Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 25, 1928, Page 9, Image 9

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    Medford Mail Tribune
j Second Section
Second Section
Eight Pages
Eight Pages
PUJ Twty-third Year
No. G"4.
T " ; ;
I1ELI.VIEW, May 24. The UolV
view Hi-liool closed on Friday, May
Mill, after a very successful year.
Mrs. McKlnney and Norma Recder
v-pre the teachers for this term. A
'oifomniunUy dinner was one of the
main features of the day; at noon
tho people of the neighborhood
gathered with well filled basket
and spread their lunch. After din
ner a splendid program Riven by
tho .twins club cirls and other pu
pils In the school was enjoyed, by
thOHC present. Durlnsr the after
noon the sewing club Blrls had
their work on display and some
very fine things the Blrls had to
hnw for- their voar's work. The!.-
pcwinic will be entered with the D,1 Indians aorta springs Sunday,
rest of the school exhibits at the Everyone thinks the road better
eountv fair this fall. , than 11 haa vvor ,,ccn an(i loaks
Miss Florence York, county dem
onstration agent, was present at
four Kfhouls mi this district on-.
Joyed the Joint picnic mid Rtt-to-Rf-thor
Friday and were pleaded to'
have the county superintendent, j
Mm, Carter; county supervisor, j
MIhs liun. and Mr. Chancy, head
of the Parent-Tea c)i era' asHocia-i
tion. with us. Several students re-
colved awRrds for perfect attend- i
anee for two yearn.
H. L. Tonn was In Medfurd Tura
day. Mrs. Nancy Srhmldtllni;. who nan
boon visiting her mother. Mm. K.
H. Jones, fur ho vent I weeks, left
for her home In Port hind Tuesdriy. '
There, were about 20 eara at i
well .of the part the forest service;!
had In fixing their part. ' i
Mrs. C. K. Wilksori. who runs!
the hotel, says she expects to open j
the hotel for business earlier this;
season than usual and has already!
had the cottages opened.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ttowdcn,
who hiwo been occupying one of the
fnltllirnu li.ii-n ennn In 1SI I.' 11,
where thev will bo stationed this I
sumtner. ,
Mr. and Mrs. C K. Jones of Tal
ent and Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. MooriM
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Wilkinson at Dead Indian soda
springs Sunday. '
There were lots of picnic nnd j
fishing parties all along the creek i
and several at Lake Creek also.
Carl Nygren killed n big rattle
snake on tho sill of his barn Sun-
on busi- r; a. ....
mv. nun Airs, i, . j-. i em ii novo
gone ti Oismitud lake, where they
expect to remain during the sum
mer. .
The r; range meeting will be held
Thursday night this week Instead
of Friday. j
The ladles of the T.nst Creek-
thla meeting and gave a splendid
talk on club work ,nlso waya of
making money for the club cllrs to
defray their expenses at the sum
mer school.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Thorn
ton were callers In the Bell view
district on "Wednesday evening.
A JoUy crowd composed of the
following named spent Sunday plp-
and Mrs. J. W. Beck, Dr. and Mrs.
C W. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Mark
True, Mlsa Erma Beck, Miss Helen
Wise, Tom Bell and Alblo Beck.
, After enjoying- a wonderful dinner.
s, the afternoon was spent exploring
the old. mine In the canyon and
In gathering; wild flowers.
- U Wilton of Shale City Was in
this vicinity on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Tra Chnstain of
Central Point spent the week end
at the homo of Mrs. Chast ain't
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bry
ant of Bellvlew.
Mrs. Moffat and her daughter
nf Dot nlll t..n full unit
Tuesday visltlnc at' tho home of! "''";''' ' 'tW Wo.lne-
Mrs. Mlna Bayllss,
Mrs. O. L. Long and Mrs. Susie
IJeryudrj of Ashland spent Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. W. J. Bryant.
Miss Helen Sheidieter attended a
party Saturday night given at the
homo of Miss Bcrnice Carter of
Ashland " '
Mrs. Freed and Mrs. Nord and
(ting with ihelr parents, Mr. and
1 Mrs. W. J. Ketttnn. who have been
making their -home with their
daughter on Oak street since their
home was destroyed by fire. The
Keatons expect to rebuild within a
few months.
Mr. and Mrs. Talvln Owens of
Twin Fals. Ida., were dinner guests
nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Truo on Monday. Mrs. Owens is
an uncle of Mrs. Truos and he
several months vacation, havin;
disposed of their large farm in
Idaho. They expect to leave south
ern Oregon some lime this week
for Eugene. Portland and points
In Washington, before returning
to Twin Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nordwlck of
Medford were callers at tho home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. . Merryman
on Sundfty evening.
Mrs. A. C. Joy returned from
Pendleton, Ore., Friday, where she
went with her sou and daughter.
