rEDFORD mail TftrnuyE, medfokd, Aminoy.. mtDAY,' mat. ,25; 1928. SEC Vitaphohefat. Hunt's Craterian 'SI STARTS JUNE 1 While piej;irntiun8 aro tcotiifs forward for the opening of the Crater Kuttu wnson on June 2&, lircuutie if Die California Krilloriul uxMM'intioi) mcotiiiK at Uic loilye 011 lhal liati- fur tlulr thrvu days con vention, iirruiiKmontK .'ire undi-r wny ulso for the opening up of the Diamond hiko M'Hort curly In Juno, The flshiiiK Heiwon there Ijetftnw, June 1st. ! Former HluMff ChurlcH Terrill, lft today for Klamath FalU, from! Mhrro .he and Mrs, Terrill, Who has been vIhIMiik relatlveH the 10, will juurnoy up ' to J J hi mo ml lake to re ni n I n for t ho hpuhu 11 at that report, huviim in chaw, as usual, the KUpply h( ore and boats at the souih end of the lake. Concerning Iho early opening of the road fo t ho lake, the Klamath FiiIIh Kviiinf Herald pnyn: "If till koch well by which he means If a late tspring snow hIoiiii does not appear thu road to Dia mond luke wlt be open to auto mobile traffic by June 1, District J jfiio Warden Marlon J, Darnes announced todny, following a trip on the Diamond hike road uh far tin his cur would proceed. "We've got to open It up some how or other to allow the tratiH portatlon of I rout eggs from the Diamond In Ice trout hatchery, the game warden explained. 'I am try in to so euro the HervlcoH of n Kuowplow to clear away thu re maining snow on the last five miles of the road which la now tin pass able" "Fishing season ut the lake opens June !. To date up)troxhtiutely 10, ; uo'o.otio oggs have .been taken at the hatchery.' ' v S S. .... V k TV - 1 - T UT r II HifiV - -T 'flT " if , Seen f-&rr iTjhf, J.X Suifar? ttfrjfi UH;Uoton. I ISSUE Over 1200 Stores Buying1 m Conjunction ,! with This Store IrJll 11 5To $109Stores ' Medforj6 Biggest . Store for OTKingUl s Low Prices Enormous Chain Store Made Possible Through Our NEW EXECUTIV E E Wlllium Leo llrlclcur prrlvod til Ih week from , Scuttle to tulid over tl 0 tllltien of liny Seollt exeeutlve , for the Crater i4tko council hero and wuh sclieduled to hold hln flint confereiieo with llio council tills urteriibon. Mr., ltrtclier rocently comidetcil attendttneo of a trulnliiK coin-so Tor iiiolesHloniil hcoiU lemK ct-H, held for tho flrt time in muiiy jours on Ilia Pacific coaHt In con nection with thu eighteenth iinnnnl 111001111.-! or tho national council, Hoy ScoutB of America.' AlthouKh Btlll in hlu t won I Ion, Iliiclier hud wide experience In nt'oullnn anil other Hues of Imyu' work. Since January, IHL'S, he has been with tho Seattle hljih bcIiooIs and was formerly Kins county rep resentative for the Moran School for Hoys. For two years he wus director of athletics and ilepart ineut of hlHtory Tor Mornn-I.nkesido school and held a similar position, for four yours nt ljilu-Hiile School lor Hoys. .Mr. lirlckur, who is takinn the position left vacant hy W. W. Ihdclier, who was recently trans ferred to tho Hood illver area, Ih BottlhiK down to tho roiillnn work of his now duties mill is ulroady nuikliiK plans for tho summer rump for Scouts In tho Appleyulo district. If Radio Program KMED Hnli Trlbunc-Virghi Klnttoa i Tile race for the elroult, Judge Hhlp -in this' dlMlrlct hettvet-u the Incumbenl, ('haiies 7. Thomas of this ejly.-and Attorney 11. 1 c Nor ton if (1 ra ills I'utyt, liemocralie nominee, proml'M (o dlth all rther contests In Ihtt Noveiober election, unlesM Norton, as rumored, with draws;. ' 'iirtmt tntiroil MmIm In llip ! closing days of the piiinaiy eam pulgn; after he hnd been recom mended by a Democratic commit teo meeting, and agreed to run after considerable tirglnS. l'rovl oilsly he had nlgncd the petition widely signed by ihe attorneys of Josephine and Jack Hon counties. urging Judge Tliomus to seek ve nomtuatioii. A vi 011 d h of Judge Thomas plan to center their poli tical gun (lie upon this established fact. Norton haV nevTT tali-n 1111 autlvu,.inieiVHt in. jiolltlcs, audita said to .huvti been, and sllll be, lukewarm about maklug-'lhe race. C. (Wig) Ashpo1e,.iiomhuitcd