. MEDTOHD MA til TRTfttTNT MEDFORD. Olififl OX. SATURDAY. MAT'"26,'T1928. ?7vT fXOB SEC Medford mail TRIBUNE Pally, Sunday. Weekly rul)lijJifl by the , VEDKOltU I'lUNTlNO CO. f 8-SM9 N. Kir bu HUM 7 ft ROI1KKT W. It U HI j, Editor B. SHUl 'IKK SUITll. Manager An Independent Utftfapaper Entered at second clan mutter at afed lord, Oregon, under Act of Manh i, 1879. KUBSCIlll'TION HATES By Mail In Adviilice: lUilv, with Kunday, year S7.ti0 .Daily, with Sunday, month 76 Daily, williOut Kunday, year 8.&U , lhtilv, without Sunday, moiitl 06 Weekly Mail Tribune, one year.... 20 Hunday, one year t.oo lly Carrier, in Advance In Medford, Ah land, Jmkw.tmlte, Central I'olnt, i'lioeuil, Taknl, old Hill and on Highways; Daily, Willi Sunday, month $ .7.1 Daily, without Kunday, inotitf 0.1 Itwllv, without Kunday, one )car... 7.0O luily. with Humlay, one year 8.00 All terms, cad) ill advaiu. , UKUHKIt OK TIIK AKSW'IATKII PRKS8 Kect'mng run watHi ire nmiit Only paper in city or county receiving news by Irlegrai4i. ... I The AsatM laU'd Treiw la exclusively . tilled to tlie uae for republication of all nrwn dispatches credited to It or olherwlae j credited iu tliia paper, mid also to Hie local f hcui published herein, j All rigUl lor rrpuimcauuri ui apctiu palehea herein are alM reserved, Hvrom daily average circulation for ill tnoutha eliding April 1, IV '2 8, 4fi32. Official paper of thc City of Med ford. Official paper uf Jackson Count. Advert lalng Representative If. O. MlliiKNHKN ft COMPANY Differs) in Wow York, CIiUuko. Detroit, B;m Francisco, Lot Angi-lca, Hcaltle, Fort- land. Ye Smudge Pot Br Arthur Perry " Wri-KtllnK In n Brent H)oit. A Klmliiitur hint IllKlll hlil hlH licnil MiUi'izcil so hard his f nlwo toi'tli (lew out. The Prenlucnt wiih HUHllllneil hy the wwile 111 hi" veto of the fiii'lll nlil hill. The nr. wpilminili'r from Oi't'Kon. nnil.uHsocluti'd iiti'rci r Mr. CooliilRO will now whittle their voIooh down to ft. pulhetlc whine, und look illiumMl. As Oregon Ib u loik-iililnil Uepuhlliun state, with 11 coniplrx to roll up ticmcn , iluun imijorllleM for 1'iilvln. when ever opportunity offers, both IU Heniitors voted uiiiiinst lilin. Hevorul of tho locul Hals lire Hinoklnu' ilmirellCH oiionly und hni 'enly In public, liumlllnK Oie clKnr etto like they hud a dead rat by .he till). Thus u Kuod-looklnii hand nhowH up at Its best, nud Klves laiii'iinB finsers u chunce lo he noticed. Ori'STUII'I'KI) 'l!lo (fill.) Knlcrpiise.) All went well until the boys made dire threats of uulutlnK lens, the fair ones finally ac ceded to the demands lo pull tjiclr sloeklnus up. The derldtliK factor that swayed the opinion of the wlrls was a threat of some of the boys to peel oft their shlrtH and parade about the halls. LOST Police don. I tn n away from lady on like street havliiK lan lens anil bluck saddle on back. Keatlle I'. -I.) You cun't blame the hound. John J. Despondent, who Is con templatliiK endlni; it all. Is unde cided Whelher to try n fliuhl across the Pacific, or ride from Portland to Kail Dleuo 111 ml auto bus. A rose bush under which hunie brow was burled, was torn up by the routs last nlullt by vandals. WIIKX T IM'ST PAXTIKS (Ijil'ayclle (III.) TIiiicn.) While there Is IlllKlllly Utile drapery nowadays lo prevent the old fin Ir brush from kcUIiik home with Its corrective mesHiiKe. anil while there Is hope 111 some cases that said burnlliK message may re store the spnuktiiK mother to u betler status In the respect of the spankee, the fact remains that II Is much wiser to net Ihe spunk ini; over and done with while (iwendolln Ih still In the yard and easily Ket-at-llble before she lines her first slcppiiiK-out as u social tl lilt. So replied and buy fever are the popular allmeids of the day. FIGHTING WORDS When