Ulchnrd rind Adena, who were In
the state debating contest, end who
won the state honors for tho Ash
land high-school of which they arc
graduate this year,
Mrs. 8. K. Bain os and daughter
Frances were dinner guests at the(
homo of Mr. and -Mrs. Ralph At
'Tvood of Medford on Friday.
Mrs. Bessie Smith and family
have moved from their place In
Bellvlew to the Ititsrinfrer place on
Eighth street. Mr. and Mrs. O. H.
Williams are moving Into the place
Just vacated by the Smith' fam
ily. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lambkin
o Ashland Just recently purchas
e dthe Briggs place In Bellvlew
and will take possession as soon
as the Williams family move to
their new location.
Mr. and Mrs. Koy Hesseuner.
Mrs. 8. K. Barnes and daughter
Frances went to Hilt on Sunday.
While there they called at the hos
pital to sec Buster Owens, who is
a patient there They report that
he (s making a rapid recovery but
will be confined thcro for a couple
of weeks yet. . -
. The Ilottena circle of the Yeo
man lodge gave nn apron and over
all dance at their halt on Tuesday
night and a large crowd was pres
ent and a good time reported. Mr.
Aii Mrs. Wlllard Miles and daugh
ters. Lot ha and Thais, Mr. and Mrs.
S. K. Barnes arid daughter from
this district wore In attendance at
this affair.
The Merley circle of the Baptist
church met at the homo of Mrs.
11. C. Metcalf on East Main street
road Thursday afternoon -at 2
o'clock. A very interesting pro
gram wa given during the after
noon and at the clone delicious re
freshments, were served by tte fol
lowing named hostesses: Mrs. Hud
son. Mrs. Dunham and Mn. R. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Randalls left
Wednesday morning for Rose burg
to attend the grand lodge meeting
of the I. o. O. F. and Rebekah
hgtcs. which will be In icsston
the remainder, of this week.
Greham. Pickle company re
ceive! one order for 1100,000 worth
.0 froods.
day at the home of Mrs. I,. A
Peeh. Miss York was present nnd
gave nn Interesting talk on frozen
desserts. She nteo demonstrated
tho making of fruit sherbets. The
next meeting of. the club will he
at tho home of Mrs. AV-, If. Js'uss
haum. " .
A number of frionds'mot nt Hen
ry Pech's now barn last Sunday
and spent the tiny- in fishin.f, nic
nlcking ami a- gner.-il gnud tinm..
Those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. I
A. Jj. Pecb. Henry and Km II Peeh. I
also Mrs. it. A. Pech. Mrs. Dodge, j
Mrs. .1. Dow. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp
son. Mrs. Sintih and two daughter
of Medford. y.
Mr. and Mrs. 1 Itoy Grlgsby nnd
son Donald spent the week end
with Mrs. II. U Tonn., Saturday
being Mrs. Grlgsby "s birthday, they j
celebrated with a birthday dinner
on Sunday. Those present were 1
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tonn. Harry
Tonn, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grlgsby
and son of Medford. the Misses
Venlta Anderson nnd Fern liar-1
lmm;h of Medford and Gerald Ward
of Eagle Point. j
Airs. Emma Wa tilers uf the Dry
creek section and Miss Vera Ker
sha wof Antelope were raiting on
Mrs. Wahtcr's father, L. Tonn, Sun
day. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Hoefft nnd
children, who hnve spent the win
ter In Medford, wero out to the
ranch Sunday. They expect to
move back to the ranch In about
a week, ns soon as school closes.
Gold Beach buys chemical en
gines for fire protection.
Rockaway. Highway from Gari
baldi Is opened to traffic.
A Timely Sale of
$1.39 Children's
Wash Frocks
Guaranteed wash materials, as
Manchester and Borde.i 'prints,
dimities, linon suitings in neat,
small designs of pretty colorings.
Cleverly designed little frocks for
girls of 7 to 14 years; just the
dresses needed now in this hot
weather and during the summer
vacation. .
Remarkable Values in
Whenever you make out your shopping list,
; any day in the year, it will pay you to put Rus
; sell's down on your list as the first place to
stop. We keep our stocks new and up-to-the-
minute; we guarantee satisfaction with every
I purchase; we "price our merchandise as low as
"Quality Merchandise" can be marked, and
last, but not least, we offer you at all times
!'real service by courteous, thoroughly trained
salespeople, who are always anxious to please
our patrons;
.39 Women's
ash Dresses
"We emphasize "wash" because
they are all fast-color, prints of
fine cambric, dimity, lawn and
novelty suitings. AVell-made gar
ments, in really new models, that
you'll find suitable for wear on the
street or in the home during the
hot summer months.
'. A :
. Children's Socks
25c to 59c
Phoenix and Holeproof chil
dren's half-sox, five-eighths
and three-quarter, lengths in
all the best light shades for
summer. Holeproof and Phoe
nix children's hosiery is rea
sonable in price, and will al
ways give you the best of wear
and service.
