Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 25, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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    m.hpefiTi SrAYf, TTtTBTTNE, MRP-POTTO. ()T?FfiONT, PRTDAT, MAY 2-V 199,
All Night Filibuster By Sena-
tor McKellar Fails and
Important Measure Is
. Passed By Both Houses
Veto By President Is Pre
. dieted. i
Tomorrow Mann's
price tags tell a story
ui yreui suumys
Wirthmor Dresses
Just in 100 new Wirthmor'
wash dresses made of Bor
den prints and dimities. vAH
sizes, on sale Saturday, ca.
fist tkHitffl'
" . . '.. .... . . , - . - ... ... - " ' ' . i -. .... -im l ii nil Ll'.Wti-' r " ' MM i I
'41 'I II I llllllll II,
Weathering the mom itubljurul;
contested filibuster of tha session. '
tlw Xorris-Morln iiuscle Shoals
hill was given final congressional
iproval today when the bouse
asreed to the conference report on
ttie measure. ,
In abandoning their losing fight
aUnst the measure, some of those
in Uie forefront predicted that 1
President Coolidge would veto it
kiit this had nu effect on the de
termination of Its sonsurs to push i
it through. .Volatile among those:
who Iiore the brunt of the opposl-1
thin were Senators McKellar of
Tennessee and Tydiugs of .Mary-(
land. -
A last minute motion In the
house by Representative llyrnes. '
democrat, Tennessee, lo recommit i
the nw-asiire back to the commit
tee proved futile. Speaker lrng
worth held lhal the report must b
either voted up or down and motion ,
to refer It back was not in order.
Ttreakltig a filibuster which had
lusted for more than 21 hours anil
exhausting those who had carried
It on, the senate today adopted the
conference report on the Muscle
Shoals government operation hill.
The collapse M the filibuster
nflur Uannttir McKellar of
Tennessee, fV;hllng against a pro-',
ject in tne nm tor a uam si ioir
Creek In his borne state, had ex
hausted his physical endurance aft-
... hniiM Elul,tinP
He frankly told his colleagues
that be could go no lunner wnen
he was turned down on two points j
ot oraor ne nan nisue sssiubi
b!ll.sbut be added he was certain
President Coolidge would veto it.
McKellar. Tydings of Maryland,
ltlease of South Carolina and King
l-..h twiM the hrunt of the
Bpeech making which ran through j
. u nUh, and mnminiL but the
proponents ot tne measure as i
stands led by Harris, of Nebraska. !
stood their ground firmly. Never ;
throughout the long hours was j
there the slightest suggestion of ,
surrender or compromise on their
part. i
The conference report, which was ,
adopted by a vote of 43 to 34. is a 1
compromise between the senate
and house bills and would provide ;
for government operation of the'
Muscle Shoalst project and for the
manufacture of nitrogen. The house ;
l,uist yet act. . i
At the Insistence of the senate ,
provision for manufacture of fer-;
Jillier was taken from the report ,
early this week. The compromise ,
provided, however, for the con- j
siructlon of the Cove Creek dam. i
! Party Hues were wiped out In j
the vole. The senate roll call fol-1
Vows: I
For adoption of the report: I
Democrats Hartley. Hlack, Drat-:
ton. Caraway, Couelanii, Wll. j
Fletcher, George. Class. Harris, ;
Harrison. Kendrlck. lecher. Neely, ;
Heed (Missouri), Robinson (Arkan
sas); Sheppard, Simmons. Smith.
Stephens, Swanson. Thomas. Wag
ner. Walsh (Massachusetts!, Walsh
(Montana). Wheeler Si. !
Republicans) lllalne. Koran.,
Vtrookhart, Capper, Cotuens, Cut
' ting. Howell, Johnson, I jKolletto.
Mr.Mo.Nler.. McNuty, NUrrls. Nye.'
ltoblson (ludlanul. Schall. Stelwer .
. Karmer-labor Shlpsteud 1.
, Total. 4X
Against the conference: ;
Democrats Ashurst. Tlayard.
Please, Hruce. Kdwards, tierry,
llayden. King. McKellar, Steck.
Tydlncs. Tyson 12.
Reimhlicaus UnKham. Curds.
Pale, lleneen, Kd. Fess, Clllelt.
fJieene, Hale. Keyes, Melcalf.
Moses, Oddle. Phipps, Pine, Reed
(Pennsylvania). Siickett, Sinool.
Vandenburg, Walcrman, Watson
Total. 31.
Wall Street Report
XKW YOltK. May 2.1. (A He
spite the disappointment eiprcm.cil
in tome u,uurter ovi r the relatively
rmull decreases In brokers' luani.
bixt week, the tn k market today
continued the recovery lnnun on
Wednesday. Waves of week end
profit (irking sales swept through
the market at Intervals, but they
proven only irnriMimry mi.-iiuii-'tlons
to the upward movement of
few hliih priced specialties
. ur.i.uj & In 1' nnltir
wrier w.,,, i, iv ....... - ...
while a long of Industrials and
rails were marked up 1 to j pram.
i There was no chsnge In the
credit sltuntlon but a further ad
vance In the price of export copper
helped lo stimulate bullish enthusl
nm for those shares. The closing
was Irregular. Winding up the
work's operations brought some
' selling In the last hour which de.
pressed several of the high grade
vails and Utilities.- Oenersl Motors
nlso turned heavy. A 'number of
coppers meantime caceeded their
ndvanres substantially, a half d.r
en touched new high prices for the
year. Oils Klevators' gnln reached
14 points. .Total sales approxi
mated l.OOO.nno shares.
President 'designates 6200-ncre
bird and game reserve on I'pper
Klamath lake.