tin a mud moment) n member of the South Carolina Democratic stale convention culled until her member a Republican, It Invited -nay, called for the re tort proeutlve, and fists flew. Noth ing else could have been expected. Ill South Carolina you must smile when you call a mun a name like that. There must be aeconi modal Ions 111 sueiety If the striieture Is to hold together. We regret thill the Hoclal orgui.lMitbm is weak in tuh respect, and that there Is, in some parts of the country, the satin dis position to remml u Democrat as n repugnant insect that exists in South rnrollna toward a re- publican. t Kansas City Star.) j l-'lrpn Vllii lli'iit.i Sli'vi'iit. rKXni.ETOX. (ire. Muy 211. (fll lolili "I'Iiihi" Wll.i.x. 2:'0. Iiounil okliilimtiii Imiittn qraiMili't. took Iwo Htrulnlit hill from ,lii"k Hlt'venH iuo ioiiiuIh if I'l-tinHyl-vnnia. hiM'u IiikI niulit. The fnilN vorc tiikrn liy hcndlorki In ilKht anil a hnlf inliuiti'K iinil nix un 1 n half mlnut. Wllmx will imrt K(I "HlmnKler" Ij'Wls. vni-iri hnnvyivolK'il chaiiiiihin. Inri' un Junp 4. Wlillinnn Winn MiiM. WAI.LA WAI.bA. Wimh.. Mny 20, fP) W illi man cuHrne mm the Northwest collpgo truck nnrt flcli! inert hero yentirdny Willi nil G-(l iKilntB. Thc t'ollcue ot JMici't Hmind, nt Tm'omn. whk i .,n,l with 45 S-0. Conftreiu-e reconln were lowered In 10 of thtl JS eventB. v Whi-Ht look iOOl. ncKiiLRTfiN. ore.. May 2. yp Wheat riindltlon In hln ei- tlon luoka exdellent now, acconl lng to Henry Collin, local Bruin man. The hi.Hi.r wheal v) In neeil nf rain wllhln the next STILL HOPE FOR THE ITALIA IF .THU Itilljn were u licuvior tliun uir limeSiiii!, its present hituiition wfljild be hopeless. For ii forced lan'JijiK in that roiifrh nml hnrrvii' region of tlic Arctic Circle would almost cer tainly lie fatal. lint failure of fuel', with a diiu'ilile like the Italia, (loos not menu a furred landing. Such a ship can ke afloat for many hours after its engines stop, and ran travel rapidly for many miles, by usinir the prevailing wind for power. It is therefore not unlikely that when furl her proivss in the f Of; and auainst heavy headwinds proved impractical, (ieii eral .N'ohile had his ship turned ahold, and maile for the coast of Siberia. The weak point in this hypothesis is, that riAdio contact was lost yesterday about !l a. in. and has Jiot since been i-njruiiird. ! (jcni-rul Nubile would almost certainly have informed his base headipiarlers of any such radical change in his plans. . Nevertheless, radio failure frequently occurs, and this, loss of contact does not necessarily menu that the Italia luts met with n serious uccident. At any rate, while there is life (here isi hope, and, with the whereabouts of Ihe Italia unknown J'or only 'J4 hours, tlntrc is (rood reason to believe that (ieneral Nobife and his crew' are, whatever their predicament, still alive. When last heard from they were only 100 miles away frorfi Spitzbertten. . If a turn-about was not mkide, the ship must lie somewhere within a comparatively small radius, which can be covered by the relief expedition now being formed. The entire world hopes that General Nobile and His band 'of courageous men will retm r; safely to port somewhere, or if forced to land, will he safely rescued. QUILL Missionaries can explain their, explain their civilization. A woman never runs away with' a handsomer man if she to k'ivu up an electric dish-washer. Carol of K o n n 1 1 ii i a has one distinction. Rested that Ford is hacking him. A scientist says man adopted clothes lis a protection against insects. lCvidently lie wasn't Over There. The installment plan is best. You can't make the third pay ment and the man takes it hack, ho your house can't net clut tered up with junk. TIk ensW'st wy to tlottTMunc his Nociiil