D C.M.I, TROWBRIDGE IWBIM'.T WOltKS G i r - : HI Thn slender circle of wltito III gold or plal inum, often I IBI net with (liamouds, hviii- 3 eI holizhi''; unending love Is HI best selected from our en j semhltt. I r?"TfHAVEYO UR I lni)fll EVES g - ZIL - I f 'z : :r ; Ii ZZZZ i ZZZZ ' ZZZZ r zrEr. You Is a Public Service Institution A hospital' is maintained for the service it offers to the public. Its place in any community is an important one. Did you ever stop to think that a hos pital affords you I'KKSOXAIj service of trained nurses, clean, btifrht, airy rooms and the finest of scientifically prepared foods at. no more cost I him it first class hotel's acciimniodalions? A hospital is maintained for the benefit of a community and merits n com munity's support. Community Hospital illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllillH lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH ' . ; . ,i MAKE MILK Your Constant Beverage For refreshment, for sustenance, for pleasure, milk is the most satisfactory of all liquid foods the only liquid that has a real food value. Drink It Every Day! "When you drink' milk as a beverage you want delightful taste. "When you drink milk for health you want the full benefit of natural milk content. For milk in its richest, purest, most wholesome form, you'll be especially pleased with SNIDER'S Pasteurized MILK Tt's pure and wholesome and, because of our Pasteurization process, it's a safe food for the children He sure to ask for "SNIDER'S". Snider Dairy & Produce Co. If It's Snider 's It's the liest to I!uv Records Exchanged 400 NEW RECORDS TO CHOOSE FROM Bring In your old records nnd exchange them for new ones. A Small Rxchsnge Chirge JENNINGS Bargain Store S 8outh Front St , Ua 4nte1 at the Mall Trlb. una oiuc. aiust ba clean. . Hospital ! Phone d ILK BUTTER ICE CREAM PASTUERIZED SAFEPURE THE SANITARY WAY Clean rags wanted at the Mall ' Tribune olflga, ul .akisV Travel by Air Large 3-Motored Air Ships OF THE WEST COAST AIR TRANSPORT CO. Leave Medford for Portland and Seattle at 11:15 A. M. every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, To San Francisco at 11:00 A. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Fare to Portland 820.00 Fare to San Francisco $30.00 You will enjoy your trip on this ship and save many a tedious hour. For information inquire HOTEL JACKSON To the Graduate Tt is a delight to watch school children as they make progress in their school activities year after year. Each year shows one class continn to Graduation from the Medford high school. To the young men nnd women of the Class of 1928 this Bank offers congratulations for hav ing attained this first mark of recognition. May it not be the last, but may the climb on the ladder of knowledge be con tinuous. 'Partners in Community Development" S'OUTH AMERICA AfRlCA CRUISE Sailing from New York on January 22, 1929.... aboard the club-like Km press of France , . . 103 days of seeing and doing in the West Indies, South Amer ica, Africa. Egypt. .Return via Paris and London. Lit erature and bookings now! CjitjJiun Puriric TraitlUn Ciiftnifi Good the U'orld Otvr SjThlrdSiPorilaDdHLJt'noorlotffnl