for conimiHsloner on the Demo cratic, ticket, is also diffident and has not made up his mind about ciuallfying. Jn a previous state ment Mr. Ashpole said that with cut tin on a thousand hills, and a full fledged butcher business, ho htid "no hankering for u thank you job." Haflehall, funs will have an op- porluulty to see the two ' league leaders play ball 011 tho at'Loriinon of .JJecoriition tlay tit the,. Jackson 'CoiiMly fair grounds. c This ought (o be a rtuil contest, as the Weed team Is as strung iix the Med ford Merchants' both In the pitching and batting departments. The Weed , team is composed of a buuetrbr Si, -Mury's fiijingu play- ers, who always glvo a good nc- ; couiyt of themselves In a baseball ' einlest. Manager Hall liaa dir-i clured when a baseball team beat ihbi Medford buneh . the funs will see siflne game. Jack Hughes djd ' ho well In bis Initial contest that j Manager Hall may decide to start Jack at tho opening of the game ; next Wednesday. , . i This will be the only game that ' me iin'oiuio lanii win seo onjipe, hoine groundH until Juno JO, ui'tije' team plays at Sun day and tho following Sunday, at Weed. ' - t,P' W Meii's Pipea You'll en j o Rbod sinoke w,ith one, of these, piips. Ifjiie bujl bowls and bak'e-' lite sterns: Rosenberg vivliU! ' at ' 29? Phonogtapli Records - We' 'li u v e. a ) fai"f '' si'ltH'tion of. 'the newest sung' hits . and 'favori t e 0 1-tl nu 111 1) c v s on Harmony Itec-.' ords. T he s e . r e cords are . Columbia niade: ; You'll liU"p' them. J- ':V Eaeh' 35l ' :3 for $1.00 ' eioi : Walnut Fudge Uelifioiis M'al,- ' nut .".i'u(tge-7-a , :. ; fresh .shiptnent ; just unpacked. A big . 8a'ck' ; ' !uv' ' '-'-y-r'-'V 10.':--' ' t Solderirig;: ,. Irons ; , ;- lillce'ti'lfi solder- ; : ilWj.ijWrf.' A real value hero at ,$1.00 Exceptionally Fine Repainted GOLF B ALLS in perfect, condition suitable" fortoui-haineivt playing. Come in and. see these. . ; ' Silver! King; Golf Balls 65 ' 5 Balls for $3.00, -Crow Flight Golf Balla 55 fe Balls for $3.00 YTomen's, Straws AVide' bl-im Lfg liofiis with attraet- ( ivc Jjands. Jflst the hat for warm ' weather -A r e a 1 bargain at rower 8 71 D Vi Hercules Hammers 7 A g iod' hammer for builders . or : for- hoiiseholduse.,;; One" of many buys iii our hard- JbkQ. whre dcpaj'thieiit L'.:.,. V ?.. Jpers and Tools of All Kinds We1 have-a complete line of SPRINKLERS NOZZLES and HOSE CONNECTtdNS at Rosenberg's well knownmoriejt-saving prices,' Men's Summer . . - Hats , !Piihi0iis CiU'hdirie iAir-tAVay straws-. wjiich a result ion -all y .advertised in 'the .'Saturday Evening .P'ost. 'Jc,;.:fii,'e---iiaiii': wVjveirV c v u sher. hats" and, sell fr-ohh-... k9' loaoc 3QE Oil idrao: .Straws for All tho Family . We, have :'i5' dif ferent styles ol: t'xttt'ilent tpiality. Scinio ii r e iriiu-. inect "others are;, 'plain and there ; are colors for . those .-Who desire tjiem. The prices : riiiig6 frolu-,- ' '29 to j OBO SHAW SHOWS HE ToiiIkIiI. :IB i. in. .Moilfonl Mull 'ri-li)fliu. , S . i. in. Milrnlj -.Jtciilty liounl. 11 ii. in. Hunl's CnUui'liiii Theiiti-v. Slllllliliiy, Mn- 211. 1U u. III. I'l'iiplfd ICIi-ctrli) Slufu. ,. 11 . in. Iloi'lin ,t Klnillc ! with Kvrvli-c StulldiiK. . . 1 in. Atillluml t'onvulcsci'lit : I ltiiliir. 4, :.' 12:30 p. in. Willmm Muk- ( . (i:lr, p. in. Mi-lful'll Mull ' Tribune. , - lioiiitmsti-atlng tl at Ho la one or tho bunt, If not thu bi'Hl. wrvHtlcrn who ever liivudeU soutlicru Oio Kun; Hlllle Slinw of Aiarlon. OI1I6, , Lhalluimcr of Hcl (SlniiiKlin-n.itwlB, lust niitlit tln-lHlvuly li-ti.'