iMisto is to note Ms torn of voiet' wlicn lio says: "C'luiro it.' No wonder the in'o.lVssimuil cynics think They tft'l ii I'nt living without (luinj; any of it. Kilt people (lit: curlier, tin plim of Nntuiv nppiircntly lo cliiiiinntc a limn when lie has his sluirc. You eini iilwiiys tell when n man is ready lo setllo down, buys a sedan instead of a coupe. Americanism : Speaking of important aco,tiaititanccM with familiar contempt in order to show how iniportaut you arc. I nt i I he was eighty, Iliudcnhurg thought war the most fright ful of experiences, never having had a toothache until that time. The village girl has a better girl. When a man wants a car the other one. Very few people rcaiv have pour memories. The woman who can't remember the preacher's text can remember all the new hats. , Air iniiil isn't an unmixed 1Icsnui; wlicn il liriiiLis it check buck tlireif duvs lirftuv you dcptisit the money to meet it. The IiiikI hasn't clumped much. It just serins tluit way be muse there aren't any livery stables Tor the segregation of livery-stable talk. Your boy invades n neighbor's yard and breaks u window. The neighbor spanks him nnd you go alter the neighbor. That's tlie Chinese situation. . if Cierinaiiy will pay lYa nee, France ean I licit' Sum ean pay his citizens, and they ean I money to pay Kranee. (v'orretil this sentence: "J tines. It ill). s:,i,l tb.. tvi;..i.l .r.i.,,..n..i. . THE NEBBS The Boomerang WtLL.TWCkT PWOMEY TELE&OftM DlDMT iET V RlSt OUT OT DOWN AT THE TfZUEtiBAPM OFFlCC mm- 5-2 6 V 1 POINTS religion, The hard part is to has Nobody has Mig- 'ScrviiM;n silly. bein chance lo marry than the city and can't get a Ford, he takes pay I'uele Sam : iMid (iennanv the make lot more money than h !.. I l'.i..l ..ii.at ii-Miniii.. .... ...h.n.1 i... ......!.u.. i r.,.. i VOURC A MlCE.KlMD or A UOSBftMD' MMCC 7,0O0 AMYBODV ctr the wew6 TMOU6WT I WAi VOU I? PARTNJEP FOR V-FE I 60E5. IT'5 OWLV iw Mi Ti - Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BEADY, M. D. i...rOT',,iJm"' "rtln'" tmanl 511 ii" fi2ZuZL a n.r '" " I'MtnleUoM. Ad'.feM tlr. WllUim AX ICltltOlt Or A. render sul.oills a elhiplnK in! wiui'n i runt tlie usnert on tlmi If UK moon vessels or u man were PtticiMl end to end they would roach tho Item says reach, though extend or sllotch wuuld have been u belter term) mound the globe two anil one-half times. The read er curncxtly re quests the truth iiboul thin. t hoi Mailt at outset I venture to SUV there 1m sometlilni; wronK ubout tho Mtute- menl. 'I'liere'M u where uui-mii tiuiino or specify any particular ulube, just "ihe k"""- ii is lueuus llio terrestrial I Sole. Hlobe, it lUesn't Klve u hint about. I walk three to four miles a tin1 the latll jde of the plaeu where the! ami , ,k0 ,IllIlcI1K whch i blood -esselH were stretehed. 11 1 considerable. On the sole of my woi;i,1 make siiine difference. Itjfeet I find a hard eallun Is forming would tuke iiullc a mini to pro-!,,nd I wonder If this causes thu, Vide blood vessels lo u around thu ' tiredness of my lens which I havol world ul the tropic of cancer, for nut experienced before. Hard-1 exampk'. whore as u complete tir- boiled Harry. I con or the Klobo near the pole I mlclit be readily made l.y tho blood' vessels of any schoolboy. There is uothinK In the item It- self or in the reader's letter to show who Ih behind this KlarllliiK Hlutrrnpnt. Tho qucHtlon of tho grnnU totnl lulitflh of n man's blood venue In worried me ho much that I finally liH'i(pfl to Mottle It, Just for my own pouci nf mind. I took tho hotly of my man and carefully tt'iiHPd h Ih hlood vessels a ia rt t he man was uiHitiestloiuthty dead at thu time, mul if it will appease your curiosity any I don't mind assur ing you that the law provides that tinetaimeil hodles