Sale of French Panties,
Shorties, plcomers
Of jroud quality knitted rayon, trim
med with pretty pliiin nnd colored
lnecs and the ' tailored styles are
trimmed with bunds and nppliqued
with contrasting colors of the snmo
materials.. All pustel shades, as pink,
flesh, Nile, orchid aud peach. A
Saturday feature. 5
A fortunate purchase brings the newest in ruffled cur
tains to you at prices much lower than we have ever be
fore been able to offer them. .
$1.75 Ruffled Voile Curtains $1.59
With valance and tic-backs, curtains of fine cream colored
voile and silk stitched edges in colors of orchid green, rose and
blue. Curtains are all 2-ii. yards loiig, and full size. This is
truly a, great curtain value and suitable for most any room you
want to redecorate.' '
$2.75 Fancy
; Ruffled Curtains $2.29
A verypfi'tty' voile curtain,
with, inset panels along sides
and bottom, of printed dres
den design voile, all fast col
ors. A curtain novelty that
is now' nnd 'very .'pretty for
bedrooms, where you want a
color scheme.
$3.50 Scalloped Valance
Ruffled Curtains $2.98 '
A new idea 'with a scalloped
valance, of figured voile, plain
voile ruffles and the valance'
is also a double-color affair
that is very attractive. All
fast colors guaranteed for sun
and washing.
$2.98 Dotted Marquisette
Ruffled Curtains $2.59
Just as dainty and pretty as
any curtain you ever saw.
White, fine quality mercer
ized marquisette,' with color
ed embroidered dots: Valance
and tie-back and all full size.
$3.98 Scalloped Valance
Ruffled Curtains $3.59
Figured voiles of very fine
quality, and wilh plain voile
ruffled edges. All curtains
with the valance and tie
backs. A new novelty curtain
that is taking like wildfire
everywhere. ;
With No Restrictions We Offer
Every Coat in Our Stock
and All Better Dresses
Less 20
Nothing held back, it's just as we advertise,
every dress and sport coat in our stock reduced
now, every better dress from $29.75 xtp includ
ing afternoon and dinner dresses, street and
'sportwear, all ensembles at every., price both
silk and wool, and all suits. ,
Don't Delay Come Early on Saturday
You'll find as complete a stock of Ready-tb-Wear
as shown in So. Oregon, with fashion's
latest dictates in a complete color and size range'
We especially call your attention to our stout
dresses, for tall stouts, for short stouts in half
sizes and dresses for little women size 13-15-17.
ACompIete Clearance of Better Apparel
Kaynee Wash Suits
For the kiddies from 2 to' 8 years,
"Kaynee" suits cannot be equalled.
.New materials, all fast color and guar
anteed to .five satisfaction. Try "Kay
nee' boys' wash suits and save ii lot
of worrv.
v $1.98 to $3.98
Wayne Knit-Pure Silk
Full Fashioned
Silk Hose $1.35
In all the newest colors, a beautiful
semi-service, full fashioned stocking,,
fine enough for any wear you wish
to give it. A dandy new .number.
Printed Radium Silks $1.49
Washable silk prints, beautiful and serviceable
for '81111111101' flocks. Light and dark shades
that will make up, into the most serviceable
dress you can have for traveling,
motoring or general wear, yd.
Pure Worsted
In Heavy Rib Stitch
Bathing Suits
$2.98, $3.98
Boys' and girls' suits in
sizes up to 34 at, $2.98
and women's suits in
l)oth the "Speedster" and
"Easv Swimmer" stvles.
sizes 36 to 44 at $3.98.
They are exceptional val
ues in bathing suits oC
finest quality.
from Our
Silk '
Coin Dot Crepe de Chene
Very Fashionable Now
$1.98 yard
Fashion predictions have come true and Coin
dots have taken thj front rank as the newest
novelty silk. Serviceable and correct for sum
mer frocks in all colored dots on white grounds
and contrasting dots on colored grotiuds. An
exceptional silk value.
85c Quality Printed Organdy
8 59c yard
Fast color, permanent finish printed organdy
in complete dresses or made up in combination
with plain colors will make the smartest of
summer wash frocks.
New Wash Prints of All Kinds
25c to 59c
Guaranteed colors that relieve von of n lot of
worry on wash da v. All the newest prints in j
jigiii or meouim snaaes.
To $2.98 Fancy Taffeta $1.98
For summer time, some very clever models arc
being designed of these beautiful colored warps,
taffetas in checks, pin stripes and pin plaids
of various pastel shades. These arc fl 1 QO
all fine chiffon taffetas, yard V 1 '0
Boy Scout -Outfitters
Clothing of every official
nature for "Boy Scouts,''1
the only agency in Med
ford. Fit out the hoy in
a new uniform or replace
needed garments now and
be ready for the Decora
tion Day Parade and oth
er summer davs when
the "Scout" will be on
dress -parade.