See Display
( rV Y - Everybody -Is Invited
To This Feast of '
95c Bargains .1
It's Tomorrow!
Our Annual Offering of
- 95c Specials
Save on Dress Goods
Printed Linens
..(-incli print oil ami plain linens for sport QtXf
dresses and enscmhle suits, Saturday, yd.::.
Silk and Cotton Crepe
6 inches wide in beautiful patterns and col- QC.
or combinations, vcrv special !aturoay, yu
. Figured Organdies
39 inches wide in heautiful floral patterns on white
grounds. The popular material for the new fluffy
summer dresses, special Qf
Saturday, yard
A. B. C. Wash Goods
oG-inch A.v 13. 0. silk and cotton prints, washable
and guaranteed fast colors, on sale, Qr
Saturday, yard i I7Jt
36-Inch Indian Prints
A silk and cotton material , washable, Qtr
regular price .$1.19, Saturday, yard
40-Inch Art Satin
A non-fling material for slips in all colors, QC
on sale Saturday, yard
54-Inch Sol Satin
Tn white and grey only, regular price QEtp
$1.7"), on sale Saturday, yard 7Jv,
S1.45 Draperies 95c
A selected lot of fast colored Damask draperies,
light and heay weights, suited for all QCp
purposes, up to $1.43 values, yard .V
Curtain Nets
A choice lot of filet nets and rayon gauzes, fit) inches
wide; regular price HOc; on sale Saturday, QCp
3 yank tor '..7JL'
Domestic Specials
Table Damask
Pure linen unbleached table damask, comes in beau
tiful floral patterns, 1)4 inches vide,rcgulan QE.f
price Ti. ''(), Saturday, yard ViJK,
Muslin Luncheon Sets
. nOx'iO-inch size with lx 12-inch napkins to match,
made of unbleached nnislin in blue and rose;- reg
ular price $1.2"), on sale Ql-r
Saturday, set '. VUl,
Pillow Cases
42X.T8K size; regular price 29c, on sale Sat. QC
5 for ;.. 1700
Envelope and pouch shaped bags in tan, QC
and grey, up to $1.")9 values, Saturday, ea.
Salt and Pepper Shakers
Silver plated in a large assortment of styles, QC
up to $1.23 value., Saturday, each IOC
Vanta Sun Suits
For babies, made of fine knit cotton, all colors and
sizes, up to (5 years, on sale QCp
Saturday, suit JOC
Don't, Miss These Specials
Toilet Goods Specials
"Bantam's" bath sets, including bath powder and
bath crystals in all odors, regular $1.23 QEi(
value, Saturday, set
Ever Ready Aprons
Made of fast-olor prints with washable rubber
fronts. cL'vcr "all-over styles. Kegular -price $1.49,
very special, Saturday, ' 95 C
each ;y
Women's Belts
In suedes, kid, patent and novelty leather, in a large
variety of styles, shades ami sizes, " QC
$l.o9 values, on sale Saturday, each
Neckwear Special
Women's collar and cuff sets in lace, organdie, lin
en, piipic and batiste, all styles, up to Qr
$U5 values, Saturday, set , ..Uxjy
Handkerchief Special x
Women's colored linen handkerchiefs with hem
stitched hein, regular 15c; special, 95 C
8 for ...: : -
" Towels
1SxP( Iluck and Turkish towels in lain and fancy
stvles, regular price 25c, on sale Saturday, QCP
5 for . U
Save Money on Every Item
Pure Gum Rubber Aprons
Largo sizes in plain and trimmed styles, up to $1.23
values, while they last Saturday, 95c
2 for
Rayon Gowns and Bloomers
Stepins and chemise in plain and trimmed styles
all colors and sizes, regular price, J1.25, 95 C
Saturday, each :
Women's Corselettes
Made of eoutil and elastic, good styles, all Q)f
sizes, $1.25 value, Saturday, each
Women's Corsets
Back lace corsets, girdles and garter belts, Q C
all sizes, up to $.1.50 values UJ
Children's Underwear
Girls' cotton knit union suits, sleeveless, knee
length, buttons attached, all sizes Q C p
very special, Saturday, each .'.
Women's Knit Vests
Light weight, built up and bodice tops, all QCp
sizes, regular price 48c; Saturday, 3 for
Women's Girdles
Women's garter girdles in all styles and QE-
sizes, up to ijM.25 values,. Saturday, each
Save Money on Hosiery
S2.50 Silk Hose 95c
Women V Burlington service and chiffon silk hose
in-dark colors only, up to $2.50 values, Qr
while they last Saturday, pair ZtJ
$1.19 Silk Hose 95c
Women's "Humming Bird' and Never-Mcnd silk
hose in all the new shades, up to $1.19 val- QCCf
ues, as a big special Saturday, pair .....
Women's Cotton Hose
Bibbed in grey, champagne and deer, on sale Sat
urday, QKn
3 pair for : i7
Children's Socks
In plain and fancy colors, three-quarter length, all
sizes; regular price 59c, Saturday, QC-
2 pair for OC
Children's Half Socks ;
In plain and .fancy colors, sizes up to regular
price 29c, on sale Saturday, .. ' " QC
4 pair for '
n Triangular Scarfs "
Made of a good quality of silk crepe do ehene in
distinctive sport patterns, a color for each costume,
up to $1.59 values; QC-
' Saturday, each iOC
Infants' Shoes and Slippers
In white and black patent leather with soft QC
soles, ,$1.23 value,' Saturday, pair . Y '
' Housekeepers Sheets
Slx90 size made of a good grade of sheeting, QC -regular
price $1.20, on sale Saturday, each'''