of persons dylnt: In certain eharlty institutions are to he turned over to medical schools for dissection, that is. provided the jiii'dlcal schools want 'em. The; medical schools didn't want thisj fellow T took; nt least they didn'll need liim as much as I did. Well.! the, teasing process was a long and tedious one and not ho pleasant a diversion as one niffUU imagine, for I had to keep the thins pretty Millet. The neighbors do nut tin-dci-Hltim! theHe inattei's and they ir.ipht he nasty ahout it. Several j m Kins 1 worked tin s a. m. on tne Joh, and at lust I had every inch of every hlood vessel In my man's body all teased out and carefully J wrapped in a bundle. I didn't Include the capillaries In tin- invcstlKatlun. H'hal's the use of biinKhiK that up now ? Ill mul vessels are Just arteries and veins. My man's supply of them, when i carefully Htretched out end to end; dltl not extern! around the world1 even once. In fact they did lint i reach all the way around the park inendow, but run (Hit about -I sa lienous veins and a half dozen ear toid arteries short of the circum ference of the meadow, which in L'.lMbS mill's. DouhllcsH the scientist who found i G7.r.(M miles nf hlood vessels lnij .- ,irnniiM-d t do ever'tliinc included in his nieasurements all thai'4 Inimanly possible t hrhtx the mans capillaries. I tut, how hciii'viN hack," declared I, lie 'I burp, strelched "em out in line 1 ciirinot republican raimytlato for assessor, conceive, for en pi Marios haw no In a speech last ttiirht. after walls, they're just spue bet WC cells, so t here is nothing to get hold of them by. To measure tlie total length of a man's capillut-les Is as pu..ling a problem as it would be to weight out a, hundredweight of l.iinL-huIes. OTF.NTIOVS A N 1 ANSWERS Shortcuts in Fducnllon. ) Would like lo ask you what you'i know of 's course in physical! development? I have been eonsld- iillni. lihhIIik. 1.1 v Mu,. I how dues the length of life of ath lets such us boxers. wrest p-rs. n whinners, etc., compare with or dinary lives? It. L. K. Answer The "course" you con template buying is. in my .tudri- We have nil cause for thankful nient, a riiUetilotis mail order hum-) I-uek of rainfall would make bun. Such a "course" bus nothing ' Mf innmsslblo. A tilting of the to do with athletic superiority j earth, hpiliing the ucenu, would bus anybody ever heard of an alli-Hwcm continent with u tidal lei,, winning a race after pmuv" -mvhvo a mile high. A change in lion with a mall order "course"? water from H2P to H20J would 1 believe the statistics MigKfM mat t professional athlete's, especlallv i men who uo in for feuis of se. t.th mi n tttio g m roi n uls or sei tnKth and endurance, are short lived, a.i.l amateur athletes, or men who I slrive only for skill and agllitv. are loiiKcr livnd than ordinary folk. Certainly the monstrosities freaks that these mull order "phys-; leal culture systems purport to" develop, are of no earthly us,, in ( test or contest, except to post for; II let Oil's mi i-ii ti'l in h I,..-.. ..),.., : shoiicuts. Mluht as well restrict ; lyoui diet to sharks and whales itiiand Mrs. Frank Moon ftND VDUia WIFE'S C-OT TO foom STRAM6Ee, DIDN'T MAKE A CENT ! TMAT WAS OUbT A PUOMEV TELEi 6 1? AM TO FOOL "THC NATWEi. EVEEV TELCGRAM T14AT CONES IN ME(?E 6ET51 A BKjiEB CI(?CULATlONJ THAN THE - DAILY P&PEKOT A hetlth md hjflene. not to dlieau dipjnoil. or No nplj can b. mad. to querle. not eoulorm- Bnd;, lb curt ol Ui!. o.wip.pr. 5.4!i SULKS the blissful belief Hint fish Is bruin f..i Hoys yen, and some L-lrls should know that hypertrophic!! or uiiiiaturully develoiied muscle Is it drain on vital enerKy und a han dicap In any contest. After you have hnd u i:ood eyeful of the ple tureii of th( freaks In tile flshieul vulture