!lti'(l Slllll loy ItimtMH, roiinor locril l.liliiiiin I1111 wnmtlur, in a innfi li at Klnm ath Falls, ir Slmw kpops ll. tho ' aamo iur0 ho Mail Innt nfeht lm ; will probably throw Sailor .lark Wood or thin nily mill Don Nohinil of iMarxhllvlil In kIioi-i, onlnr at llln ; Aincrican I.obIoii driiin mirps Immki- i lit I1011I8 lonl-tht at Hilarity hull. Shaw throw llio I linn n Inn Tor ! tho first fall.ln L'li lulniitoa and bo- 1010 tjioni'conil rail Iiooi lll toniiili'd lo koiiko Shaw's oyoa and ! bull lila hair. Hoioiulni; ioovod at (ho l.lthinitilalr'H ml Ions-, Shaw pu ked him 1111 ami throw him bod ily elxht or ton Isot, Into tho crowd, t'oiiiliii; back lo the rhiK bpnildoroil and dazed, Hokoi h whs picked np ' li'ialn n nil Riven ah iili'ilano nplii. llio etroctit of which completely laid hi Ml iimler. . , iN'oland and Wood will find ilioni-'i Helvea up iiKuinst 11 hard man In Shaw mill waKora aro lielnn inado 1 thai Iho Ohio wrestler will throw I both In lens fhnn ! minutes. Tex 1 Porter or Modl'iinl, who won a mutch In Klanialh Kallu lust nlitht. will wi-ohIIo iDiili'.lil'H seml-wiiidnp I liurinan .laokson of Chiln-1 4 1 The Weather rrociiillatlon for 24 bourn end Jug 5 u. in., none. Yf-Mterday'n weather here: IIIkIi-f-Ht tentieriituro. lijl. Lowest tem perature yoiUeriluy. Si; mean tem perature yeMtcrduy, 7,r. l'roclpllatlon: Total ruinfall . aince lMt of month, .at liu-b; l,-,. year averaicp for the moiitli. l.u nchoc my lt, 7.06 Inches, loial rain mil nince September 1, J 4. s- inchea. Humidity yemerday. 5 H. in., Pi per cent; 12 noun, 38 per cent; 5 p. m., 31 per cent. Churacter of day: Clear, f Hun net today itt :4 p. m.. I-Ihpb tomorrow 4.41 u. m., aeiti : tomorrow 7:36 p. i- '(KIhch and tietn comiitited for level hoiiron). Forecast: Fair, and not ho Warm tonlKht and--Saturtlay. n cveasinK liumldily. ... Jj. WALTER DICK, I Meteoi'ooKlrt. United ' Ututcs Weather Ilurcau.. qiiin, lollowliiK soveial lioxlhK and wiestllUK pielimlnarlea. Tlie American l,r-;lon drum corps will parade Main atront tills even lim and will play several selec tions at various atreol Intersections before the opening of the smoker, w hich benlns prompllv nt X::io. Tho ili um corps will lie In uniform and will also play at tho wrestlliiR pa vilion, the ventilation of which has been Improved by tho removal ol the sides, allowing fresh air tu en- mi inmr viniiiiies. No Need to i ; . I - : . , . . . "'...- -;r":. :, r- .-''-"- i ' ' ' I ' : I- ...... i . ,. ;- . . . : i . - i .. ..., .. . - Our Entire Sto; 2 t ' ; 1 - "" ' ''.. j -r: , i ; i. j - i ;.' ,- ;' .-. -,-':''-' ' . ' The Season's Outstanding Fashions at Enofttipiis Savings Styles Befitting ; ; ;, Every Feminine Type! Gets Rheumatism wid Nouritia Sufforers Out ot Bed - Thoso who have tried verytlilni: without, benefit will find Casey's Uheumatlc liemedy the most start lin t discovery of recent times for Pain of rbeiimiillMm. timiril iu iiii. Total ralnfull since Janu- ralKlil. sciatica, lumbago. Tho ro ller Is quick and suio, reduces pnln and swelllim throuuh direct action on iho sloiiiacli. liver and kldmiys. Sold oh a Kiinranlee by ..lariuli H Woods' Hiiiir Store, f I.Fn p,.r imtn, or direct by mall. Address J.ill. Casey. 51 Koarney St., rorlland, Ore. j sp a n a cri a ROOFING and SHINGLE,? at"" Kortst'Orove. New 8-mile wnterii line Ih opened from clear lake res-j prvolr. v . j I TROWBRIDGE MMI1KU YARD This stock reducing-coat sale is a TRIUMPH IN VALUE GIVING! It's your opportunity to purchase a marvelous spring coat at a SENSATIONAL RE-. DU CTION. The more you have shopped this spring, the more you will appreciate how; WONDERFUL THESE VALUES REALLY ARE . Don't miss a visit to Mullin's tomorrow. ' ' " : ' Look at These Prices $16.75 Coats . . $838 v, H . t 21.50 Goats 510.75 $34.50 Coats . . . v $17.25 SKop Early Tomorrow Every Coat in Our Store We advise oarly snopping tomorrow! There will be additional sales ladies here to assist you. In selecting ' your new coat i-y.y . ; DRESS AND SPORT COATS! There are sizes to fit every one! You'U find all "de sirable shades and coats that are both plain &iid trim med.'; Every oat is DIEFERENT there are inlays, tucks, smart stripping effect with slim lines. Here ' you'll find. cSats proportioned to slenderize women who 'require large? coats. v Bargains That Amaze $17.95 Coats . . $8.98 $24.95 Coats $12.48 $29.50 Coats . . i $14,715 Salfe of Hats 'All small and medium shaped hats in our store. Over 200 to pick, from;, values to $10.00 ; : S1.95 and $2.95 - Doors Qpenat 8:30 O'clock o D i