Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 27, 1928, Page 18, Image 18

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    ' Events of the Week in Pictures :
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; y Latest photo of Evelyn Ncsbit, now appearing on the stage, and
' her ion, Russell Thaw, snapped at Pittsburgh, Pa., as the boy visited
. hli mother, filling an engagement In a Pittsburgh theater. ., The
M photo is an unusual and striking one of the actress, former niato
. ni Harry K. Thaw. ;
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Death Bare Secret
These nhotos give a comprchensivo picture of the giant German dirigible LZ-127, a 3,750,000 cubic
foot Bliip. in construction at Fricdnchshafen, Germany, under the supervisiort of Dr. Hugo Gckner,
Zeppelin engineer. (1); A side view of the passenger and pilot gondola. (2)' Benzin and oil tanks.
(3) A section of nearly completed frame work. (4) Sketch of the. spacious saloon.'1 (5) What a
"hcilinom" will bo like: this is one of the ten two-bunk sleeping cabins, j
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Wherever Paulina goes tho photographers are sure to follow.
; rterc wc see tho three-year-old daughter of the Speaker of tho
House of Representatives and Mrs. Nicholas Lcngworth, watching
t$4 society horse show at Washington. ' " . "
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An airolane crash that tha
life of his 12-year-old daughter,
led to' the arrest in Honolulu of
C. M. Deason, charged with being
an escaped convict. Under the
name of C. M. Starr, the man ar
rested had become one- of the
leading real estate operators of
Honolulu. While on a leave of
absence from the state prison,
where he was serving five years
for embezzlement, Deason disap
peared, j No trace was found of
him until wires carried an account
of his daughter's death. - Requisi
tion papers were Issued for tho
detained man'f return to Okla
homa. ', J j
Bishop Answer
Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, who started his' memorable flight from New York to Paris on May 20,
1927, is shown to tho left as ha looked in 1927, and to the right,' is a closeup taken nearly a year later.
: Bishop Anton .Bast, of Copen
hagen, Denmark, has como to the
quadrienniat general conference
of the Methodist Episcopal church
In Kansas City, Mo., to face an
ecclesiastical court of 17 of his
fellows of the cloth, to answer
charges of conduct unbecoming a
minister. He was given a three
month jail sentence . la Copen
hagen on a civil charge involving
alleged misuse of charity funds. .
Domestic Shooting.
j. ;. -f I '.T': , . L"a Expects Heir Huge Task His : Holds outh' Fle '
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The'sameorjoan Crawford, film star, has been mentioned In fte
..Hollywood, Cal., divorce, suit of Mrs. Hanna Nccly against Edgar
(A Neelv on grounds of cruelty. Mrs. Nccly has detailed an alleged
ffalr between her nusnana nna mm v"..- ... w -
, ,loc.tloii 8t West Point, N. Y., saying that she was paused-great
mental anguish by her husband's conduct. Mis, Craw or, . denjmg
'the Allegation, declare, .he I. only .lightly .cqua.nted N-tly.
'MiM Ctawford l. ihown bow. -1'? I th ctor. r
Although James "Bud" Still
man, donios them, rumors are
afloat In New York, that his wife,
the former Canadian backwoods
girl, Lena Wilson, is awaiting a
visit from thi stork. They re
cently returned Trom Euror v.
Major General Edgar Jadwin,
chief of engineers, U. S. army,
now has the tusk of making rec
ommendations for the greatest
enpinrering project In history
flood control on the Mississippi
and tributaries. Signing of the
flood control measure by Prcuj.
dont Coolldge marks the begin
ning of the undertaking, many
timrs more costly than tho Pan
ama canal.
' Mulligan's first murder trial
without a jury is that of Haw
thorne Sutton, 21, of attlo
Crock," Mich., charged with tho
murder of Clco Piatt, Eaton
county sherilT. Sutton decided to
waive his rights for a jury under
a provision of Michigan'. new
criminal law.i His fate was placed
into tho hands of Russell R. Mo
Pcake, circuit Judge, above. James
L. Morehouse, also Is undyr arrest
for the crime.'
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Harry J. Wheeler" a 7." l
estate dealer of Kansa. City, Mo.,
has been held in jail at Kansas
City following the shooting of C.
A. Miller, below, his friend and
business partner, near death in a
Kansas City hospital. Wheeler
and Miller had been close friends
for nearly 10 years. 5 Their wive,
have been almost constant com
panions. "He broke up my home,"
Wheeler is said to have declared
tfter the.hootine.r""
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'f With the armies of the Chinese Nationalists approaching Peking
from the south,, Marshal Chang Tso-lin, northern war lord, has; been
gathering his forces for a stand at Tientsin or a retreat into Man
churia, as the occasion demands. This photo shows some of Chang',
reinforcements, en route to Tientsin by rail. fTi,
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Tired of "twinning," Mina and Marion Grosscup, University of
Oregon co-eds, Eugene, Ore., yearn to be individualists. After
dressing alike all' through grammar school, high school, and part of
their first year at college they are choosing different frocks, and
Mina is letting her hair grow while sister Marion retains the bob.
"We're just as much friends as ever," they declare, "but we dn
want to be ourselves." . ; .. , '
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James Hooven, 27, former World war hero of SummltviUe, Ind.,
left above, has been held by Los Angeles, Cal., authorities after
alleged confessions of a double murder. According to Los Angeles
officers, Hooven is said to have confessed to the poisoning of Ruth
Little, 17, right, below, sister of his first wife, Mrs. Blanche Musick,
above, who divorced him while serving a term in the JeffemnvlUe,
Ind., reformatory, and to the death, by the Mine cause, of Jimmy
Carroll, of Los Angeles, brother of his second wife. Indiana authori
ties seek his return to Summitville for trial. Revenge In the first
case, and insurance held by Carroll are said to bexthe motive, for
the crimei,.