mtiKazfites, take another look at u real athlete and notice thai he or she carries no super fluous load of muscle, if one could really Kfl physical education in a course uf 3(1 easy lessons by mall, at u barcnln rate. It wouhl bo fool ish to foist upon the public the Kl-eat expense of establishing and malntfiininir doimrtments of nhvs- Calfh ill it Hlllllf.ll.vil edtiealinn In thn ,ilill mlinnli I f the country. j llartlhollctl Hurry llns u Ollluuseil Answer Not unlikely. You should wear upon the ball nf the fi VPr the callus an oblonir pad of thick' felt two inches by one inch wide. Strip tills in , pliic leiiHlhnise of the foot with adhe sive plaster, or have a similar soft leather pad built Into the Insole of your shoe, nt the proper place. You uiay soften the callus, so that it will come away, by dally pnlnt Iiik with n solution of 30 grains .of salicylic itcid In half an ounce of flexible collodion. This is the old, reliable corn and wart remedy, and: the formula Is n standard, one In1 every druuuist's .XuUonnt .Forniu-I bu y. under the name of sallcytutod ! collodion. ' ' ' ' j (Copyright. John Utile Co.) I .snyln that our tardy prosperity wiiz heln' held hack by ih' diet in fad. Hi craze t' Im- spindly. If Mm dangerous I' talk t' moti' ou his mini who's mm in' along own right o Ilioiisutr time way lion many mnro hazardous Is l( t' nag a driver? Brisbane's Today (Continued from Page One) houses are fulling Into ruins, the hist green leaf has disappeared. 4- i "V L,,i 11 ,nat WH''i' "lto peroxide ; verified final account, as ad minis hroKen. And if. like other sub- j lriiir of the estate of Krnestina "tiitucs. water contracted with the Knimann. deceased, and that said iMi,md nf nvnindinir ii a it Court hits fixed Monday, the 23th lH ,ftli t Jihiy of Jl,nP- ,9i!il al t,u' hour of m8 !? Ut' ,U Uo Wl ""J slk lo ten o'clock of said day. ns the time. ; the bottom of lakes und rivers, at:- U1U " " " rivers, ac j cumulate there uud prevent navi gation. I We have reason to be thankful. Little ltov Drmvuctl. PRriNI. ()re.. Mav 26. (pf!25th day of May. IH lennv Mtun. . was drowned .. l... r..tl i..t.. i 1... lt-i1t.. "n nomi0-1 aftcnts. Mr. I bout, occupied by his pa VOU CMvJ T FOOL MC '. AND OUStVUSTCM 1 USTEN ll &ECAUSE Or Y00(3 DECE1TFULNESS, Nbu'Rr iOiN3 TO FWC FO2 IT ! NOW I'M 601N6 O0T ANO BUY not Shop. I'll not ask "how MUCH?" I LL LEAVE. THAT SHOCK F03 YOU AND ME WAMTIN6 TO RETURN THC OTHER STUFF BE' CAU&E. CS.VOU LOST THAT -JIOOO- haIhaIhaIhai lOtpyttiht. I.l hj The Vett 9rJoie Im jr v 7 ,r i w j Rippling Rhymes (By WH Kml THE rAlJiU FRONT. It is poltroonish to admit that age nun dulled, a little bit, one's spirit, hlith und bold: "A iiiiin'ii no older than ho feels," J. yodel, uy I kick niy heels like, liny threo-yeur-oid. 1 walk the street with buoyiint steii, 1 show , all kinds of vim und pep, and peoplo murk' my h'ait, und say. "lie seems so brisk und blithe. The old tirlm Iteaper with his soythe will huvo Ioiik years to wait. ' I" mtold hy clorkH und ciiKi neers It's wondrous how I boar my yeurs, how ! prcsurvo my youth; tho sad mortician sees me sprint, nnd, with a face of (,'hastly tint, slu broodinit In his booth. W hat if tho front I thus present is false and phony, merely meant to fool tile vit lano Buys, who. If they saw; mo looklnR bleak, and broken, down und tired and weak, would sob and sympathize? i think It better to- prAond that I'm an nthleto when a friend usks how I'm sinckinu up. thun to enumerate my woes, and say I'm fccIltiB. In my throes, much like a poisoned pup. 1 blithely trot around the town, and If niy burdens weih mo down, tho people won't get wise; If I have spavins on my knees. It I have foot and mouth disease, 1 do not advertise What If, when I am ull alone, I sometimes heuve a heart sick irroan, and rub all kinds cfi salves upon my forehead and my nose, upon my shoulders arid my toes, and all nlonir my calves? In solitude one has the right to mourn the drcn.t nnd wretched pllh'ht that nso has put him in; ho has tho rlifht. you -must .allow, to put a poultice on his brow, a plas ter on his shin. Hut, goins forth where men abide, he will. If he has proper pride, preteni he's fecllnt! fine; he will not tulk about tho pains that rack his form und jar his brains, or mnke a slnsle whine. C'orrtMTtlon In Air Mall Cost To the Editor: Several days . nj?o I received a copy of your editorial on air mail. The editorial was very well writ ten and should do a lot of good, but I would like to call your at- ! tention to one error. Namely, the cost of sending uir mail. At the j present time the rate is very slm- pie 10c per half ounce uny place ! in the I'nlted States. It; order that the people of Medford may j be properly Informed, wo would 'Kroutty appreciate having a cor I rcetion run ad vising the peoplo o the simplicity and low cost of sending air mail. These four j points arc considered most Jin-' I portant: ! 1. Air mall postal Is a flat rate of 10c per half ounce to any point In the In lted States. 2. Any postage stamp may be used. It. Any envelope may bo used. Simply murk "Air .Mail." 4. Drop uir mail In any ordi nary mail box. PACIFIC A I II TRANSPORT. A. K. Humphries, Vice-President and Gen. Mgr. San Francisco, May 23. Mail Carrier Suicides PORTLAND, Ore. May J6. fP) Wlalklng into u drug a torn, on the oast nttlo today, Paul I,. Pfertlncr. u ninil carrier. "7, held up un empty poison bottle. Haying: "I Just thank this," and died within a few minutes. Pfcrrdncr had herb in tho postal department six yearn. Ho leaves a widow and two chil dren. Reason for his act was not learned. Vltllld. UT l-'lllilt tsOltllMIIIMIt Notice Is hereby given that tho, undersluned has filed in the Coun- i ty Court of the State of Oregon. ; tor ine t Him yot jiicksoii, nts ouiy Iind th(1 tountv rurt roon, in thc County Court House, at Medford, Jackson County. Oregon, as the t place for hearing said final account I und all objections thereto. i Duied at Salem, Oregon, this I WILLIAM K. HA HTM AN. ,-oniiiiiii-aior ot i uo Instate of Krnestina Krdmann Deceased. RONALD C. C.L I Attorney for Salem. Oreg .OVKR. Administrator. egon: : 1 WEI2.E I l Wl-N ARE YOU SO I ANJX0U&T0 BEUEVE EVERYBODY OUT dOCE AND me T oust a . SOME. MOMENT YOU LISTEN TO E.VE5Y- QODY EL.E I Communications i in i i i i 'A 'Jr.. 1 ! j Tf4 Mtr Ht U t Ofci iWJ New Books at the County Library I ' let Ion. Tlie Poor Gentleman, Deith. The Llanfear Pattern, liiddle. Scabby Dlchson, It laker. The Quince Hush, Uuwor. Red llust. Cannon. The Secret of Father IJruwn, Chesterton. Samadhl. Comfort. The Starvel Hollow TrnKJy. Crofls. Towurd Sodom. Dunham. Now Keast, Now West, JCrtz. Almu. Puller. The Lonesome Koad, Furnian. Hoshch; an anthology of xhort stories, (Iray. The Cabin at Trainltj linU. Ilar Kreuves. A President Ih Horn, Hurst. Gideon,- Irwin. The Spreading Dawn, KIiik. Tlie Plower Show, Muckait. Vluck Valley, -Martinez. . An Artist in tlie Family. Mlllin. In a Yun-nnn Courtyard, Aliln. The Jury. Phillpotts. Tho Dark Old House, Priestley. The promised Land, Kcymont. Flambeau Jim, Spearman. The Cap of Youth, Stcuart. Claire Ambler, Tarkinpton. lted PanlB and iOther Stories, Thomas(tn. frlntersmuon, AValpolc. The liridne of Kan Lulu 1 Key, Wilder. Arrogant Beijar. YezierHku. fnFlctloii. Turh Ioved Ttooks llennett. The DeliKht of Gt'bat Books, Ers klne. Wholesome Childhood, Groves. The Inner World of Childhood, Wlckes. On IteinK a Girl, Gibson. The K I n k tl o in of Happiness. Krlshnamurti. Starlight, Lendbettcr. My Itelilon. Koller. South America Looks at the United States, I luring. Tho Story, of Alan's Work, Hay ward. : W hat's Wrons with American Education? Sneddon. Why Stop LoarnliiR? Fisher. Which Collese? Halle. General Economic Geology. Em mons. Apes and Men. Peake. Man Itfses to Parnassus. Osl)orn. j The Human Habitat, Huntington. I Cnnc-er Control, 'American Soci j ety for the Control of Cancer. European Skyways, Thomas. The Complete Airman, fhtlley. Soil and Civilization, Whitney. Pur-Farming for Profit, Ash brook. Goldfish Culture for Amateurs. Hodge. The. Home-Maker und Her Job, Gilbreth. . Cultivating tho Child's Appetite, Aidrlch. lp.iiiilfUmr Ih.. ('1.(1,1 ,. Mi..,1,. ,.fi i.i ii ii uii i nun, i l je nil l usui i . Standard Construction Methods. Underwood. Rrickluying in Modern Practice. Scrimshaw. New backgrounds for a New Age, Park. Shrubs, Rockwell. , Alpine Gardens und Nursery, Pa cific Landscape Gardeners. Gladiolus. Rockwell. One Hundred Rungalows. Archi tects' Small Huose Service Hureau. Designers Homes of Character, ! Oregon Home Designers' Plan Hook. Oregon Home. Tho Smaller Americun Pou'er. Home, ICveryduy Art,' Hicks. Essentials .of Linoleum Printing. Polk. How lo Know Japanese Clock Color Prints, Priestley. Two Hundred Tricks You Can Do. Thurston. Bright Ideas for 1-iiitcrtahilng, Linscott. The Search, Krishnuinurti. Children of the Sunand Outlier Poums, Rorty. Strange Interlude. O'Neill. More One-Act Plays by Modern Authors, Cohen. Show Window. Davis. Travels In Arabia Deserts. Doughty. A Sun of Mother India Answers, Muker.il. A Pilgrimage to' Palestine, Kos- dick, Palestine Awake; the Rebirth of u Nation. Loeb. The Kire of Desert Kolf. Osson- dowskl. Safari: a Saga of the African Rlue, Johnson. Conquistador; A m e r lean Kan tasla, Ciucdalla. The Great American Dandwagon, Merz. Covering Washington. Kssary. If Vou Co to South America, Foster. The St ory of Fo n n y R u cn cy . Mnsefield. Mnu rots. Disraeli. Lmlwii;. Mismarck. The Romantic Lady. Sc'hufer. My Life, Duncan. By SOL HESS SEND OUT A LAMQ-UKE IT 0UMP6 BACK Or4 MC LIKE ATI6E.R . IT CANT ALL BE OUM&MESS ON NY PART OF IT NNUST TiC MAQD LUCK tl I r. . . . if Seventy Ycum uf Life und Labor, Gomperu. The Inlhnuto Pupers of Colonel House, House. Count Luckttcr, the Hca ievil, Thomus. Theodore Roosevelt, Amos. Turgenev; the Man. His Art und His Age, Yiiruiolinsky. Modern Traits in Old Greek Llfo, Monroe. Notice of Kale ( IU'jiI ami 1'crsonal lroerty. In tho County Court of the Statn of Oregon in und for the County of Jackson. In the mutter of the estate of W. 11. Jackson, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned, Ida A. Jnuksou. the duly ((uglified and ucting adminis tratrix of the estato of W. II. Jack son, deceased, acting upon the or der of the Judge of tho County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, which was duly made and entered on the lllh day of May, A. D. ltlL'S, will from and after the 11th day of June, A. I). proceed to selT at private Halo at Gil South River side, Medford, Orcuon, for cash that part of tlie real properly of the said estate which is described as follows: "Beginning at a stone Bet In a mount of stone South K!) degrees 31 minutes West Hits feet from (stone) section corner between Sections 4, 5, il and ID. Township 36 South of 1;ange 1 West of Wil lamette Meridian; thence NortJ- ft deg. 40 niln. west 26SK.4 feet to a stone; then North S deg. 5U mln. West 421 feet to a gas pipe; thence. South 0 deg. 40 min. East SCiy.ri feet to a gas pipe; thence South SI) , deg. 31 min. West 421 feet to a point of beginning containing 2f acre-more or less, all in Jackson County Oregon. Also one-half Interest In a spray rig. Dated May 1 1th. 1028. IDA A. JACKSON. Administratrix of the Estato of W. It. Jackson, deceased. Synoosii of Annual Statement nf th ORIENT INSURANCE COMPANY of IlMrKunl, in Jln Slntc of (,'uiuincl it ut, on tin thirty-first day i l)-conilnT, 1027. mm! to the InMirjtiifp Cmiiiitfssimier-of the .Statu of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of eiipitul 'stock pair tl $1,0011,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during " yw $ J. 712. 501. SO intcreM. dividrndw und rent received durinjr the year. . . 3.'.9,920.2S Income from other Mun-eii re ceived during the year .... 5l.HOa.50 Total Im'imo 1 27.4 1 1 ,GS PlSlUUtSKMK.VTS Net Iosm-k paid during th t yenr fm-Iutling adjustment 1 evpi'tiM-s $1, 205.380. 8(1 j Dividends paid on capita I stock ; during Ihe ycur 200.000.00 I CoiiiintsKtonn and Mlurles p.tUI I during tlie year tiTO.l (I5.P3 taxea. iiceiifi anil jt-cs punl dnvfnjf the year 1Tl.910.0-J Amount of all other expendi ture 5!)5.G1(I.I7 Total Np'-ndltifcM , . . .i2, 410,073.58 ANNKTS Value real e-sitte lnvnrd value) 9 Rin. 111. (8 Mocks and ouiuls tnmrket owned finurkel vjIuc) .... Cash in hanks and on hand.. I'nniiuiiiN in course of foiled- o.oai. 8Pfi.no I.0HB.23I.0J lion urittt'ii shire Scpteni- hif- 1927 ' 02r.1H1.03 lteiiisiiran-i ilui- un p.iid lofjsef, 1 7.310. 1 ( Tot ul mlmitli-il nssptn . . . .?&,038,77:J.I7 I.I.MHIJTIKS 'to elainiH for lueses im- paif) $ 208,110-Ml .tnmiint of utnnrmi prciiitimis un ull imOiLAiuliiiij: risks... 3. 57 1,8 j 1.30 Dtic for ce1llIlliiotl ami brok- eruw li.ono.on All utiicr liabilities toi.t.'il.yri Total liitl.ilitii-H. ivluniiv ot fupitid Ninrk 4. nri3. ".',.!!.; IILSINKSS IN OttKCDN Fdit Tilt; YKAIt Xrt premiums received duriiij; tlie year 27,fl02.50 I.nsscH on id tliirimr the year..., 7,ti'l,7'i Losses itH'iirreil hiriiiff the year. 7. ('!. 7(1 Name of L'omiuny, Orient lusuraiue Ctriu puny, Njtne nf lreoiieiit. Henry W. liray. . Name of SiHTitarj'. A. II. Mnriiy. Still utory ri'si.jMit attj--v f-r srn'Iec. A. A. f'ems. I''irtlnml. Oregon. .I. W. WukeficM, l,y-:al A(reitt. INSURANCE STATEMENTS. 8YNOPSI8 OP" ANNUAL STATEMENT OK Star Insurance Company of America of Nw York. In the Urate of NVw York, on the Slit dny of IVcemher. 1927. roA-i-) to th influence f'ommlMtonfr of th 8tat of Orffton. pursuant to taw: Capital, Amount of capital stock pali ' N "P St. 000,000.0 Income. Net premiums received durinc interest, rtfvidendn and rents received durtnc the year 174.S29.05 Income from other sources re ceived durinc the year 07.U24.3i Total Income .'...$3,219,499.95 Disbursements. Net loe ns Id durinc thu year. Including adjustment ex- penven i nni tin m Dtvldemis nafd on capital atocic rturtnp the year 10D.000.00 Control unions and salaries paid trarlnK the year , 877.S7Q.99 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the yar 70,265 05 Amount of til other cxpetidi- tur ; 200.53.4 Total expenditures . . $2.053. 218,99 Assets. R"lnniranre recoverable Value of real estate' owned 1.350.4(1 i market Value. 4,301 ton.m ra.'rt In banks and on hand... 329. Ml 79 rremiuma In course of rollee- tinn written since September InSW?".i"rH'."Wu'Vii mMtM accrued . . . . ; 4a qiq 17 sms receivable kSKij? Total admitted aneli... .$A, 137.4:9.91 ' IJbbitHics. rirmn claims for toFtes unpaid. $ 273.332 99 Amount at unearned Premiums on all a' it tand inn risks 2.140.902.43 Due for commission and brok- """", erase inn m All ointr n.miait,.. uoiiSis Tn;.l lHhillll,,. Mrl,i5lv of I2.MI3.HI.H IJJU.Ml.IT Business in Oregon for the Ytar. N.1 pr.mtumi mclvfd duriar Ih. y..r .1 34 33Q Q. fi,"?J'irlJ "r 1" Lo.s inciirrM durinc th. v.,r 1? 7n; .2 corWv i'TOKhic1?11 IN8ufeANC. Name of mamrer. TMmae H. Ardfrwn. Cii'rrae "tnt sianaaer. Gcorce F. .jane or as1tint maniiter StUtlitArv r..tnt . . enlre. American.. Bank ion ii LUMBER q " arts TROWBRTOQE i1 i u u CJ